90-2033 O-� I V�I N A L ���\!Council File � `_���-�� � Green Sheet # �I/o�-� � � RESOLUTION TY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Pros.nted Sy Ref.rred To Committee: Date WHEREAS; th�re e�ists state legislation to supplement the federal employment program for dislmcated workers, called Economic Dislocation and Worker Adjustment Assis�ance (EDWAA) Act; and WHEREAS; this st�te legislation is funded tlkrough a percentage of the Unemployment Ins�arance fund; and � WHEREAS; this fumd serves dislocated workers in Saint Paul; and WHEREAS; woxkers , in Saint Paul have been adversely effected by industrial changes in our C$ty; and WHEREAS; this st�te fund will benefit Saint Paul, enabling us to retrain dislocated worke�s; and WHEREAS; federal' dollars for this purpose are limited; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED; t�iat t1�e City of Saint Paul supports the continuation of the Dislocated WorkeX Fund passed by the Minnesota State Legislature in the 1989 session, and adm�nistered by the Minnesota Department of Jobs and Training. �_ Navs Absent Requeeted by Department of: n .�_ n' , -�— �_ e �— e ,T,_ u en �,_ By: O Adopted by Council: Date N�V 2 7 ��Q� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopti Certifiied by'� Cauncil Secretary gY; $Y� � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by Mayo�: pate � / �'��° 2 � 1990 By; Sy: �/' l PUBIISNEO �E C 8199Q .. , �yo -��,� DEPARTM[NT/OFFlCElCOUNpI DATE INITIATED PED/Job Creation & Tr ining 10/15/90 GREEN SHEET NO. 8623 • CONTACT PERSON 8 PNONE INITIAU DATE INITIAUDATE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �GTY OOUNqL C. Seelhammer(4736 J. hoholm(3262 �� ❑�AT��NEY �CITYCLERK MUST 8E ON OOUN(:IL A(�ENDA BY AT� ROUTNrO �BUDOET DIRECTOR �FIN.d MOT.SERVICES WR. �MAYOR(OR A8818TMIT) ❑ TOTAL M OF SKiNATURE pEg One (1) ��p ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACT10N RECUEBTED: City Counc 1 su port of attached resolution. REOOMMENDATION8:MV►�W a I� COUNdL REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNINO CO�AMIS810N CIVIL �OOAAMISSION ��YST PHONE NO. _pB()OMAAl1TEE WMMENTS: _STAFF _DIBTRICT OOURT SUPPORTS WHIq1 OOUNqI O ? INITIATINO PAOBLEM.ISBUE�OP �Mlh�t�WI»n.Wh�n.Wh1�: State and eder 1 legislation is pending for continuing the enabling legislatio and funding for the EDWAA program. AOVANTAOE8IF APPROVED: City Counc 1 of the City of Saint Paul will go on record in support of this re olut'on. DISADVANTA�iE81F APPROVED: None. DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: Services t Cit of Saint Paul residents would be adversely affected. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANBA N�A COiT/REVENUE stJDOETED(CIRCLE ONE) YE8 NO FUNDNiG SOURCE N ACTIVITY NUMOER N�p' FlNANGAL INFORMAl10N:(EXPWN) . . �y� �03 � Members: Bob Long, Chair Tom Dimond Paula Maccabee COMMITTEE REPORT , INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE , SEPTEMBER 28, 1990 � --- 1. GO Bonds for housing rehabilitation SENT TO COUNCIL �IITHOUT RECOMMENDATION. 2. Receivership law, SENT TO COUNCIL �IITHOUT RECOMMENDATION. 3. Vacant/Hazardous :building law. SENT TO COUNCIL I�S AMENDED WITHOUT RECOMMENDATION. 4. Replacement Housing. SENT TO COUNCIL WITHOUT RECOMMENDATION. 5. Dislocated workems. SENT TO COUNCIL 1�S AMENDED NITHOUT RECOMMENDATION. 6. STRIDE/daycare. ', SENT TO COUNCIL I�S AMENDED WITHOUT RECOMMENDATION. 7. Funding for stormwater requirements. SENT TO COUNCIL I�S AMENDED WITHOUT RECOMMENDATION. 8. Funding for EIS �or AYD Mill Road SENT TO COU�ICIL MS AMENDED WITHOUT RECOMMENDATION. 9. Health care access. SENT TO COUNCIL MS AMENDED WITHOUT RECOMMENDATION. 10. Funding for STD �linics. . SENT TO COUNCIL IAS AMENDED MITHOUT RECOMMENDATION.