90-1971 RETURN�C�IT�R���P,TE DIVISION �--' COt�ncil File # ��7 7� � t /l-/.3 ROOM 218 ASSESSMENTS �� Green Sheet # �/ �'�j � � RESOLUTION � CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date y WHEREAS , To comply with the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission ' s (MWCC ' s ) method of charging local governing bodies for Reserve Capacity Charges , the Saint Paul City Council , pursuant to Section 77 . 07 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code , adopted Resolution C. F. 260524 on January 23 , 1973 (Chapter A-7 Administrative Code ) as amended , which establishes Service Availability Charges (SAC) ; and WHEREAS , The Metropolitan Waste Control Commission has increased the unit charges for the year 1991 from $600 . 00 to $650.00 per unit ; now therefore be it RESOLVED , That Council Resolution C. F. 260524 , adopted January 23 , 1973 , as amended , be and the same is hereby further amended so as to increase the SAC unit charge from $600.00 to read $650. 00 per unit ; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED , That this amending resolution shall take effect , be in force from and after its passage , approval and publication. - cr. sac/ 1 zmon � �� �Sent Requested by Department of: swi z 1 on --� Finance and Management Services acca ee �'— . e an �. u e � z son �— By: Director �_ �_ � � Adopted by Councfl: Date NOV i 3 1990 Form Approv-sd by City Attorney '��� ��� Adoption rtified by,Council Secretary By. ' i� 1c �. i�� By. � �'-� lG /�> Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by Mayor: Date %/ /,;� `��� ��V � 3 ��ncil . �� > , . ����� / s ���i�,J����.�/% -�. By� Y� ' P�,t��(SN�iI N 0 V 1�7 1990 � �EG�4Sf�� � . �/, r_. �r, 1 �: 1990 ��-lg7l DEPARTMENTlOFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED �1 0 8 4 9 �inance Depar t n Rea l Es ta te 8/9/9 0 G R E E N S H� �T No INITIA T INITIAUDATE CONTACT PER80N&PHO E DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR ��� � I r UNCIL Roxanna Flink 2-7� 8 ASSIGN �CITYATfORNEY �CITYCIERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AOEN BY( TE) NUMBER FOR ❑BUDGET DIRECTOR �FIN.&MOT.SERVICES DIR. ROUTING ORDER �MAYOR(OR ASSISTANn � TOTAL#OF SI�iNATURE P C�ES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REOUESTED: Increase Sewer Se ice Availability Charge (SAC) from $600.00 to $650.00 beginning January 1, 1991. Refer to Green She t �� 0848 to set hearing date to ratify SAC Charges RECOMMENDATION3:Approve(A)or eJect(R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING GUESTIONS: _PLANNINQ COMMISSIOM CIVIL ERVICE COMM13310N 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a ContraCt for this department7 CIB COMMITTEE YES NO � 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? _STAFF YES NO _DISTRICT COUR7 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? 3UPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJE VE7 YES NO Wa d 6 Explain ell yes answen on sepa�ate sheet and attach to grsen sheet INITIATINCi PROBLEM,133UE,OP NITY ho,Whpt,When,Where,Why): Letter from Metrop lita Waste Control Commis� A�,�.informing government agencies of new SAC Charge from $ 00.0 to $650.00 for 1991. ��k�1�1 SAC is paid by the builder or property owner. T eref re, passing the increased charge to them would not be a change in the City's policy. A�� 1 � 1990 OFfi1C� (Letter from MWCC ttac ed) ��PART�F THE��RECT ���VU ry�ANAG�T OF F�NANCR ADVANTACiE8 IF APPFiOVED: �CES The increase in S Uni charges for the new year is not a new procedure and should be expected by the bu lder or property owner. However, if the city of Saint Paul paid the increase, it would cost the City $23,000.00 in 1991, if the same number of SAC charges are made as in 1990. ��`V��1 RE •- AuG2o��° DISADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: Increase of $50.0 to p operty owner or builder from rate in previous year. RE����!�"� AUG ° ��� ���� �. � �,,�v��� DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED City absorbs the ncrea e - addition cost to City of $23,000.00 �0�111�1� ��ac'at"Gj1 �€�Cl��' �:�� �� ���� ._,, TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSAC ION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDiNG SOURCE S@ � � L�C ACTIVITY NUMBER 610-50018-0521 SAC FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN ,n , � VV � � �c�Q -1 9 7� 6'. 10/30/90 FINAL ORDER: For constructing the Cleveland/ APPROVED 4-0 • � Magoffin Area Storm Sewer Project. Bounded by Soo Line RR Right-of-way on the north, on the south and west by the Mississippi River, and on the east by the west line of the Soo Line RR Right-of-way to Thure Avenue, by Cleveland Avenue from Thure to the center line of the Soo Line RR by Prior Avenue from Return Court to the Mississippi River. Also, installation of sanitary, storm and water service connections if requested by property owners. 7. 11/30/90 FINAL ORDER: For acquiring a permanent utility APPROVED 4-0 easement for the Cleveland/Magoffin Area Storm Sewer Project over, under and across part of Lot 1, Block 1, Auditor's Subdivision #87. 8. 11/30/90 FINAL ORDER: For acquiring a permanent utility APPROVED 4-0 easement for the Cleveland/Magoffin Area Storm Sewer Project over, under and across part of . Lot 1, Block 4, Bisanz Riverwood Terrace. 9. 11/13/90 RATIF'ICATION OF ASSESSMENTS: For Wabasha/5th/6th APPROVED 3-0 Streetscape Pro ' 10. 11/13/90 OL TION - 1566 - Increasing the Sewer ED 4-0 Availability Charge (SAC) from $600.00 to �650. 