90-2055 I�-a` � Q U�d' � hoc.�tih�,,�r ?� � CITY OF . P,au CIL ILE NO. G?a�Oc�� FINAL RDER � - -, By , ; I ' No. 1 i Voting In the Matter of =�� �t �tZ!!t fTat 1CtC�t St�tst to $�ith Arsa�t Ward �g p�� traet froR S�ith lnres�se to T�en Stre�L vitb a bitmri�s 2 ga�ri�, t� corb aad �ttar, coaeretr drfve�ray apsoas and e�t�eal�CS, resoddin �ards aad a lantern style streat li�tia� s�rst�a. All`, to aa the Sevei�th/T�IIo� Ar�a Street Pa�ring and Li�in� Pra��ct. � � ` ,�` / I , � / � p� under Preliminary rder� ��—���✓ approved ����/ � � � The Council � f the City of Saint Paui has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having beer�given s prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, Tihe Cou cil has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully� consid red the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED,�'That t e Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the p oper C ty officers are hereby�directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER ESOL�ED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurre therei and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COUNCIL PER�SON ' Adopted by the Council: Date Yeas }��d I,Nays �,� ��L= , Certified Passed by Council Secretary �g ' � In Favor By �CCib�t ' 1ttLtaaII � � ', Against AilsoII � Mayor I I � �. , , - . . ,� � } �t�'! ' dt�1�8�IAENT� A= �' RE7UAN CW�Y�'`Q �1�` �����t Y<{� ' _ . . ��� � ��,f �Y � . .. ,�� �� r a . . "'i: k.r.�. . . . . Pr: .� . , �. �- , � � . J� , . • � �.. �. .4• CI�[ir o� .�nu �„, � ' ' L LE NO. �,�����'`J'� . , _ � ��- _�- �. � ` � � . F i N�k�4 �#t E R � - \ � „�.�. ��.: d . . i ��� \ . > .. . � .�.. . ' S ,4 ' f a � { ' ..~• i • � ., � i - . �. . �{(., - ' , ' . : : .,+M .�w�+I�'- � � .. ,.. , �7 ' . �+�.�f��i+A.�.�+�r* :..,. �. ,� .^.' - �-•' � :e .� � J . . , , �F� .�''�• ` ' _ �'y1� # r , _ 1V � . T`. ' , . , . t _ ��:r'�} -�� �� .. . � . �1�� s<, In e M' te ,�ef �illlt �t-. ,` '�_ .,r� , _ � f. , .. � � � �� � �!: �� � �� � � �iM�� ; = � ` . . � . . i I �r�t �� a � � �-,�s. 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'. . _�• , n The :Eouncti xhe ity�of Sai�t Paul has conducte� a public hearing upon the above improvefr�e�t, due notice thereof having bee given prescnbed by,fhe City Charter; and _ WHEIt£AS,T; Cau cil has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ` ment and has fully consid red the same; now, therefore, be it - _ ,R�ESOL�ED, hat t CouttGil of the City of Saint Paul dt�es"�ereby o�d€ir that �t�te above-descr�ed imprrnement� ' be ma�de; and the p pper C officers are hereby directed and authorized ta�:proseed wifh the impiov�ient; aitd be it FURTHER �L `, �hat upon the completio� of said improyement; the pr.ap�c City o�cers shall calculate a11 expenses incur �t#�ere aad shall repa��t the sa�e to the City Counci�in accordance witti Chapter 14 p�'t}�e�ity Charter. � ` - .`- ,, - - . >,. . � _ � :- - COUNCIL PE N Adopted by the Gouncil: Date - Yea� � ys , . �. � T« , .. Cettified�assed by Council Seeretary : - � �ri� . , _ � . � . � �:In Favor - B < Y ,. r .. � � . l�1�� A$ainst ` � _ Mayor ��-a�-.���� � ' ' � � . RE 9/25/90 �-����� DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED N�i _117 0 3 Finance/Real Estat Div sion 9/21/90 GREEN SHEET CONTACT PERSON&PHON INITIAL/DATE INITIAUDATE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCIL Peter White 298- 317 Ass�aN �CITYATfORNEY �CITYCLERK NUMBERFOR MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY DATE) Q 9O ROUTING �BUDGET DIRECTOR �FIN.