90-1866 0 R � � I �I A L �. � �� ; � �ounci l Fi le # U'�d� Green Sheet # � RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By � Referred To Cortmittee: Date __________________ ___ __________________________________________________________________ I � Whereas, Tires''� Plu made application to the Planning Commission for a special condition use permit to a11ow the per tion of an auto repair service for retail tire sales pursuant to the provisions of the Sai�it P ul Zoning Code for property located at 391 E. Maryland Avenue (northwest corner of'Ma land and Arkwright), legally described as Lots 1 thru 3, Block 3, Jaggard's Addition; and Whereas, The Zo ' g Committee of the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on August 2, 1990, after ha ng provided notice to affected property owners, and submitted its recommendation to xhe ommission. The Commission, by its Resolution 90-78, adopted August 24, 1990, decided to app�ove with conditions respecting signage for right and left turns only and hours of operation, the ap�llica ion based on the following findings and conclu5ions: � 1) The pro ose tire store meets or exceeds all of the requirements specified under the provisions f 0.544 (19) of the zoning code. 2) The pro ose use of the property appears to be in general �ompliance with the Saint Paul Compreh nsi Plan, and small area plans adopted by the Ci�y Council. 3) The use of t e property in accordance with the site plan on file with the Planning Division, will t r sult in undue congestion in the public streets. Adequate means of ingress and egress are pro 'ded for the site. 4) The use'will not be detrimental to the existing character of the development in the immediate nei�hbo hood or endanger the public health, safety and general welfare. 5) The use will not impede the normal and orderly development and improvement of the surrounding pr�per for uses permitted in the district. 6) The use sha in all other respects conform to the applicable regulations of the district in which it is 1 cat d. Whereas, Pur� ant to the provisions of Section 64.205, Tires Plus, duly filed with the City Clerk an appeal fro th determination made by the Planning Commission, requesting that a hearing be held befo e t e City Council for the purpose of considering t�e actions taken by the said Commission; and ' , Whereas, Acti �g p rsuant to Sections 64.205 through 64.208, and upon notice to affected parties a public hear ng as duly conducted by the City Council on Octaber 4, 1990 where all interested parties we e g en an opportunity to be heard; and OR r � � � � �la-��G� ` ` I' `�'��tea�—The �ou cil, having heard the statements made, and having considered the application, the report of staff, the record, minutes and resolution of the Zoning Committee and of the Planning Commi$sio does hereby Resolve, That xhe ouncil of the City of Saint Paul does hereby modify the decision of the Planning Commissio� in he following manner: The special cp diti n use permit to a11ow the development of a retail tire sales store (auto service s tio ) at 391 E. Maryland Avenue is approved, subject to the following additional cor� itio s: 1. That si s st ting "RIGHT TURN ONLY" and/or "NO LEF'T TURN" shall be posted facing e p rking area at the driveway providing access to the site on the north side of East M ryla d Ave. 2. That th� ho rs of operation shall be 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. pVlonday through Friday, 7:30 a.m�. th ugh 6:00 p.m. Saturdays, and 10:00 a.m. through 6:00 p.m. Sundays. 3. That tb do rs of the business will be closed after the above closing hours, and that an additian 1 6 minutes of time is permitted after closing hours to finish tire installation or repai s w ich were begun prior to the regular closing hours. Further Resolv�ed, at the appeal of Tires Plus be and is hereby granted; and, be it Finally Resol��d, at the City Clerk shall mail a copy of this resolution to Tires Plus, the Zoning Administratobr an the Planning Commission. __________________� ___ ___________________________________________________________________ ________________� ___ _-______-_________ eas Na s Absent Requested by Department of: Dimon Goswitz Lon Macca e Rettman T une Wi son BY� ________________�— __ --=Q====—_________ Adopted by Council: ' Da e 0 C T 2 3 19 90 Form Appr by City Atto ney � Adoption Certified y C uncil Secretary By: '�/ � f � By' _ Appr ved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by I�yor: Da e ��'� `� 4 ���� Counc By: `. �'i� ./ "��' By: PtlRIiSNED ��►�'� - 31990 ���.