90-1949 � � iui �lAL ' , . �i j Cou�ci l Fi le # 94—/`�' 7� ; �___! Green Sheet # �7a� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Camiittee: Date � WHEREAS, The Ci o Saint Paul has undertaken the Concord-Congress Sewer Separation and Paving Project, City roj ct Nos. 90-5-8056 and 90-P-8051; and WHEREAS, as part'of t at Project, the City, by resolution found in C.F. 90-632, obtained an easement for sewer urp ses across a portion of a parcel of land owned by Unocal, northwest of the intersection of Wate an Starkey Streets in the City of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, const ctio of the sewer across said easement was planned for 1989, and required dewatering of the c nst ction site; and WHEREAS, prior t co struction, ground water contamination by mineral spirits was discovered in a test well on Unoc 1 pr perty in the vicinity of the easement; and WHEREAS, const ctio was been delayed to determine what impact, if any, the dewatering would have on the e�cisting con amination, and consequently what exposure the City may face under State and Federal anti-po uti n laws; and WHEREAS, the De art ent of Public Works has asked the City Attorney to provide legal advice regarding this situati n, hich requires specialized knowledge and experience in environmental law, which the City Atto ey' Office does not possess; and WHEREAS, the De art ent of Public Works, has sufficient funds available to pay for the services of an environmental law specialist in account code C90-2T623-0784-29093 for this project; and WHEREAS, Robert E. attanach, Esq., a partner in the law firm of Oppenheimer, Wolff & Donnelly, possesses ubs antial e�ertise in the field of environmental law and has handled several cases arising from p ope ties in the vicinity of the easement; and WHEREAS, The Ci y C uncil has by virtue of City Charter Section 5.02 the authority to retain a special counsel at x'h re uest of the City Attorney and further has the authority to fix or set the compensation to be aid now , therefore, be it I � � I G I.i��.L � � ��o l�4�� RESOLVED, That ob rt E. Cattanach, Esq., and the firm of Oppenheimer, Wolff & Donnelly are hereby appointe to be the special counsel for the purposes of advising the City as to liability and alternative appr ach s for dealing with the construction of the sewer in the easement across the Unocal property, an , if ecessary negotiating with Unocal, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, or others as nee ed, and be it FURTHER RESOL , That the fee for such services be $150.00 per hour to be paid from account C90-2T623- 784 9093. ____________________�___ --------- -- --- ------ --------- eas Na s Absent Requested by Department of: Dimond Goswttz ,I Lon `�-�-/ ��DYr�Pc.� Maccabee Rettman Thune ��y � —��L Wilson BY� G -- ----------------- Adopted by Council: Dat N�V g 1990 Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption �Certified Ib Co ncil Secretary BY, �,��; ��.�L ,'� � BY' ��' Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by Mayor: ' Dat �OV 9 1994 Council , � i f � / +'��. ,�'i� �,.�:�: gy: .i�"�f�.��,�'f�'� By: � ., ��. PU� �SidEQ NOV 17 1990 �,c�a��q�9 OEPARTMENTlOFFlCEIOOUNpI DATE INITL4TED ci�, At�rn�, 10-31-90 GREEN SHEE No. � 7 2 4 INITIAU INfTIAUDATE CONTACT PER80P1�PMONE �DEPARTMENT OIRECTOR �CITY OOUNGI Jane McPeak ��� �CITY ATTORNEY �CITY CLERK MUBT BE OM COUNGL AOENDA BY( A ROUTINO �BUDOET DIRECTOR �FlN.8 MOT.SERVICE8 DIR. I I" � `7 O �MAYOR(�1 A881STAN � TOTAL#�OF SIGNATURE P 8 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SKiNATUR� ACT10N REQUES'TED: TO hir an tside attorney as special coLmsel to a the City as to liability and alternative ap es for dealing with the construction of er in an eas�t across property presently ' ified and �mder investigation by the Minn ota Pollution Control A9encY• FiECOMMENDAT10N8:Approw(N a (� COUNCIL COMMITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT OPTI L _PLANNINO COMMISSION qVIL RVICE COMMI8SION ��YST PFIONE NO. _CIB COMMITTEE WMMENTS: _STAFF _DISTRICT COURT SUPPORTS WHICH COUNpL OBJECTI INITIATINO PROBLEM,issue,oPPO .wnu,wn��.wnK.,wn�: �e City has acquired an e ement aver and adj acent to Unocal property to e final hook-up for the Concord-Congress se r separation and paving project. In order c truct sewer, area must be dewatered. 's presents an Lmusual construction and 1' il' dil� due to the existence of groLm ter contamination on adjacent site. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Attorney to be hi substantial e.�ertise in the field of en 'ronmental law ar�d has handled several s' ' ar vironrr�ntal cases in the vicinity of thi easesrient. D18ADVANTAQE3 IF APPROVED: None DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: An attorney frar► Ci Attorney's Office without sufficient rier�ce and backgrowzd concerning the envi tal issues involved in the p��x�,�se uld be assigned to this matter. �E:IdED N01�Oli�9p � CITY CLERK TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTI M I:OST/REVENUE BUDOETED(CI E ON� YES NO FUNDINQ SOURCE ►+� ` ACTMTY NUMSER �-4 :o �i 3 FlNANqAL INFORMATION:(IXPLAIN} ��. nof avai� - , ����q�� �g�`t��°': � CITY OF SAINT PAUL < <�,����� ; OFFICE OF T'HE CITY ATTORNEY � �v 0 '••' JANE A. MC P EAK, CITY ATTORNEY 647 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 612-298-5121 JAMES SCHEIBEL Fax 6i2-2vs-sbi9 MAYOR October 31 1 90 M E M O R N D U M TO: Cou ci President Bill Wilson FROM: Jan A. McPeak� Cit A torney J RE: Res lu ion Appointing outside Counsel for Uno al Proj ect Due to the co plexity of the issues and the immediacy of the need for expert le al services, I request that the attached Resolution be placed n he City Council 's Consent Agenda for November 8, 1990. Tha k ou. JAM:j r Attachment I ,I '