90-1956 PUBLIC H I G November 8, 1990 I � Ig CITY OF ST. AUL COU E NO. � AMENDED F I N A L O D R ' BY ile . ' 94 � Voting In the Matter pf Ward ; 2 & 3 j Improve the � ll wing streets with a new bituninous roadway, concrete curb and guttera , ri eway aprons will be reconstructed �with concrete and new concrete outw lk . Boulevards will be regraded and sodded and a lantern style street ' ig ting system will be installed : Nil s from Hamline to Edgcumbe Syn ic te from Bayard to Juno Gri gs from Highland Parkway to Randolph Edg um e f rom Highland Parkway to Randolph ( Paving only) Mon ca m from Highland Parkway to Juno Sch ff r from Edgcumbe to Montcalm and from Lexington Parkway to Pleasant Hig la d Pkwy from Edgcumbe to Montcalm Ele no from Edgcumbe to Montcalm and from Pleasant to 35E Wat on from Edgcumbe to Montcalm Ple sa t from Lexington Parkway to Scheffer Ott from Lexington Parkway to Alaska May from Alaska to Middleton Mid le on from Vista to May Vista from Middleton to Race Race from Albion to Vista Alaska from Race to W. 7th Street Albion from Lexington Parkway to Adrian Be son from Glen Terrace to Elway , Ivan W y from Benson to Elway De� lto from W. 7th Street to Benson Adrian from Albion to East 130 fe�t Mo tcalm Hill from Kontcalm to East 270 feet Mo tcalm Court (south of Highland Parkway) All to be k ow as the Edgcumbe/Bayard Area Street Paving and Lighting Project . � NOV 8 19� COUNCIL PERSI� Adopted by the Councilt� Date Yeas Dimond a s i Goswitz� Certified P d y Cou�cIl Secretary Long � �� Maccabe@ � In Favor By Rettman � ��� �;�� � Thune Against `G h�.y"� Wilson ' i Mayor � , NOV 91994 � I PUBIiSNED N 0 V 17 1990, � ' ' - RE 10/24/90 ' ✓�y • .�� .�J - � �` � DEPARTMENTlOFFICElCOUNCIL DATE INITIATED NOi _10 8 9 2 Finance Department/ al state 10/23/90 G R E EN SH E E CONTACT PER30N 8 PHONE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR NITIAUDATE ❑CITY COUNCIL INITIAUDATE eter �llt2 317 AS810N �CITYATTORNEV �CITYCLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AOENDA BY(DA 11 O ROUTINGFOR �BUDGET DIRECTOR ` �FIN.8 MGT.SERVICES DIR. M113t be lII City Cle �S �� 21q ORDER �MAYOR(OR ASSISTANT) 0 Council Research 1/.9 TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE PA (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS fOR SIGNATURE) ACTION RE�UESTED: Amend Final Order ap rove construction of the Edgcumbe/Bayard rea Street Paving and Lighting Project. Se original Green Sheet 10882 File 4�1859 RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)or Re► R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWE THE FOLLOWING�UESTIONS: _PLANNINO COMMISSION _C IL SE VICE COMMI3SION �• Has this person/firm ever worked under a contraCt} r this depertment? _CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee7 .�3TAFF — YES NO _DISTRICT COUR7 _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally ssessed by any cunent cfty emplc�ree? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE WSr S L Sc 3 YES NO Safer and better ne �lbo tlOOdS Explaln all yea answers on separats sh.at and att ch to gnen ahe•t Sewer Separation INITIATINO PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORT NI (Wh ,What,When,Where,Why): ADVANTA(�ES IF APPROVED: � DISADVANTAOE3 IF APPROVED: D13ADVANTAOE3 IF NOT APPROVED: R�CEIVED ��0�/1AO ��� f,ti !o�^�L:�d�C�� �s�E�i��l NV CITY C�ERK �'�'I. �`� 1y3U TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTIO COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CI LE ONE) YES NO � FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) d w �_�� NOTE: COMRLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE GREEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASING OFFICE(PHONE NO.298-4225). ROUTING ORDER: Below are correct routings tor the five most frequent rypes of documents: CONTRACTS(assumes authorized budget exists) COUNCIL RESOLUTION (Amend Budgets/Accept.Grants) 1. Outside Agency 1. Department Director 2. Department Director 2. City Attorney 3. City Attorney 3. Budget Director 4. Mayor(for contracts over$15,000) 4. Mayor/Assistant 5. Human Rights(for