���� DEPARTMENTIOFFICEICOUNCIL DATE INITIATED �ity Clerk's of e GREEN SHEE No. 2 ] 4 CONTACT PERSON Q PHONE INITIAU DA INITIAUDATE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNqI Al Olson 231 N�M�� �CITY ATT�INEY �CITY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNdL A(�1ENOA BV ROUTINO �BUOOET DIRECTOFi �fIN.&MOT.BERVICE8 DIR. �MAYOR(OR AS813TA � TOTAL�OF 81G1NATURE P (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACTION REQUESTED: Resolution gran ' g he appeal o� Tires Plus to a decision of he Planning Commission regarding prop . ty t 391 E. Maryland Ave. at the northwest c rner of Maryland & Arkwright. RECOMMENDATION3:Apprare(A)a (R) COUNCIL COMMITTEElRESEARCH REPORT O _PLANNINCi COMMISSION IVIL RVICE COMMIS810N ANALYST PHONE NO. _CIB COMMITTEE _STAFF COMMENTB: _D18TRICT COURT SUPPORTS WHICH OOUNqL OBJECTI INITIATINa PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPO (W ,Whet,Whsn,Whsre,Why): Resolution requ ted by Council con�irming action taken at Pub ic Hearing held Odtober 9, 1990. ADVANTACiES IF APPROVED: � DISADVANTA(iES IF APPROVED: � DI8ADVANTAOEH IF NOT APPROVED: � RECEIVED � . un�'� {�� �`.�.� 1 , `/�� ! f 4' '�+�r�1 Vd� 41l+I�1��r� 4G�'151990 ��� 1 �� ;:��� � �'t11` EI.ERK ° . TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTI a COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CI CLE ON� YES NO FUNDINO SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FlNANCIAL INFORMATION:(IXPWI� �W • � NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE GREEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASING OFFICE(PHONE N'O.298-4225). ROUTiNG ORDER: Below are preferred routings for the five most frequent types of documents: CONTRACTS (assumes suthorized COUNCIL RESOLUTION (Amend, Bdgts./ budget exists) Accept.Grants) 1. Outside Agency 1. Department Director 2. Initiating Department 2. Budget Director 3. Ciry Attomey 3. City Attorney 4. Mayor 4. MayoNAssistant 5. Finance�Mgmt Svcs. Director 5. City Council 6. Finance Axounting 6. Chief AccouMant, Fin�Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget COUNCIL RESOLUTION (ail others) Revision) and ORDINANCE 1. Activity Manager 1. Initiating Department Director 2. DepartmeM Accountant 2. City Attomey 3. DepertmeM Director 3. MayoNAssistent 4. Budget Dfrector 4. City Council 5. Ciy Clerk 6. Chief AxouMant, Fin &Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all others) 1. Initiating DepaRment 2. Ciry Attorney 3. Mayor/Assistant 4. City Gerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SICiNATURE PAGES Indicate the#of pages on which signatures are required and paperclip , each of these pages. ACTION REGIUESTED Deacribe what the projecUrequest seeks to accomplish in either chronologi- cal order or order of fmportance,whiche�rer is most appropriate for the issue. Do not write complete aentences. Begin each item in your list with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete if the issue in question has been preeented before any body, public or private. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Indicate which Council objective(s)your proJectlrequest supports by listing the key word(s)(HOUSING, RECREATION, NEIGHBORHOODS, E�NOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDGET, SEWER SEPARATION).(SEE COMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNCIL COMMITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL AS REQUESTED BY COUNCIL INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY Explain the situation or conditions that created a need for your proJect or request. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED Indicate whether this is simply an annual budget procedure required by law/ charter or whether there are apeciflc wa in which the Ciry of Saint Paul and its citizens will beneHt from this pro�icUaction. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED � What negative effects or major changes to exi�ti�or past"�rocesses might this project/request produce if it is passed(e.g.,tiaffic delays;noise, tax increases or assessments)?To Whom?When?For how long? DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED What will be the negative consequences if the promieed action is not approved? Inability to deliver aervice?Continued high traffic, noise, accident rate? Loss of revenue? FiNANCIAL IMPACT Although you must tailor the information you provide here to the issue you are addressing, in general you muat answer two questions: How much is k gang to cost?Who is going to pay? tKUi� blNrocr ���"'�'9a`�i��`�4 VC A��� �.: ri�;r�F�r�E 1N.�S, lyyB I7:93 t��J. 1 P.1�. � C�� , ��� � '� .(`ajIw1KE�.- & GALLAGHER ' A1TpRNEYS A7 L4W ' 9+0,►�MEftJC�N iVAT3pwAL$ANK BWLpWQ $T,pl,u�,M1NN.5510��tbo� PATRICyt J.�31�LO.GNCR ewOME . cb�2r 2zs-47a, �AX MO:�6121;a�•53�• October 5, �994� To: The Honqt� ble Mayor .and City Coun�fl o� the City afi St, Paul ; . Re: Appltcati� n b Tires P�us • � Our firm re�r� en� Dorothy J. Yqbbi� who reside� at 3$5 E. Maryl�rid Avenue, ' St. Pau�, Minm sot . NErs. Yobb�� is a co�p�rsona1 represen�ative of th� estate of Dortienira Yo bi, wt,o was her moth�r-in�law. The estate owns praperty dt 391 E. Marylan Av nue, St. AauT, Mirrn�s4ta �(at the corner af Arkwright and � Mary�and). Mr�. Y �bie has agreed to sell the estate�s cor�er, tagether w�th a vacant 1ot whi�h s e�owns perSO�la]ly, ta Condura Marketjng Cprpprati0tt. Condura p�ans to canstrluct a 'fires Plus store on this wite.. We understand that the Planni,ng Commissinn has� recommended r�stricte� haurs for �he Tir�s Plus pe ation. Nlrs, Yobbie wi11 be 1ivi�ng .right �ext doar to �he StOre dnd Sees o e�SGn ta res�rict their hours af aperation. � She has been living for many ye rs with � SuperAmerica laca�i�on directly �cross the street f rom her hame. Su erAmerica is open 24 hours a d�y, scven d�ys a weefC. She . does not believle a res�ricti�n on the '�ires Plus hours would ser.ve any useful ,: purpose�. . . . � Mrs. Yabb�e req est that you au�horize the Tires Plus store td flp�rate at whatev�r hours 't ems to b� reasar��bly necessary far the cQr�duct �f its bus�nes�. ,, 7hank yau far y ur onsid2ratian. . Yery truly yours, . , � �� Patri�k J. Gallagher PJ6:ck . ... _ _ . _ . .. I Post-It'M brand fax tr�nsmitt�l memo 767i a,r , � . « _ _ � To A 9es ► ', � j ,'� From � , co, � co. Dept, r Pbane a : Fax N � Fax!i �O /r��� ��==Y �A CITY OF SAINT PAUL �� °� , DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ° ' y DIVISION OF PLANNING � ulllllllll ro y mI 11��� 0 25 est h Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 �' � 612-228-3270 'e°+ � Fax:612-228-3220 d JAMES SCHEIBEL � MAYOR f�� September 27, 19 0 R�C��V�� OC�011�p Albert Olson i Ci y Clerk ' . 'i ,^_���t� Room 386, Ci� H 11 Saint Paul, 5102 RE: Zoning File #90-214 - Tires Plus City Counci Hearing: October 4, 1990 PURPOSE: To app al the decision of the Planning Commission on certain co�dit'on that the hours be restricted. PLANNING CO ISS ON DECISION: Approve ZONING CO I TEE DECISION: Approve STAFF RECO NDA ION: Approve SUPPORT: No e ' OPPOSITION: IFo people spoke Dear Sir: On August 2 nd ugust 16, 1990 the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a publi hearing on this Special Condition Use Permi�. The petitioner testified. t e close of the public hearing, the Commi�tee voted 5 to 3 to approve the 5pe ial Condition Use Permit with conditons based on staff findings. On August 24, 1 90 the Planning Commission upheld the Zoning Committee's recommendati n n a vote of 11 to 3. This appeal is cheduled to be heard by the City Council on October 4, 1990. Please notif m by October 2, 1990, if any member of the City Council wishes to have sli s f the site presented at the public hearing. Sincerely, l - Peggy A. Re iiche t Deputy Dire tor for Planning PAR:j ab Attachment$ ' I �J -j� l � APPLICATION FOR APP AL ZONING OFFICE USE ONLY CITY OF SAINT PAUL ' F i 1 e # i�w� �C� -�l�� � Application Fee E 270.00� ;� - Tentative Mearing Date Application is hereby de for an Appeal to the cic councii under the provision of Chapter 64, Section , Paragraph of the oning Code to appeal a decisio ma e by the Board o�ng Appeals x Planning Comnission ' on August 24 , 19 90. , Zoning Administrator (date of decision) Planning Administrator Other A. APPELLANT Ndme Tires P u ennis L. Monroe Daiytime phone 445-5080 AddreSS 1650 W.