90-2076 0 R 1 G�I N A L �ouncil File # � —o o� � ' Green Sheet # _10966 ! ' RESOLUTION ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � • . . Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 PROPOSED PROCESS 2 TO C�ONCLUDE THE YEAR FTVE PERFORMANCE REV�W 3 bF CONTINENTAL CABLEVISION OF SAINT PAUL 4 WHEREAS�, Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 430.033 provides that the Council 5 of the City of Saint�aul may conduct cable communication performance evaluation sessions 6 on the fifth annive�sary date of a company's franchise award; and 7 WHEREAS}, City staff has provided the Council with such a report; and 8 WHEREAS�, Continental Cablevision of St. Paul, Inc., the City's franchisee, has 9 forwarded ta the C�ouncil a detailed response to City staff's report; and 10 WHE�tEA�, Chapter 430 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code does not specify a 11 procedure far such review; now, therefore, be it 12 RES4LVE�, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby adopts the following 13 procedure far Conitinental Cablevision's performance evaluation: 14 1. The 'Council sha11 reopen the public record of the performance evaluation, 15 closed as of Dece�nber 1, 1989 by resolution of the Council CF89-2094, and shall hold a 16 hearing on 'Thesda,y, January 8, 1991, at 9:00 a.m. in Council Chambers, during which City 17 staff will present '�ts report and Continental Cablevision will present its point-by-point 18 response. The prssentation will be followed by questions from Councilmembers. 19 2. Duri;ng the 60 days following the hearing, City�}kL;�`.���z��; staff � 20 ..:_,::,¢:� ����`� enter into �e otiations with Continental Cablevision for u oses of .>..:�:::.. S ..�,:.:.:. �. ..:�:::....>:.:s: ,.,::��:::.:M:.:...�:M<.::.:�<.�.:::.»:�<:.:�.. P � ... 21 d��:��:�. �;:�;:.��° roposed modifications ;�:���:��:,;,. :te-the franchise���t���:; . ... . : .; :::,.:::»:»>;;:.>:.r:::. >:< :.::.�>.�..,.;:..>::::P . ��,...:.:.:�.,,.:.:::.:::::::......�........4, � :.,::::::.....:: 22 address the oint� of difference between the staff report and Continental s position.;::;� 23 � � �.��:��:: �<�,:�:, ����;.. {:. ...!�:::.:�:�..` ��� ..................:::�.�>�::......:..���;.... 24 3. Staf� shall provide a report in writing to the Council which sets forth the 25 negotiated autco�es for Council consideration. 26 4. The Council shall hold a second meeting during which the issues and points 27 of disagree ent ibetween staff and Continental's reports, and the reported negotiated 28 outcomes, vu�i'll be jdiscussed with the ultimate goal being the resolution of all differences. , I i �0 -�07� ORIGI�NAL 1 5. Shoul any or a11 of the negotiated outcomes prove unacceptable to the 2 Council, the un ' will review the reports and, with the advice of the City Attorney, 3 determine y are of non-compliance and set a course of action from among the 4 alternatives t fo in the franchise ordinance by wluch to ae�ev�ee �:`:`:''�:�:.`.':�:k°:: 5 •:;ti4. :{{:+i'4.•,':��.'.).`!N . i�n'ti r..; �>; and be it achieve co p�. >{��:.::..::.::.:."�. '' � .;:� •:/v�i:}.ivv. �:2v' 4'N.: 6 FINA�,LY ESOLVED, that if,in preparing for the hearing,Councilmembers think 7 of questions or ideintify issues on which additional information may be needed, they will 8 forward the same to the Council President who will route them to City staff and 9 Continental. Requested by Department of: � � BY �� a Form Approved by City Attomey: Adopted by Council: Date �E� 1 1990 By: Adopt' ' ed by oun ' ecretary Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council: By: Approved b ayor: Date DEC 1 3 1990 B�' By: ipt�t.isHED L E c 2 � 1990 I '; i I � ��� GINAL o_ o I Council File # � � V Green Sheet # _10966 � RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Presented By Referred To ' _ Committee: Date 1 PROPOSED PROCESS 2 TO CNNCLUDE THE YEAR FIVE PERFORMANCE REVIEW 3 C�IF CONTINENTAL CABLEVISION OF SAINT PAUL 4 WHEREAS,�Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 430.033 provides that the Council 5 of the City of Saint Paul may conduct cable communication performance evaluation sessions 6 on the fifth anniver�ary date of a company's francluse award; and 7 WHEREAS,;City staff has provided the Council with such a report; and 8 WHEREAS, Continental Cablevision of St. Paul, Inc., the City's franchisee, has 9 forwarded to the C�uncil a detailed response to City staff's report; and i 10 WHEREAS,�Chapter 430 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code does not specify a 11 procedure for such eview; now, therefore, be it 12 RESOLVEID, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby adopts the following 13 procedure for Continental Cablevision's performance evaluation: i;Ch}::?t?A;IXNQB;:+ ^.