90-2047 O� � � 1 �� ��� Council File # l �^ �� 7 Green Sheet #` (p 0 RESOLUTIO ITY OF SA1 U ESOTA Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date ,� 1 2 WHEREAS, the City of St. Paul is committed to provide a safe and efficient transportation system; 3 and 4 5 WHEREAS, inadequacieas in the State and Metropolitan Highway System result in regional traffic 6 demands on City st�eets �nd parkways beyond their intended capacity in the vicinity of Interstate 7 35E and Ayd Mill Road; and 8 9 WHEREAS, prior studie5 have identified the need for full connections between Interstate 35E and 10 Interstate 94 and have di�cussed the need for an Environmental Impact Statement to evaluate the 11 best way to make these connections and the role which the Ayd Mill Road should play in this traffic 12 system; and 13 14 WHEREAS, said prior study and its accompanying City Council Resolution recommended the 15 development of an Environmental Impact Statement for the project; and 16 17 WHEREAS, the Ayd Mill Road Task Force played a critical role in defining the issues for review 18 and should continu+� to p�ay an important �ole in developing the study and planning process for any 19 construction on or altem�tives to the Ayd Mill Road; and 20 ' 21 WHEREAS, the e�timat$d cost of the Environmental Impact Statement is significant; 22 23 NOW, THEREFORE, B� IT RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul requests that the State of 24 Minnesota, through the Department of Transportation assist in the preparation and expense of said 25 Environmental Impact St.�tement and provide financial`assistance to the City for any construction 26 costs of providing direct or indirect connections of Interst�te 35E to westbound Interstate 94 or of 27 Ayd Mill Road to Interst�te 94 on the North and/or Inters�ate 35E on the South if such 28 construction is warranted by the Environmental Impact Stud�; and 29 30 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City requests that the'�Planning Commission reconvene 31 the Ayd Mill Road Task Force, after the City has received a commitment from the Minnesota 32 Department of Tra�spor�ation for assistance in funding the Environmental Impact Statement, to 33 work with the Planning Commission in preparing a scoping document by July 1, 1991, which will 34 define the areas to be studied for the Environmental Impact Statement; and , . �-Q� �o� O R I.G I �� 1 BE TT FINALLY RESO�.VED, that the City requests that the Minnesota Department of 2 Transportation work with' the City of St. Paul, the Planning Commission and the Ayd Mill Road 3 Task Force to develop a design for such direct or indirect connection of Interstate 35E or of Ayd 4 Mill.�vhich is warranted by the Environmental Impact Study in such a way as to meet the needs and 5 concer�s of sunounding �eighborhoods. ; � Yea Navs Absent Requested,by Department of: imon �� oswi z �on �~ aM ccabee — �— e man �� une �'— s. son `—� By� � Adopted by Council: DBte JA� � � �gg� Form Approved by City Attorney Adoptio C tified by �ouncil Secretary gy: By� - Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by Mayor: Date By. By: Council File # �_� Green Sheet � RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 2 WHEREAS, th� Ci�ty of 5t. Paul is committed to provide a safe and efficient transportation system; 3 and ` 4 5 WHEREAS, inadequ�cies in the State and Metropolitan Highway System result in regional traffic ........::. 