90-2063 ��I G I N A� � . Counc i l F i t e # �- ��0.3 . � " Green Sheet # - RESOLU ION e�,��� �'� CI OF SAI L, NESO � � Presented By Referred To i Camii ttee: Date ______________________�__________________________________________________________________ Whereas, Th� Cou�cil of the City of Saint Paul had set aside the sum of $260,000 of Capital Improvement Bond funds for a video camera system for the Saint Paul skyway system; and Whereas, These funds must be e�ended by March 1, 1991 and the Council wants to establish the program and procedures for the expenditure of such funds; now therefore be it Resolved, That the Council does hereby establish the following video camera grant program for the downtown skyway system to provide funds to owners of those buildings that contain an element of the skyway system: AvvliCations Applications for cameras and monitors shall be submitted on forms provided by the Department of Planning and Economic Development. Generally the information .required shall consist of the following: -number of cameras requested -number of cameras currently in place -site plan showing existing cameras and requested cameras -area of skyway in building -area of skyway to be monitored -number of monitors requested -placement of monitors -staffing plan for monitor location -maintenance plan for video system -general installation plan -land uses in building -hours of operation of building Installation Criteria The installation of the cameras shall be the responsibility of the building owner and shall meet the following criteria: A. All persons seeking interface of their seclirity system with the skyway security system must submit technical data for their system for review by the Skyway Governance Committee. B. All costs for connection and interface with the skyway security system shall be borne by the owner of the private system seeking such interface and control r-. = 7, � � � � � ��-i �.. � �y.����a�3 - . C. � The priva�e system owner shall provide video output at one volt peak-to-peak, NTSC. % All applicable engineering standards in force at the time of installation shall apply and compliance shall be required. D. The private system owner shall be responsible to determine, prior to installation, that system compatibility e�usts and that no separate or additional control devices are required at the control point. E. The e�ustence of an on-going operational plan. Review Procedure .��$���y�� �� 1941 Proposals must be�ceived by the Department of Planning and Economic Development no later than i�--a� 'O°n. All proposals shall be reviewed and prioritized by the Skyway � Governance Committee. Cameras proposed for location at those sites identified by the Department of Planning and Economic Development as having the greatest need for surveillance shall receive the highest priority. Cameras proposed to replace existing, older cameras will receive low priority, as the replacement of existing systems would not result in an increase in the area of skyway being observed. Criteria for prioritization shall include, but not be limited to, the following: -cost effectiveness of public investment -estimated improvement to security levels of skyway -coordination with other security measures -incident statistics for proposed locations ___________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________�_-______-_________ Yeas Na s Absent Requested by Department of: Dimon "�„ Goswitz Lon Maccabee Rettman Thune Wilson BY� ________________��__=_—_=____—_________ Adopted by Council: Date DEC 2 U 1990 Form A oved by City Attorney Adoption , Certified by Council Secretary BY: i` By° � Ap rov by Mayor for Submission to � � �. ���� Approved Mayor: Date �'�?� : Cou ci By: r0%� BY' PU�t������ ��.'�.L� � �� 1990_ ` � , . ���14���°.3 . �.. ..;.'. �� � CITY OF SAINT PAUL /, INTERDEPARTMENTAI MEMORAN�UM MEMORANDIIM DATE: Sep�tember 13 , 1990 TO: Council President Bill Wilson Members of the City Council FROM: Mark Filipi �2� RE: Procedures for Accessing CIB Funds for Skyway Security System In 1988, $260, 000 was allocated for a video camera system for the Saint Paul Skyway system. This system was to consist of 27 cameras and 31 monitors. The funding sources were equally distributed between Ca ital Improvement Bonds and the Downtown Tax Increment Financing Dist� �� -��,,,� J- f (�c-' Co t7� z�b� ' / 1 c'�:.��c t�,.'��;�_--� ��' Because of the nature of the funding sources, only capital �'•°`' improvements �may be funded. The funds must be expended before M�ch 1, 1991 The improvements may consist of only video cameras and monitors, as per the original project description. If it should become desirable to expend the funds on capital improvements other than the video cameras and monitors, the CIB Committee would have to approve an amendment to the project description. The implementation of the system �Tould then follow the typical process of issuing a Request for Proposals and bidding out the project. The Budget Office has indicated that they feel that insufficient time remains to allow the use of the funds as a source for the installation of cameras by individual building owners. An alternative they have suggested would be for the City to utilize the allocated funds to acquire the cameras, with the individual buildings then applying for the cameras ,and installing the units. In the eveMt this alternative is selected, the security censultant has sugges�ed certain criteria be implemented to ensure the installation of a coordinated system: l. Al1 persons seeking interface of their security system with the Skyway 5ecurity System must submit technical data for their { system for review by the Skyway Governance Committee. 