90-2088 PUBLIC HEARINQ — INOVEMBER 27, 1990 ►�j � � I �, I _ p� CITY OF Sl'�. PAUL COUNCIL ILE NO. 4 AMENDED FINAL CIRD � R By ' � File o. 18599 f I • Voting In the Matter�f Ward ! 5 Improving the fo�llowing streets with a bituminous paving , concrete curb and gutters , co'ncrete driveway aprons and outwalks . Also install a lantern sytle st�eet lighting system and resodding of boulevards : i � Arundel Street from Maryland Avenue to Lawson Avenue Cook Avenue ! ! from Dale Street to Kent Street and �, from Norton Street to Cumberland Street Danforth Str�eet from Maryland Avenue to Wheelock Parkway Edgar Avenuei ' from Jessamine Avenue to Dale Street Geranium Avenue I from Dale Street to 1 Block east Grotto Avenue from Jessamine Avenue to 1 Block north Jessamine Av�enue' from Como Avenue to Dale Street and from Loeb Street to Kent Street Kent Streetl � from Jessamine Avenue to Como Avenue and � from Mar land Avenue to Oran e Avenue Y g Lawson Avenue from Dale Street to Mackubin Street Loeb Street from Jessamine Avenue to Lawson Avenue Maywood Place from Jessamine Avenue to Jessamine Avenue Maywood Street I from Maryland Avenue to Wheelock Parkway Norton Street from Maryland Avenue to Cook Street Orange Aven�ae from Alameda Street to Mackubin Street Rose Avenuel from Dale Street to 1 Block west St Albans S�reet� from Orange Avenue to Wheelock Parkway and Simon Stree� from Jessamine Avenue to Dale Street . � Also , improt�inglMaryland Avenue from Dale Street to Western Avenue with a bituminous �avi g , concrete curb and gutters , concrete driveway aprons and outwalks anti re�odding of boulevards . Also , installation of a bent straw street lightiriglsystem. Al1 to be know�h as the Maryland/Dale Area Street Paving and Lighting Project . � oe maae, anu utc �.ijrvYc, �,I,�y viii�c[� aie iicicvy �rnca;�.,� a.=u a..�,..,..�..�, �., Y.�,�..�.� ..�=.r �:.c ,�r��,=�.......... . ...� .,.. �. FURTHER ESOL�ED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurre therei�and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. i � I � � DEG 11 1990 COUNCIL PEI�SON � Adopted by the Council: Date Yeas Dimond i Nays Goswitz � Certif' by Council Secretary Long Ma.ccabee � I � In Favor By Thune ! Rettman i � `� Against Wilson I I DEC �. 2 �990 Mayor I j UEC 2 2199Q pUBtISHED ' I ' I I i . , . � �o ��� ��.�. � R� 11/23/90 DEPARTMENT/OFFICP COUNCIL DATE INITIATED G R E E N S H E ET NO _116 6 7 Finance De artmen /Rea Estate 11/23/90 CONTACT PERSON&PH E INITIAUDATE INITIAUDATE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCII Peter White `�' � 298/5317 A$$�GN �CITVATTORNEY �CITYCLERK NUMBER POR MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY OAT )� ROUTING �BUDGET DIRECTOR �FIN.&MGT.SERVICES DIR. MUSt be in �,'lty �.' er� 1C2 110 ORDER MAYOR(OR ASSISTAN� 0 0 Council Research TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE AGES (CLIP ALL�OCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Appro�e amended o der or the Maryland/Dale Area Street Paving and Lighting Project File 4�18599 See original Gree She t #11708 Copy Attached RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)or ReJect(R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING�UESTIONS: _PLANNINO COMMISSION CIVI SERVICE COMMISSION �• Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? _CIB COMMITTEE YES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city empioyee? �_STAFF YES NO _DISTRIC7 COUR7 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJE IVE7 Td S YES NO SeWer Separation Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green aheet Safer and Better eighb rhoods INITIATINQ PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPP RTUNITY ho,What,When;Where,Why): ADVANTAQES IF APPROVED: DI3ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAQES IF NOT APPROVED: RECEIVED NOV261990 ^!T`,' ��.ER�C TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSAC ION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETEp(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDINO SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) See original Green Sheet 4611708 Copy Attached d k1 . . ., , � DEPARTMENT/OFfiCE/COUNCtI DATE INI IATEO G R E E N SH E ET � N° �++�O V Finance/Real Estate Divi�ion 9/26/90 INRUWDATE INITIAUDATE CONTACT PERSON 6 PHONE �DEPMRTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCIL Peter White 298-5317 ASSIGN �CITYRTfORNEY Q CITY CLERK NUMBER ROR a BUDfiET DIRECTOR �FIN.6 MCaL SERViCE3 OIH. >:r::<i BE ON COUNCIL AGENOA BY D ROUTING �=' ��t be in City C��r��c'� ���1$99 OROER Q M�Ypp�pp��$TANT� � Council Re �ater than noon We nes a , TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE PaGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SICNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Set hearing date Approve constru�tion of the Maryland/Dale Area Street Paving and Lighting Project (Finance File No. 18599) RECOMMENOATION3:Approvs 1A)or Repu