90-1902 I o R 1 � � �� � L.. + " Council File # _ Q����� � � Green Sheet �` Q RESOLUTION I� CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ,, a . � Presented By �► `� Referred To Committee: Date �I BE I RE OLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby certifies and approves the action of the Property Code Enforceme t B ard of Appeals pertaining to the following listed property nd s shown by the Excerpted Minutes of said Property Code Enfo cem nt Board, and dated September 11 , 1990 and marked EXHIBIT A, an attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference• DATE OF B ARD MINU7E CASE NO: PROPERTY APPEALED APPELLANT: 9/ 11/90 ��I 62-90-H 567 Lexington Pkwy. Minnie 5chmaus BOARD ACTI N: Granted an extension of time for one ( 1 ) year, until September l , 1991 to do the repairs pertaining to; repair soffit and facia, scrape and repaint chipped and peeling paint, replace worn roof shingles and repair garage. PROPERTY DESC IPTION: Sanborn's Midway addition to St. Paul , Minn Lot 2 Blk 4 ---------------------------------- 9/ 11 /9a 61-90-F 847 York Ave. Larry O'Connell BUARD ACTI� Granted an extension of time until January 1 , 1991 to either remove or reduce the number of occupants, included in the board action is the requirement to bring the upper unit into cade compliance also. PROPERTY �DESC IPTION: Williams' Rearrangement of Block 7 and part of Block 4, Nelson's addition to the City of St. Paul Lot 20 Blk 1 � � �+�,t !�� � � �—/J4�2. O R g �. . . �. . ��� 9/ 11 /90 64-90-F 1635 5herburne Ave. Wayne V. Swanson BOARD ACTI N: Granted an extension of time for two (2) years to complete the remodeling work in the remaining five (5) sleeping rooms ( 1635 Sherburne Ave. ) under proper permits. In order to comply, cooking facilities must be removed or bathrooms added ,to each unit by the two-year deadline. PROPERTY DESC IPTION: Brightwood Park W. 100 ft of Lots 17 and 18 Blk 4 Stierle Mc Conville and Seegers Midway Add and . in 5D Brightwood Pk part of Lot 12 W of E L of 5d 1 UO ft extended S and all of Lots 13 and Lot 14 Blk 1 � ---------------------------------- 9/ 11/90 65-y0-F 694/696 E. 4th St. Mark G. Anderson BOARD ACTION: Granted an extension of time until January 1 , 1991 to install a handsink in the bathroom of Apt. #4. PROPER7Y ECRIPTION: Lyman Dayton addition af the City of St. Paul Lot 17 Blk 33 � ----------------------------------- � Yeas Navs Absent Requested by Department of�: imon • osW�tZ� -� � .v �l�•l on - Macca ee ettman . une � i son � By' I'sh � �s+rIRZ� �,T 3 � 199a Form Approved by City At orney Adopted by Cou cil Date Adoption C rti ied by Council Secretary gy; �� �p —/G_ By: _ _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to pp y OCT 3 � 19� Council � A roved b Ma or: Date � , � �' / B�,: 7.