90-2046 i 5 l���T��-I � � � i� If� � L ;__ . � G; � Council File ,� �Q-2��6 �_.�,I Green Sheet ,� (2,0�{� RESOLUTION ITY OF SAINT L, MINNE OTA ` �_ Presented By Referred To Co ittee: Date 1 A RESOLUTION CONCERNING 2 TA� DEFERMENT FOR HOUSING REHABILITATION 3 4 5 WHEREAS, the City has an interest in retaining growing families with in the City; and 6 7 WHEREAS, hom�owne�s renovating their homes must not only pay the costs of the renovations, 8 but must also, beaause qf the newly increased value of their home, immediately begin paying higher 9 property taxes; and 10 11 WHEREAS, this creates a disincentive for families to remain in the City and rehabilitate their 12 homes to meet their needs and creates an incentive for families to move to the suburbs to find 13 adequate housing; 14 15 NOW, THEREFQRE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul would support state 16 legislation that woiuld defer for a maximum of five years any increase in the property tax of an 17 individual that is a result of rehabilitation efforts, including home additions, on a residential 18 Uropertyi�eme. ex�ce t that this deferment shall not be available for conversion to rental units, sU�bdiv ding proper ies;or aTding uni s. Yea Navs Absent Requested by Department of: imon oswitz ' -�. on � acca ee � et man � T une i son �_ By� U ���'� � �a ?� Adopted by Council: Date �' �7�� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopti Certified by Council Secretary gy: BY� �� Approved by Mayor for Submission to JAN 1�j�n�11 Approved by Mayor: Dste 2, 4 By: By: PUBLISHEO :����3 - 2� I�.� ( � � —,���td A RESOLUTION CONCERNING TAX DEFERMENT FOR HOUSING REHABILITATION WHEREAS, the City has an interest in retaining growing families with in the City; and WHEREAS, 1�omeowners renovating their homes must not only pay the costs of ithe renovations, but must also, because of the newly increased value of their home, immediately begin paying higher property taxes; and WHEREAS, $his creates a disincentive for families to remain in the City and rehabilitate their homes to meet their needs and creates an incentive for families to move to the suburbs to find adequate �ousi,ng; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul wo�ld support state legislation that would defer for a maximum of five years any increase in the property tax of an individual that is a result of rehaibilitation efforts, including home additions, on a residential property �e exceut that this deferment shall not be available � for �conversion to rental units, subdividinct properties or addina unit;s. � . � ��-y�-a�� DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL OATE INITIATED city counci� 11/12/90 C�iREEN SHEET N° _ 12049 CONT{� ERSQ N H Qy INITIAUDATE INITIAL/DATE Iiv� l.u�ail X4 •�3 �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCII ASSIGN �CITY ATTORNEY �CITY CIERK NUMIBER FOR MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY( ATE) ROUTING �BUDGET DIRECTOR �FIN.&MOT.SERVICES DIR. ORDER �MAYOR(OR ASSISTANT) � TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE P GES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Request that he tate of Minnesota pass legislation deferrir�q an individuals p ope ty tax increase if increase is the result of rehabilitatio ef orts on a home. RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)or 'ect(R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING OUESTIONS: _ PLANNINO COMMISSION CIVIL ERVICE COMMISSION �• Has this person/firm ever worked under a contrac[for this department? _CIB COMMITTEE YES NO _STnFF 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? YES NO _DISTRIC7 COURT 3. Does this erson/firm p possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECT E1 YES NO Explaln all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green ahaet INITIATING PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPO TUNITY( o,What,When,Where,Why): Increased pro ert taxes resulting from home improvements act as a deterrent to ami ies trying to remain in the City. ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: This legislat on ould help encourage families to stay in the City and expand their urr nt home rather than move to the suburbs and build a new home. DISADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: Deferring tax s a ts contrary to property tax equalization. DISADVANTA(iES IF NOT APPROVED: Urban flight f y ung families may continue. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTI N i COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) . . (��o-�a�,� HOUSING AND ECONOM�C DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT - JANUARY 9, 1991 PAGE TWO 6 Resol�u tion 90-2046 - a Resolution concerning Tax Deferment for Rehabilitation (Refehred rom Council 12-11-90. COMMI EE ECOMMENDED THAT DISCUSSION ON THIS ITEM BE REFERRED TO THE JANUA Y 11 1991, INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE MEETING; THE INTER OVE METAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL OF A SUBSTITUTE RESOL TION 3-1 7. Approval of guidelines for the Citywide Economic Development Fund (Referred from HRA 11-27-90; Laid Over in Committee 12-12-90) . COMMITTEE �ECOMMENDED APPROVAL AS AMENDED, 3-0 8. Resolution authorizing execution of a funding and participation agreement with the S¢ience Museum of Minnesota for the TIF - Cultural Facilities Fund Proje�t, District 17 (Referred from HRA 12-11-90) . COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL, 3-0 9. Resolwtion authorizing execution of a funding and participation agreement with the World Theatre/MPR for the TIF - Cultural Facilities Fund Project, District 17 (Referred from HRA 12-11-90) . THIS ITEM WAS LAID OVER TO THE JANUARY 23, 1991, HOUSING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENt COMMITTEE MEETING 10. Author�ization to designate Model Cities Health Center, Inc. , tentative of the HRA parcel located to the east of 451 West Central , and provide preliminary approval o�' a loan from the Neighborhood Commercial Real Estate Development Program, Summit-University Planning Council , District 8 (Referred from HRA 12-11-90) . COMMItTEE �ECOMMENDED APPROVAL, 3-0 11. Authorization to designate tentative developer for the old Gillette Hospital site West Wing, District 5 (Referred from HRA 12-11-90) . COMMII�TEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL, 3-1 AND 1 ABSTENTION 12. Chestnut/W�st Seventh Small Area Plan. A. Resolution 91-13 - adopting the West 7th/Chestnut Small Area Plan/40 Acre Study as part of the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan. ICOMMI'TTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL, 2-0 B. Ordin�ance 91-15 - an Ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Legislative Code pertaining to zoning of the West 7th/Chestnut Area. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL, 2-0 OR� G�IAL ��� / j�f Council File #` Q� � (Q Green Sheet # O � RESOLUTION ITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA P esented By Referred To r I , Committee: Date �a �� ��d 1 ' A RESOLUTION CONCERNING 2 T EFERMENT FOR REHABILITATION 3 4 6 WHEREAS, the City ha$ an interes�n retaining growing families with in the City; and 7 WHEREAS, homeowner� renovating th ' homes must not only pay the costs of the renovations, 8 but must also, because of the newly incre ed value of their home, immediately begin paying higher 9 property taxes; and 10 11 WHEREAS, this creates a dissencentive for fa 'lies to reamain in the City and rehabilitate their 12 homes to meet their needs and creates an incenti for families to move to the suburbs to find 13 adequate housing; 14 15 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the ' of Saint Paul would support state 16 legislation that would de£er for five years any increase i the property tax of an individual that is a 17 result of rehabilitat�on efforts on a home. � , �., �t '�. , .� �t �� '�� .� � Yeas. Navs Absent Requested by Department of: zmon oswitz � on �� acca ee et man une i son By� Form Approved by City Attorne Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Sy: By' Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by Mayor: Daite By. By: ��� . � �'"�'Q o1p�� Members: Bob Long, Chair Tom Dimond Paula Maccabee ' COMMITTEE REPORT INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE NOVEMBER 9, 1990 1. NSP gross earnings franchise fee. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDEO APPROVAL, 3-0 2. Convention C�enter improvements and expansion. COMMITTEE RE�OMMENDED APPROVAL AS AMENDED, 3-0 3. Science Museum funding. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL AS AMENDED, 3-0 4. Seized property. COMMITTEE R�COMME�IDED APPRQVAL, 3-0 5. Inspection of State office buildings. THIS ITEM WAS LAIID OVER INDEFINITELY, 3-0 . Tax defermerlt for rehabilitation. COMMITTEE SENDS THIS RESOLUTION TO COUNCIL WITH NO RECOMMENDATION 7. Levies for City a�nd County Pubiic Works & Parks in St. Paul . THIS ITEM WAS LA1�D OVER TO THE DECEMBER 14, 1990, INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE M�ETING 8. DISCUSSION A1ND RECOMMENDATION OF LEGISLATIVE PACKAGE. COMMITTEE R�COMMENDED APPROVAL, 3-0 9. Housing cour�t resolution. COMMITTEE R�COMM�NDED APPROVAL AS AMENDED, 3-0 10. Funding for gros$ misdemeanor prosecution. COMMITTEE RECOMM�NDED APPROVAL AS AMENDED, 3-0 . ��-a� �`� , ' ' ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL �iii�i i i�i� OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL Members: ' Bob Long, Chair Tan Dimond Paula Maccabee 6�B LONG Councilmember - COMMI7TEE REPORT ; _ INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATfONS COMMITTEE JANUARY 11, 7991 , : 1. Approval of minutes of December 28, 1990, meeting. Approved 3-a � 2. Resolu�ion cioncerning the NSP gross earnings franchise fee. Laid over to next meeting. 