90-1838 i ; �5, ciTV oF s7. Pau COUNCI�,FILE NO. D�" ��, FINAL O'RDER //�� - B�������ll/'"�C��r� . "� � �!, File No. 18618-1 Voting In the Matter o ����,�,tios of saaitazy, stor� and w�tar i sarvica caanections, Ward � n ' s by tLs propart� c+wrier. for laprave�ent� �a Z4rsha1l A�rea� 4 fr� �tis A�:a�e to tin�: Street. I . . I ����� roved under Preliminary Or�er app � ' The Council o the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been iven s prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, Th Cou cil has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully c nsid red the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, T at t e Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order thai!t the above-described improvement be made, and the pr er C ty officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed w�th the improvement; and be it FURTHER RE OL ED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the I'proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred herei and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance�✓ith Chapter 14 of the City Charter. I COUNCIL PERS N Adopted by the Counc�l: Date OCT 16 1990 Yeas N�ys ;� Dimond Certified se b Co ncil Secretary �Slvl7� �� � Long � In Favor By Maccabee Rettman / Against r'� Thune I', O CT � 7 1g90 Mayor � PUSIISNED 0 C T 2 7 1990 . . a���� ��.� _ . ' . , . R� 8/23/90 � - � DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL D TE INITIATED *T� �J,O�V / Pub��� Works ��1��90 GREEN SHEE l� CONTACT PERSON 6 PHONE INITIAUDATE INITIAL/DATE Paul St. Martin GZHO �DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR �CITYCOUNCIL ASSIGN �CITV ATTORNEY �CITY CLERK NUMBER FOR MUST BE ON COUNCIL AOENDA BY(�AT l ROUTINQ �BUDGET DIRECTOR �FIN.&MCiT.SERVICES OIR. MUSt be in C�tS7 (,'lerR CE 110 ORDER MAYOR(OR ASSISTANn r han noon Wedne da 8 29/90 ❑ 0 ('.rnmci 1 TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE PAG 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REOUESTED: Setting date of heari g Approve installation f anitary, storm and water service connectilns, if requested by the property owner, for pr vements on Ma.rshall Avenue from Otis Aven e to Finn Street. 1 -1 RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)or ReJect ) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWE THE FOLLOWIN(i QUE8TIOPIS: _PLANNIN(i COMMIS310N _C IL 3E VICE COMMISSION 1• Has this person/firm ever wOrked under a contraCt f r this department? _CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO A S7AFF _ 2• Has this personlfirm ever been e city employee? — YES NO I _DiSTRiCT COURT _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally ssessed by any current city emplt»ree? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE7 W rd 4 ves NO Explaln all yes answers on ssparats aheet and att ch to yrsen sheet Sewer Separation INITIATINO PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTW ,Whet,When,Where,Why): See Green Sheet �� � 8Z1 I ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: . • DISADVANTAOE3 IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAQES IF NOT APPROVED: RECFIVE� l0 A��281�� uncil Research Center C�Y�� CLE��� I AUG 2 31��J .:�r�� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTI� S COST/REVENUE BUDGETEp( IRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE Assesl men s only ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) SB.II tary, storm and water service connections are assessed at the rate in ffect at the time of installation. I d,� ; - . �a -. �---� ...s���� -_ . ��Fy 3� .�,; :1y � ,,.��;rnai.n��r onuaa� -�f �¢� � �� �� _ { ..;� �. — 4 ._: .`,r ;,; �.��„'�'"'c."�� "�'kc`�x�� .;� .< , � ` . � ' . y ;�.. ..:. .._ . ' " ' . e,;i.,� Y un l FUe No.80-1567==By Paula�Maccabce-�,,x., ��'.�. _,,,-. , . � _ ` - ..,� , ,,_ ,, - atorm and water aervlce connectioris.U.;.A �I the Matter o!inatallatlon of saNtary: �, x_ 'cequ ted by ttu P�P�*�Y�er.for improvements tin Marshall Ave m OUs��4r��1 . � n �`in Votln Ward 4 �.� � � .:, ~ B ` = e Coundl of the Clty of Safnt Pai�l Havingrecetved the rePort ot ttn Mayor npon'r, . the a e improvemen��and,having considered eafd ieport.hereby seBolves � ` °,�,� .�That thesaid repott and the a ne is h ebji PP aved wtth no�fetiiatives.and�� �that e:asUmated cost thereof;ls per,connection�Inanced.,by �ntet���Y�': ...,. v�.� - r� �. ato and:vvater•`setvlcr`connectiocis�assessed*at;�2h te�'fii,eRec�at e:xime=�f _ ins atton ,�:�'� 3`°�� ��.�.� � . : . _, 4. ' '`"� .That a pubHc hearing be.had o�l:sald improvement on'the�6t a►bt Oct� . �: 1990 aC 9:0�o'cloc .:1n the Councp Ct�ainbers of the C1ty H; �urt Houae- :Bull . ag n--_e !ty of Salnt EsulY ' ' _ � ` � .-_ .That nodce of sald pobllc hea�ing�be given to�,the�pet'sons�i�n -!n the manner � ,�p'rovi ed by.the Charter. stadng the Ume�'and�place`of.ahearing�: Aatuie o�yf the�,a impr ement and the total coet thereolas esUmateil.- ;.� :P'lle o. l 8616-1 "�` :�=^��;'�.;� .n=-,.�= '�' :.� � �,"� �' opted bj►Council September 4. 1990, '� � � �'�� .+b✓M+.'a 4 ,., . , *,�,� :; � � pproved by Mayor September 5. 1990:. � r � .,,; � :n.—«.:-.^+,x...-�+�+i ,,'�� . `-r� ' �,e. h . � �, ° �-�����:�(September;l5,°I990)- �:x,��. °,�" ` -- ,, � `� 3 � ' ` .:-:.�:�: �`, P._ Y�. . .. • ,:. _- . , . j i . i I . I