IR) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING OUESTIONS: _ P�ANNING COMMISSION _,,,_ CIVt�SERVICE COMMISSION �• Has this personlfinn ever wOfked under 8 COMred for Ufis departmBMT ' YES NO ' CIB COMMITTEE —�-- 2. F18S lhie persOn/fmm ever been e aty empl0yee4 A STAFF � YES NO _ DISTRiCT COURT F 3. Does thia persoNfirm possess a skiN not namaily possesaed by any curr•M city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIIVE7 Wa�d 5 1(E$ NO Sewer Separation Explaln all yes answ�s�separate sheet and attaeh to grosn sheet Safer and Better Neighborhoods INITIATING PFiOBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(V'Vho,Wt�al,VYhen.Where,Why): Sewer Separatio requires large cuts into streets making paving cost effective at th's time. '.NTA(3ES IF APPROVED: ' Improvement of public right-of-way:will make neighborhood safer and more aesthetically pleasant. Street oiling will be eliminated on new bituminous roadways. DISADVANTAC�ES IF APPROVED: The typical problems associated with construction, such as noise, dust, and general disruption will be present. Property owners will incur assessme�ts of $23.50/front foot. DISAOVANTAOES IF NOT APPHOVED: Streets wpuld 'ontinue to be costly to maintain. Future work may be necessary whic will disrupt neighborhood again. �, TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSAC110N S��149,1.9H COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CiRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE CIB --__ _ -____ $1�245,366 ACTIVITY NUMBER � FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAINP Sewer Revenue Bonds �3�2�Z��F � �syass��s $ 60�f6z8 �� � I II I I ciTV oF sir. Pau�I COUNCIL FILE N0. O� D ' FINAL � RDIER '� � � � sy� � ; . � j,�,�, i i File No. Voting In the Matterllof I G� Werd �_� . S Improving the �follpwing streets with a bitu�inous aving , concrete curb and gutters , �oncprete driveway aprons and outw ks . Also install a lantern sytle streelt lighting system and resodding of boulevards : Arundel Street ', from Maryland Avenue to Laws n Avenue Cook Avenue from Dale Street to Kent St et and from Norton Street to Cumb land Street Danforth StreeC 'Ifrom Maryland Avenue to W elock Parkwa}� . Edgar Avenue ' from Jessamine Avenue to ale Street Geranium Avenus from Dale Street to 1 B ck east Grotto Avenue Ifrom Jessamine Avenue 1 Block north Jessamine Avenue ' from Como Avenue to D e Street and ifrom Loeb Street to nt Street Kent Street ', from Jessamine Avenu to Como Avenue and from Maryland Aven to Orange Avenue Lawson Avenue � from Dale Street t Mackubin Street Loeb Street ' Ifrom Jessamine Av nue to Lawson Avenue *Maryland Avenwe from Dale Stree to Western Avenue Maywood Place , Ifrom Jessamine Avenue to Jessamine Avenue Maywood Street ', , from Maryland Avenue to Wheelock Parkway Norton Street from Maryla Avenue to Cook Street Orange Avenue j from Alame Street to Mackubin Street Rose Avenue , from Dale Street to 1 Block west St Albans Street ' from Ora ge Avenue to Wheelock Parkway and Simon Street � jfrom J samine Avenue to Dale Street . � All to be knowrn as the aryland/Dale Area Street Paving and Lighting Pro� ect . � I *Maryland Avenu�e wi11 e assessed for street lighting improvements only. �,,, ,��a.,�,-a=�a+ �.a� y`��y�+ �% y v.■ic,c�a aic iicicvy uiic��cu aiiu au�iivti�cu tu Frvt,'ccu w1�I1 [ttC IiI1pIOVeIIIeIIi; 3iIQ 02 li FURTHER �ES ED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurre therei and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. I COUNCIL PE SON Adopted by the Council: Date Yeasj�p� �Nays ���= Certified Passed by Council Secretary ��� In Favor By '!'�at �_� Against �� Mayor I i i � I� � � � � � . , , � � � . � � (��o.�- ,���_.. - � DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INI IATED N�i �J,J,7 O H Finance/Rea� Estat Div sion 9/26/90 GREEN SHEET CONTACT PERSON&PHONE INITIAUDATE INITIAUDATE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCIL Peter �1� e 298-5317 ASSIGN �CITYATTORNEY �CITYCLERK NUMBER FOR MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY DATE ROUTING �BUDGET DIRECTOR �FIN.8 MOT.SERVICES DIR. Must be in City C er�' f' Q q OROER MAYOR(OR ASSISTANT) COl1I1Cj.1 RES ar later than noon W dnes ay, ��/1$/9 ❑ � TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE AGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Set heari g da e Approve c�nstr ction of the Ma.ryland/Dale Area Street Paving and Lighting Project ( inan e File No. 18599) RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)or Reject(R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _PLANNING COMMISSION CIVI SERVICE COMMISSION �• Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? _CIB COMMITfEE YES NO A 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? _STAFF YES NO _DISTRICT COURT 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OB.IE IVE? W rd 5 YES NO S2W2Y Separation Explain all yes answers on separate shset and attach to green sheet Safer and Better eigh orhoods INITIATINO PROBLEM,ISSUE.OP RTUNITY Who,What,When,Where,Why): Sewer Sep rati n requires large cuts into streets making paving cost effective at t is time. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Improveme t of public right-of-way_ will make neighborhood safer and more aesthetic lly leasant. Street oiling will be eliminated on new bituminou roa ways. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: The typic 1 pr blems associated with construction, such as noise, dust, and gene al disruption will be present. Property owners will incur ass ssme ts of $23.50/front foot. ��U;iCii i;�:ic;�i'Cil �.�ti�C�' SEP � �s 199U DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVE : Streets uld ontinue to be costly to maintain. Future work may be necessary whic will disrupt neighborhood again. RECEIVED ocTO4�990 C!T.Y C�ERK TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSA ION S 149 19H COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE CIB SI Z�FS 366 ACTIVITY NUMBER _ FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAI ) S2W r Revenue Bonds �302�ZD�F �s �ss�►�S �6o,,�zg dVu ' � � = a'' . NOTE: COMPLETEDIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE GREEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASING OFFICE(PHONE NO.298-4225). ROUTING ORDER: Below are correct routings for the five most frequent types of documents: CONTRACTS(assumes authorized budget exists) COUNCIL RESOLUTION(Amend Budgets/Accept. Grants) 1. Outside Agency 1. Department Director 2. Department Director 2. City Attorney 3. City Attorney 3. Budget Director 4. Mayor(for contracts over$15,000) 4. Mayor/Assistant 5. Human Rights(for contracts over$50,000) 5. City Council 8. Finance and Management Services Director 6. Chief Accountant, Finance and Management Services 7. Finance Accounting ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS(Budget Revision) COUNCIL RESO�UTION(all others,and Ordinances) 1. Activity Manager 1. Department Director 2. Department Accountant 2. Ciry Attorney 3. Department Director 3. Mayor Assistant 4. Budget Director 4. City Council 5. City Clerk 6. Chief Accountant, Finance and Management Services ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS(all others) _ 1. Department Director 2. City Attorney 3. Finance and Management Services Director 4. City Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES Indicate the#of pages on which signatures are required and paperclip or flag �ach of thess pages. ACTION REQUESTED Describe what the projecUrequest seeks to accomplish in either chronologi- cal order or order of importance,whichever is most appropriate for the issue.Do not write complete sentences. Begin each item in your list with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete if the issue in question has been presented before any body,public or private. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Indicate which Council objective(s)your projecUrequest supports by listing the key word(s)(HOUSING, RECREATION, NEIGHBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDGET, SEWER SEPARATION). (SEE COMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS: This information will be used to determine the citys liability for woricers compensation claims,taxes and proper civil service hiring rules. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY Explain the situation or conditions that created a need for your project or request. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED Indicate whether this is simply an annual budget procedure required by law/ charter or whether there are specific ways in which the City of Saint Paul and its citizens will benefit from this projecUaction. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED What negative effects or major changes to existing or past processes might this projecUrequest produce if it is passed(e.g.,traffic delays, noise, tax increases or assessments)?To Whom?When?For how long? DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED What wili be the negative consequences if the promised action is not approved?Inability to deliver service?Continued high traffic, noise, accident rate?Loss of revenue? FINANCIAL IMPACT Although you must tailor the information you provide here to the issue you are addressing, in general you must answer two questions: How much is it going to cost?Who is going to pay? : , : , .� ..� , . @� ��-��' SUl'�IMARY OF ENGINEERING RECOMMENDATIONS MARYLAND/DALE COMBINED SEWER SEPARATION AND PAVIl�TG PROJECT ' Project No. 91-S-8075 and 91-P-8056 Report Prepared September 19,1990 Neighborhood Informarion Meeting, November 1, 1990 Public Works Committee, November 21, 1990 Public Hearing, November 27, 1990 PROJECT: ' Construct a separate storm sewer system, an MWCC Sanitary Sewer interceptor (Trout Brook West ,Exten�ion), water and sewer service connections and reconnections, a storm water retention p�ond in the Willow Reserve District, street improvements, and an ornamental lXghting system in a portion of the Trout Brook watershed. The project azea is bounded on�he no�rth by Wheelock Parkway and the Burlington Northern Railroad line; on the east by k'arrinigton Street north of Maryland Avenue and Arundel Street south of Maryland Av�enue;ion the south by Como Avenue and on the west by Lake Como.A vicinity map showin� the location of the project a.nd a detailed site map showing the project limits are attached. (Extli.bits A and B) � II�TITIATINCr ACTTON: . The Maryland/Dal�e project is a part of the City's CSSP Program and was identified in the 1984 Compxehens�ve Sewer Plan - Part 1 Stormwater Management Plan. The Maryland/D�le prqject is a combination of the TRT-1 and part of the TRT-2 drainage areas and the Lak Como overflow. , EXISTING �;ITIONS: , The project �rea is presently served by a combined sewer system. During periods of moderate to�eavy�ainfall,stormwater and sanitary sewage combine to flow over a diversion structure and outle�to the Mississippi River. Reports of sewer backup into basements and surface flood�ng haive also been noted in this area. Maryland Avienue �east of Dale Street is paved with concrete, patched with bituminous pavement and has 4oncrete curb. Maryland Avenue west of Dale Street was reconstructed in 1982 and paved �with deep strength bituminous asphalt. The width of Maryland Avenue -1- � . . � . , . . ,� , � ��aaoP� .. is 40 feet �ale 5treet is a concrete street, 46 feet wide, with curb. The remaining streets within the project area vary from 28 to 32 feet in width and are oiled streets except for Wheelock Parkw�y and Grotto which are paved streets. The oiled streets have no curb and gutter or i�termi�tent curb and gutter throughout the project azea. Sidewalks exist an both sides of Maryland Avenue, Dale Street, Arundel Street, Norton Street, Si.mon Avienue, Edgar Avenue, Maywood Place, Loeb between Lawson and Cook, Danforth between Maryland Avenue and Orange Avenue, S� Albans between Wheelock Parkway a�d Or�nge Street. Partial sidewallcs e�dst on; Maywood between Wheelock Parkway and Orange Avenue, and Loeb between Cook and Jessamine. Sidewallc exists only on one side of t;'he following streets: Jessamine between Dale Street and East Como Avenue, anid Kent Street between Cook Avenue and Front Avenue. Trees aze located within the boulevazd azeas of most of the project s�reets. Some streets have narrow boul�vards or no boulevards. The boulevard trees are mature elms, ash, maple and cotton�✓oods.' The proposed retention pond planned for the i�Villow Reserve District contains box elder, willow and cottonwood trees. All streets in the project area have non-ornamental lights mounted on wooden poles. There are bent straw li�ht poles and lantern style poles located azound Lake Como. PROPOSE� IMk'ROVEyfE�TTS: Storm sewe� cons�ruction, sueet paving and curb an.d ;utter are proposed in the following streets which are presently oiled: St Albans from Orange Avenue to Wheelock Parkway Maywood from Maryiand Avenue to Wheeiock Parkway Ora�ge Avenue from Alameda Street to Mackabin Streei Dan�orrh $rom l�iaryland Avenue to Wheelock Parkway Ken Streat from Maryland Avenue to Orange Avernie Ken Stre�t from Jessamine Avenue to East Como Bouievazd Law on Avenue from Dale Street to Mackubin Street � del SQreet from Maryiand Avemie to Cook Avernie Jess�mine ,Avenue from Maywood Place West to Dale Street Jessa�m.i.ne IAvenue from Loeb Street to Kent Street l�iayr7vood Place from Jessamine Avenne to Jessamine Avemie Edg�r Ave�aue from Jessa.mine Avenue to Date Street Si.mdn Avenue from Jessamine Avernie to Dale Street Gerainium iAvenue from Dale Street to biarydale Park Ros$� a�e�' oA�� it. Tb w�s� � p�a c. �taR��t q�a�f 9�0 �0 K Av�: D��.E ST. To fcB�/T S'r• Street pavu�g and curb and �utter are proposed on presently oiled streets beyond the limits of the storm sewe,r construction for the following streets: ' -2- ' ' ' � ' � �' ,' �—�fQ—a0�� � Loe� Street from Jessamine Avenue to Lawson Avenue Nor�on St�eet from Maryland Avenue to Cook Avenuo - Arumdel S�reet from Cook Avenue to Lawson Avenue Jess�mine Avenue from East Como Boulevard to Maywood Place West � " Grotto Street from Jessamine Avenue to BN Railroad Ldo}d Av�: laeR�'orJ T� A�Rvu�rs�.. PtA G. t.