&MGT.SERVICES DIR. Must be in City C rk's V 1C2 IIO ORDER �MAYOR(ORASSISTAN� �] ,('.rnmri 1 later than no n W n TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE AGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Set Hearing Date Approve construc ion f the Seventh/Kellogg Area Street Paving arid Lighting Project (Finance File No. ). 1 1 RECOMMENDA710NS:Approve(A)or Re]ect(H) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _PLANNING COMMISSION CIVI SERVICE COMMISSION �• Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? _CIB COMMITTEE YES NO �STAFF 2• Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? YES NO _ DISTRICT COURT 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normall y possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJE IVE? W rd 2 YES NO Sewer S2p8Y'St1ori Explaln all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Safer and Better Neig borhoods INITIATIN(i PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPP TUNITY Who,Whet,When,Where,Why): Sewer Separation requ res large cuts into streets making paving cost effective at this time. ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: Improvement of ubli right-of-way will make neighborhood safer and more aesthetically pleasant. Stre t oil'ng will be eliminated on new bituminous roadways. Council Research Center �EN � 1 ��yU DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: The typical pro lems ssociated with construction, such as noise, dust, and general disruption will be pr sent. Property owners will incur assessments of $23.50 �front foot�. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVE : Streets would c ntin to be costly to maintain. Future work may be necessary which will disrupt ne'ghbor ood again. RECEIV�n � SEP2519,q0 ClTY CLERK TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSA TION $ 58 �48 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO CIB $34,325 FUNDING SOURCE ASS SSIl12 tS 16 472 ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAI ) S@W r Revenue Bonds �7,951 � dV� � ��s, . . �� ` �,TT,, I CITY OF SAINT PAUL Members: ,� ,�.r� ; ! ' OFFICE OF TNE G1TY COUNCII.. Roger J. Goswitz,chair . � a ! David Thune,vice chair ° „��������� ; Tom Dimond � nn �nu � d �o ; Bob Long � Date:November 7.1990 ,... Committee Report To: Saint Paul City Council From: I Public Works, Utilities, and Transportation Committee Rogler J. Goswitz, Chair ; Hearing Date � Approval of Minutes of October 31, 1990. APPROVEO 3-0 1 . 11/13/90 �� VACA1'ION: Petition of State��of Minnesota for APPROVED 3-0 ' the vracation of part of Constitution Avenue betw�en Cedar Street and Robert Street. Purpose is t improve aesthetics of the Capitol grounds and �mprove pedestrian traffic. 2. 11/13/90 VACA ION: Petition of State of Minnesota for APPROVED 3-0 the acation of part of Wabasha Street and Colu�bus Avenue between Cedar and 12th Street. Purppse is to proceed with the Capitol Mall LandScaping Project. � 3. 11/20/90 FINA ORDER: Improve the following streets with LAID OVER a bi, uminous roadway, concrete curb and gutters, 4 WEEKS conc ete driveway aprons and outwalks, boulevard rest ration and a lantern style street lighting � syst m for Walnut Street from Exchange Street to S ith Avenue and Chestnut Street from Smith AvenUe to Thompson Street. All to be known as the �eventh/Kellogg Area Street Paving and Ligh ing Project. 