90-1873 I ��l C � _ CITY OF $T PAU COUN ' FIL O. D'' /✓ . i PRELIMINAI Y ORDER By , ' Fil o ' 18615 . I Voting In the Matter, Ward Improve the following streets with a bituminou � surfacing , concrete 1 curbs and g tt rs , concrete driveway aprons and o�twalks , restoration of boulevard a eas and doing all work necessary to cOmplete this project : I Charle� A enue from Rice Street to Park ,Street ( 36 ' ) Sherbt� ne venue from Galtier Street to Marion Street (36 ' ) Galti� Street from University Avenue ta Sherburne Ave ( 40 ' ) Galtiqr St eet from Sherburne Avenue to Charles Avenue ( 36 ' ) Galtie Street from Charles Avenue to Ed;lmund Avenue ( 40' ) Galti�r St eet from Alley north of Aurorja to Fuller ( 32 ' ) Galti� Street from University to alley ;'.north of Aurora (40' ) Farri gton Street from University Avenue to� Aurora Avenue (40 ' ) Farri� ton Street from south of Fuller Avenl'ue to Aurora Ave (32 ' ) Virginlia S reet from University Avenue to', Aurora Avenue (40 ' ) Virginia S reet from south of Fuller Aver�ue to Aurora Ave ( 32 ' ) Aurora, ve ue from Western Avenue to Ma�rion Street ( 34 ' ) Fuller, Ave ue from Farrington Avenue to�'IMarion Street ( 40 ' ) Fullerl, ve ue from Western Avenue to Fa�'�rrington Street (32 ' ) All to be � ow as the University/Marion Area St�eet Paving and Lighting Project. The Council 'o the ity of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor u�on the above improvement, and having considered i rep rt,hereby resolves: 1. That the ' rep rt and the same is hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is$ , financed by Assessments $$219,156.00, ewer Revenue Bonds $108,1 .00 and 1991 Capital Improvement Bonds $455,0�2.00. 2. That a pu Ili hea 'ng be had on said improvement on the l lth day of}I Decemher, 1990 ,at nine �;o'cl k a. ., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House�uilding in the City of Saint PauL 3. That noti e of s ' public hearing be given to the persons and in the manner prpvided by the Charter,stating the time at�d p�la e of earing,the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. I I � - - COUNCIL PER5�0 Adopted by the Councit: Date 0 CT 2 '3 1990 Yeas Dimond �1 s Goswitz j Certi�e ssed by Cou cil Secretary Long Maccabe � In Favor By Rettman� v / Thune I Against '' "�z Wilson I OCT 2 ,� �t��Mayar I ,e�l ' `' IJJO PUBIISNED ..0� � � I�II lUBUSNEO ��JV 1 i� ��9(1_-