90-1819 � � � v� NA� Council File # 9D-/�'19 Green Sheet # d� I RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred To Committee: Date ---___________________ ________________�_________________________________________________ Whereas, Mark an Theresa Queripel made application to the Board of Zoning Appeals for a variance from the strict a plication of the provisions of the Saint Paul Zbning Code for property located at 705 Linwood venue, legally described as Lot 24, Block 3, J. C. Stouts 2nd Addition; and Whereas, The purp se of the application was to vary the standards of the Zoning Code so as to construct an attached o car garage with a deck on the front of a sin;�le family house, which required a 13 foot front ard setback variance (25 foot front yard setback required; 12 foot front yard setback requested); nd Whereas, The Boa of Zoning Appeals conducted a public hearing on July 10, 1990, after :�:��-ing provided notice t affected property owners, and the Board, by its Resolution #10658, ��dcpted July 10, 1990, d cided to grant the application based on the following findings and cc�iicltisions: � L The existing property lacks alley access and does not cunently have a garage. 'The applicant's pro osal would provide a two car attached garage with front access in a neighborhood whic currently has few property with garages using ;�ront access. 2. The relative y steep slope on the front of the property and the nanow setback from the eastern p operty line limits the options of the applicant for locating the proposed two car rage to only the front yard. This situation has existed since before the applicant acqui ed the property in 1987. These circumstances were not created by the land owner. � 3. The propos d two car garage will enable the applicant to park two vehicles in an enclosed space off he public right-of-way and also provide additional storage space. The proposed addi ion will increase the applicant's enjoyment of the property. The requested variance is consistent with the spirit and intent of the Zoning Code. 4. The request d variance will not have any negative impacts on the character of the surrounding area unreasonably diminish established property values in the surrounding area. 5. An attache two car garage with deck on a single family hause is allowed in an R-2 zoning district with appropriate setbacks. The proposed addition would not alter or change the zoning classification of the property. ' 6. The reques for variance is not based primarily on a desire to increase the value or income potenti 1 of the parcel of land. Whereas, Pursuan to the provisions of Section 64.205, Summit Hill Association/District 16, duly filed with the City lerk an appeal from the determination made by the Board of Zoning A�peals, requesting that a hearing be held before the City Council for the purpose of considering the actions taken by the said Board; and oR ��a f�,� I V��,Actmg p rsuant to Sections 64.205 through 64.208, and upon notice to affected parties a public hearing as duly conducted by the City Council on October 9, 1990 where a11 interested parties were g' en an opportunity to be heard; and Whereas, The Cou cil, having heard the statements made, and having considered the variance application, the report o staff, the record, minutes and resolution of the Board of Zoning Appeals, does hereby Resolve, That the ouncil of the City of Saint Paul does hereby reverse the decision of the Board of Zoning Appeal in this matter, based on the following findings of the Council: 1. The Board ade an error in its determination that the property cannot be put to a reasonable use u ess the setback variance were to be granted. The evidence presented shows th t a reasonable alternative exists which would permit the property owner to construct a garage without the necessity of obtaining a front yard setback variance. There a pears to be sufficient room on the applicant's property to allow the construction of a d 'veway along side of the e�cisting house, and thereby build a garage to the rear of the 1 t. All the other properties on the block have provided such driveways and no ther property has had to obtain front yard setback variances in order to provide off stre t parking. 2. The slope o the front of the yard of applicant's house is ty�pical of the other properties in the a ea. 3. The grantin of the variance does tend to violate the spirit and intent of the Zoning Code, for t at intent is to maintain a uniform front yard s�tback. Granting of a 13 foot front yard etback violate that intent and spirit. 