90-1974 . ; ,. ___� - PUBLIC HEARING - NOV�EMBER 13, 1990 �' — CITY OF ST.�PAUL ' CO IL F D� ; AMENDED FINAL OIRDER By � r File No. 18596 a i i ' Voting In the Matter o�' � Wsrd 3 I _ _ -- — � Improve the following streets with a new bituminous roadway , concrete curb and gutters , driveway� aprons will be reconstructed with concrete and new concrete outwalka . Boulevards will be regraded and sodded and a lantern style street ligt{ting, system will be installed : Villard Avenue from Cleveland Avenue to Return Court Hampshire Avenue from Colby Street to Bowdoin Street Magoffin Avenue from Mississippi River Blvd to Cleveland Ave Itasca Avenue from Mississippi River Blvd to Cleveland Ave Elsie Lane from Mississippi River Blvd to Cleveland Ave Field Avenue from Murray Street to Prior Avenue Norfolk Avenue from Cleveland Avenue to Prior Avenue Colby ' Str�et from Hampshire Avenue to Magoffin Avenue Colby Avenu�e from Magoffin Avenue to Bowdoin Street Finn Street from Hampshire Avenue to Magoffin Avenue Bowdoin Street from Hampshire Avenue to Itasca Avenue All of' Villard Court north of Villard Avenue Return Court from Villard Avenue to Itasca Avenue Murray� Street from Norfolk Avenue to Field Avenue Kennet�h Street from Sheridan Avenue to Norfblk Avenue Prior Aven;ue from Field Avenue to Mississippi River Blvd. All to be known as the Cleveland/Magoffin Area Street Paving and Lighting Project . i r�i�uncir vr tne c;iry or �amt raut nas conaucteo a puoiic neanng upon tne aoove irnprovemenr, aue narice thereof having been!given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Cour�cil has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully !considetr�ed the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, �'hat th� Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the p�joper Ci�ty officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER R�SOLV�D, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurrec�thereir�and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. ; i i COUNCIL PER�ON � Adopted by the Council: Date �V � 7 1�� Yeas Dimond ays Goswitz I � Certified ss d Counc' Secretary Long I Ma.ccabe� � In Favor By Rettman � Thune � Against � NOV 2 7 199�'ayor wilson � PUB�ISHEp U E C 81990 I . ' ` ' , RE 10 31 90 .� Q�'� ��`�� � / / �� DEPARTMENTlOFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED Finance and Ma.na ement Real Estate 10/30/90 GREEN SHEET N° _11660 CONTACT PERSON 8 PHO INITIAL/DATE INITIAL/DATE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCIL Peter White 298�5 17 �$$��N �CITYATTORNEY �CITYCLERK NUMBER FOR MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY DATE) ROUTINQ �BUDGET DIRECTOR �FIN.&MOT.SERVICES DIR. Mll3t be in C.lty � 9 1C2 IIO ORDER �MAYOR(OR ASSISTANn � Cnnnril TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE AGE3 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Amend Final Orde to a prove construction of the Cleveland/Magoffin Area Street Paving and Lighting Project. See original Green Sheet 4�10887 File No. 18596 RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)or FieJect(R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING GUESTIONS: _PLANNINO COMMIBSION CIVI SERVICE COMMISSION �• Has this person/firm eve�worked under a contrect for this department? _CIB COMMITTEE YES NO �STAFF 2• Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? YES NO _ DI3TRICT COURT 3. Does this erson/firm p posseas a skill not normally possessed by any current city emplayee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJE IVE?W3 d 3 YES NO Better and Safer eigh OrtlOOds Explain all yea answers on separate aheet and attach to green shset Sewer Separation INITIATINQ PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPP RTUNITY ho,What,When,Where,Why): ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAOES IFAPPROVED: DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: �:��1�1�11 ���a��rC� C�,���� u l;I � 1�);��� .. . . • :y�.� . TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACT ON $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETEp(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIALINFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) Tota amount of transaction on Green Sheet 4�10887 NOTE: COMPL�TE DIREGTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE GREEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASING OFFICE(PHONE NO.298-4225). ROUTING ORDER: Below are correct routings fw the five most frequent types of documents: - CONTRACTS(assumes authorized budget exists) COUNCIL RESOLUTION (Amend Budgets/Acxept.Cirants) , 1. Outside Agency 1. Department Director 2. Department Director 2. City Attorney 3. City Attorney 3. Budget Director 4. Mayor(for contracts over$15,000) 4. Mayor/Assistant 5. Human Rights(for contracts over$50,000) 5. City Council 6. Finance and Management Services Director 6. Chief