{�etR�R�Se�,J 1�Zt �Qo Street patc?ping and storm sewer construction are proposed on the following streets: Wheelock Pazkway from Dale Street to Mackubin Street Schletti S�reet from Orange Avemie to 200' North Dal� Stre�t from Simon Avenue to Jessamine Avenue See Exhibi�s B and C. Grotto Str�et so�th of Maryland Avenue is pr�posed to have sanitary sewer consiructed in the street a�nd st�eet patching. In Maryland Avenue west of Dale Street to Lake Como it is proposed to pl�ce a new MWCC interceptor sewer inside of the existing combined sewer pipe. Intersectio�s alon; Maryland Avenue will be reconstructed where sewer separation is necessary fron� the side streets. Total street reconstruction is proposed for �laryland Avenue fram Da�.e Street to Western Street. See Sketch Plan (Exhibit D). Redesigned lant�rn style street lighting is proposed for all the streets that are recommended for reconsuuction. A new storm sewer outlet is proposed for Lake Como at Maryland Avenue. Tbis is recommended to avoid approximately 1,000 feet of sanitary sewer construction along East Como Boul,evazd and improve the water quality of the east end of lake. The outlet structure will have adjustable gates and a bottom-draw type inlet An easement will be necessary to construct the i.nlet and storm sewer connecrion to lilaryland Avenue. Two deciduous and one evez�ten tree will be removed to complete this construction. The S� Pa�l Wa�er Ufiility is proposing to replace an existing 36-inch watermain lorate� in the west h� of I�ale Street from Jessamine Avenue to Orange Avenue. This work will be completed y th� Water Utility in early 199L The permanent repair of the street will be completed 'rwith t�is sewer project in the spring of 1991. i i ALTERNP�,'1TVES: To reduce downstream flooding, a retention pond is ne�essary within this project area. After a detail evaluation of alternarive lorations for the pond, the W lli ow Reserve District was selected. Other sites evaluated and the reasons for their rejection are Iisted below. See Sketch Plan. (F..xhibit E) ., -�- I �� � � � �� �� - � � � ,�� , P�y�-�o�� Lake Coma: This site is too far west to receive rain water from the Maryland/Dale area without an expensive pumping system. In addition, it was felt the storm water would have a negative impact on the lake's water quality. Loeb Lake at Marydale Park: The water level would rise five to seven feet during a heavy rainfall causing flooding to adjacent park land. Also water quality of this lake located within developed and active park area wouid be seriously impacted. A sma�ll undeveloped and heavily wooded area located near Farrington Street and Gottage Avenue (Moratorium Area) was also evaluated. Only a small volumie of runoff could be stored on this site without causing adjacent property da;mage. Pond construction would also require removal of the mature trees on the site. Construction of a four acre wet pond is recommended on the Willow Reserve District site. The wet pond will a.ttract waterfowl and provide improved aesthetics. During large rainfall events, three feet of water will cover the site protecting properties downstream from flooding. This p�oposed retention pond is an integral part of a large storm water management system to reduce construction costs throughout the Trout Brook watershed. The City of 5t. Paul will be required to purchase an addirional 12 acres from two property owners. The City presently owns four acres in this area which were purchased for the Willow Resezve District in past years. The existing 96-inch storm sewer lying west and north of the site wii11 be diverted to the retention pond. A smaller outlet pipe will be connected to the downskream storm sewer to reduce flows leaving the drainage basin. (F.a�ibit E) A new storm sewer is proposed to be constructed through Marydale Park, west and north of Loeb Lak�. ThiS will require a construction easement and a permanent utility easement from the Park Boalyd. Approximately 10 trees will either be relocated or removed for this construction.' An existing Restroom Building will be removed for the construction of a 66 inch storm s�wer ipe. Also, picnic tables, park lighting and a bituminous trail will be removed as ai part c�f this construction. These will be reconstructed following the installation of the storm�ewer.i Alternative alignments were evaluated through the park. The selected alternarive bas th� least impact on Loeb Lake. This alignment parallels an existing combined sei�ver pipe keeping maintenance to a confined azea of the park. Poor soils are found along the se�ected alignment, requiring piling in some areas. However, this was not considered a, reasoln to change the alignment since all the altematives also pass through areas of poo� soil. ',, -4- I �.� . . , �.� . , , , . � . , � �.-9a_�o� � POSITIVE �ENE�ITS: With the completio�of the Maryland/Dale Combined Sewer Separation and Paving Project, the chance af sewer backups into basements and surface flooding will be reduced. The likelihood of combined sewer overflows to the Mississippi River will be reduced. General impxovements of the public right-of-way in conjunction with sewer construction will enhance and add quality to the neighborhood. Street oiling will be eliminated on new bituminous roadways. Improved street lighting will enhance safety in the neighborhood. ADVERSE EFFE� Normal probdems �ssociated with construction, such as noise, dust and general disruption, will occur. Howev�r, by constructing all improvements at this time, future adverse effects will be eliminated.', Temporary disrupt6.on of traffic will occur. Maryland