�/i✓C��'��,r B y. ���! �� — pt1BlISNED �OV 10 �990. RECEIVED Cl(J -��'Do� DEPARTMENT/OFFICEIOOUNpL pATE INITIATED communit servi s GREEN SHE T � 7 1990N0. ��67 A P fi 3 PNONE INITWJ DA INITIAUDATE 2 2—7 7 7 S �OEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �cm oouNa� Jose hine P. Bo io anni ��� CITYAITORNEY �� �sr ee oro cour�a��NOn er tiou7�c� �euoc�r w�ccroR �FlN.8 MCiT.8ERVICE3 DIR. �MAYOR(OR A8818T � TOTAL N OF SIONATURE P (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SKiNATUR� AC�ON REOUESTED: Resolution ap ov ng the actions o� �he Property Cod Enforcement Board of Appeals. REOOMMENDA :Mp�(N a (R) COtNrpL F�PORT L —���o�� �. ����►M���o� �Y� � C���� REC _pe�M� OCT COMMEMB: —�� � T 16 1990 �,,�y —���� 8UPPORTS WNK7i OOUNpI OBJE CQ11�n11�w'y� INITIATIN(i PROBLEM,I$8UE, ,Whst,When,WINro,Why): Approving th ct'on of the Property Code Enforcemen Board of Appeals for the meet' o Septernber 11, 1990. 4 extensions �vMrr,u�s iF�novtro: Extensions t the property will be ratified. � q8i1DVANTk0E8 IF APPAOVED: None. as�ov�nr�oes iF r�or�vr+�ovEO: The action t en by the Property Code Enforcement B ard of Appeals will be retu ed to the Board by the City Council f r further review. R�C�IVED C unci; ��sc�rc�� G^c�t�� . OG'�221�q4 ��: �� ;��� �. c��r � TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSA COST/REVENUE SUDOETED ONE� YE8 NO � ��� n a ���� 3 3 6 3 FINANCIAI INFORMATIW�1:(EXPLAII� �Yv . . . �y��g°� PROPERTY COUE ENI=URCEMEN�7� BUARU OF A�PEALS (SA I N7 I'AUL BOARD UF APPEAL�i & REV 1 EW i 555 CEDAR Sl-REEI- SAIN7 PAUL , MINNE5UTA 551U1 I MINU-�ES, MEETING OF SEPTEMdER 11 , 1y90 MEMBERS P� 5ENT: Ron �lassman, Ch� irrnan Ron Ankeny James Laughlin � Joan Pearsan � Wi1liam Tiiton Don Weida U7HER N ES Nl-: Pat F i sP'�, 5t. Pau 1 F i re Prevent i ar7 Don Juenemann, D i v. af Pu�,1 i c Hea 1 i.h Maynard VinaP, Div. ofi Public Heal �th Uick Lippert, Div. of Public Healt.h Steve Roy, Var_�ar�t Bu i 1 d i nys Steve Herbert , F�ainleader Uivision Mir�r�ie 5cf��maus Edwin �-immers , Jr . Het�bert Lent.sct-� Lai�ry O'Conne 1 I Wayne V. Swanson i`lark G. Anderson W i 1 1 i arn Dech l3art 1 e�tt Baker Len Jacksan Jean �idker S-TAFF : Josepr� i ne P. Bong i ovann i 1 . Appr va 1 of� i�tie mi nut.es of the August 1 4 y 1��yCl meet.i ng as subrnitt d in writing. Mo�i o made by Joan Nearson ap�rov i n� �t.he rrm i nutes �f thr Au us 1 4, 1 yyU meet i ng as subm i t�.ed i n wr i t. i ng. Se�.ondea by Ja es Laughlin. MUTION CARRIED UNANIMUUSLY . 2. CASE HE RINGS: ' CASE NU: PRUPERiY APPEALED APPELLAN�f - - - ---- -- ; b2-9U-H 567 Lex i ngton Pkwy. M i nn i e Schrna�s _ ( 1 ur�i-t) API'EAR.4 CE : M i rin i e Sct��maus SUBJECl�' . A pe 1 1 ant i s �-equest i n� an �xtens i on o� t.i me t.a corn� i et. w rk per�ta i n i ng to; re�a i �� i n� soff i t and fac i a ai-ounr�i t��ouse, cr� pe and re��a i nt. c:h i pped and pee I i ng pa i nt , ���e��i �ce o� d worn ro f ri i ng 1 es , anc� repa i r g�r-age . LettEt, da�l:ed Au�ust 7 , 1y90 . ' i . . � . � � ��o-i�a�. PROCEEDING5:, The Ap�ellant requested additional time , at least one vea Mayriard Vinge, frorn the Division of Pubiic He� ith , stated that. certain ,parts shauld be repl�ced, for example, fascia boards . soff i 1:s.� hlr. V i nge stated tha1:. i f the Board chose �to c�rant. an extens i c�n f t i me for one year , he wou 1 d have no prob 1 ern w i 1�i� that . '� Mr . V i n le suggested that there ar e {��r-ograms or a pa i nt-a-tr�on he 1 d on e year , i fi Ms . �cl-�maus qua 1 i f i es tr�ey rnay ass i s�_ t-�er� with ��ainting. Ms . 