98-944Council File # p � � ORiG�NAL Fresented By Refened To 2 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 Committee: Date RESOLVED, that the TaYicab Driver's License Renewal Application submitted by Kendell Waller for license ID No. 87244, is hereby denied for the Apri128, 1998 felony conviction for 5`" Degree Possession of Cocaine, in addition to the cutrent suspened status of the applicant's Minnesota Driver's license, This resolution and the action of the Council in this matter are based upon the facts contained in the September 1, 1998 Notice of Proposed Denial of the license renewal application letter to the licensee, the Ramsey County court records, and such arguments as may have been presented to the Council at the public hearing. The facts were not contested by the licensee. Requested by Deparhnent of: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � � � RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA GreenSheet# 62282 � By: ��.r� � /Cfd�.2.t�'� Farm Approved by City Attomey BY� ' D Approved by yor for Submission to Council � Adopted by Council: Date 0 ` ���� Citv Council October 14, 1998 - Pub. �P-94`t oare ixiTUreo 09/24/98 GREEN SHEET No 62282 NUMBERfqt ROUfING OROER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � �..,,�.�.� � �.�.. _ ❑ GIYATTORIEY ❑ tllYCtiRK � ❑AIAt1CJ6L4ERVICFSOYL ❑RIYICUI.iFAV/.�CCfC ❑ Y�YaR(oRAS9�siA1+11 ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Adverse action against Renewal Application for a Taxicab Driver's License by Kendell Waller, 1086 Como Place. (Uncontested) PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMI7TEE CML SERVICE COMMISSION lF APPROVEO Has fhis PersorJfirm everxnrked under a cantrxt for this dePeRmeM? YES NO Hes this pe�soNfirtn ever been a cily empbyee9 YES NO Dces this persorvhrtn possess a sitlll not rwrmaltypossesced by a,ry current city empbyee7 YES NO Is this persoNfirm a tarpeted vendoR YES NO G�U�Ci! Res�arch Cer,#er $�� � � �� . _... ��..__..w__,� _ _ _ _..� IOUNi OF TRANSACTION S SOURCE COST/REVBNUEBUD6ETED(CIRCLEON� YE8 NO ACTNITV NUMBER (�WM UNCONTESTED LICENSE HEARING �� 9y�{ Licensee Name: Kendell Waller Address: 1086 Como Place Council Hearing Date: October 14, 1998 Violations: Felony Conviction 5�' Degree Possession of Cocaine Minn. Stat. § 152.025 St. Paul Legislative Code § 376.16(e)(4) April 28, 1998 Minnesota's Drivers License Suspended St. Paul Legislative Code § 376.16(e)(1) Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: Deniaf of Renewa{ Application for Taxicab Driver's License Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. Notice of Proposed Denial of license renewal application 3. Ramsey County court records on felony conviction 4. Printout of state drivers license status 5. Renewal Appfication and License information OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Clayton h� Robiasan, Jr., Ciry At�orney CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor September 23, 1998 Civi7 Divrsion q� 144 400 City Hal! Telephone: 651266-8770 ISWestKelloggBlvd Facsimile:651198-56I9 Saint Paul, Minnesom 55102 NOTICE OF COUNCIL HEARING r � n � �s�Ei�t�?: nce�i,^i�(°vr}6€" Mr. Kendell Waller 1086 Como Place Saint Paul, Minnesota 55103 RE: Renewal Application for Taxicab Driver's License License ID No. 87244 Our File Number: G98-0365 Dear Mr. Waller: ��� � � ���� Please take notice that a hearing concerning your Renewal Application for a TaYicab Driver's License has been scheduled far 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, October 14,1998, in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hail and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed aze copies of the proposed resolurion and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested hearing, in that the facts concerning the felony conviction have not been disputed. You will have an opportunity at the Council hearing to present oral and/or written remazks as to the penalty, if any, to be ixnposed. The recommendation of the license office will be for denial of your TaYicab Driver's License Renewal Application. If you haue any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Ve� yours, � rx� C� Virginia . Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Robeft Kessler, D'uector, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Troy Gilbertson, LIBP CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayar September 1, 1998 vrr ict ur l at c;l TY ATTORNEY Clo��t Robinson, Ja, Gry Attorney a$-9�'� Civil Division 400 Ciry Hall Telephone: 651 266-8710 1 S West Ke!logg Blvd Facsimile: 657198-5619 Sain1 Pau1, Minnesot¢ 55102 1\OTICE OF PROPOSED DENIAL Mr. Kendell Waller 1086 Como Piace Saint Paul, Minnesota 55103 Re: Renewal Application for Ta�cicab Driver's License Our File Number: G98-0365 Deaz Mr. Waller: The Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection is recommending denial of your renewal appiication for taxicab driver's license. This action is based on the following: On or about April 28, 1998, you were sentenced for Srd Degree Possession of Cocaine. The above conduct is a felony violation of law, and constitutes grounds under Secrion 376.16(e)(4} of the Saint Paul Legislative Code for denial of your license applicarion. Additionally, your Minnesota driver's license is currentiy suspended. Section 376.16(e)(4) of the Saint Paul Legisiative Code does not permit the issuance of a license to a person having a felony conviction within the past five yeazs. Section 310.1b(e)(1) of the Legislafive Code also requires that taxicab drivers possess a valid Minnesota driver's lic�nse. Under state law, Minn. Stat ch. 364, the City of Saint Paul must inform you of cer[ain matters: First, the grounds and reasons for the denial of the license. These grounds and reasons are set forth above. Second, any c�__.plaints or grie��ances that you may ha.e will be processed and adjudicated in accordance with the procedures set forth in section 310.05 of the Saint ,qt,�� Paul Legisiative Code. These procedures are substantially similar to those required q� by the state administrative procedures act, Minn. Stat. §§14.57-.69. Third, the earliest date on which you may reappiy for a taxi driver's license will be one yeaz from the later of the following two dates: (1) the date of your successful completion of supervised probarion, with a copy of the department of corrections discharge order and other documents showing compliance with ail terms and conditions of probauon; or (2) the date, pursuant to section 310.02 of the Legislative Code, your license is denied by the City of Saint Paul. Future reception of a re- application does not guarantee that there wili be sufficient evidence of rehabilitarion, nor that a license will be issued at that tune. Fourth, if you reapply, the City of Saint Paul will consider all competent evidence af rehabilitation that you wish to present. Examples of the type of evidence that will be considered aze set forth in section 364.03 of the state law. Since the proposed denial of your renewal application for a license is an adverse action, you aze entitled to the hearing procedures estabiished in sections 