90-1958 � �Q.F , ; '_ �`{,� . CITY OF STj AUL CO ILE N . F1NAL C� D R `si i ��. w_ . . - By! t � � File o. �' �`�--�-._._�' �.5 }. Voting In the Matter f sCallattaa of saaitar�, stas� aad rater s�r�ic� connections, Ward � rs uest�d bp tbs propRrty o�er, in conaectipa wit6 the 2 6 3 /Esyard I�rea Ste� S�rar asd STts�t Ps�r�ng and I.iahtlaE v,� c. " � � ; j ' ' � • s i, ' j l � I � i I I i �� I ' t�inder Preliminary O�d r � � "� approved p �`��� i ! � The Council di the ity of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon thije above improvement, due notice thereof having been ven s prescribed by the City Charter; and �' WHEREAS, Tl�e Cou cil has heard all persons, objections and recommendations p�rtaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully �c nside ed the same; now, therefore, be it �j i RESOLVED, at th Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that; the above-described improvement be made, and the pr er Ci y officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed wi�h the improvement; and be it FURTHER R OLV D, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred t erein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance w�ith Chapter 14 of the City Charter. ;I I, COUNCIL PER Adopted by the Counci�l: Date NOV 8 19� Yeas DisQxtd s Gost►iCz ; Certified P s by Cou cil Secretary Lon� 19ac�sbes� � In Favor By 8stt�aa �����' Thune i � Against ��✓ w��.son NOV 9 j9� Mayor �� ���� ���� PUBUSNFD N 0 V 1�7 1990 � , : ; , � . x . g� 9/6/90 o-��y���.�� DEPARTME /OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED �T Finance/Real Estat 9/5/90 GREEN SHE T l�� �10880 CONTACT PERSON&PHONE INITIAWA INITIAUDATE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCIL Peter White 2 8- 317 �ssiaN �CITYATfORNEY �CITYCLERK NUMBER FOR ❑BUDGET DIRECTOR �FIN.&MGT.SERVICES DIR. MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY( E) ROUTING M11St be in City C e k's 0 ice 110 ORDEH �MAYOR(OHASSISTAN� � (',nunri 1 TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE P ES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Hold public heari to pprove installation of storm, sanitary a water service connections if requested by th pro erty owner for the Edgcumbe/Bayard Area S orm Sewer and Street Paving and Lightin pro'ect. File 18609-3 ' RECOMMENDA710NS:Approve(A)a eJ (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANS R TNE FOLLOWINfi GUESTIONS: _PLANNINCi COMMI3310N CIVIL ERVICE COMMISSION �• Has this person/firm ever worked under e contra for this department? _CIB COMMITTEE YES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever been a ciry employee?I _�BTAFF YES NO _DIS7R1C7 COUR7 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normal possessed by any curreM city employee? 8UPPORT3 WHICH COUNCIL OBJECT YES NO SeWeY' Separation W rds 2 & 3 Explaln all yes answers on ssparate she•t and ch to grean ah�t Safer and Better N 'ghb rhoods INITIATINO PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPO NITY( ho,What,When,Where,Why): Storm Sewer and st et onstruction will necessitate the streets lo be dug up. Its only logical that conne on should be installed at this time ADVANTAdE31FAPPROVED: Streets will not h to be redone II DISADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: Property owners wil hav an assessment against his property DISADVANTA(�ES IF NOT APPROVED: I Higher costs and hi r ssessments to the property owner I RECEIVED C uncil Research Center SEP131990 I ��P 0 s �yyu C�?Y CLERK TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTI a *u known COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CI CLE ONE) YES NO Asses ent �W FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIALINFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) * orm sanitary and water service connections 11 be assessed at the rate in effect at th tim of installation. � �yo���� , r . `�,T=,� CITY OF SAINT PAUL �nembers: �s ; OFFICE OF THE C1TY COUNCIL Roger J.Goswitz,chair o � i David Thune,vice chair , ,ip���in „ Tom Dimond • � � ���° ' R�CEI!UED Bob Long y �v e ,... Da�e: Oc.