98-935Return copy to: Real Estate Division 140 City Hall OR1G Presented By Referred To Committee: Date i WFIEREAS, the Ciry of Saint Paul, acting through its Valuation Engineer, has secured an agreement for the purchase 2 of four pazcels of real properry described as follows: a 1. 1692 Hoyt Avenue East - Lot 6, Block 3, Fred S. Hening's Plat 2 a 2. 1685 Hoyt Avenue East - Lot 18, Block 2, Birt's Addition; ; 3. 1681 Montana Avenue East - Lot 17, Block 3, Fred S. Herring's Plat 2; 6 4. 1707 Montana Avenue East - L,ot 22, Block 3, Fred S. Herring's Plat 2; and � WHEREAS, the said properties sustained flood damages during the June 30, 1997 rain stortn and, with 31 other a owners of damaged or endangered properties, the owners petitioned for relief, funding foz such relief, the Hoyt- 9 Montana Flood Remediation Project, is to be State and Federal grants and various City funding sources; and � o WHEREAS, purchase of the said properties was final ordered on July 22, 1998; and ii WHEREAS, the respective negotiated sale prices of the said properties is: �z 1. 1692 Hoyt Avenue East -$88,000.00; is 2. 1685 Hoyt Avenue East -$85,Q00.00; ia 3. 1681 Montana Avenue East -$89,000.�0; is 4. 1707 Montana Avenue East.- $80,000.00; �5 the said sale prices being fair and reasonable value as deterntined by an independent appraiser; and i� WHEREAS, the Valuadon Engineer has recommended the purchase of said properties at the agreed sale prices; is NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the propez City o£ficials are hereby authorized and directed to pay to: 19 zo Z1 u 23 24 25 26 27 zs 29 30 31 1. Alice L. and Philip J. Boileau the sum of $88,000.00; 2. Doslyn Schmidt the sum of $&5,000.00; 3. William L. and Mary Dinwoodie the sum of $84,00�.00; 4. Mazk J. and Rosita C. Kroll the sum of $80,000.00, for the purchase of the said properties, payments to be charged to Activity Code CPL-C98-2B030. RESOLUTION AL ClTY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Council File # f i8' -935 Green Sheet # � � 16 3 Requested by Department of: Technology & Management Services By: `�d������YlC� (� � Director Form Approved by City Attorney � � By: �✓ r/ Q �Y �nnroved�bv Mavor.fvr Submission to Council : Adopted by Council: Date d�� �ti ��5� Adop ion Certified by Co� cil Secretary a ' � BY. � � Y Approved by yo�r: te _ _ 8" — q 5 T.M.S./REAL E5TATE DIVISION Date: Oct 1,1998 Sh t Number: 52163 owa� re.�� rrto� xm,��: 2 FraicTn , n � f 4 crrr comvcu. „o, ,r� Peter White 266-8850 � I 'TY'�Tl'°�Y 'TY�� UDGEl'DIRECTOR FFTCEOFFINANC7AI,SVCS. ne � c�a n� t October 14, 1998 3 YOR (OR eLSSISL OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCA S k' R SIGNAT[7RE) CITON REQDESTED: To authorize the purchase of four properties located on Hoyt and Montana Avenues as part of Phase I of the Hoyt Montaua Flood Remedia6on Project. Ref: 1. Resolufion for consideration; 2. Copy of Final Order, CF# 9&658. , OD4II�'1�ATIONS: APPROVE (eU OR REIBCT PU ERSOrIAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: . Hss iLe petsonlHrm everworked mder a rnrtract forffiis depar��? YF,S NO rs.Aeam+ccoamnssiox g sr.�e Has�ispersoclSa�erer6eenaC&.pe�ployce? YES NO C1VQ.SH&V[CBWaIDS45S[ON . Doev tltis petsodSrm poasess a s1�R not m�aIl9 P��I 69 a¢Y YES NO currert CYty employee? Cm CObi�IITlBE Eaplain aif YEfi answeis on a separate sheet mtd attach UPPORTS WffiCH COIINCII. OBJECTIVE? COUNCQ. WA22D(S� ( DISTRICT 2 PLANNING COLINCII. 