Accountant, Finance and Management Services 7. Finance Aawunting ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS(Budget Revision) COUNCIL RESOLUTION (all others, and Ordinances) 1. Activity Manager 1. Department Director 2. Department Accountant 2. City Attorney 3. Department Director 3. Mayor Assistant 4. Budget Director 4. Ciry Council 5. City Clerk 6. Chief Acxountant, Finance and Management Services ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS(all others) 1. Department Director 2. Ciry Attorney 3. Finance and Management Services Director 4. City Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES Indicate the#of pages on which signatures are required and paperclip or flag eeich of these pages. ACTION REQUESTED Describe what the project/request seeks to acxomplish in either chronologi- cal order or order of importance,whichever is most appropriate for the issue. Do not write complete sentences. Begfn each item in your list with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete if the issue in question has been presented before any body,public or private. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Indicate which Council objective(s)your projecUrequest supports by listing the key word(s)(HOUSING, RECREATION, NEIGHBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDGET, SEWER SEPARATION). (SEE COMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS: This information will be used to determine the city's liability for workers compensation claims,taxes and proper civil service hiring rules. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY Explain the situation or conditions that created a need for your project or request. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED e Indicate whether this is slmply an annual budget procedure required by law/ charter or whether there are specific ways in which the City of Saint Paul and its citizens will benefft from this projecUaction. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED What negative effects or major changes to existing or past processes might this projecUrequest produce if it is passed(e.g.,traffic delays, noise, tax increases or assessments)?To Whom?When?For how long? DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED What will be the negative consequences if the promised action is not approved?Inability to deliver service?Continued high traffic, noise, accident rate?Loss of revenue? FINANCIAL IMPACT Although you must tailor the information you provide here to the issue you are addressing, in general you must answer two questions: How much is it going to cost?Who is going to pay7 -- RE 9/19/90 DEPARTMENT/OFFICElCOUNCIL DATE INITIATEO N� ��O H V 1 Finance Depa'rtment/Real �� tate. 9/17/90 GREEN SHEET CONTACT PEFiSON 8 PNONE �pEpARTMEHT DNiECTORNRW.IDATE CITY COUNCII INITIAL/pATE Peter White 298-5317 ASSIGN �cmaror�v ' �CITYCLERK �l1 �,�1 NUMlEH FOfl Q���p�E�� �FIN.8 MGT.SERVICES DIR. Mt1StE DE�lII I(.1tyA�l�er �'s fice AO Op�p p� a�yQq(pq��q� � c,o,��;i R ��� -'� � fOTAL#OF SIGNATURE PA(�ES ,1 (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE� .� � ACTION REdUESTED: Setting date of hearing Approve construction of bn�rb and gutter, paving and lanteru style street lighting in connecti with the Cleveland/Magoffin Area Street Paving and Lighting Project. File #18596 RECOMMENDATIONS:Approw IA)a RN�{R) , PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING OUE8TION3: _PL,WNINO COMMISStON ._;.Clvil 3 ICE C01�AM►SSION 1. Has this persorJfim�eVM wOfked ufWer a cOntract for this depart�Mnt? ' YES NO • _CIB COMMiTTEE —. —' 2. Has Mis personAi►m ewr baon a cAy smployee? � STAFF —... YES NO _WS7RiCT COUR7 3. Does this PersaNflrm Poeasas e akfN not normaRY Posseased bY anY curterrt city emPbYee4 ' su�roA�rs wH�c►+cour��oe.ie�z W rd 3 r�s No : Better and Safer neighbox�hoods �P���n sll yss anarera on t�puat�shNt and attsch to y►Nn sh�et Sewer Separation INITIATINCi PROBLEM.ISSUE.OPPOR7UNITY( .VM�t Wh�n.W�ria.Whyl. Streets will be torn up t�o do the Cleveland/Magoffin Area Storm Sewer Project ; i PPR D: �I ADVANTAOES IF A OYE 9utting in paving, �urb, gutter and better lighting will reduce maintenance costs and make (.. ''^:ze neighborhood saf er at�d nicer looking ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: S�treets will be torri up �uring construction season. Property owners will have 20 year assessmens attached to tl�eir properties DISAOVANTAOES IF t�T APPROVED: treets would continue tb be costly to maintain � �TAL AMOUNT OF TRAN8ACTION S 1�589,460.OO COSTlREYENUE 8UD6ETED(CIRCLE ONE) � YEB� NO Assessments ;445,010 FUNDING SOURCE Sewer �Revenue Bonds �222,673 ACTIVITY NIlIIBER • FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPGR1Nt Capiltal Improvement Bonds �921,777 . .v . / \ "� ' C�� ����� . `v� ° ` CITY OF SAINT N►embers: �,TT�, ,� ,�r�' ; � OFFICE OF THE C1TY COUNCIL Roger J. Goswitz,chair a % David Thune,vice chair , . ., ` „�������f � Tom Dimond � �o Bob Long " ' DaEe:November 7.1990 �... Committee Report To: Saint 'Paul City Council From: Pubii� Works, Utilities, and Transportation Committee Roger; J. Goswitz, Chair Hearinq Date ! Approv�l of Minutes of October 31, 1990. APPROVED 3-0 1 . 