90-1951 r...__. �S . _ : City of St.P ul COLJNCI ILE 0 J � PRELIMINARY O DER By File No. I 18598A & E Voting I Ward In the Matter p 5 Condemning � d taking fee title in those properties located in the Southwest an�i So theast Quarters of Section 24 , Township 29 , Range 23 , according to I he plat thereof on file in the officJ,e of the Registrar of Deeds , Ramse}� Co nty, Minnesota , described as follows : I Tha�{ pa t of Lot 26 , Cottage Homes , lying ' southerly of thel ailroad Right—of—way, subject to Western Avenue and Vir nia Street ; Tha� . pa t of Lot 27 , Cottage Homes , lying ' southerly of the ailroad Right�of�way , subject to Western Avenue ; Tha� pa t of the East half of Lot 28 , Cottage Homes , lyi� southerly of the Railroad Right�of—way; The � or h 350 feet of the East half of Lot 41 , Cottage Hom� ; The ', or h 350 feet of the West 214 fee� of Lot 42 , Cot � ge Homes ; Lot 42 , except the South 180 feet and exc� t the West 214 feet , subject to Maryla�nd Avenue ; Lot 20 through 31 and vacated alleys accruing , Schletti Secc� d Addition. I Also , condem� ng and taking temporary construction"' easements in Lots 41 and 42 , Cott� e omes , and Lots 16 through 19 and vacated alley accruing , Schletti Sec� d ddition , as shown on map Number �18598 , on file in the Real Estate �D vi ion , Department of Finance , Room ' 218 City Hall , Saint Paul , Minnesqta. Temporary easements are to expire December 31 , 1991 , or upon completi� n of the project , whichever occurs fir�st. This is in cq'njun tion with the Maryland/Dale Area Storm Sewer Project . 2 That a publi hea 'ng be had on said improvement on the llth I day of o'clock a.m.,�in the Council Chambers of the City Hall ap Co rt House Building in the City of Saint PauL 3. That notice sai public hearing be given to the persons and in the manner pra�vided by the Charter, stating the time and plac of h aring, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date N�V 8 19� YeasDimond Nays � Goswitz Certified e by Council Secretary �}S Maccabee In Favor By Rettman Thune � Against ��"� �/ wilson ! NQV 9 1990 Mayor Pt���s��n r��OV i 7 199(