90-1875 � i , i � ��f , CITY OF ST. PAUL COU I NO. " � .r PRELIMINAR `I( O DER BY � �; � 18609-7 � ;� ,� Voting In the Matter of ; ins alling sanitary, storm and water service �onnections, if Ward req est d by the property owner, in conjunction w�th the 1 Ma� on/ niversity Area Storm Sewer and Street Pav�2ng and Lighting Pr�o ect. i I � . i The Council � the ity of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and having considered i repo t,hereby resolves: 1. That the i rep rt and the same is hereby approved with no alternatives, and�that the estimated cost thereof is financed by assessments. Sani a y, Storm and water service connections are as�sessed at the rate in e�fect at the time of installation. i 2. That a publ c hea ing be had on said improvement on the l lth day o� December, 1990 ,at nine �dc�o k a. ., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House$uilding in the City of Saint Paul. 3. That notib of s 'd public hearing be given to the persons and in the manner p�ovided by the Charter,stating the time and�1 ce o hearing,the nature of the improvement and the total cost the�ieof as estimated. i �; „—• COUNCIL PE N Adopted by the Coun�il: Date OCT 2 3 1990 YeasGoswitz� ays Dimond� Certifie ssed by Cbuncil Secretary Long ��� Maccab�e � In Favor By Re t tma�i � r /��-�� Thune ,' Against �� Wilso i j Mayor � 0 CT 2 � 1990 � !' Pt1BlISNED P�E�V - � 19 9 0 ' - �� �'O��iSH�Q N CJ V 1 � ��90_ ,