+�.'�•Yl.�tiir.�C.:�;?.{4,L7i}i.•r i4\ �:•Yi..;.};.;.;.}:tii::: ?}}},v,.;xn}??Y.ri:r'rr:x{•i:•::iv:i^: + :-?s::tt;i:.?i 14 1. The ouncil shall � :�:�":���:�:�:::::::..�: ��:�:�e��::::�::::�:�::<:::��c���,�:�::;���t�o.:::::: � :;����.;:�::.::�:n<�. � :..�`�,,.:.� ..:r�?::.::,:w:.>..;:.;:.;:.:::«:.�'::. :.;,.:�>:.;:.::.;��.;:.:;�::::.::.... ..�> ,.v.....,�. x�..v:, .:... 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The presentation will be followed by questions from Co�ncil�embers. ounci ....:t;.>.... ,.•.E.vc;.:.>:..fl..�..:..:'.'.,::::m...v.,•:.Ly�• .;�...;;.:r.:. .rc..+e:,,v,,....,..;•a:,ti:: 2Sea >:.:t:<.:::<.:.:.:.: . �#• .;•:•..Y.. ...:.... . ;;c`• .. ".,.;�. ...:. .......:CNa?�g•. • . �^,;?,•.. • rc ,.:X..: ,.�}::: ��.����� ��::IZt�:: 1 2. :::<�:.. <:<:>�t�I�� � ��..�,. ��:`:�f€ . ;>:�.: :<:;��t��:<':;;�«,v;::<:::>�rt.��::::>.a. g :::. .:: . :.::... .::.. :: . ::::::�;:::<:��., �:::�.... ..:�.��t�.....:...............:: ...x.:::.:: :::.�:;:.::;.::..>:...�.��.�.�.�...-..�.....::.::..::::: . .: .3�«: �.::�� ..>..:�.:.::,::.�..::: :::<.::<:..:.:.,,,,:v..... 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Adopted by Council: Date I �EC � � 199� By: Adoption e ' ed by C ' S cretary Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council: By: By: Approved by Mayor: Date By: i I Council File # � ��1 ��� Green Sheet # _10966 ' RESOLUTION ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 PROPOSED PROCESS 2 TO CQNCLUDE THE YEAR FIVE PERFORMANCE REVIEW 3 OF CONTINENTAL CABLEVISION OF SAINT PAUL 4 WHEREAS, Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 430.033 provides that the Council 5 of the City of Saint P�ul may conduct cable communication performance evaluation sessions 6 on the fifth annivers�ry date of a company's franchise award; and 7 WHEREAS, City staff has provided the Council with such a report; and 8 WHEREAS, iContinental Cablevision of St. Paul, Inc., the City's franchisee, has 9 forwarded to the Council a detailed response to City staff s report; and 10 WHEREAS, IChapter 430 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code does not specify a 11 procedure for such review; now, therefore, be it 12 RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby adopts the following 13 procedure for Continental Cablevision's performance evaluation: ' ;•i,v,t{¢y;?. :_i::��::-.Y.-i: Y�::?+ri::r.::•:iiiiii:i}:i: ry'?4}iiiiiii:. 14 � 1 . e C n '1 h 1 .':.::::.>,.;... ,::.:�..�::. ._ . ,:,:.�.��..�:��:.;:.>;>::::::`<_;:n:<.::<:<:.:..:,: ..;:::..::_::>::;:.::>:.;:>.:::.::.;.;:>::>;.:.;_�.>;:::;;::�::: >:;: '�'h au c� s ai r.ea►�e�. �::..::::.,�;�;re,�a�d.:;��.� ����.��.�� ��.��tz��, ..�::.:;�....... ,::::::..�............:.�.::.::.>:.::.:;.::.::.:..................... .... .....................r...................::.:....::.�.:. � v., �:.,.,;:.>�:::;:::...,..:.: <.:�.::.:::.:::;.: <.>:::.::::.::>:: :.: . .:::.:::::::.:,<:..:�..s:>;:::.._...r..:....:::::::.::::::::... +: • . ..:;.: � ::�.. :�:;:. . . . : .. . .... .:;, ...:.:;....:......... .�....::..n:.:.. .:::.::<.:wv•:;.>:�:.;,:x.:>•::, .:::::;. : .-:':::.' 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The�,prese�tation will be followed by questions from Councilmember . �� •,x•n•r.},.,}Y;;;,{r.vv;r•,rx..,...... h::^::•:n.'C{{+f/A4::•{n...�:.44.r.v.yy.}y.}};.v.}v,•;•;{v{;y}•};.;y;,�u:i•:�:;i:Q`�.�i:titi;?', i.::{i:.;.�.i:<•:�: , ... .n...n:: n... . 19 2. ��><:::. �:�»..�.'. �:�<4>�I�i� .: ....:.:...... :.��. � . w�� :;::... e:.;::.h� :��:::»:�>;.�.. :.v:�<"�>"... 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Adopted by Council: Date BY Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council: By: By: Approved by Mayor: Date By: � Council File # Green Sheet # _10966 RESOWTION ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By � � ; Referred To j Committee: Date I 1 , PROPOSED PROCESS 2 TO CpNCLUDE THE YEAR FIVE PERFORMANCE REVIEW 3 O'F CONTINENTAL CABLEVISION OF SAINT PAUL h �I ~l � �J 4 WHERIEAS, Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 430.033 provides that the Council 5 of the City of�aint Paul may conduct cable communication performance evaluation sessions 6 on the fifth a�niversary date of a company's franchise award; and 7 WHEREAS, City staff has provided the Council with such a report; and � 8 WHEREAS,i Continental Cablevision of St. Paul, Inc., the City's franchisee, has 9 forwarded to the C�uncil a detailed response to City staff's report; and 10 WHEREAS,' Chapter 430 of the Saint Paul Legi,slative Code does not specify a 11 procedure for such review; now, therefore, be it 12 RESOLVEDI, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby adopts the following 13 procedure for Continental Cablevision's performance evaluation: ii:{:i.i�vii4::..11:i%n}ii:y:;i:i:i:ii{•:•:::i::ii:;�ii:.:ii}}i}iiiiiiiiii: }i?:iikti•i}i}iiiii}}:iii::i::ii:6i: p:4iii::r4i}iiii}ii 14 1. 