5ch aus stated t.hat she has spaken with Curt Niiiler from NED , �trying o et a grant or a re-hab loan. BUAkD A TI -N� Motiori made by Ror� Ankeny t� grant an extension of 1�i m�, f r one ,Year unt i 1 Septembei� 1 1 , 1991 to do the r�epa i rs pertaining t.o; repair- ing soffit and facia, sc�ape and repaint chippe� an peelir�g paint, r�eplace warn roo�F shingles and repair ar� ge. Seconded by James L�ughlin. INUTIC�N CARRIED UNAN T MC� 5LY . 63-yQ-H 801 Sims Ave. Edwin Timmer5 . Jr . ; ( 2 units} APPEARA CE : Ed Timmers SUBJEC-(:' A pe 1 1 ant i s appea 1 i ng the "ORDERS -�U VACA-I E" . Vacat.e date wa A gust 2U , lyy0. PROCEEDING : A�ter� a lenghty �iscussion Chairman Glassman reviewe tre deficiency list witr� Mr . Timmers ( letter dated August , 1990 ) �.o see, i f the 24 i terns 1 i stec�, had be�n correct d. Of the �4 items listed, Mr . Timmers agreed that seven of the ite s had not been completed. T�tie item5 not correcfied werz; item #9 - iving room la�ks openable window, ;item ##10 - ilieqaliy repa i re w st.e stack, i tem #1 2 - waste 1 i nE t.o' I aundr-y tray i.s i 1 1 zga 1 1 y i nsta 1 1 ed, i-tem #{ 18 - k i tchen f I oor c.over i nc� i s r�ot. impervi us to water , itern #21 - bathroom floor� coveriny is not. i mperv i us to water , i tern #$�2 - rear- exter i or st.eps and st.r i n��ers are det r i rat i ng, and i tem #�3 tF�e deck , at. tt�e ent.rance to the l ower u i 1:. 1 acks a prope�� 1 y i nsta I 1 ed c�uardra i I . � , �! -�90� . ��o BOARD A 'T I N: Mo�t i on made by B i I i T i I i�or� deny i ng the request , to lift th p acard on Lhe "ORDER to VACATE" . until Mr. Jueneman trie Inspect r, re- inspects the pi�operty to vertify that the life safety 'te s have been corrected, at that time, Mr . Juenemann , the Tns ec .or will lif� the Placard; in .addition to the life safety 'te s, the foilowing seven iterns will have to be br-ought up to c de item #9-livinc� room lacks openak� le window, item �$lU- i1legal y epaired waste stack, item #12-wastelinE �to IaundrY tray is il ega1ly installed, item #18-kitchen floor caverinq is not i mp rv ous t.� watei� , i tem �$2 1- bathroom f 1 ooi� cover i ng i s not impervi us to water , item ##22-rear exterior steps and stringers are det �ri rating , and i�tem #23-deck by the back Entr�ance to the lower u it lacks a properly ir�stalled cluardrail . Seconded by Ron Ankeny. Ye�s 5) Nays ( 1 ) Pearson Abstention (0) I ---------------------------------- 60-90-F'; lOIU Lafond Ave. Herbert T. Lentsch ( 11 units ) APpEARA CE Herb Lentsch SUBJEC:T A pe 1 1 ant i s reques�t.i ng a var i ance fz-om St . Pau 1 Legisia iv Code 34. 