90-2073 �`� � � ���` � ;� � �`i Council File # � -0 0� C...�4 d� 8 'me� � O ��7�-."i � Green sheet � p3a/ RES LUTION CITY OF SAINT AUL, MINNESOTA � � � � �� Presented By � � � Referred To � Committee: Date RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the appointments and reappointments, made by the Mayor, of the following people to the MAYOR'S ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES. Appointme�nts Reappointments Kelly Bu�tke Bruce Larson Jean Wright Robert Jirik Laura Weber Judith Hansen Francisc0 Trejo Jurlean Smith � Jayne Lallier Wayne Wittman Laura Hill Terrance Kayser Elizabetl+� Young Steve Bertrand Steve Howard Nancy Willing Kirsten Spreck Darlene Morse Each shall serve a two-year term which will expire June 30, 1992. Ye� Navs Absent Requested by Department of: �_ sw � n ` acca e �_ e n � une � i son � BY� 0 Adopted by Council: Dtate D�C 6 1990 Form A ved by City tor ey � c Adoptio Certified by Council Secretary gY: - , By� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by Mayor: Date -� Q�C '7 1990 Council _ %"� �1:�1a������ _ By: ��i� ��"" "��' sy: ' ' �UB�tSH�O U�.C 151990 -- ----______.._�_Y__.-.. -�-- _._ _.._ . � y� �a� '3 CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR Interdepartmental Memorandum TO: Council President William Wilson Sain't Paul City Councilmembers FROM: Molly O'Rourk , Poli�cy Analyst DATE: November 19, 1990 RE: MAY0�2�S ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES Attached is the resolution appointing and reappointing members to the Advisory C�ommittee for People with Disabilities. Each shall serve a two-year term which will expire on June 30, 1992 . Appoin�ments Reappointments Kelly $urke Bruce Larson Jean W�ight Robert Jirik Laura Weber Judith Hansen Fr�ncisco Trejo Jurlean Smith Jayne I�allier Wayne Wittman Laura I�ill Terrance Kayser Elizabe�th Young Steve Bertrand Steve Howard Nancy Willing Kirsten Spreck Darlene Morse Copies of applications for the new appointees are also attached. If you have questions, feel free to call me at 298-4736. MOR:drm Attachments cc: Council Re�earch Al Olspn--�or Council Agenda Shar Knutson Laura Wagner i I . r �(�--�a�0�3 DEPAHTM[NT/OFfICE/COUNqL DATE INITIATED Mayor Scheibel' s Of ice 9-27-90 GREEN SHEET NO. 93�1 A� CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE pEpMT►�AENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNqL Mo l ly O'Rourke - 4 7 6 �� ITY ATTORNEY �CITY CLERK MUBT BE ON COUNCIL AOENDA BY T� ROUTINO BUOOET DIRECTOR �FIN.8 MOT.8ERVICE8 DIR. A. S.A.P. �Mava+�ass�starm � TOTAL#�OF 810NATURE P OES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR 8KiNATUFIE) ACTION RE�JE8TED: Approval of the app intments and reappointments, made by Mayor Scheibel, of inembers to e YOR' S ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES. Each shall ser a wo-year term which expires June 30 , 1992 . (names of 18 RE DATI�13:Approve(AI a ' (�UNCN.(bIlAM17TEElRE�ARCH REPORT OPTIONAL , _PLANNINf3 COMMIBSION (�NIL RVI�CO�AMIS810N ANAlYBT PFIONE NO. _(�B COAAMII'fEE OOMMENTB: _STAFF _DIBT'RICT COURT 8UPPORTB WHICM OOUNqL 08JE 9 INIriATIW(i PROBLEM.ISSUE.O NITY �Whet.WMn�WMn.Wh�. ADYANTAf�ES IF APPROVED: 018ADVANTA(3E8 IF APPROVED: °:ouncir �'����r�� Center� NOV 1 ;; �yyu a�����F��: R�CEiVED N4W2019.90 CiTY CLERK TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACT COST/REVENUE sIlDOETED(dRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDING SOU� ACTIViTY NUM■ER FlNMIGAI INF�iMAT10N:(IXPWN) d u/