90-1976 • . � I . . . . � - . � j� I _ i � CITY OF ST� PAUL � COUNCIL E�LE 1�; - Q/� FINAL QRD � R BY , i � - � � � �� � File No. 1s6t19-�4 , i i Voting In the Matter�f t�� ���,� ttor� and sat�r ser�ce coiuuctioas, if Ward s�qae#tsd � ttie Property ar�,ets, in ce�aectian��#�t� Clarals�d/ 3 Ifitsof�in aa Storw Sew�er sad Strsst Ta�ina s� Li�htiu� ?roject. � i � ` i � . , • i � � � I under Preliminary Oqder � �l�`�� approved �d �� / v �� The Council af the ity of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given a prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, Tt�e Coun il has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully Gonside ed the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, '�hat th Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the prpper Ci�y officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER R�SOLV�D, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurredlthereinland shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. I'� I NOV 31990 COUNCIL PER ON Adopted by the Council: Date � Yeas �p� ays �t I Certified ed by Council Secretary ?�Ceab�! I � In Favor By Retca� a � ' ! Against Wil80tt� �OV � � 1990 Mayor I i �OBl1SN�D N OV 1�71994 ' I i I � , . . RE 9 19 90 0��������D/�Gv� . • i i Q,('� 9 � DEPARTMENTlOFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED NO �1 O H H V Finance/Real Est te 9�1��90 GREEN SHEET CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTORNITIAUDATE ❑CITY COUNCIL INITIAUDATE Peter �'11tE 2 8— 317 AS81GN �CITYATTORNEY �CITYCLERK NUMBER FOR MUST BE ON COUNCIL AOENOA BY DATE) ROUTING �BUDGET DIRECTOR �FIN.8 M6T.SERVICE3 DIR. ML1St be in C�ty �,' rk's Office IIO ORDER �MAYOR(ORASSISTAN'n � COL1I1C11 TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE AGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Setting date of ubli hearing Approve the inst llat on of storm, sanitary and water service connections, if requested by the property own r, i connection with the Cleveland/Ma.goffin Area Storm Sewer and Street Pavin and Li ht n P o'ect. File 4 186 9-4 RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)or eject(R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FO�LOWING�UESTIONS: _PLANNING COMMISSION CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1• Has this personlfirm ever worked under a contract for this departmeM? _CIB COMMITfEE YES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? �STAFF YES NO _DI3TRICT COUa7 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employeeT SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJE IVE7 ard 3 YES NO Saf er and Better Neig borhoods Explain all yes answers on separate shset and attach to grosn sheet Sewer Separation INITIATINQ PROBLEM,ISSUE,OP TUNITY( ho,What,When,Where,Why): Storm Sewer and tree construction will necessitate the streets to be dug up. Its only logical that con ecti ns should be installed at this time. ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: Streets will hav to b redone DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Property owners 11 h ve an assessment against his property DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: Higher costs and ighe assessments to the property owner RECEIVED Counci� Research Cente� ����� SEP 1 y 1J9Q ClTY CLERK . �^^' TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTI N s * nknown CO3T/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE Asse sments only ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPUIIN) *Sto , sanitary and water service connections will be assessed at the rate in effect at the t'me of installation. dW �i-/3- 9 d ��yQ �`7� 6�. 