90-1896 O �I GI�IAL � \ R , ,;'�,� council gile # 90-1896 Substitute � ' Green Sheet # RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT P U I NESOTA Presented By � Referred To Committee: D e 1 RESOLUTION TO FR EZE THE S IES OF APPOINTED UNCLASSIFIED 2 POSITTONS OVERI $50 000 AT 1990 LEVELS, FREEZE 1991 PROMOTIONS, 3 MERIT INCREAS S, RECLASSIFICATION FOR ALL CLASSIFIED EM- 4 PLOYEES OVER 50, 0, FREEZE PORT AUTHORITY AND WATER UTII.TTY 5 SALARIES OVER 50, 0, AND PROVIDE FOR A MARKET STUDY OF THESE HIGH 6 SALARIED POS ON BEFORE FURTHER RAISES ARE GRANTED. 7 8 WHEREAS, Saint aul s facing very serious budget restraints over the next several years due to 9 reductions in Feder 1 a State Aid to cities, and the maximum property tax levy for the 1991 10 budget is limited to a 8. % increase, despite a significant reduction in Local Government Aid; and 11 12 WHEREAS, the Ci C uncil has determined to exercise fiscal constraint in the "Budget Goals and 13 Policies For 1991", nd 14 15 WHEREAS, the Ci C uncil, as part of the annual budget decision making process authorized by 16 City Charter, can re 'ew any salary adjustments presented in the Mayor's Proposed 1991 budget, 17 and 18 19 WHEREAS, salarie an fringe benefit costs represent over 76% of the City's General Fund 20 operating budget; a d 21 ! 22 WHEREAS, the 11�I 'yor' Proposed 1991 Budget calls for the elimination of certain positions and 23 the reduction in sa1 ry o rank of others to deal with the budget cuts imposed by the 1990 24 Legislature's action o r duce Local Government Aid to Minnesota's cities; and 25 26 WHEREAS, Saint aul ays 291 of its 3,500 full and part-time employees more than $50,000 per 27 year, as compared t Mi eapolis where just 176 of that city's 4,100 employees are paid over 28 $50,000; and 29 30 WHEREAS, the Po A thority of Saint Paul pays 7 of its 22 employees more than $50,000 per 31 year, and 32 33 WHEREAS, more t an 0% of the Saint Paul employees in these over $50,000 positions live 34 outside the City of aint Paul; and 35 36 WHEREAS, there I i a eed to do a metropolitan-area market study of these over $50,000 positions 37 to compare the sala ies, inge benefits, and defined job responsibilities to similar positions in other 38 units of government and the private sector, in order to assure that the total compensation levels for 39 the Saint Paul positi ns re not excessive and are reasonable for the job responsibilities assigned; 40 now, therefore be it 41 42 RESOLVED, That he ity Council requests Mayor Scheibel to take immediate action to freeze for 43 the balance of this ar nd for 1991, the current 1990 approved salaries of all appointed, 44 unclassified positio pa over $50,000 until a metro-area market study of these positions can be 45 conducted by the Ci 's ersonnel Office and evaluated by the City Council; and be it , 1 ( 1I�I Q � � � �G-/�'9 � � ��'LJ]�T�'I�R ltESO VE -That the Ci Council declares its intent not to a rove an unclassi�ied , , tY PP Y 2 positions or appoint en s at a r in salary level greater than $50,000 and requests the Mayor not 3 to make any such a poi tments at a salary level of greater than $SO,OOQ unless there is no 4 alternativ h rk a a; and be it 5 6 FURTHER RESC1 VE , That the City Council requests the Mayor to take action to freeze 7 promotions, merit '' cre ses, and re- classi�cations for all classified or r��resented positions paid 8 over $50,000, and fr eze their current salaries, except for cost of living increases already negotiated 9 in 1991 employee b g ' 'ng contracts, until a metro-area market study can be conducted for these 10 positions by the Per o 1 Office and evaluated by the City Council; and be it 11 12 FURTHER RESCl VE , That the City Council requests the Mayor and the Labor Relations 13 Director to negotiat in 11 future labor contracts a provision that will allow for a continuing salary 14 freeze for those pos tio found to have total compensation significantly higher than the results of 15 the requested metr are market study until such time as their total compensation falls back in line 16 with reasonable m ket lace ranges, and be it 17 18 FURTHER RESO D, That the Port Authority and Water Utility are requested to take action 19 to freeze the salarie of heir employees making more than $50,000 until the market study is 20 completed, and be i 21 22 FURTHER RESO VE , That in conjunction with the market study, tl�e Personnel Office prepare 23 for n il r vi w ri r 'm 1 m nt ion a comprehensive employee pay plan that would place a 24 "cap" on employee s la ' s so that no City employee would be paid more than 95% of the Mayor's 25 salary, and that saLd pla include a multi-year phase in schedule for adjusting salaries to fit within 26 the 95% cap, and b it 27 28 FURTHER RESQ VE , That the City Council hereby requests the Personnel Office to conduct 29 an objective market stu to review all needs of the positions within the City paid more than 30 $50,000, comparing he alaries, fringe benefits, job responsibilities, and span of supervisory control 31 of these positions th s milar positions in other units of government and in the private sector and 32 report back to the ity ouncil with the results of the Market Study by August 1, 1991, or sooner if 33 possible. 