6 demands on City streets,,�nd parkways beyond their intended capacity in the vicinity of������i��� 7 �,�E;;::� Ayd Mill Road;`�and g .. .... .... �,.� .:.;:.;:.;:::.:.::.::.:::>:.:>:::.:>�:::;�.;:.;:.:>�;::;;:<.;:::::;.:.;<:.;;::;:.:::::.::.::�:.;:;>: :...:;».::::.:.::;.: 9 WHEREAS rior studie ha� identified �:;::��::::�c�::`:���:�C'�.:;.:`.»..:�C��;�::::�:���>::�:�t?����:��::::���::::��d ...................... ...�.P � g .:::.:::::.:::::::::::.�:.�:::::::::::::::::::::::�'.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.�::: ::::.:::::::::.::::.:::::: .:.:::::.:>::.:..,; ::;;:::>::,:: :;;;:»::::;:>;:.:��:.:�>;:.:�:<;..�.:,;>��;:::,:::;,::::::.;:....»:.>;>,::�::::;;;;;:,.;>::;,:.:>;..;;...;>:;:::;;;;;:>;..>,....:.»:�;:;�;:;;;:;;:>::,.:>:�;;;;;>;:;;;,;:; :;:»;;;;;;;:<.;:..;:.;;: :......:.. .. ...,;.. ;:.;. ...� .;:. .. ... �<_::.. .:........ . .:: .....;:...:.:... ::� ....:::>�:��::<::�:::.:........:..:..:.......... ....r;:...........:..:;:......:.........:..... ;.;......;::......... ...:.:.:....;:...:... 10 I��.�..� � ;:::;::.<::: .......... �. .... ..... .�.:::: .<;.: . . ...;. .;.; ..:::.. .�. . :>::��: ..:<: .. : �<::>::;::..v :u :.<:>�: . �. .:���..�..�....... ..�..�.. ... .. !�... ��:.:�...�'�..�:.:�:......����......... ..��..�tat�:�...�..t�..�...�1...��:....�� :::�.:::::::::.:::::::::::.�:::::::::.�::::::::::::::::.:�:::::::::::.:::::::::::.:�: ::.:::<.>:.:::.:::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.;:.;:.:�::.::�.::.::::;.::.:..>:.::.�:..:;:::.:>:.>:.:>::.::.;::;�.::.>:.::.::.;:.>:.;:.;:.:.:.::.:�::.::.:>:.::.;:.::.;::;.;;:.::.:::.:.:::::::<.:::«:<:::::::::::::::::...::::.;.:: . :.�:::::.:::::::::>::::::.::::::::.:�:::.:::::::: <.::.::::::::::::::::..:::::::::..:...�:::::.�::::::: :.: .:::::::::.,.: ::::::::.: ..:.::. :.::..:.:::::::::;::...: ::.::.....::..:.:.:.:::::.;..:::..;.;::.:::::..:.:�:.:�:.::��.::.::.::.:::..::.::::::..::�>:::>::.::>:.:.::. >:: .:. ...;.......:...> �:��:>:....,.....<.:: .:. . ..�:•. .. . . :.... . ,..: . : ;.. .. :.:. .. :..::.... ...:....:: .::..:.;. :.:::.;.., :. .: :::.;.>...:...: ;,:... .:. .::.,. :..: ......,.:.�..,.;........_.:...... ... 11 �:t� ..:��::::�k�.....e�:>:..:..��.�......�::>.. ::>�.� ;:::����<:��.�� :::� �. .� � �� ��t ��. � �h��<::�a�� .................... ........................................................................:.;�::.;�::,.�.::::::::::::::::c�.................. .....................:.:�.......�....... �- ....................�...........................��..�.............���.��..�.�...$..�.�.................................................................::::::::::::::::::::::�.:::::::::::::::..:.:::::::::::::::::::::::.::�.�:.�.�.::.::�:.:>::::.::.::.:::.;:::::.::.:::::::.>:.:;::;>. 12 ��ip€:::: � ; and �:::::.:::.:::,:. ,, 13 ���,. 14 WHEREAS, said prior study and its aceQmpanying City Council Resolution recommended the 15 development of an Environmental Impac��,�Statement for the project; and 16 � �'J :::�.::. .. , . ..... ...... ::::•::::;.;;.:.; :: .: ... •.-::::.• .: :..:. .::. •k+>+:•.... ...: ::••,r:.:,::•• ;avo-;:::;:<::• • .>;v>»:�:�:»»sso-o-s: : ;o»;;:•:�:»: � ��. :::': i:':'''i�:i:::::'. .,:...;;:. . ... . :>:.:::.::>: :;:..::.....�z:;,..:.:.,.,:,.;::::.::.:;:a::..:..y:.::;: : .:•:.:.. 