contracts over$50,000) 5. Ciry Council 6. Finance and Management Services Director 6. Chief Accountant, Finance and Management Services 7. Finance Accounting ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS(Budget Revision) COUNCIL RESOLUTION (all others,and Ordinances) 1. Activity Manager 1. Department Director 2. Department Accountant 2. City Attorney 3. Department Director 3. Mayor Assistant 4. Budget Director 4. City Council 5. City Clerk 6. Chief Accountant, Finance and Management Services ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS(all others) 1. Department Director 2. City Attorney 3. Finance and Management Services Director 4. City Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES Indicate the#of pages on which signatures are required and paperclip or flag each of these pages. ACTION REQUESTED Describe what the projecUrequest seeks to accomplish in either chronologi- cal order or order of importance,whichever is most appropriate for the issue. Do not write complete sentences. Begin each item in your list with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete if the issue in question has been presented before any body, public or private. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Indicate which Council objective(s)your projecUrequest supports by listing the key word(s)(HOUSING, RECREATION, NEIGHBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDGET, SEWER SEPARATION). (SEE COMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS: This information will be used to determine the city's liabiliry for workers compensation claims,taxes and proper civil service hiring rules. tNITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY Explain the situation or conditions that created a need for your project or request. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED Indicate whether this is simply an annual budget procedure required by law/ charter or whether there are specific ways in which the City of Saint Paul and its citizens will benefit from this project/action. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED What negative effects or major changes to existing or past processes might this project/request produce if it is passed (e.g.,traffic delays, noise, tax increases or assessments)?To Whom?When? For how long? DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED What will be the negative consequences if the promised action is not approved? Inabiliry to deliver service?Continued high traffic, noise, , accident rate?Loss of revenue? FINANCIAL IMPACT • Although you must tailor the information you provide here to the issue you are addressing, in general you must answer two questions: How much is it going to cost?Who is going to pay? " ���`���f_ ;:� .� RE 9/b/90 • DEPAqTMENTlOFFICE/COUNCII OATE INITIATED ' Finance Department Rea Estate � 9/5/90 GREEN SHEET N� _ 1�882 CONTACT PERSON 6 PHONE �NITIAUDATE INITIAUOATE �OEPARTMENT OIRECTOR �CITY COUNC0. Peter White 98- 318 ASSIGN �C�TYATTORNEY (L�cmaeiuc ( NUMBER FOR a BUOGET OIRECTOH �fIN.8 MGi.SERVICES DIR. \�:. .�AUS B ON COUNCIL AGENDA 8Y(0 TE7, pOUTING Must be in City Cl rk Off ORDER �MAYOR(OfiASSISTANn Q ('rnmril R later than noon W T07AL#OF SIGNATURE P GES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACTION REQUESTED: Setting hearing � te • Approve construc� on f the Edgcumbe/Bayard Area Street Paving a�d Lighting Project File 46 18594 FIECOMMENDATIONS:Approv�(A)o R jkt(fi pERSONAI SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOILOWiNG GUESTIONS: _PLANNING COMMISStON CIV SEPVICE COMMISSION �• Has this person/firm ever worked under a CoMral;t tor thia department? YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this person/firm ever been a aly empbyee7 A STAFF YES NO _ �ISTRICT COURT 3. Does this personlfirm possess a skill not r►ormally possessad by azry current ciry emptoyeel SUPPORTS WHICH COUNC�L OBJE E? YES NO � Sewer Separation� Ward 2 & 3 Explain all yea anewers on sep�rst�aheet and attach to groen sheet Safer and Better� eig borhoods INITIATING PROBLEM,ISSUE.OP O TUNI (Who,What Wt�en.Where,Why): Streets