90-1840 0 R I G � I��,� L � ��j � Council File ,� !�" /a TD ��f " Green Sheet # 11575 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By ' Referred To ' Committee: Date RESOLVED: Th t application (ID ��51296) for the transfer of a Cigarette Li ense, Gas Station License (to 3 Pumps) , plus 6 Additional Pu ps, and an Original Container License currently held by ' Si clair Marketing Company DBA Sinclair Retail ��22047 at 13 5 Grand Avenue, be and the same is hereby approved for tr nsfer to Eugene Aolland DBA Lightning Lube at the same address. e Navs Absent Requested by Department of: �O 2� License & Permit Division on acca ee � e an u e i son "T— BY� �— Adopted by Counci�: ate 0 CT 1 g 19gp Form Approved by City Attorney Adoptio Ce tified by Council Secretary , �'0'l7•9d By: By' Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by Mayor: ate !.����" � �� 19�� council � � gy. ��,�,�.-��,��,1 ��" By: (�BI��H�D 0 C T 2 7' 1990. i ° ` • " � � /J�q0'lI� v� � DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED NOi _115 7 5 Finance/Li ens G R E E N SH E T CONTACT PERSON&PHONE INITIAUDAT INITIAUDATE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR CITY COUNCIL Christine oze -298-5056 Ag$�GN �CITYATTORNEY �CITYCLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AOENDA BY(DA E) NUMBER FOR BUDGET DIRECTOR FIN.8 MGT.SERVICES DIR. C ty Clerk ROUTING � � ORDEH MAYOR(OR ASSISTANT) Hearing/ 10-16-90 B / 10-9-90 ❑ m Co�tnr�1 TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE PA ES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) � ACTION REQUE3TED: Approval o a application for the transfer of a Cigare te License, Gas Station Li en e (to 3 pumps) 6 Add'1. Pump� and Origina Container License. Hearin : 1 -16-90 Notificatio s 10-3-90 RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)or Rej (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANS R THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNINCi COMMISSION CIVIL ERVICE COMMISSION �• Has this person/firm ever worked under a contra t for this department? _CIB COMMITTEE YES NO 2. Has this personffirm ever been a city employee. _STAFF YES NO _DI37RICT COURT 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normal I possessed by any current cfty employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCII OBJECTIV 7 YES NO Explaln ail yes answero on separate sheet and ttach to green sheet INITIATINO PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPOR NITY( o,What,When,Where,Why): Eugene oll nd DBA Lightning Lube at 1345 Grand Avenu requests City Council approval f h s application to transfer a Cigarette, Ga Station (to 3 pumps), 6 Additio al umps and Original Container License curre tly held by Sinclair Marketing Com any DBA Sinclair Retail ��22047 at 1345 Gr nd Avenue. All applicati ns ave been submitted. Fee of $68.30 has be n submitted. ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: �C I�C� � �'�� C„' 'CLERK DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DI3ADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED; ' nN4^ ouncEi ►��s�arc►� C�.,,�..r c��;i �►y9U � TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACfiI N S COST/REVENUE BUDGETEp CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDINCi SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) ��A' VV . , C,�yo-���� DIVISION OF LICE SE PERMIT ADMINISTRATION DATE � oZ'�J /� / � �0 /U INTERDEPARTMENTA� IEW CHECKLIST Ap�in roc ssed/Received by Lic Enf Aud Applicant �l � n � I I4 n d, Home Address /���? �.Qn-�4 CK�/ ��c5-C7 Business Name 'C..i �-�'}��r� ��-t!� Home Phone �j��'� � a� �'�' Business Address � � �1��in vl— Type of License(s) �YQ n s�e�' �y¢r��'J Business Phone l�Cts S�.^�D�i,c�.d,� '�i.trrpS , OY�� �"�u"1-�r- Public Hearing D�te �� � tc °tl� License I.D. � ; 5�ia�� at 9:00 a.m. in �the ounci C ambers, 3rd floor City Aall nd Courthouse State Tax I.D. 4� `���(a"j�� Date Notice Sent; Dealer � N��' to Applicant �3 , Federal Firearms 4�' ►�(,q.- Public Hearing ! DATE INSPECTION REVIEW � VERFIED (COMPUTER) COMMENTS ' A roved Not A roved ,:. Bldg I & D II � � � 1 �GtnS�� ��' l7 W►'lQ ►2. , � � d►1 -' Orl 0�►� �I r��S Health Divn. I I !' I �1 �.}. � Fire Dept. (� � ' � �DI � � ' s�t (30150 Police Dept. � i��,,�� �� License Divn. I ( 'I � c�� 0 ,� City Attorney ��I � � '�� � �`1��� �lL � ate Received: Site Plan oZ�1 � I To Council Research ` ��'�� Lease or Letter � Date from Landlord '� g a� �1� ' � , , C�O,/��D �� CITY OF SAINT PAUL EPARTMENT OF FZNANCE AND MAFt4GF�MENT SERVICES LICENSE AND PERMIT DIVISION These statement formis a e issued in duplicate. Plesse answer all questions fully and com- pletely. Tliis applicat on is thoroughly checked. Any falsification will be cause for denial. I) Application for (t e of license) G�tS S-� �,�� r, �� ,�� ,` �� � ��. G�lq Q roc 1�2 2) Located at (busine s address) /��1� ��a�� „4,�o � '� w Number Street Name Street Type Direction 3) Name of applica�nt �i� � 4) Applicant's tirle corporate officer, sole owner, partner, other) �Ic� ��Q,c; p �4c� 5) Name under whiCh t is business will be conducted: t �"�n: l.. b �`v' �n c�\c�� !' A lica t / Company Name Doing Business As 6) Business telephone number (Q )1 �o9'O - f Q�y 7) Mail to addres� (i different than business address) : I�/ � 1.,� o � -� G�J StreetlN r Street Name Street Tqpe Street Direction 8) If applicant is/ha beea a married female, list maiden name 9) Date of birth ' � - Age �'1 Place of birth G' �v S +�. � M.J� 10) Are you a citi�en f the United States? Native �_ Naturalized 11) Are you a registe ed voter? ,e Where? ST' Lo" ' � F�c� r � � 12) Some address C a c Home Phone �i 2 =Sy 5-7-9G��/ 13) Present business ddress / 3y S �r�.� �ue Busiaess Phone l�,/2 -`9c� ����� r L4) Iacluding'your pr sent busiaess/employment, what business/emploqment have you followed for the past �ive years? � Busia ss/E lo ent � Address G •� �i�� , K a �,/ /3 y S" ��� � �✓e ST 1"a. 15) Married? � If answer is "yes", Iist the name and address of spouse. ' . . �--��-���d ` 16) Have you ever b�en rrested for aa offense that has resulted ia a conviction? .�S If answer is "yes", Iist dates of arrests, where, chazges, coavfctions, aad seatences. Date of arrest �- , 19 �� Where /�,,�,S � ChargeuJ __,.._ . . . ._.. _..__... .._.. .., . _ Conniction Sentence y��-���.��,,,,e r.•� Date of arrest , 19 Where Charge Conviction Sentence 17) Attach a copy heret of a lease agreement or proof of ownership for the premises at which a license wi be held. 18) Attach to this app ication a detailed description of the design, location, and square footage of the pre ises to be licensed (site plan) . 19) Give names and add esses of two persons who are local residents who can give information concerning you. ,tame Address Phone t� � � �- � �.�� /�� S� �r�- S�FS-�'�� t' L �v e � � C��; S � Nt.N �I � � � p 20) Address of premise for which application is made ��^/�� ,� � }��� Zone Classifica�tio t� - � Phone l t� - G9u -/&2� 21) Between what c�oss streets? j.�c;,w, �:he d- �c-v�..�c� _ Which side of street? /V � 22) Are premises now o cupied? •_ _��S �— What busiaess? -��� .,� .Q How long? �,!�' S 23) List license(s) , b siness name(s), aad location(s) which you currently hold, formerly held, or may have interest in, aad locations of said Iicen,se(s) . cd �t _ '\. . r�.e. �^ C..• 7 � �S�.- 24) Have any of the li enses listed by you in No. 23 ever beea r��voked? Yes No � If answer is "yes" list the dates and reasons: 25) Do you have an! int rest of anq typ ia aaq other business or business premises not listed in No. 23? Yes No � If answer is "yes", list business, busiaess address, and telep one n�ber. . , �q�-i��d � 26) If business is inco porated, give date of incorporation , I9 and attach a co o Articles of Iacor oration and minutes of irst meetin . 27) List all officers o the corporatioa, giving their names, office held, home address, date of bfrth, and ome and business telephone numbers. 28) If the business is partnership, Iist partner(s) address, telephone, and date of birth. 29) Are you going tq op rate this business personally? � If not, who will operate it? Give their name� ho e address, date of birth, and telephone nu3aber 30) Are you going to ha e a manager or assistant in this business? �.� If answer is "yes", give name, h me address, date of birth, and telephone number. 3I) Iias anyone you have named in questions No. ZS through No. 28 ever beea arrested? If answer is "yes", list aame of person, dates of arrest, where, charges, convictions, aad sentence. 32) I ,,� Q � � o.,,. � understand this premises may be inspected by the Police, Fire, Healt , and other city officials at any aad all times when the business is in operation. State of Mianesota )� � -� 9 Couaty of Ramsey ) - gnature f Applicaat / Date being dulq sworn, deposes aud says upon oath that he has read the foregoi�ng tatement beariag this signature aad kaaws Che conteats thereof, and that the same is truie o his own kaowledge except as to those matters threia stated upon iaformation aad belief d as to those matters he believes them to be true. wPNJ'�,h�.., -.nn�..ni�.�,nn/�w/`.�i.N�n��nNNM� � Subscribed and swo to before me this 5; ,.� � '_; �:i;; ; `�k :{f�.T��� .. , > n `°{�,1,� t�;��:i..... w11� 11 �0� daq o f !� 19 `�a My Commission txpues Aug. 15. 1994� � ■ Y ����� Notarq Public, Ramsey C unty anesota Mq co�ission expires y �� Rev. 4/90