3. Resolution concerning economic development. Approved 3-0 4. Resolu�ion concerning state-wide housing programs. � , Approved 3-0 5. Resolu�ion aoncerning special State funding for Southeast Asian human service programs. Approv�d 3-p Additional Items 1. Resolution concerning preemption on firear�s legislation. Approved 3-0 2, Resolu�ion �oncerning tax deferment for rehabilitation. Approve� 3-ll(Ayes - Long, Rettman, Thune; Nay - Dimond) , �. � _._ __,_ �---._. . CTTY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT P AL'L,MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-4473 8�46 Prin[cd on Rerycled Paper /� ! ,�������-�' ' O R' ( � I•� L1 � Council File # �Q—p� A�� / 1 ° ' � Green Sheet ,� RES ION CITY OF SAI , MINNESOTA , Presented By j Referred To Committee: Date � WHEREAS, the City of St. �aul is committed to provide a safe and efficient transportation system; and WHEREAS, inadequacies in the State and Metropolitan Highway System result in regional traf�c demands on City stree�s and'� parkways beyond their intended capacity in the vicinity of Interstate 35E and Ayd Mill Road; and E WHEREAS, prior studies h�ve identified the need for fni� connections between Interstate 35E and ; 0 Interstate 94 and have discu$sed the need for an Environmental Impact Statement to evaluate the ' 1 best way to make thes� connections and the role which the Ayd Mill Road should play in this traffic 2 system; and , 3 4 WHEREAS, said prior study and its accompanying City Council Resolution recommended the 5 development of an Environrn�ental Impact Statement for the project; and 6 i 7 WHEREAS, the Ayd 11�1i11 Road Task Force played a critical role in defining the issues for review i 8 and should continue ta play �an important role in developing the study and planning process for any 9 construction on or alternativ�s to the Ayd Mill Road; and ,; ',0 �� ;1 WHEREAS, the estimated cost of the Environmental Impact Statement is significant; .� ;2 ,3 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul requests that the State of ;4 Minnesota, through the Dep�rtment of Transportation assist in the preparation and expense of said ;5 Environmental Impact 'Statement and provide financial assistance to the City for any construction :::::::... ;6 costs of rovidin direct or imdirect connections of Interstate 35E to westbound Interstate 94 :�nd`;or P g ...........................................:.::::.:::.:::.....::::::::,:.:::::::::::..:::.:::.�.�.:::::...::::::::.�:.:::::::::::::::.:�:::.:::::::::::::::.::. :::::::.>;:...;.....,.:.;:.....;;>::»»:;:;�.;: . ;.;�::;.;;:.::.:�:.;�..::;�.:>:::::.:.:>;>:;:.:..>. .::::.:.;..:�:.::::.::.;;...:,.;: :::::.:::.::-:::::...:::::::..::>::::.:::.:::.;�:.::.:-�:.;::::::::>� .::>: :.;: :::. .. :_: .;:.:. :...,. :.: .... � :::>:.:.:..>: :::.:. .::::::�c��fi�€::::�.d:>�r>:���r�;�::::���;+�€�ons:::��:::�:.:t�:::::1���:::::Rt���:»tc?: .7 of A d Mill Road to �.��r�....��.:�,�..��::�.z�.::��::...:......:::::..�:::..:::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.�.�::.�:::::.._:::. .:::.:�:::::::::::::.:�:.�.:...:..::::::::.: :.::.;::.;:.;:y;:>::.;�.;::.;;:::::::>;;:::.:;:::.:�;;>;;:;> :•<:::::<::;:;:<_;.::�:::::::::::.:�::::::.:::;»:.�::::::::::::::::::.....:.....:.......�............................................................................�!...................;........... :8 ���e�sts��:'<��:;>ari.:..t��;::�:,.::�t�� . �f such ..... ..:..:.:. ::........ ......:. .. .:..... ......... ... :9 construction is warranted by �'the Environmental Impact Study; and �0 �1 BE IT FURTHER RESOL�ED, that the City requests that the Planning Commission reconvene �2 the Ayd Mill Road Tas,k For�ce, after the City has received a commitment from the Minnesota �3 Department of Transportatioa� for assistance in funding the Environmental Impact Statement, to �4 work with the Planning� Cominission in preparing a scoping document by July 1, 1991, which will �5 define the areas to be �tudied for the Environmental Impact Statement; and , � �yo-ao�7 0 � 1 �9 �J L . 1 BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the City requests that the Minnesota Department of 2 Transportation work with' the City of St. Paul, the Planning Commission and the Ayd Mill Road 3 Task Force to develop 5t�� a design for ' ' ' ' Interstate 35E or of 4 Ayd Mill �;S w�ich is warzanted by the Environmental Impact Study in such a way as to meet the 5 needs and concerns� of surrounding neighborhoods. � Yea Navs Absent Requested by Department of: imon oswitz `� on „�,_ acca ee ettman -- une � , By: i son "- O Adopted by Council: Date JAN �. 7 1991 Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary gY; By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to a � Council Approved by Mayo�: D�ate "���`� � �°' ���d ay: � ��i'�L� ey. P�an��s�E� .�H!� 2 �� f��� �........,..._.. _ _ ,,