310.05 and 310.06 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. You or your attorney wi11 have to make a written request for a hearing if you wish to contest the denial of your renewal application. Hearing Procedures: If you contest the facfs stated above in bold type, a hearing on the facts will be heard before an administrative law judge, whose findings and recommendarions will be given to the St Paul City Council for a final determination. If you choose to exercise your right to an administrative hearing, the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Pmtection will also submit a recommendation to the judge to recover the cost of the hearing. You may then be held responsible for the cost of the administrative hearing. If you do not wish to contest the facts stated above in bold type, but wish to proceed with the license renewal application process to continue to operate as a taxicab driver with licensure by the City of St Paul, you will need to admit in writing to the facts stated above in bold type. The matter will then be scheduled for hearing before the St Paul City Council for a final deternunation regarding the status of yout taxicab driver's license. Page 2 If you do not wish to cc,_ .:st the facts stated above in bold type �,d do not wish to continue to operate as a taxicab dri��er within the Ciry of St. Paul, you may surrender your taxicab drivers license to the license division and request to withdraw your renewal appiication. �= q� Piease contact me or Peter Pangbom, at 266-&710, within ten (1Q) days from the date of this letter as to whether you admit or deny the highlighted facts stated above, and whether you wish to have an administrative hearing on those facts. As stated above, if you choose to proceed ��ith an administrarive hearing, }�ou will need to make that request in writing. Very truly yours, (/(��Y YZ�� � � V L�/tw- Virgmia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Troy Gilbertson, LIEP Page 3 q g-94'{ STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) COUNTY OF RAMSEY SS. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on September 2, 1998, she served the attached NOTICE OF PROPOSBD DENIAL on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Mr. Kendell Waller 1086 Como Place St. Paul, MN. 55103 (which is the last known address of said person) and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2nd da� of Se�tem�e,r, 1998 . Notary P.PANGBORN s�. TAI648 SD1034.1/98�901:14103379 Name Index Display 1 0£ 1 Name: WALLER, KENDELL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �r.qyy WALLER, KENDELL MARCUS, [12011997] ...�The State of Minnesota(PLN) Defendant FLD:12j30/1997 Felony POSS COCAINE 5TH DEGREE DOB 01/24/1962 62-KX-97-4206 Cit �: Youth #: Closed RID n: DISP: Prob Befor WALLER, KENDELL MARCUS, [101497] ..../The State o£ Minnesota(PLN) Defendant FLD:10/20/1997 Speed-PMD BASIC SPEED ppg 62-T1-97-72877 Cit ,�: 97 -977443 Youth �: RID �,: DISP: Fail Apper WALLER, KENDELL MARCUS, [022098� ..../The State of Minnesota(PLN) Defendant FLD:02/25/1998 Speed-PMD SPD. 42/30 DpB 62-T3-98-16692 Cit �,: 98 -182299 Youth #: SA RID #� DISP: Fail Apper WALLER,KENDELL, MARCUS, (032498] ..../The State of Minnesota(PIN) Defendant FLD:03/30/1998 Mvng Misd BASIC SPEED [73.50] DOB 62-T8-98-23749 Cit #: 98 -173556 Youth #: RID #: DISP: Fail WALLER, KENDELL MARCUS, [2/020998] .../The State of Defendant FLD:02/18/1998 Speed-PMD NO SEATBELT 62-T9-98-14509 Cit �,: 98 -181944 Youth #: RID �: DISP: Fail SA Apper Minnesota(PLN) [44.75J DOB SA Apper Ol/24/1962 Closed O1/24/1962 Suspension O1/24/1962 Suspension Ol/24/1962 Suspension TAI608 SD2005.0/980901:1412 Activity Display First 62-KX-97-004206 Felony Date £iled: 12/30/1997 The State of Minnesota � �� vs. KENDELL MARCUS WALLER, [12011997] �� Time Status Court Date Activity Start/End Judge Notice Room Tried Cntinuance 12/30/97 Case Filed 11:45/11:45 OCC/ COMPLAINT AND WARRRANT FILED PP O1/O1/07 Warr Rvw / G Bastian CAN/ SP COMPLAINT AND WARRANT FILED BSA $1500 12/30/97 Warrant 11:47/ G Bastian OCC/ COMPLAINT AND WRT FILED „ WRT TO SHERIFF 12/30/97 Pp 02/23/98 War Retd 12:48/ OCC/ DEFT ARD WAR #980735 SET FA 2/23/98 1:30 ADC ANIp 02/23/98 lst Distrt 01:32/ M Klas OCC/ SP CUS ARD WAR $980735 1ST APP ADC 02/23/98 lst Distrt 01:32/ M Rlas OCC/ SP PD APPTD; FC FO 3/9/98 1PM ADC; BSA $500 OR CR/PR RC 03/09/98 Omnibus 01:00/ J Smith CAN/ SP CR/PR FEL OH oz/z6�9s oraer 09:35/ occ/ ORDER OF CONDITIONAL RELEASE SIGNED BY JUDGE KLAS KB 03/09/98 Plea Hrng 01:00/ J Smith OCC/ SP PG AS CHARGED; FC PSI/SNT 4/28/98 9AM SMITH RM 1540 RC 04/28/98 Pre-sntInv 08:59j J Smith OCC/ 04/28/98 Sentencing 09:00/ J Smith OCC/ SP CR/PR PG AS CHARGED PSI/SNT SMITH RM 1540 03/09J98 Doc. Filed 04:42/ OCC/ PETITION TO ENTER PLEA OF GUILTY IN FELONY CASE RULE 7& 9 DISCIASURE FILED BY STATE RC 04/28/98 Pre-snt2nv 08:59J J Smith OCC/ 04/28/98 Sentencing 09:00/ J Smith OCCj SP STAY ADJ 152.18 PROB 5YRS: 1j USUAL/LA 2) 7 DAYS/CR 7 3) WV/FINE/FEES 4) 100 HRS CS 5) ABSTAIN 6) UA/BT 7) CA/NA/ AA 8)ANY CNSLI3G WCJ 10/28/03 Archive / PEN/ 04/28/98 Order 12:56/ OCC/ ORDER WV/FINE/FEES WCJ 04/28/98 Closed 05:00/ OCC/ SD1008.0/980825:12430625 Criminal Case Summary 62-KX-97-004206 Felonv nate filed• 12l30/1997 Name: WALLER, RENDELL MARCIIS, [12011997] � �� Alias: /� � DOB: O1/24J1962 Race: Black Sex: Male Soc Sec # "�� Dfnt Attrny: GEORGE E. RAPAICH T }'P e: Publie Def Dfnt Status: Other Status Date: fli123/1998 Bail Amount: Case Status CLOSED Offense Date: 12/O1f1997 Warrant Date: Location: 1 Continuances: � Tria1 Type: Jurisdiction: District CCT Plea Charge Chap/Sect/Subd GOC UOC Verdict 001 GIIILTY POSS COCAINE STfi DEG 152.025 21 N DIi5A0 Prob Befor Date Activity Last 04J28J1998 Closed Pending 1Oj28j2003 Archive Time Judge 5:00 CRTRM Disposition Date 04/28/98 Next g� 04 06 OS 10 SD1019.0/980825:1243 Activity Summary First 62-KX-97-004206 Felonv Date filed: 12/30/1997 The State of Minnesota vs. KENDELL MARCUS WALLER, �12011997] Date Activit Start End Jud e Crt Rm Chr s Cont. 12 34 97 Case Filed 11:45 11:45 COMPLAINT AND WARRRANT FILED PP Q,Y �� 12/30/97 Warrant 11:47 G Bastian COMPL,AINT AND WRT FII,ED „ WRT TO SAERIFF 12/30/97 PP _ 02/23/98 War Retd 12:48 DEFT ARD WAR #980735 SET FA 2/23/98 1:30 ADC AMP 02/23/98 lst Distrt 01:32 M IClas SP PD APPTD; FC FO 3/9/98 1PM ADC; B5A 5500 OR CR/PR RC _ 02J26J98 Order 09:35 ORDER QF CQNDITIONAL RELEASE SIGNED BY JUDGE KLA5 KB _ 03/09/98 Plea Hrng 01:00 J Smith SP PG AS CHARGED; FC PSIjSNT 4/28/98 9AM SMITH RM 1540 RC _ 03/�9/98 Doc. Filed Q4:42 PETITION TO ENTER PLEA OF GUILTY IN FELONY CASE RULE 7& 9 DISCLOSURE FILED BY STATE RC �4/28/98 Pre-sntInv 08:59 J Smith 04/28/98 Sentencing 09:00 J Smith SP STAY ADJ 152.18 PROB SYRS: 1) USUAL/LA 2) 7 DAXSjCR 7 3) WV/FINE/FEES 4) 100 HRS CS 5) ABSTAIN 6) UA/BT 7) CA/NA/ AA 8)ANY CNSLNG WCJ _ 04/28j98 Order 12:56 ORDER WV/FINE/FEES WCJ _ 04/28/98 Closed 05:00 ______________________________Pending Activities ------------------------------- - - --------------------------- 10/28/03 Archive SD1008.0/980825:12431287 Criminal Case Summary 62-T1-97-072877 Sneedina-Pettv Misd. Date £iled: 10/20J1997 Name: WALLER, RENDELL