90-1960 � � .,� € ��,g�y� � , , �``� �Council File ,� � �-���Od ' �� ��� : Green Sheet �` '� RESOLUTI�N CITY OF SAINT PAUL, M!NNESOTA � . ,- Presented By Referred T Committee: Date BE IT RE OLVED, 7hat the Council of the City nf 5dint Paut hereby cer ifies and approves the action of the Property Code Enforcemen B ard of Appeals pertaining to the fotlowing t'isted property a d s shown by the Excerpted Minutes of said Property Code Enfor em nt Board, and dated Septernber 11 , 1990 and marked EXHIBIT A, an attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference: DATE OF BO RD MINUTES CASE N0: PROPERTY APPEALED APPELLANT 9/ 11/90 69-90-F 1010 Lafond Ave. Herbert T. Lentsch BOARD ACT N: Granted a variance allowing 5/8 inch deadbolt on apartm�nt doors, until they need repairs or replacing, at that time must conform to 1 "' throw. PROPERTY a SC IPTION: D. W. Moore' s addition Ex E lOft Lot 3 Ex W 20ft Lot 5 and all of Lot 4 ---------------------------------- 9/ 11/90 22-90-R 1488 Goodrich Ave. William M. Dech BOARD ACT1 N: Granted a variance on the two (2)rainleaders on the sidewalk side of the house (N.W. & S.W. ) The rainleader on the N.E. to stay disconnected, with the condition, that if, in the future it causes a water problem in the basement, Rainleader Division is to re-inspect, at that time, a variance would be granted for the N. E. corner. PROPERTY SC IPTION: Summit View Lot 6 Blk $ ---------------------------------- � � . �yo _�6o 0�f � � �� � L 9/ 11 /90 48-90-R 1775 Grand Ave. Bartlett Baker � BOARD AC ON: Granted a variance on the rainleader disconnection for five (5 ) years , or at. the time the roo� is replaced, whichever comes first, inc�luded in the boat'd action , the Appellant muslt pay the fair charges , which the City charges . PROPERTY ES RIPTION : Elmer & Morrison' s � Rearrangement of Part 'of Macalester Park Lots 7 and Lot 8 B1k 3 ---------------------------------- and, be i , FURT ER RESOLVED, That upon passage of th6s resolution �the City Cle�r i hereby authorized and directed to transmit a copy � of this r solution for recording �to the Ramsey County Office of Register f eeds . ' eas Navs Absent Requ ed by D�partment of: imon /!,� ♦st oswitz' �,"((�/!�l G ��KJ� on Macca ee ettman une i son By' � � �o,� �y ��' NQV � 3 �g� Form roved by City Attorney Adopted by Coun il: Date . � Adoptio Ce ti;f ed y Council Secretary gy; �j � � i By: Approved by Mayor for ubmission to ouncil Approved by May r: Date �/�� /i�OV � 3 199� /�� (�. �?�`� �l+�s�� By: .l�- By. PUBIISNED N 0 V 1 '7 �90 ' . �`-y°-�96° ' � ����e��A ROPERTY CUUE ENFORCEh1�.N I� SUARU OF APPEALS (5AIN�( PAUL BOARD UF APPEAL`� 8 REVIEWi 555 CEDAR Sl-REEI- SA I N-( PAUL , M I tJNESOTA 55 1 U 1 MINUTE5, MEETING 0� SEPTEMBER 11 , 1990 MEMBERS RE ENT: Ron Glassman , Cn� irman Ron Ankeny James Lauahlin Joan Pearson � William Tilton ' Don Weida UTHER P ESE T: Pat F� i sY�� , St . Pau 1 F i re Prever�t i�ri Don Juenernann, Uiv . of Publi �: Health Maynard Vinge, Div . of Puqlic Health D i ck L i ppert, D i v . of Pub ll i c Hea i tr-� 5teve Roy, Vacant �3u i 1 d i n�js 5teve Herbert , hainleader Uivisian Mir�nie Scl�maus E�win �l-imrr�ers , Jr . Her-bert Lent.sct-i Larry O'C�nne i i Wayne V . Swanson Mark G. Ar�derson 4J i 1 1 i am Dech Bar�t 1 e�tt Baker� Len Jacksc�r� Jean �iaker� STAF�F : Josephine P. Bongiovanni 1 . Appr va 1 of the mi r�utes of -l.he Auf�ust. 1 4, 199(:1 mett i ng �s subrnitt d in wr- i � ing. Mo i o made by Joan F'earson a�prav i nc.7 �t.l��� rn i nut.�s of thr Au us- 14, lyyU meeting as submit�Led in writ. ing, Seconded by Ja es Laugt�lir�. MUTION CARRIEU UNANIMOUSLY . 