1'IlYG PROBI.EM, LSS[7E, OPPORTUNITY (YVho, Whsd, When, WLere, W6y?): Several residents of the area petitioned the City For relief foIIowing the rainstorm and flooding that occurred on June 30,1997. YANTAGES IF APPROVED: Tfiese properties and others will be demotished to provide a dry pond to alleviate future �tooding. ' ^F F ISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: None �JCT Q 6 lggg ��ifiYQe�`5 OFFlC� ISADVANI'AGES IF NOT APPROVF.D: These properties would remain vulnerabie to flooding during heavy rainstorms, and would impede implementation of the Hoyt-Montana Flood Remediation Projec� OTAL AMOIINT OF TRANSACTION: �4 �'�����'FNIJE Bi7DGETED (C4(CLE ONL� YFS NO sTCSOUxre: CPIrC9&2B030 ACfIV1TYNIJMBER t•, '. �_- >,'�,.,,..., :.'i iw±'S�e, :.'3 „-'-i AN!'f�IL INFORMATTON: (EXPLAIN) z°;�����j ✓`� . C.f . e.��'':� oR�G�Na� Presenied By: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA q� —�c35 Council Fiie # �_^ �Sb^ GreenSheet� 6'174? �� Referred To: Committee: Date s z 3 4 5 6 � 8 9 io i� u 13 }4 �s 16 i7 78 19 zo z� z2 23 za 2s 26 z7 2a 29 30 31 J2 33 aa 35 36 37 38 39 ao 41 WHERFAS, the HoytlMontana neighborhood on the City's East Side suffered a devastating flash flood as a result of the Ju�y 'I, 'f 997 storm and was subsequently designated a Federal disaster area; and WHEREAS, aRer many years of large financial expenditures by the City trying to resolve this flooding problem unsuccessfully with piping solutions; and, WHEREAS, the HoyUMontana �lood Remediation Task Force's recommendation to remove and/or demolish 34 homes and construct a dry basin holding pond was accepted by the Mayor; and, WHEREAS, the City will proceed to do the project in three phases: Phase I is acquisition, Phase Il is demolition, and Phase III is contruction of the dry basin holding pond; and WHEREAS, the State DNR has committed up to 51.7 million to the City of Saint Paul tor this purpose; and WHEREAS, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has committed 5570,000 to the City of Saint Paul for this purpose; and WHEREAS, the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency has committed 5125,000 for this purpose; and WHEREAS, over the length of the who�e project (not just Phase !) the City must provide a match of 100% (.�1.7 miliion ) to the DNR grant, and a 25°la match (S190,000) to the FEMA grant if it expends these funds; and WHEREAS, some in-kind City services, such as staff time administering the project, wiU be allowed as part of the Gity's share of the match; WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.04 of the City Charter, recommends the fol4owing changes to the 199B operafing budget for Phase f(Acquisition and Demolition) of the project; now THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of the Mayor and advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the 1998 Operating and Capital Improvement Budgets, as hereto(ore adopted and amended by this Council, are hereby further amended in the following particulars: Current Amended Budyet Change Budget az 43 e< <s �NANCING PLAN Hoyt-Montana Flood Remediation - Phase I CPL-C96-2B030 State Natural Resource Funds (DNR Grant) - 3408 Other Fed. Dir. Grants-State (FEMA Grant) - 3199 Other State Grants (MHFA Grant) - 3490 Transfer from Enterprise Fund (Sewer Fund) - 7302 1993 Ci8 Bonds {1993 Council Gontingency) CIB Bonds (1995 CSSP Program) Sewer Revenue Bonds (1995 CSSP Progrem) Tokal as a� 48 -09 so 51 52 sa SPEND{NG_PLAN Hoyt-Montana Flood Remediation - Phase I CPl-C98-2B030 AcquisitioniRelocation Demofition Utility Abandonment EngineeringlContingency � � � 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 � 1,700,000 57�,0�� � 2$,��� 33,000 2 � 8, ��� 200,000 2�� ��0 3,046,000 2,436,000 330,000 80,000 2�� ��� �i nna nnn 1, 700, OOC �J�Q��� 125,OOC 33,OOC 2� 8,00( 200, 00 i 20Q 00; 3,046, 2,436,flC 330,OC SO,OC 200 OC 3.0 � 56 57 58 59 60 67 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 vo » �s n �a 7s 76 n 7e 79 eo 81 ORIGINAL FINAN�J.e1G�L.4N Department of Public Works Sewer Utifity Enterprise Fund - Sewer Construction GL-260-22221 Use of Retained Earnings - 9925 Confributed Capital - 9930 AII Other Fund Financing Total SPEIJDING PL.