09; pertaining to replacement of deadbolt locks , Is adjustment of hallway door closure to laundry room. Letter at d August 8, 19917 . PRUCEED NG : Mr , Lentsch stated �hat. tYie deadbolts are 5/8 inch, The hui di g is a security building. BOARU A 'TI N: Motion made by Ron Gldssman �to gT-ant a variance allowin 5 8" dead bolt locks on apartment doors until they nced repairs or replacing, at that time, must. conforrn to 1 " t.hrow. Seconde b RoR Ankeny. MUTION CARRIED UNANIMOU5LY . � FURTHERIAC IUN : Motion made by Roi�� Ankeny to deny the requ�st for a var i� �e on the door c I osures t.o 1 aund��y roorn. Seconded by Jaan P� rs n. MOl-iON CARRI �D UNANIMOUSLY. ---------------------------------- i 3 . . C�D�'/90�- 61-90-Fj 847 York Ave. Larry O' Connell (� units ) APNEARA CE : Larry O' Cannell SUBJECT A pelfant is requestirig a variance frarn 5t . Paul Legisla iv C.ade 34. 13 , pertaining to; HAVING TO PRUVIUE ADEC�UATE NUMBER F EGROUMS TC� ALLGW FUR 5U 5QUARE FEET PER PERSON. Letter at July 2U, 199G . PROCEED NG: Pat. F� i sh , from F i re Pr�vent.i on st.ated t.r7a-t there are are 2 u it thai. are ovei�crowded. The building has four - one bedroom units , with 2U occupants . A farnily of 7 is using the living oo and dining roorn for s7eeping quart.ers in a one bedroom unit . Mr . O'C r�n 1 1 stated that he spoke w i t.h Ms. F i sh to ��i scuss ttie possibi it of convertir�g the building into a duplex. Nresen�l: ly the bui di g is "For Sale" . Mr. O'C nn 1 1 i s request.i ng an extens i on of �t.i me foz- one year . BOARD A �TI N: Motion made by Ron Arikeny ta grant. an extensiori of tim� un il Janudry 1 , 1991 to eit.her remov� or reduce the number r ccupants , i nc i ud�d i n tf1P. board a��i on i s zi�e rec�uire en� to bring the upper unit int.o code compliance aiso. Seconde b Uon Weida. MOTIUN CARRIED UNANIMUUSLY . 64-9U-F 1635 Sherburrie Ave. Wayrie V. Swansor� ( 19 ur�its) APPEARA CE Wayn� V. Swanson SUBJECT A pellant is requesting an extension of time, ailowing cook i ng i fa i I i�l. i es i n s 1 ee��i n�� r�a�m5 , as tl��e Ap�e 1 I ant i s i n the process of remodeling all units t.o add ki�tchens and batt-�s . LEtter �i�t d July 2U , 19y0 . PROCEED NG : Chairrnan Glessman infiormed the Appellant of a Ie�tter that he' re eived from Building Inspection & Uesi �n Division, firom a John �on ay Bu i 1 d i nc� I nspector. I t stated tl�iat tr�ere are na current bu l d i ng of p l umb i ng perm i ts for tr-�i s bu i I c�i i ng. Pat F i s � , rom F i ��e Prevent i on stated i�hat. t.he t�u i 1 d i nc� perm i t posi.ed n - .he bu i 1 d i n�7 was taken ou�. i n 1 982 . 4 . �G�0-!�6�.. I Mr. Swa�hso stated that at th� t i rne the perrn i t was taker� out 1 y82 , h i formed �i:.he Bu i 1 d i ng & I nspect i on Departmen�t. that tr�i s project wo ld take a long time to complete. 'Mr . 5war�son will make an ar� ointment to meet. with John Conway, sa as to get the necessa�y ermits that are rieeded t.o complete the remadeling. Ms. Fis from Fire Prevention st.ated that thez-e are 5 sleeping i�ooms 1 �fit to be r emode 1 ed. "The otrie►� s h�ve been rnade into apar-�mer�ts 1-he prob 1 em i s that. these un i ts have gas sto�✓e and refr i ger�at rs i n ve�-y sma 1 1 congested areas . BUARD A T I N : Mo-t i on made by B i i 1 "�i 1 �tori to grant a two vear extensi n o complete the remadeling work in the remaininy 5 sleepin r orns ( 1�35 Sherburne) under proper permits . Ir� order to camp y, cookin� fiacilities must be removEd or batY��i�ooms added in each uni�t by the two-year dead ) ine. Seconded by Ron Glassman. MUTION AR IED UNANIMOIJSLY . 