4. 11/20/90 FINA� ORDER: Constructing the Seventh/Kellogg APPROVED 3-0 Area': Storm Sewer Project. Area bounded by Shep�rd Road, St. Peter St. , Summit Avenue and Smith Avenue. Also construction of sani�ary, storm and water service connections, � if requested by property owners. 5. 11/13/90 FINAL ORDER: Improving the following streets APPROVED 4-0 with a bituminous roadway, concrete curb and gutters, concrete driveway aprons and outwalks, boulevard restoration and a lantern style street lighting system for parts of Villard, Hampshire, Magoffin, Itasca, Elsie, Field, Norfolk, Colby, Finn, Bowdoin, Al1 of Villard Court, Return Court, Murray, Kenneth and Prior. All to be known as the Cleveland/Magoffin Area Street Paving and Ligh�ting Project. �. 10/30/90 FINAL ORDER: For constructing the Cleveland/ APPROVED 4-0 �'" Magoffin Area Storm Sewer Project. Bounded by Soo Line RR Right-of-way on the north, on the south and west by the Mississippi River, and on the east by the west line of the Soo Line RR Right-of-way to Thure Avenue, by Cleveland Avenue from Thure to the center line of the Soo Line RR by Prior Avenue from Return Court to the Mississippi River. Also, installation of sanitary, storm and water service connections if requested by property owners. 7. 11/30/90 FINAL ORDER: For acquiring a permanent utility APPROVED 4-0 easement for the Cleveland/Magoffin Area Storm Sewer Project over, under and across part of Lot 1, Block 1, Auditor's Subdivision #87. 8. 11/30/90 FINAL ORDER: For acquiring a permanent utility APPROVED 4-0 easement for the Cleveland/Magoffin Area Storm Sewer Project over, under and across part of Lot 1, Block 4, Bisanz Riverwood Terrace. 9. 11/13/90 RATIFICATION OF ASSESSMENTS: For Wabasha/5th/6th APPROVED 3-0 Streetscape Project. 10. 11/13/90 RESOLUTION - 1566 - Increasing the Sewer APPROVED 4-0 Availability Charge (SAC) from a600.00 to $650.00 by the MWCC. 11 . REPORT: Conveyance of Sewers back to the City LAID OVER from the MWCC. 4 WEEKS 12. RESOLUTION - 90-1877 - Approving Lease APPROVED 4-0 Agreement, a 3 year, 3 party lease of 400 square feet of vacant land to Jean F. & Thomas A. Krawczewski to be sub-let to DBA Converter Tech. Co. , for the purpose of pedestrian access. 13. Discussion on Volume-Based Pricing: Mandatory APPROVED AS collection; not organized trash collection. AMENDED 4-0 14. Other Business: RESOLUTION - 90-1929 - An Ordinance amending APPROVED AS Chapter 85 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code AMENDED 4-0 _ pertaining to the regulation of Water Rates in the City of Saint Paul . (Referred to Committee 11/1/90) . ,. .-. , . . � � �6_���� . ��'�'�� SUMMAxY OF ENGINEERING RECOt4tENDATIONS $EVENTH/RELLOGG SEVEx SEPARATION & PAVING PROJECT PBOJECT N0. 91-S-8073 (P-8060) � REPOBT PREPARED - September 5, 1990 N�IGHBORHOOD INFORMATION MEETING - November 1, 1990 PUBLIC HEARING - November 20. 1990 PROJECT: Construct storm sewer system and sanitarq sewer modifications to accomplish sewer sep ratimn. vater and sever service connectioas. street i.mprovements and a modified lantern style lighting system ia part of the Downtovn Sever System. he area is bounded by I-35E. Smith Avenue, Shepard Road, and St. Peter Stre t. �he project is part of the CSSP program. EXISTING C�NDIT�ONS: The projeclt are� is presently served by a combined sever system consisting mainly of deep sandrock tunnels. Shallov limestone bedrock is typical throughoutl the �roject area. Heavy traffic volumes, created by United and Children' s Hospital, other medical buildings� and the Civic Center are common within the proj�ect area. Most of the strlleets within the praject area have a bituminous surface over a coacrete base � with curb. The driving surfaces are fair to good aad roadway widths are geneirally 40 feet. PROPOSED �TMPROV'EMENTS: Street improvements. street lighting and sewer construction are proposed for the following s�treet: Walnutt Street from Exchange to Smith I�--�Qi-��err-4s—��te--��eve:e��e �e E�e �' - - -•. ,.r �'"' � :a° ��C ..,t� .. � � m z��-�a...,s ..�., Street improvements and street lightiag oaly are proposed for the follo�ing street: Chestaut S�reet from Smith to Thompsoa This vill matcl� in with the section recently done by Mn/DOT in conjuaction with Interstate 35E vork. Sewer constru�tion aad restoration in kind is propased for the right of �ay area aloag the following alignments: Eagle Street from Shepard to Ryan and Fxchange to iT. 7th Main Streek from W. 7th to 9th ' 9th S�treet from Main to Fxchange • Sth Street from Main to Kellogg Page l. 7 Tffi�ELL � ��� . , . .� � . � . (��9a'�a�`.s' (Seventh/Kellog� Sever Separation & Paving) Ezchan e St�eet from Eagle to 4Talaut and Shermaa to Forbes Chestn t St eet from Fxchange to Smith . Sherm Street from Ezchange to Graad Grand venue from Sherman to Thompson West S ventl� Street from Grand to Sherman Smith venu� from Grand to Sherman Forbes Avenu�e from Exchange to W. 7th Wilkin Stre�t from Forbes to Goodrich The new st rm s�wer construction is part of a long-range storm sawer project which wil result in a separated storm and sanitary se�er system for the Dovntown a ea. � The street and lighting i.mprovements proposed vould compliment the storm sever construction. Nev bituminous roadways with concrete curb and gutter arelbeing proposed. All drivevlay apJrons �rill be reconstructed with concrete and a nev concrete outc�alk v1i11 be constructed for each home. Boalevards �ill be regraded and sodded. A new nergy efficient sodium vapor lighting system will be in- stalled. Tree� vill be planted i.n the boulevard areas as needed to reforest the area. � No trees are pljanned to be removed during construction of the project. ALTERNATES'': To do nothing v�ould be inconsistent vith the City's committment to separate the combilned sewers and to improve existing oiled streets. Constructing severs wit�hout street improvements has not been effective in the past. ia that the exisring oiled streets are not capable of vithstanding the coastruction activity rlecess�ary to construct the sewers, and merely restore the trench areas. Timprowing the roadvays in conjunction vith sewer construction will save time,� mondy and inconvenience later. Tuaneliag af sqme sewers in this project was determined to be most economical and appropria�e. Main Street from 9th to the south side of W. 7th vill be sepazated ,using deep sandstoae tunaeling aad jacking techniques. This will prevent disruption to major arterials (Rellogg Blvd. , W. 7th St. � and 6th St. conaectioa to I-94) and large utility liaes (district heat, water main, electric and gas) that service downtova St. Paul. All other severs vill be opea cut. POSITIVE �ENEF�TS: SJith the �ompl�tion of the Citq's sewer project, the chance of sever backups i.ata bas�ment� aad surface fZoodiag vill be reduced, aad after raialeader disconnections; sever backups into basemeats vill be eli.miaated. Combiaed sever overflo�rs into the Mississippi River will be reduced. Generai i.mprove- ment of the puiDlic right-of-way in conjunction vith street construction vill enhance and �dd qualitq to the neighborhood. Street oiling vould be elimi- nated on new bitumiaous roadways. Page 2. 