1� FiINAL ORDER: For constructing the C e and/ APPROVED 4-0 � Magoffin Area Storm Sewer Project. Bounded by Soo Line RR Right-of-way on the north, on the south and west by the Mississippi River, and on the east by the west line of the Soo Line R�2 Right-of-way to Th�rre Avenue, by Cleveland Avenue from Thure to the center line of the Soo Line RR by Prior Avenue from Return Court to the Mississippi River. Also, installation o�f sanhtary, storm and water service connections i�f re luested by property owne s. 7. 11/30/90 FINAL ORDER: For acquiring a per � ity APPROVED 4-0 easement for the Cleveland/Magoffin Area Storm Sewer project over, under and across part of Lot l,l, Block 1, Auditor's Subdivision #87. 8. 11/30/90 FINAL �RDER: For acquiring a permanent utility APPROVED 4-0 easeme�t for the Cleveland/Magoffin Area Storm Sewer roject over, under and across part of L�t 1,' Block 4, Bisanz Riverwood Terrace. 9. 11/13/90 WATIFIGATION OF ASSESSMENTS: For Wabasha/5th/6th APPROVED 3-0 Streetscape Project. 10. 11/13/90 RESOLUfiION - 1566 - Increasing the Sewer APPROVED 4-0 Availability Charge (SAC) from �600.00 to �650.OQ by the MWCC. � 11 . REPORT: Conveyance of Sewers back to the City LAID OVER from the MWCC. 4 WEEKS 12. RESOLU�'ION - 90-1877 - Approving Lease APPROVED 4-0 Agreement, a 3 year, 3 party lease of 400 square feet of vacant land to Jean F. & Thomas A. Krawczewski to be sub-let to DBA Converter Tech. Co., for the purpose of pedestrian access. 13. �Discussion on Volume-Based Pricing: Mandatory ` APPROVED AS collection; not organized trash collection. AMENDED 4-0 14. Other Business: RESOLUTION - 90-1929 - An Ordinance amending APPROVED AS Chapter 85 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code AMENDED 4-0 _ pertaining to the regulation of Water Rates i� the City of Saint Paul . (Referred to �. Committee 11/1/90) . ' . , ' (��-y�.'��7� .. .' T+��-"�W vFi:s �u d .}i*- 3At^t raA v ir.u4wT.7.� � •; " ' �RELIIVIII�TARY ORDER�'� c a ,�:'`�`"�.'f'��4,�»�t+'��:1 i�- . �5 �• 't>a�.r'�h�,l:�' { s` 4�e- �. �i .)i..;. .�t�T" I�.,� '�'�G��.��rY� t E��2 i,_`��" ' ��fi.�w �. wn�3'�Ya�:� �' �S,gw�ijc,xb,.;. � ��y4 �� ;� r i �� � � 4�� � _I Cou ncil F�lle No 90=1762 ;By Bob Long '; ,,��'3:�t�. . ����'�'S�-1 �'"�n' e^Matter'bf lnstalltn sani �storm"'�t► wat se 1ce,�connecUons..lfG� ?�.: g . tarY : � � �". requeste ,-by the:pioperly owners;.in conneciion��,w)�tietCl�veland%Magoflin Area �_, Slorm� er and Slreel Paving and Llghting ProJeCk in oting Ward 3�� �+�. : � ;The ouricil of,lhe Cil ofSalnt Paul havin recelved the report oCthe}Vlayoi upon , lhe.abov�lmprovement an�.having Fonsidered said re�ort;t�ere�iesolves` ��""-" �'`; , . f... : .� t r-: `'�+S d:,� `€� -Y�.•?X T["'`. -..+ `iT r r`"'�s;�-��'#"�&�'+;?- ���,1 Thal;thesaiclreportandthe;s�mels.herebyapprovec�,�wilh�oalte;natives,,and , al lhe'esUmaled cost lhereoC ts psr connectlon[tnanced by assessments.Sanitary k� storm an�ri waler servlce connecUons�re,,assessed;at th iato in eCfeci atrthe Ume;of lnstallaUPn � ., ��- t � } F, �ii.��q-'�-:�+.,��'+.�#.�' �"� '�-..-,�,. 3 �y' ( � �:� x`. �X; .�fr� s� <,: L �.1•. �>�l�.