11/13/90 VACATIpN: Petition of State� of Minnesota for APPROVED 3-0 the vaCation of part of Constitution Avenue betweel� Cedar Street and Robert Street. Purpose is to hmprove aesthetics of the Capitol grounds and im�rove pedestrian traffic. 2. 11/13/90 VACATION: Petition of State of Minnesota for APPROVED 3-0 the vacation of part of Wabasha Street and Columbus Avenue between Cedar and 12th Street. Purpos� is to proceed with the Capitol Mall Landscaping Project. 3. 11/20/90 FINAL ORDER: Improve the following streets with LAID OVER a bituminous roadway, concrete curb and gutters, 4 WEEKS concrete driveway aprons and outwalks, boulevard restoration and a lantern style street lighting system for Walnut Street from Exchange Street to Smi�th Avenue and Chestnut Street from Smith Avenue to Thompson Street. All to be known as the Seventh/Kellogg Area Street Paving and Lighti��ng Project. 4. 11/20/90 FINAL ORDER: Constructing the Seventh/Kellogg APPROVED 3-0 Area Storm Sewer Project. Area bounded by Shepard Road, St. Peter St. , Summit Avenue and Smith Avenue. Also construction of sanitary, storm and water service connections, � if requested by property owners. 5. 11/13/90 fiINALjORDER: Improving the following streets APPROVED 4-0 with bituminous roadway, concrete curb and �utte s, concrete driveway aprons and outwalks, �oule ard restoration and a lantern style street lightiing system for parts of Villard, Hampshi�e, Ma of�'�n, Itasca, Elsie, Field, Norfolk, Colb , Finn, Bowdoin, All of Villard Court, Return Court, Murray�, Kenneth and Prior. Al1 to be known as the C�eveland/Magoffin Area Street Paving and 'Light�ng Project. 6'. 10/30/90 FINAL ORDER: For constructing the Cleveland/ APPROVED 4-0 • � Magoffin Area Storm Sewer Project. Bounded by Soo Line RR Right-of-way on the north, on the south and west by the Mississippi River, and on the east by the west line of the Soo Line RR Right-of-way to Thure Avenue, by Cleveland Avenue from Thure to the center line of the Soo Line RR by Prior Avenue from Return Court to the Mississippi River. Also, installation of sanitary, storm and water service connections if requested by property owners. 7. 11/30/90 FINAL ORDER: For acquiring a permanent utility APPROVED 4-0 easement for the Cleveland/Magoffin Area Storm Sewer Project over, under and across part of Lot 1, Block 1, Auditor's Subdivision #87. 8. 11/30/90 FINAL ORDER: For acquiring a permanent utility APPROVED 4-0 easement for the Cleveland/Magoffin Area Storm Sewer Project over, under and across part of Lot 1, Block 4, Bisanz Riverwood Terrace. 9. 11/13/90 RATIFICATION OF ASSESSMENTS: For Wabasha/5th/6th APPROVED 3-0 Streetscape Project. 10. 11/13/90 RESOLUTION - 1566 - Increasing the Sewer APPROVED 4-0 Availability Charge (SAC) from a600.00 to $650.00 by the MWCC. � 11 . REPORT: Conveyance of Sewers back to the City LAID OVER from the MWCC. 4 WEEKS 12. RESOLUTION - 90-1877 - Approving Lease APPROVED 4-0 Agreement, a 3 year, 3 party lease of 400 square feet of vacant land to Jean F. & Thomas A. Krawczewski to be sub-let to DBA Converter Tech. Co. , for the purpose of pedestrian access. 13. Discussion on Volume-Based Pricing: Mandatory APPROVED AS collection; not organized trash collection. AMENDED 4-0 14. Other Business: RESOLUTION - 90-1929 - An Ordinance amending APPROVED AS Chapter 85 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code AMENDED 4-0 pertaining to the regulation of Water Rates in the City of Saint Paul . (Referred to Committee 11/1/90) i CITY OF ST. PAUL I, COUNCIL FILE NO. �" / �� FINAL QRD � R ', �- By .j �.�..�,� �I File No. 1�596 `� � � Voting In the Matter qf _ Ward � � � � _ Improve the fallowing streets with a new bituminous roadway, co crete curb and gutters , �7riva,way aprons will be reconstructed with concr te and new concrete outwalks .' Boulevards will be regraded and sodded d a lantern style street light;�'ing system will be installed : Villard Avenue from Cleveland Avenue to Re urn Court Hampshire Avenue from Colby Street to Bowdo 'n Street Magaffin'' Avenue from Mississippi River Blv to Cleveland Ave Itasca Avenue from Mississippi River B d to Cleveland Ave Elsie Avenue from Mississippi River B vd to Cleveland Ave Field Avenue from Sheridan Avenue t Prior Avenue Norfolk Avenue from Cleveland Avenue o Prior Avenue Colby Street from Aampshire Avenu to Dowdoin Street Finn Street from Hampshire Aven e to Magoffin Avenue Bow�oin Street from Hampshire Ave ue to Itasca Avenue All of Villard Court north of Villar Avenue , Return Court from Villard Av nue to Itasca Avenue � Murray Street from Sheridan venue to Norfolk Avenue Renneth Street from Sherida Avenue to Norfolk Avenue Priar Avenue from Field venue to Mississippi River Blvd . ' i All to be know�n as! the Cleveland/Magof in Area Street Paving and Lighting Project . 