90-1853 o (� I � I � (� � Council File � �U -/ 'S� R 'v • 115� 4 Green Sheet � RESOLUTION ITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ' ; � . Presented By Referred To Committee: Date RESOLVED: Tha Application (I.D. ��19526) for the renewal of a Parking Lot/Ramp-F Lic nse applied for by MSP Park Place, Inc. DBA MSP Park Place at Ste art and Davern be and the same is hereby approved. Navs Absent Requested by Department of: n w License & Permit Division n � a ca e — e ma une z son �`— BY� Adopted by Council: ate 0 CT 1 8 1990 Form Ap roved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary • �� �- ZQ 'y6 BY� �. By' r '�'�`�"��''��� Approved by Mayor for Submission to �Q"¢� Council Approved by Mayor: ate �'�'� �- � ���� gy; ����:�:��e a-l�1 /' By: �� ����{��D 0 C T 2 7 1990 , I! �o i�� l �-�— . . DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED F�nan�e�L��ense GREEN SHE I T N° _ 11524 CONTACT PER30N&PHONE INITIAUDA INITIAL/DATE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCIL Kris Van Horn/298� �56 ASSIGN �CITYATfORNEY �CITYCLERK NUMBER FOR M T BE ON COU ILAGENDA BY( A E) ROUTINO �BUDGET DIRECTOR �FIN.&MOT.SERVICES DIR. �earing �ate: ORDER � 1. � �11�� �MAYOR(OR ASSISTANn Q Cnnn r i 1 g ri TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE PA ES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Application (I.D. 195 6) for the renewal of a Parking Lot/Ramp- License RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)or Rej (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANS I R THE FOLLOWINCa GUESTIONS: _ PLANNINQ COMMISSION CIVIL ERVICE COMMISSION 1• Has thls person/firm eVer worked under a COntPa for this d9partment? _CIB COMMITTEE YES NO _STnFF 2• Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? YES NO _DIS7RIC7 COURT _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normall possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTN YES NO Explaln all yes answero on saparate sheet and tach to gnen sheet INITIATINO PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORT NITY( ho,Whet,When,Where,Why): MSP Park Place, In . D A MSP Park Place (I.D. 4�19526) requests Cluncil approval of its Parking Lot/Ramp-F ic nse at Stewart and Davern. All applicati ns and fees of $650.50 have been submitted. 11 painting and lighting requirements hav been met. This application has bee r viewed and approved by all required depar ments. ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: II DISADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: CEtVEO ��� CI �t��K DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: y � � � ��3 9 �i�.S f k:_,.._-.:�-;3'1 1..,i:s s i�'� , l'',�; i � t;;�iJ . . . . TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(C RCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTiVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) J� (1 .�- � ,�- f �' �� �p _��v�`'� DIVISION OF LIC NSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION DATE � lU � l �!!G/q C� INTERDEPARTMENT VIEW CHECKLIST Appn Processed/Received by Lic Enf Aud Applicant � � � Home Address ��,� �,r�.sc� ,�t '�3� Business Name � � t'�C.�,C.SL Home Phone ��(,(- ;�cj C�a Business Addres G� erh Type of License(s) ��jL�,� ����;,1 I � y Business Phone _ l.(. � 1...�(� _ � _ Public Hearing D te q � ►���( Q License I.D. � Iq 5 ac� at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers, � 3rd floor City H�.11 and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �� �J�� �1Ja3 Date Notice Sent'; Dealer � `� �i�. to Applicant ��' Federal Firearms � �T� Public Hearing DATE INSPECTION ' REVIEW VERFIED (COMPUTER) ' CO�NTS A roved Not A roved Bldg I & D ' 1(�t�r � � ^ -�'i ci�-, • � Health Divn. � ` , n 1� � Y� c-�i c� n-�?�--u"�C9 l� Fire Dept. '�� �� � � ' I �o,� �' � � � `'r, � � Police Dept. � C� ��,� I C�� License Divn. ( ; �I t�{ � ' o� City Attorney , f ' a l� � �-� ' ate Received: Site Plan �l � ' To Council Resear�h Lease or Letter ' Date from Landlord i �� � � �� /�'S,3 . . � . . - ' CZTY OF SAINT PAUL • License Division, Room 203 City Fiall � Saint Paul, Aiianesota 55IO2 � NEW/RENEW APPLIC�TZO FOR PARKL'VG LOT/RAMP LICENSE 1) Type of Parking acility — (Check 0ae) � Ramp Lot 2} Number of Paxkfn Spaces )'YIoQE �-1n,,� ,�?50 3) Name of Liceasee /�'1 J� P P/g Ql( PL/�C� �/J� • Bus. Phone � 9 /' 3 �9C� (Name of Corp./partnership/Sole Owner) 4) Trade Name oF Lo /Ramp �'yl S� P ��jL P��-e.� Bus. Address � • � • �nIQNEIQ rJ I tw/Yle! Qf}l�EiQN sl- ����6 Str et Street Str et Street Zip '�um er Name Direction Type Code S) List all partjner /officers of the corporation/or give the following information for t e sole owner, whichever is applicable: DATE N� I TITLE * HOME ADDRESS OF BIRTH PHONE � �E�Tf�ARA�sn PRES��-uT ��GG C��Ofl/: �vc". Ss, �' 33S a�o� �„ ��T� ;� � . sSy�s � -�- y� � � �� -/ 9y�- �a� �.oR E �1 �-' R � s S S C c � /D 7 5� �IO�ec/�R/ C�,�eL� Sa, ��oorr► iiv�.�oi✓ /rIN SS'�f,3� /o-/- 3� 88j/- S3 �v( * List Street No, ,St. Name, Street Direction, Street Type, City, State & Zip Code 6) Attach plans c�ont ining a general description of the security provided at the � lot or ramp. I. 7) Attach a site p showing driveways of the proposed lot and the Iegal ` descriptioa of the property (this requirement necessary only if no site plaa ' is currentlp ott f e). � 8) Attach a cover�' I.et er describing your pI.ans to complp with the lighting and painting requi�eme ts established in the St. Paul Legislative Code �4I7 (attached) whi�h b came effective July 17, 1989. ` All painting m�kst e completed by January 1, 1990, unless a written request � for a time extQasi n is submitted to the License Inspector. A1.1 lighting rQnov tioa must be completed bq Januarq 1, 1991, unless a written � request for a Cime extension is submitted to the License Inspector. � I IiAVE READ AND UNDERS AND CHAPTER f�417 OF THE ST PAUL LEGZSLATIVE CODE PERTAINING TO P ING LOTS ANI} I RTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION PROVIDID IS TRUE AND CORRECT. : �' ��� �- �- 9v Signaturje Aate i � �o