34 35 FINALLY RESO D That in workin to ether with the M or' Ad inistration it is re uest d 36 tha th M r' in' r i n review create and vi h n il n a P rformanc Driv n 37 P P li whi h t nd im lement h n '1 o r vi w whi h will ls 38 initi 11 in 1 11 m m � and rofessional lassifi ions in h h r r sen e nd non- 39 re re ented r i n ni s 40 Ye Nays Absent Requested by Department of: zmon oswz z on acca ee e ma ane i son BY� NQV 2 '7 19� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: D te Adoption rtifieCi by ouncil Secretary gY: BY� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by Mayors D t , NQ� � ,� 19� Council �� �� �� By: By: USHED ��-� �S 1990 � � � 9� ���� Committee po t Finance, Ma ag ment & Personnel Committee November 5,; 19 0 Page 2 ' 6. Resolution 90-1255 - informing elderly residents of St. Paul of the availabili y of chore services and recruitment of volunteers to help the eld rl with necessary chores around the home. (Referred from Council 7/ 4/90, laid over in Committee 8/13/90) Laid ov r indefinitely. Resolution will be placed back on the Finance Committ e genda at the request of the author(s). --_ .___�_�_ - _ __ ---- _--_---- — - _----�--- ----- -----_��__ '�� 7. Resol t'on 90-1896 - to freeze the salaries of appointed unclassified / �\ posit o s ver $50,000 at 1990 levels, freeze 1991 p omotions, merit incre s s, and reclassification for all classified er�ployees over $50,000, � freez� or Authority and Water Utility salaries ove , $50,000, and provide �� for a m rk t study of these high salaried positions �efore further raises f , are gr�a te . (Referred from Council 10/23/90) �� Commit�t e ecommended approval with amendments. Sub�titute reso��--�" will de pr ared. 8. Adminis ra ive Orders: �� T D-11038 - uthorization for payment to Pat Schoonover for a 1-1/2 hour course n "Communicating with Senior Citizens" to be presented to Fire Prevent'on personnel . (Referred from Council 8/28/90) Committ e commended approval . D-11042 - uthorization for payment to cover expense� incurred at a jointly hosted Census Awareness event for the Asian Community. (Referr d rom Council 8/28/90) Committ e r commended approval . D-11043 - uthorization for payment to reimburse the Spanish Speaking Affairs Cou cil to cover expenses incurred at a jointly hosted Census Awarene s e ent for the Hispanic Community. (Referred from Council 8/28/90 Committ e r commended approval . D-11122 A thorizing payment to Kiki Sonnen for expenses incurred while attend�i g t e 1990 National recreation & Parks Association Congress in Phoenix Arizona. (Referred from Council 10/16/90) Commitit e r commended approval . ; O � I,G� - Council File ,� � ��(o NAL �a � Green Sheet #` (,� RESOLUTION ITY OF SAINT P L, MINNESOTA P esented By � � (/ Referred To i r Co�qittee: Date RESOLUTIO TO FREEZE THE SALARIES OF APPOINTED UNCLASSIFIED � POSITIONS ��E $50,000 AT 1990 LEVEIS, FREEZE 1991 PROMOTIONS, MERIT INC S, AND RECLASSIFICATION FOR ALL CL�ASSIFIED EM— PLOYEES O R �0,000, FREEZE PORT AUTHORITY AND WATER UTILITY SALARIES O R $g�,000, AND PROVIDE FOR A MARKET STUDY OF THESE HIGH SALAR ED POS�TIONS BEFORE FURTHER RAISES ARE GRANTED. WHERE S, Saint�`'��aul is facing very serious budget restraints over the n xt several''�,:years due to reductions in. Federal and State Aid o ities, ar�d the maximum property tax levy for the 1991 budge i limited t�,p a 8.4� increase, despite a significant reduction n ocal Goverii��ent Aid; and WHERE S, the City Coun�,il has determined to exercise fiscal constraint in the "Budget Go�.ls and Policies For 1991", and WI�iERE S, the City Council,•, as part of the annual budget decision m ki g process authoriz�d by City Charter, can review _ any salary ad ustments presented •�n the Mayor's �roposed 1991 budget, an � WHERE S, salaries and fringe be�efit costs represent over 76� of the Ci y's General Fund operat�ng budget; and WHERE S, the Mayor's Proposed 1991',Budget calls for the eliminatio o certain positions and the .reduction in salary or zank of ot er to deal with the budget cuts imposed by the 1990 Legislatur 's action to reduce Local Gover�ment Aid to Minnesota' c ties; and WHERE S, Saint Paul pays 291 of its 3,500 full and part-time employees