90-1874 I 3 �._ � 'il CITY OF �T PAU COUN FIL NO. QD `IS�(7'� � PRELIMINAI Y ORDER I By File 18614 , � Voting In the Matter nstallation of the Ma.rion/University Area�I,I Storm Sewer Ward P� jec . Area is bounded by Como Avenue, Rice Si�reet, Aurora A� nue and Cedar Street. ' 1 ' I ; • '� i � , , i I � I I I � The Council 'o the ity of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor u�on the above improvement, and having considered i rep t,hereby resolves: 1. That the i rep rt and the same is hereby approved with no alternatives, an� that the estimated cost thereof is$ 2 12 400 00, financed by Assessments $24,400.00, Sewer Revenue Bonds $2,002,000�00 and Mn t F nds $100,000.00. 2. That a pul�li hear g be had on said improvement on the l lth day ofl Decemher, 199(l ,at nine �g o'cl� a. ., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House�uilding in the City of Saint Paul. 3. That notic� f sai public hearing be given to the persons and in the manner prqvided by the Charter,stating the time and p a e of earing,the nature of the improvement and the total cost therqof as estimated. �'� , COUNCIL PERSIO Adopted by the Council`. Date OCT 2 3 1990 Yeas Dimond a s Goswitz Certifi a ed by Courlcil Secretary Long Ma.ccabee � In Favor By Rettman - Thune J Against �0�� �� _ Wilson i I� O�T � 4' �99OMayor j PuBtl�h�� :;+�:�� �- � i 991� � PU��lSI�ED N 0 V 1 !,� i y 90.