� 82 Street, Suite 1100, Bloomin ton, I�I Zip COde 55431 B. DECISION BEING �A PEA ED Zoning file name ires Plus (Dennis L. Monroe toning File � 10664 ����� Property Address�LOC t10n_ 3� Maryland Avenue (NW corner of l�aryland & Arkwristht) Legal descriptio Lot 1-3 Block 3 Ja ards Addition C. GROUNDS FOR APPEq1L ( se additional sheets if necessary.) (Explain why you ',fee there has been an error in any requirement, permit, decision . or refusal made �y a administrative official, or an error in �act, procedure or finding made by the Boar of Zoning Appeals or the Planning Cortmission?) This appeal is om he limitation on hours of operation only. ', No other business at this_ interse ion in this same zone is restricted in hours of operation and this limitation will'. dve sely affect our ability to operate and co�apete. There is no justification i$� the public record for this limitation. ,,, If ou have an � y y qu� tio s, please contact: ` ,, L-z_._��_ icant s signature St. Paul Zonin Of ice L� 1 1100 C i ty Ha l 1 Ann x � J�- - ��, 25 West FourtH Str et - , .. � �S I�� . Saint Paul, Minnes ta 55102 Date City agent � (298-4154) � 9/82 , , I ' �o-/��� � city of saint ul . P��9 reso�fion f ile number 9 -'$ C�te au�t � , 990 WHEREAS, Tires lus (Dennis Monroe) , file #10664, has applied for a Special Condition Use P rmi under the provisions of $60.544. (19) & �64.300. (c) of the Saint Paul Legislati� Co e, for the purpose of establishing a retail tire sales store on property loca�e a 391 E. *�aryland, legally described as Lots 1-3 Block 3: Jaggard's Add't'on; and WHEREAS, the o in Committee of the Planning Commission on August 16, 1990, held a public hearin t ich all persons present were given an opportunity to be heard pursuant to s i a plication in accordance with the requirem�nts of §64. 300 of the Saint Paul Legi la ive Code ; and ' WHEREAS, SainC Pau Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to i�s Zoning Commit�ee a the pub?ic haaring as substantiallv rafl�cted in the minutes, made the follo ing findings of fac�: > 1. The p opo ed tire store meets or exceeds aIl of the requirements specified unde'r the provisions of §60.544. (19) of the zoning ,code. 2. The p opo ed use of �he property appears to be in general compliance �ritn the ,S int Paul Comprehensive Plan, and small area plans adopted by tne Cit}� ou il. ' 3. The u e f tha propert�; in accordance wi*_h the site plan on file with the Plann'ng Division, -ai1� not result in undue congestion in the public stre�e�s. Adequate means of ingress and egress are �provided for the site. 4. The ulse � ill not be de*rimental to the existing character of the devel pm nt in the ;mmediate neighborhood or endan�er the public heal�h, saf� a d general Neifare. �. The se ill not i:npede the normal ar.d orderly dev�lopment and improvemen� of t� e s rrour.dir.� ?roper�.� for uses permit�ad in the district. 6. The se ha'_' , ?� ai: o��ar �espects, �or.tor:� _o tkpe applicabia regu ati ns ot �~:a 1:s_��cc in ahich __ _s ioca�ad. i COVT_IV[:r.D moved by 'R�`'- :�!��Xi �'E?� - , in favor 1 against 3 I� �J- /,� � � ', File �10664 Page Two. N04T, THEREFORE, E I RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Planning Comthission, that under the authority of the City's Legislative Code, the application for a Special Condition Use Pe it to allow development of a retail tire sales store (auto service station) at 391 . M ryland Avenue is hereby approved, subject to the following additional condi ion : 1. That $'gns stating "RIGHT TURN ONLY" and/or "NO LEFT TURN" shall be poste� fac"ng the parking area at the driveway providing access to the site � th north side of East Maryland Ave. 2. That � e h urs of operation shall be from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Konday throu� Fr day, and 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Saturdays. I ' ,� i � I � I � I I �'v-���� MINUTES OF THE ZONING COI�iITTEE