90-1915 OR I �� ���,�,` �`_. Council File ,� <�"/�/Jr 1 � V Green Sheet � 11569 RESOLUTION ' �i , OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA f�� ' � � ( , Presented ` / Referred To ' Committee: Date RESOLVED: Tha application (ID ��16416) for a State Class B Gambling License by ive, Inc. at Ryan's, 201 E. 4th Street, be and the same is her by approved/-�err�.wi. Navs Absent Requested by Department of: smon oswi z License & Permit Division on �. —Ffacca ee e an une � i son SY� u Adopted by Counci : ate 0 CT 3 0 1994 Form Approved by City Attorney Adoptio Certifi by Council Secretary gy; • ��-,7-GfV By� � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by Ma or ate v 1990 Council BY: ��i c`� �-��� BY� P11BlISI�EO ��0 U 10 i 9 90. � �� ��o� �� DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL OATE INITIATED �� _115 6 9 GREEN SHE T o `.:�� � Finance/ C2I1 2 INITIAUDA E INITIAL/DATE CONTACT PERSON�PHONE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCIL Christi � ROZ k-298�5�.56 NUMIBEHFOR �CITYATfORNEY �CITYCLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AOENDA BY D TE) C•ty Clerk ROUTING �BUDGET DIRECTOR �FIN.&MGT.SERVICES DIR. ORDER MAYOR(OR ASSISTANT) Council Research Hearin 10-30- B / 10-23-90 ❑ � TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE ES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Approva f application for a State Class B Gamblin ' License Hearing: 1 -30-90 Notification: 10-1 -90 RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)o R )ect(R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANS ER TNE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNINCi COMMISSION CIVI SERVICE COMMIS310N �• Has this person/firm ever worked under a contr�ct for this department? _CIB COMMITfEE YES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employe _STAFF YES NO , _DISTRICT COURT 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not norm Ily possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJE E? YES NO Explain all yes answsrs on separate sheet an attach to green sheet INITIATIN(i PROBLEM,ISSUE,OP UNITY(Who,What,When,Where,Why): Michael M ch itsch on behalf of Give, Inc. requests Co ncil approval o� their a p ic tion for a State Class B Gambling License at Ryan's, 201 E. t S reet. Proceeds from the pulltab sales wi 1 be used to provide s rvi ces for youth and adults with mental reta dation. Investi a iv fee of $373.25 has been submitted. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: If Coun i a proval is given, Give, Inc. will operate pulltab booth at Ryan s, 2 1 E. 4th Street. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVEO: DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVE : � R�CEIVED �T231gg0 ������ ���� �c� CiTY CLERK ��;� �����0 _� ^'"�`- y�.* TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSA T ON S COST/REVENUE BUDGETE (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAI ) � `,, W ' @,��a�- �q�s DIVISION OF LICE� E PERMIT ADMINISTRATION DATE �-��-�Q/ ( �a �'�-�O INTERDEPARTMENTAiL REV EW CHECKLIST Appr� Processed/Received by Lic Enf Aud Applicant ! � Y1 C� Home Address C�/U E herc�� �a✓��✓ �`� Business Name 5 Home Phone � y�� � 4'�0� Business Addres� Q � �, � � Type of License(s) c-��ZSS � - ��?Q m��i✓�c, Business Phone �-�C.Fiv�S� l Public Hearing D te ���3Q'" / � License I.D. � ' �(O �/(O at 9:00 a.m. in he ouncil Chambers, 3rd floor City � 11 nd Courthouse State Tax I.D. 4� � Z 53 a�� Date Notice Sent Dealer � � �/a' to Applicant / , Federal Firearms � 1J�/.�. Public Hearing , DATE INSPECTION REVIEW VERFIED (COMPUTER) , COrIl�IENTS A roved Not A roved Bldg I & D � U(/k Health Divn. � rv (q, ( Fire Dept. � �f� � Police Dept. ��y� �(°1 � '� � � n I �...��o a� License Divn. f i io-s-5 D I o�c. City Attorney► f ��'a��f d �� Date ceived: Site Plan �/ �U ��,'� _� To Council Resea!�ch � Lease or Lette�r Date from Landlord � � - _ �-�o, l��� � . Ci�p of Saint Paul � Department of �ixtaace aad Management Services .. Division of License aad Pezait R�gistrati�on I,IFORMATION RE RED �TITH-APPLICATION FOR P£RKIT TO CONDOCT PQLLTAB/TIPBOARD S.LLES I�i SAINT PAUL (C1* s B Gambliag Licease in Liquor Establishmeats - New Applicacion) 1. Full and c pla e name of orgaaization which ia applying for license G.I.V.E. , Inc. 2. Does your � gaa zation'meet the dafiaicion of a "lazge" orgacnization as outlinsd ia the Novembt . I 88 revision of Section 409.21 of the Lsgislative Code? No Attach to � is pplicacion pertiaent fiaaacial and/or orgaai�zatioaal iaformation to support• you aa ar to this queation. NOTE: Only 5 large orgaaizationa vill be allow- ed to opaa 11 ab operations uader the• zevised citq ordiaaawce. If more thaa 5 organi- zations app , ualified applicants will be selected randaaly b� the City Council. 3. Address vhs g s will be held 201 E. 4th Street St. Paul 55101 . Number _ Strcet , City Zip 4. Name of mana er signing this application who will condact, o,�erate and maaage Gambling Ga s Michael Michlitsch Date of Birth 12-18-56 (a) Leagth o t e manager has been member of apQlicaat organization ` 5. Address of na er 3870 Effress Road White Bear Lake 55110 Number Street City Zip 6. Day, dates, d oars this application is for Sun.-Sat: 11^30 a.m. - Midnight 7. Is the app],i aat or organization organized undez the lavs of the State of MN? Yes 8. Date of iaco por tion 27 May, 1966 9. Date when re ist red with the State of iK�nnesota May, 19�66 10. HoW long tia�s org izatioa been in existegce? 24 vears 11. Kow long haa org aiaation bsea in existeaee i� St. Paul? 24 years 12. 4That is tha urp ae of th� organization? to provide services to adults with mental ret rd tion 13. Officers of ppl cant orgaaization: . N�e Da id Aune Na�e Jane Wells pddre8s 48 9�� hurchill, Shoreview �ztfs 42p9 Oakmede Lane Title Chai;r an Dpg 4-25-56 Title Vice-Chair DOB 7-27-51 Name Ma y rtin Nase Address 24 1 ancis St. , St. Paul Address Title Dpg 4-25-54 Title mB , , . , ���o !9/5 • 14, �ive names o of icers, or aay other�persons who paid for s�tvices to the orgaaizacioa. Name Name Address Addresa Title Title (Attach separate sheet for additional names.) 15. Attached E�ex to s a list of aames and addresaes of all mambars of the orgaaizacion. 16. Ia �ose cu� ody will organizstion's records be kept? N�e Mi el J. Sarafolean Addreas 1410 Energv Pk. Dr� . #12. St. Paul 17. List all pe� ons with the suthority to sign checks for dispersal of gambling proceeds: Name Mic el J. Sarafolean Name Michael Michlitsch Address 97 L'nwood Avenue Address 3870 �ffress Road Membez of Member of DOB 9-13�5 Organizatioa? Yes DOB 12-18-56 Organization? Yes Name Dave A ne ��e Address 48 9 hurchill Address Member of Member of Dpg 4-25-5 Orgaaization? Yes DOB Organization? 18. Have qou rea an do you thoroughlq understand the provision� of all laws. ordiaances, and regulat� as overaiag the operation of Charitable Gambliag games? Yes 19. Will your or ani ation's pulltab operation be operated/managsd solelq by nembers of your organiz tio ? qes X no 2p. Has your org niz tioa sigaed, or does it intead to sign, a cqnsulting agreement or a managerial a re ent with any person or co�pany to assist your orgaaization with che � pulltab sale an /or recordiag kteping? yes � X If answer is yea give th� name aad address of the person snd/or co�paay contracted. N� Addresa � - N�e Addresa ^ _ If aaawer ia yss how will auch a conaaltsat be paid? (perce�tage. flat fee, gambling funds. genes l...f ds, etc.) Atuch a copy of said contract to this application. 2I. Operator ofi re s�a where gamea vill be held: xame Si,c e � Businesa Ad;d ess 201 E. 4th Street, St. Paul, NIN 55101 Home Addresis �82� �nd C� �Ui"Ye ° UJ� �(l S // � p ' ��D -!9l5 . �2, a) Does yoas' rg zatioa pay or intaad to pay accountiag fees out oi gambling funds'. � yes X no b) If you do ay ccountiag feea, to whom will auch fses be paid? N�� Stan Bab 1 Address 4618 Parkrid�,e Dr. , Ea�an, MN DOB lYember of Orgaaization? No c) How are t e counting faes charged out? (flat fes. hourly, stc.) monthly ee d) What do ticipate will be your average monthl� d�duction for accounting fees? $100 • 23. Amount of re t p id by appliciat orgaaization for rent of the hall: $100/wk. 24. The proceeds f he games will be disbarsed after deductiag prize layout costs and operating exp as s for the following purposes and uses: all lawf 1 r oses � 25. Haa the pre ses whera the gaaes ara to be held besn ceztifiad for occupancy bq the City of Sai� Pa 1? Yes __ 26. Has your ora niz tion filed federal form 990—T? No If ansver is yas, pleaae attach a copq with hia application. If aas�+�r is no, euplain vhy: not requ red Any changes desir d b the applicant asaociatioa may be made only vith tha conseat of the Citq Coancil. G.I.V.E., Inc. • .. Or inization Name Date � U By: �lanag�� ch e of ga:ae /j.�C.If-Q.C�� Otganiz ion Presi eac o= CEO