90-1821 � R � ,d��k�t��, ��-�i-9lI , GINAL Council File ,� � Green Sheet # RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINN Presented By Referred To Committee: Date WHEREAS, The City f Saint Paul intends to strongly support the location of the new headquarte s of the State Department of Transportation (MNDOTj within the City. WHEREAS, The City's Economic Development Strategy (EDS) , adopted by the City Council in April 1990, states as objective ��14 that the City "Use appropriate incentives to supp rt economic development which clearly fulfills a public purpose" , and sets as policy: The City an Port Authority should identify the specific public purpose objectives be achieved by public investment in any given economic development rogram or project. THEREFORE BE IT R SOLVED that The City of Saint Paul adopts the following criteria to deter ine the degree of public support for proposals to locate MNDOT within Saint Paul. 1. Enhance Sain Paul's role as the center of State Government and strengthen t e physical and visual connections between the Capitol area and the down own 2. Maintain, st engthen and capitalize on Saint Paul's role as "Capital City" 3. Incorporate esign, aesthetic and environmental considerations to ensure compatibilit with surrounding area and to respect the city's historic character 4. Maintain or ncrease property tax levels on the proposed site 5. Enhance and conomically reinforce existing public and private investment i : a) Retail service sectors b) Cultur 1 facilities c) Parks/ pen space amenities d) Entryw ys � e) Street capes f) Skyway and other pedestrian connections � g) Parkin h) Transi � 9 dF��a/ � RIGI �IAL 6. Minimize va ant commercial space 7. Support pot ntial public investment in light rail transit 8. Have demons rated support from neighborhood, civic and business groups 9. Implement a opted redevelopment plans relevant to the proposed site. BE IT FURTHER RES LVED that the Mayor and City Council intend to use the aforementioned cr teria in determining the appropriate amount of public assistance and su port to be provided. AND BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that the City will assist in securing site control through utilizati n of its municipal powers. ts/Res-mndot a Navs Absent Requested by Deplartment of: imon osw z �` � a v� v� r� A h C v .►, ,t o rs.�� SCCd ee et m n c � u e s son BY� O CT � � 19SQ Form Approved by City A orney Adopted by Council: D te � Adoption rtified by ouncil Secretary BY: � , By° Approve y Mayor for Submission to Approved b Mayor: D te �CT 1 1 19yQ coun�i� -� - �'�%Ct�%�Z'/ By: .,�/�sF! SY' B�iSHED 'uC f 2 ;; i990_ i GITY OF R�$ 7 ' � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL � wut Iiiu , � 1111 1 11 ll c • h OFFI�E OF THE CITY COUNCIL +ab• CITY HALL-7th FLOOR-SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612-298-5506 TOM DIMOND COUNCILMEMBER Members: Tam,pimond, Chair Paula Maccabee Dave Thune Date: October 10 1990 COMMITTEE REP RT HOUSING AND E ONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE '' 1. Approval f the Minutes of the September 26, 1990, Housing and Economic Developme t Committee meeting. COMMITTEE APPROVED, 3-0 2. Lower Day on's Bluff - 40 Acre Study (Laid Over in Committee 9-26-90) . COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL OF A SUBSTITUTE RESOLUTION, 3-0 3. Resolutio 90-1766 - Resolution approving applicati�On of Hako Minuteman, Multi-Cle n Division, for Classification of property located in the Saint Paul Rive front Enterprise Zone as Class 4D Employment Property. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL, 3-0 4. Resolutio 90-1767 - Resolution approving applicatipn of Bay West, Inc. , for classific tion of property located in the Saint Pau� Riverfront Enterprise Zone as C ass 4D Employment Property. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL, 3-0 5. Resolutio 90-1768 - Resolution approving application of Leeann Chin, Inc. , for Class fication of property located in the SaintlPaul Riverfront Enterpris Zone as Class 4D Employment Property. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL, 3-0 6. Leeann Chin - Boundary Changes. ' COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL, 3-0 '� CHAIR: Housing and edevelopment Authority & Housing and Economic Development Committee CO MITTEES: Public Works & Intergovernmental Relajtions Printed on Recycled Paper 'er�5 � � � , � �_ /�,� ,,� .1 � ,a - HOUSING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT - OCTOBER 10, 1990 PAGE TWO 7. Approval of funding to construct a parking lot on HRA parcel 141-E, the southwest corner of Selby and Dale, Summit-University Planning Council , District 8 (Referred from HRA 7-10-90) . COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL AS AMENDED, 3-0 (HRA) 8. Resolution authorizing preparation of second supplement indenture to 1987 Riverfront Bonds, naming underwriter, and setting public hearing for proposed bond sale, Districts 3, 9, 17 (Referred from HRA 9-25-90) . THIS ITEM WAS LAID OVER 9. Tax Deferment to Rehab Housing. THIS ITEM WAS LAID OVER 10. Authorization to exercise option and proceed with acquisition of property at 688 E. Third, Dayton's Bluff, District 4 URAP Area (Referred from HRA) . COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL, 3-0 (HRA) 1821 adopti ng cri ter.. �. ...... ..... ..,. .�,,,,._.....,..,.p.......�.,�.�.K.H...... ,-°��` l . - - ia to determine degree of public support '� � for proposals to locate MNDOT within Saint Paul . :a �+�„x.:'.:.f . _.r.. . �..'�f -- � .,,�Q�IMI,T,T�E RECOMMENDED APPROVAL AS AMENDED, 3-0 , . :.. ° ''y 12. HUD Vacant Houses for the Homeless (Laid Over in Committee 9-26-90) . THIS ITEM WAS LAID OVER FOR FURTHER INFORMATION FROM STAFF 13. Approval of Financing Assistance for the Public Housing Agency's Acquisition and Rehabilitation Program (Referred from HRA 10-9-90) . COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL, 3-0 (HRA) 14. Resolution 90-1742 - Resolution increasing the financing and spending plans for the Lower Bluff Urban Revitalization Action Program (URAP) . COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL, 3-0 chr OR � � � ��:.� ,� L . Council File # q��/�a�� Green Sheet # RESOLUTION OF INT P UL, MINNESOTA Presented B Referred To ' Committee: Date WNEREAS, The City of Saint Paul wishes to support proposalsjto locate the new headquarters of t e State Department of Transportation (MNDOT) within the City. WHEREAS, The City s Economic Development Strategy (EDS) , adopted by the City Council in April 990, states as objective ��14 that the City "Use appropriate incentives to .,sup art economic development which clearly fulfills a public purpose" , and s'�t as policy: The City an `°Port Authority should identify the specific public purpose objectives o he achieved by public investment in any given economic development prog�am or project. THEREFORE BE IT R SOLVED th�a.t The City of Saint Paul adopts the following criteria to deter ine the deg�ee of public support for proppsals to locate MNDOT within Sain Paul. ` l. Reinforce t e role of the Capitol area or downtown as a center of government 2. Enhance Sai t Paul's role as the cerit,�er of State Government by including strong phys cal connections between t13� Capitol area aind the downtown � � 3. Maintain or strengthen the historic chara�ter of the City, and , capitalize o Saint Paul's role as "Capita�, City° 4. Incorporate esign, aesthetic and environmentaT'-,considerations to ensure compatibilit with surrounding area, to respect �he city's historic character an capit�lize on the unique attributes 'of 5aint Paul 5. Enhance and canomically reinforce existing public an� private investment i : a) Retail service sectors b) Cultur 1 facilities c) Parks/ pen space amenities d) Entryw ys e) Street capes f) Skyway and other pedestrian connections g) Parkin h) Transi � ' � �yo_��� l �_ � �� � : � � � �. 6. Maintain or increase existing property tax level on the proposed site 7. Utilize exi ting commercial space , 8. Support pot ntial public investment in light rail transit 9. Have demons rated support from neighborhood, civic and business groups 10. Implement a opted redevelopment plans relevant to the proposed site BE IT FURTHER RES LVED that any City support of proposals would be measured against these cri eria and presented to the Mayor a.nd City Council for their consideration as o the appropriate amount of public support. ts/Res-mndot I h Yea Navs Absent Requested by aepartment of: imon �onwi z ��'� �cca e e man une ; i son BY� ' ' Form Approved by C'ty ttorney Adopted by Council: D te Adoption Certified by ouncil Secretary � By: By' Approv d by Mayo� for Submission to Council Approved by Mayor: D te � B . _ tey�.��/ By: y: