90-1869 O R I G I 1 Y�A L � fI ,� Council File # �� `._..__ , I Gr,�een Sheet # a,� ' RESOLUTION CI�Y OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By %' �Y r - Referred To Comnittee: Date _________________� ___ _________________________________________�________________________ i Whereas, Do� d arrington made application to the Board of Zoning Appeals for a variance from the strict appli atio of the provisions of the Saint Paul Zoning Cade for property located at 1356 Galtier Stree east side between Cottage and the railroad tracks), legally described as Lot 10, Block 5, Rice Stre�t Vill s Subdivision; and Whereas, Th u ose of the application was to vary the standards of the Zoning Code so as to construct a deta� ed o car garage in the front yard; and Whereas, Th� oa d of Zoning Appeals conducted a public hearing on August 21, 1990 and September 11, 199b, aft having provided notice to affected property owners, and the Board, by its Resolution number 0-1 1„ decided to deny the application based on the following findings and conclusions: 1. The pr per lacks an alley access and there is insufficient space on either side of the house fo�+ dri eway to the rear yard. In addition, the grade differences between the applicant's pro erty and the property to the north make the possibility of obtaining an access eas�e en to the rear yard of the applicant impractical. The applicant has also indicated tha�t he eighbor to the north has no interest in providimg such an easement to the applica�t. 2. The ap�lica t has lived with front yard parking since he acquired the property; the previous owne als had front yard parking. The applicant has indicated that neighboring property owr�e s d not wish to have an alley put in to reach their properties since they do not wish to pay fo an improvement that will only increase their taxes. The applicant also lost about six fee�t ro the front of the property due to the widening of Galtier. These circumstances er not created by the land owner. 3. Even t oug t the applicant and the previous owner have parked vehicles in the required front yar for several years, parking in a required front yard is generally not acceptable. T all w the construction of a two car garage and legalize such activity conflicts with the spirit and intent of the zoning code which currently prohi'�its it. 4. The ap lic Ys proposal for a two car detached garage in the front yard will be partially buffe ed rom the property to the north by the difference'' in grade with this property. This proposal �ho ld not impair an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property. However, th� ons ruction of a two car garage in the required front yard may have some detrimental i pac s on the essential character of the surrounding area. This proposal also could unreaso�abl diminish established property values within the surrounding area. I ���-i��9 0 R I G�.�{�APL� � � etac ed o car garage is allowed in an R-4 zoning district with appropriate setbacks. Su� an ccessory use is allowed in the required front yard with a variance. The proposed gara e s ould not alter or change the zoning classificatian of the property. , 6. The req,luest for variance is not based primarily on a desire to increase the value or income potent�al o the parcel of land. Whereas, Pu�ts ant to the provisions of Section 64.205, Donald Harrington duly filed with the City Clerk an appe' fro the determination made by the Board of Zonling Appeals, requesting that a hearing be held b fore the City Council for the purpose of considering the actions taken by the said Board; and Whereas, Acti g p rsuant to Sections 64.205 through 64.208, and upon notice to affected parties a public he� 'ng as duly conducted by the City Council on October 9, 1990 where all interested parties w re g ven an opportunity to be heard; and Whereas, Th� ou cil, having heard the statements made, and having considered the variance application, the repqrt o staff, the record, minutes and resolution of the Board of Zoning Appeals, does hereby ' Resolve, Tha� he ouncil of the City of Saint Paul does hereby reiverse the decision of the Board of Zoning A� eal in this matter, based on the following findings of the Council: That the findi g n mber 3 made by the Board of Zoning Appeals was in error, in that the proposed aria