90-2053 nQ � I� q ? �,I�F ` �� � �` j�j (�,,,� Council File # <� r0lOcr� . � ���> Green Sheet # 2569 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date WHEREAS, combined se er overflows are discharges from combined storm water sewers and sanitary sewers and that ombined sewer overflows exist in hundreds of localities throughout the United States, principally �n older urban localities, including the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, that constructed their seuver s�stems long before the advent of waste water treatment technology; and WHEREAS, uncontrolled �combined sewer overflows can result in the degradation of the quality of the receiving waters; and WHEREAS, the total cost�of controlling combind sewer overflows to comply with the current technology-based a�d water quality-based requirements of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended through sew�r separation or the construction of conveyance and treatment technoligies is in the many billions of dbllars nationwide and beyond the financial capability of virtually every local government with a significrant combined sewer overflow problem; and WHEREAS, the natUre arid extent of the combined sewer overflow problem, as well as the effectiveness of com'�bined sewer overflow methods and technologies, is site-specific, and varies among localties bas�d up�n such factors as population size and density, topography, geology, land use, geography, climate, system design, sanitary flow characteristics, and receiving waters; and WHEREAS, the design of �ffective combined sewer overlfow controls cannot be generalized, but is complex and must b�e based on site-specific studies of the sewer system, the receiving waters and other factors; and WHEREAS, given the ma�nitude of the cost of combined sewer overflow control, and the complex and site-specific nature of the combined sewer overflow problem and combined sewer overflow controls, it is essential that,combined sewer overflow controls be cost-effective, that there be flexibility with respect to data collect�on and monitoring requirements, the types of controls required of each local government and the tlme frames for implementation of those controls, and that there be a partnership between the federal, state and local governments to fund the cost of combined sewer overflow controls. � NOW, THEREFORE-BE IT'RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul hereby supports and recommends adoption of the Congressional Legislative proposal offered by the CSO Partnership, approved by the Boar�d of Airectors June 5, 1990, titled "Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Control Act that would amend Sectqon 402 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act relating to the issuance of permits authorizing the discharge of pollutants to navigable waters; and �-9��o�y 3 . " 'BE IT FURTHER RESOL ED, that the City recognizes the Act as generally consistent with the CSO Resolution adopted by th National League of Cities Board on December 7, 1988 and, with several exceptions, the U.S. EPA,s January 27, 1989 Interim Final National Control Strategy for Combined Sewer Overflows; and be�it RESOLVED, that the Act �authoriies federal and state grant funding at levels that approximate current Federal Water Pollution Cpntrol Act funding for state revolving loan fund programs. , � Requested by Department of: YeB.s Nays Absent imon '� Department of Public Works REB/ck s-- �laeea,L�ee �tett,m3n ��— Thune � Wi 1 sr�n � By: NOV 2 '7 �q�_ Fom► Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date I� Q� � Adoption e ified b Coun¢il Secretary By' By: � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by Mayor: Date �//a7�`�D � � ���dt � d i990 By s ° .�� ' By: P�BLISNED U E C 81990 i ��il-1 . � � ' �I�'�d.�.� I ' MINUTES �NTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE I SEPTEMBER 14. 1990 MEMBERS Councilmember Bob Long, Chair PRESENT• �i, Councilmember Tom Dimond ' Councilmember Paula Maccabee Councilmember Roger Goswitz OTHERS Bob Cudahy, Legislative Aide PRESENT: The meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m. in City Council Chambers, Third Floor, City Hall . 1. AP�roval qf the�,minutes of the Auqust 3. 1990 Interqovernmental Relations Commi;ttee meetinq. Councilmember Gaswit� made a MOTION for approval ; MOTION CARRIED, 3-0. 2. Federal Is,sues: Job Trainin4 Par,tners,hia Act Councilmember Goswit� made a MOTION for approval of the proposed resolution; �.' MOTION CARRIED, 3-O. I, Communitv Develaamentj Block Grant Councilmember Gqswitz made a MOTION for approval of the proposed resolution as amended; MOTIONICARRI�ED, 3-0. Combined Sewer �verfl,ow Councilmember Gaswitz. made a MOTION for approval of the proposed resolution; MOTION CARRIED, 3-0. Bridqe Fundinq Councilmember Gaswitz made a MOTION for approval of the proposed resolution; MOTION CARRIED, 3-0. ' Floodwall Councilmember Gaswitz made a MOTION for approval of the proposed resolution; MOTION CARRIED, 3-0. � 1 '� _ __... _ . .