7THRELL I - � � � � - . � � . � �9o���s' (Seventh/Rellogg Sever Separation & Pavi.ng) ADVERSE EF�ECTS� Normal pro�lems�, associated with construction, such as aoise, dust, and generai disruption� �ill!, be present. � � . SPECIAL CONSIDE TIONS: Temporary cons'�truction easements �rill be necessary at several locations along Main Stre t in iorder to construct tunnels and drop shafts. All other crork vill take placei in existing street right-of-way. TIME SCHE�ULE: The projedt �ill begin in May. 1991 and be completed in October. COST ESTI2�ATE: SEVENTH/KELLOGG AREA � Sewers (S-8073) $2,700,042 Paving (P-8060) 50,300 Lighting (V-80b0) 8,448 ; TOTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,758�790 ESTIMATED FINAI�CZNG: SEVENTH/KELLOGG AREA Se�rers:, State Grants & Loans $2�000�000 Assessments 160,937 Se�er Revenue Bonds 539,106 Paving:: Capital Improvement Bonds 28.411 Assessments 13,937 Sewer xevenue bonds 7.951 Lightirig: Capital Improvement Bonds 5,914 Assessments 2.534 TOTA1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . $2,758,190 SOURCE OF'ADDI IONAL INFORMATION: For addit onal iaformatioa, contact: . xom Kythfeld (292-6276) fihoma� Peterson. Boaestroo, Rosene, daderlik & Assocs. (636-4600) REC01�4�ND�TION} The Departmentt of Public Works feels that this is a aecessary and vorthwhile project� and t�e Eagineering Recommendation is for approval of the order. 8espectfu,lly sv�bmitted, Tom Eggum Director of Public Works Page 3. 7TH/KELI. i i h J�~ .�,�Rw J t r ' � I c I + . \ I �..` � %/ \�� � / _ � � � � c v \ / � �!i � ' , . • ... , i � �i g -`��Y �t � m O V N .�..ti .' Y• , ^ � < �/��\ � m , ;::��:,:�� � . ^ � � i : : .�,o. .. . a v �Z� � � �'��, �,�, m , ,• �_ _ �� ��;i!J�;�j';�''*;�',r;i;!' r ! j ' °;: s.� � � � . � � i Q � � I °:�.�� t �''�,f/ ' ", � (� �v..Q v. +� w� � l' MI �'N �... 10 P N O `�a� „ A � . n � �.Q :J Z', ` Q �. •t � = "' � I ¢ 4 � i � � � � * � u. �I Q •.. . _ \ % & Q o�+ C� a �!�` ;:;.. �.. ''•\/ N � � P � ' ;��.y�:�.�.:; �2, J/ � � q � � � 2. � Ct ,� . \p\ I� i � 'M .1e �,_.:'.�� i�, ' � `n ` i ` , ' ;.n:�,";. � 4 m � , , �?'• �\�'`�".� � . �'Q 'I ' � C. N �, i � .: y vvo � l l �/ � R � �tL O N ', _- . `:;,. ��.;..'. . l�.r�� .. . � � '�\�::.� �':�• J / ' ���' � i " � _ .:� : t.:�,''.. J: l �� I j � �" :.c•-_.'1 , � � Q i �W.::-_ _ 4 v Q � ` N."':..��.�..� -::_:::.. V �►-��� l �� � "V':.::��' '� � v 2 ' .1 1 . . .� '.j...-. :r y� . V �, :l`�..'' . ��/ N ; � / ,. �. � 1.Z5 319y� . 1 ` i �� \ . N li \ , �� � �`•� . , / � � � � •\ _ �1,1 `� ^ :`_' .`�, ��. . `\ f Y. \ ,1 ' � ` L.�_� � • ��� O 1 � � � = - , � ' � � ! N �- ° _ —�"� � a , ' � m M ','�, I � � � �..._.� N , , 1.-_.��� i ,. i � ` ' � � `° 1 � aQ -� �° T . I N � ,�I P � ��� / o I �'�1�I '�, '', �� ,aa„s�^"`� ( O� , , c� �1 ' � -� -� ° 0��� � o 1 � � � � � � �.�. \ o � � . �t �/}�. � ,� �; � � � 1 u , \ � . " � a � ,L�I •� `�. . � � �C � ; � I = ° QQ T � � o �- N � � Q U ;� �' 3 �° � ,d - - . 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' ' ' A11 lo knawn aa lhe Seventh/Keliogg Area Street Paving�ntl LtghtC't�g Pi'o)eCt.'