D00703C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR � P �o�ea ce m: ADNIINIS'IRA1'IVE ORDER: CityClerk�Originaq BUDGET REVISION ��� - Finance Dept's Accounting Division �N -RequeslingOept No: r . Date: �o ADMINISTRATNE OROER, Consistent with the authority grented to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and 4ased on the request of the Dfrector of fhe Division of Parks and Recreation to amend the 1994 and 1995 Capital lmprovement Budgets, the Director of the Departrnent of Pinance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner. DEPARTMEN7&ONISION: CURREN7 APPROVED AMEN�E� FUN� ANO ACTiVITY: UB OGET CHANGES BUDGET FROM: SQending and Financing PIA Contingency C94-2T05D 41,480 (25,000) t6,480 TO: � Spendingand Financinq P& R Design Custs - 95 C95-3T035A89234017 0 25,000 25,000 � 7 � � t 0 (Ci � J� � '�l^� 1'Vt ;(-v`-� oaretl by; er Oa Approv� y: Mayoc Date ' � ��_ �dli �2s._ . estetlby: Department0ireetvr Dat¢ SaintPavl6udge[Olfiro (F:WSEFSIENOEL113\P6Rf�Of.WK6) 10-0295 � liaision of Pazks and Reczeation �DTTAClPL2tiON&PFiONG JohnWixka {266-64i1) '� OF SIGNATURE PAGE5 PIA ContingencX Appzoval ofAdm;n;�rative Order to pzovide f¢nding for the City Coimcil-approved 1995 Pazks and Recreafion Design Costs capitai project. Pablic Imgrovement Aid (PIA.) monies wouid be transfeaed from PIA Contingency into this project. cmcoau.ar� _A STAFF ,_crva smvtce cotu�sssirnv wHlce comJC¢ osacntma W3at �m vJhae, Wh➢): $ ZJr�QQ� nrr2ov&o: City Council approved the Parks and Recreation Design Costs project as part of the 1995 capital amprovement budget, with the direction tliat !ing was to come from previously-appxoved projects with surplus PL4 funds. This adminish�ative ordec ideutifies and hansfers the $25,000 oved by the City Council into the Parks project. Pazks and Recreation Design Costs project will be fully funded as directed by ffie City Council. OI3ADVAN'fAaSS IF AYRAtlVEb lone 10-12-95 1. Has this pexsonffimi everwoxked mder a contract forflvs depazlmeatT YES NO 2 Has Nus pecson/f�t aver bcen a city employee? YES NO 3. Does this person/5v¢ possess a s�ll aot no+mally possessed dy any cuttent city employee? YES NO (Ezplain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet) ��� - �0��03 GREEN SHEET tvo. D5PARIME'NfDIItECfO& 18 CRY ATTORN6Y ❑3 Q1YClt12S BUWETDIItELTOR �6 Cffi�'ACCOUNlANI MAYOR(O3chSSiSThM') �S PARYSwNDREGREATWN ALL LOCAITON5 FOR RECE{VEf3 OL� 2 51995 C4TY CLERI� :�v��s��z�o� e Pazks and Recreation Design Costs pxoject will NOT be funded. Pazks snd Recreation staff will not be compensated foz design seivices �vided to requesting neigUborhood organizations, including prepazafion of'46-'97 CIB proposals. fR�W'PSU�k�L]�ti�3l�E4SFid�h`I xcaomxc¢ ^[AL SR'oBtvfATT9N: (EARLAIIU) costaeav¢siossvncaTSn(cmcsao.vs> �� No acnvrssNIIrmax CPL - C94 - 2T050 Ok P ., �� d�,► MayoYS�ce-BudgHSection �F;IVSER5IENGEU1Y51P� AOi.WKA) 10.t2S5 `J i � • 1 r W ,^ v W r Z W � W � � a S ` . J � , � . U � w. a � � � � i � y O O�O O O� O m o N O � .k.- a e f N � � W L �I O O O O O F f. N C Q � � F � � � O O O O O � N "�� �'.. %Y��s.c'G� m m w a ' . h � J U 7 U ; w. s, g�. ` F� ' c''`+'l"a�x��'�''�S�b.^� ` . m � O O O N W m � � � � � 0 f � O N O O � Q 6 � O O N O � O O J U ^ f � C Q m h rn m J £ O � � J � L Q � v w Z � m � p� � p� m $ Q U K O C � 0 � b O 5 � ° Y c � � U - c a -° E 3 o m � _ � m m 4 m a � > z � �" m ¢ � ? $ ¢ S a � N .+ ^ ; � a v U � ¢` z � N N N Q N N N N CI CI N �O t0 � O N tp tp O 7 � 7 7 � tn N N h N a N f� oi � P n ml �� ° o ° o� � O a � � � a a u 7 � Q Q r � 0 d a o` ~ a Z � � o � o O � � 0 � a .�.. � U _. W � a 0 0 0 0 0 0�o o m o � �' a O O O O O O� N� 6V N N O O O O O O Vf O tn O� N � N i ,5.�,,.;.^. ��:�.,m;.;i.Nx,rib' . c.�;c.YuT'a�a"�.w.,,Geu. w"•.:w..:....,o.FS� �..,:w..^v.�.,.�:a't.'.A. m a u � � tC m � O N b �� � � � � � O N n � 0 0 0 0 0� c N m��o m o a E � o � O R R U ^ o g � a a` � c Q 'c 'c � ¢ M y H � n L m m °' m <� �� m m `g g m � O � d' � a fL c� K ' � a � » i � � 3 � 3 E r ° � � m m m � a � � o ' m —° m m O j � � ¢ i� > �1 m a m o n c o V L W V 0� �� U E � m� d' " 3 N N e� 9 c 5 m O N 7 D � Q • `-�o�'oti�3 � y m m � m� � � � N> m a g z m 9� iC T N 6�� Q � v o= s m m> N U' m vl 6 a1 � v1 2 N Q1 C9 (O N (7 t0 P N M C') t0 � N 1n �(O O O O O h Vl tO (O h y N N 4J f= t= N N N` t'�`703 n I �� m i m� �� ail � ❑ a � � W 'o ¢ g V J m a J f � ° � ^ F � �.. w c : � c � y W '^ v/ � a ff � // �� O � � O O a�i � iS'� � 0 � 0 A c 4 N � ° 3 a m 0 c U c o , J m N 0 O � h � � � � � � � 0 T �