will be � rn p to do Edgcumbe/Bayard Storm Sewer Project i . I i � � C . '�uttingAPin pavi , c rb and gutters & better Iighting will redu e maintenance costs and ma.ke the neighbo� ood safer and nicer looking. I DI8ADVANTA4ES IF APPROVED: Streets will be t wn p during construction season. . Property owners 11 ave 20 year assessments attached to their properties DISAOVANTAC4E3 IF NOT APPROVHD: Streets would cot� inu to be costly to maintain TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANS C ION 2'381'600.OO CO3T/FiEVENUE BUDGETEO(CIRCLE ONE) �YES� NO �s ess ents , . FUNDING SOURC�'99 Ca ta Im ne e 5,OQ�aQy NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPI,�IN CS P Funds $243�3OO.OO i � ���,���� r CITY OF SAINT PAUL ' �nembers: $�tt=,' ,�a ; OFFICE OF THE CTTY COUNCIL Roger J. Goswitz,chair . � : I David Thune,vice chair ; �i����i�„ ; Tom Dimond v ���� �� �� R�CEIVED Bob Long ° Date: Oceot�r 31.1990 .�• Committee Report ��j3�-��� CiTY CLERK To: $ int Paul City Councii From: bli Works, Utilities, and Transportation Committee ge J. Goswitz, Chair Hearing Date II Action Alp ro al of Minutes of October 17, 1990. � APPROVED 3-0 1. FI AL ORDER: For improving Stewart Avenue from APPROVED 3-0 A1 on Street to Springfield Street by grading pa in and constructing concrete curb and gutte� wh re necessary. (Laid over in Committee 9/19/90 an 1 /3/90) 2. 11/8/90 V AT ON: Petition of Housing and Redevelopmen� LAID OVER TO Au ho ity for the vacation of part of Park Street, 11/21/90 Acker Street and the alleys in Jillson's-Addition bound d by Rice, Sycamore, Sylvan and the Burli gton Northern Railroad. Purpose is to , d vel p Phase I of URAP North End Development ' P oje t. 3. 11/8/90 V CAT ON: Petition of Ace Auto for the vacatio LAID OVER TO o pa t of Acker Street and Park Street. Bound�d 11/21/90 b Ri e, Sycamore, Sylvan and the Burlington N rth rn Railroad. Purpose is to increase storage a ea or cars. 4. 11/8/90 fND D FINAL ORDER: Improve the following str!eets APPRO y�ith bituminous roadway, concrete curb and gu�tters, 3-0 � ncr te driveway aprons and outwalks, boulevar� r sto ation and a lantern style street lighting�', s ste for parts of Niles, Syndicate, Griggs, E gcu be, Montcalm, Scheffer, Highland Parkway,; E ean r, Watson, Pleasant, Otto, May, Middletonl',, V sta Race, Alaska, Albion, Benson, Ivan Way a�d p alt n. All to be knowr� as the Edgcumbe/Bayard - �1 ea treet Paving and Lighting Pr ' 5. 11/8/90 F NAL ORDER: Constructing the Edgcumbe/Bayard ' APPROVED �1 ea torm Sewer Project. Area bounded by Hamline, 3-0 R ndo ph, 35E and Shepard Road. Also construction o sa itary, storm and water service connectionls, i re uested by property owners. � Y� 6. 11/1/90 FINAL ORDER: Improving the following streets � APPROVED with a bituminous roadway, concrete urb and 3-0 gutters, concrete driveway aprons and outwalks, boulevard restoration and a lantern style street lighting system for parts of Bayard, Eleanor, Finn, Kenneth, Niles, Sumner and Watson. All to be known as the Highland Mt. Curve Area Street Paving and Lighting Project. 7. 11/1/90 FINAL ORDER: For constructing the Highland/ APPROVED Mt. Curve Area Storm Sewer Project. Bounded by 3-0 Randolph, Fairview, Highland Parkway, and the Mississippi River Blvd. Also, installation of sanitary, storm and water service connections, if requested by the property owners. 8. FIRST READING - 90-1792 - An ordinance repealing APPROVED AS Chapters 408 and 420 of the Legislative Code and AMENDED 3-0 enacting a new Chapter 408 regulating the businesses of recycling collection centers and recycling processing centers. (Referred to Committee 10/11/90) 9. RESOLUTION - 90-1849 - Declaring a moratorium on LAID OVER the installation of fiber optic telecommunications INDEFINITELY lines within the public right-of-way for the next ninety (90) days. (Referred to Committee 10/18/90) 10. Continental Cablevision of St. Paul Year 5 LAID OVER TO Evaluation and Franchise Fee Reduction Request. 