� ' Councii of the City otSaint Paul having recetvtd the report of the Mayor upon the a e tmprovemenf,and having constdered satd report,hereby rtaolvese'• �' - 1. al the said report and tht same is hereby apprwed wllh no alternatiates,ac+d that lh esUmaled c�t thereof ts$58.748.00.Manced by Capital lmprovement$udgat 534,32 .00:Assessments 516,472.00 and Sewer Revenue Bonds 87,951,00. , ! 2. at a.publtc hearing be fiad on aaidimprovement on the 20 da otN 1990 L 9:00 o'cloc in the Cour�eil Cha�nb�rs,oC the City a11 and. urt Housc Buildl g In the Ctty oC Saint Paul. , 3. ai nottce oC said public hearing be given to the persons and tn the manner provid by lhe Charter, staUng the Ume and ptaee ot hearing, the �tature i�the tmpr ment and the total c�t thereo[as estimated. , File N 18601 pted by Counctt October 4, I990. _ - A roved by Mayor October 5. 1990. � "�`" (October 13-20. 199t1) ' �I I . ' � �,cy.°"�°�' . � ��� ����� ... _ . � , _ -� .i'��ti. . . . . . .. . . �. . , J/ . ;-..1 � ,' ,N. ...� ..�.;'M��+RS+� , ... . . . ,� r . �� 'C 1`�.A{/�7/V�?sr•�Y��'111� � � ; 2' �,1r �n, t MatYer��f�tlproving'rWaltiut �� from.�ha�g� S�,,t� th.,Avt,.1i�;, heettiu St.'ltom Smith A've.to Thompson St.wit2i a ituminous pavin�oi�crst�cxu� d gu ,concrete driveway aprons and outw�alks,reeoddingboulevards anrl a 1�`ern , ltghting�ystem in Voting Ward 2. . . .�},' W be as the Seventh/Kellogg Area Street Pavlit��ifd�.l�g��cct �- - -� The onncII of the City of Saint�A�iu�havin�ceceived the reporE of the Mayos upa�► e a impravement,a�d hayf eted said report:hereby reaolves: 1. at the satd reporx and tt�e e�i4, P�'�d wlth�altemati�r�and tt�e mnatea eroet thereot�si�5�,?4$:'tl�� tyy G`apstal I�pro�ements�adget .325. .Assessments S16.A7�.(N?.,aad.Sew�R�ne Bond��7,951.U0. : 'Z. a�ubli�heari�g p�ktaaR2 0�[s8rid i�g�aFe�e . 4Ast}'1e � ,d'�ov�}�', .. . F _ : t k a,ax.�in!t1'1�`t CQU;t��!�2iam6eie��the,Citj' y �;�'� ti e Clt�,r of Sainf.l�au1. , ,_ ::.� . i -rt+=?- - , ,, ��,3 : �at-r}�e cf�;d pul�Uc hearl�.b�gtve{�to xbc.#t�reon���-�a:��, , byr;� Charter, staqng;Ehe-#ia�e-�and }alaee-�hea�l���uhttie�4�'�ae°'r � ,it�d the:Mtai,cost ttfeEeD�+i Catlm6t#�. ^ s.+ .�.•�:;,y..°�;��> - , ' 8�fi .- , ,, . .. ;, .. . ; . .,c, ,x♦. ,... , .. :, ;:. , . , . , _ � - , _.. .� . . eA"by�C�titictt 4iL'ti�nbeY 4�199b: , �%.,- '' ,�>, J! App d by Ma}ror Uctttl�r 5. 1890. . . .. .;�: �•`' (�ct � fy13-'ZQ 1�f) )s.�.: .i :, ' ��� . ST. PAUL CITY CO � UNCIL C�� ,, � � PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE �ya-aa�" PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT CONSTRUCTION ; City Council District 4�2 Dear Property Owner: Planning District 469 & 4�17 File No. 18600 and 18601 To decide whether to proceed with the construction of the SEVENTH/ P U R PO S E KELLOGG AREA SEWER PROJECT, bounded by I-35E, Smith Avenue, Shepard Road, and St. Peter Street, Also, to decide whether to improve CHESTNUT STREET from Smith Avenue to Thompson Street and WALNUT AN� • ; STREET from Exchange Street to Smith Avenue with bituminous paving, concrete curb and gutter, concrete driveways and outwalks, and a � LO C A TIO N lantern-style street lighting system. RECEIVED '; OCT261990 I C1TY CLERK 'Tuesday, November 20, 1990 at 9:00 a.m. H EA R�N G 'City Council Chambers, Third Floor City Hall - Court House ------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Please