2 . All costs for connection and interface with the Skyway Security System 5ha11 be borne by the owner of the private system seeking such interface and control. . _ � ���o a��� :OO: CITY Of SAIN7 P11UL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM DATE: September 26, 1990 TO: Counci;l President Bill Wilson M�mbers of the City Council FROM: Mark F'ilipi � ,� RE: Video iCamera Grant Program Requests for security video cameras to be placed in the Saint Paul Skyway System are requested from owners of those buildings that contain an element of the Downtown Skyway System. Anplications Applications �or cameras and monitors shall be submitted on forms provided by the Saint Paul department of Planning and Economic Development. Generally, the information required is as follows: - Numbe,r of cameras requested - Number of cameras currently in place - Site plan showing existing cameras and requested cameras - Area of skyway in building - Area of skyway to be monitored - Number of monitors requested - Placement of monitors - Staffing plan for monitor location - Maintenance plan for video system - General installation plan - Land uses in building - Hours of operation of building Installation Criteria The installation of the cameras shall be the responsibility of the building owner and shall meet the following criteria: A. All pe�sons seeking interface of their security system with the Sk�rway Security System must submit technical data for their system for review by the Skyway Governance Committee. B. All costs for connection and interface with the Skyway Security System shall be borne by the owner of the private system seeking such interface and control. � Council President Bill Wilson Members of the City Council � September 26, 1990 Page Two C. The private system owner shall provide video output at one (1) volt peak-to-peak, NTSC. All applicable engineering standards in force at the time of installation shall apply and compliance shall be required. D. The private system owner shall be responsible to determine, prior to installation, that system compatibility exists and that no separate or additional control devices are required at the control point. REVIEW PROCEDURE Proposals must be received by the Department of Planning and Economic Development no later than November 15, 1990. All proposals shall be reviewed and prioritized by the Skyway Governance Committee. Cameras proposed for location at those sites identified by PED as having the greatest need for surveillance shall receive the highest priority. Cameras proposed to replace existing, older cameras will receive low priority, as the replacement of existing systems would not result in an increase in the area of skyway being observed. Criteria for prioritization shall include, but not be limited to, the following: - Cost effectiveness of public investment - Estimated improvement to security levels of skyway - Coordination with other security measures - Incident statistics for proposed locations. NMF/bp � nmf/11/camera.rfp - � , � . � _ . , � ��.� � �o Members of the City Council September 13 , 1990 Page Two. 3 . The private system owner shall provide video output at one (1) volt peak-tp-peak, NTSC. All applicable engineering standards in forc� at the time of installation shall apply and compliance shall b� required. 4 . The private system owner shall be responsible to deternine, prior to installation, that system compatibility exists and that no separate or additional control devices are required at the control point. 11/nmf/procedur i � � .� . ������..3 DEpART1�ENT/OFFIQFJCOUNqL ' OATE INIT44TED GREEN SHEET No. 5 3 6 2 CONTACT PER80N 3 PHONE �NmAU DATE INITIAUDATE �DEPARTMENT DIRECT�t �GTY COUNqL Janice Rettman ( 98-5 89) �� �CITY ATTORNEY �CITY CLERK MUBT BE ON COUNqL AOENDA BY T� ROU71N0 �BUDOET DIRECTOR �FIN.8 MQT.BERVICE3 DIR. �MAYOR(OR ASSISTAN7] � TOTAL�OF SIGNATURE P QES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACT10N RE�UESTED: Reso utio REOOMMENDATION8:Approve(p a (F� COUNCIL CO�AITTEElRESEARCH REPORT OPTIONAL ANALY8T PHONE NO. _PLANNINO OOMMISSION pVIL RVICE COMMISSION _CIB COMMITTEE COMMENTS: _BTAFF _DISTRICT COURT SUPPORTS WHICFI COUNqL OBJE ? INITL4TIN0 PROBLEM,ISSUE,OP NITY ,Whet,When,Whsro,Wh»: (see ttac ed) ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: DIBADVANTA(iE8 IF APPROVED: DI8ADVANTAQE3 IF NOT APPROVE TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSAC ON COST/REVENUE BUDQETED(qRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUM�R FINAN(��AL INFORMATION:(EXPI.AI