11/21/90 � � � � � z `j• � .... \ � �� � ¢ w +i _ � � VJ , � � � � ~ �J • � J � � ° _ � �I CITY OF ST. P UL CQI3AFE °�`ILE N . � F I N A L O D R B .y-� �� ,�-----�. ,�' , � j �r�.' � File I Votiny In the Matter qf i Ward I . _ �i� ! Inprove the fo1 owi g streets with a new bituminous ro�dway , concrete curb and gutters , dX ve ay aprons will be reconstructed with concrete and new concrete outwal s . Boulevards will be regraded and sodded and a green lantern style s reet lighting system will be installed : Niles from Hamline to Edgcumbe Syndi ate from Bayard to Juno Grigg from Highland Parkway to Randolph Edgcu be from Highland Parkway to Ranalolph (Aid Street ) MontG lm from Highland Parkway to Juno ScheE er from Edgcumbe to Montcalm and from Lexington Parkway to Pleasant High1 nd Pkwy from Edgcumbe t'o Montcalm Eleaa r from Edgcumbe to Montcalm and ' from Pleasant to 35E Watso from Edgcumbe to Montcalm Pleas nt from Lexington Parkway to Scheffer Otto from Lexington Parkway to Alaska May � from Alaska to Middleton , Midd], ton from Vista to May Vist� from Lexington to Race Race from Albion to Vista Alask. from Race to W. 7th Street , Albio from Lexington Parkway to Adrian Bensq from Glen Terrace to Elway , Ivan ay from Benson to Elway Deal� n from W. 7th Street to Benson All to be knoW a the Edgcumbe/Bayard Area Street Paving and Lighting Project . �'UKIf3L'K 1C �.v v; iim� u�� .,.., .,.....r----- . all expenses incurred t erein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance w�ith Chapter 14 of the City c;harter. y � i COUNCIL PER Adopted by the Counci�I: Date Yeas � 1N ys � G�fi�Iitz ' Certified Passed by Cou',ncil Secretary Loag ' � j,���� In Favor By 1t,ettasn � Against Vilson , Mayor , I I ; . . � - 3 RE 9/6/90 -�a� .��� .� FinanceroDepartment/ al state �A9/5/90 GREEN SHEE l�� ,10882 CONTACT PERSON&PHONE INITIAUDATE INITIAUDATE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCIL Peter White 2 �53 8 ASSIGN �CITYATTORNEY �CITYCLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AQENDA Y(D NUMBER FOR �BUDGET DIRECTOR �FIN.8 MGT.SERVICES DIR. ROUTING MUSt be in City Cle ' ff� ORDER �MAYOR(ORASSISTANT) � (',n�inr�il R later than noon W TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE PA 3 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Setting hearing d Approve constructi of the Edgcumbe/Bayard Area Street Paving a Lighting Project File 4{' 18594 RECAMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)or R (R) PERSONAI SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSW R TFIE FOLLOWINQ QUESTIONS: _ PLANNINO COMMISSION CIVIL RVICE COMMISSION �• Has this person/firm ever worked under a COntr for this departmentl _C18 COMMITTEE YES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? A 3TAFF YES NO _DI3TRICT COURT 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normall possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORT3 WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTI rd 2 & 3 YES NO S2Wer Separation Explaln all yes answers on seperate shest and ch to green sheet Safer and Better e ghb rhoods tNITIATINO PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPO T NITY( ho,What,When,Where,Why): Streets will be t r u to do Edgcumbe/Bayard Storm Sewer Pro�ec ' `�ANTAQ 31FAPPQOVED: utt�ng in pavin , cu b and gutters & better lighting will redu e ma.intenance costs and make the neighbor o d afer and nicer looking. DI3ADVANTAOE3 IF APPROVED: Streets will be t u during construction season. Property owners w 1 h ve 20 year assessments attached to thefr roperties DISADVANTAQES IF NOT APPROVED Streets would con nue to be costly to maintain RECEIVED �13��� Co ncil Research Center � SEP 0 G 1�9� �iT� �LERK ��•- TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSAC 1 N s '381�600.OO • COST/REVENUE BUDGETED CIRCLE ONE) �YES� NO AS ssm nts , FUNDING SOURC�99 Ca' al Im V2 e 5�OQ�a4y NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAI ) CSS Funds $243�300.OO a� (� NOTE: COMRLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDEQ IN THE GREEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASING OFFICE(PHONE NO.298-4225). ROUTING ORDER: Below are correct routings for the five most