Avenue will be closed to traffic for about two m4onths with traffic diverted to Western Street, Front Str�et and Dale Street. Temporary l�ne closures will be necessary on Dale Street during storm sewer construction and replacement of the watermain by the Water Utility. Some trees will be removed in the project area. However, new trees will be planted to replace them. SPECIAL CQNSI�ERATIONS Temporary d pe�manent easements will be required from the city for construction at Lake Como and arydale Park. Land acquisition from two property owners is necessary to construct th Willow Reserve District Pond and provide the required storm water storage. �� TTME S DLTL� Constructio ' will begin in April or May of 1991 and all of the storm sewer and street reconstrucri�On will be completed by November 1991. Over the winter of 1991-1992, the pipe-in-a-pip� will be constructed on Maryland Avenue west of Dale Street During the same time fr�ame, the retention pond construction will take place on the Willow Reserve District site. The entire project will be completed by July 1992. -5- i . . � . . i ! . , (�.�d �o��' COST ESTIMA'I'E: (All costs in�lude engineering and administration.) STR�ET P�VIl�TG (P-8056) $1,853,518.00 STORM S�WER (S-8075) 1,183,15020 LIGI-�TING (V 8056) 295.680.00 TOT�I, $3,33'2,348.20 ESTIMATE� FII�ANCING: STR�ET P�AVING Asses�ments $ 512,924.00 Capital Improvements Bonds 1,038,390.00 Sewe� Rev�nue Bonds 302,204.00 TOTt�L $1,853,518.00 STO$M SF�,WER Asses�ment� $ 144,000.00 Sewer Rev$nue Bonds TOT�I. $1,183,15020 TIN Assessment� $ 88,704.00 Capit�al Improvement Bonds 2069'76.00 TOT,�L $ 295,680.00 i Assessmentsl will l�e based on the following rates: Streelt pavi.�g and curb and gutter will be assessed at $Za per foot on oiled streets to be p�ved. On oiled streets with concrete curb, the assessments for paving will be reduded to $1$per foot if the existing curb does not need replacement Ornalmental lighting will be assessed at $�3i,5�.0 per foot on all reconstructed streets. Storm sewer will be assessed on all properties in the project area at $.035per square foot xesidential and $.09i per square foot commercial. ' -6- I . . _ , . yd-�d�� � �� Sni�RCE O�' ADI�TTIONAL INFORMATION: For addition�al information, contact: Tonh. Kuh�eld, St. Paul (292-6276) Chat Har�ison, HNTB (920-4666) SUMMARY AND�RECOMMENDATION: The Marylanti/Da1� project includes construction of about 3.3 miles of new storm sewer in the Marydal� Park�.rea of the City, and one mile of new MWCC interceptor sanitary sewer in Maryland �Aven�e. The project also includes street improvements and lighting on about 3.5 miles of presenitly oiled streets. The Departn�ent of Public Works thinks this is a necessary and worthwhile project and the engineering �+ecom}nendation is for approval of the project and financing. Respectfully�submiitted, Thomas Egg�m Director of �ublic',Works �, i i3�t.�ra�.s�m � I I , -7- I . � . . . �.�. � , . . .� (,Fyo-ao�� ' ' ' . EXHIBIT A > � � � _ o , m �°' ' cc'D � w o a � s , a � .:,. •::;� � , :,.. ,.; � � > m � J � � � � � � a oYC v - � � n. w � N O � . W r t- � O _ � u. v a N w �n T O m a. a � a+ h- G. � c �, � m zh U U. ��' _ } � ,� ::; � � � ° � J � f" Q -� W � W a Y � W � m Z N � . W V 2 y W � Q y .W Q Q � 2 . � o ' O� �a ' � O W�, Q Q ' �o � V va O � a � o F�` � � V ' � w .� `a O i � a' =J� I i � � �. . � . � , . . I � .� �yv-�a��" STREET PAVING . ExH�a�T B � � 44uu � �n � LAI�VI AVENUE ' :� � � � � � NY AVE E � �C \\ \ � � ' � � � 4'� � �� A� � I �. � � � �� � LL I OFiAt� :%; ';lAVENUE;•: G� ` •,° v � Z � �� :►��� 04� g � �< � � � p � j� � .� A i� — A,I�py�Ip ': X AVENUE r AVENU :ROSEAVE�.:;::. %�••�\ _ �EBI.AKE � � ..� � � t11G'C�� �" � � � Z B�RL vw�°�,���� � � � ••N� .,�11MINEAY^ENUE�:. � � JESSAMINE �;'; 'AVENUE;. � '.t ..� :� Z _'COOICAVENUE pj� � -� � 4� ^�'a,, �: � N r s � , � . . ���:� a 1 � �GF`_ ',�'-��!'�:•::.'?' - 1A1N90N AVENUE � ❑ �� , s� � �1 m� � � � . HATdiAVENUE ❑ ❑C� Q i�� ;:•� FRONT A��� �n �:_. �� � :�� MARYLAN D-DALE STREET PAVING _,.,_ ,,:?�.:':�=z ' PAVE EXISTING OILED STREETS 3.5 MILES ;X X X X X!X PAVE EXISTING PAVED STREETS 0.5 MILES � OILED STREETS-PAVING DELAYED 1.4 MILES �\\\\\ti,� STREET PATCHING 1.0 MILES SEWER CONSTRUCTION ON STREETS TO BE RECONSTRUCTED 2.0 MILES ON "OTHER"-(REPAIR TRENCH) 1.3 MILES I ._. . . << . � . y�-ao�,� � � . - STORM SEWER EXHIBIT C � � � � � LANEVI AVENUE '.. � N � 4l NY AVEN E � �� a~o � �� / � � � � / ORANGE " AVE '� '�+ � � � � � _ � � OiWrG VEPNJ � / / � � � � Z p i � G � pq`� / g � � � A � I � i _ � ------»-- -----��— ---- — — ------ a� �' � � _. R03E AVENUE, � % '` � � � �OEB I.AICEf a � � .i �,l�C'�O� L'./ � � � B � � < MINE AVENUE � � n JESSAMINE � ' � F 3 � COOKAVENUE � y � -� D � ❑ N T 3 1 � � a� �, LANf30N AVENUE � � � '� � a a� o �A� � FtiONi AVEMIE � �� � � �� � MARYLAND - DALE STORM SEWER •- ----- IXISTING STORM SEWER ' PFiOPOSED STORM jDETENTIONSPOND / i - - . . P �. , . 