90-1987 O � �4(`?.� �� I Council File # ��^�9��' V � L 9764 Green Sheet # RESOLUTION C1TY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� Presented By � I/Referred To , Committee: Date �� //-l.5-9!� WHEREAS, The improvements on County State Aid Highway No. 64 (Prosperity ~ Avenue) from Jmhnsori Parkway to East Arlington Avenue will be under the supervision of the City of Saint Paul and in accordance with City Project 91-P-8059B; and WHEREAS, It has been deemed advisable and necessary for the City of Saint Paul to expend an estir�ated $409,700 of Municipal State Aid Funds off system on this Project; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper City officials do hereby appropriate from our Municipal State Aid Fundg the estimated sum of $409,700 to apply towards the construction of said ProjeCt, and request the Commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Transportation to approve this appropriation. Yea}s Navs Absent Requested by Department of: urron O3fi' —" Public Works (PAS) 10-22-90 on acc ee —, etuna vne —� i son � �_ By� �"— U Adopted by Council: Date Q(J� 8 �gg� Form App o e y ty Att y r Adopt' Certified by Council Secretary By: BY� � Approv b ayor for Submission to Approved by Mayor: �ate AUG i 2 1991 Council �'' By� � �/'r.Gr{�,/LC.sI?i � By: ��� ' P�3DlIS�ED AUG 17,91 � . ��—i��� __�. �,�uc wo� ,orrr� GREEN SH ET No. 9764 CONTA�T PER80Nl�PFIOtrE lE INITtAL/DATE Paul St.Martin(2'92-628 �� arr�►rnoa�r � cm�, MU.RT BE ON OOUNC�A6ElQA BY ��lDOET DI�OR FML i Mf3T.BEFiVK:E3 DIR ����P�� �a►row��ar� Dan Du►�iord TOTA�#OF SIi�7UR�P 1 (t�.IP ALL LOC�ATIONB EOR�IQNATUR �cnoN Au�wrize the proper Cay , tio expend Munidpal State Aid Funds�o�the C�y's share oi the proposed improvemerrts on County State Aid t�hw No. (ProsperitY Averwe)between JohneOn Patkway and East ArNn�on Avenue. ca _�wo ca�w� oo�w�oa u+KrsT C�COMMIT'iEE a 8TAFF �g —��T�. OCT'3 01990 ����� ATTORN�EY NdIT41TNKi PROYt�� WFNT.YN�N.WHERE.VN�iY): AutFwrizatbn is needed ,expe the e�timated$4t)8,700 of Mu e!►id Funds off system. NOV O 1 1'9�8 MAYOa's oFfl+CE �v�wr�s�� Projecf will proceed a� ' oo ed�in 1991. asaovMrr�a���o- DISADVANTA�06S iF NaT APPRO'ifEO: Project wil�not pr«;eed. RECEIVED �ounc�� !;a.���rch Center� ��� � ��� NOV � ;g�'p 70TAL AMOUM OF TRA =w OOST/I�V9�JE WDQEFED(C{11GLE ONEj YES NO PUMDINQ SOIJRCE ACITY1iY MJMBER F�L�OF�IATION:IEXPI.AMl1 ac� 12. - ` RESOLUTION - 90-1967 - Indemnifying the APPROVED 4-0 5tate of Minnesota for granting a _ � variance to Municipal State Aid to /,�" � � design Speed Standards on Prosperity � Avenue between Rose Ave. and E. Maryland Ave. (Referred to Committee 11/13/90; L a i d o v e r i n �Qmmi�tee--1-����f�8-;—�}-1-6��—�--�----------____ 13. OLUTION - 90-1987 - Authorizing City APPROVED 4-� �fficials to expend Municipal State Aid �unds for the City's share of the �roposed improvements on County State l�id Highway No. 64 (Prosperity Avenue) between Johnson, Parkway to E. Arlington Ipvenue. (Referred to Committee 11/15/90; V.aid over in Committee 12/19/90, 1/16/90) --------�..______.._.._._�________..__---__�_—_____.------ � , I' ; i ! =--___._o 1 . ���� ��.`"'°' � S'a4 %� GO T A9 �;� '' " �� ti� CITY OF SAINT PAUL ►v�embers: � �; OFFICE OF THE CiT'Y COUNCIL RE�E�� Roger J.Goswitz,chair a e_""� E D D a v i d T h u n e,v i c e c h a i r w`..:o Tom Dimond o��:a,9�,�c�,�ss� AUC, 1 �99� Bob Long Committee Report ��T Y�LERK To: Saint Paui City Council From: Public Works, Utilities, and Transportation Committee Roger J. Goswitz, Chair Hearinq Date . ACTION Approval of Minutes of July 17, 1991 APPROVED 4-0 � l. 8/6/91 FINAL ORDER: For acquiring a temporary APPROVED 4-0 easement in the westerly 40 feet of the southerly 120 feet of Lot 41, Cottage Homes in conjunction with the Maryland/ Dale Area Storm Sewer Project. 2. 8/6/91 FINAL ORDER: Sidewalk construction and/or APPROVED 3-0 reconstruction at the following locations: S9181 West side Hazelwood Street from E. Sixth Street to Margaret St. at 1537 E. Sixth St. Also, removal of retaining wall abutting the sidewalk and the property if , necessary; (Ward 7) S9182 Both sides Erie Street from St. Clair Avenue to Grace; (Ward 2) S9183 South side St. Clair Avenue from Duke to Colborne St. at 460 St. Clair Avenue; (Ward 2) S9184 North side Como Avenue from Kent St. to Front Ave. ; (Ward 5) S9185 Both sides Como Avenue from Commonwealth - Ave. to Carter Ave. ; (Ward 4) S9186 Both sides Saunders Avenue from S. Howell St. to Kenneth St. and South side Saunders Avenue from S. Howell St. to S. Wilder St. ; (Ward 3) S9187 Both sides S. Wilder Street from Saunders Ave. to Montreal Ave. ; (Ward 3) 3. 8/6/91 RATIFICATION OF ASSESSMENTS: For APPROVED 3-0 installation of storm sewer service connections, as requested by property owners, in the Marshall/Hamline Area Storm Sewer Project Area. (Midway Shopping Center)