90-2015 O�iGINAL - , � � , � cau�cil rsl. # U o?O� cirMn Shs�t # �O RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Pr�s�nt�d By R�f�rr�d To Cammitt�e: Dat• � URBAN REVITALIZATION ACTION PROGRAM (URAP) � COMMUNITY RESOURCES PROGRAM (CRP) REAUTHORI2ATION WHEREAS, tkhe URAP and CRP programs represent a partnership and commitment betw�en the State of Minnesota, the City of Saint Paul and its neighborhoods t� improve the most economically distressed areas of our city; and WHEREAS, $he URAP program has made possible the reinvestment of over 30 million in phys�cal improvements to neighborhood residential and commercial ' areas; and WHERFAS, �s a result of the Saint Paul's' URAP program, actual State , financing was m�tched at over a three to one ratio by city and private neighborhood reinvestment; and WHEREAS, the CRP program has provided over 2.6 million in human service assistance to directly support the URAP efforts; and WHEREAS, �RP financed projects are providing basic and needed human service programs and activities for Saint Paul's core neighborhoods which will: assist in combating drug use; provide quality child care for low income persons; offer pro-active alternative youth programs; provide health care for those that woulal go without; assist our Southeast Asian residents in accessing basic needs; en�ble elderly residents to remain in their own homes; work to stabilize and develop pride in transitional communities; help to insure safe and affordable Xental housing opportunities; now, therefore be it ; � � � - ' i����--a°,� , Page 2 of 2 RESO�.VED, Ithat the Mayor and Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby � strongly sv�ppor� the purpose, goals and objectives of the URAP and CRP programs; and b� it . FURT�ER R$SOLVED, the Mayor and Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby urge the 1991 Mi�nnesota State Legislature to increase its role in the revitalizat�ion af Saint Paul's inner city neighborhoods by increasing its financial �uppo�t of the URAP and CRP programs; and be it F LY RF�SO ED, that e Mayor hereby horized d dire ted to inclu th and CRP ograms i e City Saint P 199 gis ve pa age, a ravide necess staff s ort to sist i the esuthor' ation of e progr s. ,,�ea� Navs Absent Requested by Department of: ""'�� o ��- cc � »--�— �—+- SY: Adopted by Council: D�te NOV 2 '7 lggp Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by �ouncil Secretary gy: $y' Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council 7►pprov�d by Mayors D�te l �D NOV 3 0 199Q By: By: � PUBUSNEO �E C 81990 . . C�ql�aa,Cs DEPARTMENTIOFFlCE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED P� GREEN SHEET No. 84N��� OONTACT PERSON 6 PNONE �pEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �GTY OOUNqL � •�C ��� �FOR ❑CITY ATTORNEY �CITY CLERK MU8T BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY( T� ROUTINt9 �BUDOET WRECTOR �FlN.6 MOT.SERVICEB DIR, �MAY�i(OR A681STANn � TOTAL#�OF SIQNATURE P ES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR 810NATURE) �cr��uesr�o: R I�ilrt� cj .QPPR(Jl9{A�t- OF .AcFt'�►vG}�IFiD �JOt.G4�'�or{ ?Z� 6'� C.t.SPA �c �.tP RT foR �.�to�st.o+-t`�u8 0'FF'�vR't'� IN -C�te' Re-4c.crtEcRrzacrco+�( oF ?�4E Ll 1� rrA�I.R.A�nc�l AGT1O���R;cXdR�M �t�KAcP��Co�uNirY �p�tf�c.s�NWCC2P REC4MMENDA710N8:MP►�(N a (� OOUNqL REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNINO COMMISSION CIVIL RVIC�COMM18810N ANALYBT PHONE NO. _q8 CO�IMITTEE _�� COMMENTB: _DISTHICT OOURT SUPPORTB WHICH CWNpI�JE ? INITIATINCi PR�LEM.188UE. ,What,Whsn,Whsro,VVhy): ""�'"{� ��V�FPc�. C RP �O(OR�MS G(�1LL'�Mlll)PTt � �17'`F'(Ot�"�" �Z�,t Rt rto�l �Y �+� �9( M�N�U�Sdta� �r.A-�' I..gotst+.Ar�cRE. �- F 1r+1�ER PRO�'oRAM t�-'bc.«.C� �.,�Z�occS�Y +{,o�MPE.�Z 'T�(�' �TYS R.TS "'ro �Z�V�TAL�zE ou2. NtOs� Dt�'RE355� NE1raF1�o�l�'3. ADYMITA(iES IF/1PPROVED: t �'C� o� w1�c, 3E c.tS��D �i-> -r�t� G�rYS t,o�3gY �� ��R. ..�� tAf�A p d�. C.f2�P PRo�.l,5. DISADVANTAOES IF MPF�VED: �{� � OISADVMITAOE8 IF t�T APPROVED: --(�1� M,PcYoR �- Cr�uuc�t,. w��..� ,tXr�' Ci� caF�'icrA c.c,.Y P Rrt�J 6 `�t'N� (Z��T�oR.�zA'nori �cs o�' u rta P.� cR.P P�:�^�'d'L�r�s TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTIO � COSTIREVEMUE BUDOETED(CI�LE ONE) YFS NO FUNOINO 80U�E ACTIVITY NUMBER FlNANpAI INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) 6 S' , , � �� �/5 _ .....___._.._.___,---_. �"� Item #49, Council File #90-2015: COMpLETELY DELETE FINAL RESOLVED. Item #60, Council File #90-2026: RESqLVED AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: BE xT RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul work with the �Minnesota Legislature to strengthen the securitv int rests of the Housin and Redevelo ment Authorit H b allowin the HRA to obtain the appointment of receivers and the assignment of rents and 'profits under Minnesota law without being subject to �he limitations relating to the minimum amount of the original principal balance of the mortgage as con ained in Minnesota Statutes 559. 17, Subd. 2 and 576�01, Subd. 2 . l , ' ' G��� � �� a�- �� � ��� I /��e a�l� �QSa�i/�'�•t S • C� ��Jo ���'� �� ✓� �� y � �.�, /� ', � � �� y ,� � y7 :o�'s.. , � ',, � • r �,--y�-aa�.5 � Intergovernmental Relations Committee ( September 14, 1990 3. State Leqislat�ve issues. by Department: Develoament Is�ues: �._.. CRP/URAP Reauthorization The proposed resolution will be redrafted; the redrafted resolution was J APPROVED, 3-0. � Arts Hiqh School Councilmember Maccab�ee made a MOTION for approval of the proposed resolution with amendments; MOT!ION CARRIED, 3-0. Hazardous Land Redev;elopment, Clean-ua fund A resolution will be prepared for this issue. Housina Issues for giscussion: GO Bonds for Housin� Rehabilitation A motion was m�de fdr approval of the proposed resolution; MOTION CARRIED � 3-0. Replacement Housinq A resolution will b� drafted for discussion at the next meeting of the Intergovernmental Relations Committee. Vacant/Nazardous Bu�ldinq Law A resolution will be drafted for discussion at the next meeting of the Intergovernmental Relat�or,s Committee. Receivership Law Chair Long requeste�d that a resolution be drafted on this issue. PATHS Rental Subsid:v Proqram This resolution was referred to the Human Services, Regulated Industries, and Rules & Policy Committee for discussion. z c,