or than $50, 000 per year, as compareid to Minneapolis where just 17 of that city's 4, 100 employees are paid over $50,000; a d ,. Wher�e s, the Port Authority of Saint Paul pays 7 of its 22 employeesl or than $50,000 per year, and ' WHER� S, more than 60� of the Saint Paul employees in these ove� $5 , 000 positions live outside the City pf Saint Paul; and I ORI.GiNA1� � . : � yD-,�� �� _2_ , WHE 5�, there is a need to do a metropolitan-area market study of t e� over $50,000 positions to compare the salaries, fringe ben fi S, and defined job responsibilitie� to similar positions n fiher units of government and the private sector, in order to � su e that the total compensation levels for the Saint Paul posit on are not excessive and are reasonable for the job responsibi�it es assigned; now, therefore be it RESOL D That �he City Council requests Mayor Scheibel to take immed at action'`to freeze for the balance of this year and for 1991, he current Z�90 approved salaries of all appointed, unclassif� d ositions paid over $50,000 until a metro-area market stu y f these pos�,i.tions can be conducted by the City's Personnel ff ce and evalu�ted by the City Council; and be it FURTH R SOLVED, That�i'�the City Council declares its intent not to app ov any unclassif%gd positions or appointments at a salary lev 1 reater than $50;�Q00 and requests the Mayor not to make any s ch appointments at �r� salary level of greater than $50, 000; a d e it '��, FURTH R ESOLVED, That the C�ty Council requests the Mayor to take ac io to freeze promotion�,,, merit increases, and re- classifica io s for all classified �iositions paid over $50, 000, and freeze th ir current salaries, e�cept for cost of living increases lr ady negotiated in 1991 mployee bargaining contracts, un il a metro-area market s udy can be conducted for these posi io s by the Personnel Offic and evaluated by the City Council; a d e it � � FURTH R SOLVED, That the City Coun il requests the Mayor and the L� or Relations Director to negoti te in all future labor contracts p ovision that will allow for a continuing salary freeze forjth se positions found to have to�,al compensation significan ly higher than the results of the`�requested metro-area market stu y ntil such time as their total c mpensation falls back in li e ith reasonable market place ran�es, and be it � � FURT R RESOLVED, That the Port Authority��.. and Water Utility are reque ed to take action to freeze the salai��ies of their employees, ak ng more than $50,000 until the mar�et study is completed� an be it FURT�i R ESOLVED, That in conjunction with tY�e market study, the Perso el Office prepare a comprehensive emplo�ee pay plan that woul� pl ce a "cap" on employee salaries so that no City employee W ul be paid more than 95� of the Mayor's salary, and that said la include a multi-year phase in schedule for adjusting al ries to fit within the 95� cap, and be it 0 � I�G I �l � .� ���o-��� AL -3- FINA Y SOLVED, That the City Council hereby requests the Personnel ff ce to conduct an objective market study of all positions it 'n the City paid more than $50,000, comparing the salaries, fr nt�e benefits, job responsibilities, and span of superviso c nt�ol of these positions with similar positions in other unit o go�ternment and in the private sector and report back to th C ty Ciauncil with the results of the Market Study by August 1, 99 , or s,00ner if possible. ., `t, `� Yea a s Absent Requeated by Department of: smon osws z o» dCCB @@ y e ma une i son BY� Adopted by Counci�: D te Form Approved by� City Attorney Adoption Certifie� by ouncil Secretary $y= : , BY' Approved by MayoGr; for Submission to Approved by Mayor� D te Council �f By: By= - , �,�.1°-�� _ . , _ , , DEPARTJd�V FFICE/COUNC�I� DAIEjNIj�T��90 GREEN SHEE +�O' -10949 c� � Counci lu/ CON�Q�PEFIfQp(��IONE x4473 � INITIAUDATE � INITIAUDATE `i+� ini �j DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR CITY COUNCIL ASSIGN �CITY ATTORNEY �CITY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AfiENDA BY(DA E NUMBER FOR ❑BUDGET DIRECTOR �FIN.8 MOT.SERVICES DIR. ROUTING ORDER �MAYOR(OR ASSISTANn � TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE PA (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: R@� in salary and promotion freezes incl dinq a salary freeze for appointed cl ssified position� earning over $50 000 at 1990 levels and directing ma ket study of salaries of the affec ed positions be conducted by t C'ty's Personnel Office and evaluate by the City Council. RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)or Rej (R) pER80NAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWE THE FOLLOWIN(i QUESTIONS: _ PLANNINO COMMISSION IVIL 3 VICE COMMISSION �• Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract or this depa►tment? _CIB COMMITfEE YES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? _STAFF YES NO i _ DISTRIC7 COURT 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally ossessed by any current cky employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIV ? YES NO Explaln all yes answers on separate shest and at ch to green shest INITIATING PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPO (W ,Whet,When,Where.Why): The City is fa ng increasingly tight budget constrai ts and must seek out ways to reduae ts spending. 