CITY COXJNC L CHAMBERS, SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ON AUGUST 16, 1990 PRESENT: Mmg . H rte, Morton, Tracy, and Wencl; Messrs. Ctiristenson, Kajer, Ne� an Vaught of the Zoning Committee; Mr. Segal, Assistant City Att rne ; Ms. Lane of the Building Inspection and Design Division; Mr. McG ire and Ms. Birkholz of the Planning Divi'sion staff. The meeting wa ch ired by Gladys Morton, Chairman. Tires Plus # 664• To consider a request for a Special Condition Use Permit to allow the o era ion of an auto repair service for retail tire sales. The applicant as resent. One person spoke in opposition. Mr. McGuire sv�mar'zed: District 5 held a meeting of their Land Use, Zoning, and Licensing Co 'ttee the previous evening and voted to recommend approval. The traffic en�ine r, Bob Hamilton, said he would highly recommend approval of a right turn ohly xit onto Maryland. Rod Krass, Sau hpo'nt Center, Bloomingtin, attorney for the applicant, commented on p evi us public concerns. Mr. Neid ask�d abo t the times of operating hours. It was determined from last testimoriy th t the hours are 9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. He 2llso asked whether it might be po si le for Tires Plus to provide parking spac�ks for the businesses acr ss rkwright during the hours when Tires Plu� is closed. Mr. Krass said he as sure that the owners would be agreeable tqr that suggestion. Gene Liljedahl, 4 1 Brainerd Avenue, spoke in opposition. I�e referred to the previous night co unity meeting where he was told the operating hours of Tires Plus wou d e from 7:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. and there would be a fenced in outside storag a ea for batteries and tires. He provided a petition with signatures o� 5 posed individuals. Discussion fc�l ow d concerning outside storage and regulation o£ operating hours. ' Based on thel ind'ngs, Mr. Neid made a motion of approval for the Special Condition Us� e it with conditions of no left turn onto Maryland, and operating ho rs r stricted Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. and on Satur f om 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Mr. Christenson seconded the motion which pass d on a roll call vote of 5-3. � I Submitted by: Approved by; -� / j�: � _ _ ,� _ � . �!. '� - _ Charles L. Mc(�uir Gladys Mortqn, Chairman i I��� 181�� � MINUTES OF THE ZONING CO[�iITTEE CITY UN IL CHAMBERS, SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ON AUG�JST 2, 1990 PRESENT: M�ie . irte, Morton, and Tracy; Messrs. Kajer, and Neid of the Zan'ng Committee; Mr. Segal, Assistant City Attorney; Ms. Lane of thejBu lding Inspection and Design Division; Mr. Ryan and Ms. Birtcho z of the Planning Division staff. The meeting wa�s c aired by Gladys Morton, Chairperson. T'res Plus #1 66 • To consider a Special Condition Use Permit to allow the operation of a a to repair service, for retail tire sales. The applicanC as present. Three (3) people spoke in oppos�.tion. Mr. Ryan showe s ides of the site and presented the staff �eport with a recommendation fo approval. Mr. Ryan relay d hat the District 5 Zoning and Licensing Cnmmittee reviewed the request bu m de no decision regarding the Special Cond�tion Use Permit. Discussion reg rd'ng traffic, site plan, landscaping, and ingress/egress followed. I The applican�, Mi e Dimond, Cardinal Development Corporation, 8609 Lyndale Avenue South, �lo ington, addressed the committee. Cardinal does the development folr T'res Plus. He addressed the issue of traffic stating that Tires Plus has an average of 20-30 customers per day from 9C00 a.m. -9:00 p.m. indicating a v ey low traffic used business. Questions to t e plicant by the committee followed concer�ing location, the existing house, h rs of operation, ownership of business, restriction of exit and type of b�u in ss explanation. No one spoke i s port. Eugene Lilije�d hl, 431 Brainerd, spoke in opposition and al�}o explained that the neighbor o d c mmittee had not taken action was because �llthe neighbors had not all been n ti ied. He asked for a 2-week layover whichllwould give the neighborhood t'me to meet and discuss . Diane Vono, 4�1 Br inerd, also spoke in opposition. Her