65-9U-F 694/696 E 4th St . Mark G. Anders�n (4 units) Total Concept. Realty, APPEARA CE : Mark G. Anderson SUBJECT: A pellant. is requesting a variance from the requirement of havi g t inst.all a handsink in �.he bathroom of Apartment #4, because of inadequate space. PROCEEDINGS: Ms . Fish, fram F �ire Prevention stated that the bathroo is extremely small , and in order to confrom with code there would have to be extensive remodEling. Ms . Pear' on, a Boarci Member quest i oned the status of tf�e Certific te of Occu�ancy? She understood tha� it was revoked about a on h ago, Is that correct? The A�pellla t infarm Ms . Pearson ti��at it had not been revoked. Mr. Swan on stai�ed that he is considering converting it �ack t.o a duplex. Ms. F i sh f om F i re Prevent.i on stated �tf�at the Cert i f i c•ate was revoked , wh ch rneans triat a 1 1 necessar�y work must be comp 1 ete within � sp cific amount of time, or the buildinq must t�e vaca�.edl, th s does include the item on the handsink. The Appe la fi stated that he has been working with th� Ins�ectp s , but each t9me an inspection takes �lace, a different Inspect� c mes to the property and n�w orders are issued. 5 _ .. , � � ��g4�/l��/ BOARD A TI N: Moti�n made by Bill Tilt.on tc� c�eny the request for varianc o the hanc�sink, instead granted an ext.erision of tirne unt i 1 J nu ry 1 , 1 991 to i nsta I I a hands i r�k i n tF�e bathr�oom of Apt . ##4. -'ec�nded by Joan Pearson. MOTIUN CARRIEU UNANIMOUSLY . 22-90-RI 1488 Goodr, ich Ave. Wiliiam M. UecP� ( 1 unit.) APPEARA CE : Bill Dech - SUBJEC-f`: A pellant was bef�re the Board at thE March 13 , 199U meeting req estin� a variance from the re�uirernent af having to disconn ct he rainleaders , �t that time, i�he �oard denied the varianc . ppellant would like the Boar,d to rcview the rainieac�er issue again. PRUCEED 1 NGS: l-he Appe 1 1 ant stated that. he cl i scor�nected t.he rainleaders as was requested of him at the Mar�ch meeting. At t'r� is point, he Appellan�t wvuld like to re-connect the rainleaders . Since th y ere disconneci�ed there has been a considerable amount of wat�r da age i n t.f-7e basemeni:. After mu h i scuss i on i�he boar�d members fe I t triat the three (3 ) rainiead�rs N. W. ,S. W and N. E . af the house should be re-connected. BUARU AC IU : Mot i on was rn�de by Ron Ankeny grar�t, i ng a var i ai��ce on the t o 2 ) rainleaders on the sidewalk side of t.he house (N . W and S .W) . T �e ra i n 1 eader on L'ne N.E . w i 1 1 st.ay� d i sconnect:eu, w i 1:1�� the cond Ii t i n, that i f, i n the 1=utur-e i t. causes a w�t.er prob 1 em i n the base�nen ,. tr�� �ta i n 1 eader- D i v i s i an i s �Lo re-i ns�ect> at that time, a ar ance would be g_r�nted for the N . E . corner rainiead r. James Laughl �n . MU�f10N CARRIED UNANIMUU5LY . 48-90-R 1 775 Granel Ave. Bar�. 