90-2014 6 �, • i._-.t. QRI � � �� ;:.., � � ",���Council File ,� � � O/ Green Sheet ,� �7�3 RESOLUTION . CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By� Referred To Committee: Date WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul performs an important service for the Metropolitan Area and all IMinnesota residents through its ownership and operation of regional parks, and WHEREAS, the City's regional parks are among the key elements that make our area unique, and WHEREAS, the �ity f Saint Paul continues to be supportive of the Metropolitan Parks and Open Space Com ission - Metropolitan Council - Implementing Agency partnership for betterment of he Regional Parks and Open Space system, and WHEREAS, the City �f Saint Paul is unable to absorb all of the capital , operation and maintenance costs qf its regional park facilities that serve Metropolitan Area and the entire state, NOW, THEREFORE BE �T RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul urges the Metropolitan Parks and Opem Spa�e Commission and Metropolitan Council to develop the appropriate legislation needed 'to provide adequate capital funds for regional parks, and . BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City urges the Metropolitan Parks and Open Spac�,�intain< Commission and Metropolitan Council to develop the appropriate legislation toiextend, or �-increase the R�gional Parks and Open Space Operation and Maintenance Program funding for tMe 19�2-93 biennium and beyond, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City also supports alternative funding proposals for stable capital and operation and maintenance funding for regional parks. Ye s Navs Absent Requested by Department of: zmon osw z � _�_ � on �_ acca ee 'I � ettman une ��_ By: z son O Adopted by Council: Date DE C �. i 1990 �'orm Approved by City Attorney Adoptio C rtified by Council Secretary gy: BY� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by Mayor: �ate DE C 1 2 1990 Council a ,����fil�� By: Y� PUU��IS�E�I D�C ? `� 1990_ ' � ��-aor� � DEpARTMENT NqL DATE INITIATEO M��DR`5 � F�� GREEN SHEET No. ?�� iNITIAU DATE CONTACT PERSON 6 PHONE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR GTY COUNpI ��G'C.H/�'M N'I � p�L7 ' "/!r 3� N��Pop �CRY ATTORNEY CITY CLEFiK MU8T BE ON COUNCIL Af�ENDA BY AT'� ROU7ING �BUDOET DIRECTOR �FlN.8 AM�T.SERVICEB DIR. � �MAYOR(OR ABSISTANT) � TOTAL#�OF SIGNATURE QES (CLIP ALL LOCATION8 FOR SI�iNATUR� ACTION REOUESTED: Approval of esolu ion supporting legislation extending Metropolitan Operation and Maintena ce Fu ding. REOOMMENDATIONS:App►we(/U p (R) COUNCIL COMMITTEE/RE�SEAARq1 REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNINO COMMISSION CIVIL RVICE COMMIBSION ��Y3T PHONE NO. _qB OOMMITTEE COMMENTS: _STAFF -DIBTRICT OOURT SUPPORTS WHICH COUNqL OBJE ? INITIATINO PROBIEM.188UE.OPPO NITY o.Whet,Whsn,Whsrs,Wh�: Opportunity t pro ide funding for St. Paul 's regional parks ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: Maintenance, pera ion and capital funding for regional parks will continue. DISADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: NA DIBADVANTA(iES IF NOT APPROVED: If legislati n is not approved, funding for capital expenditures, maintenance, and operations o St. Paul regional parks will decrease dramatically. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACT N C08T/REVENUE StlDf�TED(CIRCLE ON� YES NO � FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FlNANGAL INF01iMAT10N:(EXPWI� � ♦ . . �� ao�� Intergovernmen�al R�lations Committee September 14, 1990 � 0 ',. Unpaid Traffic Tickets �• No discussion 4. Communitv Services Priorities: Parks Fundinp ��-- Councilmember M'accabee made a MOTION for approval of the resolution as mended; MOTION CARRTED, 3-0. Health Care Access Amendments were made, to this resolution; it will be back before the Intergovernmental Relations Committee at the next meeting. Fundin4 for STD Clin_ics Amendments were madel! to this resolution; it will be back before the Intergovernment�l Re�ations Committee at the next meeting. Fundina for Lea� Aba�ement Requirements Councilmember Mdccab�e made a MOTION for approval of this resolution; MOTION � CARRIEO, 3-0. Presum tivel w rk-r lated diseases No discussion Diversion of SCQRE F�ndin4 to Citv to Fund Recvcling Pro4rams No discussion ', � 5. Finance ar�d Manjagement Services: Charitable Gamblin4 A�nendments This issue will go to the Human Services, Regulated Industries, and Rules & Policy Committee for discussion; it will return to the Intergovernmental Relations Committee in four weeks. Licensin for Ai ort Limousines This issue was L14ID O�IER to the next Intergovernmental Relations Committee meeting. � 4 .,,.