'r}18 COUriClI Otl t�1C t,l�fY OI J3117[ raul nas conau eQ fl PUDIIC I1CdIlI1� uF7vn utc awvc tttr�ivvciriciit, uuc iiv�i�c thereof having been �iven asl prescribed by the City C rter; and WHEREAS, Th Counc�l has heard all persons, bjections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully c nsider d the same; now, th efore, be it RESOLVED, T at the Council of the Ci of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the pro er Cit officers are her y directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RE�OLVE , That upo the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein a d shall re rt the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. I � COUNCIL PERSCIN Adopted by the Council: Date Yeas �� N�ys ��_� � Certified Passed by Council Secretary Loa� �c� In Favor By �at ' �� Against iTilson Mayor ,�� REt'UR#�T�fir#� '� $e .A1SSE��'DIVISFON:� .- `� r � .. � ���- ' � �. �� �. ��`' =�. � R(3�218- �," - , � � . .,, a �. :: .. . �, • : n._' �r �. a�° _ �. � �, �..: � �,� , :� Y i ._ CITY 8F .PAUL: t s �` COUI'��IL'��E�IQ. �." / �� " ; ..r� �� F.I N A L �A�D F� � .."".�. � F:'°��` ��r ,: r Y::.-� � �� n . . .... . � ."�. BW � � �, � CA7h��7���� y . n . '• � . � ; � : �_ . fi. ��� � `. , ' . �., .. j. . - "! '. k' . _:4� . ..., *� . . � . :-.. - �.� � � . ... . . . �. s . . � , . �.; �- , � ,. . . . . ,.r: .� ,�r, , •��'� n . .-7` �, Ylr:' ;. �:, _ . .. ', - �< Fite No. � tl k : ��T � , ,Q � ; .� _ ;� _�, ��W_ ,_ � , �+^"�' . , ,r i � .. .. , � '. — . :'f:� .'. `� � 5 �,; '�.'� . �.., . �.,. . . . i . .'v. ..' � . . . � � ,. � L � ...-� . . . : . F' . ...,r . . ,` . J� �.�� . _ ., � s C . � . -� . �� ... da+ •- � . �:� . .. . . . .. . � ., -. .,. . �. t � . j � , . .� , �. . . .n. .�� �' ..." . . .. a -..M ..�.� i": Y- ._—�"�_ —_._ . .. ..... . '' __.�__�__ —�_.__—. .. _ _ _._ . F . . _3 �t;Rs•�e tl�s i 11� iaa streeta 'with a ��s �rit�ains�• lsa�+rrar, e ,�#�ts �urb� a�d guttere , �, riv way aprons Will be re�eastruettQ �r2th conc `efe aad `n�w � c�ncrete outw lks Boulevards will be regraded and sodded nd �e lantern styie street ''igh ing system will be installed: . - ; Vil ard Avenue from Cl�veland Avenue to R � urn Court � Ham shi e Avenue from Colby Street to Bowdo n S:treet - Mag ffi Avenue froffi Mississippi River Bl d to C1evelsnd Ave - ` Ita ca venue from Mississippi Riwer � ' d to Clevelan-d Ave � Els e A enue from Mississippi River vd to Cleveland Ave " Fie d A enue fron Sheridan Avenne t Prior Avetn�e � � ° Nor olk Avenue from Cleveland Avenue o Prior Aveuue � Col y S reet from Haapshire Aveaue o Dopdo3n �treet � � Fin StrRet ,fro� Haapshire Aven to Magoffim Avenue � Eow 'oin St,reet from Aampshire Ave e to Itaaca� Avenue � All `of illard Court north of Villard Avenue r Ret rn ourt from' Villard Ave ue to Itasca Ave�nue ' � Mur ay Street from Sheridan enue to Norfolk Avenu'�e � Ren eth Str�et from Sheridan venue to Norf�o�� �ivstnue � ' Pri r Av n�,�� from Bield enue to Miss�Q's`t17' � River' '�Ii+d. �` . ` , A11 to be kno n as the Cleveland/Magof n Area �treet Pavit�g e�nd - I��ghtims �-, .,•<„ Pro3ect. The Council o the C ty of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notiee thereof having been " en prescribed by the City Charter; and , ' - WE�EREASf Th 'Coun 'l fias heard ati �rson�-objections and recommenda�ions pertaining to saicl'��oposec�'improve- � -ment atid has fully nsider c�:,.-�ie sasr�e; now, Eherefore, be it '- "` � � �' RESOLVED, t the Conncil of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the.ab�ve-deacribecl improvett�enf" be made, and the pr ' r Cit officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement;and be.if' I FURTHER R OLV , ,That upon the eompletion of said improvement, the proper City officers shalt calculate alt ex�enses incurred e�eii� d shall repbrt the sarne to the City Council in_accordance wittrehapter�l4 of the City Chartei. °COUNCIL PERS N Adopted by the Counc�: Date ' �,,,,, ��; ' Yeas � N ys � Cert�ed Passed by Council Secretar�r . ' � �� � In Favor, $y - : > ... � " _ , _ , �_.- .: . � � , ° _ 'llwr�t �-. Ag� . _ !3� I�t�y.or :_ , -�: -.. ;. . . . . • . ,�O � ' • RE 9/19 90 ' DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL — DATE INITIATED GU� �� �i,O H H I Finance Departmen /Rea Estate 9/17/90 G R E E N SH E ET I ' CONTACT PERSON&PHONE INITIAUDATE INITIAUDATE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR CITY COUNCIL Peter White 2 8-5317 A$$��N �CITYATTORNEY �CITYCLERK NUAABER FOR bIJJST BE CO�NCIL11�t DA$ erT� �S f f ice 110 ORDEp G 0 BUDGET DIRECTOR �FIN.