90-2085 - _ . - ., �y''� a� � I �l;, � ' ' Council File # - � / � V !'` ' Green sheet # 9 768 �� ; RESOLUTION ' ! C�TY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �' ' ' ' � �� i Presented By ✓Referred To ' � Committee: Date /-2 - D Y WHEREAS,��T'he G`ity desires to reconstruct PROSPERITY AVENUE from E�t essamine ' Avenue to E�st Arlingtonqvenue using Municipal State Aid funds off sys�i� d WHEREAS, In accbrdance with Minnesota Rule 8820.9912,Prospe A nue between East Jessamine A enue�nd East Maryland Avenue is classified as a four la�i igh density arterial; and WHEREAS,�Minne�sota Rule 8820.9912 requires a 52' street width r a four lane high density arterial with mo parlfiing; and WHEREAS,The proposed width of 44' with two traffic lanes d no parking for Prosperity Avenue betw�een East Jessamine Avenue and East Mar�land venue does not conform to Minnesota Rule 88�0.9912; and ) N WHEREAS, In accprdance with Minnesota Rule 82� 912,Prosperity Avenue between East Maryland Av�enue and East Arlington Avenue is c�l s 'fied as a two lane low density arterial; and WHEREAS, Minnesota Rule 8820.9912 r uir� a 48' street width for a two lane low density arterial with�wo sid�e parldng; and WHEREAS,The proposed width of 'wi two side parking for Prosperity Avenue between East Marylanki Averlue and East Arling Avenue does not conform to Minnesota Rule 8820.9912; nbw, therefore, be RESOLVEDa That�ve do hereby orize the Director of Public Works to request a variance from Minnesota R�le 88�0.9912 for�e 'dth of Prosperity Avenue between East Jessamine Avenue and East Arlington Avenuer � ��/ / � � ' ' Y a s Absent Requeeted by Department of: inron oswitz Public Works (PAS) 11-5-90 on acca ee e t urr � une i son BY� Adopted by Counc' t Dai�e Form Appr ed by City Attorne Adoption Certi ied', by Cmuncil Secretary By: By� Appro ed by Mayor for Submission to Counc'1 Approved Mayor: Da�e � � � ��� By. , By: I . , . � D� TO (�,ITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE: �. FIN�4NCE,MANAGEMENT&PERSONNEL �, HOI�SING&ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT HOU ING 8 REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORIN HUM N SERVICES,REGULATED INDUSTRIES, AND ULES AND POLICY ❑ INTER�OVERNMENTALRELATIONS ❑ EIGH�ORHOODSERVICES � BLIC'�NORKS, UTILITIES&TRANSPORTATION ❑ A TION ' � ', ❑ OTbiER I � I i � DATE FROM � �. _ ,� . ��o ao�� �,���wo� „�so GREEN SN�ET Na. 9768 ✓ oa+rr�cT��a ts --wiru�wn� -�crnoot�c� Paul�.Martin(292-f:280) ' "�01 cr�r�rro�r �cxmrcx��ac � AIUBT ON OOUNCIL IIOENOJt BY(DA , � �lUOIt�ET IXHECTOR FIN.i Ml3T.BERVICES DIR AS S'0011 AS P0881�9 iAAYOR{OR A381BTAfif1) TQTAL 1 O�91QNATURE PA6 (t:LJP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SKitiATUR Authorize tfie Q�ectc>r of W to rec�uest a variance irom Munic�al State Aid ruies for str�et wi�h on PROSPERITY AVENUE beiween East J Avenue and East Adir�qton Averwe. R EC�I�E D _ �•t�� _nuw�car��oa _ eE c��a, ,aa�rs� _ a�►ao. ae co�rr� _. q�� _ c�werta _oret�crcourc�. s�onTS w►�+oa�c�.oe�EC� Neighbort�oods lIIT111i1N8 PROBLER T.WHEN.WFEi�.WFiV): Prosperity Avenue beiaree st ssamine Aver�e and East Arlington Avenue afil be recor�stnided usi�M�ic�al State Aid funds off system tn 1991 �aR the Prosperity-ivy Sewer Separation ProJeCt. The AroPosed width d4es not meet the CurreM MSA�andards,but daes t Nroposed MSA�tandards. The tirr�n�of tt�project requires tt�t we request a variance to tne currerrt stand�rds�inste ` � N�y unt�tne new starxiards are a�ted. � �ovutr �,wa�o: Project C�n move fonArard. � RECEtVEp N0�` 15 1990 � MAYOR'S OFFICE �w,r � . RE+CEIVE� , ���� � CITY CLEkr� aw�rnr No a Project wiM not move faw or st wiN have to be oonstn�cted fo wider wk�th. Cou�c�; r�s�.