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'�t ,�, �Y. �t h ,�u <:� �',i �, ,� '2 *� �, , `;, y. � Yeap Navs Absent Requested by, Department of: .zmon ,_� oswi z � _ b �_ acca ee e man une ' i son By' Adopted by Council: IIate Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption CertifiQd by Council Secretary gy. BY� , Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by Mayo�: Date . By: $y: 0� I � � �-� � � » Council File � D # � � , ' ` , g�: Green Sheet # � RESOLUTION CI OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To \ Committee: Date � 1 �� 2 A iRESOL�ION CONCEItNING AYD MILL ROAD 3 4 WHEREAS, the Cilty of �t. Paul is co�tted to provide a safe and efficient transportation system; 5 and ���, 6 � 7 WHEREAS, inadec�uacies in the State and tropolitan Highway System result in regional traffic 8 demands on City streets �nd parkways beyond eir intended capacity in the vicinity of Ayd Mill 9 Road; and ' 10 11 WHEREAS, prior �tudie� have identified that the in�orporation of Ayd Mill Road were to be 12 connected to the re'gional system; and �.k 13 , .� 14 WHEREAS, said piriior sVudy and its accompanying City C�quncil Resolution recommended the 15 development of an;Envirbnmental Impact Statement for th�, roject; and 16 ' 17 WHEREAS, the es��timat�d cost of the Environmental Impact tement is significant; 18 ' 19 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Saint aul requests that the State of 20 Minnesota through the Uepartment of Transportation assist in the eparation and expense of said 21 Environmental Impact Staatement and provide financial assistance to t e City for construction costs 22 of providing for dinect or indirect connections of Ayd Mill Road to Int state 94 on the North and 23 Interstate 35E on the Soi�th if such construction is wananted by the En ' onmental Impact Study; 24 and � 25 ` -� 26 BE IT FURTHER RES4LVED, that the City requests that the Minnesota �epartment of 27 Transportation wor,k wit� the City of St. Paul to develop a design for such di ect or indirect 28 connection of Ayd Mill while meeting the needs and concerns of sunounding �i�ighborhoods. � -- YeaB Navs Absent Requested by Department of: imon ,,_�, oswitz ��_ on acca ee e tman �_ une �_ i son By' Adopted by Council: D�te Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by �ouncil Secretary gy: BY� ; Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by Mayor: D�te By: By: � . . �'yo -�� ��or:c�ce i P���c w �ons�so GREEN SHEET No. 9760 CONTACT PEA80N�PHONE BriTIMAATE INITIAUQATE Mike Holden(4736j Dan nford 6750) �+ �,��Y �,Ty�� �wn M�T 8E ON�Ni�.,►�EI�QI►BY��;, ❑BUDOET DI�CTOR �fiN..MGT.SEA„K:ES aR. ORDER 1111YOR(OR ASSi3TANT) TOTAL�OF 8KiNATURE P (CUP ALL LOCATION8 FOR 81GNAy'UR �� Ac�an proposed Resolui w�l provide diredbn ta staff ar�d request State partic�ation in the process and project. � :+�va»caa � c:a� _PLANNWOCOYM�810N 3E COMMI8810N ANALYBT PFKi1�N0. CIB COMMITTEE _ A sT� �s ,_DISTRICTCOUNCIL SUPPORTS WHK�1�C�.�JEC 9 WITtATNG PR081:EM.138UE.