note that the Public Works Committee of the City Council will discuss this item and develop a recommendation to the full City Council. Please bring any unresolved concerns you may have to this " meeting on Wednesday, November 7, 1990 in the Council Chambers, Third Floor City Hall - Court House at 9:00 a.m. If the Council approves this project, a portion of the costs will be ��N A N C�N G ! assessed against benefitted properties after ratification. The , estimated assessments are as follows: INFORMATI�N ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS for Sewer $2,700,042 for Street Paving 50,300 . r,... T_..i_�s_.` Q /./.4 ZOTSS E�osauuiyl �Tnsd �uiEg ' asnog ��no� - TZsH �1i� 8TZ moog sa��n.zas �uama$susy,i �q a�usuz3 �o �uam�.zBdaQ uoisznzQ a�8�sg TBag ac�� �q ' 066T `9Z �aqo��p �uas a�i�oH �', •(�t�aadozd Tsi�zammo�) �+�Z9-Z6Z zo (�i�zadoid TEi�uapisaz) '7Z09-Z6Z �E uo�si iQ .zariag aq� jTs� �uoi��o�ui amos .zo3 •�a�BT paTjB�sui �i ansq o1 1so� 1aq�i �CTZsi�us�sqns E pZOAE o� ami� s�q� 18 ���ado.zd aq� o� ia�as ilTmtt all1 mn�T nn� iinT�:'�aiinn-� v �canhaT nTnn�i� n.,! .,,,n c,,.,T�-.-..,.,.,-. ��..-.�. .,..,..... 'SEVEM'H / KELLOGG SEWER SEPARATION 8� PAVlNG PROJECT ' ��; /'� � v�/ "'� STREET ZMPAOVEMENTS \� � e,� r ——— SEWER CONSTRUCTION + s►�,�aF � , O � 0 — STORM SEWER ASSESSPIENT '� � ° `—�v . BOUNDARY 0 � a S�nvT I� 5 54 ' o ♦ M'� YOLAtiON.IC MST/7(/Ti �� ' � � 7 4 M� s~ f 6� � s ��� � � � � � ] `� '� � °i A . 1 �� � � •-irs O � �� Z A � I _ --- � , C : . c N ( p ; ` . r ♦v . �� � � s , � i �w.c���c -w 4'1 e i ' ' 'wroir p� 1 Z. ♦�X �. P�. �.+ � � t L�' •�G �� // \ � •C o ~ �oU� � �o / ` � i � G�'� � � Q 4 us� �f� � �� ���� �/ �� A� ��� � :%�i� a �. . � � Sc�'►�yf r � � / ��a• � --i � 1 �5�y *'7 �`� i� `` / 7.�i . F' �� '� • � �y ` r/�� s/ � / /�` *O 9 4 S 1' ���� / / �� � !, �1�f' � / _� 1 � � `�t'��` // . / � t " �, � '�. � �� � ��-(((���'''��� �� a � �e �•�no� t �s �� F£RSON �J ' ,�'A S CN. -� I /J� ' � / S-*7 YII I �� Mf� OA L T. ' . � 'URGIS 4u ST. , ' h� i� '� . Q ' .' `4l . . �" � � . . i� � ST. ' � / � YMOAO , ' ��C i� PO �SCM. ��'��� � PO ST—�S .'� / � �E �"" ' � / /� �__ ., . : .�� -�. To insure an effective sewer separation program and to comply with state and federal mandates, all rainleaders (downspouts) must be disconnected from the sanitary sewer. Your building's rainleaders are connected if exterior downspouts connect to an underground pipe or if your roof drains through the interior of your building. Some apartments, commercial, and industrial buildings will require a separate Ib �- �Uv v� 7. �FINAL ORDER: Improve the following streets with LAID OVER a bit minous roadway, concrete curb and gutters, INDEFINITELY concr te driveway aprons and outwalks, boulevard resto�ration and a lantern style street lighting q� systeh� for Walnut Street from Exchange Street to IU Smith Avenue and Chestnut Street from Smith �d ' Avenu to Thompson Street. All to be known as the�S venth/Kellogg Area Street Paving and ,Light'ng Project. (Laid over in Co�nittee 11/7/90) '(To b laid over indefinitely) � 8. - 90-2083 - Amending the 1989-1990 CIB APPROVED 3-0 budgejt by adding a325,000 for the reconstruction of Randonph Ave. between Davern and Brimhall . (Refeirred to Committee 11/27/90) ' 9. {2ESOL�ITION - 90-2005 - Requesting the Commissioner APPROVED 3-0 of th�e Minnesota Department of Transportation to deter�nine the maximum safe speed on Red Rock Road. (Refehred