90-2084 - �.�./'��7�z��G � � ��� �� � � Council File # �� � . � � �� � 9769 ��ti Green Sheet � � RESOLUTiON CtTY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNES�TA f� -- �fS Presented By ' V Referred To Committee: Date ! /- ' WHEREAS The �ity desires to reconstruct CLARENCE STREET fro East Maryland ' Avenue to �ast Alrlington Avenue using Municipal State Aid funds; d WHEREAS In aqcordance with Minnesota Rule 8820.9912, CI en e Street between East Maryl nd A�enue and East Arlington Avenue is classifie a��wo lane high density coll ctor; �and / � WHEREAS, Minnesota Rule 8820.9912 requires a 36' e�t�dth for a two lane high density collector with one side parking; and � WHEREAS, The proposed width of 32' with one si e pa�king for Clarence Street between East Maryland Avenue and East Ar g n Avenue does not conform to Minnesota Rule 8820.9912; now, therefor RESOLVE�, Th�t we do hereby authon e e Director of Public Works to request a variance frpm Mirhnesota Rule 8820. or the width of Clarence Street between East Maryl�nd A�enue and East Arlin n Avenue. � �� ;i � i � � � Yea s Absent Requested by Department of: imon osw tz Public Works (PAS) 11-5-9� on acca ee et�ma �vne B : z son y Adopted by Counci : D�te Form Ap ed by Ci Att y Adoption Certif'e�i by �auncil Secretary BY: BY� ' Appro ed by Mayo for Submission to Approved b Mayore Date Counc'1 ' ����� By. ` By: ' , � C�9o'°�O�s� � ' ' ✓ �v�o� � f��so GREEN SHEET No. 9769 .�"� ��. �R,�.,�„� P8u1�.ManM(292-6280) ,� "�OiN � cmr��r �cm,c�:�a�c T YE ON GOI�IC� Slf(DA BUDOET DHiECTOR FMI.t hIC#T.8ERVlCES DIR. AS 50011 A8 PQ8S�9 1�IAYOR('ON At616TAM1� TOTAL i OF sKiNATURE PAG (CIJP ALL tAC.ATI0F13 FOR SIONATURE) Authorize the Diredor of Pu to request a vatriance from MuniGpal State A�rules for str�eet widtM on CLARENCE STREET betwween East Ma venue and Ea�AAriiinpton Avenue. R EC E I VE D �•c p _ �PLANNMKi COYMIRRION �C Ef OOMM�610N AidAt.YBT PFIOF� � �� = Arro�n�E A$T� Y _�� ������ ���� pilitATIN(i PR08L6Y.�BUE� `lMIF10. T. YYHE�.Y�f1�c Clarence Street betw�n M land Avenue and East Arlfir�an Avenue wili be recor�tn�cted u&ir�i�unic�al�taie Aud tunds in 1991 as part of the -Ivy Sewer Separation Project. The proposed vWidth does not meet the tw�nent MSA �tarxiatrds,�ut does meet t MSA standards. The timing of the proJect re��res that we request a va�arx;e to the current standards,i�te�o :w until the new standards are adopted. �v�wt�c�s Project can move forward. RECEIVED NOV 15 1990 MAYOR'S OFFICE rwr veo: ANTKiE8 i NOT pOVED: Project wiU nd move forwa or str will have to be oonstnrcted to wider width. RECEIVED �o��Ci,' �'��,,,,,.,�� C�n�e�- {�DV201°.�9� Nov 1 � ,g�o , ITY CLERK mr���wouHr oF rnn�►crwN 'wA cosTrt��woc���c ca�a� v�s. ,w i�JNWNti�OUACE / ACRVITY NUMBER f1IVANCUd.WFORMATION:IE�LAIM �Iw � I • l.il/� �O�'� ' i I �v �� ' � ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL RE�E�VEp ��tll!191fl ���, �,.u OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL .IU � 2� 1992 � �1 T y��ER� DAVE THUNE ; i Councilmember I P�IBLIC WORKS, UTILITIES, AND TRANSPORTATIO _ '' COMMITTEE REPORT Wednesday, July 15, 199 CONSENT ACENDA 1. Approv�l of Jwne 3, 1992 Public Works Committee minutes. i Committee re�ommends approval. (3 - 0) 2. Recomrhendir�g Withdrawal of Pending Items: All pending items, referred to the Public Works !Comrhittee from January 1, 1988 through December 31, 1991, will be recomrr�ende� for withdrawal. At the request of the City Council or Administration, an item will not be recommended for withdrawal. See att�ched��memo to Molly O'Rourke from Jim Murphy dated July 15, 1992. (4 - 0) � g�3.