D00702C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L �FFICE OF THE MAYQR proveci Copies to: - City Cleric (Originaf) ADMIlVISTRATIVE ORDER: BUDGET REVISION - Finance Dept's Accomtting Division /� -RequestingDept No: _ �`1� Date: � ADMINISTRATIYE ORDER, Consistent wiffi the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07A of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of tfie Depariment of Facecutive Administration - Budget Office to amend the 1995 budget of the General Fund, the Director of the Department of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: OEPARTMEN7&DMSION: CURRENT APPROVED AMENDED FUND AND ACTMN' B DGE CHANGES 60DGET FROM: • Mayor - Budget OKce General Fund 001-001 0 7-08 57 TO; Mayor - Budget Office General Fu�d 001-00101 A368 NET CHANGE �U �.�r-,�.o �o aa -9s 'repared by: Activity �, �ager Date eated6y: DeparGnentDirector Date 4,000 2,682 (�,500) 1,500 2,500 4,182 XR�—�,a�G� r� �� ?����95 p rp a�d by: 9ayor Date rsuserswueaentz�vormsaa form +oiss RpGT PEASON & PNONE Dede Demko 266-8545 10, 1995 # OF SIGtiATURE PAGES �a7o�. �� OCRYATTORNEY �� �w �� 1aeUDC�ETDIRECTOR cnoen ALl LOCATIONS FOR NO. 31119 Oc�ncouNC� 2�LRY CLERK OFIN/MGT. SERNCES DiR � Approval of Administrative Order for a budget revision in the Generai Fund, Mayots Budget Office. Reject(R) PLANNING LOMMISSYON _ CIB CORIMITTEE , STAFF , 015TRiGTCqURT _ �RTSNkfICH COUNL�t O&IECTIVE'! PERSONALSERNCE CONTRACT5 b1U5TANSWER TNE POLLDYWNG QUESTIONS: (Ezplain aif yes answers on separate shcetantl attacA to 9�n sheet) 7. Has ihis psrsoMirtn evervrorked undera contrar3TO�Ma tleparUne`M1? YES NO 2. Hasriiis person/fifin ever been a cdy empfoyee? YES NO 3.Oce5Mis persoMrtn possess a skll nat nom�aiy possessed by any wrtent tiry employee? YES NO re. MlhY). Supply costs have exceeded the amovm budgeted in the 1495 adopted budge[ for the Budget Office and has resulted in a deficit IF APPROVE�: By reorganiaing priorities and vansferring Funds from those line items to supplies, the deficit will be alleviated. iP APPftOVED: None ��C�I��� OCT 2 51995 �ITY CLERK IF NOTAPPROVED: Tne deficit will continue to exist and no addi5ona7 purchases for supplies would be able to take place. fOTALAMOUNTOFTRAN5AC710N 'UNDiNG SOURCE 1NANCiAL 1NFORMATON: (EX%AfN) ' COSTIREYENUEBIIPGEIED(GRCLEONEJ YES \ NQ ACi1VITYfJUMBER 00101 . d�J