ce is in keeping with the spirit and intent of the code, and that there was insuffici�,n evi ence to establish that the variance, if granted, would be inconsistent with the heal� , sa ety, comfort, morals and welfare of the inhabit�nts of the City of Saint Paul. ' Further Resol�ted, at the appeal of Donald Harrington be and is hereby granted; and, be it Finally Resolw d, at the City Clerk shall mail a copy of this resolution to Donald Harrington, the Zo� 'ng dministrator, Planning Commission and Board of Zoning Appeals. __________________'_ ___ _________________________________________;__________________________ --------------- - --- - ------ --------- Yeas Na s Absent Requested by Department of: Dimon Goswitz Lon Macca ee Rettman T une Wi son BY� , V _________________ ___ __________________ p y 0 CT 2 3 1990 Form A ro ed by Ci ty Attorney Ado ted b Council: D te Adoption Certified by ouncil Secretary BY: r BY° AppFoved by Mayor for Submission to Approved b�, Mayor: D te ���+� N'�, `:� ���� Co ci , �'' ���.i../: ��j(�,,��.l By: BY� v` , PU�F'S��r� . - .. 1990 . --�o-��� DEPAHTMENTlOFFlCE/�UNqL DATE INITIATED � City Clerk�s of �e GREEN SHEE Na 216 OONTACT PERSON 6 PHONE �N�� ����A� �OEPApTMENT DIRECTOR �qTY COUNpL A1 Ol son 4 1 Nu�� �qTy ATTORNEY �CITY CLERK MUBT BE ON COUNGL A(iENDA BY ROUTN��i �SUDQET OIRECTOR �FIN.d MOT.BERVICES DIR. �MAYOR(OR ASSI8TAN � TOTAL�OF SIGNATURE P S (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SK3NATURE� ACTION REQUEBTED: Resolution granti the appeal of Donald Harrington to a decisio of the Board of Zoning Appeals to allo r ons ruction of a two car garage in front yar . RECOAAMENOATIONS:Approve pq w (Fry COUNCIL COMMI7TEE/RESEARCH I�PORT _PUWNING�MMISSION qVIL RVICE COMMISSION ��Y� PNONE NO. _p8 COMMITfEE _STAFF COMMENT8: —DIBTRICT COURT BUPPORTS WHICH COUNqL OBJECTI INRWTINO PROBLEM,188UE,OPPOR ITY ,Whst,When,Whsro,Whyg Resolution req e te by Council confirming action taken an Pu �lic Hearing held October 9, 1 0. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: DI3ADVANTAOEB IF NOT APPROVED: a;�r��:; �;;:��:���c�� �;:����r. t,��i �� i�9_0 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRAN8A COST/REVENUE BUDGIETED(q ONE) YES NO FUNDINO SOURCE ACTIVtTY NUMBER FiNANCIAL INFORMATION;(IXPWI� NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INq.UDED IN THE(iREEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAI MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASiNG OFFICE(PHONE NO.298-4225). ROUTING ORDER: Below are preferred routings for the flve moat frequent types of documenta: CONTRACTS (assurt�s authorized COUNCIL RESOLUTION (Amend, Bdgts.! budget exists) Accept.Grar�ts) 1. Outside Agency 1. DepartmeM Director 2. Initiating DepaRmeM 2. Budget Director - 3. Ciry Attorney 3. City Attomey 4. Mayor 4. MayoNAasistant 5. Flnance&Mgmt S1res. Director 5. Ciry Council 6. Finance Accounting 6. Chief Accourrtant, Fln 8�Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget COUNCIL RESOLUTION (all others) Revlsion) and ORDINANCE 1. Activity Manager 1. Initiating DepertmeM Director 2. DepartmeM Accountant 2• City Attorney 3. DepartmeM Director 3. Mayor/Asaistant 4. Budget Director 4. Cfty Councll 5. City Clerk ' 6. Chief Accountant, Fin&Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all others) 1. Initiating Department 2. Gry Attomey 3. MayoNAssistant 4. City Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SIC3NATURE PA(3ES Indicate the#of pages on which signatures are required and pe�erc�li each of these p8ges• ACTION REQUESTED Describe what the projecUrequest seeks to accomplish in either chronologi- cal order or order of importance,whichever is moat appropriate Mr the issue. Do not write�mplete aentences. Begin each item in your Iiat wfth a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete if the issue in question has been presertted before any body, public or private. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNGL OBJECTIVE? Indicate which Council objective(s)your proJecUrequest suppoRs by 8sting the key Nrord(s)(HOUSINO, RECREATION, NEI(iHBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDCiET, SEWER SEPARATION). (SEE COMPLETE UST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNCIL COMMITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL AS REGIUE3TED BY COUNCIL INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY Explain the skuation or condiGons that created a need for your project or request. ADVANTA(3ES IF APPROVED Indicate whether this is simply an annual budget procedure required by law/ charter or whether there are specific wa in which the Gy of Saint Paul and its cltizens wiil benefk from this pro�e t/action. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED What negative effects or major changes to existing or past processes might this projecUrequest produce if it is paseed(e.g.,traf('ic delays, noi�, tax increases or assessments)�To Whom?When?For how long? DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED What will be the negetive consequences if the promised action is not approved? Inebiliry to deliver service?Continued high traffic, noise, accident rate7 Loss of revenue? FINANCIAL IMPACT ARhough you must tailor the information you provide here to the issue you are addressing, in general you muat answer two questions: How mnch is it going to cost?Who is going to payT . � � �-y�.-/�'(�� ''.. +p1T!p� ,�4 �r I O M , • �{�'�����' •Y . ,► AO • ��•• RECEIVED �oF�PA�. o�Tll��o �����o�� �r��r C1TY CLE.�K 6a���y�u �-s�i DATE: Oc�C be 9, 1990 TO: Ci� C erk FROM: JeY y egal � RE: Do ld Harrington 1356 Galtier BZA Appeal Co ci Hearing October 9, 1990 Attac ed is the requested Council resolut�on granting the appeal of on ld Harrington to allow him to construct a two car garage in he required front yard of his property at the above address. ' �'I i I , , I � i �� ���� � . _`_.6°��TT�o;:;., CITY OF SAINT PAUL =R�' �:�':. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT >. z�-_ �° � -'; DIVISION OF PLANNI�G ~`•..� 'jjjl�j j,�ill C" j 25 West Fourth Stree�5aint Paul,Minnesota 5�102 �0 ^_ � 612-228-3270 '''> >e a• - / Fax:612-228-3220 �..�_y.-sc°� � � J.-��tES�CHEfBEt " �t Al OR i September 25, 990 , � Albert Olsan, ity Clerk Room 386, G�ity Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 RE: Zoni g File #90-228 Cit Council Hearing: October 9, 1990 PURPOSE: Aipp al of tne BZA decision to deny a 24 foot front yard � et ack variance and a variance to build an accessory ���tr cture in the required front yard in order to Ic�on truct a detached two car garage in the front yard. � ' STAFF REC E DATION: Deny SUPPORT: ! is rict 6 Community Council OPPOSITION: None Dear Sir: � I On August �1, 1990 ar.3 September 11, 1990 the Bo�ird of Zoning Appeals he d ublic hearings on these requested variances. The applicant �as not present. At the close of the public hearing, the BZA voted 7 to 0 to deny the requested variances. This appeal i scheduled to be heard by the City Council on October 9, 19 0. Please notify me by October 5, 1990, if any member of tthe City Ccuncil wishes to have slides of the site presented �t he pub_ic hearing. I Sinc;erely' ' � % � , / �_- ����� ;�, .('��'��""�,,� � Peggy A. R ic ert Deputy Dir ct r for =lanning PAR/j pd Attachmentl cc: Mayor Sc eibel � g� --1��� APPLICATION FOR APPE L ZONING OFFICE USE ONLY CITY OF SAINT PAUL n � Fi le � `7� � �� I Application Fee S waivz�-� l�'�'�-�-� � ' Tentative Hearing Date `� ��`� i = Application is here!b ma e for an Appeal to the � ~ � under the provisionis of hapter 64, Section to appeal a decision mad by the , _ ��: A. APPELLAN7 � �'�' � Name . Address < < B. DECISION BEING AN� EA ED Zoning file name ' e - Property Address�/Loc tion � � �� � Legal descripti'o� C� � � ��OC � ��CtS � b " � 1 � C. GROUNDS FOR APPE�IL (Use additional sheets if necessary. ) (txplain why yqulfe 1 there has been an error in any requirement, permit, decision or refusal made by n administrative official, or an error in fact, procedure or finding made by the Bo��'d o Zoning Appeals or the Planning Commission.) rn 1� I 11 � :(' �1." I Y� G�. � , � �� � hEi n � � r, � If you have any qu�sti ns, please contact: �'2r�=�-��11 - ti--- Applicant's signatur,e St. Paul Zoni�g ffice 1100 City H�ll A nex �"\ 25 West Fourt S reet � �'� I�9c� , � ```'��`— Saint Paul , i inr sota 55102 te City agent (298-4154) I 9/82 il � qo-1��� , CITY OF; AI T PAUL BOARD F ONING APPEALS RESOLUTION ZONING �IL NUMBER: 9o-�ai DATE: ��gusc z�, t990 WHEREAS,I ona d Harrington has applied for a variance from che strict appiication of the provision of Sections 61.101 and 62.107 (2) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to the onstruction of a detached two car garage in the required front yard in the R-4 zoning di trict; and WHEREAS, t�e S int Paul Board of Zoning Appeals conducted a public hearing on August 21, 1 90, ursuant to said appeal in ac�ordance with the requirements of Section 62.204 of the Leg slative Code; and i WHEREAS; �he S int Paul Board of Zoning Appeals based upon evidence presented at the public heari g, a substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following findings of fact: I. The prb erty in question cannot be put to a reasonable use under the strict provisions of the c de. The prp erty lacks an alley access and there is insufficient space on either side of the house fo a riveway to the rear yard. In addition, the grade differences between the applican 's p operty and the property to the north make the possibility of obtaining an accesS eas ment to the rear yard of the applicant impractical. The applicant has also in�i�cate that the neighbor to the north has no interest in providing such an easeme� to he applicant. 2. The plig;ht o the land owner is due to circumstances unique to his property, and these cir�cum tances were not created by the land owner. The applica t has lived with front yard parking since he acquired the property; the previou� ow er also had front yard parking. The applicant has indicated that neighbp ing roperty owners do not wish to have an alley put in to reach their properti s si ce they do not wish to pay for an improvement;,that will only increase their ta es. he applicant also lost about six feet from the front of the property due to the widen ng of Galtier. These circumstances were not created by the land owner. 3. The pro�ose variance is not in keeping with the spirit and intent of the code, and is inconsistent ith the health, safety, comfort, morals and welfare of the inhabitants of the City, of t. Paul. Even t'h�ugh the applicant and the previous owner have parked vehicles in the require fro yard for several years, parking in a required front yard is generally not acceptable. o allow the construction of a two car garage and legalize such activity confliCt� wi h the spirit and intent of the Zoning Code which currently prohibits it. � 4. The propose variance will not impair an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property�, bu may alter the essential character of the surrounding area or unrea�opabl diminish established property values within the surrounding area. I - ; �� -���� _ Filc #90-18f i Pagc Two The appl�cant s proposal for a two car detached garage in the front yard will be partiall�+ �buf red from the property to the north by the difference in grade with this property.IT'hi proposal should not impair an adequate supply 'oF light and air to adjaccnt prop rty. However, the construction of a two car garage in the required front y�r�d m y have some detrimental impacts on the essentia,l character of the surrounding rea. This proposal also could unreasonabty diminish established property Ivalu s within the surrounding area. 5. The vari�nce if granted, would not permit any use that is not permitted under the provision� of the code for the property in the district where t�e affected land is located, clor ould it alter or change the zoning district classification of the property. A detached t o car garage is allowed in an R-4 zoning district with appropriate setbacks. Suc an accessory use is allowed in the required front yard with a variance. The proplosed garage should not alter or change the zoning classification of the property.� 6. The request or variance is not based primarily on a desire to increase the value or income poten ial of the parcel of land. I NOW, THE� FO E, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals that the applicati n t waive the provisions of Sections 61.101 and 62.107 (2) be hereby denied on property ocat d at 1356 Galtier Street and legally described as Lot 10, Block 5, Rice Street Villais ISub ivision; in accordance with the application for variance and the site plan on file Iwith the Saint Paul Planning Division. ' MOVED� �Y: �vtaddox ' SECON[��D BY: Zimniewicz IN FAVO�: AGAINS'1�: o MAILED: � � TIME LIhi No order of the Board of Zoning Appeals permitting the erection or alteration of a