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The pres;entation will be followed by questions from Councilmembers. ,., ,_..�. .......... ...............:::..:.:........,...........:..:..:. :.:::....:.: .:.v.v., .....;:.:..:��:.>�<:>:.>::.::<.;.::.;:.:�:� ::::..:..::.;:.:.:.;:::.: ..::.:.:.:::::.:..w�:;v.:....:::::::::<::.:::.:..:::,<;;.::;<: :;:::. ...:.:::...::: :,:>:�:.;:<.:��::.::.;:.::....:.;::.::.;;:.:;:::.;;�.:�:.:: 19 2. �: ::<:::<��:>:<::. ::;<>:;� ..� �:::<:. ;. .. : <<:<::.;: :>::::: . .::. : :::>::;.:��;>::���: :. ::. ....:_:::::::���.�.:;•�::>:::>`.�: <:: . .:::;::fi.fi):::.;:�a:::::�:<�,�il�w�€..::::��.;.;.;h� .:#�`i.. :.::�........ .:.............:::::��::���.;:.:��.t�:. . . ......... .:: .� ..:.:::.:......::::.�.... .....:.:.. ...........:.. ::::.�.�.�.�.�:::::::::::::::::::::::._:::::::.. ..... ...... >:<>:::>:<:::::::::. :::::::::::.:::.�.;:.;.::.::::...::..:.:.::<:::..............................,::::>::._:;::::::.:::.:.::::....:. ..............................................:.. .;:.:Y.•i:ti�•;�;{.;r;{�;n�.};•y.{ : :;i::ri:y-'.•.•;vry;:.};.}•;: :iii::�•i:�iik+:'v}:: ?iii:::•ii:v4iiiii:tipi?ii}i:•iiiii:Fq .:4i:{n}iih }ii:ii.i•[• •niiii::{�iiii:ni'i•: .. }i �: . ::::::::.:::n � 2o r��...�����::>: :�:<�`����:t�:::�:�tev�s���>�cr�::: :�t;�;.. . : ::::. . . .. . . .:.::. :::::.:::::::::.�::::::::::._:.:::::::::.::::................................................................. ......: .:.....�s:�.. :..:..: :...:.......��>::x�:::.::�e�::;ri�:c��;��atx�:� ...�....:.::.............. .:::,�.::.�::::::;::... .�...... . .......:::..:.:.::::::::::.�..;.:.:::::.�..............:.:::::::. ::..... ............ ..... ..�!:.:::,: .,............ ...A::..:.::... :.:... ...:::.:...:�.:::::.::..::............ .. ::�.;:::.::.»::::::.>:::::»::»:<::<;:.>;:.;:.;:.:�.;: ...... ..... .:...,.....�.:::::.::.:.,::<;<;;:.:.::..:.;.::... . ..... . �.:.:::::.::�.::,.:.>::;.:.:....::::::::::::::..:::::.::... <..>:,:::.:::....... :......................... ........N...... .....................::::::::::. � .::.;:::>::�.:>.;::::::: ::::.:;.:.;....s:..:�:<.:...:......::::.::><,:..:-. ::.:::..:.::::::.::.:.::::,:::::.:..::::.::::f::::. ...::... ..:...:::.�:..:::::.� ,:::.::.::::::::::::::.: .:::::.::::::.::. :::::::.:::.:._::::............. :::::: .:�: �.. � :>.::.. �.�<:�:.-.�.:. :»;:: .<::::. :: .�:� :::.: --- � <:.::....: . .:;:.;: . `�` � 21 ��:::�?�::::�:�:.:.�s�:. ::..:..h:;::;���:.::��:::. :..�:�:,�.�..�d�`���s.::. :�:::�e� � �:::::::� <:>: ��::�� : :r ��:�.:�.ii. .�^ ..........:......:.�..:.:::::::::::......... ..:........ ....�:.::.::...................... ---.............................:...:...... .:.:.....:.::.:::::.:��.::�.�:�.��..�..�.::::::....�: .Q...�....�....�. ......n............................ ...}.....:.. .:.:.�:.:v:%vn..n.:..:::1x:::::::::u.:�::::.�nv.w::.v::4:.v.vv4::::m::.v:�:::N.v:•}x}:::nw:::.�:.v.�.v:::.�:+.�::::::r.v.�..:::::�.:.�::•iiiiii:�riY:ii::.:.�:n::::::::. � //� ...::.�/'.�:'.Ii;}�i:?Q,-:v...::yi:.* • .#�:J....;,�ti .- ............. � . 2Li �J:S�;l;k7.V�::�i:.:;;...?;i:•':��. .' �: ��� • . �•VF \.�'V \\,,.� .............""'.`':.5:::::::::::::i:}:::....................:::� � ..v.�:.:..........:n}};{r�v.v.�.%:••M1M1.:};.}}:i•}??i:y:;:�:?6:•:5ry.�% +Y.NCi4P}'C4: :-0.v}�{{.pp}y v,yh4} ^:..}:i:• :Ci•i?}i:r!IX. .;f�..;.;�.}'N..:r,v,nii::�r:''+ ....:.:::v.i:•- };:.v.v.. ............... • . ••ryii••4}'•�+++� .......:.v..... . .::. 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Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council: By: By: Approved by Mayor: Date By: � I� � G ! �A L' u Counci l Pi le # � ' �/y� Green Sheet # Q 7 RESOLUTION �' CI�Y OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA I 1 � �� �� ,'�� � • i , . , � Presented By'�� � ( '`�'" _{ ,L J� Referred To '� �, < .