4. Granting th front yard setback and permitting the construction of the garage and deck in the othe se required front yard would convert the front yard into a concrete slab. 5. The applica t does not intend to construct the garage, but instead hopes to increase the value f the property for re-sale purposes, and therefore the primary purpose for reques ing the variance is based on the applicanYs desire to increase the value of the parcel of land. The applicant has listed the property for re-sale and has indicated that all provals for the construction of the new garage have been obtained from the City. 6. There was n inadequate showing at the Board of Zoning �ppeal's hearing of a lack of other reas able altematives and lack of feasibility to build a garage in the rear of the property, an also inadequate showing that the slope of the subject property or other features wer so unique as to preclude construction of a driveway along the side of the existing hou e and placement of a garage in the rear yard. 7. The applica t had wrongfully represented to the Board of �oning Appeals that the land use co 'ttee of the Summit Hill Association had reviewed the plan and had accepted the idea hat it would be a good solution to their problem. However the evidence shows th t the Association did not take a position on the variance request because the applic nt indicated that a request would be made to the Board to continue the hearing so as t allow the applicant and Association to continue to meet and discuss the proposed vari ce request. Further Resolved, at the appeal of Summit Hill Association/District 16 be and is hereby granted; and, be it 0 R I GI � � ��°-'�'9 Firi 1 �esolved at the Ci Clerk shall mail a co of this resolution to Mark and Theresa , �Y PY Queripel, Summit Hill sociation/District 16, the Zoning Administrator, Planning Commission and Board of Zoning Appeal . _______________________ ________________________________________�__________________________ --------------------- ------------------ --------------- ----- - ------ --------- Yeas Na s Absent Requested by Oepartment of: Dimon � Goswltz � Lon Macca e � Rettman � T une � Wi son � BY� _________________�__ =0=====—________= I Adopted by Councit: D te U l.� 9 19 90 Form Appr ved by City Attorney C l � i / Adoption . rtified by ouncil Secretary By: � � BY� Approv' by Mayor for Submission to Approved Mayor: D te (��� � �. i990 Counci �. By: C �=%��+d�F-f=�� By: - ��l0�'�/f DEPARTMENTlOFFlCE/OOUNpI DATE INITIATED City Clerk's off��e GREEN SHEE No. 2 0 7 COhITACT PER80N 6 PHONE INITIAU DAT INITIAL/DATE Al Olson 4231 �DEPARTMENT DIRECfOR �GTY COUNCIL ��F� �CITY ATTORNEY �GTY(XERK MUST BE ON OOUNqL A(�ENDA BY(DATE) ROUTUKi �BUDOET DIRECTOR �FIN.d MOT.8ERVICE8 DIR. �MAYOR(OR ASSIST � TOTAL N OF SIGNATURE PACiES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SItiNATUR� ACTION REQUE5iED: Resolution grantin�; the appeal o� Summit Hill Association to a de ision of the Board of Zoning �ppeals wh�cfi ranted a:�variance of front yard setback t construct a garage at 705 Linwood. RECOMMENDATIONB:Approve(A)or Reject(R) (�UNqL COMMI�RCH REPORT OPTIO L _PIANNING OOMMISSION _qVIL ICE COMMISSION A�YST PHONE NO. _GB COMMITTEE _ -STAFF _ WMMENTB: _D18TRICT COURT _ SUPPORT8 WHICH OOUNqL OBJECTIVEI INITIATINO PROBLEM,138UE,OPPORTUNITY ,What,When,Whers,Why): Resolution recauested by auncil con�irming action taken at Public earing held August 30, 1990. ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: i . DISADVANTAOES lf APPROVED: DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: ! Coun il Research Center_ SEP 45� .�r.� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION s COST/REVENUE 9UDOETED(q LE ONE) YES NO FUNDINO SOURCE qCTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(IXPWI� , ' �- �Q,��,�� � : r ,� � � DATE : Septe ber 26 , 1990 R�C�IV�D T0: Counc ' 1 President Wilson and : �c�a1199� Membe s of the City Council �""i (`i ��K Room 19 , City Hall St . P ul , MN 55102 FROM: Mark nd Theresa Queripel 705 L 'nwood Avenue St . P ul , MN 55105 RE: ZONIN FILE 4�90-178 City ouncil Hearing: October 9 ; 1990 cc : Mayor Scheibel Albert Olson, City Clerk As you know, we did not receive notice of the public hearing on August 30, 1990 regarding an appeal of the Summit Hill Association of the Board of Zoning Appeals decision to approve a vari nce for our property at 705 Linwood Avenue . We would like to address several issues raised by the Summit Hill Associati n and subsequent discussion of this matter at the August 0 Council meeting. o Our deci ion to request a variance setback to accommod te a double-car, tuck-under attached garage on the f ont of our house was , in our estimation, the best solution for the lack of off-street parking for our roperty. In arriving at this design solution we were ery concerned about preserving the aesthetic and hist ric character not only of our property but �f thp n ighbcr?