�r�h Cen�er NOV 1 � i9�'0 �rar�u.�a�rr oF �wA oo�m�►�euoa���t�c�o�� res ao RNdDMKi SOURae ACITVRY NUMIBER FNlANCIAL WPDRMATION:IE�+LAM �� , � -aogS <• • - (��' �''D ; , � Councilmember Dave Thune's Office ' ' City of Saint Paul ' Seventh Floor, City Hall , Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 (612) 298-4151 MEMORAN�UM! I DATE: ,�uly 15, i992 RECEIVE� TO: i �olly o'Rourke, c�ty cierk JUL 1 6 1992 �� ' C�TY CLERK FROM: .�im Murp y ' SUBJECT: �tems Re r ed to Committee ' Attached is a listiof the matters referred to the Public Works Committee. Upon review by the ',City Council and administration, it was determined that all items on this list, lwith referral dates between January 1, 1988 through December 31, 1991, can be Withd�awn except for the following items: • R�soluttion - 89-1172; GS-45 � � • O�dinar}ce - 89-2108; GS-1539 • Resolu�ion - 90-1849; GS-5341 s Resolut�ion - 90-1823; GS-2564 � • Resolu�ion - 90-2066; GS-59 � R�solu�ion - 91-859; GS-15729 • Resolu�ion - 91-900; GS-15128 • R�soluttion - 91-531; GS-10237 • RQSOlu�ion - 91-1318; GS-15735. Also, all requ�ests 'to appear before the Public Works Committee, with referral dates between Januaxy 1, 1988 through December 31, 1991, can be withdrawn. Item ��2 on the July 15, �992 Public Works Committee agenda recommends the with�rawal of these items�. � . All of the pr�viously referenced items have been highlighted in yellow on the � . attached list.' � . . '� " Enclosure: , 'I . cc: City Coujncilm�embers - . Lou Cotreneo �I RECEiVE�i i , _. . __ . _ . , _ , _ , ; " , C1TY CLER1� , . I'i � � , � �_ ; �C� -��5 _` R�C � �����l���n CITY OF SAINT PgUL E��Ep '"' `i'" OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL JU L 2 01992 � CITy���R� DAVE THUNE ' Councilmember ' I � ' PIVBUC WORKS, UTILITIES, AND TRANSPORTATIO . ' COMMITTEE REPORT , Wednesday, July 15, 199 CONSENT AG�NDA 1. Approval�of June 3, 1992 Public Works Committee minutes: Committ�e reciommends approval. (3 - 0) . 2. ,�,��om s I ,r�,din Withdrawal of Pending Items: All pending items, referred to the Public Works om_ ittee from January 1, 1988 through December 31, 1991, will be recomm� nded for withdrawal. At the request of the City Council or Administration, an item will hot b� recommended for withdrawal. ; See atta¢hed r�emo to Molly O'Rourke from Jim Murphy dated July 15, 1992. (4- 0) _ �3.��VACATION: P!etition of Kevin and Susan Jensen for the vacation of part of Otto Avenue �/ between,Mont�alm Court and Lexington Parkway for the purpose of correcting a garage encroacthmentl in Otto Avenue: �(Before the City�CoGncil>8%}1�1=/92).�, Committ�e recommends approvaL (4 - 0) I _ _ . 4. VACATI N: Petition of Housing Redevelopment Author'ity for the vacation of the alley in (/ Block 11, Bazi� and Guerin's Addition, bounded by 7th Street, 7th Place, St. Peter Street and Wa asha Street for the new Children's Museum: :(Before;the;,Gity.Council.8/;11/92)� ,� . Committee re�ommends lay over to August 19. (4 - 0} 5. FINAL aRDEF�: Constructing a sanitary sewer and a sanitary sewer service connection in Kenn�rd St�eet from Case Avenue to approximately 225 feet north of Case Avenue. 1/� �(Before the��Ci�ysCouncil 8/�4/9?) . • 4 � � � . , � Commitqee re�ommends approval. (4 - 0) � � � � V 6. FINAL OiRDEFt: Constructing a sanitary sewer in McLean Avenue from Clarence Street to apprqximat�ly 250 feet west of Clarence Street. (Before the=City-'Council-8/.4/92)-� ; .. -.. , . . _ Commitqee re�ommends approval. (4 - 0) : : � ; , - -`OVE.R - . CTTY HALL II SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL; MINNESOTA 55102 :b12/298-5679 . . I�i i . � 5�46� ,��. � _ . .. � . . I . Printed on Recyded Paper