2. CASE HE RINGS : CASE NO PRUPERiY APNEA�ED APPELLAN�� 62-yU-H 5b7 L�x i ngtan Pkwy. �i nn i e tichrnaus _ ( 1 u r�i i �t) API'EARA CE M i nn i e Scf�maus SUBJECI- A pe 1 l ant i s z-equest i n� an extens i on, of �t. i rne t.a comp i et w rk �er�ta i n i ng to; repa i r i ng soffi i�t' and fac i a az-aund house, c�r pe and r-epe i nt. c:h i ppeU and ���ee I i ng pa i nt , r,ep 1 ace o I d worn ro f h i ng'1 es , dnc� repa i r garage. Le-tt�t� dated Au�aust 7 , ly9U . i . � �� 9� - �l�d �RQCEED G� The Appellant requested additional iime, at least one year Maynard i n e, fram t.i��e D i v i s i on of Pub l i c He�1 tf��, �tated tt-�at. certain ar s should be replaced, for example, fascia boards , soff i�:s. Mr V i nge stated that i f the Board chose -to gran�t. an extensip o time for one year , he would have no problern with that . I Mr. V i n I�� s ggested tha1: ther e are pr-a�rams or a pa i rit.-a-thon hzld on� a year� , if Ms . Scrimaus qualifi �s they may assist. h�r• with pah ti �g. Ms . Schm us stated that. shz has spoken wit.h Curt Miiler from PED, try i ng t g �t a gr-ant or a re-hab 1 oan. BUARD AC I U : Mot i or� made by Ror� Ankeny to gr-ant an extens i ori of t i me, fo one year unt i 1 Septembe�� 1 1 , 1`�91 to do the r�epa i rs pertaini g .o; re�airing soffit anci facia, scrape and re�aint chipped nd peeling �aii��t , replece worn roof shingles and re��air g ra e. Secorided by James L�ughlin. MUTION CARRIED UNANIMOU LY ---------------------------------- 63-90-H 80i Sims Ave. Edwin Timmers . Jr . ( 2 uni-ts) APPEAFZAN E : Ed Timmers SUBJECr: Ap e 1 1 an1� i s appea l i ng the "ORDERS -fU VACA-I E" . Vacat.e date was Au ust 2 U , 1 y9C1. Pf�OCEEDT GS Af�er a lenghty �iscussion Chairman Glassman reviewed th deficiency list witi�� Mr . Timmers ( letter dated August B, 1 9U } i�o see, if the 24 iterns listed, had been correcte . Of the 24 i�ems listed, Mr . Timmers agreed that seven of the i .em had not been completed. The items not correc-�.eci were; item #9 L ving raom la�ks openable window, item �lU - illegailv repa i red wa t.e stack , i tem ##1 2 - waste 1 i ne t.a I auni.lry t.r�ay i.s i 1 1 zc,a 1 1 i sta i 1 ed, i �tem #{�18 - k i tchen f 1 oor c,over i n� i s not. impervio s o water , item #� 1 - bathraorn floor coveriny is not. i m�erv i o s o water , i tern #22 - rear- ext.er i or s l.eps dnd str i nc�ers are dete i o at.i ng, and i tem , #�3 ti��e dcck , at. the eritrance t.o tt��e lower unit acks a properly installed uuer�drail . 2 � � �` Ya"/�6 � BOARD AC I O : Mo�t i on made by B i I 1 T i 1 tor� deny i ng �tr�e request , ta lift the pl card on the "URDER to VACATE" , until Mr. Jueneman the Inspector , e- inspects the pi�operty to vertify that the life safety il.em hdve been corrected, at that time, Mr . Juenemann , the 1 ns ect. r w i i 1 1 i fe the P I acarci; i n adci i t i on to tf�e I i fe safety i �em , t.he following seven items will have to be brought up to c e; item $�9-living room lacks openat� le window, item .�lU- i11ega11 r paired waste stack, item $#12-wasteline to iaundry tray is ill gaily installed, item #18-kitchen floor covering is not i mr�erv i us �to watei, , i tem �#Z 1- bathroorn f l oor cover i ng i s not impervi us o water , item �$22-rear exterior s�eps and stringers are deterio ating , and i-tem #23-deck by thz back entr�ance to the lower unit lacks a properly installed guardrail . Seconded by R�n Ankeny. Yeas ( ) Nays ( 1 ) Pearson Abstention (0) ------------------------------ -�--- 60-90-F 101U Lafond Ave. Herb�rt T. L�ntsch ( 11 units ) APpEARaN ,E : Herb Lenl:.sch SUBJECT: Ap e1lant is requesting a variance fz'om St . Paul Legisla�.ive Code 34. 