1 ett Baker- ( 18 uni�Ls) APPEARAN E : Bartlett f3dker 5UBJECT: Ap e I 1 ant i s r��ques�t. i ng a cont.i nuarice of the prev i ous 1 y granted ar ance, until such time, that. tl-ie roof is replaced and scu�pErs ad ec:i. PROCEED I GS 1�h-�e Ap�e 1 1 ant. statcd tt-�a�t tt�e ��u i I d i nu i s a 18 un i t bu i 1 d i ng w i .h a f 1 at raaf. Re i r� 1 eader D i v i s i on Y�ad gr�an�ted a cond i t. i o a I var i ance on tf-�e bu i 1 d i ng. -i he roof cira i ns are i ntegra 1 w i h the bath5 . Roof p i tcl� dra i ns to tr�e rn i dd 1 e of tt��e bu i i d i ng r. Bart I et.t. wou 1 d 1 i ke a cont i nuance of trie var i ani:e that was1gr nted in 1y87, unt.il such time that tY�e r-oof is replaced� I � _ ._ , . . , �''�o'��a� Steve H�rber�t, frorn the Ra i n 1 eadzr D i v i s i on stat.ed i�hat the cost. to conri c�t o t.r�e s�torrn sewer , about 320 feet away, cou i d co5t aboul: $ 10 , 00U. 00 . If the appellant does not connPCt t� the starm sewer , ther could be a fee charged t<� the pro�er�tY in the amount. of ap�r xim tely 30U . UU per year . BOARD A 'T I O : Mot i on made by B i 1 1 T i 1 t.on to c�ran-t a var i ance on the i�ai lea er disconnection for- 5 years , or at the time �he roof i s re�� I aced, wh i ch ever cornes fi i rst. T nc 1 uded i n tt��e baar�d act i on, the Appe i 1 ant must r�ay 1�he fa i r charges wh i ch the C i i�y charges. Se ondec� by Ron Ankeny. MUTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY . ---------------------------------- 74-90-H � 573 Laurel Ave. Len Jackson (vacant building) APPEARAN E : Len Jackson SUBJECI�: Ap e 1 I ant. i s requesi�i ng a wa i ver, of tY�e reg i st,rat i on fee for a vacan building in the am�unt of $380 . 00; also reques�.ing a refund io t e f i l i ng fee of $25. 00 . ' PROCEEaI GS: Mr- . Jackson s�ated that the lower uni�. was vacant and w i rqd ws were L,rc�ker�. The,y were rep I ac:ed arid then broken again, a . t at time Mr . Jackson boarded the windows on the lower unit. 5teve Ro , rom Division ofi Public Heai�.h - Vacant BuilcJings , stated t�at the City, because of a cornplaint, became awar-e of- the building in October 1989. The complaint stated that the u�:�per unit was oc upiEd and the lower uni � was vacarlt and iri poor cond i-t i o . Tl�e I nspector found tt�e bu i 1 d i rig open to trespass . The firs f oor unit was partially boai�ded. The definiti�n af a vacani� b il ing is "A building or portion of � k�ui �iding, which is unoccupi d nd . is either unsecured or boarded or a darigerous structur�. " In �this case, it. met. thE definition of a vacant. bu i 1 di ng�. 'onsequent 1 y, 1=he reg i str-a�l, i on i s r�qu i red of any building th t' s �ai�t. ially vacant or urioccupied. The owner has been adv i se of tf�� i s . Just recent 1 y, tl��e owner had remaved the boards o t e f i rst f 1 oars . From tf�e prospect i ve of fu-t.ure fees , th y i 1 i not continue to accure, the fe�E�s �.i-�at are due and pending are �the issue here. Mr. Jack on s reason fc�r a waiver of the vacant. bui1ding fees and the fili �g ees is hardship. BUARD AK; I O : Mot i on rnade by B i 1 I T i i ton �to deny tf��e r equ�st. for a waiver of the v�cant building fee of $38U . OU and a refund of= the fili g ee of $25. UU. Secanded by Joan Pearson. MOT.ION CARRIEU NA IMOU5LY . � Meetin� Ui urned at 3 :30 p.m. 7