�N Depar[ment of Public Works Sewer Utility Enterprise Fund - Sewer Construction GL-260-22221 Other Structures - 0899 All Other Fund Spending 7ota1 ENI�NCt�1G PLAN 1995 Combined Sewer Separation Program CPL-C95-2T628 Transfer from CfB -7315 . Capital Fin. from En1. Fd. (Sewer Rsv. Bonds) - 6964 A11 Other Financing Total Current Budget 0 0 46.026.843 46,026,843 0 46.026.843 46,026,643 4,3'11,4�6 15,251,962 21,161.325 40,724,693 Change 33,000 3,013,000 0 3,046,000 3,046,000 0 3,046,000 (200,000) (200,000) 0 (400,000) � L � � � Q Requested by Department of: Financiai Services Office _ By: C�- n- �L�S? __ - Approval Recommended by FSO - Director: Adopted by Councif: Date �a,���� \ Adoption Certified by Council�eta . BY' �`.."� �� . :r f - — Approved by . •.. � -.. �� �. 1 �• �� • rrA: � � -��s tt.7 °I 8 - ` Amended Budget 33,000 3,0'13,000 46 ,026,843 49,072,843 3,046,000 46.026 843 49,�72,843 4,111,406 -15, 051, 962 21,16�,325 40,324,693 _�— .yiMOM. h'�' Return copy to: Real Estate Division 140 City Hall OR1G Presented By Referred To Committee: Date i WFIEREAS, the Ciry of Saint Paul, acting through its Valuation Engineer, has secured an agreement for the purchase 2 of four pazcels of real properry described as follows: a 1. 1692 Hoyt Avenue East - Lot 6, Block 3, Fred S. Hening's Plat 2 a 2. 1685 Hoyt Avenue East - Lot 18, Block 2, Birt's Addition; ; 3. 1681 Montana Avenue East - Lot 17, Block 3, Fred S. Herring's Plat 2; 6 4. 1707 Montana Avenue East - L,ot 22, Block 3, Fred S. Herring's Plat 2; and � WHEREAS, the said properties sustained flood damages during the June 30, 1997 rain stortn and, with 31 other a owners of damaged or endangered properties, the owners petitioned for relief, funding foz such relief, the Hoyt- 9 Montana Flood Remediation Project, is to be State and Federal grants and various City funding sources; and � o WHEREAS, purchase of the said properties was final ordered on July 22, 1998; and ii WHEREAS, the respective negotiated sale prices of the said properties is: �z 1. 1692 Hoyt Avenue East -$88,000.00; is 2. 1685 Hoyt Avenue East -$85,Q00.00; ia 3. 1681 Montana Avenue East -$89,000.�0; is 4. 1707 Montana Avenue East.- $80,000.00; �5 the said sale prices being fair and reasonable value as deterntined by an independent appraiser; and i� WHEREAS, the Valuadon Engineer has recommended the purchase of said properties at the agreed sale prices; is NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the propez City o£ficials are hereby authorized and directed to pay to: 19 zo Z1 u 23 24 25 26 27 zs 29 30 31 1. Alice L. and Philip J. Boileau the sum of $88,000.00; 2. Doslyn Schmidt the sum of $&5,000.00; 3. William L. and Mary Dinwoodie the sum of $84,00�.00; 4. Mazk J. and Rosita C. Kroll the sum of $80,000.00, for the purchase of the said properties, payments to be charged to Activity Code CPL-C98-2B030. RESOLUTION AL ClTY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Council File # f i8' -935 Green Sheet # � � 16 3 Requested by Department of: Technology & Management Services By: `�d������YlC� (� � Director Form Approved by City Attorney � � By: �✓ r/ Q �Y �nnroved�bv Mavor.fvr Submission to Council : Adopted by Council: Date d�� �ti ��5� Adop ion Certified by Co� cil Secretary a ' � BY. � � Y Approved by yo�r: te _ _ 8" — q 5 T.M.S./REAL E5TATE DIVISION Date: Oct 1,1998 Sh t Number: 52163 owa� re.