MARCUS, [1014971 DOBa S01 / 24 J 1962 Race: Sex: Soc Sec # Q� � y Dfnt Attrny: Type: P=o Se - 1 Dfnt Status: Status Date: Bail Amount: Case Status CLOSED Offense Date: 10/14/1997 Warrant Date: Location: 1 Continuances: 0 Trial Type: Jurisdiction: CCT Plea Charge Chap/Sect/Subd GOC UOC 001 NOT GUILTY BASIC SPEED 169.14 3 Date Activity Last 03/O1f1998 Archive Pending 09/10/1998 Archive Disposition Date Next Time Judge 6:48 _ g� 04 06 08 10 District Verdict Fail Apper CRTRM SD1019.0/980825:12=_ Activity Summary Fir= 62-T1-97-072877 Soeedina-Pettv Misd Date filed- 10/20/19� The State of Minnesota _ iu/au/yi �ase r•iiea 10:51 10:51 _ 11/OS(97 Aearing Hearing Officer PNG, SET FOR CRT TRL. ICL(HO) _ 12j31/97 Hearing 01:00 C Williams 2QA BY DEFT - STIRRE AND CERTIFY _ 12/31/97 Closed 05:00 _ 03/Ol/98 Archive ______________________________Pending Activities =_________ 09/10/98 Archive 06:48 06:48 Sp � � HS �i�,unai �ase >ununary 62-T3-98-016692 Speeding-Petty Misd. Date £iled: 02/25/1998 I3ame: WAI,LER, KENDELL MARCUS, [022098} Alias: DOB: O1/24/1962 Race: Sex: Soc Sec $ Dfnt Attrny: Type: pro Se Dfnt Status: Status Date: Bail Amount: Case Status OPEN Offense Date: 02/20/1998 Warrant Date: I,ocation: 1 Continuances: 0 Trial Type: Jurisdiction: CCT Plea Charge Chap/SectlSubd GOC UOC 001 SPD. 42/30 169.14 Date Activity Time Judge Last OS/26/1998 DL Suspn'd 7:46 Pending 06/O1/2003 DL SuspRvw Disposition Date Next FC 04 06 OB 10 DistZict Verdict Fail Apper CRTRM a . � Cziminal Case Summary 62-T8-98-023799 Moving-Misdemeanor Date £iled: 03/30/1998 Name: WALI,ER,KENDELL MARCUS, [032498] Alias: DOB: O1/24/1962 Race: Sex: Soc Sec � Dfnt Attrny: Type: pro Se Dfnt Status: Status Date: Bail Amount: Case Status OPEN O£fense Dace: 03/29/1998 Wa==ant Date: Location: 1 Continuances: 0 Trial Type: Jurisdiction: CCT Plea Charge Chap/SectJSUbd GOC UOC 001 BASIC SPEED [73.50j 169.14 3 002 EXPIRED DL [120] 171.02 Date Activity Time Judge Last 06/26/1998 DL Suspn'd 7:41 Pending 07l01/2003 DL SuspRvw Disposition Date Next FC 04 06 OB 10 District verdict Fail Apper Fail Apper CRTRM �,qyy _{ �riminal Case summary 62-T9-98-019509 Speeding Misd. Date filed: 02/18/1998 Name: WAI,LER, KENDElL MARCUS, [2/020998] alias: DoB: O1/24/1962 Race: Sex: Soc Sec # Dfnt Attrny: Type: pro Se Dfnt Status: Status Date: Bai1 Amount: Case Status OPEN O£fense Date: 02/09/1998 Warrant Date: Location: 1 continuances: 0 Trial Type: Surisdiction: Distiict CCT Plea Charge Chap/Sect/Subd GOC UOC Verdict 001 NO SEATBE7.T [94.75] 169.686 Fail Apper �o2 SPD. 95/30 [73.50] 169.14 Eai1 Appet Date Activity Time Judge Last OS/26/1998 DL Suspn'd 7:46 Pending 06/O1/2003 DL SuspRVw CRTRM �� .9'�'� Disposition Date Next FC 09 06 08 10 DU05 � D.P.S. DRIUER LICENSE COMMEFtCIAL INQUIRY � 98sS0 COMMERCIAL SZAiUSe N/ p HII.P: PAGE: iJ-460-465385-065 SIAiUS: SUSPEHD CLpSS: D iYPE: 1 SENIOR: MEDICAL: LIM—NOB: F?IDORS: DONOR_ LIUING W1L1: CORREGIIUE bEF15: B—CARD: PHO?O BATCN: 1948750112868 DUPL BATpIa 1997758168001 ID B82CH: 1997750024014 DUPL ID BCH: NiiME: HENDELL MARCUS �lALLER BIRTN DpTE: 01/24ii962 RESIR IHFO: ODDR: A35 UNIUERSIiY AUE A313 CITY: ST PpUI. COUN'IY: 2IP: 55101 MAILING ADDR: EYES: BRM HEIGHi: 6-01 4JEIGNT: 175 GENDER: SUSPENSE: iICHI.ER: DL ISSUE DATE: 05iO4/1998 CE8) DL EXPIRE DBiE: 01i24i2002 ID ISSUE DAiE: 02/Hfii1497 CB7) ID E%PIRE DfiTE: 01i24i2001 IIf�i: 10/14/94 SPEED A02 M 12/31/94 SPEID 02 M 04i12/95 UNREBSONpBLE pCCELERpIION 2T N 06/23/45 FAIL TO OBEY SIGN z? N NEXi REQUES?: _ ' Taxi Driver, CITY OF SAINT PAUL �q� Office of Lictnse, Inspections � Renewal Form and Environmental Pirotectlon � 350 Sl. 4acr A. Sub 3C0 Sca� PW, M�ew SSIV2 (6137 2b69090 License I.D. # � �� � � Name �•vo e � c /�i�rz� �.r 2i/��LC iC DOB -� a 9 � z Firrt Middk Lart Mooth / Day ! Yw Iiome Address 1 d 8G Co.�D � J, � ri� j7"j s s / 03 svea aaeiw c;ry � stnte z;p Home Phone ,� �Oid) 98�- 97Gd�Tame of company applicant is driving for i e �<✓ %�x.Z c�. �� a�« Driver's License Number W " �C rJ - �(�S -S�4'S - G/osExpiration Date / � � U v � I hereby state that I have answered all of the above questions and that the information contained herein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. /� �� �c�f,�'i Signature of applicant Please retum this torm wi[h your renewal paymeni to: City of St. Paul - Office of LIEP 350 St. Peter Street p300 St. Paul, MN 55302 a �,.q�i�! � � 0 Q x �W � �� r � U R � O a � 0 � a � C O r A � r w � d V .J N � m � N U � J Q 3 N Z N L I-- c do N � c � U V J � F m � v °� N � � Z N V' a�i n U pp J 0 l @ w U g a N N� U a Q O �� O �!7 � Q.' W J J � � m Z J Q W m � ❑ Z Y � J dQ � � W J C W 0 a w Y .� _ � 0 U � d N O Q x W N C L Q� � � 3 Z U O a� U f0 N c N � f0 Z a c m n E 0 U C m 3 N C d � C 7 Z N C O a N N C � Ul � m� X m Q Z W U a � � 0 U 0 O } Council File # p � � ORiG�NAL Fresented By Refened To 2 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 Committee: Date RESOLVED, that the TaYicab Driver's License Renewal Application submitted by Kendell Waller for license ID No. 87244, is hereby denied for the Apri128, 1998 felony conviction for 5`" Degree Possession of Cocaine, in addition to the cutrent suspened status of the applicant's Minnesota Driver's license, This resolution and the action of the Council in this matter are based upon the facts contained in the September 1, 1998 Notice of Proposed Denial of the license renewal application letter to the licensee, the Ramsey County court records, and such arguments as may have been presented to the Council at the public hearing. The facts were not contested by the licensee. Requested by Deparhnent of: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � � � RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA GreenSheet# 62282 � By: ��.r� � /Cfd�.2.t�'� Farm Approved by City Attomey BY� ' D Approved by yor for Submission to Council � Adopted by Council: Date 0 ` ���� Citv Council October 14, 1998 - Pub. �P-94`t oare ixiTUreo 09/24/98 GREEN SHEET No 62282 NUMBERfqt ROUfING OROER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � �..,,�.�.� � �.�.. _ ❑ GIYATTORIEY ❑ tllYCtiRK � ❑AIAt1CJ6L4ERVICFSOYL ❑RIYICUI.iFAV/.�CCfC ❑ Y�YaR(oRAS9�siA1+11 ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Adverse action against Renewal Application for a Taxicab Driver's License by Kendell Waller, 1086 Como Place. (Uncontested) PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMI7TEE CML SERVICE COMMISSION lF APPROVEO Has fhis PersorJfirm everxnrked under a cantrxt for this dePeRmeM? YES NO Hes this pe�soNfirtn ever been a cily empbyee9 YES NO Dces this persorvhrtn possess a sitlll not rwrmaltypossesced by a,ry current city empbyee7 YES NO Is this persoNfirm a tarpeted vendoR YES NO G�U�Ci! Res�arch Cer,#er $�� � � �� . _... ��..__..w__,� _ _ _ _..