09; pertaining to replacernent of dead�iolt locks , also adjustment of haliway door closure to laundry room. Letter d te August 8, 199U . PROCEEDI G5: Mr . Lentsch stated that. trie deadbolts are 5/8 inch. The buil in is a security building. BOARD AC IU : Motion made by Ron Glassman �to grant. a variance allowing 5/ " dead bolt locks on apartment doors untii they need r�epd i t,s r e�1 ac i ng, at that t i me, must. conform to 1 " throw. SecondPd by Ron. Ankeny. MUTIL�N CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY . FUR-T�HER CT I UN: Mot i on made by Roi�� Ankeny ta deny t.he request for a var� i ance n th�e door c I osures t.o 1 aundry roarn. �aeconded by Jaan Pearso �. MC�TiON CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY . ---------------------------------- 3 . - �yo-,��o , 61-90-F 847 York Ave. Larry U' Connell (4 units ) APPEARAN 'E : Larry O'C�nnell SUBJEC7: Ap eliant is requestiri� a variance from St. Paul Legisla�tive Cade 34. 13 , pertaining to; HAVING TO PROVIDE ADEQUA-fE NUMBER UF B UROUMS TO ALLUW FOR 5U 5QUARE FEET F'ER PERSON. Letter d te July 2U, 199� . PROCEED I G: Pat F� i sh , frorn F i re Prever�t. i an st.ated tha�t �there at'e are 2 units that are overcrowded. Ti�e building has foui� - one bedroom uni s , with 20 occupants . A family o� 7 is using the living r om and dining room for sleeping quar�ters in a one bedroom un i .. Mr . O'Connell stated that he spoke witYi Ms . Fish to diSCUSS the possibilit.y �f converting the buildin�� into a ',duplex. �'resently the buil in is "For Sale" . Mr. O'C nne 1 1 i s request.i ng an extens i on of �t. i'me for� one year. {30ARD ACT I 0 : Mot i on made bY Ron Ar�keny t.a grant. ari extens i on of time unt.il January l , 1991 to eit.hefi� removP or reduce the number f o •cupants , inciuded in ti�iP board ac� ion is the require en�t to bring the upper unit iri-to code ' compliance also. Seconde bv Uon Weida. MOTIUN CARRIE� UNANIMOUSLY . ---------------------------------- 64-9U-F 1635 Sherburne Ave. Wayne V. 5wanson ( 19 uriits) APPEARANCE : Wayne V. 5wanson SUBJECT: Ap ellant is requesting an extension af tirne, ailowin� cooking facilit. ies in sleeping rooms , a5 the A�pellant is in the process f emode 1 i ng a 1 1 un i ts t.o add k i tcheras anci baths . Letter te July LU , 1990 . , PROCEEC�1 NG5: Cha i rman G 1 assrnar� i nf=ormed �the A�pe I I dr�t of a 1 e�cter thdt hc� rec i ved from Bu i i d i ng I nspec� i on t� Ues i gn D i v i s i on. from a John C nw y Buildirig Inspector . It st.ated t.hat -there are no currenfi �,u i i d i n�� c�f p 1 umb i ny perm i ts for th i s bu i 1 d i ng. Pat r i �r� , f om F i re Prevent i on st.ated t�hai. t.he vu i I d i ng perm i t posi.�d n t. e bu i 1 d i ng was taken out i n 1 9t�2 . 4 , - �,� �a'�rlaa Mr. Swa so s�.ated -thdt at the t i rne the perm i t was �aken out 1y82 , h i formed thE Building 8� Inspection Department. that tr�is project wo ld take a long t. ime to complete. Mr . Swansor� wili make an ap ointment tc� meet. with John Conway, so as to get the necessa y ermits tha1: dre needed t.o complete tt7e rema�eling. Ms . Fis fr m Fire Prevent. ion stated that there are 5 sleeping i�ooms 1 fit to be remodeled. The others h�v� been made into apartme ts. rr,e pi�oblem is th�t. these units have gas stove and refrige at rs in ver�y small congESted �reas . BUARD A T I UN: Mo�t i on made b,y �3 i 1 1 r i 1 �ton to �rant a two Yea�, extens i n t comp 1 ete �Lhz rernode 1 i n� wo�-k i n the rema i n i ny 5 sleepin ro-ms ( 1635 Sr�erburne) under proper permits . In order to compiy, co�king fiacilities must be removed ar batr�rooms added in each uni . by ttie two-year deadline. Seconcied by Ron Glassman. MUTION ARRIED UNANIMOUSLY . ---------------------------------- 65-9U-F 694/696 E 4th St. Mat-k G. Anders�n (4 unit5) Total Concepl:. Realty, APPEARaNCE : Mark G. Ander�son SUBJECT: A pellant. is requesting a variance from the requirement of hav i n t i nsta 1 1 a hands i nk i n �l.he bathroom of Apar-tment #4, because �f ir�adequate space. PROCEEDI GS: Ms . Fisr�, from Fire Prevention s�ated that the bathroo is extremely small , and in order to �onfrom with code there wo ld have to be extensive r-Emodeling. Ms . Pear on a Boarc� Member questioned the status of tf�e Cert i f i c te of Occu�ancy? She urider5tood that i t was z�evc�ked about a on h ago, Is that correct? The Ap��ella t infor-m Ms . Pearson that it had not been revoked. Mr. Swa�n on stated that he is considering converting i� back �o a duple�. Ms . Fis��, f om Fire Prevention stated that tr�e Certificate was revoked,, wh ch means tF�at a 1 1 necess�r-y work must. be cornr� 1 ete within a sp cific amoun�: of time, or the building must. be vacated', th s does in�ludP the item on the handsink . The App�ella t stated that he has been working with �the Inspecto s , but each time an inspection takes place, a differer�t Inspecto c mes to ��he property and new orders are issued. 5 . � � .� o_ y6o ��y i BUA�U AC IU : Motion made by Bill Tiiton to deny the request for variance on the hdndsink, instead granted an extension of time unt i 1 Ja ua v 1 , 1 9r�1 to i nst.a 1 1 a hands i nk i n tr�e ba�triroom of Apt. ##4 . S conded by Joan Pearsor�. MOTION CARRI�D UNANIMOUSLY . ---------------------------------- 2L-9U-R 1488 Goocirich Ave. Wiliiam t�1, Uech ( 1 unit.) APPEARAN,E : Bill Dech � SUBJECT: A pellant was before the Board at tlle March 13 , 1990 m�eting eq esting a variance from the rzquir�emen�t of having to disconne t he rainleaders , at that time, i:he 13oard denied the variance. ppellant would like the Board to reviPw the rainlead r ' ssue again. PRUCEEDI GS The Appellant st.ated that he discor�nected the rainlead rs as was requested of him at the March meeting. At this point, -he Appellant w�uld likE to re-connect the rainleaders . Since th y ere disconr�eci�ed there has been a considerable amount of water da age in t.he basemeni�. After mu h iscussion �Lhe board members felt triat the three (3 ) rainlead rs N.W. ,S. W and N. E . of the house should be re-conr�ected. BOARU AC IU : Mation was m�de by Ron Ankeny �rar�ting a variarice an the t o 2) rainleaders on the sidewalk side of t.he r-�ouse (N. W and 5.W? . T e rainleader on the N.E . wiii stay discorinected, witi� the conditi n, that if, in the fiuture it causes a wat.cr �roblem in the base en , tr�e �ainleader D�v� sion is to re-inspect, �t th�t time, a ar 'ance would be g_ranted for the N. E . cc�rner rainlead r. James Laughlin. MOTTON CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY . '---------------------------------- 48-y0-R 1775 Grane! Ave. Bar�. I ett Bake�� ( 18 uni�ts) APPEAR 'N,E : Bart. I ett {3aker SUBJECI": Ap eilant is request. ing a cont.inuance of the previousiy granted ariance, .until sucli time, that tt-�e roof is replaced and scuppers a�- ed. PROCEED I GS: l"i-�e Appe 1 1 anfi. stated that tf�ie bu i I d i r�� i s a 18 un i t k�u i 1 d i na w i .t-� a f 1 at roof. Rd i n 1 eader U i v i s i on ria� granted a c�nd i t. i o a I vdr i arice on the bu i i d i ng. The ro�f dr�i ris are i ntegra 1 w i _h fihe bat��s . Roof p i tch dra i ns to tr�e m i dd I e of tf��e building. r . Bartl �tt would like a �ontinuance of the varian�e that was gr nted i n 1987 , unt i 1 such t i me that tP��e r-oaf i s replacEd. 6 - - ��o -r��D 5�eve He be �t, frorn the Ra i n 1 eader D i v i s i on s�Cat.ed tha�t the cost. to conne t o i:he storm sewer , about 320 feet. away, could cost. about $ 1 , 0 0 . 