�� rrto� xm,��: 2 FraicTn , n � f 4 crrr comvcu. „o, ,r� Peter White 266-8850 � I 'TY'�Tl'°�Y 'TY�� UDGEl'DIRECTOR FFTCEOFFINANC7AI,SVCS. ne � c�a n� t October 14, 1998 3 YOR (OR eLSSISL OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCA S k' R SIGNAT[7RE) CITON REQDESTED: To authorize the purchase of four properties located on Hoyt and Montana Avenues as part of Phase I of the Hoyt Montaua Flood Remedia6on Project. Ref: 1. Resolufion for consideration; 2. Copy of Final Order, CF# 9&658. , OD4II�'1�ATIONS: APPROVE (eU OR REIBCT PU ERSOrIAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: . Hss iLe petsonlHrm everworked mder a rnrtract forffiis depar��? YF,S NO rs.Aeam+ccoamnssiox g sr.�e Has�ispersoclSa�erer6eenaC&.pe�ployce? YES NO C1VQ.SH&V[CBWaIDS45S[ON . Doev tltis petsodSrm poasess a s1�R not m�aIl9 P��I 69 a¢Y YES NO currert CYty employee? Cm CObi�IITlBE Eaplain aif YEfi answeis on a separate sheet mtd attach UPPORTS WffiCH COIINCII. OBJECTIVE? COUNCQ. WA22D(S� ( DISTRICT 2 PLANNING COLINCII. 1'IlYG PROBI.EM, LSS[7E, OPPORTUNITY (YVho, Whsd, When, WLere, W6y?): Several residents of the area petitioned the City For relief foIIowing the rainstorm and flooding that occurred on June 30,1997. YANTAGES IF APPROVED: Tfiese properties and others will be demotished to provide a dry pond to alleviate future �tooding. ' ^F F ISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: None �JCT Q 6 lggg ��ifiYQe�`5 OFFlC� ISADVANI'AGES IF NOT APPROVF.D: These properties would remain vulnerabie to flooding during heavy rainstorms, and would impede implementation of the Hoyt-Montana Flood Remediation Projec� OTAL AMOIINT OF TRANSACTION: �4 �'�����'FNIJE Bi7DGETED (C4(CLE ONL� YFS NO sTCSOUxre: CPIrC9&2B030 ACfIV1TYNIJMBER t•, '. �_- >,'�,.,,..., :.'i iw±'S�e, :.'3 „-'-i AN!'f�IL INFORMATTON: (EXPLAIN) z°;�����j ✓`� . C.f . e.��'':� oR�G�Na� Presenied By: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA q� —�c35 Council Fiie # �_^ �Sb^ GreenSheet� 6'174? �� Referred To: Committee: Date s z 3 4 5 6 � 8 9 io i� u 13 }4 �s 16 i7 78 19 zo z� z2 23 za 2s 26 z7 2a 29 30 31 J2 33 aa 35 36 37 38 39 ao 41 WHERFAS, the HoytlMontana neighborhood on the City's East Side suffered a devastating flash flood as a result of the Ju�y 'I, 'f 997 storm and was subsequently designated a Federal disaster area; and WHEREAS, aRer many years of large financial expenditures by the City trying to resolve this flooding problem unsuccessfully with piping solutions; and, WHEREAS, the HoyUMontana �lood Remediation Task Force's recommendation to remove and/or demolish 34 homes and construct a dry basin holding pond was accepted by the Mayor; and, WHEREAS, the City will proceed to do the project in three phases: Phase I is acquisition, Phase Il is demolition, and Phase III is contruction of the dry basin holding pond; and WHEREAS, the State DNR has committed up to 51.7 million to the City of Saint Paul tor this purpose; and WHEREAS, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has committed 5570,000 to the City of Saint Paul for this purpose; and WHEREAS, the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency has committed 5125,000 for this purpose; and WHEREAS, over the length of the who�e project (not just Phase !) the City must provide a match of 100% (.