� IOUNi OF TRANSACTION S SOURCE COST/REVBNUEBUD6ETED(CIRCLEON� YE8 NO ACTNITV NUMBER (�WM UNCONTESTED LICENSE HEARING �� 9y�{ Licensee Name: Kendell Waller Address: 1086 Como Place Council Hearing Date: October 14, 1998 Violations: Felony Conviction 5�' Degree Possession of Cocaine Minn. Stat. § 152.025 St. Paul Legislative Code § 376.16(e)(4) April 28, 1998 Minnesota's Drivers License Suspended St. Paul Legislative Code § 376.16(e)(1) Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: Deniaf of Renewa{ Application for Taxicab Driver's License Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. Notice of Proposed Denial of license renewal application 3. Ramsey County court records on felony conviction 4. Printout of state drivers license status 5. Renewal Appfication and License information OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Clayton h� Robiasan, Jr., Ciry At�orney CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor September 23, 1998 Civi7 Divrsion q� 144 400 City Hal! Telephone: 651266-8770 ISWestKelloggBlvd Facsimile:651198-56I9 Saint Paul, Minnesom 55102 NOTICE OF COUNCIL HEARING r � n � �s�Ei�t�?: nce�i,^i�(°vr}6€" Mr. Kendell Waller 1086 Como Place Saint Paul, Minnesota 55103 RE: Renewal Application for Taxicab Driver's License License ID No. 87244 Our File Number: G98-0365 Dear Mr. Waller: ��� � � ���� Please take notice that a hearing concerning your Renewal Application for a TaYicab Driver's License has been scheduled far 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, October 14,1998, in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hail and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed aze copies of the proposed resolurion and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested hearing, in that the facts concerning the felony conviction have not been disputed. You will have an opportunity at the Council hearing to present oral and/or written remazks as to the penalty, if any, to be ixnposed. The recommendation of the license office will be for denial of your TaYicab Driver's License Renewal Application. If you haue any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Ve� yours, � rx� C� Virginia . Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Robeft Kessler, D'uector, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Troy Gilbertson, LIBP CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayar September 1, 1998 vrr ict ur l at c;l TY ATTORNEY Clo��t Robinson, Ja, Gry Attorney a$-9�'� Civil Division 400 Ciry Hall Telephone: 651 266-8710 1 S West Ke!logg Blvd Facsimile: 657198-5619 Sain1 Pau1, Minnesot¢ 55102 1\OTICE OF PROPOSED DENIAL Mr. Kendell Waller 1086 Como Piace Saint Paul, Minnesota 55103 Re: Renewal Application for Ta�cicab Driver's License Our File Number: G98-0365 Deaz Mr. Waller: The Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection is recommending denial of your renewal appiication for taxicab driver's license. This action is based on the following: On or about April 28, 1998, you were sentenced for Srd Degree Possession of Cocaine. The above conduct is a felony violation of law, and constitutes grounds under Secrion 376.16(e)(4} of the Saint Paul Legislative Code for denial of your license applicarion. Additionally, your Minnesota driver's license is currentiy suspended. Section 376.16(e)(4) of the Saint Paul Legisiative Code does not permit the issuance of a license to a person having a felony conviction within the past five yeazs. Section 310.1b(e)(1) of the Legislafive Code also requires that taxicab drivers possess a valid Minnesota driver's lic�nse. Under state law, Minn. Stat ch. 364, the City of Saint Paul must inform you of cer[ain matters: First, the grounds and reasons for the denial of the license. These grounds and reasons are set forth above. Second, any c�__.plaints or grie��ances that you may ha.e will be processed and adjudicated in accordance with the procedures set forth in section 310.05 of the Saint ,qt,�� Paul Legisiative Code. These procedures are substantially similar to those required q� by the state administrative procedures act, Minn. Stat. §§14.57-.69. Third, the earliest date on which you may reappiy for a taxi driver's license will be one yeaz from the later of the following two dates: (1) the date of your successful completion of supervised probarion, with a copy of the department of corrections discharge order and other documents showing compliance with ail terms and conditions of probauon; or (2) the date, pursuant to section 310.02 of the Legislative Code, your license is denied by the City of Saint Paul. Future reception of a re- application does not guarantee that there wili be sufficient evidence of rehabilitarion, nor that a license will be issued at that tune. Fourth, if you reapply, the City of Saint Paul will consider all competent evidence af rehabilitation that you wish to present. Examples of the type of evidence that will be considered aze set forth in section 364.03 of the state law. Since the proposed denial of your renewal application for a license is an adverse action, you aze entitled to the hearing procedures estabiished in sections 310.05 and 310.06 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. You or your attorney wi11 have to make a written request for a hearing if you wish to contest the denial of your renewal application. Hearing Procedures: If you contest the facfs stated above in bold type, a hearing on the facts will be heard before an administrative law judge, whose findings and recommendarions will be given to the St Paul City Council for a final determination. If you choose to exercise your right to an administrative hearing, the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Pmtection will also submit a recommendation to the judge to recover the cost of the hearing. You may then be held responsible for the cost of the administrative hearing. If you do not wish to contest the facts stated above in bold type, but wish to proceed with the license renewal application process to continue to operate as a taxicab driver with licensure by the City of St Paul, you will need to admit in writing to the facts stated above in bold type. The matter will then be scheduled for hearing before the St Paul City Council for a final deternunation regarding the status of yout taxicab driver's license. Page 2 If you do not wish to cc,_ .:st the facts stated above in bold type �,d do not wish to continue to operate as a taxicab dri��er within the Ciry of St. Paul, you may surrender your taxicab drivers license to the license division and request to withdraw your renewal appiication. �= q� Piease contact me or Peter Pangbom, at 266-&710, within ten (1Q) days from the date of this letter as to whether you admit or deny the highlighted facts stated above, and whether you wish to have an administrative hearing on those facts. As stated above, if you choose to proceed ��ith an administrarive hearing, }�ou will need to make that request in writing. Very truly yours, (/(��Y YZ�� � � V L�/tw- Virgmia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Troy Gilbertson, LIEP Page 3 q g-94'{ STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) COUNTY OF RAMSEY SS. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on September 2, 1998, she served the attached NOTICE OF PROPOSBD DENIAL on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Mr. Kendell Waller 1086 Como Place St. Paul, MN. 55103 (which is the last known address of said person) and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2nd da� of Se�tem�e,r, 1998 . Notary P.PANGBORN s�. TAI648 SD1034.1/98�901:14103379 Name Index Display 1 0£ 1 Name: WALLER, KENDELL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �r.qyy WALLER, KENDELL MARCUS, [12011997] ...�The State of Minnesota(PLN) Defendant FLD:12j30/1997 Felony POSS COCAINE 5TH DEGREE DOB 01/24/1962 62-KX-97-4206 Cit �: Youth #: Closed RID n: DISP: Prob Befor WALLER, KENDELL MARCUS, [101497] ..../The State o£ Minnesota(PLN) Defendant FLD:10/20/1997 Speed-PMD BASIC SPEED ppg 62-T1-97-72877 Cit ,�: 97 -977443 Youth �: RID �,: DISP: Fail Apper WALLER, KENDELL MARCUS, [022098� ..../The State of Minnesota(PLN) Defendant FLD:02/25/1998 Speed-PMD SPD. 42/30 DpB 62-T3-98-16692 Cit �,: 98 -182299 Youth #: SA RID #� DISP: Fail Apper WALLER,KENDELL, MARCUS, (032498] ..../The State of Minnesota(PIN) Defendant FLD:03/30/1998 Mvng Misd BASIC SPEED [73.50] DOB 62-T8-98-23749 Cit #: 98 -173556 Youth #: RID #: DISP: Fail WALLER, KENDELL MARCUS, [2/020998] .../The State of Defendant FLD:02/18/1998 Speed-PMD NO SEATBELT 62-T9-98-14509 Cit �,: 98 -181944 Youth #: RID �: DISP: Fail SA Apper Minnesota(PLN) [44.75J DOB SA Apper Ol/24/1962 Closed O1/24/1962 Suspension O1/24/1962 Suspension Ol/24/1962 Suspension TAI608 SD2005.0/980901:1412 Activity Display First 62-KX-97-004206 Felony Date £iled: 12/30/1997 The State of Minnesota � �� vs. KENDELL MARCUS WALLER, [12011997] �� Time Status Court Date Activity Start/End Judge Notice Room Tried Cntinuance 12/30/97 Case Filed 11:45/11:45 OCC/ COMPLAINT AND WARRRANT FILED PP O1/O1/07 Warr Rvw / G Bastian CAN/ SP COMPLAINT AND WARRANT FILED BSA $1500 12/30/97 Warrant 11:47/ G Bastian OCC/ COMPLAINT AND WRT FILED „ WRT TO SHERIFF 12/30/97 Pp 02/23/98 War Retd 12:48/ OCC/ DEFT ARD WAR #980735 SET FA 2/23/98 1:30 ADC ANIp 02/23/98 lst Distrt 01:32/ M Klas OCC/ SP CUS ARD WAR $980735 1ST APP ADC 02/23/98 lst Distrt 01:32/ M Rlas OCC/ SP PD APPTD; FC FO 3/9/98 1PM ADC; BSA $500 OR CR/PR RC 03/09/98 Omnibus 01:00/ J Smith CAN/ SP CR/PR FEL OH oz/z6�9s oraer 09:35/ occ/ ORDER OF CONDITIONAL RELEASE SIGNED BY JUDGE KLAS KB 03/09/98 Plea Hrng 01:00/ J Smith OCC/ SP PG AS CHARGED; FC PSI/SNT 4/28/98 9AM SMITH RM 1540 RC 04/28/98 Pre-sntInv 08:59j J Smith OCC/ 04/28/98 Sentencing 09:00/ J Smith OCC/ SP CR/PR PG AS CHARGED PSI/SNT SMITH RM 1540 03/09J98 Doc. Filed 04:42/ OCC/ PETITION TO ENTER PLEA OF GUILTY IN FELONY CASE RULE 7& 9 DISCIASURE FILED BY STATE RC 04/28/98 Pre-snt2nv 08:59J J Smith OCC/ 04/28/98 Sentencing 09:00/ J Smith OCCj SP STAY ADJ 152.18 PROB 5YRS: 1j USUAL/LA 2) 7 DAYS/CR 7 3) WV/FINE/FEES 4) 100 HRS CS 5) ABSTAIN 6) UA/BT 7) CA/NA/ AA 8)ANY CNSLI3G WCJ 10/28/03 Archive / PEN/ 04/28/98 Order 12:56/ OCC/ ORDER WV/FINE/FEES WCJ 04/28/98 Closed 05:00/ OCC/ SD1008.0/980825:12430625 Criminal Case Summary 62-KX-97-004206 Felonv nate filed• 12l30/1997 Name: WALLER, RENDELL MARCIIS, [12011997] � �� Alias: /� � DOB: O1/24J1962 Race: Black Sex: Male Soc Sec # "�� Dfnt Attrny: GEORGE E. RAPAICH T }'P e: Publie Def Dfnt Status: Other Status Date: fli123/1998 Bail Amount: Case Status CLOSED Offense Date: 12/O1f1997 Warrant Date: Location: 1 Continuances: � Tria1 Type: Jurisdiction: District CCT Plea Charge Chap/Sect/Subd GOC UOC Verdict 001 GIIILTY POSS COCAINE STfi DEG 152.025 21 N DIi5A0 Prob Befor Date Activity Last 04J28J1998 Closed Pending 1Oj28j2003 Archive Time Judge 5:00 CRTRM Disposition Date 04/28/98 Next g� 04 06 OS 10 SD1019.0/980825:1243 Activity Summary First 62-KX-97-004206 Felonv Date filed: 12/30/1997 The State of Minnesota vs. KENDELL MARCUS WALLER, �12011997] Date Activit Start End Jud e Crt Rm Chr s Cont. 12 34 97 Case Filed 11:45 11:45 COMPLAINT AND WARRRANT FILED PP Q,Y �� 12/30/97 Warrant 11:47 G Bastian COMPL,AINT AND WRT FII,ED „ WRT TO SAERIFF 12/30/97 PP _ 02/23/98 War Retd 12:48 DEFT ARD WAR #980735 SET FA 2/23/98 1:30 ADC AMP 02/23/98 lst Distrt 01:32 M IClas SP PD APPTD; FC FO 3/9/98 1PM ADC; B5A 5500 OR CR/PR RC _ 02J26J98 Order 09:35 ORDER QF CQNDITIONAL RELEASE SIGNED BY JUDGE KLA5 KB _ 03/09/98 Plea Hrng 01:00 J Smith SP PG AS CHARGED; FC PSIjSNT 4/28/98 9AM SMITH RM 1540 RC _ 03/�9/98 Doc. Filed Q4:42 PETITION TO ENTER PLEA OF GUILTY IN FELONY CASE RULE 7& 9 DISCLOSURE FILED BY STATE RC �4/28/98 Pre-sntInv 08:59 J Smith 04/28/98 Sentencing 09:00 J Smith SP STAY ADJ 152.18 PROB SYRS: 1) USUAL/LA 2) 7 DAXSjCR 7 3) WV/FINE/FEES 4) 100 HRS CS 5) ABSTAIN 6) UA/BT 7) CA/NA/ AA 8)ANY CNSLNG WCJ _ 04/28j98 Order 12:56 ORDER WV/FINE/FEES WCJ _ 04/28/98 Closed 05:00 ______________________________Pending Activities ------------------------------- - - --------------------------- 10/28/03 Archive SD1008.0/980825:12431287 Criminal Case Summary 62-T1-97-072877 Sneedina-Pettv Misd. Date £iled: 10/20J1997 Name: WALLER, RENDELL MARCUS, [1014971 DOBa S01 / 24 J 1962 Race: Sex: Soc Sec # Q� � y Dfnt Attrny: Type: P=o Se - 1 Dfnt Status: Status Date: Bail Amount: Case Status CLOSED Offense Date: 10/14/1997 Warrant Date: Location: 1 Continuances: 0 Trial Type: Jurisdiction: CCT Plea Charge Chap/Sect/Subd GOC UOC 001 NOT GUILTY BASIC SPEED 169.14 3 Date Activity Last 03/O1f1998 Archive Pending 09/10/1998 Archive Disposition Date Next Time Judge 6:48 _ g� 04 06 08 10 District Verdict Fail Apper CRTRM SD1019.0/980825:12=_ Activity Summary Fir= 62-T1-97-072877 Soeedina-Pettv Misd Date filed- 10/20/19� The State of Minnesota _ iu/au/yi �ase r•iiea 10:51 10:51 _ 11/OS(97 Aearing Hearing Officer PNG, SET FOR CRT TRL. ICL(HO) _ 12j31/97 Hearing 01:00 C Williams 2QA BY DEFT - STIRRE AND CERTIFY _ 12/31/97 Closed 05:00 _ 03/Ol/98 Archive ______________________________Pending Activities =_________ 09/10/98 Archive 06:48 06:48 Sp � � HS �i�,unai �ase >ununary 62-T3-98-016692 Speeding-Petty Misd. Date £iled: 02/25/1998 I3ame: WAI,LER, KENDELL MARCUS, [022098} Alias: DOB: O1/24/1962 Race: Sex: Soc Sec $ Dfnt Attrny: Type: pro Se Dfnt Status: Status Date: Bail Amount: Case Status OPEN Offense Date: 02/20/1998 Warrant Date: I,ocation: 1 Continuances: 0 Trial Type: Jurisdiction: CCT Plea Charge Chap/SectlSubd GOC UOC 001 SPD. 42/30 169.14 Date Activity Time Judge Last OS/26/1998 DL Suspn'd 7:46 Pending 06/O1/2003 DL SuspRvw Disposition Date Next FC 04 06 OB 10 DistZict Verdict Fail Apper CRTRM a . � Cziminal Case Summary 62-T8-98-023799 Moving-Misdemeanor Date £iled: 03/30/1998 Name: WALI,ER,KENDELL MARCUS, [032498] Alias: DOB: O1/24/1962 Race: Sex: Soc Sec � Dfnt Attrny: Type: pro Se Dfnt Status: Status Date: Bail Amount: Case Status OPEN O£fense Dace: 03/29/1998 Wa==ant Date: Location: 1 Continuances: 0 Trial Type: Jurisdiction: CCT Plea Charge Chap/SectJSUbd GOC UOC 001 BASIC SPEED [73.50j 169.14 3 002 EXPIRED DL [120] 171.02 Date Activity Time Judge Last 06/26/1998 DL Suspn'd 7:41 Pending 07l01/2003 DL SuspRvw Disposition Date Next FC 04 06 OB 10 District verdict Fail Apper Fail Apper CRTRM �,qyy _{ �riminal Case summary 62-T9-98-019509 Speeding Misd. Date filed: 02/18/1998 Name: WAI,LER, KENDElL MARCUS, [2/020998] alias: DoB: O1/24/1962 Race: Sex: Soc Sec # Dfnt Attrny: Type: pro Se Dfnt Status: Status Date: Bai1 Amount: Case Status OPEN O£fense Date: 02/09/1998 Warrant Date: Location: 