frequent rypes of documents: CONTRACTS(assumes suthorized budget exists) COUNCIL RESOLUTION (Amend Budgets/Accept. Grants) 1. Outside Agency 1. Department Director 2. Department Director 2. City Attorney 3. City Attorney 3. Budget Director 4. Mayor(for contracts over$15,000) 4. Mayor/Assistant 5. Human Rights(for contracts over$50,000) 5. City Council 6. Finance and Management Services Director 6. Chief Accountant, Finance and Management Services 7. Finance Accounting ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS(Budget Revision) COUNCIL RESOLUTION (all others, and Ordinances) 1. Activity Manager 1. Department Director 2. Department Accountant 2. City Attorney 3. Department Director 3. Mayor Assistant 4. Budget Director 4. Ciry Council 5. City Clerk 6. Chief Accountant, Finance and Management Services ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS(all others) 1. Department Director 2. Ciry Attorney 3. Finance and Management Services Director 4. City Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES indicate the#of pages on which signatures are required and paperclip or flag each of these pages. ACTION REQUESTED Describe what the project/request seeks to accomplish in either chronologi- cal order or order of importance,whichever is most appropriate for the issue. Do not write complete sentences. Begin each item in your list with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete if the issue in question has been presented before any body, public or private. SUPPORTS WHiCH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Indicate which Council objective(s)your projecVrequest supports by listing the key word(s) (HOUSING, RECREATION, NEIGHBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDGET, SEWER SEPARATION). (SEE COMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS: This information will be used to determine the city's liabiliry for workers compensation claims,taxes and proper civil service hiring rules. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY Explain the situation or conditions that created a need for your project or request ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED Indicate whether this is simply an annual budget procedure required by law/ charter or whether there are specific ways in which the Ciry of Saint Paul and its citizens will benefit from this projecVaction. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED What negative effects or major changes to existing or past processes might this projecUrequest produce if it is passed (e.g.,traffic delays, noise, tax increases or assessments)?To Whom?When? For how long? DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED , What will be the negative consequences if the promised action is not approved?Inability to deliver service?Continued high traffic, noise, accident rate?Loss of revenue? FINANCIAL IMPACT Although you must tailor the information you provide here to the issue you are addressing, in general you must answer two questions: How much is it going to cost?Who is going to pay? , � SLTNiMAR.Y OF ENGTIVEEftING RECOMMENDATIONS ��Q����� GCUMBF./BAY�IF�D STORM SEwER.&PAVING PR.OJECT . CITY PR.OJECT 915-8072 (INCLUDES 91-P-8055&91 V-805.� NEIGHBORHOOD INFORMATIONAL NN�EETTtNG PUBLIC WORKS CONIlVIITTEE MEETING PUBLIC HEARING PR,OJECT: Construct st rm sewer system, water and sewer service connections and reconnection , s eet improvements and upgrade an existing lightin ystem in the Crosby Wat rsh d. This area is bounded by Hamline, Randolph, 35�and Shepard Road. � EXISTING C�O ONS: The project rea is presently served by a combined sewer system. During periods of rainfall, sto ater and sanitary sewage are combined. Light rainfall, combined with sanita y s wage, will be directed to the sewage treatment plant where the stormwater 'll be unnecessarily treated. Moderate to heavy rainfall, combined with sanit� y s wage, will overflow diversion structures and untreated sanitary sewage will ou let to the Mississippi River. Reports qf sewer backups into basements � d s rface flooding have also been noted in this !area. The followin st eets within the project area are paved with concrete base, overlaid with asphal an have concrete curb: �I INE - Highland to Randolph � GC 1KBE - Highland to Randolph ' L xt GTON - Montreal to Kandolph D LPH - Hamline to Lexington H GH D - Hamline to Ed cumbe ON ftEAL - Lexington to E�way . SE NTH - Leland to Alaska E W Y - Montreal to Shepard Road S EP D ROAD at Elway , The followin ar oiled streets with intermittent sections of concrete curb: N LE - Hamline to Edgcumbe ��-- ATS N - Edgcumbe to Montcalm - S HE FER - Edgcumbe to Montcalm E E OR - Edgcumbe to Montcalm I H GH D - Edgcumbe to Montcalm S D CATE - Bayard to duno G S - Highla.nd to Randolph ON CALM - Highland to Juno S HE FER- Le�ngton to Pleasant � E �t'r - Le�ngton to Scheffer E OR - Pleasant to 35E �.���--�--::-- O O - Lexington to Alask�'"�'��'`�"'�""�""`�` � � . Y Alaska to Middleton.; - _ �,�a :;� �� " IDD ETON - Vista to May � ST - Legington to Race �+ ' CE Albion to Vista . ' � AS - Race to W. 7th `1 �- . .�i _ : �: :� .� ,��.` a . . BI N - Lexington to Adrian '' � "''� � ✓ B NS N - Glen Terrace to a,��;�.:x:; - ` ��`��"�' i,�e:.�art"�.�.""-..+5'.�_:`..:;rL..e..t.2.�r..`.'•".. -..r:.aw,:.,...c ::`e`.+.."ia"'�.�i.'Y'iw�•�^c:�-:�aa.,.a,.:,.� � • � E � TON�- W. 7th to Benson � �Q ' �,"V�� A� �'VAY - Benson to Elway ' 0 CALM COURT at Highland Parkway . � The followi g re unimproved right-of-ways: AT ON - Montcalm to Lexington (easement required) LE OR - Montcalm Hill to Lexington IG LAND - Montcalm to Lexington R - Elway to Albion (easement required) LW Y - W. 7th to Montreal RO BY FARM PARK (easement required) The projec ar a is primarily served by a lighting system on wood poles and a lantern lig ti system on Edgcumbe Road. PR.OPOSID OVEMENTS: Street imp ove ents and storm sewer construction are proposed for the follo�wing streets: IL S - Hamline to Edgcumbe YN ICATE - Bayard to Juno " RI GS - Highland to Juno ' � �` '�` ,' � , � . ,_. -_,, DG UMBE - Highland �-�ia �� s , ��1> �`•�., " � 0 TCALM - Highland to Juno - -' � Cx FFER - Edgcumbe to Montcalm � � � ,,',, �, IG �LAND - Edgcumbe to Montcalm - '� LE ANT - Lexington to Scheffer I TT - Lexington to Alaska �� -" AY - Alaska to Middleton ID LETON - Vista to May , 1S -�aska--tar�ace ,. � '�; �.r ;` �_;:�:, o C - Albion to Vista r �, KA - Race to W. 7th ° LB ON - Lexington to Adrian EN ON - Glen Terrace to Elway E TON - W. 7th to Benson . V WAY - Benson to Elway Storm sew r e struction and trench restoration only is proposed for the following streets: `r`�- LINE - Eleanor to Juno - ' E NGTON - Montreal to Randolph 0 REAL - Lezington to Elway . 'r H - Leland to Dealton LW Y - Montreal to Shepard Road O CALM COUBT to Highland Storm sev� r c nstruction and restoration in kind for the following unimproved right-of-wa s: AT ON - Montcalm to Lexington _ n.��w- .I'�"�[ ��i:Ga.M'..wi ,1n i �iU..s:.:� LE OR - Montcalm ���F��6=�;e��n��..:��-�;.�-, �_:....� IG LAND - Montcal� to_L.exington... - -� - -- - _ R - Elway to Albion . LW Y - W. 7th to Montreal ; RO BY FARM PARK- S�E: ofElway and Shegard.�Road ; .., .... . ...�.._... . .v.. e _.� .� ,.,.. .... .. .._, .. . .. ..s . .. -,4 '� .�� ,y„>.n........-. A���r�.nuav.ari�es[iw�ei�K+.l.t�� �4�►tt.:x'.:. •�+::-�::s:X'caao'ie-�..i»[iyil�.i►+.aw•.+.:c�....u...�.�:.+.iY«iaA'ju25. �. i � . � � . ��� ��� S�reet i�ipr ve ents, but no sewer construction is proposed for the following streets:- ' ' � I S - Juno to Randolph � BE - Juno to Randolph AT ON - Edgcumbe to Montcalm � ��E E OR - Edgcumbe to Montcalm Q� '� HE FER- Lexington to Pleasant E OR- Pleasant to 35E ST - Le�ngton to Alaska New streets ' be constructed to a width of 32', except as fo$lows: OR BOITND EDGCtTMBE RD. - Highland to Randolph - 20' Wide S UT BOLTND EDGCUMBE R.D. - Highland to Randolph - 20' Wide AN AY - Benson to Elway - 24' Wide No street 'de ing will be performed if interference wfith boulevard trees is encountered N w curb will be hand formed, if necessary, �o avoid damaging trees and/or tree oot . Tree removal will be required in the unimproved right-of-ways, but only as ece sary for sewer construction. Tree trimming may also be necessary at other loc io to facilitate sewer construction. The new sit rm sewer construction is part of a long-ran e storm sewer project which will' esu t in separate storm and sanitary sewer s�ystems throughout the city. , The stree�t i provements proposed would compliment the storm sewer constructio . ew bituminous roadways with concrete curb and gutter are being proposed. 