�' Comnittee: Date � � '____'__'___'''__��___--____'___________________'____=e=______'-_'--__________'--_'--____ WHEREAS, Saint Paul I�gislative Code Section 430.033 provides that the Council of the City of Saint Paul may conduct cable''�ommunication performance evaluation sessions on the fifth anniversary date of a company's fr'��chise award; and , ., WHEREAS, city staff has provici�d the council with such a report; and WHEREAS, Continental Cablevisioii of St. Paul, Inc., the City's franchisee, has forwarded to the Council a detailed response to city staff�s,report; and ','4 WHEREAS, Chapter 430 of the Saint Pair1_ Legislative Code does not specify a procedure for such review; now, therefore, be it � RESOLVED, that he Council of the City of S�int Paul hereby adopts the following procedure for Continental Cablevisi�n's performance evaluation: 1. The Council shall hold a hearing during which.city staff will present its report and Continental Cablevision will present its point b�,point response. The presentations will be followed by questions from Councilmembers. `1,., ,. 2. The Council shall hold a second meeting during whi�h the issues and points of disagreement between staff and Continental's reports`�yill be discussed with the ultimate goal being the resolution and/or correction of��ll differences; � and, be it ti� \ � � , � � t �l � �� � � I`°� ��L � � 9oo?e��O FINALLY RBSOLVED, that if , in preparing for the hearing, Councilmembers think of questions or identify issues on which additional information may be needed, they will forward the same to the Council President who will route them to city staff and Continental. i _______________________�___________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ Yeas ' Na s Absent Requested by Department of: Dimon Goswttz lon Macca e Rettman T une Nilson BY= _____________________�_—______—_________ Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY. ��. �� ��/(�+� BY' Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by Mayor: Date By: By: OR�GINAL ��_ �, I � Council File # � o� V ' Green Sheet # 10966 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To (�"ommittee: Date � r 1 PROPOSED PROCESS ` 2 O C NCLUDE THE YEAR FIVE PERFORMANCE REVIEW 3 F CONTTNENTAL CABLEVISION OF SAINT PAUL � � l,, i i f. 4 WHE EAS,'Saint Paul Legislative Code Se,�tion 430.033 provides that the Council 5 of the City of aint I�aul may conduct cable commu�nication performance evaluation sessions 6 on the fifth 'ver�ary date of a company's fra�chise award; and , 7 WHE�EAS, City staff has provided th�Council with such a report; and �� 8 WHEREAS, Continental Cablevisio�i af St. Paul, Inc., the City's franchisee, has 9 forwarded to the C uncil a detailed respo�e to City staff's report; and 10 WHEREAS, Chapter 430 of the�'�Saint Paul Legislative Code does not specify a 11 procedure for such eview; now, therefa�re, be it ,, 12 RESOLVE , that the Council,%of the City of Saint Paul hereby adopts the following 13 procedure for Cont$nental Cablevision's performance evaluation: � {Cj? .�Uy\ �?i+�C'L d" '�:}'�}::^'{{�}: F+O'� aF,::i•ti:iJ.' :ry;•y,::•.y:.iii:::::::::: . 4i:::.>:4::. 14 L The ouncil shall �, ����;'t.��..���.�....�.,::. �����::�::���:ti���;: ..• . ., ..•�.. . .' • f.:?w:��::::::::v ...... ��.v, ..nw:.•.•::r......... ... •x :. , r �• r. i4t�+fY.•};•}:•::.:•:..} :;i.}.�tii,'v,::+i%.'•:�'i,:•:•'i;.�r;.;.}x....;:.:::.::::::::::::.: r:v:}}�•:::::'ii;?+`::Ak;:..;;\+' .....:..f.{ry, ......�Y'::ti;•,•;•�;••,•;• f er}.1l,4• •v .";�.r, y� �' hold a 15 �:`�:::> �;;.V ��»�� �:<�.�9.����:�>�i�::�::�ii��1: ���::>. ����� :'t�. �:���.�' ..�... .:.: �.> :.. . . .. . :... .:... . . .. .� .:: . :>:�: :... :. . .•:.•:•i:rx:•::.:::::?+.{+�0:..3f.•.. 'H?iiiM:�:r,4i.::..a.+.�G'iT:i.T:.:iv^.^Y,..'^'.A.J:!{� ..+.'+A.�.::^:v• .. :��Y ` . v .:•... .. .. :r . ..;i:}:i.i::•'+'{ii{.::...::+J.{?•i:i{itii•i:•i:.i:i.i::•}:. . 16 hearing on T�tesda , January 8, f 91, at 9:00 a.m. in Council�Chambers, during which City 17 staff will present i s report and Continental Cablevision will present its point-by-point 18 response. The pre entation vvi� be followed by questions from Co�ncilm�mbers. � � ounci esearch .::�.::.:::::. ::<s:•:�:• ::;�:s' !s':.. �,:; w «. ,.q�: �K:.S,.�+, ,. •.,,,;..{...�.,5�- :..:..:• �::r.<>:;`<:>:;:: :,.,�;,:,�::::r:. 2 �"�:::':�'Y� � :.::�� �....��:� .< ..... ....,::�..:,:<:� �.>:.:: ::<.::: 19 . .::>�;:<:�..�:.°� `:::t�.:��• ..�i�t��.�..............# .� . w���.�:::, :.., ..:...<..�•« �; M��::•�> �::<•�:•:;•:�• <•::<.::•:�:.::<•;:•;:•;:•>:•::•;:.>:.:; :. : :: ,.: :. ••. ::•:r:«•:.•;:•;:.....,... ��;;;•• :s'::�,•:;:�.••ri..' �. �w.. ..>. .;::::�;�:::z ,..��•. •^>•:,::,,.�;,.r:;:,;:.::.:.;•,,:, ,�.. ��. � •: �.,::.,;. . .. .. .:.:...::::,,::�n..••Kyt•{.K. :: .:.'t`:•:•:x.::,:::::::.,.. , ::.