90-1861 O � I � IfV�AL � � . _ Counc3l til� � 9�`/��n/ i ���- OrNA ShNt # �D RESOLUTION CI OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA _._ ���� �'� �� Pr�sent�d BY - �� R�forr�d To Committeos Dato Page 1 of 2 WHEREAS, H nnepin County has recently secured Federal Job Training Partnership Act itle III Economic Dislocation and Worker Adjustment �ct resources to pro ide employment-related services to dislocated workers from the computer'land telecommunications industries; and WHEREAS, t e City of Saint Paul, through the Job Creation and Training Section of t�e D partment of Planning and Economic Development, has �successfully imp emented several Dislocated Worker Projects; and WHEREAS, nnepin County seeks to subcontract with the City of Saint Paul t� p vide employment services to these workers in Saint Paul under Federal JTPA Ti le III EDWAAA funding; and WHEREA�, e Mayor, pursuant to Section 1007.01 of the City Charter, does certify th t there are available for appropriation revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1990 budget; and , � � ������ � � 1 � 1 �1 L � , Page 2 of 2 WHEREAS, t e Mayor recommends the following changes to the 1990 budget: Current Amended FINANCING PLAN Budget Changes Budget ----------------------------- 345 GOVERNMENT L EMP & TRNG PROGRAM 36574 MCTT/F DERAL DISLOCATED WORKER 3111 Job T ng Partnership Act Grants 330,000 124,141 454,141 --------------------------- 330,000 124,141 454,141 � Current Amended SPENDING PLAD� Budget Changes Budget ----------------------------- 345 GOVERN�IENT L EMP & TRNG PROGRAM 36574 MC T/F DERAL DISLOCATED WORKER 0558 T ans er to PED Operating Fund 33,000 12,414 45,414 0547 P yme t to Subcontractors 297,000 111,727 408,727 ----------------------------- NET CHANGE I 330,000 124,141 454,141 RESOLV�D, that the City Council approves these changes to the 1990 budget. APPROVED AS TO DING APPROVAL RECOMMENDED . � Director, De}par ment of Finance Budget irector Ye s Navs Absent Requested by Department of: imo �.• osw z � o � � ment acca ee -� e ma � $y. `,�%G� t � �� une i son � � p William Q. Patton Adopted by Counci]�: ate 0 CT 2 3 1990 Form Appr ed by City Attorney .., r -�' ,� Adoption rtified by Council Secretary By: r . f /, , By� � '��--- Appro��g� by Mayor for Submission to Approved by ayors ate 0 CT 2 4 1��t� Counci� ' � J / �� / . �,�f�?cl.'/� �� •���i� $�7: ��'✓i%�%/(GGC1✓ By: PUBL�SNED :':J"v - � 1990 � , i _ . , ; ��0�/�� DEPARTM[NT/OFFlCE/OOUNpL DATE INITIATEO PED/Job Creation & T ai 'ng 9/13/90 GREEN SHEE NO. 8603 CONTACT PERSON 6 PF�NE INITIALI DA INITUIUDATE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOFl a CITY COUNCII Kathr n Ter Horst 3 07 ��� �TY A7T�iNEY ❑CITY f�ERK MU8T BE ON COUNpI AOENDA BY( NOUTING BUDOET DIRECTOR �FIN.d MOT.SERVICES DIR. 9/20/90 4 �u►YOa coa�ssisT�w � William Pa TOTAL 1�OF SKINNATURE PA (CLIP ALL LOCATION8 FOR SIQNATUR� ACTION RE�UEB'TEO: i �� Signature to attact� d C'ty Council Resolution.. QCT 2 1990 _„ RE ENDnnONS:Mv►ow W u► COUNCIL ACH REPORT T10�1 _PLANNIN(i OOMMISSION _.�. IVIL .COMMI8810N ��Y� PHONE NO. _GB OOMMITTEE �_ _STAFF �, OOMMF.M'8: _DISTRICT COURT _.�.. SUPPORTS NMK�H QOUNpI OBJE IN177ATIPKi PFlOBLEM.ISSUE. .YI��V1��WMro,V1�fyr): Hennepin County ha rec ntly secured Federal JTPA Title III Econo ic Dislocation and Worker Adjustment sis ance Act resources to provide employment- elated services to dislocated workers. He nepin County seeks to contract with the C ty of Saint Paul to provide comprehens�. e s rvices to these workers laid off from the computer and telecommunicationsi ndu tries. Signature to attached City Counci Resolution will authorize acceptanC of funds and operation of the program. AOVANTAOE8 IF APPROVED: � City workers disloc ted from the computer and telecommunications 'ndustries will receive comprehensive reem�p oy nt services. � ; i rns�owwr�oes iF�PROVeo: � None as�ov�urr�s�aoT�r�oven Loss of jobs and ain ng opportunities. R�C� (�„51�� ounc;l r���arc9� C�n��r C�Y C1ERK t3�i � i��0 TOTAL AMOUNT OF T 12/+ 141 c�rn�veNU�s�ooET�c� �E o�� rES No �N��� Feder JT A Title III EDWAAA A�y�y�p 365 4 �wwa�iN�+M,►nar:cpcPUU thr ugh Hennepin County dw ' l � �--��.-��� Analyst: Barbara Jeanetta Date: 9/28/90 BUDGET OFFICE ANALYSIS OF BUDGET AMENDMENTS Department: PED/Jo Creation&Training Green Sheet Number: 8603 Amount of Request: $124,141 Positions Requested: Amount Recommended: ' $124,141 Positions Recommended: Funding Source: F�deral JTPA Grant SubjeCt Of ReqUeSt: EStabli h financing and spending authority for JTPA grant to provide employment-related services to disloca ed workers. Background: This is being handles as a budget ame dment because it recognizes use of a grant only recently secured by Hennepin County to serve dislocated workers in the computler an telecommunications industries in the entire metro area. Hennepin County is contracting with our Job Creation&Training Staff�to ad inistrate the employment-related services for dislocated St. Paul workers.Job Creation& Training staff in turn,contract wi�h oth r agencies to provide the actual employment counseling in St. Paul. Major Issues: None. The grant will cover PED staff osts and overhead to administer the program. St. Paul receives additional money to provide service to dislocated workers. ' Fiscal Impact: (Current Ye�r an Following Year) Increases spending and financir�g of und#345,Governmental Employment&Training Program,by$124,141. Recommendation: Sign/approve. Follow-up Recommended, If A : None. Jeanetta's 715:anal25.wkl.all 9-28-90