�tober 31.1990 Comm�ttee Report ���31i�� CITY CLERK To: S int Paul City Councii From: P bii Works, Utilities, and Transportation Committee R ge J. Goswitz, Chair � Hearing Date Action Ap rov 1 of Minutes of October 17, 1990. APPROVED 3-0 1. FI AL RDER: For improving Stewart Avenue from APPROVED 3-0 A1 on treet to Springfield Street by grading pa ing and constructing concrete curb and gutter wh re ecessary. (Laid over in Committee 9/19/90 an 10 3/90) 2. 11/8/90 VA ATI N: Petition of Housing and Redevelopment LAID OVER TO Au hor'ty for the vacation of part of Park Street, 11/21/90 Ac er treet and the alleys in Jillson's-Addition bo nde by Rice, Sycamore, Sylvan and the Bu lin ton Northern Railroad. Purpose is to de elo Phase I of URAP North End Development ' Pr jec . 3. 11/8/90 VA ATI N: Petition of Ace Auto for the vacation LAID OVER TO of pa of Acker Street and Park Street. Bounded 11/21/90 by Ri , Sycamore, Sylvan and the Burlington No th n Railroad. Purpose is to increase storage ar a r cars. � 4. 11/8/90 A�M ND D FINAL ORDER: Improve the following streets APPROVED wi h bituminous roadway, concrete curb and gutters, 3-0 co cr te driveway aprons and outwalks, boulevard re to ation and a lantern style street lighting sy te for parts of Niles, Syndicate, Griggs, Ed cu be, Montcalm, Scheffer, Highland Parkway, �1 an r, Watson, Pleasant, Otto, May, Middleton, ui ta, Race, Alaska, Albion, Benson, Ivan Way and De lt n. All to be known as the Edgcumbe/Bayard � � r a treet Paving and Lighting Project. �. 11/8/90 aI AL ORDER: Constructing the Edgcumbe/Bayard APPROVE - Ar a torm Sewer Project. Area bounded by Hamline, 3-0 - Ra dolph, 35E and Shepard Road. Also construct�ion � sa itary, storm and water service connection�, re uested by property owners. � 90 - 145"� � _ .?: - �� .*• . t .i r�."''; z ) `y'- .�:: - t � � PRLLIII�IIiARY ORDER f��- � .� _ �' : :,� c ,. a.o-.' _ r . _ �tio- ..� f ef .. a r�: 7 +. a� yfa rx �:, 1 Y s �i;>� '' " � t�� • M -�t'�f i .;�n ,•- !i i L: `td !,�': h t} ��� .. Cou �cil e'No 90-169� By Dave Thune,Bob Long f: £� ;<. = i:" n th Matter of installatlon of.sanitary.storni and wateriservlce connectlone,if: ::re¢� sted the property owner,ln connectlori:wlth the Edgcumbe/Bayard;h►rea Storm` ' . Sew r an Street Paving and Lighting Pro�ect 1n Voting Wards 2.&.3 ;F,�- . ;:.. } : >, ...,: . . ::_.: . , ,. e� � uncil of the City of Saint Paul having received the report of the 11�ayor uppn. `' the bove mprovement,and having consldered said report,hereby resolvcs : : •.• � � �; 1.1'k t the said report and the same is hereby apprwed with no alterntaUves,and ' th�t the timated cost thereof is per connection;financed byassessments.Sanitary, : st0 an water service connections are assessed at the rate in effect at the tlme of inffi latlo " :, r t . - ,,: .,e., y , . ... �:.y.. .:Th t.a public_heazing be had on sald improvement on the�8th da o�_f_N�o�_v�ember, at 9 00 o'clock a.m.,in tl:e Council Chambers of.the City Hall and��ourE�Iouse. �BUiI 1ng the Cify oi'Saint Paul `?. r,- ,�;-;.. _ . A, - ` ��:- .Th t noUce of sald public hearing be given�to the persons�and in the manner � pro ded y the�Charter, statlng the iime and.place_of heazing,�the;nature of,the � , im;p ovem nt and the total cost thereof,as'esrimated Y ':; '% �, �� `:. - ,�� S� F71e o. 1 609 3 %•- , '"" .. °a , .„,,` ,� op ed by Council September�20 1990 '` '"` �' ��'' a ¢� .� '� e � r ppr ed by Mayor September 21: 1990 �`" = . -' �''•.,','` .•,�-°, - - (September 29-0ctobei 8,1990)'``- 1 `� �"� .�':- ' ;: -`;�, ;i: - � -�,_ :�.