�1.7 miliion ) to the DNR grant, and a 25°la match (S190,000) to the FEMA grant if it expends these funds; and WHEREAS, some in-kind City services, such as staff time administering the project, wiU be allowed as part of the Gity's share of the match; WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.04 of the City Charter, recommends the fol4owing changes to the 199B operafing budget for Phase f(Acquisition and Demolition) of the project; now THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of the Mayor and advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the 1998 Operating and Capital Improvement Budgets, as hereto(ore adopted and amended by this Council, are hereby further amended in the following particulars: Current Amended Budyet Change Budget az 43 e< <s �NANCING PLAN Hoyt-Montana Flood Remediation - Phase I CPL-C96-2B030 State Natural Resource Funds (DNR Grant) - 3408 Other Fed. Dir. Grants-State (FEMA Grant) - 3199 Other State Grants (MHFA Grant) - 3490 Transfer from Enterprise Fund (Sewer Fund) - 7302 1993 Ci8 Bonds {1993 Council Gontingency) CIB Bonds (1995 CSSP Program) Sewer Revenue Bonds (1995 CSSP Progrem) Tokal as a� 48 -09 so 51 52 sa SPEND{NG_PLAN Hoyt-Montana Flood Remediation - Phase I CPl-C98-2B030 AcquisitioniRelocation Demofition Utility Abandonment EngineeringlContingency � � � 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 � 1,700,000 57�,0�� � 2$,��� 33,000 2 � 8, ��� 200,000 2�� ��0 3,046,000 2,436,000 330,000 80,000 2�� ��� �i nna nnn 1, 700, OOC �J�Q��� 125,OOC 33,OOC 2� 8,00( 200, 00 i 20Q 00; 3,046, 2,436,flC 330,OC SO,OC 200 OC 3.0 � 56 57 58 59 60 67 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 vo » �s n �a 7s 76 n 7e 79 eo 81 ORIGINAL FINAN�J.e1G�L.4N Department of Public Works Sewer Utifity Enterprise Fund - Sewer Construction GL-260-22221 Use of Retained Earnings - 9925 Confributed Capital - 9930 AII Other Fund Financing Total SPEIJDING PL.�N Depar[ment of Public Works Sewer Utility Enterprise Fund - Sewer Construction GL-260-22221 Other Structures - 0899 All Other Fund Spending 7ota1 ENI�NCt�1G PLAN 1995 Combined Sewer Separation Program CPL-C95-2T628 Transfer from CfB -7315 . Capital Fin. from En1. Fd. (Sewer Rsv. Bonds) - 6964 A11 Other Financing Total Current Budget 0 0 46.026.843 46,026,843 0 46.026.843 46,026,643 4,3'11,4�6 15,251,962 21,161.325 40,724,693 Change 33,000 3,013,000 0 3,046,000 3,046,000 0 3,046,000 (200,000) (200,000) 0 (400,000) � L � � � Q Requested by Department of: Financiai Services Office _ By: C�- n- �L�S? __ - Approval Recommended by FSO - Director: Adopted by Councif: Date �a,���� \ Adoption Certified by Council�eta . BY' �`.."� �� . :r f - — Approved by . •.. � -.. �� �. 1 �• �� • rrA: � � -��s tt.7 °I 8 - ` Amended Budget 33,000 3,0'13,000 46 ,026,843 49,072,843 3,046,000 46.026 843 49,�72,843 4,111,406 -15, 051, 962 21,16�,325 40,324,693 _�— .yiMOM. h'�' Return copy to: Real Estate Division 140 City Hall OR1G Presented By Referred To Committee: Date i WFIEREAS, the Ciry of Saint Paul, acting through its Valuation Engineer, has secured an agreement for the purchase 2 of four pazcels of real properry described as follows: a 1. 1692 Hoyt Avenue East - Lot 6, Block 3, Fred S. Hening's Plat 2 a 2. 1685 Hoyt Avenue East - Lot 18, Block 2, Birt's Addition; ; 3. 1681 Montana Avenue East - Lot 17, Block 3, Fred S. Herring's Plat 2; 6 4. 1707 Montana Avenue East - L,ot 22, Block 3, Fred S. Herring's Plat 2; and � WHEREAS, the said properties sustained flood damages during the June 30, 1997 rain stortn and, with 31 other a owners of damaged or endangered properties, the owners petitioned for relief, funding foz such relief, the Hoyt- 9 Montana Flood Remediation Project, is to be State and Federal grants and various City funding sources; and � o WHEREAS, purchase of the said properties was final ordered on July 22, 1998; and ii WHEREAS, the respective negotiated sale prices of the said properties is: �z 1. 1692 Hoyt Avenue East -$88,000.00; is 2. 1685 Hoyt Avenue East -$85,Q00.00; ia 3. 1681 Montana Avenue East -$89,000.�0; is 4. 1707 Montana Avenue East.