building or off-street parking facility shall be valid for a period longer than one year, unless a building permit for such erection or alteration is obtained within such period and such erection or alteration is proceeding pursuant to the terms of such permit. The Board of Zoning Appeals or the City Council may graat an extension aot to exceed one year. In granting such exteasion, the Board of Zoning Appeals may decide to hold a public I hearing. _ . _ .. . I � , � z� -��� � Fite #90•I81 � � Pagc Three , APPEAL: Decisions of the Board of Zoniag Appeals are (inal subject to appeal to the City Council within 15 days by anyone affected by ', the decision. Building permits shall not be issued after an appeal �' has been filed. If permits have been issued before an appeal has been filed, then the permits are suspended apd constructioo shall cease until the City Council has made a fin�il determination of the appeal. ERTIFI � I, the uadersigned Secretary to the Board of Zoeing Appeals for the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy with the original record in my office; and find the same to be a true and correct copy of said original and I of the whole thereof, as based on appror�ed minutes of the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals meeting held on (date) 1990 and on record in the Saint Paul Planning Division Office, 25 West Fourth Street, Saint Paul, htinnesota. SAINT PAUL BOARD GiF ZONING APPEALS � -- � --------- Sec tary to the Board , I 'i I I I ' _ ', � �� - 1 ���9 BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS STAFF REPORT 1. APPLICANT: Donal Harrington FILE # 90-181 2. CIASSIFICAT,I�N: inor Variance DATE OF HEARING: August 21, 1990 3. LOCATION: '1 56 altier Street (East side between Cottage & RR tracks) 4. LEGAL DESCR'I TIO : Lot 10, Block 5, Rice Street Villas Subdivision 5. PLANNING DIS RIC : 6 6. PRESENT ZONI G: -4 ZONING CODE REFERENCE: Sections 61.101, 62.107 (2) 7. STAFF INVEST GA ION AND REPORT: DATE: August 14, 1990 BY: Marv Bunnell I _ -- -- - �� _ —a _- ���- _—-- —_���-�___- -_- �_- A. PURPOSE: To con truct a detached two car garage in the front yard. B. ACTION RE E TE : Two variances: A 24' front yard setback variance, a 1' front yard setback re uested, a 25' front yard setback required; and a variance �o b ild an accessory structure in the required front yard, requesting f�ron yard construction of the garage, no accessory structures or uses allowedl in front yards. C. SITE AND C NDITIONS: Lot size is 5,527.6 square feet (including 1/2 of the platted al e ) . The lot slopes down about 4-5 feet to Galtier. A bituminous parking pad is ocated in the front yard of the lot; the applicant parks his vehicle ther . he applicant has a 4 foot high retaining wall with planter along the norther pr perty line in the front yard. The applicaMt's house is located about 4 feet fr m the northern property line and about 8 �eet from the southern property li e. he applicant's house is located about 52 feet from the house of his norther ne ghbor and about 12 feet from the house of his southern neighbor. The propert ha no alley access in the rear of the property even though an alley R.0 4l.', ex sts there. Surrounding Lan Use: Single family residential D. BACKGROUND: Th applicant plans to store two vehicles in the proposed two car garage as well s have a workbench along the eastern wall of the garage. The applicant has i dicated that vehicles have parked in front of the house for many years, since be ore he acquired the property. E. FINDINGS: , 1. The pr�'p rt in question cannot be put to a reasonable use under the strict provis�io s of the code. The prb ert lacks an alley access and there is insufficient space on either side of he ouse for a driveway to the rear yard. In ,addition, the grade differen es etween the applicant's property and the pxoperty to the north make thelpo sibility of obtaining an access easement to the rear yard of the applican�t i practical. The applicant has also indicated that the neighbor to the nort� h s no interest in providing such an easement to the applicant. I � �o����q File # 90-181 ' Page Two ,I 2. The plight o the land owner is due to circumstances unique to his property, and thes� ci cwnstances were not created by the land owner. The app ica t has lived with front yard parking since he acquired the property th previous owner also had front yard parking. The applicant has indicate th t neighboring property owners do not wish to have an alley put in to reach heir properties since they do not wish to pay for an improvem nt hat will only increase their taxes. The applicant also lost about si fe t from the front of the property due to the widening of Galtier,. The e circumstances were not created by the land owner. 