1 continuances: 0 Trial Type: Surisdiction: Distiict CCT Plea Charge Chap/Sect/Subd GOC UOC Verdict 001 NO SEATBE7.T [94.75] 169.686 Fail Apper �o2 SPD. 95/30 [73.50] 169.14 Eai1 Appet Date Activity Time Judge Last OS/26/1998 DL Suspn'd 7:46 Pending 06/O1/2003 DL SuspRVw CRTRM �� .9'�'� Disposition Date Next FC 09 06 08 10 DU05 � D.P.S. DRIUER LICENSE COMMEFtCIAL INQUIRY � 98sS0 COMMERCIAL SZAiUSe N/ p HII.P: PAGE: iJ-460-465385-065 SIAiUS: SUSPEHD CLpSS: D iYPE: 1 SENIOR: MEDICAL: LIM—NOB: F?IDORS: DONOR_ LIUING W1L1: CORREGIIUE bEF15: B—CARD: PHO?O BATCN: 1948750112868 DUPL BATpIa 1997758168001 ID B82CH: 1997750024014 DUPL ID BCH: NiiME: HENDELL MARCUS �lALLER BIRTN DpTE: 01/24ii962 RESIR IHFO: ODDR: A35 UNIUERSIiY AUE A313 CITY: ST PpUI. COUN'IY: 2IP: 55101 MAILING ADDR: EYES: BRM HEIGHi: 6-01 4JEIGNT: 175 GENDER: SUSPENSE: iICHI.ER: DL ISSUE DATE: 05iO4/1998 CE8) DL EXPIRE DBiE: 01i24i2002 ID ISSUE DAiE: 02/Hfii1497 CB7) ID E%PIRE DfiTE: 01i24i2001 IIf�i: 10/14/94 SPEED A02 M 12/31/94 SPEID 02 M 04i12/95 UNREBSONpBLE pCCELERpIION 2T N 06/23/45 FAIL TO OBEY SIGN z? N NEXi REQUES?: _ ' Taxi Driver, CITY OF SAINT PAUL �q� Office of Lictnse, Inspections � Renewal Form and Environmental Pirotectlon � 350 Sl. 4acr A. Sub 3C0 Sca� PW, M�ew SSIV2 (6137 2b69090 License I.D. # � �� � � Name �•vo e � c /�i�rz� �.r 2i/��LC iC DOB -� a 9 � z Firrt Middk Lart Mooth / Day ! Yw Iiome Address 1 d 8G Co.�D � J, � ri� j7"j s s / 03 svea aaeiw c;ry � stnte z;p Home Phone ,� �Oid) 98�- 97Gd�Tame of company applicant is driving for i e �<✓ %�x.Z c�. �� a�« Driver's License Number W " �C rJ - �(�S -S�4'S - G/osExpiration Date / � � U v � I hereby state that I have answered all of the above questions and that the information contained herein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. /� �� �c�f,�'i Signature of applicant Please retum this torm wi[h your renewal paymeni to: City of St. Paul - Office of LIEP 350 St. Peter Street p300 St. Paul, MN 55302 a �,.q�i�! � � 0 Q x �W � �� r � U R � O a � 0 � a � C O r A � r w � d V .J N � m � N U � J Q 3 N Z N L I-- c do N � c � U V J � F m � v °� N � � Z N V' a�i n U pp J 0 l @ w U g a N N� U a Q O �� O �!7 � Q.' W J J � � m Z J Q W m � ❑ Z Y � J dQ � � W J C W 0 a w Y .� _ � 0 U � d N O Q x W N C L Q� � � 3 Z U O a� U f0 N c N � f0 Z a c m n E 0 U C m 3 N C d � C 7 Z N C O a N N C � Ul � m� X m Q Z W U a � � 0 U 0 O } Council File # p � � ORiG�NAL Fresented By Refened To 2 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 Committee: Date RESOLVED, that the TaYicab Driver's License Renewal Application submitted by Kendell Waller for license ID No. 87244, is hereby denied for the Apri128, 1998 felony conviction for 5`" Degree Possession of Cocaine, in addition to the cutrent suspened status of the applicant's Minnesota Driver's license, This resolution and the action of the Council in this matter are based upon the facts contained in the September 1, 1998 Notice of Proposed Denial of the license renewal application letter to the licensee, the Ramsey County court records, and such arguments as may have been presented to the Council at the public hearing. The facts were not contested by the licensee. Requested by Deparhnent of: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � � � RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA GreenSheet# 62282 � By: ��.r� � /Cfd�.2.t�'� Farm Approved by City Attomey BY� ' D Approved by yor for Submission to Council � Adopted by Council: Date 0 ` ���� Citv Council October 14, 1998 - Pub. �P-94`t oare ixiTUreo 09/24/98 GREEN SHEET No 62282 NUMBERfqt ROUfING OROER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � �..,,�.�.� � �.�.. _ ❑ GIYATTORIEY ❑ tllYCtiRK � ❑AIAt1CJ6L4ERVICFSOYL ❑RIYICUI.iFAV/.�CCfC ❑ Y�YaR(oRAS9�siA1+11 ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Adverse action against Renewal Application for a Taxicab Driver's License by Kendell Waller, 1086 Como Place. (Uncontested) PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMI7TEE CML SERVICE COMMISSION lF APPROVEO Has fhis PersorJfirm everxnrked under a cantrxt for this dePeRmeM? YES NO Hes this pe�soNfirtn ever been a cily empbyee9 YES NO Dces this persorvhrtn possess a sitlll not rwrmaltypossesced by a,ry current city empbyee7 YES NO Is this persoNfirm a tarpeted vendoR YES NO G�U�Ci! Res�arch Cer,#er $�� � � �� . _... ��..__..w__,� _ _ _ _..� IOUNi OF TRANSACTION S SOURCE COST/REVBNUEBUD6ETED(CIRCLEON� YE8 NO ACTNITV NUMBER (�WM UNCONTESTED LICENSE HEARING �� 9y�{ Licensee Name: Kendell Waller Address: 1086 Como Place Council Hearing Date: October 14, 1998 Violations: Felony Conviction 5�' Degree Possession of Cocaine Minn. Stat. § 152.025 St. Paul Legislative Code § 376.16(e)(4) April 28, 1998 Minnesota's Drivers License Suspended St. Paul Legislative Code § 376.16(e)(1) Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: Deniaf of Renewa{ Application for Taxicab Driver's License Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. Notice of Proposed Denial of license renewal application 3. Ramsey County court records on felony conviction 4. Printout of state drivers license status 5. Renewal Appfication and License information OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Clayton h� Robiasan, Jr., Ciry At�orney CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor September 23, 1998 Civi7 Divrsion q� 144 400 City Hal! Telephone: 651266-8770 ISWestKelloggBlvd Facsimile:651198-56I9 Saint Paul, Minnesom 55102 NOTICE OF COUNCIL HEARING r � n � �s�Ei�t�?: nce�i,^i�(°vr}6€" Mr. Kendell Waller 1086 Como Place Saint Paul, Minnesota 55103 RE: Renewal Application for Taxicab Driver's License License ID No. 87244 Our File Number: G98-0365 Dear Mr. Waller: ��� � � ���� Please take notice that a hearing concerning your Renewal Application for a TaYicab Driver's License has been scheduled far 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, October 14,1998, in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hail and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed aze copies of the proposed resolurion and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested hearing, in that the facts concerning the felony conviction have not been disputed. You will have an opportunity at the Council hearing to present oral and/or written remazks as to the penalty, if any, to be ixnposed. The recommendation of the license office will be for denial of your TaYicab Driver's License Renewal Application. If you haue any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Ve� yours, � rx� C� Virginia . Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Robeft Kessler, D'uector, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Troy Gilbertson, LIBP CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayar September 1, 1998 vrr ict ur l at c;l TY ATTORNEY Clo��t Robinson, Ja, Gry Attorney a$-9�'� Civil Division 400 Ciry Hall Telephone: 651 266-8710 1 S West Ke!logg Blvd Facsimile: 657198-5619 Sain1 Pau1, Minnesot¢ 55102 1\OTICE OF PROPOSED DENIAL Mr. Kendell Waller 1086 Como Piace Saint Paul, Minnesota 55103 Re: Renewal Application for Ta�cicab Driver's License Our File Number: G98-0365 Deaz Mr. Waller: The Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection is recommending denial of your renewal appiication for taxicab driver's license. This action is based on the following: On or about April 28, 1998, you were sentenced for Srd Degree Possession of Cocaine. The above conduct is a felony violation of law, and constitutes grounds under Secrion 376.16(e)(4} of the Saint Paul Legislative Code for denial of your license applicarion. Additionally, your Minnesota driver's license is currentiy suspended. Section 376.16(e)(4) of the Saint Paul Legisiative Code does not permit the issuance of a license to a person having a felony conviction within the past five yeazs. Section 310.1b(e)(1) of the Legislafive Code also requires that taxicab drivers possess a valid Minnesota driver's lic�nse. Under state law, Minn. Stat ch. 364, the City of Saint Paul must inform you of cer[ain matters: First, the grounds and reasons for the denial of the license. These grounds and reasons are set forth above. Second, any c�__.plaints or grie��ances that you may ha.e will be processed and adjudicated in accordance with the procedures set forth in section 310.05 of the Saint ,qt,�� Paul Legisiative Code. These procedures are substantially similar to those required q� by the state administrative procedures act, Minn. Stat. §§14.57-.69. Third, the earliest date on which you may reappiy for a taxi driver's license will be one yeaz from the later of the following two dates: (1) the date of your successful completion of supervised probarion, with a copy of the department of corrections discharge order and other documents showing compliance with ail terms and conditions of probauon; or (2) the date, pursuant to section 310.02 of the Legislative Code, your license is denied by the City of Saint Paul. Future reception of a re- application does not guarantee that there wili be sufficient evidence of rehabilitarion, nor that a license will be issued at that tune. Fourth, if you reapply, the City of Saint Paul will consider all competent evidence af rehabilitation that you wish to present. Examples of the type of evidence that will be considered aze set forth in section 364.03 of the state law. Since the proposed denial of your renewal application for a license is an adverse action, you aze entitled to the hearing procedures estabiished in sections 310.05 and 310.06 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. You or your attorney wi11 have to make a written request for a hearing if you wish to contest the denial of your renewal application. Hearing Procedures: If you contest the facfs stated above in bold type, a hearing on the facts will be heard before an administrative law judge, whose findings and recommendarions will be given to the St Paul City Council for a final determination. If you choose to exercise your right to an administrative hearing, the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Pmtection will also submit a recommendation to the judge to recover the cost of the hearing. You may then be held responsible for the cost of the administrative hearing. If you do not wish to contest the facts stated above in bold type, but wish to proceed with the license renewal application process to continue to operate as a taxicab driver with licensure by the City of St Paul, you will need to admit in writing to the facts stated above in bold type. The matter will then be scheduled for hearing before the St Paul City Council for a final deternunation regarding the status of yout taxicab driver's license. Page 2 If you do not wish to cc,_ .:st the facts stated above in bold type �,d do not wish to continue to operate as a taxicab dri��er within the Ciry of St. Paul, you may surrender your taxicab drivers license to the license division and request to withdraw your renewal appiication. �= q� Piease contact me or Peter Pangbom, at 266-&710, within ten (1Q) days from the date of this letter as to whether you admit or deny the highlighted facts stated above, and whether you wish to have an administrative hearing on those facts. As stated above, if you choose to proceed ��ith an administrarive hearing, }�ou will need to make that request in writing. Very truly yours, (/(��Y YZ�� � � V L�/tw- Virgmia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Troy Gilbertson, LIEP Page 3 q g-94'{ STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) COUNTY OF RAMSEY SS. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on September 2, 1998, she served the attached NOTICE OF PROPOSBD DENIAL on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Mr. Kendell Waller 1086 Como Place St. Paul, MN. 55103 (which is the last known address of said person) and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2nd da� of Se�tem�e,r, 1998 . Notary P.PANGBORN s�. TAI648 SD1034.1/98�901:14103379 Name Index Display 1 0£ 1 Name: WALLER, KENDELL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �r.qyy WALLER, KENDELL MARCUS, [12011997] ...�The State of Minnesota(PLN) Defendant FLD:12j30/1997 Felony POSS COCAINE 5TH DEGREE DOB 01/24/1962 62-KX-97-4206 Cit �: Youth #: Closed RID n: DISP: Prob Befor WALLER, KENDELL MARCUS, [101497] ..../The State o£ Minnesota(PLN) Defendant FLD:10/20/1997 Speed-PMD BASIC SPEED ppg 62-T1-97-72877 Cit ,�: 97 -977443 Youth �: RID �,: DISP: Fail Apper WALLER, KENDELL MARCUS, [022098� ..../The State of Minnesota(PLN) Defendant FLD:02/25/1998 Speed-PMD SPD. 42/30 DpB 62-T3-98-16692 Cit �,: 98 -182299 Youth #: SA RID #� DISP: Fail Apper WALLER,KENDELL, MARCUS, (032498] ..../The State of Minnesota(PIN) Defendant FLD:03/30/1998 Mvng Misd BASIC SPEED [73.50] DOB 62-T8-98-23749 Cit #: 98 -173556 Youth #: RID #: DISP: Fail WALLER, KENDELL MARCUS, [2/020998] .../The State of Defendant FLD:02/18/1998 Speed-PMD NO SEATBELT 62-T9-98-14509 Cit �,: 98 -181944 Youth #: RID �: DISP: Fail SA Apper Minnesota(PLN) [44.75J DOB SA Apper Ol/24/1962 Closed O1/24/1962 Suspension O1/24/1962 Suspension Ol/24/1962 Suspension TAI608 SD2005.0/980901:1412 Activity Display First 62-KX-97-004206 Felony Date £iled: 12/30/1997 The State of Minnesota � �� vs. KENDELL MARCUS WALLER, [12011997] �� Time Status Court Date Activity Start/End Judge Notice Room Tried Cntinuance 12/30/97 Case Filed 11:45/11:45 OCC/ COMPLAINT AND WARRRANT FILED PP O1/O1/07 Warr Rvw / G Bastian CAN/ SP COMPLAINT AND WARRANT FILED BSA $1500 12/30/97 Warrant 11:47/ G Bastian OCC/ COMPLAINT AND WRT FILED „ WRT TO SHERIFF 12/30/97 Pp 02/23/98 War Retd 12:48/ OCC/ DEFT ARD WAR #980735 SET FA 2/23/98 1:30 ADC ANIp 02/23/98 lst Distrt 01:32/ M Klas OCC/ SP CUS ARD WAR $980735 1ST APP ADC 02/23/98 lst Distrt 01:32/ M Rlas OCC/ SP PD APPTD; FC FO 3/9/98 1PM ADC; BSA $500 OR CR/PR RC 03/09/98 Omnibus 01:00/ J Smith CAN/ SP CR/PR FEL OH oz/z6�9s oraer 09:35/ occ/ ORDER OF CONDITIONAL RELEASE SIGNED BY JUDGE KLAS KB 03/09/98 Plea Hrng 01:00/ J Smith OCC/ SP PG AS CHARGED; FC PSI/SNT 4/28/98 9AM SMITH RM 1540 RC 04/28/98 Pre-sntInv 08:59j J Smith OCC/ 04/28/98 Sentencing 09:00/ J Smith OCC/ SP CR/PR PG AS CHARGED PSI/SNT SMITH RM 1540 03/09J98 Doc. Filed 04:42/ OCC/ PETITION TO ENTER PLEA OF GUILTY IN FELONY CASE RULE 7& 9 DISCIASURE FILED BY STATE RC 04/28/98 Pre-snt2nv 08:59J J Smith OCC/ 04/28/98 Sentencing 09:00/ J Smith OCCj SP STAY ADJ 152.18 PROB 5YRS: 1j USUAL/LA 2) 7 DAYS/CR 7 3) WV/FINE/FEES 4) 100 HRS CS 5) ABSTAIN 6) UA/BT 7) CA/NA/ AA 8)ANY CNSLI3G WCJ 10/28/03 Archive / PEN/ 04/28/98 Order 12:56/ OCC/ ORDER WV/FINE/FEES WCJ 04/28/98 Closed 05:00/ OCC/ SD1008.0/980825:12430625 Criminal Case Summary 62-KX-97-004206 Felonv nate filed• 12l30/1997 Name: WALLER, RENDELL MARCIIS, [12011997] � �� Alias: /� � DOB: O1/24J1962 Race: Black Sex: Male Soc Sec # "�� Dfnt Attrny: GEORGE E. RAPAICH T }'P e: Publie Def Dfnt Status: Other Status Date: fli123/1998 Bail Amount: Case Status CLOSED Offense Date: 12/O1f1997 Warrant Date: Location: 1 Continuances: � Tria1 Type: Jurisdiction: District CCT Plea Charge Chap/Sect/Subd GOC UOC Verdict 001 GIIILTY POSS COCAINE STfi DEG 152.025 21 N DIi5A0 Prob Befor Date Activity Last 04J28J1998 Closed Pending 1Oj28j2003 Archive Time Judge 5:00 CRTRM Disposition Date 04/28/98 Next g� 04 06 OS 10 SD1019.0/980825:1243 Activity Summary First 62-KX-97-004206 Felonv Date filed: 12/30/1997 The State of Minnesota vs. KENDELL MARCUS WALLER, �12011997] Date Activit Start End Jud e Crt Rm Chr s Cont. 12 34 97 Case Filed 11:45 11:45 COMPLAINT AND WARRRANT FILED PP Q,Y �� 12/30/97 Warrant 11:47 G Bastian COMPL,AINT AND WRT FII,ED „ WRT TO SAERIFF 12/30/97 PP _ 02/23/98 War Retd 12:48 DEFT ARD WAR #980735 SET FA 2/23/98 1:30 ADC AMP 02/23/98 lst Distrt 01:32 M IClas SP PD APPTD; FC FO 3/9/98 1PM ADC; B5A 5500 OR CR/PR RC _ 02J26J98 Order 09:35 ORDER QF CQNDITIONAL RELEASE SIGNED BY JUDGE KLA5 KB _ 03/09/98 Plea Hrng 01:00 J Smith SP PG AS CHARGED; FC PSIjSNT 4/28/98 9AM SMITH RM 1540 RC _ 03/�9/98 Doc. Filed Q4:42 PETITION TO ENTER PLEA OF GUILTY IN FELONY CASE RULE 7& 9 DISCLOSURE FILED BY STATE RC �4/28/98 Pre-sntInv 08:59 J Smith 04/28/98 Sentencing 09:00 J Smith SP STAY ADJ 152.18 PROB SYRS: 1) USUAL/LA 2) 7 DAXSjCR 7 3) WV/FINE/FEES 4) 100 HRS CS 5) ABSTAIN 6) UA/BT 7) CA/NA/ AA 8)ANY CNSLNG WCJ _ 04/28j98 Order 12:56 ORDER WV/FINE/FEES WCJ _ 04/28/98 Closed 05:00 ______________________________Pending Activities ------------------------------- - - --------------------------- 10/28/03 Archive SD1008.0/980825:12431287 Criminal Case Summary 62-T1-97-072877 Sneedina-Pettv Misd. Date £iled: 10/20J1997 Name: WALLER, RENDELL MARCUS, [1014971 DOBa S01 / 24 J 1962 Race: Sex: Soc Sec # Q� � y Dfnt Attrny: Type: P=o Se - 1 Dfnt Status: Status Date: Bail Amount: Case Status CLOSED Offense Date: 10/14/1997 Warrant Date: Location: 1 Continuances: 0 Trial Type: Jurisdiction: CCT Plea Charge Chap/Sect/Subd GOC UOC 001 NOT GUILTY BASIC SPEED 169.14 3 Date Activity Last 03/O1f1998 Archive Pending 09/10/1998 Archive Disposition Date Next Time Judge 6:48 _ g� 04 06 08 10 District Verdict Fail Apper CRTRM SD1019.0/980825:12=_ Activity Summary Fir= 62-T1-97-072877 Soeedina-Pettv Misd Date filed- 10/20/19� The State of Minnesota _ iu/au/yi �ase r•iiea 10:51 10:51 _ 11/OS(97 Aearing Hearing Officer PNG, SET FOR CRT TRL. ICL(HO) _ 12j31/97 Hearing 01:00 C Williams 2QA BY DEFT - STIRRE AND CERTIFY _ 12/31/97 Closed 05:00 _ 03/Ol/98 Archive ______________________________Pending Activities =_________ 09/10/98 Archive 06:48 06:48 Sp � � HS �i�,unai �ase >ununary 62-T3-98-016692 Speeding-Petty Misd. Date £iled: 02/25/1998 I3ame: WAI,LER, KENDELL MARCUS, [022098} Alias: DOB: O1/24/1962 Race: Sex: Soc Sec $ Dfnt Attrny: Type: pro Se Dfnt Status: Status Date: Bail Amount: Case Status OPEN Offense Date: 02/20/1998 Warrant Date: I,ocation: 1 Continuances: 0 Trial Type: Jurisdiction: CCT Plea Charge Chap/SectlSubd GOC UOC 001 SPD. 42/30 169.14 Date Activity Time Judge Last OS/26/1998 DL Suspn'd 7:46 Pending 06/O1/2003 DL SuspRvw Disposition Date Next FC 04 06 OB 10 DistZict Verdict Fail Apper CRTRM a . � Cziminal Case Summary 62-T8-98-023799 Moving-Misdemeanor Date £iled: 03/30/1998 Name: WALI,ER,KENDELL MARCUS, [032498] Alias: DOB: O1/24/1962 Race: Sex: Soc Sec � Dfnt Attrny: Type: pro Se Dfnt Status: Status Date: Bail Amount: Case Status OPEN O£fense Dace: 03/29/1998 Wa==ant Date: Location: 1 Continuances: 0 Trial Type: Jurisdiction: CCT Plea Charge Chap/SectJSUbd GOC UOC 001 BASIC SPEED [73.50j 169.14 3 002 EXPIRED DL [120] 171.02 Date Activity Time Judge Last 06/26/1998 DL Suspn'd 7:41 Pending 07l01/2003 DL SuspRvw Disposition Date Next FC 04 06 OB 10 District verdict Fail Apper Fail Apper CRTRM �,qyy _{ �riminal Case summary 62-T9-98-019509 Speeding Misd. Date filed: 02/18/1998 Name: WAI,LER, KENDElL MARCUS, [2/020998] alias: DoB: O1/24/1962 Race: Sex: Soc Sec # Dfnt Attrny: Type: pro Se Dfnt Status: Status Date: Bai1 Amount: Case Status OPEN O£fense Date: 02/09/1998 Warrant Date: Location: 1 continuances: 0 Trial Type: Surisdiction: Distiict CCT Plea Charge Chap/Sect/Subd GOC UOC Verdict 001 NO SEATBE7.T [94.75] 169.686 Fail Apper �o2 SPD. 95/30 [73.50] 169.14 Eai1 Appet Date Activity Time Judge Last OS/26/1998 DL Suspn'd 7:46 Pending 06/O1/2003 DL SuspRVw CRTRM �� .9'�'� Disposition Date Next FC 09 06 08 10 DU05 � D.P.S. DRIUER LICENSE COMMEFtCIAL INQUIRY � 98sS0 COMMERCIAL SZAiUSe N/ p HII.P: PAGE: iJ-460-465385-065 SIAiUS: SUSPEHD CLpSS: D iYPE: 1 SENIOR: MEDICAL: LIM—NOB: F?IDORS: DONOR_ LIUING W1L1: CORREGIIUE bEF15: B—CARD: PHO?O BATCN: 1948750112868 DUPL BATpIa 1997758168001 ID B82CH: 1997750024014 DUPL ID BCH: NiiME: HENDELL MARCUS �lALLER BIRTN DpTE: 01/24ii962 RESIR IHFO: ODDR: A35 UNIUERSIiY AUE A313 CITY: ST PpUI. COUN'IY: 2IP: 55101 MAILING ADDR: EYES: BRM HEIGHi: 6-01 4JEIGNT: 175 GENDER: SUSPENSE: iICHI.ER: DL ISSUE DATE: 05iO4/1998 CE8) DL EXPIRE DBiE: 01i24i2002 ID ISSUE DAiE: 02/Hfii1497 CB7) ID E%PIRE DfiTE: 01i24i2001 IIf�i: 10/14/94 SPEED A02 M 12/31/94 SPEID 02 M 04i12/95 UNREBSONpBLE pCCELERpIION 2T N 06/23/45 FAIL TO OBEY SIGN z? N NEXi REQUES?: _ ' Taxi Driver, CITY OF SAINT PAUL �q� Office of Lictnse, Inspections � Renewal Form and Environmental Pirotectlon � 350 Sl. 4acr A. Sub 3C0 Sca� PW, M�ew SSIV2 (6137 2b69090 License I.D. # � �� � � Name �•vo e � c /�i�rz� �.r 2i/��LC iC DOB -� a 9 � z Firrt Middk Lart Mooth / Day ! Yw Iiome Address 1 d 8G Co.�D � J, � ri� j7"j s s / 03 svea aaeiw c;ry � stnte z;p Home Phone ,� �Oid) 98�- 97Gd�Tame of company applicant is driving for i e �<✓ %�x.Z c�. �� a�« Driver's License Number W " �C rJ - �(�S -S�4'S - G/osExpiration Date / � � U v � I hereby state that I have answered all of the above questions and that the information contained herein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. /� �� �c�f,�'i Signature of applicant Please retum this torm wi[h your renewal paymeni to: City of St. Paul - Office of LIEP 350 St. Peter Street p300 St. Paul, MN 55302 a �,.q�i�! � � 0 Q x �W � �� r � U R � O a � 0 � a � C O r A � r w � d V .J N � m � N U � J Q 3 N Z N L I-- c do N � c � U V J � F m � v °� N � � Z N V' a�i n U pp J 0 l @ w U g a N N� U a Q O �� O �!7 � Q.' W J J � � m Z J Q W m � ❑ Z Y � J dQ � � W J C W 0 a w Y .� _ � 0 U � d N O Q x W N C L Q� � � 3 Z U O a� U f0 N c N � f0 Z a c m n E 0 U C m 3 N C d � C 7 Z N C O a N N C � Ul � m� X m Q Z W U a � � 0 U 0 O }