0 by the MWCC. � 11 . REPORT: Conveyance of Sewers back to the City LAID OVER from the MWCC. 4 WEEKS 12. RESOLUTION - 90-1877 - Approving Lease APPROVED 4-0 Agreement, a 3 year, 3 party lease of 400 square feet of vacant land to Jean F. & Thomas A. Krawczewski to be sub-let to DBA Conve�rter Tech. Co. , for the purpose of pedestrian access. 13. Discussion on Volume-Based Pricing: Mandatory APPROVED AS collection; not organized trash collection. AMENDED 4-0 14. Other Business: RESOLUTION - 90-1929 - An Ordinance amending APPROVED AS Chapt'er 85 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code AMENDED 4-0 pertaining to the regulation of Water Rates in the City of Saint Paul . (Referred to Commi'ttee 11/1/90) I , � , ` �,,.,o, CITY OF SAINT PAUL Members: ,� ,�r'' ; OFFICE OF THE C1TY COUNCIL Roger J. Goswitz,chair o � ± David Thune,vice chair ` ��=���I��n , Tom Dimond � �' Bob Long ° Da�e:No�vember 7,1990 �sN Committee Report To: Saint Paul City Council From: Public Works, Utilities, and Transportation Committee Roger J. Goswitz, Chair Hearing Date Approval of Minutes of October 31, 1990. APPROVED 3-0 l . 11/13/90 VACATION: Petition of State� of Minnesota for APPROVED 3-0 the vacation of part of Constitution Avenue between Cedar Street and Robert Street. Purpose is to improve aesthetics of the Capitol grounds and improve pedestrian traffic. 2. 11/13/90 VACATION: Petition of State of Minnesota for APPROVED 3-0 the vacation of part of Wabasha Street and Columbus Avenue between Cedar and 12th Street. Purpose is to proceed with the Capitol Mall Landscaping Project. 3. 11/20/90 FINAL ORDER: Improve the following streets with LAID OVER a bituminous roadway, concrete curb and gutters, 4 WEEKS concrete driveway aprons and outwalks, boulevard restoration and a lantern style street lighting � system for Walnut Street from Exchange Street to Smith Avenue and Chestnut Street from Smith Avenue to Thompson Street. All to be known as the Seventh/Kellogg Area Street Paving and Lighting Project. 4. 11/20/90 FINAL ORDER: Constructing the Seventh/Kellogg APPROVED 3-0 Area Storm Sewer Project. Area bounded by Shepard Road, St. Peter St., Summit Avenue and Smith Avenue. Also construction of sanitary, storm and water service connections, � if requested by property owners. 5. 11/13/90 FINAL ORDER: Improving the following streets APPROVED 4-0 with a bituminous roadway, concrete curb and gutters, concrete driveway aprons and outwalks, boulevard restoration and a lantern style street lighting system for parts of Villard, Hampshire, Magoffin, Itasca, Elsie, Field, Norfolk, Colby, Finn, Bowdoin, Al1 of Villard Court, Return Court, Murray, Kenneth and Prior. All to be known as the Cleveland/Magoffin Area Street Paving and Lighting Project. ' (J,r-�-qo-�r 7� �/�'� � REC�/VE� , . �`^''i t;:� �!1' Metro olitan Waste Control Commission r;.: . � �,� � P [' � �' �`� - ' 199� Mears Park Centre, 230 East Fifth Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 %iF ,. July 20, 1990. ,,s�` ".q,,. FO�� �(,�'�y�� 612 222-8423 ,�;;:�� uFF/ �TO IU '► ` �"T s R�ycF C� � � ��S ,�;��^'G�- a�,,' Dear City Official, � �/� $ � 1 �✓ To help keep pace with increasing demand on the Metropolitan Q �4� Disposal System, the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission '(,� has approved an increase in its charge for connecting new , homes to our collection system. Service Availability Charges (SAC) are based on the Commission' s debt service requirements, projected area growth rates, wastewater flows and reserve capacity. As of January 1, 1991, our Service Availability Charge will increase froRn $600 to $650 per residence. The increase follows the recommendations of a SAC rat� plan approved by the Commission in 1988. That plan was based on a comprehensive stud�. In order to prevent financial surprises down the road, the 1988 study recommended "an orderly increase" in SAC fees through the year 2000 . The increases are necessary due to steadily increasing operating costs, less connection demand and, perhaps most importantly, the end of federal financial support for capital improvements this year. SAC fees represent only about 10 percent of our total operating budget, but they do help keep our monthly service rates as competitive as possible -- 20-percent less than the rates in similar-sized cities nationwide. MWCC' s SAC charge also compares favora�i�.y witr. �ther similiar-sized cities nationwide, some of which charge up to . $1, 100 for the same one-time connection. An update to the 1988 SAC study is currently underway and will be comgleted later this year. The updated study will serve as ail basis for recommendations to the Board of Commissio�ners regarding future SAC charges . You can be sure we will k�eep you informed. , Sincerelyl, �� a..�,,�.— v. c/,�� Gordon O. Voss Chief Administrator GOV:cmz Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer . �� . , , v�..���,,; ,�"1( NOTICE OF PUBI,IC I���G � / Noqce !s hereby given that a Publi November_�_�ggp at g._ 00 o�elock A.M.In the Sa1nt p ul Ci�ty Councl ChamberstCity Hajj` dnd'�ourt House, St. Paul, Minnesota, the purpose of the Public Hearing being to cons(der Sewer Service Availab[Itty Chazges tor theyear 1991 pursuant to Section 77.07 of th�e Saint Paul Legislattve Code.All interested partles may appeaz and be heard betore the'City Council. Dated November i, 1990. AI.BERT B.OLSON,Ctty Clerk (November 3, 1990) i � I