3. The prop se variance is not in keeping with the spirit and intent of the code, an is inconsistent with the health, safety, comfort, morals and welfare f e inhabitants of the City of St. Paul. Even ugh the applicant and the previous owner have parked vehicles in the requir�d fr n yard for several years, parking in a required fron yard is generall n t acceptable. To allow the construction of a two car garage and legalize su activity conflicts with the spirit and intent of the Zoning Code whi h urrently prohibits it. 4. The pr�pose variance will not impair an adequate supply of light and air to adjace� pr perty, but may alter the essential character of the surrounding area o� nr asonably diminish established property values within the surroun ing area. The applic t's proposal for a two car detached garage in the front yard will be ;par ially buffered from the property to the north by the difference in grad wi h this property. This proposal should not impair an adequate supply' f 1 ght and air to adjacent property. However the construction of a two car gar ge in the required front yard may have so�►e detrimental impacts on the sse tial character of the surrounding area. �his proposal also could unrea onable diminish established property values within the surrounding area. S. The vaXi�anc , if granted, would not permit any use that is not permitted under t e p ovisions of the code for the property in the district where the affecte la d is located, nor would it alter or chang� the zoning district classif cat on of the property. A detaahed two car garage is allowed in an R-4 zoning district with appropX�ate setbacks. Such an accessory use is allowed in the required front yard w' h a variance. The proposed garage should not alter or change the zoning� las ification of the property. 6. The req est for variance is not based primarily on a desire to increase the value o in ome potential of the parcel of land. � F. STAFF RECI EN TION: Based on findings 3 and 4, staff recommends denial of the variance. I , � � � �'� zoN i Nc BoaRO �U - I�� �v �l��� APPLICATION FOR ZONING Q�ROINANCE VARIANCE CITY Of$AINT iAUt I 0 l 5 7 2 , /� ( � � ' A VARIANCE OF Z'ONING CODE CNAPTER �l/� ,$ECTION /� � PARAGRAPH \ , IS REQUESTEO IN CONFORMITY WITH THE POWERS VESTEO IN THE BOAfiD OF 20NING AP- ' PEALS TO PERMIT THE ��� ����`�f-�- ON VROPERTV OESCRIBED BE�OW. A. Applicanc; NAME: LiORa�� R • �rr ���TO/1 7/L • ADDRESS � '��� G�.����r S-1 ' OAYTIME TELEPHONE NO. cZ��o 'C'1 3� �f �Sa�0.k�p CODE ���� 7 1. Property interest of applicant: (owner,contract purchaser,etc.) ' Q Wh�✓S I 2. Name of owner {if d�fferent) 5.,�v 4 � �0 n Gc �� ��"r'� 1�c-'n J !I B. Property Description: ADDRESS �%L j� �"�:' �� • � � ^� / �^� 1. Logal descripUOn: �OT BLOC�K ADD. � ' ,i �( f a _ ' .., h�' z. �ot s�Ze: - `' -t� � � �, � , 3. Present Use �i vF �� Present Zoning Dist. � �I C. Reasons for Request: � � i� 1. ProPOSed use ��L�+� �," �r`_� . v (CeG G-�, .�-u�� �� -•_� y �,�f} ��� l i 2. What phys�cal characteristics of the property prevent�ts be�ng used for any of the perm:tted uses in your zone? (topography,soil conditio(n's'�,s�ze and shape of�ot,etc.) � -f-' �a � C�'`.L v� . �%�-.�L /� � 3. State the spec fic variation requested,giving dista�ces wt+ere appropriate. ; �.� ' - �'ro�c �/A�� u�Qi A��E_.. i 4: Expla�n how your case co�forms to each of the fpllowing: a. Thac the stnct application of the provisions of 2he Zoning Ordiance would result e :ecui�ar ', or exceptional practical difficulties,or except�onal undue hardships. '� �L� � _ . _ _..-, I ! - _ CASHIEiiS t1SE ONLY " - " I o. T'�at the grantfng of a variance will _ - - ^ot be a substantial detriment to I - I �ublic good or a substantial fmpair- � ' ment ot tne intent and purpose of ' ;he Zoning Ordinance. ! ; � . . " �' � ' � � — i ' I I i ! NOTE: 'HIS'NILL NOT BE PROCESSED WITHOUT A COMPLETE SITE PLAN! , � ' ' Sionatur? .