1 riveways will be reconstructed with concrete, and new concrete outwalks 11 b constructed for each home. Boulevard� will be regraded and sodded. A 1 te lighting system will be used throughout �he project area. ALTEftNATE : To do nothi g w uld be inconsistent with the city's commitment to improve existing oiled streets i prove water quality and reduce pollution. Improving the roadways in conjuncti n th sewer construction will save time, maney and inconvenience later. POSITIVE . With t��ct� pl 'on of the city's sewer project and the disconnection of rainleaders, - " sewer back s ' to basements will be eliminated, surface flooding reduced, and the diversion af s 'tary sewage to the Mississippi River, as �vvell as the diversion of storm water to t e sewage treatment plant, will be eliminated. General im ro ement of the public right-of-ways in conjunctian with sewer construction ' enhance and add quality to the neighborhood. Street oiling would be elimina . ADVERSE . Normal pro le s associated with construction, such as noise, dust, reduced access to property d general disruption will be resent. Howgve� �n�� .��n.-a�� ,. � �__._ � . `i�,..�_._ .� improvemen s a this time, fiz�ur�'�a+�'�°�"�v�'ou�c�''be eT''�na�,ed. � ,; _ �..,... _. . ._._ � .. ._, .. ..... _ .� - .; _ -;, ...N ��--..I� . . ---.. .:._._. ._.. _ .. _ -... . . .... ..... . .-• �—� �,.j J � w ...�:e'�T�i':.�:i:wi�E"t::7�,:.,..a::':i:-�a:.s"..:..,�..�,_..m..... .....................�.....1::.�i..x.::s:.'r=':a.Tt;A".�iin.::::1".+� COST ESTIl� TE : . � ��o.���� � 5-8072 ED CUNIBEBAYARD STORM SEWER Co struction $4,477,000.00 En 'neering & Inspection �28.000.00 To $5,305,000.00 P-8055 ED UMBEBAYARD GRADING & PAVING Co struction $1,526,500.00 En 'neering & Inspection �12,900.00 i cellaneous 2 To $1, 2,000.00 V-8055 ED CUMBE/BAYARD LIGHTING Co struction $250,500.00 En 'neering & Inspection 46,300.00 Fi ance 2 800.00 5���'(a.� V-8055 ED tTMBE RO�D - Highland to Randolph ���' b6 Co struction 76,000.00 En 'neering & Inspection 14.000.00 To 1 $389,600.00 PR JECT TOTAL $7,686,600.00 ESTIlVIATED CING �8072 ED CUMBEBAYA.R,D STORM SEWER Ass ssment $ �04,000.00 OT 160,000.00 Sta e & Federal Grants & Loans 3,�11,000.00 e er Revenue Bonds 1.�30.000.00 To $5,305,000.00 P-8055 ED CUMBE/BAYARD GRADING & PAVING - ""'�° ss ssment $ 551,400.00 ' C (1991� 1,275,000.00 e er Revenue Bonds �65.600.00 To $1,992,000.00 V 8055 ED UMBEBAYARD LIGHTING C (1991) $ 90,000.00 C 243,300.00 Ass ssments 56.300.00 To $,�89,600.00 ���..n��.�-,�t�.��tie�.w�v...��-'�'--r..-r.,.._. _ .�-+1+. . ...�..�„��y�.,, .1 - � ..._.. . ...._ PR JECT TOTAL _,ti . �~ . $7,686,600:00 . .-_ _ .''_y. .. _ .. . . ; . . . . . .. . . : . ' . . . . - � '�i . . . . . . .. ' �� :; , . � ' . � _ - . � � . ., . _ _.a ..I ,., _ : ._..� _.. _ .. . _ ,., ..: . _. :.i � x � � r.4._'-':�titi.i:+3i+£'.°.iir"1.�-:�.%��.s'°'°'�e :�'a :narrs*.+.�-�... t `�.r��ieia� �ws+aa��.w`r� � � � . . . � �r�o-�a� � SOUR.CE OF AD ITIONAL INFORMATION: , � For additiv al ' ormation, contact Joe Mueller at 292-6149. RECONIIV� A ON: The Dep e t of Public VYorks opinion is that this is a necessary and worthwhile � project an th Engineering Recommendation is for approval and financing of the project. Respectfull su mitted, Thomas J. g Director of ub 'c Works .�-_ - - _. . �. _..��•�'�,. _� w.�-�., - ._ , - � _ .� :. - , �s � _ _.. � :� � .-, ..� �, _;...r.� _�.r. . . ;:4 ._��w 5 ���� g .. . . . �a 59 � . � . . _�F �� � �JQJYt£5 -i , rt G,, y� ��i � (38) 'cn .; � ' _;ac 'L ;7 ' •N. ! .:# �q'���� � tii.. , I:::� �1 ::� _ �r ` l.�r ;, qr v� � 2 ! �� E, � (�. � �� �.: '.- ,. '� � � i � f,.., :�.�.