concerns were the high traffic 1 vel of the intersection, Maryland and Arkwright, and the high noise level in the neighborhood caused by the traffic. Ray Sammons, 1�05 estminster, was neYt to speak in opposition. Next to speak �as athy Zieman, 1064 West Montana. She requested a 2-week layover to all�w D'strict 5 to meet and discuss the issue. Mr. Neid movedlfor a 2-week layover to allow further neighbarhood discussion - �' �� - /�'�� File #10664 ' August 2, 19 0 Page two and feedbacic fro the Public Works Department regarding the restriction of a left turn o� o M ryland Avenue, and keep the public hearing open. Ms. Hirte seconded his mot on which was passed unanimously on a voice vote. ,� Submitted by Approved by: _ I � � - ' � " _ � �RyB Gladys Morton, Chairperson J I II I I I Ii , - r-- ��-/��C� CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA • SYECIAL CONDITION USE PF.RMZT � ZONINC FILE N10664 APPLICANT: Tire'�S Plu (Dennis Honroe) PURPOSE: Specia�l Con ition Use Permit LOCATZON: 391 F�a t ryland Avenue (NW cornez of tiaryland � Arkwright) LECAL DESCRIPTIQN: ts 1•3, Blk 3; Jaggards Addition ZONING COHISITTEF� CT N: Approve , PIANNING COI4�tIS511 N CTION: Approve CONDITIONS OF T1�I P ZT: 1. That signs st ti g "RIGHT TURN ONLY" and/or "NO LEFT TURN" shall be posted facit� th parking area at the driveway providing access to the site oni e orth side of East Maryland Avenue. 2. That the hou s o operation shall be from 7:00 a.m. to 9:40 p.m. Monday throv� F iday, and 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Saturdays. APPROVED BY: J es hristenson, Planning Commission Chairman';. I , the undersig�h d S cretary to the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission for the City of Sai� Pa 1, Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy w'th he original record in my office; and fin�i the same to be a true and correct copy of aid original and of the whole thereof, as based on minutes of the Saint Paul P ann ng Commission meeting held on August 24, 1990, and on record in the Saint Paul P ann ng Division Office, 25 W. Fourth Street, Saint Paul. Minnesota. . � � J n A. Birkhol� Secretary to th� Sai Paul , ' Zoning Cornmitte� This permit wil� exp re one year from the date of approval ifllthe use herein permitted is not est blished. The decision toI ran this permit by the Planning Commission is an administrative action subject k ap eal to the City Council. Anyone affectejld by this action may appeal this decii ion by filing the appropriate application at�d fee at the Zoning Office, 1100 Ci Ha 1 Annex, ZS West Fourth Street. Any such appeal must be filed within 15 calen z d ys of the mailing date noted below. Violation of th�e con itions of this permit may result in itsllrevocation. � � Copies to: App ic t Fi�1 � Zan'ng dministrator Li�c ns Inspector Di�s ri t Council , Mailed: A��u ust 24, 1990 _ ' , . �,� -/�'�.� ZONING COMMITTEE STAFF REPORT FILE #10664 1. APPLICANT: ire Plus (Dennis Monroe) DATE OF ,'HEARING: Aug. 2, 1990 2. CLASSIFICATI�N: Special Condition Use Permit (SCUP) Auto Service 3. LOCATION: 3 1 E. Maryland Ave. (nw corner Maryland and Arkwright) 4. PLANNING DIS RIC : FIVE 5. LEGAL DESCR'I TIO : Lots 1-3, Block 3; Jaggard's Addition ' 6. PRESENT ZONI G: -3 ZONING CODE REFERENCE: §60.544. (19) & 64.300. (c) 7. STAFF INVES�T GAT ON AND REPORT: DATE: July 23, 1990 BY:' Charles L. McGuire A. PURPOSE: To co ider a request for a Special Condition Use Permit to allow the operation of, an uto repair service, for retail tire sales. B. PARCEL SIZE: parcel has frontages of 116 feet on Mar�,land, and 138.29 feet along the we t side of Arkwright. The area of the parcel 'according to the tax maps is 16,0 4, square feet. C. EXISTING U E: The parcel is currently occupied by a ',,single family home. D. SURROUNDIN USE: North: Si#� le amily homes on land zoned R-4. East: Gen ral commercial uses on B-3 zoned land. ' South: Aut mot ve service stations on land zoned B-3. West: Si#� le amily homes on R-4 zoned land. E. ZONING COD IT TION: �60.544. (19) of the zoning code pravides that Auto repair businesses a e ermitted in the B-3 zone subject to certain conditions. These conditions ', d he developer's ability to meet