>.; . :..c� ;t;2;:34;- ,•:r./�. ;�+.? ;%:: r•:�:•>:::::::: .:,.;.....;.;., ;., .. . . •:.. . ; ,..:..:....... .::u'r,'�'.y +�:<..; :. .:�>: 20 F�� �� ���:: ...4'�:>.;'����.��� �:�':''�. .`�#����� `�::��i���k�3�::�oz :. . ...... .. ..-: ;.; . . .. . .,. .. ........ .. .... , �.�:..�....��..... ... ..... . . .. :.:.�..;:.:� .::. ..,. ,�:. . . �:< : .:��::..:. :.;........��..��..�"�.��.........�.,.:..... ::.�::�. .. ..:.;� ,:.>.:.:�«.:.:<:. ..:r.r.,.:,., .:. :.... ,h.��•;, � � ...;�,.,� .,;.>:::r>::::>:,4:<:::>::;::>::........... �. ••>ir•:::;.,•k 7r •J:�;,.:+, t:fi�+'.�� ';. �o> 3�`td.'..�•, 2'�:;:• :.>a:.^k;ot• .#.........rr::::�:::::::x': ' � "�"���`��� � f rceme t ,.,:: . ... �::. .......,.�,< •:��:::::•;>. n o n :.. ;,*:...�...:. .:::,...,.:�n: �..�.: . �,.�:,._. � ... �� >:. . .:. . .::: . >: ..�. .;:f. ..:�:.:;:;�:.:.,:.:..:.::.::::: ,:�, e 21 of .�,. ':�w: `::�:�:.......�'�:�:4.��:'<�.... ���� ..��i�-::� `��:�::................. ..x., ��:�{:�.. .:::�.. �a . :,:�.. . '::••• .......�r.•.{+,:.:f: .,.+rc+.,,.,,;•,.;:,.i:...�Cn,•x,�,+.��:tr����x�x•.'•::�::i,^%...o. :n:•r.;:,,.;;�}'�\X.:;:�+..�,; ...{t�.{:?•,••:�:5;{•�+.�,.,�1. ••.t::�:»................... �:.::i.`;:•.::.. 22 ��.'��::���� `:���: � :af. ��� determining whether " ...::.:.:`.:.�`°::`"°:'`"... .. •'':::::::''�• as directed by the Council. ;,..:yr,'cq:,, •^:ay. :.;y:;,•.vx�•>::..}�.w:•:,a,:.'••y r'2 w•k, �r:,;"�+. ,ns;,• ••rr t � ..:t::::,: :•.f}:;;;,,:�r. vti:{}::+x•' ryi .{ . ':::i�... :..:.��;'��:':�r<::'>:`��:; 23 ::;`:��:,:, �: `.�:�`��:�"��.. � ...�:<::��.�....�!..�......�.... ::J,�+::-0�v}r. � .. �.'�n •����+.v++�?• •i''.A�:•�'•::�M1i$'• •.S�F... .•yk.,.. •i'{4'�.1':K�. ..' }i:ri:}i:6i::ti•iiii:Y:!iviiii?li::::iii: ir :i•i:Y't:iJ,'r,j�'in�:{f.�..::>:tir .%`�';<;4;•.:;::a;�,;.�'`#,...}.:�Y�'?��f;l' >f;,...Y.•';:;yti'?g,:\,,�i',r,...,.}..,..»::n ;�ta...Yn....� �' �»riif,w\.}...)...fYF:'k•.or 24 `� ::�: :::: ....... . .: . .. . :;.. � � � . ..�. . . . .. . : ....... ... :�. . . . .... �:���:���: ' , ��.v .v �`�::r: :. . .: � � .;� � . x:.•:�.. v..:::5{+{'..:�'v':v:.,:.,:':.•:'ii•r�i:iv::ti�.' /.v:twVi:'.'•..h+h+.1'i +i:•h'v'•:ti:\:�.��.. . 25 �� The �ouncil shall hold a second meeting during which the issues and points 26 of disa ee nt b tween staff and Continental's re rts�.,� '����� �?``�`'��`�"""f`����"���'"�`'�"" ;>: : �' � P� ����` <.:���:�,t:n:r<::�����€�:�?�; .::� 27 �3�:,'L;";ff�will be iscussed with the ultimate goal being the resolution a��ee�ee�a� 28 of�a11 differe�ces;u i , - � ��4�� O � � G� NAL ! , .<• ..,.,:..�,.,:,:.: 1 � >�`�:�` :�:: 2 ,.� �.....::> �,.. ;::�`�:; 3 �: �:�: r{�� 4 dbeit ress an� suc non—compliance� 5 FINAL'I.Y R�SOLVED,that i�in preparing for the earing,Councilmembers think 6 of questions c�r ide t�fy issues on which additional infor�iiation may be needed, they will 7 forward the �ame�to the Council President who will route them to City staff and 8 Continental. , , f, �;, ,. i ,j; '� � � ' �; � � �} '�,� ��. 7 kx� 3 �� t f f; �. �. db� f l i Requested�+Department of: � � BY � � � Form Approved by City Attomey: Adopted by Council: vate ,' DEC 1 1 1990 �' By: Adoption ' ed by ' ecretary - Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council: By: By: Approved by Mayor: Date By: I ,I I i � . . � ���� ,I��,-� �� ��-- z�� 9d ,.a _ ��� � � � 14. F'INAL ORDER: Acquiring permanent utility LAID OVER �asements for the Larpenteur/Jackson Area FOR 2 WEEKS S�torm Sewer Project (Laid over in Committee ]i0/17/90) . 15. FINAL ORDER: For constructing the Larpenteur/ LAID OVER �ackson Area Storm Sewer Project. Bounded by FOR 2 WEEKS �arpenteur, Soo Line RR, Burlington Northern R and DNR right-of-way and I-35E. Also �nstallation of sanitary, storm and water ervice connections if requested by property �wners (Laid over in Committee 10/17/90) . 16. �fACATION: Petition of Housing and Redevelopment APPROVED, 4-0 � �luthority for the vacation of part of Park �treet, Acker Street and the alleys in Jillson's ddition bounded by Rice, Sycamore, Sylvan and the Burlington Northern Railroad. Purpose is to develop Phase I of URAP North End Development Project (Laid over in Committee 10/31/90) . 17. �IACATION: Petition of Ace Auto for the vacation APPROVED, 4-0 bf part of Acker Street and Park Street. Bounded � " �y Rice, Sycamore, Sylvan and the Burlington orthern Railroad. Purpose is to increase storage �---- � �area for cars (Laid over in Committee 10/31/90) . 18. I ESOLUTION 90-1966 - Authorizing payment of APPROVED, 3-0 �10,000 to Ron Ylitalo for purchase of Lot 5 of iCharles Weide's Subdivision of Block 46 of �IArlington Hills Addition for access to Public Works' property (Referred to Co 'ttee 1 19. Continental Cablevision of St. Pau1 Year 5 FORWARDED TO Evaluation and Franchise Fee Reduction Request. FULL COUNCIL, ;(Laid over in Committee 10 31 90 3-0 � 20. 