--- � ';:�j � 3 '.:`._ ,� ; � `u Nl,ES :! �' , X w;:: ,� ; . V ' � 'Wy' � .y^1M, i WATSON �._ • '�` I 3�yye; '4'�;;: ; — � � O ,.�"�fM � j HAHTFORO _ � ,�'"� i� ; c v .�1 1- y,. : ;:�� .•< BAYARD W 'v � Z •r �F '�` �4� X �:: SCt-IEFFEA #j � '!t� '-� I . — . � `• .���,'.',��.. � � `�• N I . .r..: � � ELEANOFi .MCr+rcxr � :��/ N�.Lt .I �.� ¢I ,�- � : -� �. :. •�.�:; �� F o �':'�' % ::; y _ avE _ �- - - �,,.��„� ��'" / ��'f f�.'{� � � a .uy,�.,.=•' r� '� =: i FCP.� �W KWY � �uy,� ' r' ,,' • �.�. o �`: t . � �Q � � —���W �p �� �� . -;:� �� \ •` G.v63 ` � ^'• ;• 4✓ d I Q � � � Q� �,� '� !j�. ��r �Y 'Q �? ` _ , � _� � �. �+y� J IW= ~� � � � < ,�w ��. �' C ' • �p� v ,1 p�J 8� µ� Q ;'.7 �' '(r� �`'' , �-`r �.� `���` c:J ;�/� � �r+"" , � � •�. �� .�,I.-,./•/./�// � "Y� 2 � < '.{��%"� '� �'' � V //.�'.. �i. �y: •. .! ±~ ' ^��'�•...,. = 3 ,a� i Sl' . .�o.vilF,�tP• y� Pv JJi !}�.j .�0�����`��:_ , i` :� /Y�('� -.�/�°' �a` ` v' •y I J���;,,'�t'''�': f� iC 1 ~• �•i✓wN w�AY �£���f/ � . �:,�,r��ls!I . .�... '.I;�•`�' �• ce�~ .,;j�;. ��� � � . ( � • � �► �i �w , • ' O �' EDGCUMBE/ BAYARD (CRO�,2B) •'� � .jV i• i, Yz�Olf � 'C � .�� ' �� 08 ' GA�7�N�v� .iY:::vt:;::�:x.v:?:;i:x;. .1.5 ���G.S ' PAVED W �t ��a P�� � p,g �ILES• ?� -PAVING DELAYED — � MILES 1 EYVER CON13TRt1C710N �'� — pN$7pEET'3 70 BE RECONSTRtJCTED 3.0 6AILES � oH roTM�-- (REPAIR TREN� 2z �i�s 1991 '- - � - • ----..__,,.s,_ .. , _ ...._.�...�.....�.�,t . ���--_:_�:�--9a ���.��q y�o _ :� � rRaLnrmv�Y oxnER� � ' ' w r� �, �, r ,> . N -,:_ '; . . .� : : •..., ; : Cau e11 Fi e.No.90,-1690 .-By Dave Thune,Bob Long . . , � n th Matter of lmproving thc following streets wlth a new bituminous roadway: � con ete c rb'and gutters,driveway aprons will be reconstructed with concrtte and new -; con cte o taralka.Boulevards wlll be regraded and sodded and a green la�tern style sti'e t ligh �ng system,wlll be insfalled in Voting Wards,2&3 , _ ..;. � �lles rom Haznline to Edgcumbe � -- n ` ynd ate from Bayard to Juno ,> : •. :r rlgg from HighlazidPkwy.to Randolph • - '� `� - ,.,;.; ., , , . .� . dgc mbe from Highland Pkwy.to Randolph(Aid Street) �' ` �' ° ont alm from Highland Pkwy.to Juno -` ' � - Sche er from Edgcumbe to Montcalm and from Le�dngton Pkwy.to P�easant ° � . • • -,. , Highl nd Pkvry.from Edgcumbe to Montcalm _ , Elea or from Edgcumbc to Montcalm ai►d from Pleasant to 35E Wats n from Edgcumbe to Montcalm � �' _ .. . . . . 5 ;.'.,� -,..r .� .-. Pleas t from Leadngton Pkwy.to Scheffer ' : , •;. . - , Otto rom Le3dngton Pkwy.to Alaska . : . - � -. ; May om Alaska to Middleton<=. •-_ , ` ° ��> • � - Midd eton from Vista to May .—.. .�_--=. ... , ' ` . , ' Vista from Lexington to Race , _`, ° . � � ..,: ,�_- � .. Racc from Albion to Vista ,;a { , � Alas a from Race to W._7th S�.. .� r.•.. 7,•":�� -_ ;• Nbio from Lexington Pkwy'to Adrlan- �'? �� - � _ _ � ' Bens n from Glen Terraee to Elway '' �_- Ivan, ay from Benson to Elway ` ` ` f` `` ' � Deal on from W.7th SL to Benson'�" ` -.—s � ,;- ., .. All o be �own as the Edgcumbe/Bayard�Area Street Paving and Lighting ProJe�t: " �, The uncll of the City of Satnt Paul having receiyed the report of the Mayor upon,,�,, 1. t the said report and the same!s hereby ap�ed�t�hbn n�� ;, � � ttle bov im rovement,and havin considered safd re rt,here resolv 1 1 Ca tal Im rovement Bonda 81,365,000.00;Sewer Revenue Bonda g aUves and tha t h e U m a t e d c o s.'.t h e r e o C i s 5 2.3 8 1.6 0 0.0 0.1 i n a n b y 07 700.00 ��: a p 165 600.00 Cb bine Sewer Separatlon ProjeM Funds S243.300 00.:;;.� rF, �; s ,, ,�°. „ .t:.„ -ti �' 2. at a publlc.hearing be had on aafd improve,rment on the 8th da of November,,�° 1 0.at :00 o'clock a.iri:,�1n the Council Chambers of the City Ha and ourt Houst�;� ding n the y o a n au..;�`_.�'':. . ; . : � .�'h t notic,e:pisaid publlc,Y�e�Tipg p�.,given,to the persons and-ln the mannex�:"` prb ded y the Charter, stating the time and place.of hearing, the nature of the `� imp vem nt and the total cost thereof as estimated. - FY1e o. l 594 - " - a; : - _ • dop d by Cout�cil September 20, 1990 :� ° ' ppr ved by Mayor September 21, 1990 ' �' ' . - .°'�(September 29-0ctober�6, 1990)', _ - - _ , _ ._