'i .. .. �;��o��►,�� � SANITARY SEWER • EXHIBITD � � � � � lAKE1AEW AvENUE � � � NV AVEN F � Wl1EELOpC PMKWAY �, / � q Ci Ci � � 4' �� � . A� � � � � � � � � � �� � ORANl3E. AVENUE �•� / S � , ai `v ' g � � � ���� � t7 � � S � AVEH I 3 ������'�� ������� AVENUE / / �A�� , I �\ � � ' � .o���� � � � G,t�ly -L.../""'� � � Z B��'II1 � � � < M�`�� INE AVENUE � � i n JESSAMINE AVENUE � F� Z D� ' � � COOKAVENUE �,��{�.�� I -' � � a NTS , � ❑ a a �'�1'G `� i � UwSON AvENUE R �� � � � HATCH AVENUE a �o� o Q - � ���� � �n a o 03 �� �� � ' MARYLAN D - DALE SANITARY SEWER ------- DCISTING SANITARY SEWER I, PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER � ' ■������ MWCC INTERCEPTOR SANRARY ' SEWER INSIDE EXISTING SEWER PIPE ' I ; ! �� . • • . • � � � . , • � � / � /I� ____ r-�� - - - ,�... 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';;''__�7 �' .���;',��i��0i!� �°��l�r�'� � 1� �N � 1• � � ; j='i� ,_ „�+'� r�;� �,• . •• ''• , .'}� ''��� � '�'��� ��•'�� +rw::ii.lr:lf�fir', � � � �' �� �f �C '� �� ���{..�.���y�' t- � {I�` •� ��,: ` 'N�`���?,Y��•���...y _ , � j�~�•.{ `ry.i .� :,j�._ +l ���,—.•.��T% ♦ _, Mf. �I� � � " ,�;�•�,"' � ��1YIII' W+�� `�� e T �I �� � k��� ._�' � .� � � ..�..�_ . :i��r i ������� i �� • r i . . � CITY OF ►SgINT P�UL Memb�rs: ""�s��� OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL R°9�r J. Goswitz, chair .. �'� f, TomiDimond ' vic� cbair x Bob Long ROGER GOSWITZ KATHY GELAO Counc�7mtmber . I Legisladve Aide COMMITTEE REI�OR� PUBLIC WORKS, UTIUITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMITfEE , , Hearin4 Date Action � Approval of Minutes of November 7, 1990 APPROVED 1. 11/27/90 ' 'VACATION: Petition of the Port Authority APPROVED ;to vacate a 30-foot and a 50-foot easement 4-0 in Lots 3 and 4, Block 1, Energy Park West !located between Energy Park Drive and the Burlington Northern Railroad west of ; Snelling Avenue. Purpose is to vacate ' existing easements and rededicate a new easement. � 2. 12/11/90 � ' VACATION: Petition of Como Foundry Partners SENT TO for the vacation of Mackubin Street between COUNCIL , Como Avenue and Atwater and Atwater Street WITHOUT ' between Mackubin and Como. Purpose is for RECOMMENDATION new development purposes. 3. 12/11/90 FINAL ORDER: Improve the Wly North-South LAID OVER alley in Block 74, Dawson's Earl Street INDEFINITELY, Addition (bounded by Earl, Frank, York, 5-0 and Sims) by grading and paving with , bituminous material . Also, slope ' construction in the grading and paving of the alley. 4. 11/27/90 ' ' FINAL ORDER: Improve Sylvan Street from APPROVED, Ivy Avenue to the proposed cul-de-sac 5-0 , north of Ivy Avenue by grading, paving ' ' and constructing concrete curb and gutter. __ Also, for slope construction in the grading � ,, and paving of Sylvan Street. 5. 11/27/90 FINAL ORDER: Acquiring and taking of APPROVED, i , property for the Wheelock Parkway Bluff 5-0 ' Preservation Project, part of Block 11, Edwin M. Wares Cumberland Addition Plat 2 ' , located on Wheelock Parkway between Nebraska ' and Arlington. (continued) CITY HALL SEVF.�iTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-4475 � 3�46 ' Printed on Recycled Paper � . � . � 6. 12/11/90 FINAL ORDER: Improving the following Streets APPROVED AS Streets with a bituminous roadway, concrete AMENDED, 5-0 curb and gutters, concrete driveway aprons and outwalks, boulevard restoration and a lantern- style street lighting system for parts of Charles, Sherburne, Galtier, Farrington, Yirginia, Aurora and Fuller. All to be known as the University/Marion Area Street Paving and Lighting Project. 7. 12/11/90 FINAL ORDER: For constructing the Marion/ APPROVED AS University Area Storm Sewer Project. Bounded AMENDED, 5-0 by Como Avenue, Rice Street, Aurora Avenue, and Cedar Street. Also, installing sanitary, storm and water service connections, if requested by property owners. 8. 11/27/90 FINAL ORDER: For improving the following APPROVED AS streets with a bituminous paving, concrete AMENDED, 4-0 curb and gutters, concrete driveway aprons and outwalks, boulevard restoration and installation of a lantern-style street lighting system for parts of Arundel , Cook, Danforth, Edgar, Geranium, Grotto, Jessamine, Kent, Lawson, Loeb, Maryland, Maywood Place, Maywood Street, Norton, Orange, Rose, St. Albans and Simon. All to be known as the Maryland/Dale Street Paving and Lighting Project. 9. 11/27/90 FINAL ORDER: For constructing the Maryland/ APPROVED AS Dale Area Storm Sewer Project. Area bounded AMENDED, 4-0 by Cottage, Western, Front and Victoria Street. Also, installation of sanitary, storm and water service connections, if requested by the property owner. 10. 12/11/90 FINAL ORDER: For acquiring properties and APPROUED AS easement for the Maryland/Dale Area Storm AMENDED, 4-0 Sewer Project to allow for pond construction. 11. 12/11/90 FINAL ORDER: For acquiring permanent utility APPROVED, 3-0 easements and temporary construction easements _ under and across Lot 9, Block 54, Irvine's Enlargement for the Seventh/Kellogg Area Storm Sewer Project. 