&MGT.SERVICES DIR. Must e n t: y c: !t. �MAVOR(OR ASSISTANT) 0 Council R 1 TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE AGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REOUESTED: Setting date of h arin Approve constructi n of burb and gutter, paving and lantern style street lighting in connecti with the Cleveland Mago fin Area Street Paving and Lighting Pro�ect. File 4�18596 RECOMMENOATIONS:Approve(A)or s)ect(R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLOWING GUE8TION3: _PLANNING COMMISSION CIVIL ERVICE COMMISSION �• Has this personlfirm ever worked under a contrect for this department? _CIB COMMITTEE " YES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? �STAFF YES NO _DISTRICT COURT 3. D08S thi3 person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curreM city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECT VE? rd 3 YES NO Better and Saf er n ighbo 1100d3 Explain atl yes answsrs on saparate sheet and attach to yre�n shest Sewer Separation INITIATINC3 PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPO UNITY( ho,What,When,Where,Why): Streets will be tor up o do the Cleveland/Magoffin Area Storm Sewer Project �� ADVANTA(3E3 IF APPROVED: Putting in paving, urb, gutter and better lighting will reduce maintenance costs and make the neighborhood sa er a d nicer looking ISADVANTAOES IF PPR VED: treets wi 1 e torn up d ring construction season. Property owners will have 20 year assessmens attached o th ir properties DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Streets would contin e to be costly to maintain RECEtVED �ou�c�� �es��rct� C�nter �;�p2'7��90 S�P �� l�yo C1?Y CLERK �� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTIO S 1' 89�460.OO COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ONE) � YE8� NO Assessme ts $ E45,010 FUNDINO SOURCE Sewer Re enue Bonds $222,673 ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(�XPC/CIN> C pita Improvement Bonds $921,777 �� . . ~ � NO�E: COMPLET�=DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE GREEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASING OFFICE(PHONE NO.298-4225). ROUTING ORDER: Below are correct routings for the five most frequent types of documents: CONTRACTS(assumes authorized budget exists) COUNCIL RESOLUTION (Amend fludgets/Accept. Grants) 1. Outside Agency 1. Department Director 2. Department Director 2. City Attomey 3. City Attorney 3. Budget Director 4. Mayor(for contracts over$15,000) 4. Mayor/Assistant 5. Human Rights(for contracts over$50,000) 5. City Council 6. Finance and Management Services Director 6. Chief Accountant, Finance and Management Services 7. Finance Hccounting ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS(Budget Revision) COUNCIL RESOLUTION (all others, and Ordinances) 1. Activity Manager 1. Department Director 2. Department Accountant 2. Ciry Attorney 3. Department Director 3. Mayor Assistant 4. Budget Director 4. City Council 5. City Clerk 6. Chief Accountant, Finance and Management Services ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS(all pthers) i. Department Director 2. City Attorney 3. Finance and Management Services Director 4. City Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES Indicate the#of pages on which signatures are required and paperclip or flag each of these pages. ACTION REQUESTED Describe what the projecUrequest seeks to accomplish in either chronologi- cal order or order of importance,whichever is most appropriate for the issue. Do not write complete sentences. Begin each item in your list with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete if the issue in question has been presented before any body, public or private. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? ' Indicate which Council objective(s)your projecUrequest supports by listing the key word(s) (HOUSING, RECREATION, NEIGHBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDGET, SEWER SEPARATION). (SEE COMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS: This information will be used to determine the ciry's liability for workers compensation claims,taxes and proper civil service hiring rules. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY Explain the situation or conditions that created a need for your project or request ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED Indicate whether this is simply an annual budget procedure required by law/ charter or whether there are specific ways in which the Ciry of Saint Paul and its citizens will benefit from this projecVaction. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED What negative effects or major changes to existing or past processes might this projecUrequest produce if it is passed(e.g.,traffic delays, noise, tax increases or assessments)?To Whom?When? For'how long? DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED What wili be the negative consequences if the promised action i§not approved?Inabiliry to deliver service?Continued high traffic, noise, accident rate?Loss of revenue?