them are as follows: a. The mini um Zot area sha11 be fifteen thousand (15,00�') square feet. The lot rea of the parcel as stated above is 16,014 square feet. b. A ten-fo t 1 dscaped buffer with screen planting and an obscuring fence shall be req ired along any property line adjacent to an existing residence or ad,fa�c nt o land zoned residential. Adequabe la area is available on the site to meet th�ese requirements. . i �� -l�l�� File #10664 Page 1�0. The site,pla submitted to the Planning Division for review and approval indicate a 3 foot setback of the building from the west property line. A setback f 1 feet is provided between the trash enclosure and the property line on he orth side of the site. This requirement appears to be met. c. A11 repa r w rk shall be done within an enclosed building. The prop sed new building is of sufficient size to acd�ommodate all on-site repair w rk 'nside the building. d. There sh 11 e no outside storage. The deve ope understands that outside storage of materials is prohibited in the dist ict. §64.300. (c) of he Zoning Code requires that "before the planning commission may grant apprq a1 f a principal use subject to special conditions, the commission sha11 find hat. 1. The ext nt, Zocation and intensity of the use wi11 be in substantial com�li ce with the Saint Pau1 Comprehensive P1an and any applicable sub#rea plans which were approved by the city council. 2. Th�e use will provide adequate ingress and egress to minimize traffic co¢z est'on in the public streets. 3. Thie use wi11 not be detrimental to the existing Ci�'isracter of the dev Iop ent in the immediate neighborhood or endal�ger the public health, saf ty nd general welfare. 4. The use wi11 not im ede the normal and orderly d�belopment and P imp ove ent of the surrounding property for uses '�ermitted in the dis rict. 5. The use sha11, in a11 other respects, conform to the applicable re 1at'ons of the district in which it is Iocated. F. DISCUSSION• ' Th intersection of Arkwright and Maryland is one of several sites identified.�n t e 1979 District Five Plan, for consideratfon of rezoning from B-3 to B-1. � Th plan states that such consideration should be made "after determinin� ho.w this might affect each existing business". The existing businesses', n t e south side of Maryland are B-3 automobile service uses. No petition h� be n circulated to date, for down-zoning this area. The inters� tio is signalized and carries a heavy traffic volume. 1988-89 traffic co� ts or this area indicate about 4,500 vehicles north & south through the inters� tio . Volwnes for east-west traffic on Maryl�nd for the same period are somewha in excess of 20,000 vehicles per day. qa_�g�� � File #10664 Page Three. Retail tire ale stores do not generate a large volume o� traffic according to the Public !W rks Traffic staff. Anticipated traffic from this site will be only a fraction o th t generated by the service stations on the south side of Maryland. e p operty to the east of Arkwright is also a modest traffic generator. � G. FINDINGS: 1. The prop�sed tire store meets or exceeds all of the requirements specified under th� pr visions of §60.544. (19) of the zoning code. 2. The prop sed use of the property appears to be in general compliance with the Sain Pa 1 Comprehensive Plan, and small area plans adopted by the City Council. 3. The use f t e property in accordance with the site plan on file with the Planning Div sion, will not result in undue congestion in the public streets. Ad quate means of ingress and egress are pro�+vided for the site. 4. The use ill not be detrimental to the existing character of the development in the � ed ate neighborhood or endanger the public h�alth, safety and general, elf re. S. The use' ill not impede the normal and orderly development and improvement of the s rro nding property for uses permitted in the district. 6. The use'I hal , in all other respects, conform to the applicable regulations of the {i str ct in which it is located. H. STAFF RECOII ND ION: Based on the above findings, suggested by staff, the staff r omm nds approval of the requested Special Condition Use Permit. dv i�'M• ` ' �'�' � ���I�"``'4'Z It�t��►- R.ytF 1"w��, � �✓o l� F ��. �� y� �.. w '1�eo r�. �w.