12. 12/13/90 RATIFICATION OF AWARD OF DAMAGES: For acquiring APPROVED, 3-0 permanent and temporary easements for sanitary sewer extension at 464 Pt. Douglas Road S. 13. RESOLUTION 90-1904 - Authorizing permission APPROVED, 3-0 to subordinate city easements to the MWCC easements in the Middle Beltline Interceptor. (Referred to Committee 10/30/90) . (continued) , . C��- �0� � PRELIMINARY ORDER Cowncll Filq No.90-1789—By Janice Rettman— In the IViatter of improving the following streets wlth a bituminous paving,concrete curlb and gutters,concrete drlveway aprons and outwalks.Also install a lantern style street llghting system and resodding of boulevards in Voting Ward 5: Arundel St.�from Maryland Ave.to Lawson Ave. Coqk Ave.from Dale St.to Kent St. and from Norton St.to Cumberland St. Danforth St. from Maryland Ave.to Wheelock Pkwy. Edgar Ave.from Jessamine Ave. to Dale St. Geranlum Ave. Crom Dale St. to one block east Grotto Ave.�'from Jessamine Ave. to one block norih JeSSamine;Ave.from Como Ave. to Dale St. and from Loeb St.to Kent St. Kent St. from Jessamine Ave.to Como Ave. and from Maryland Ave. to Orange Ave. Lawson Av�. Crom Dale St. to Mackubin St. Loeb St. frqm Jessamine Ave.to Lawson Ave. 'Maryland�Ave.from Dale St.to Western Ave. Mavwood F11ace from Jessamine Ave.to Jessamine Ave. Maywood St. from Maryland Ave. to Wheelock Pkwy. Norton St.lrom Maryland Ave.to Cook St. Orange Av�. from Alameda St. to Mackubin St. Rose Ave. trom Dale St. to one block west SL AlbanslSt. from Orange Ave. to Wheelock Pkwy.and Sianon St. rom Jessamine A Ve.to Dale St. All to be k�own as the Maryland/Dale Area Street Paving and Lighting ProJect. 'Marylan�Ave.wili be assessed for street lighting improvements only. The i unclt of the Clty of Saint Paul having recefved the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement,and having considered said report,heretiy resolves: 1.Th�t the said report and the same is hereby approved with no alternatives,and that the esitimated cost thereof is S2,149,198.00 ffnanced byAssessments S601,628.00; C�pital I provement Bonds 51,245,366.00;Sewer Revenue Bonds S302,204.00. 2.Th�t a public hearing be had on said lmprovement on the 27th dav of November, 1990,at 9:00 o clock a.m.,in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Cours House Building i the City of Saint PauL - 3.Th�at notice of said publlc hearing be gtven to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvemlent and the total cost thereof as estimated. Flle No. 118599 Adoptedl,by,CounciLOctober L 1. •1990. • , • • • • , � • • � � � - � � � Approved by Mayor October 12, 1990. ' (October 20-27, 1990) I --- ----- I ' � i I �yo��� PRELIMINARY ORDER M Counc�l File No.90-1789—By Janice Rettman— In the Matter of improvin�the following streets wlth a bituminous pavin�,concrete curb and gutters,concrete driveway aprons and outwalks.Also install a lantern style street lighting system and resodding of boulevards in Voting Ward 5: Arund'el St.from Maryland Ave:to Lawson Ave. Cook Ave.from DaIe St.to Kent St.and from Norton St.to Cumberland St. Danforth S�from Maryland Ave.to Wheelock Pkwy. EdgarlAve.from Jessamine Ave.to Dale St. Gera�lum Ave.from Dale St.to one block east Grotto Ave.from Jessamine Ave.to one block north Jessa�►ine Ave.from Como Ave.to Dale St.and from Loeb St.to Kent St. Kent$t.from Jessamine Ave.to Como Ave.and from Maryland Ave..to Orange Ave. • Lawson Ave.from Dale St.to Mackubin St. Loeb�t.from Jessamine Ave.to Lawson Ave. •Maryiland Ave.from Dale St.to Western Ave. Maywood Place from Jessamine Ave.to Jessamine Ave. Maywood St.from Maryland Ave.to Whcelock Pkvry. Norto�n St.Irom Maryland Ave.to Cook St. Orange Ave.Crom Alameda St.to Mackubin St. Rose Ave.from Dale St.to one block west St.A1bans St.from Orange Ave.to Wheelock Pkwy.and Simon St.from Jessamine A Ve.to Dale St. All to be known as the Maryland/Dale Area Street Paving and Lightlng ProJect. •Maryland Ave.wlll be assessed for street Itghting improvements only. The Council of the City oCSaint Paui having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement,and having consldered said report,hereby resolves: ,l.That the said report and the same is hereby approvcd with no altematives,and that Che esUmated cost thereof is S2.149,198.00 financed by Assessments S601,628.00; Capltal Improvement Bonds S 1.245,366.00;Sewer Revenue Bonds 5302.204.00. 2.That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 27th day oCNovem6er, 1,Q9a._at 9:00 o'clock a.m.,ln the Council Chambers of the City an ourt House Building in the City of Saint Paul. 3.That notice of sald public hearing be given to the persons and in the manner provlded by the Chazter, stating the tlme and place of heazing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estlmated. File No. 18599 ' Adopted by Councll October 11. 1990. Approved by Mayor October 12, 1990. (October 20-27, 1990) I . ' �