to Committee 11/20/90) 10. RESOL�ITION - 90-1989 - Amending the 1990 Budget by APPROVED 3-0 addin� $492,328.00 to financing and spending plan for S�wer Service Enterprise Fund. (Referred to Commi�tee 11/15/90) 11. RESOL�ITION - 90-1987 - Authorizing City officials LAID OVER to expend Municipal State Aid Funds for the City's 4 WEEKS share of the proposed improvements on County State Aid H ghway No. 64 (Prosperity Avenue) between Johns n Parkway to E. Arlington Avenue. (Referred 'to Co mittee 11/15/90) 12. RESOLuTION - 90-1967 - Indemnifying the State of LAID OVER Minne�ota for granting a variance to Municipal 4 WEEKS State Aid to design Speed Standards on Prosperity Avenu� between Rose Ave. and E. Maryland Ave. (Refe�red to Committee 11/13/90) 13. �ESOL�ITION - 90-2084 - Authorizing the Director LAID OVER pf Public Works to request a variance from 4 WEEKS unic�pal State Aid rules for street width on larence St. between E. Maryland and E. Arlington venue. (Referred to Committee 11/27/90) i 14. RESOLWTION - 90-2085 - Authorizing the Director LAID OVER of Pu�lic Works to request a variance from 4 WEEKS Munic�pal State Aid rules for street width on prosp�rity Avenue between E. Jessamine Avenue nd E: Arlington Avenue. (Referred to Committee � 1/27J'90) 15. �ESOLWTION - 90-2134 - Creating a Wabasha Street APPROVED AS �ridge Task Force. (Referred to Committee 12/6/90) AMENDED 3-0 � (continued) I ��tS,,� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Members: ,�s ; OFFICE OF THE C1T'Y COUNCIL Roger J.Goswitz,chair a � a David Thune,vice chair ` �„������� � Tom Dimond Bob Long `• "° o�:o���s,,sso RECEiVED ,... Committee Report (��9��0 To: Saint Paul City Council ClTY CLERK � From: Pubiic Works, Utilities, and Transportation Committee Roger J. Goswitz, Chair Hearing Date ACTION Approval of Minutes of November 21, 1990. APPROVED 3-0 1. 1/8/91 VACATION: Petition of Darren L. Bergstrom for APPROVED 3-0 the vacation of part of the alley in C. 6. Lawton's Arrangement. Area is bounded by Curtice, Woodbury, Sidney and Brown. Purpose is to increase rear lot size. 2. 1/8/90 VACATION: Petition of Randall and Theresa M. APPROVED 3-0 Schrankler for the vacation of part of a utility easement in Lot 6, Block l, Area Development Plat No. 1. Area is bounded by Winchell , E. Hoyt, E. Nevada and Barclay. Purpose is to cure a building encroachment onto a public utility easement. 3. 1/8/90 VACATION: Petition of City of Saint Paul to APPROVED vacate part of the alley in C. A. Mann's SUBSTITUTE Subdivision. Area is located at the intersection RESOLUTION 3-0 of Hope and Margaret Streets. Purpose is to cure building encroachment and permit additional building improvements. 4. 1/8/90 VACATION: Petition of Co-operative Plating LAID OVER � Company for the vacation of Iglehart Avenue INDEFINITELY between Snelling Avenue and Fry Street. Purpose is for new building addition. 5. FINAL ORDER: Acquiring permanent utility LAID OVER easements for the Larpenteur/Jackson Area Storm INDEFINITELY Sewer Project. (Laid over in Committee 10/17/90, 11/21/90) 6. FINAL ORDER: For constructing the Larpenteur/ APPROVED 4-0 Jackson Area Storm Sewer Project. Bounded by ALTERNATIVE #8 Larpenteur, Soo Line RR, Burlington Northern RR '`� and DNR right-of-way and I-35E. Also, installation of sanitary, storm and water service connections if requested by property owners. (Laid over in Committee 10/17/90, 11/21/90) (continued)