00. If the appellant does not connect �La the storm sewer , t. er could be a fee charged to the pro�er�ty in the amount. of a�pra im tely 3t7G . UU per vear . BOARD AC IO : Motion made by Bili Tilton t,o yran�t a variancE on the i�ainlea er disconnection for 5 years , or at the time the roof i s rep 1 a ed wh i ch ever comes f i i-st. I nc 1 uded i n tf-ie board action, he Appeilant mus� pay i�he fair charges which the Cii�y charges . Se anded by Ron Ankeny. M(7TION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ---------------------------------- 74-90-H 573 l_aurel Ave. LEn Jacksori (vacant building) APPEARAN E : Len Jackson SUBJECT: Ap e 1 I ant i s requesi�i ng a wa i ver of �t�e r eg i sl:rat i or� f ee for a va an building in the amount of $380 . U0; also requestina a refund o t. e f i 1 i ng fee af $25 . 00 . PROCEEDI GS: Mr . Jackson sl:ateci that the lower unit. was vacant and w i nd ws were broker�. rr,ev were rep 1 aced and t.heri �roken aga i n, a . t at �t i me �1r . Jackson baarded the w i ndows or� the � ower unit . Steve R , rom Division of Public Health - Vacani� Buildings , stated that the City, because of a complaint, became aware of the building in October 1989. The complaint stated that the upper unit was oc upied and the lower unit was vacar�t and �iri poor conditi n. The Inspector found thz building open t.o trespass . The first floor unit was partially boarded. The definition af a vacant uil ing is "R building or portion of a buiiding, which is unoccu�ied nd ,is either unsecured or boarded ar a dar�gerous structu e. " I n th i s case, i t met. the def i n i t.i on of a vacan�t. bu i 1 d i n . ons�c�uent 1 y, ��he reg i stra�, i on i s requ i red of an_y buildin th t' s pai�tially vacant or unoccu� ied. 7he owner has been ad i se of tt�� i s. Just recent 1 y, the owner� had rernoved �he boards n t e first floors . From tf�e prospect.ive of future fees , t ey i 1 1 not cont i nue i.o accure, tY�e fees tl-�at are due and pen i ng are �l:rie i ssue r�ere. Mr. Jac son' s reason for a waiver of the vacant buiidirig fees and the filing fees is h�rdshi � . BOARD A-TI N : Mot. ion made by Bi1I Tilt.on to der�y the requ�st for a waive� o the vacant building fee of $38U . UU and a refund ot the f i lj i ng fee of $25. t7Cl . Seconc�ed by Joan Pearson . MOT.I ON CARRIEC� UN NIMOUSLY . � ---------------------------------- Meeting adjourned at 3 :30 p.m. 7 -- RECEIVED . ��°'�GD DEPARTMENT/OFFICEKAUNpL DATE INITIATEO �Q 19�� �ro unio�teSEn�l �. _1 _ GREEN SHE No. O��?6 CONTACT PERSON 8 PNONE I I N I T I A U D A T E �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR L • �� �CITY ATTORNEY CITY(�.ERK MUST BE WUNCIL AQENDA BY ROUTNiO BUDOET DIRECTOR fIN.8 MOT.SERVICEB DIR. ASAP � �MAYOR(OR A8B18T o TOTAL N OF 81ONATURE PA (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SItiNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Resolution pr ing the actions of the Property C de Enforcement Board of Appeals. ' C�MMENa►11oNS:MP►ars W c► (i� COUNpL REPORT OPTION L _PUWNMKi COMMIS810N Vll ICE COMMISSION ANALYST �^� �µ�"���P°"�� R.r � _pB OOMMITTEE (�MMEMf3: —�� � T 2 C 1��� _asla�cr oour+r CatnrNKl�fy Swyip� suPao�s w�xa+couNa�oe� -�..;.. c � , �.�� � r �� r f r: . '� INITIATINO PROBLEM.ISSUE, .Wh�,When.Whas,Why): Approving t action of the Property Code Enforcem nt Board of Appeals for the mee 'ng of September 11 , 1990.__ �cv�wr�s���o: Variances t th property will be ratified. , o�wv�rr�oES��PnovEO: None. D18ADVANTAOE8 IF NOT APPf�YED: The action ' ke by the Property Code Enforcement oard of Appeals will be ret ' ne to the Board. by the City Council or further review. RECEtVED ounc�l �;�;;�arc� ��;���r f'�``J 11y5Q N��I�� ,..,. CI?Y C TOTAL AMOUNT OF T a COST/l�YENUE WOOETED( ONE) YES NO X FUNaNO SOURCE ACTIVIT1f NUMBER FlNANGAL INFORMA710N:(EXPWN) dw