� FINANCIAL IMPACT Although you must tailor the information you provide here to the issue you are addressing, in general you must answer two questions: How much is it going to cost?Who is going to pay? �: - _ � . � . � i as�� . . . - . . �.� , . , � : . �7� _ . . . �. . . _ . ���� . . � • : . . . A� � `f ' . . .. � . , .�r, •I.� /���/J•" ��(" ' •� •• • . . � . ' '�' � � ' � �G � • • • • : � � � � . � .: �`�- b � AvE. � . . . . . • �.'i�' ' � � � .� . . '�,�, � � � _ - . . .-�. . r'� •� • . . : . . . !f" � ��� � Z , 9 . � - ' • � �-:� . . . . . � �,• —w, tNUAE y� r� � .� _ : _.' ' • � � ����� �;` ► Av' _ . : . �.� : . . � .` ' �' � . ��1! * o � � . ' � :� '� ''''� �' t o� � . . - ``C - -� �� ..—._ Av E ~ � � : - . . � .., , , o . �,k � J � . . ��.Si1�`.yp� . "�w� � _ 80 R D E c�i i � . ����. �, �� . . � � i: ,L� �: l � w p A p T M . . . � __ '��:. ���d RAwLO .� • :� _ • � ,r�� MORG�►N : - . • �.�•. : . . • ` a.' E . . � . � ` S \_ ' .�� A � �rv�C!!r�� � , � ��`� l A . ' ' . . �: � � �: . .' . • .���y } �: • • , � ; , � . : . .� •� �. � . i�� H . _ . ,� i% 1 w � EI . • '�'�"� , �: , I : . . '���, - �- � • , � .i� , '" rrp� � .: . .� �� a r � � . . . � � . :: �t ��- W � . .. . .,�' ' Z ; 1/� . i . . r �� 1 � : 7' '� 1 � • `. . l`�. � \ r GR . r . . . •,� ' `� i,rs 'y �' \ � �S . . . , , •. . ` '. �v��i- p S,AA� �t _ ., �, �. ` '�►',' �, � � ?/ . .: .. `� �• \ •�£� �V � . - ,. �• � ! ��i�.. , 1 . _��''�(O �, ..O �.,•� . . \,.' � '•' : ' .. . . . l//��� . . _• ��i1C� . - � I .- _ . . -"- - - . . . . ' �EP-1�-199u i���i F�uri �EH Ir�C. Tu _y���,�b F.�_ . � � • .� � 7 � w "�F-� ' . . ��/ s+ SL�IIKARY OF ENGINFERING RBCpI�DATIONS � Cleveland/Magoffin Storm Sewer and Paving Pro�ect P�a,ject No. 's 91-5-$071 (93.-P-g054, 91-V-8054} ' Report Prepared - September 14, 1990 xe�ighbnrhood Informational Meeting - Octob�r ----, i990 Pub�ic Hearing - Navember 13, 1990 ��� SEH File No. 90146 � ��� r'��kS PROJSCT: ,� ,�r The prp,ject is bounded by Mago£fin, Prior, and the Miss ssippi River soulevard. Construction o£ a storm sewer, sewer connections and reconnect�.ons, street improvem�nt5 and a roadway ligk�tiing sy�tem. {See a�tached vicinity and locat�on maps. ) INITZAT�N� ,�iCfiZON: The prp�ec� is part o£ the City of St. Pa�ul Gombined Sewer Separat�Lon �ro,j ect. SRISTT�I�CQNDITI4NS: Many of the streets within the pro�ect area have an o��ed roadway surface w�tl� no curb. The driving surfaces are fair to poor and roadway 'wid�hs vary because of �,ack o� curb. Some of �; the streets within the pro�ect area ha�re curb. However, attempt� ma�de to sa�vage old curb when reconstructing road surface� have been unsuccessful in the past; therefoze, we are , proposing t� remove existing curb and construct new curb and gutter an oiled streets. Cievelar�d A,v!er.ue is a concrete street in �air to good condf.tion. Construct�n of storm sewer along this segment will. be restored with li� pavement. Simila�ly, Sheridan �venue, whfch is bitum�naus, Will be restored following s�orm se`,rer construction. 1T�n 1� a� the �treets have existing boulevard trees. Ali efforts wi21 be made �o protect the trees during construct�.on and boulevard grading. 9.�cu�'� � � However, , �w�ii exiting trees £aZl within the �roposed curb and ���.�r gutte �and 'may need to be remaved to £acil�tate construction. ,f i ,}� � • � {"' "'"`��-.r.,le locationsare as follows: (J l"�+" ,�,�� o (3) No�thesst Corner o� Norfolk and Cleveland (14", 8", 6" ) ��. o �(rl ) ���e Lane �GI�" ) S'����'�% - �G 1 f In ad�i�tion., }a de���'£i�an,bun���c�£s,l�ub� and brush wii z be removed alOn th� y'`� �`" 3 easement at the south pro�erty line of the Ford Plar�t between CoZby and M�ssissa.ppi River Boulevard. �.E�-1-�-14�� 1���� rRCri SEH trr_. Tr 34�,�,8b P.c� - . ` � � " • � �, �y'7� , � ��/ : • � PROPOSE�D IM�PROVEM�1'PS: Street, lighting, and storm sewer improvements are proposed for: o Caiby KHampshire to Bowdoin� o Finn (Hampshire to Magoffin} o Bor,adoi� (Hampshire to Itasca) o Magoff#in (Mississippi River $QUievard to Cleveland) o Villard (Cleveland to P�i�r) , ` _ ,r, � ,d. o �t�ssca, (Mississippi River Houlevard to Cleveland) o Eisie �ane (Mississippi Rivez Houievard to Cieveiand) o Re�urnlCourt (Villard to Ytasca) o F�eld �MUrray to Prior) o Murray'�, (Norfolk to Fieid) • � o Kennet� (Norfolk to ��e�d) � �',� ` !�����;' _' o Prdor �Miss�ssipp� River Souievard to Fiel.d) o No�fol3�c {Cleveland to Prior) Storm s�ewer cons�ructidn and restoration in kind is proposed £or �oiiaw�ng stxeets: o Clpvei�nd (NOrfolk to Thure) o Shprid�n (C�eveland to Prior) Typical stz et section for recoastructed s�ree�ts wi1.1 consist o� a 32 foot w de roadway, a11 though some street� wi�,1� be 30 feet. C�.ty noxmal. standard is 32 feet. However, since �� s in this area are pr mari2y residentiai in use and ta protect boulevard trees�3Q f t streets are proposed.,� ._ �fp� , . ._,._., .. . ... Ex.