� YYHAT.YMIEI�I.YYHERE.WF11�): Ex�essive traf�c qrowth safeity problems on city streets adjacent to the Rancblph oonnection to Interstate 35E freeway. aov�rt�s��AOVm: Will albw negottattons be een and state staif to begin relating to the developmerrt af an Ayd Miil Road project. o�ov�wr ��oveo: Action wi'�demonstrate a mm merrt by th�city to�ificantly upgrade Ayd Mill Road. o�snav�wr�s�Nar�a�cvEO: ,: - Existing traffic oonge ' 'p ms wiH Continue w�hout solutian. � TOTAL ANOUNT OF TRA i 008T/REY�t�E YtJDOHTED(t�RCLE ON� YES NO FUNDM�Ki SOURCE ACtTVITY NWIBER FINANCIAL INFOF�IATION:IEJ(PU1 _ . - • ' . ��- y�'°?o�� Members: Bob Long, Chair Tan Dimond Paula Maccabee COMMITTEE REPORT , IN�'ERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE SEPTEMBER 28, 1990 1. GO Bonds for housing rehabilitation SENT TO COUNCIL WITHOUT RECOMMENDATION. 2. Receivership law. SENT TO COUNCIL WITHOUT RECOMMENDATION. 3. Vacant/Hazardous building law. SENT TO COUNICIL A5 AMENDED WITHOUT RECOMMENDATION. 4. Replacement IHousing. SENT TO COUNCIL W'ITHOUT RECOMMENDATION. 5. Dislocated workers. SENT TO COUNCIL AIS AMENDED WITHOUT RECOMMENDATION. 6. STRIDE/daycare. SENT TO COUMCIL AS AMENDED WITHOUT RECOMMENDATION. 7. Funding for stor�water requirements. S T TO COUMCIL AS AMENDED WITHOUT RECOMMENDATION. 8. Funding for EIS for AYD Mill Road SENT TO COUNCIL AS AMENDED WITHOUT RECOMMENDATION. 9. Health care acce�s. SENT TO COUNCIL AS AMENDEO WITHOUT RECOMMENDATION. 10. Funding for STD Clinics. SENT TO COUNCIL AS AMENDED WITHOUT RECOMMENDATION. s vhs,�i�,�.. � ' ,. + Council File # �d" ZD`{ '7 Green Sheet # RESOLUTION � CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �4 Presented��,y Referred To � Committee: Date 1 2 WHEREAS, the City of`St. Paul is committed to provide a safe and ef�icient transportation system; 3 and 4 5 WHEREAS, inadequacies in the,,State and Metropolitan Highway System result in regional tra,ffic 6 demands on City st�eets �nd parkv��ys beyond their intended capacity in the vicinity of�;��4�� 7 ;�,��:;:� Ayd Mill Road; �and :...::::::...... .. . 8 .;>:<.;::;. .; �::::..:.::>;:.v«,;:.;�.:.:;«:N««.::.: >:<.,.;n:.>::,.. ,,�,r<:<: � :<.;,<N:;: A ri r i h v id ntifie` '«�� �:<:����������:��::`��.� 9 WHERE S o stud es a e e d.��':�i��::::�€��;:�....x�t� ..��.�t�::::�����:.. � ...�,. ...�.:..... .. .........�. . . . ... ....... ......... .. .........:..............:...........,. �i:"sc't :�:�i:•''•'':: T:.tt4:9CttM.:N:' } L= .�s[ i�..{v,.� � �.��e. ,�(j� ..n......:n...::� . ...........vr l. r,w 5:n, • •:dvn:�iTY.•: .v:CM\titititiAl•::: ': rrrrx::::::........��:..:..::..vtiti• ......n............r.....� ..................v.IXV . .........M1 JS'.P ...^'. . 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D ent D i r th t the Minnesota e artm �:'�:;.;',.:::;.::`�i� RESOLVE , that the C e uests a 1 BE IT .,... , ........:.�..:.. ....tY,,,,..»:�,,>. .�„�.,.,>:.,:. ., , � 2 f Tr ation wor th the Ci of St. Paul�:;r�::�`::;:���'.��';�� ..r_,:,:<.:.:,�:;::.:.�,.:«:..::.:::;:.::;....<: {....r. . o ans ort � � '� ;.. .:::M. :.��:;:::.: ..� P � tY �,��:.;:.>-:::���`.�. .��::::,:.;,:A:;.;.:'•.�'�:':�::�,.;f���;f»:.'�:%�.:,:�::: 3 `�`�`::����:� to devel;o a esi for such direct or�ind'uect connection ��:::���:�:�?��;:�;�;�;:�.� of Ayd . ,:r<,,<:::::,::::< P `� gn . ..... ....,..:.:...:.>..:.:�:...........,�.,.. 4 1VIi11 which is warranted b��t�he Environmental Impact Study xh'��€:�C�Ei;��;#��::�s;;;�;:;;i'�# ' g 5 the needs and conc�rns o su'�ounding neighborhoods. �. �'�.. �,. �,� 6.`9�. ! \f�: w§,�. � ��. �. Y�i. ���Aj «r ��. �'�;s ��. �� °�,, ,,, � ��� �, ��"��. ,,; � ;. � � ��,. 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