- $80,000.00; �5 the said sale prices being fair and reasonable value as deterntined by an independent appraiser; and i� WHEREAS, the Valuadon Engineer has recommended the purchase of said properties at the agreed sale prices; is NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the propez City o£ficials are hereby authorized and directed to pay to: 19 zo Z1 u 23 24 25 26 27 zs 29 30 31 1. Alice L. and Philip J. Boileau the sum of $88,000.00; 2. Doslyn Schmidt the sum of $&5,000.00; 3. William L. and Mary Dinwoodie the sum of $84,00�.00; 4. Mazk J. and Rosita C. Kroll the sum of $80,000.00, for the purchase of the said properties, payments to be charged to Activity Code CPL-C98-2B030. RESOLUTION AL ClTY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Council File # f i8' -935 Green Sheet # � � 16 3 Requested by Department of: Technology & Management Services By: `�d������YlC� (� � Director Form Approved by City Attorney � � By: �✓ r/ Q �Y �nnroved�bv Mavor.fvr Submission to Council : Adopted by Council: Date d�� �ti ��5� Adop ion Certified by Co� cil Secretary a ' � BY. � � Y Approved by yo�r: te _ _ 8" — q 5 T.M.S./REAL E5TATE DIVISION Date: Oct 1,1998 Sh t Number: 52163 owa� re.�� rrto� xm,��: 2 FraicTn , n � f 4 crrr comvcu. „o, ,r� Peter White 266-8850 � I 'TY'�Tl'°�Y 'TY�� UDGEl'DIRECTOR FFTCEOFFINANC7AI,SVCS. ne � c�a n� t October 14, 1998 3 YOR (OR eLSSISL OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCA S k' R SIGNAT[7RE) CITON REQDESTED: To authorize the purchase of four properties located on Hoyt and Montana Avenues as part of Phase I of the Hoyt Montaua Flood Remedia6on Project. Ref: 1. Resolufion for consideration; 2. Copy of Final Order, CF# 9&658. , OD4II�'1�ATIONS: APPROVE (eU OR REIBCT PU ERSOrIAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: . Hss iLe petsonlHrm everworked mder a rnrtract forffiis depar��? YF,S NO rs.Aeam+ccoamnssiox g sr.�e Has�ispersoclSa�erer6eenaC&.pe�ployce? YES NO C1VQ.SH&V[CBWaIDS45S[ON . Doev tltis petsodSrm poasess a s1�R not m�aIl9 P��I 69 a¢Y YES NO currert CYty employee? Cm CObi�IITlBE Eaplain aif YEfi answeis on a separate sheet mtd attach UPPORTS WffiCH COIINCII. OBJECTIVE? COUNCQ. WA22D(S� ( DISTRICT 2 PLANNING COLINCII. 1'IlYG PROBI.EM, LSS[7E, OPPORTUNITY (YVho, Whsd, When, WLere, W6y?): Several residents of the area petitioned the City For relief foIIowing the rainstorm and flooding that occurred on June 30,1997. YANTAGES IF APPROVED: Tfiese properties and others will be demotished to provide a dry pond to alleviate future �tooding. ' ^F F ISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: None �JCT Q 6 lggg ��ifiYQe�`5 OFFlC� ISADVANI'AGES IF NOT APPROVF.D: These properties would remain vulnerabie to flooding during heavy rainstorms, and would impede implementation of the Hoyt-Montana Flood Remediation Projec� OTAL AMOIINT OF TRANSACTION: �4 �'�����'FNIJE Bi7DGETED (C4(CLE ONL� YFS NO sTCSOUxre: CPIrC9&2B030 ACfIV1TYNIJMBER t•, '. �_- >,'�,.,,..., :.'i iw±'S�e, :.'3 „-'-i AN!'f�IL INFORMATTON: (EXPLAIN) z°;�����j ✓`� . C.f . e.��'':� oR�G�Na� Presenied By: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA q� —�c35 Council Fiie # �_^ �Sb^ GreenSheet� 6'174? �� Referred To: Committee: Date s z 3 4 5 6 � 8 9 io i� u 13 }4 �s 16 i7 78 19 zo z� z2 23 za 2s 26 z7 2a 29 30 31 J2 33 aa 35 36 37 38 39 ao 41 WHERFAS, the HoytlMontana neighborhood on the City's East Side suffered a devastating flash flood as a result of the Ju�y 'I, 'f 997 storm and was subsequently designated a Federal disaster area; and WHEREAS, aRer many years of large financial expenditures by the City trying to resolve this flooding problem unsuccessfully with piping solutions; and, WHEREAS, the HoyUMontana �lood Remediation Task Force's recommendation to remove and/or demolish 34 homes and construct a dry basin holding pond was accepted by the Mayor; and, WHEREAS, the City will proceed to do the project in three phases: Phase I is acquisition, Phase Il is demolition, and Phase III is contruction of the dry basin holding pond; and WHEREAS, the State DNR has committed up to 51.7 million to the City of Saint Paul tor this purpose; and WHEREAS, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has committed 5570,000 to the City of Saint Paul for this purpose; and WHEREAS, the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency has committed 5125,000 for this purpose; and WHEREAS, over the length of the who�e project (not just Phase !) the City must provide a match of 100% (.�1.7 miliion ) to the DNR grant, and a 25°la match (S190,000) to the FEMA grant if it expends these funds; and WHEREAS, some in-kind City services, such as staff time administering the project, wiU be allowed as part of the Gity's share of the match; WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.04 of the City Charter, recommends the fol4owing changes to the 199B operafing budget for Phase f(Acquisition and Demolition) of the project; now THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of the Mayor and advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the 1998 Operating and Capital Improvement Budgets, as hereto(ore adopted and amended by this Council, are hereby further amended in the following particulars: Current Amended Budyet Change Budget az 43 e< <s �NANCING PLAN Hoyt-Montana Flood Remediation - Phase I CPL-C96-2B030 State Natural Resource Funds (DNR Grant) - 3408 Other Fed. Dir. Grants-State (FEMA Grant) - 3199 Other State Grants (MHFA Grant) - 3490 Transfer from Enterprise Fund (Sewer Fund) - 7302 1993 Ci8 Bonds {1993 Council Gontingency) CIB Bonds (1995 CSSP Program) Sewer Revenue Bonds (1995 CSSP Progrem) Tokal as a� 48 -09 so 51 52 sa SPEND{NG_PLAN Hoyt-Montana Flood Remediation - Phase I CPl-C98-2B030 AcquisitioniRelocation Demofition Utility Abandonment EngineeringlContingency � � � 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 � 1,700,000 57�,0�� � 2$,��� 33,000 2 � 8, ��� 200,000 2�� ��0 3,046,000 2,436,000 330,000 80,000 2�� ��� �i nna nnn 1, 700, OOC �J�Q��� 125,OOC 33,OOC 2� 8,00( 200, 00 i 20Q 00; 3,046, 2,436,flC 330,OC SO,OC 200 OC 3.0 � 56 57 58 59 60 67 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 vo » �s n �a 7s 76 n 7e 79 eo 81 ORIGINAL FINAN�J.e1G�L.4N Department of Public Works Sewer Utifity Enterprise Fund - Sewer Construction GL-260-22221 Use of Retained Earnings - 9925 Confributed Capital - 9930 AII Other Fund Financing Total SPEIJDING PL.�N Depar[ment of Public Works Sewer Utility Enterprise Fund - Sewer Construction GL-260-22221 Other Structures - 0899 All Other Fund Spending 7ota1 ENI�NCt�1G PLAN 1995 Combined Sewer Separation Program CPL-C95-2T628 Transfer from CfB -7315 . Capital Fin. from En1. Fd. (Sewer Rsv. Bonds) - 6964 A11 Other Financing Total Current Budget 0 0 46.026.843 46,026,843 0 46.026.843 46,026,643 4,3'11,4�6 15,251,962 21,161.325 40,724,693 Change 33,000 3,013,000 0 3,046,000 3,046,000 0 3,046,000 (200,000) (200,000) 0 (400,000) � L � � � Q Requested by Department of: Financiai Services Office _ By: C�- n- �L�S? __ - Approval Recommended by FSO - Director: Adopted by Councif: Date �a,���� \ Adoption Certified by Council�eta . BY' �`.."� �� . :r f - — Approved by . •.. � -.. �� �. 1 �• �� • rrA: � � -��s tt.7 °I 8 - ` Amended Budget 33,000 3,0'13,000 46 ,026,843 49,072,843 3,046,000 46.026 843 49,�72,843 4,111,406 -15, 051, 962 21,16�,325 40,324,693 _�— .yiMOM. h'�'