�sting p wer poles wil�, be relocated as necessary �to�`��, accommodate �roadway widths. �. Lf hti.n w�l�l be�an,�,�;.�,f•..� �•r��..F��-�✓'--G�✓.!��tL. �•;�.✓�r,� ,/ r• 9 � ,� tern � 1�. i All dr?��yewe�h aprons will be reconstructed wit� concrete, and a new out�aal}c', wiil be constructed for each home. #e�ov---es�e�ire� '� �f�.f.c.ienl.t..��va.�Ar�ht�isa9,...�Y�. ema '"fI'reeS ��, wi11, �be jplan�ted in the boul:evarfl� azi3�� easem�?"it `ar`eas, as needed to ; .�eforestl the area. � -----,.-.. _ __._.----- -. ._.. ... ......... .. .. . .....:. , . ALT$RNATIES: To do nothin� would be i�ncons�.stent with the City's commitment to improve exi�ting oiled streets, and to separate the combined sewers. Con�trc�cting sewers without street improvensents has not been effecti+ve in the past, in that the existi;ng o�ied streets are not capable of withstax�ding the construction activity necessary to canstruct the sewers, and merely zestore the trench areas. Zm�raving the r�adways in con�unct�.on with sewer cons�ruction� wili save time, moneX, and inconv�nienee �ater. `�EF�-1�i-1��+'?�� 1s�4� FF�ut•1 =�EH Ir.C. TU ?'?�?",�t, P.�` � . • . . , . . , ��/qyf� . � . �.9 � � � ,,;�POSZTIVrfi BEI[�ifiFITS: � With the camp3.etion of the C�ty's sewer project, the char�ce of � sewer back ps into basements and sur£ace fioodin w�ii be L* � reduoed, az�d aftez� rainleader diseonnections, sewer backups into ;�`' basements w�ill be e�iminat�d. General improvement o£ the public ' ��,� right-of-wa� in conjunction w�th street construction and lighting s.� ; ; ,� impravementls wil�. enhance and add quality to the neighborhood. L Street oiling would be eliminated on new bitum�nous roadways. � �+�� �; ' i� � � '��, Al)VTsRS$ EFF�CT$: ,��y1 ;�: �� � . t."i�;,,. , ., � � � Nozmal pso lems associated with construction, suah as noise, `-' �\ � � dust, and g�eneral diszuptior� wi11, be present. �n� �, � ��� ' � `� � Cieveland I�vsnue, Shexidan Avenue, Norfolk Avanue, and Magoffin �` � � Avenue will��, be closed ta through traff3c durinc� Construction. �� `1 � ��� � '� �� �} Temporary �arking bans and st�eet c2osures on remaining streets �' � �, wil�. b�e � posed duri�g various stages of the construction. ' `��� �� However, 1�caY access w�il be prov�ded as often as construction � � pazmits�. IContinuous aCCess wili be provi.ded to emergency � ` .. `' � � � vehicles. I � �,^��� {^� `� � � - ..- , �� � S�.v� �xis �ng boulevard trees plus 0.4 of an acre of raiiroad y � � � easement b�ush may z�eed to be removed to fac�litate roadway ar�d �� � � � sewer const�ruction. A fina� dec�sfon will be made foliowiz�g L - inspection �y the City Forester. �.. � ,�` ��� �h: °� �,• ` Partial cosjts of stzeet, �� htin , and storm sewer a.m roveme�.t � �, .. � 9 9 Q � ,,� ;� �cos�s wil]. be assessed to abutting property owmers. � \ � � TIMB St;H�DLT�.S: ., � `� �;:��Th�.s pro,�ect has been identified for 1991 construction. \� � �:; :� <• The constru��ion is anticipated to begin around June and continue �� ",� -` through Nov�mber. � �� _ , � _ . . . . � , . . . _ �. . . . � _._ _. _. _. _. _ _. _. __ _. � • �', Q � f�� " ���. - . l . . . . . q ��� `�: ,. - " ' �. RECO�NDA'�ION; This segmemt of the City's combined sewer separation will expand the opportunity to simui�aneously im�rove roadway surf�ces. The coordiynatiOn of these effOrts will result in long term savings through economies of scale whil�a mfnimizi.ng the disturbanc�s to which wouid be associatec! with indiv�.dual subsequent �construction. The nepart�nent of P�ubl.ic Worlrs �ee�s that this is a necessary, timeiy, �nd worthwhile pro�ect, and the engineering recomm�ndattion is for approval of the order. I i �' i i T�iTi:il G �:t^ , . . ✓���9�� � u '^r u��.ry �' ���.„�"�t�, ��;, �, ��NSt�; �y�..- ,�':.s*•,iie�3'�j 5�p'��;�"a" �?',�:;xy k r.��„�'�."�" ,�'� C �y� �Y,f 1� � _ M ' x`���Mfp..�r����rJ2S:9Y, " t �-r .t� � �` � ,� � �YRE�����ORDER ��'�yq 9 ,�,� �y�. > '. '� '��'ty�; �1 ��.°Sa�L�tj��r""'{>�� $e. 'i�" t z.�+�� k � t��'� t�� � �,�,��"" :a.-ar c:•� �,r�7 :y.z 5„�y y' - y - � > x Coupcfl etNo=90 1760°=�By Bob Long— � �'� � � �c�Rs"F°.p'F .#�sz�`t';,.k's`,rx�fi^:3.:1'V��"'iFy'k�� f'4Vf s �,+''4'�"saC . yF.-vpC . r•?r..-:�`1'�, '� .7 ,;In th Mati�er of lmproving the follow!n�stieets' th a new.bitumilncsus ro�wa�,� ° a � •� 9,.s,Nvta !^v J �� r •sw- .+ r t'�� l� crete uib anil gutters;driveway apro` �v�ll be�`econs�ructecc�w"�h c�n�t�t'e�and� ; I �. si" ��+y •n. s, sa ek+. a q xrr�i �-�va :Wah� .� w r :7 new con ete ontwalks�'Bou1�r�wllI be regradea ana sodded an�a�an�er�style r r .,c�a�.��u « : a� � �+ y.l stree�li ting aystem wl�l b�instal�ed iri'Vo�ing Wai��'� k � K <,�s s�t�3t� �� + ' �' ?I � Vlll d Ave from Cleve�and Avb.�o Retu�ii Ct � , �, '4-', ;���. Ham tilre vel.from Colby St�to$owdo n St,, ' � � r;*��'�"� -" �� � � � �� �a � ��,� ��. � ��.