�-�rF��VACAT�ON: Petition of Kevin and Susan Jensen for the vacation of part of Otto Avenue �/ betwee� Montcalm Court and Lexington Parkway for the purpose of correcting a garage encroa�hment in Otto Avenue. (Before the City Co�incil 8/11/92):�;�, Commi�tee r�commends approval. (4 - 0) 4. VACATiION: ;Petition of Housing Redevelopment Authority for the vacation of the alley in (/ Block '�1, Bazil and Guerin's Addition, bounded by 7th Street, 7th Place, St. Peter Street and W�bash� Street for the new Children's Museum. (Before.the�City:yCouncil 8/:�1/92)'� � Committee recommends lay over to August 19. (4 - 0) 5. FINAL �ORD�R: Constructing a sanitary sewer and a sanitary sewer service connection in Ken�hard $treet from Case Avenue to approximately 225 feet north of Case Avenue. 1/� �(Befor��the �ity�Council.8/,4/92)���► � ' Comrr�ittee recommends approvaL (4 - 0) ` V6. FINALIORD�R: Constructing a sanitary sewer in McLean Avenue from Clarence Street to applroxim�tely 250 feet west of Clarence Street. (Be�ore°'tfie Ciiy-Council 8/4/92)� Comrr'ittee r,ecommends approval. (4 - 0) � � - OVER - CITY HALL SEWENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-5679 ' S�46 Printed on Recycled Paper i ,. .,-�-.-.c..-,,.—� .-----'--�r,-.�...__._. ..,--^°-:.,� .......,.. . ..�... ..,�-^-�.-..—", ...�.......... . . ........ .n.-:_... . .:.�:�'���°':.^. ,,._.f„ .. ._,_�� r�.....s�,�.a'�°:..;_"-:.'."� ._ '... . i � ' � Councilmember Dave Thune's Ot�ice City of Saint Paul Seventh Floor, City Hall ! Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 i j (612) 298-4151 MEMORAN�UM! DATE: ; Juiy is, 1992 RECEIVEJ To: j �IMoiiy o�xourke, City Clerk JUL 161992 ' C�TY CLERK FROM: �' �'�J im Murp y SUBJECT: Items Re r ed to Cominittee Attached is � lis� of the matters referred to the Public Works Committee. Upon review by th� Citx Council and administration, it was determined that all items on this list, witl� referral dates between January 1, 1988 through December 31, 1991, can be!, withdrawn except for the following items: � • �tesol�lxtion - 89-1172; GS-45 • prdin nce - 89-2108; GS-1539 • Resol�tion - 90-1849; GS-5341 s �tesolution - 90-1823; GS-2564 • esolution - 90-2066; GS-59 • �esol�ition - 91-859; GS-15729 • esoltation - 91-900; GS-15128 • �esoliution - 91-531; GS-10237 • �tesolution - 91-1318; GS-15735. Also, all r�quest�s to appear before the Public Works Committee, with referral dates betweein Jan�ary 1, 1988 through December 31, 1991, can be withdrawn. Item ��2 on the Ju'ly 15, 1992 Public Works Committee agenda recommends the withdrawal of these itelms. All of the �revidusly referenced items have been highlighted in yellow on the attached list. i � Enclosure: . , cc: City �ouncillmembers � Lou Cqtroneo RECEIVE�+ i ' , _ :_ � ' CITY CLERh� , , , �