�M"', 5' t::1 r r R'`fs'f..''Sfi4�t. •.i s�� � --5� 3 •.. J1L+ {i � Fr .. J '�r� �2 Tliatapubllchearingbehadonaaid.improvemer�tAnthe�3thdavofNovemlieii� ��k ' 1990 a1�e00 o'clock a.m..]n,the,:CouncilEChambexs o�'�ie City Ha1L and CouFt House Y i uildin n the Cily�ofS�nt�aul�y.;,����-�,�* ���r�ti�»,��;,�,,���f���;,k���.��^^�-�r�''= f,�:� .,��.;�- ` ��3 aE nouce�o[sald;public�iearing'be giveh'�to,the•persons'and ln��hemannet3; .provide�by,the;Charter:stallng;the �ime and place.of.hearing,Tthe nature of'the�:,� i�pprove ent and the total'.cost thereoC as es �atied.�, 2"�"`��"��` �y . .,�W.t� ^ p . :s r �'sd'rsfJ',�'�'E�'v�a. ..� .., .`��'�.� �9':-'H �. �«NU. L 'G "3 .: .� *'�il�e�No� 8609 4 ��a�,!',,,���:�.�'# .�«-�"�`c;�5�,, . � ''� k .��SAdo ted by Council Octobe�.4��199,Q �-��- �.` � . ��.,� ,�• -a t . r_ j� ,i r. � . r,�r �< ' ` '� App oved by'Mayor October 5 1990 ,�„�.. � ����b`�t � ��� �,a; �y, �� xs : �z d.r^�Ociobe�r 13 20 19901 � +- �'` g�� " `t �� �, aE°> �fa�p!�,�� r ''�J" 1 RS�n .� s.Yr ,._,.�.. L�.�,&a4'X '.'�.�`.,��;�. �e� t : '�r� �.Aa��:�••. � +n�s.� a�'-�._...�`_:s,::l3tf �+Si!�id�i'V� s�'ac�.���'``�+,f.tcih�li i'`�=�i���d*:�Ys�,9; ?�'! . � � . . � y� � . � j9� � ,�r gt :., � 'I:� 7 ,: �� �� �}n.�. ,Y+f -ar� x�fi>� "#���"€,�,����F]�s+'J�:.�'�«�sF'�c`�'2u``�-I. ��e ,��� �,,i�.f's��r �€,�.PREL�]ViIIVAI2YiORDL� "�����•��,���e�����34'�• � � `� .ykk13�"�'=i ^1'°� Si+s'f�3e �, r ,-. .�t�A� > .x ''" - �#�`dD�S�".� � ' ,�t . r, �� �a� �Co cil Fil No 90 1762 By Bob Long������'�� ��-r'- �r ��;ji � �.� � -t, t���,>.;�v z�t+�g rtt ��+�s-s���yr`+E'aS�c'��i����'r.'�f*'�F�' 1 In-the Matter of,installin sani sfornr r.,e ce;connecdons if- � .� _ st t t 3 �t t `� t,t-.�t-t , aa "4 -�.�' ��`req ested the j�roperty owners,in':eonnection with the Cleveland%Magofiln Area ": A�Sto�m`Sewe and Stree`t Pavingand LightingP;o,jectin Voting�Vaid�3:���""������� :n-f{tas �, a �R: r yi i� � r.., y- '� n�JirJ'si� ir-#t�,t• !��'�s f� -L..� - � Tfie,Co ncil of the City�O��t�Pau111av�ip.re�ei�+�e report o�e�Vtayor upon,; � 'the bove`� `pro`vemen`t,an ` ng con'sTdered sait�'eport Yiereby iesolves "�`�""'` "a'� � �.,Yr . � �.� . tas'�': �Ytia...t,.��K��Sfl,:Yi.�. , „ 1 That the said report and the samr.,,�isihereby a,pproved with na alternatives,and �- � thaC the est�mated cost thereof is pe�,connection finac}ced byd,;asseg�ineztts.:S�n}tary,-`. � ':storm an�l�ter servlcc�con}ieci�on}s.�re�ssessed��,th��rat�,iu ciYec��t�the�,iime of;�< l ins tlonr.. j> � .,.. .-? ...i?;i�3�,1�i���'�vy:iSZs�r��'�:`�t'a�,'}�'��,�$J�9tc����'i�t:�x.l � 'kt �r5�s<2.:Thataputs]ic;hearingbehadon_'saidimprove�henton,the33th.da ofNov� �be °: _.1990 • 'cloek a:m�;in the Gonncil Ctiamtiers of the Ctty and�Co�t House�s Y � ,$u ding in�he.City of,Saint PauL r°'`"� � ,:r."+`r °'`s� �giy�.'�� `��c�s'ii�}��, .. ; ;� �,� �3.�That�opce of said public hearing be.given ta the peisocis�nd"1n the'lnanner-�j , _:provlcied bji�the Char'ter�stating tlie:Um�e and place of heariz3�,,ttid.natulr�e`.ol�Yhe y�,-� im �oveme��t and the total cost thereof as estimated " x �`Y,�^a'=� ` p.�srr�.Y.,�+#Yi,ria�Jr#4'h.�'Jr�ss<r�++s'��s#,?-ty4;�3� #;�+d �£�I�,� �"� F71e No' 18 09-4 3 rr <� ,',���:.��,�� .�7��.t�t�',.q�t!€s���..'�.�E > � �.�"r--�, ` �� Adopted by Council October 4, 1990 �,��,����,�� ` �� �;��' Approv d by Mayor October 5 1990 �;��r�,�,�i ,'' j��" '' � "� . �� ��x ��z �� � �;: �i.t•�-YOcto�'ie�'1'3�20�1390���fx, �,��� � '��� �: :� '�,��, t �t .:� ak s s„:; � :..:��� �:ac�Fi' "p,��S�},1,iw�- �+'.�- x�'+- _ .,��d^A_ . _ T_ .*'!-'..s� "f _ _--. _ a_ yr+tv..,-±v..�,.�1,f� w`�':i�:;i"�J�-.AR�`F�»- -+ � __'. :'�� . j