76� of the City's Gener 1 Operating Budget is made up of sal ie and fringe benefits. Although St Paul has 600 fewer employees than oe Minneapolis, St. Paul has 115 mor employees earning salaries in ex ss of $50,000. ADVANTAOE3 IF APPROVED: ` � St. Paul will a le to reduce the growth of its speldinq, and will be able to evalua i s salary and fringe benefit struct re in relation to other cities o si ilar size and make-up. _ DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Possible loss s e employees who leave city emplo ent for private sector. IF N APPROVED: DI3ADVANTAGES OT The City's sal nd fringe benefit costs will conti ue to grow without an understanding i s relationship to similar costs in similar cities being developed. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTIO COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CI CLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) � � � T 4 � � � � � NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE GREEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASING OFFICE(PHONE NO.298-4225). ROUTING ORDER: Below are correct routings for the five most frequent rypes of documents: CONTRACTS(assumes authorized budget exists) COUNCIL RESOLUTION (Amend Budgets/Accept. Grants) 1. Outside Agency 1. Department Director 2. Department Director 2. City Attorney 3. City Attorney 3. Budget Director 4. Mayor(for contracts over$15,000) 4. MayodAssistant 5. Human Rights(for contracts over$50,000) 5. City Council 6. Finance and Management Services Director 6. Chief Accountant, Finance and Management Services 7. Finance Accounting ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS(Budget Revision) COUNCIL RESOLUTION (all others,and Ordinances) 1. Activity Manager 1. Department Director 2. Department Accountant 2. Ciry Attorney 3. Department Director 3. Mayor Assistant 4. Budget Director 4. Ciry Council 5. City Clerk 6. Chief Accountant, Finance and Management Services ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS(all others) 1. Department Director 2. Ciry Attorney 3. Finance and Management Services Director 4. City Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES Indicate the#of pages on which signatures are required and paperclip or flag each of these pages. ACTION REQUESTED Describe what the projecUrequest seeks to accomplish in either chronologi- cal order or order of importance,whichever is most appropriate for the issue. Do not write complete sentences. Begin each item in your list with a verb. _, � RECOMMENDATIONS Complete if the issue in question has been presented before any body,public or private. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Indicate which Council objective(s)your projecUrequest supports by listing the key word(s)(HOUSING, RECREATION, NEIGHBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDGET, SEWER SEPARATION). (SEE COMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS: This information will be used to determine the citys liability for workers compensation claims,taxes and proper civil service hiring rules. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY Expiain the situation or conditions that created a need for your project �• or request. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED Indicate whether this is simply an annual budget procedure required by law/ charter or whether there are specific ways in which the City of Saint Paul and its citizens will benefit from this projecUaction. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED What negative effects or major changes to existing or past processes might this projecVrequest produce if it is passed(e.g.,traffic delays, noise, tax increases or assessments)?To Whom?When? For how long? DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED What will be the negative consequences if the promised action is not � approved?Inability to deliver service?Continued high traffic, noise, accident rate?Loss of revenue? FINANCIAL IMPACT Although you must tailor the information you provide here to the issue you are addressing, in general you must answer two questions: How much is it going to cost?Who is going to pay? �