� �'! '� - ' ' ^' � -' - --, "'� / ---f � ,,:'l' " �ate�ece�vec •�/� �� � � ,'i I �� �/ �`� � i ;.;�en��d �, r r,�n �!?• ,, � ��I I 3 56 �i (.1;c� s�'� ;,; _ ��� „Is-�- a I n� W . ss�� � ' , � � ;; : , � S,� � �- �tv��+'�s p r-�tr-�-u� �, ..; ;;� �,.�„�. o.�, . a cc�ss �d �_ b�-� ' Qr� � ��: � 1 � � a ' e ,'L 1 3 ah Q��..t-�J ��o �+� �i11cQ `F'�- ��0�1''*� �;: b„�-�- I , �— �rc�P�r�-�� G �n-�.r3 da�`-f- wtic+ -fv �c�--+�-` �i� i w.p�p d ��e l�.q � 6r-�y b�.� �' lu!�� �e n►�� �-t-�� 1 J I . �-�,�� � t�; i.� �o� b-� or�.r s��?s ��.-�-� s c{' 13.5`� - �� I.�,—�.r h�.s b-�. w:��� i��� p�s� -�.�: dVl6�, S t,� ����- �Go� A t —�i..c-r� � r�c�—c..w p-� V �qV � l,�.°� `�-�.c- C�-1�.�-e. U.-�� y �U,-�p ./e►1"� r�s1.. 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COMO ' 11 , HAP1LINE-MI DWAY 12. ST. ANTHOMY 13. "1ERRIAM PK.-LEXINGTON HAMLI��E-5"JELLING HAMLINE � 14. GROVELAND-MACALESTER � ?5. HIGHLAND 16. SUMMIT HILL � �'' �-- ; "' - a ' � .-�, 17. DOWNTOWN ; - � f� � � �O�'ZZQ ` --�_ I i i/ _ _ I . , . r. ..�i .. '.. .. �.�. � •� . '� : . , _ ,,. � K � ' . '.. . _ - .... ... r� . � J . . ._ _�.. .k . � .k � ��Vrn-r_ . �. . .. .... � . . -� . � � � � i �--y' , j - � ... -� � '_y.+.. �T, . ` �� ,.. . " . � . � cw .._ a_� ,..., i .... � y �, °' � :� . � _�� , �, "" . ! � � � � . • � - . � .. � ... y� . � __ .. ' ' � � y � � : � � �- � � y -�,•Ir ^ .. __ _i_ ..'� � I I` !, , . ___ tf�1r "� i. .�+ _ .1 �.�.- . r `•.. ....' . I 'I !� I y ,-1 � �' ; ...� . �'4°' r 9 ^�I� I � � � '��� 3 � 5 �' I � __ ? i, I __ _ • �r.���''' � _ . r r o ft •�` �..c• , _— � +m—��- — �;r .• , . ., "- � �I ' � •� _� i p � X � ' � ' - �--� f�f _�, . ' . 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' _ Q n(. � . � � f- �- _ �- �_ -� � o d p ___ � � — �__ _ _ _, � pL O , � � C � �- � ' � � � .p. 6 � O � --; � ; � _ ~ r-- � � O - E G- - O O ; p O . __ �� _` _ � � � � � c- - 0 G , r�� 0 C ' �� � ' RA�✓C�C ; I _ .�. ,. ��_ �--��� > � � �6 � ` ' s � � _ . . .� � t�� I -6- �; �= � � - � C - - -- '' O O ` O ' O �- � � -: '-� O�' ! , 'a � O --, . i �O �I � LEGEND � APPLICANT , PURPOSE �„ , ' ` �. zoning district boundary j i FILE # a� - 22� DATE $� � 9d � subjed property �h � PLNG. DIST � MAP # � � One i3fhily • • ^ COmmetC:c: I � � two farr'tily ♦ �� industr;a� j SCALE i" = 2F�� ' �� ��Q muftiplefamily V vacant I _ _�,��_l�sC�� ��0 .___. $�tTY �F � CITY OF SAINT PAUL �� ° DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT w � � ° " '� DIVISION OF PLANNING � ����1,��'�� C 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 � h 612-228-3270 18• Fax:612-228-3220 JAMES SCHEIBEL MAYOR ���CIVEI7 September 18, 19 0 SEPl 91990 , �' �f CLERK Mr. Albert B.� O1 on, City Clerk Room 386, City H 11 Saint Paul, Minn sota 55102 Dear Mr. Ols n: This letter s w itten to confirm the hearing date for: Applica�nt: Donald Harrington File Ntwnbe : 90-228 Purpose: Appeal the decision of the Board of Zoning Appeals Legalii esc iption of Property: 1356 Galtier Street ' East side bet. Cottage & RR Tracks Previo s A tion: P1� in Division Recommendation: Zoni g ommittee Recommendation: Boar�d o Zoning Appeal: Denied, vote: 7-0, 9-11-90 In order to alllo time for the mailing of appropriate noti�es, please schedule the hearing dlate as soon as possible after 10�1sY'90. Our preference would be 10-11-90. ' q ! I will phone you within the next few days for schedule confirmation. Sincerely, , ���' / G�� Daniel K. Baiy rs (3390) ' 0 JL( Zoning Secti;o� � 1 �� � cc: File # 901-22 Tanya ' i � --., ��- /��'� � � � � August '14, 1990 i Ne i ghbors�: ; Don & Sa a Harrington of 1356 Galtier St . are s'eekin� your app oval and support for a garage to be erected in front of their home at the above mentioned address . We are staying 6 feet off the property lines on both the north an so th property boundaries . The gara e ill be built to blend in with the diesign of our hous a d be built by a professional contral,ctor so that theiproject should take a minimal amount of time to complate . Taking this into consideration, we are hopin� that you will support our project . Please � ' gn the attached petition if you have no problems or comp]; i,n.ts with ou.r builc�i.n; a much needed �Iarage . Thank Y4 I , Don & Sa a arrington i i , il , I i , - ���- /��� �- . , . , PLEASE $IGN ELOW IF YOU HAVE NO OB�TECTIONS TO OUR GARAGE BEING ER CT IN THE FRONT YARD AT 1356 GALTIER ST �, N _ ADDRESS 1 . ` �jp` 2. `� � G� � j. A :1 \ ! . y� 3, �-_- � ;`v\�.,�, ,.