��ax�� � �� Mag ltin Ave lrom Mlssisslppl�ver Blvd�o Cle�reland^ vr. , ,rs�� � ! �.`� F' ..... � ts�a ..� h>t:^+asv�.�. ca-a�.*�•sg�j}�isxn..�7c :'�p.,T�' Itas Ave from M1ssLssippi River Blvd.'W iClevelan�Ave � ���+t;, � .i �4 �^! �..x�, �,,, .a ���K"� '��i'6•`'�R3it�'�� t ^ ti'.� :. �?^d�'7 g! . Elsi ve irom Mississippi River Bl-v+�d �o Cleveland Ave � �k �rr�y y s G 6.fi,F: �� C . A'�� t �.. Y� .is a , ���- �Fiel Ave from Sheridan Ave to Prior Ave �� ��� tF��,..�t '� }eNorf lk`Ave from Cleve�land Ave"�dEiCor Ave. �` ��'�.��"��� �-��'��"'�`,,�' .� "� �+. a s 9� +�.,f �,e� +tasc a�rnx� �,��„•�„-• �" �, ,� � �' � x�'�` �a A :i �� , 2�"Colb St'from Hampshire Ave'to Dowdoln S��: ,��±;,.`� �'' ,� :. �;� , ��-k s � y�� a :� „� _ ��,+'.a-� 'a s��•r� ��a � .,fi#le ��st �"+.�.r� 1� ? � a -�Finn St from Ham hire Ave to a oftin Ave: � � "� < :� , .� - � ,� � �•�,�.�,� aaxwv, �:� �r �,=����5`�� � �� j oin S�.�rou4 Hamps�]ire�ve to I ea Ave . �``��:�� ti„�; � ,�,+ gi,• ua ,r.rv-,.,<�„«a. t+•�lx,�,z x...AtYa..�i.�l,.eubi:'k� ,•-,��r• ". ,� �. rAll o Villard Ct nortti of�VUlaTd��ve,� � > ` �,�.���, v ",r�z ? w•` ,� ;• s,.� �� �'�,- �� , �� Retu Ct from.Villarcl Rve to:ta�ve�.� � �`} � ��Mu�St`from Sherid�A G�to��No A� .a>�' �,.�� y ,m� � ,�.���-�' � ���.�••y xb1�, � �c � Ke�� ethS�from,�She�ridF��A�e." Norfolk,�A�,y��,e. _ �j .�,.�. '�Prio qve from.Fie2d qve to Misstsaippi�Ftl�e,r�lvd � �� T�� s� �� �� �, a���a � ���?��.�F 5� ,. � ��s: � �' � .to�e own as the Clevel d/J�agoftl' �4t a5 etPaufng.`^�nd:I:ightirfg_ o,�ectK t{ „ ��,.�. �.��,�.� �. �-����.A� ,� '��,,�`s-,� ,�.,.. � c�; ��> �'� 7'he ovncll of the City oiSaifit:Pau avin ree ved tY�e re Q�th r� pbn�# `'k� e abov improvement,��''an�l,havin�Cnn'�1�xed said epoY��he�eLiy� " &: � `��, 't�the said�reportand the Asame,ls ereby�npprwed,v,�v lthpa�a�tf,�s ttves and���; u,a ;ih� tlmated eo`s�thereof tsr$k,5ss 4so:d a�an��`�. �►p�7�g��`��!�o o �* �:, :: r . ,�.C. a�.,e,r '�a�s'� +eT_',};, a. ._ �g° * . ��`' ' R eiivaBon°ds$222 673 �and Ca`ital.Im mcait, ds�9� 9,21 �a,�- ��'y�, �* �»� �»��r �•.>a��ryw�ip'�i����•„t�s��a�: �.. 2 Th t`a public hear�ngbchad on sald improvement on the�l3th da of� e�`n�e ;�� '�`?• � 0 at� e00 o'clock a m�?fn`�the CoiYricil Ch�ntieraoL �e�C1ty;Hallt�►. - ouse�`� � � � ���°� � �r� �c a�,, ` :B Idln,g: �ths ity:o aln�.Pau'1 � , `{ �-�. _ ' 3�¢T a�mo�tice�of said pu�I1c ea n �o th ns anne �' : :., � Rs �J. v L ! v ��'�' � �!�q`�� *.197' i ��..,;:t *��p ov�de�d�;. th��harter�stati�ig�hc�ti�°�and�pl"c���k�e�irl� Y � �he ,�. `��a pro°v.e e:�aui�tli tc��tal?i�e�a " _eie�`,. as< �"ated , � . � - �� �. .Ie1Vo� 9 ' � k�4 be 4'":•1990. Ado e CouncilOcto � d. + �Y r. �. ppi ' ed'by M yor Ootober 5�.��,1990: � �� (OcEobe`�13- 99 - �. - � �` - - � � ". . . � ' . ,:� _.. :_ _ _ I ' r . , . �/J��/,��L1;�i� l�" � U '' i PRELIMINARY ORDER Councll File No.90-1760—By Bab Long— 'In the Matter ot improving the following streets with a new bituminous roadway, concrefe curb and gutters, drlveway aprons w111 be reconstructecd wlth concrete and new concrete outwalks. Boulevards will be regraded and sodded and a lantern style street lighttng system iv1I1 be installed in Votlng Ward 3: Vlllard Ave.from Cleveland Ave:to Return Ct. Hampshire Ave.from Colby St.to Bowdoin St., ' Magoit9n Aye.from Mlssisslppl River Blvd.to Cleveland Ave: �� Itasca Ave.from Mtssissippi River Bivd.to Cleveland Ave. � , Elsie Ave.from Mississippi River Bivd.to�Cleeeland Ave: - Fleld Ave.from Sheridan Ave.to Prior Ave:= Norfoll¢Ave.from Cleveland Ave.to Prior Ave. � - - � Colby�t.from Hampshire Ave:to Dowdoin St. ; - � Flnn St.from Hampshire Ave.to Magoffin Ave. ; Bowdoip St.from Hampshire Ave.to Itasca Ave. All of V�llaid Ct.north of Villard Ave. Return ICt.from Villard Ave.to Itasca Ave. Nlurray St.from Sheridan Ave.to Norfolk Ave. iKenne St.from Sheridan Ave.to Norfolk Ave. �rior A�e,from Field Ave.to Mississippi River Blvd. All tq be kno�yn as the Cleveland/Magoflin Area Street Paving and Lighring Project. _ 'a'he Cou�cil of the City ofSaint Paul havtng received the report of the Mayor upon the�Ibove improvement,and having considered said report,hereby resolves: I.That the said report and the same is hereby approved wlth no alternaUves,and that qhe estlrqated cost thereof is S1,589,460.00,Manced by qssessments S445,010:00;. Sewer Revenqe Bonds S222,673.00;and Capita]Improvement bonds ]991 S921,777.00. 2.That a public hearing be had on said improvement on thel3th dav ofNovembei 1990,at 9:00 'clock a.m.,in the Council Chambers of the Clty Hall and Cour—�e ui ng n t e C►ty of Saint Paul. . 3.That�odce of safd publlc hearing be given to the persons and in the manner provlded by phe Charter, stating the Ume and place of hearing, the nature of the lmprovement�nd the total cost thereof as estimated. File No. 1859� - Adopted l�y Council October 4, 1990. Approved by Mayor October 5, 1990. ' (October 13-20, 1990) �