�.4r �t s� ti C s•o',s'.�w�� I � , � �- �o-i��� �PPLIC'+710N FOR SPE lAL CONDITION USE ZpN]NG OFF1�E USE O�LY CiTY OF S/�►l T AUl- ���,� F ile �l � �� Application Fee S_ y'�G - �v – Tentative Hearing Date g � — Number of Lot: or Size oi Parcel: A�plication is here y ade for a Special Condition Use Permit under t af thevZoni�ng Code to ope'ate a :.hapcer 60 , ection 60.544 , Paragraph 19 � � Retail t re s ore Corporation g�5_Sooc q, APPLiCAN Phone (Daytime) name Den s L. Mo�:'oe aitv. for Condura Marketin � , Z� 55431 Address Su te 100 1650 W. 82ndySt. , Bloomin ton P Property in ere � of Applicant (Owner, contract p urchaser, etc.) cont:act purchaser hame of o ner if difierent) Do:oth Yobbie Estate of Dominica Yobbie g. PROPER'C D SCRIPTION Address/L cati n 391 Marvland Avenue East Add. Jag atds to the City of St . Paul Legal De5 ript on: Lot 1 2, 3_B1ock_3 _____ Lot Size Appz°=• 15,56�', s9•_ �t• Present Z nin B'3 ' C. SPECIAL O DITIONS II Explain h w y u wil! meet each of the Special Conditions. Att�ch supporting materials (diagrams sit pian, letters oi support, etc.) zoximately 15,914 sq. feet vhick� exceeds the ordinance (a) Lot, siz sh 11 be app an scaping an scre ning or encing s 1 meet � S , seet; i ns • c all ze air work shall re iremen� e o dinance�re uirements see atta hed be conduct� v thin the enclosed building; (d) no outside storage shall exist on the premises s e ttached plans . '� � � ' lease contact: ' If ou have an qu stions, p i Y Saint Pa 1 Z ning Ofiice 1 100 Ci y H 11 Annex 4102 25 V�%est Fou th Street 1/1/82 P ul inne s ota S 5 10 2 Sa�nt , (298-41 4) � ' ---�► � - -- - . -. . __ ,. __ . , ' I � �� Q�-���,� CITIZEN PAR ICI A I I I S ' _ �rF�•fP �E y� . � �! � - T�Q� •} ` f +� � E � :` ; O �� rw.��.f r� � � � . - ^� _ - .�.�: 6 5 . �. ,,. e ��1 - 4 uw•_+G �rE �YII�M1AO �! 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DIST MAP# S o one iamily • • ^ commer�ial � ¢ Mro family ♦ ..� industriai SCALE 1" = 250' � �.� �5;�Q mu�iple family V vacant �-- :, �- - - - - - -- _ . �� -;;�� �� �, ��'tTYO� .. CITY OF SAINT PAUL F¢ 9 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT � � � ° � y DIVISION OF PLANNING y �v1I11l��� a 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 � h 612-228-3270 ,8°, M `1 Fax:612-2283220 JAMES SCHEIBEL 1'C�v�i`�F_D MAYOR �E��V� I�.J� � � September 4, �99 !�, , , �.;_E�s.' �� � � � ��' � �, �,� Mr. Albert B. O1 on, City Clerk �� (� Room 386, Ci H 11 �,I,�'" Saint Paul, inn sota 55102 �, Dear Mr. Ols n: This letter 's w itten to confirm the hearing date for: Applic nt: Tires Plus (Dennis Monroe) File N be : 90-214 Purpos : Appeal the decision of the Planning Commi+ssion Legal esc iption of Property: 319 East Maryland Avenue , NW corner of Maryland & Arkwright Previo s A tion: Pla nin Division Recommendation: Approved, August 24, 1990 Zo� ng ommittee Recommendation: Approved, vote: 5-3, August 16, 1990 Boa d o Zoning Appeal: In order to llo time for the mailing of appropriate notices, please schedule the hearing ate as soon as possible after 10-4-9a. Our greference would be 10-4-90. I will pho�e yo within the next few days for schedule confirmation. Sincerely, l L.J ' � ��.C'�.c-'4 ! Daniel K. Ba�er (3390) � ,/�� ' �� Zoning Sectijon cc: File # '90-2 4 Tanya n��' . � (,;,� � �• I ' g � i��' � . . I �,:/- �i S . PAUL CITY COUNCi� f�� P BLIC HEARING NOTICE � ZONING R�c��v�r �281°�°�� REVISED �,f� 1 �RK� .-� ( C� :. TO: Property wne s within 350� FIL E N 0. 90-214 Represen� tiv s of Planning District 5 PAGE PURPOSE � ' , To consider an appeal of a condition imposed by the Planning '� Commission restricting hours of operation, in granting a Special Condition Use Permit. L 0 C A T I 0 N ------_ � 391 East Mar land Avenue (NOTE: Change in address) _ NW corner Maryland & Arkwright PETITIONEJ TI�S PLUS � HEARING ' Thursaay, October 4, 1990 9 :00 A.M. Citv Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall - Court House QUESTION Zoning 298-4154 or Chuck McGuire at 228-3364 for more info. Contact the Zoning Section of the Plat�ning and Economic Development Department, Room 1101, City Hall Annex, 25 W. 4th Street, St. Paul, Minnesota S�i02 'I Notice sent i 9/28/90 