� <<�'-� . i i ' 4. .� ` ' t ` ,r'; �- 5. �3 s" ' /c.� 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. THANf� xUU EiG�ilv �i��Z Yt)UR SUPPOit�: I i I , I , , � i � � ; � ��, -��� � Au ust 1� 990 g , To Whom �t a Concern: y We Terri Sw' ndel. ls and Lisa Legg of 1352 Galtier St . do not care , to give permission to Donald & Sara H�rrington of 1356 al ier St . to purchase or use a portion of our property fo the purpose of an easement so that they could install ' d iveway on the south side of their 1}ouse to reach a ar �e in their backyard . Our two houses are close to et er and we believe that a driveway would cause to much, oi e driving in and backing out . �� � .�..--°^.. :�'"'��l.0 Terri Sw nd lls � isa Leg j � � i i I , � �-��� g '�� August 1'� , 990 To Whom �. t ay Concern: � . I Jeff Cbnl n of 1368 Galtier St . do not wish to give Donald & ' Sa a Harrington of 1356 Galtier St . my permission to use o$� p rchase my property for an easement so that they cou�d nstall a driveway on the north side of their house to be used to reach a garage in their backyard . My famil a d I use our yard for many outdoor activities and we �v 11 not give up a portion of our yard plus two ful. ly gr wn trees just so a driveway can be put through. Jeff Co� in � ' iU\, , ' " '' ,I I i . � ; �� N � l C� �� , -� , ,� � � , ; � c� � � � c — �� � , ... � � ,: � — — �, "� � W . � � �,: p ... � _ - 3 �1 c 0 9 .� � � — - � � � � � _ � 3 � _ _ � , ,� . . � T � + � � , �. T _. ,/� � --� � - , -� � . � � � . - � Z � � �' , C� y � � Z a � � �n c -s --� a � v `.-} ? a �' O � C N v�i c�D a -� � � (D � !D � '� ' . �. �. � �p d � �p � n.r .� �p ',1 -v v �N � � -f m w a � � -� c�. J• O V1 V� � � �W c+ G. � < l/� �O fD �' — � � p �tn N N !D O "s � � � �. � � ' a o�+ c� � � a �n c+ o+ c+ , o, � p�c � cu o w '� - ���* w • • N �;°' a "� °'� � I � -n� � v' w � cD < ° � r.�. .r.-s c v� �n v� m ,� . p -Jv � * z Q fD N 7C" F (D �' • � ►v mOO�N 7 n -+. fD � O n 2 � � ? C � t�)� N O � '�'1 'S c+ -h '�i - fD � .. {� .../.fp f�7 3 c+ -- —I„ O � (D O a �. 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CI's�' / RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)w Reject R) COUNCIL COMMITTEElRESEARCH REPORT OPTION _PLANNING COMMISSION _ VIL SE VICE COMMISSION A�YST Ij PHONE NO. _qB COMMITTEE _; -STAFF ' COMMENTS: _DISTRICT CAURT _ ' - SUPPORTS WHICH COUNqL OBJECTIV�9 i , INITIATINO PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTU I (Who,What,When,Where,Why): j Resolution requ�s ed y Council confirming action taken an Public Hearing held October �, 199 . � , , ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: � �G r �JC'.��� ��� , . , t`� , � � - � ..� r�2� ' - _ - : ,.: , . ::. _ , . , : i DISADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: � ; , . . :. ,.,._ , . . , ., . . , , . . _ ,' .. •'r, ' � t . I , _ � DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: �I .' . _.` . -_ ; ; r� .• `..- � . - �I . - ,- - �� . . � . ... - � . V���1r��� {\�.i�.��•H�� �4fE�41, ' ' ; ��,i� '1� ���'Q � .�'I -- - • .... TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION � COSTlREVENUE BUDOETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES _ NO � - - FUNDINCR SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER � . . FlNANdAL INFORMATION:(D(PLAIN) • _ i , . , . ,. k - �i'U/�l�9 , S . PAUL CITY COUNCiI. P BLIC HEARING NOTICE i ZONING F I L E N 0. 90-z28 TO: Property o er within 350' Representatjive of Planning District 6 PAGE DONALD & SAIRA RRINGTON P U R PO S E Appeal of the BZA decision to deny a 24 foot front yard setback variance and a variance to build an accessory structure in the required front yard to construct a detached two car garage in the front yard. LOCAT�ON ' 1356 Galtier Street , East side between Cottage & Railroad tracks P E T I T I O N E DONALD HARRINGTON HEM�I�NV I Tuesday, October 9, 1990 9 :00 A.M. ' Citv Council Chambers, 3rd Floor Citv Hall - Court House Q�G J�'O�� Zoning Please call Marv Bunnell (228-3368) Contact the Zoning Section of the Planning and Economic Development Department, Room 1101, City Hall Annex, , 25 W. 4th Street, St. Paul, MinnesoLa 55102 I I i I Notice sent /20 90 � �