'RESOLUTION 90-1938 - Endorsing concept of NO COMMITTEE jdistrict cooling and supporting development ACTION NEEDED 'of system to serve downtown St. Paul and (ACTION TAKEN requesting Ramsey County to participate in PREVIOUSLY) public-private partnership with the City and �District Energy Services to finance Phase I of the proposed cooling system (Referred to . � ICommittee 10/30/90) . I , � I . , . , �c�1a �"����0 �t==�. R+' °., CITY OF SAINT PAUL ' � OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY ` �ii�iiim � r �o . �••• JANE A. MC PEAK, CITY ATTORNEY 647 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55103 612-298-5121 JAMES SCHEIBEL FAX 612-298-5619 MAYOR I November 9, 19�0 �� � ,,r,-� � �`,a, r , . . ._ .� M E M O R A N Q U M �� � �� TO: Council President William Wilson ���-_.. �.:��._: , FROM: Jane A. McPeak� City Attorney RE: Cable - Five Year Performance Review Enclosed please find the Resolution you requested during our November 8 meeting. Please let me know if you want any changes. JAM:j r Enc. � � Q I ' Council File # /d'"'��� b Green Sheet # 10966 � RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 PROPOSED PROCESS 2 TO CONCLUDE THE YEAR FIVE PERFORMANCE REVIEW 3 OF CONTTNENTAL CABLEVISION OF SAINT PAUL 4 WHEREAS,'�Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 430.033 provides that the Council 5 of the City of Saint F!aul may conduct cable communication performance evaluation sessions 6 on the fifth anniver�ary date of a company's franchise award; and 7 WHEREAS,'City staff has provided the Council with such a report; and 8 WHEREAS, Continental Cablevision of St. Paul, Inc., the City's franchisee, has 9 forwarded to the Council a detailed response to City staff's report; and 10 WHEREAS, Chapter 430 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code does not specify a 11 procedure for such review; now, therefore, be it 12 RESOLVEDj, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby adopts the following 13 procedure for Cont�nental Cablevision's performance evaluation: k::�s>:c;+:.;««•;.;: :.:,`�L.;;•,•{;••::.:%�si�;:��:;;.,::::::<•;:•:;:<?:•;•�` •:::t:.:;.;:.>:;•:: 14 1. The �ouncil shall �' .<:�: �:;;�:4:�. ���:�:.,.�.:: :.�:::>: <;�"<_:::.;..:.»>::<:::. ;.:;;.:.:::;::;;:>�;::>�.,>:::.;>;:<:::::,.>;.<.;::;:..:::: ::>; . ....... e�!e.::<.>;..:.:�::.: �e.cc?a�d..;c�.:�.�... .�.�c��.��e.:�sr��t�a... : ................................::...::..... .......... .........................:..:....:.::.........:............ ::.::::::::...:............. ........... ..:.:....:::.::.:........... �,.::v.::.::..k.n...>.::.:.. �.....> .:..�:.......... ............................ ............................... ....................... .......:..7�:::::::::::.�. . .............. .......<.. ..::. : , . .... ................ ..... ., ry:�:.::�:..::<f.<::<.;:.:::.:>:<.:�;.:::.:.::::.::.»:.:>:>:::.:..::..�:::::::::::::::::::::::.�:::::.:.:........�:.:.............::. .. . :: . ... ::. :..:..:...... ..:....... .�!► 4.:}.:.... 15 'E. �/�q �'�I'' y � /�]�(��y7�7 !�1� ./�i� :......�.y,�{�:>:( .:T.:::.;.::....:....�;:.. �;.,::.:....:,:.�:::.;::�:w::::.>:,::>:>�.>:.. . ::_::.�.�.��::>::>:.:>:.::::;.:::::>:: :::::::::.,. .. .. Yl'rJ,.?l7A.+,.4!;::::4F:4ir:i4!:'�•:::::.::YVri:'.....�.!'?:iT:::����'::::�T.:Ni!::i:;4r..:}:�F:.. ::..:: • 'i::.� '::::.. ,y,:}}. . . . :. . K:r:: .. �ri.i .. .y} .:....:: . ............... �............,..�.....�.,:.,:..�,���..:.c��.:�.���4�:�:�;:::..���..:�.�.,1�....�:::a?�d:.:�:Il. hold a i::.-:::'riii.�::::::t:i::.:w:::.��:::.:�:::�•iiiiiiiiiih::.�::::::::.:..::::..::...r,.�.+.•:::e}:::::�:^?C:+.��.f.x.::n:�4iCJ:t•'F.�i:•:Ci.i?:i•inY:�vw:i:ti.:::•:::::.v..�•:xw:.�w:::;.vrv::::x:w._::.::::::::. .1......r..%..v...v.....v..................v.... ..... 16 hearing on Tuesday� Janua.ry 8, 1991, at 9:00 a.m. in Counc��l Chambers, during�whi�h City 17 staff will present i�s report and Continental Cablevision will present its point-by-point 18 response. The presjentation will be followed by questions from Councilmembers. �; , . �a� . . �,, ,` . .......:.: :.<>:.:>::>:::..:.v.;::::.........,,.....�. .Y,,..,.� .,...v..:..:.::. :v...:..,.:. ..."' .{:':•:.r�ii:ti�i�� ' . . .. .:::::i::^i:M};•yv:'::v'^:{•,W. ..R.......i.......?:^i?.....,^C�]^r,-.. :i:4}ii::ryiii: i 1 :::.::::. ::>::::: «<:;.: ._;,.:.:.:.::.,:;;..;< ..:: .. ::::::<..: ,..:,:::::: :.. . .. ..:;:::>.>;.. �:::::..::..: :::<:::�>::::;;,.;::�.::.;;;;:>:::;�.<:.::;�:::::::.;:.... .::. 9 2. ........ ..:��.::.::f� �� ���.�:«:::��:::�:� ->::��. ��� �.U� ��t��>::::>zn�o:: . .... :;,..: . ....... .:.::......... .... :.::::::::: ::.;:.;:....:.. ..................... ....... ..::.:::_::._:::::::.::::::.:,.::..:.:�..:..�.::::......:::::::.:�:�:::::::::.:�.;:::-:::;::.;.::�:.:::.:: . �....... ..........:•.;;:w:::•v: r}..v...5........ {.,.,.;.. ......... .. ...... ...........�.. ..... :............ .... ...................... .... ... ....fi... r:•:::n;.........4.......... ...........:. ...w:.::::...•::::w::::.:::w::::n:�.�:.:::::::i:iii:hi}i}:ivii:i.yi::. .............:.�...,-.1...:...;..,-...i...:: . .ry:::•.�::w::.�::vk�:: ::. .. ......A.�A::�ti.?.v: •i::�vi%i=. �., • • • ..n.: • :•.:•:-: . ... .. iii::ni:ti4}}.:iii:rri':vti�::•:;i'iti}}�,' ::}.i::i.L?i:iiii};i:�ii::ti:•....x.....•::i:i::i�:::ii::i:�:::i:i:i'.vii::i:<�Yi"'i::iiiiiiLi•iiii:�ii: 20 �:� �t��t���:>;..::.�::::':::��:t�:::..E��.�e�s�� . � <._ . .::. . . >:: .:>� '' •' ��:�.- ;::;�:.::' .,>. •.��:<:.���:.: ;.:".::..<.,:.: a, �.;, ;o ,. , .....�.::::::::.::::.,.:::::::::.....::::::::.:::.::.::::::::::::.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::...r......,.... :c�:. .:....: .. .s.�. re . ....... :..r� . .��.�...;�.c��t�at���: �, :::.::.:.::::......................... ... f .:. �.::;.r.r.:::�..... ::.:�:..... .�.�::::..�:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:................ �. , . ....,.>::::.:.:>:>::.:::..:::::,:.,,,,:::<:. ...v ...... .......� ... v.... ......,.. :�?!......�'...............................:............... ,. ........ .:..:.:.. ........... .f:<:::>:::>.::.:.:::�:.:�::<�:<::<:::... .. ...... ..�,.:. .r.:.:::��...:.::,,:.::<:.; .,.;:..:.�::::.,... ..................... ......... .........:..:..:. ::::.�::;::.�. ... ..x............. ...�::::::.:....,... :.•::�?�. :::...:.... . ;;•:,..;,.;::...::•::: . a.. .;;;. �:.: . . .::; . .... . . .:� • .. :::.;. .<�;..: ... . .... .:>: . .:> ... • • . :..�... .:_., 21 ...;�:• ::.�� � to�.... � . ....t��. :;:.:.: . .:>: . . ..- ;.:;.. .:<.:: � � .......�.. . . ..:.... .:.,.. . ..�e. ..�..�.. .. .:.:�v<:.:.<::.::::.. :. a���:.:�.. . . . .. . .»>..:.. . : ;:: .. ..t�`. .. . .,. . . .:� � ����:::<. ,::;,�::{::::<::<:>:..:;<_:<:>v.:.:::..:::»::.::.:::�., ................................. ..:::::::...... .... .......::... . .: . :<:.. . .�:. ....�r.��,�i���::�.� ..�- .� . nd: .......................... ........... . ..,.. ......... ............... ........ .........::.:.:���::�>�:€�:..:.....�: :Q...�::.a.... ...........::w..:�.�.:::..,.�.�,,.�,�.�,. �.:��..,..�...,�n.r::,..>.:.�...v.w�... :::...........................:..:::. ....:...:.::. ............ ....... .. ........ ...................:::: .. .,., '::i:�r� :v.A:i:::{:nY:::.:..#i::.ii}iiii::i\<:V iih.:Y:... .::.v.:::n�.u:::::::r.w:::.:�::::::4iiii:::i.i:::::::.v.:::::::::::::::: 22 �ri��e�;t�>�:: .;•::...��€:::�; ! .:.:............. ............ ...... 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'•'�. . �.t:.4.:p�`+,:`;t,�:'{:r:.M.;:��•:::•:::.:r 4 �::.;... .>::.: .�k;;.:; ��.µ. . :� ,. �:� �t�and be�it t.:<«.:..:�.::�.:.>:v.. �.: . . .. ��.� :��.;,::.:..:� k:�.,,�; 5 FINALLY RESOLVED,that i�in preparing for the hearing,Councilmembers think 6 of questions or identify issues on which additional information may be needed, they will 7 forward the same to the Council President who will route them to City staff and 8 Continental. Requested by Department of: � BY Wilson Form Approved by City Attomey: Adopted by Council: Date By. Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council: By: By. Approved by Mayor: Date By: . . . qo-�07� . . DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED N� _10 9 6 6 �it counci� 11/13/90 GREEN SHEET CONTACT PERSON&PHONE INITIAUDATE INITIAUDATE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCII A881GN CITYATTORNEY CITYCLERK W1111aIR L. Wl l OTl 4 6 4 6 NUMBER FOR � � MUST BE ON COUNCIL AQENDA BY( E) ROUTINO �BUDGET DIRECTOR �FIN.&M(iT.SEHVICES DIR. ORDER �MAYOR(OR ASSISTANn � TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE PA ES 2 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: � Approval of a eso ution establishing the process for evaluation of Continental Ca lev' sion' s franchsie performance. RECOMMENDA710NS:Approve(A)or R ect(R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWINO�UESTIONS: _PLANNINO COMMISSION CIVIL S RVICE COMMISSION 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contrect for this departmeM? _CIB CAMMITTEE YES NO 2. Has this personNirm ever been a city employee? _STAFF YES NO _DI37RICT COURr 3. Does this personlfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? 3UPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OB,IECTI ET YES NO Explaln all yss answers on sepsrats ahest and attach to yrosn sl�eet INITIATINa PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPO UNITY( o,What,When,Where,Why): City staff has pre ared a report on the five-year performance of Continental Cablevision co clu ing that there is a failure to comply with all terms and conditions of he ranchise ordinance. ADVANTAf�ES IF APPROVED: A full hearing pro ess will be established to review the staff report, respond to com lai ts and questions and allowing for full citizen input in the franchi e r view. DISADVANTACiES IF APPROVED: None RECEIVED I�V141990 ClTY CLERK DI3ADVANTAOEB IF NOT APPROVED: Proper citize inp t could be lacking and the "ex parte" ordinance (Chapter 11, St. Paul min' strative Code) may prevent the City Council from raising appropriate q esti ns or hearing responses from Continenta7,, Cablevi�io�. . .�„�s . . . '�1 ,' l,n;i_.., �''� f - - <�' ') TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRAN8ACT ON S � COST/REVENUE BUDCiETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFOFMAT�ON:(EXPLAIN) dw • � _ NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE GREEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAt`AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASING OFFICE(PHONE NO. 298-4225). ROUTING ORDER: Below are correct routings for the five most frequent rypes of documents: CONTRACTS(assumes authorized budget exists) COUNCIL RESOLUTION (Amend Budgets/Accept. Grants) 1. Outside Agency 1. Department Director 2. Department Director 2. City Attorney 3. City Attorney 3. Budget Director 4. Mayor(for contracts over$15,000) 4. Mayor/Assistant 5. Human Rights(for contracts over$50,000) 5. City Council 6. Finance and Management Services Director 6. Chief Accountant, Finance and Management Services 7. Finance Accounting ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS(Budget Revision) COUNCIL RESOLUTION(all others, and Ordinances) 1. Activity Manager 1. Department Director 2. Department Accountant 2. City Attorney 3. Department Director 3. Mayor Assistant 4. Budget Director 4. City Council 5. City Clerk 6. Chief Accountant, Finance and Management Services ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all others) 1. Department Director 2. City Attorney 3. Finance and Management Services Director 4. City Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES Indicate the#of pages on which signatures are required and paperclip or flag each of these pages. ACTION REQUESTED Describe what the projecVrequest seeks to accomp�ish in either chronologi- cal order or order of importance,whichever is most appropriate for the issue. Do not write complete sentences. Begin each item in your list with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete if the issue in question has been presented before any body, public or private. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Indicate which Council objective(s)your projecUrequest supports by listing the key word(s)(HOUSING, RECREATION, NEIGHBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDGET, SEWER SEPARATION). (SEE COMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS: This information will be used to determine the city's liability for workers compensation claims,taxes and proper civil service hiring rules. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY Explain the situation or conditions that created a need for your project or request ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED Indicate whether this is simply an annual budget procgdure r�quired by law/ charter or whether there are specific ways in which the City of Saint Paul and its citizens will benefit from this project/action. DISADVAI�TAGES IF APPROVED What negative effects or major changes to existing or past processes might this project/request produce if it is passed(e.g.,traffic delays, noise, tax increases or assessments)?To Whom?When?For how long? DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED What will be the negative consequences if the promised action is not approved? Inability to deliver service?Continued high traffic, noise, accident rate?Loss of revenue? FINANCIAL IMPACT Although you must tailor the information you provide here to the issue you are addressing, in general you must answer two questions: How much is it going to cost?Who is going to pay?