�ood as �ae�1 . We ha��e a1 s� kepr z„ mind the sensitive issue of scale . Our intcnt to minimize the impact of this addition to the streetscape is refle ted in the minimal demensioning of the garage proporti ns. Standard garage dimensions call for an overa 1 size of 24 by 24 feet . Our design is based on minim 1 dimensions of 18 by 18 feet with the addition 1 attempt to downscale through the use of two single g rage doors as opposed to one large opening. Furtherm re, the overall height of the garage would not prot ude much above the existing site grade, except for the ntrance patio parapet . This parap�?t is designed to provide , a minimal blockage of light and air via olumns with lattice rail infill , designed to compleme t the existing columns at the entry. In short , we feel his is a sensitive design for the particular characte istics of our site and style of home. � I�-181� Council Preside t Wilson September 26 , 1 90 Page 2 Our lot is the mallest (40 x 135) and one of the steepest on the block. he western portion of the property;, is about 6-7 feet above the grade of the sidewalk, while the eastern portion is abou 9-10 feet above sidewalk grade. Although front-yard gara es are not typical of our block, two properties have front-var.d double-car attached ;arages ( 722 and 690 Li wood) . Also, several homes within 350 feet] of our property have similar sloping sites with tu!ck-under or attached gar ges ( 685 Linwood, 700 Osceola , 708 Osceola and 718 Osceola) . , Other less desi able options, in our view, to adding offstreet parking and a g rage are limited to: o Re uestin an easement from the property owner to the west ( 709 Linwood) to share his driveway thus allowing ccess to our backyard and adding a' detached garage . shared driveway would allow critical turnaroun space and leave untouched many ma„ture trees and shrubs . The neighbor was not interested in granting n easement . o Addin a rivewa on the east side of the pr�operty and const ucting a detached garage in the backyard. There is ine feet between the foundation of the house and the property line , which is a four''-foot retaining wall. While adequate by code standards, the driveway ould be of minimal width. In addi,,tion, it would be t ?east 125 feet l�ng, allowing na turr�around space req iring a driver to back out of a steep, narrow driveway. Several mature trees and plantings would have to b removed to accommodate the driveway as well . Regarding state ents made by Summit Hill Association members that our sole i tent in seeking this variance was to profit economically, w request you consider the following facts : o The estim ted cost for constructing the double-car, tuck-under garage with a deck on top is $32 ,!000. The addition of a driveway on the east side of the property ith a detached double-car garage in the backyard ould cost less than half that amoulnt . Clearly, we did not pursue this avenue because it was the "cheaper" solution. : �'0-/�l9 . Council Preside t Wilson September 26, 1 90 Page 3 o At the ti e we applied for the variance , our house was for s le and had been on the market for six months . t had been repeatedly brought to our attention that the lack of a garage was a chYef concern for poten ial buyers . We pursued the variance applicati n with the intention of either building the garage ou selves , or at least having the abi�'lity to demon�tra e tha* *he plan c�uld be i:�plemeni,ed. Ar no time did e state we never intended to build the garage . In additi n, the variance was never a factor in setting a price f r our home . In fact , there was a l$50,000 reduction from the original asking price established by Merril Lynch Realty in January to the price establish d by Edina Realty in July. Furthe'lrmore , the askin price was reduced an additional $20,000 in August -- after the variance had been app,roved. Following the July 10 Board of Zoning Appeal''s hearing at which time the request for a variance was approved, the prope ty was then marketed as having a "city-approved garage an driveway plan" . Since we were never notified i the Summit Hill Association appeal, we and our real estate agent could not have kna;wn that the variance as in question. Finally, it was never our intention to exclude the Summit Hill Associatio or other interested parties from having input in this atter, nor to misrepresent their op,inions . When we agplie3 for the varianc� , we were aware ef th� fact that the District Council as well as neighbors within a certain proximity would be notified of our plans . At that time , we did not even know that the Summit Hill Association existed or that it had a "Land Use Committee" . We voluntarily attended the organization' s meeting ta present our plan. Cle rly, there are different interpretations of what transpired at this committee meeting. We felt the Su mit Hill Association Land Use Committee , in principal , app oved of our design. However, their concern was one of con rol and that we , or some new owner might change the ext rior design details . After much discussion, we were told t e committee would veto the plan unless we agreed to dela the hearing. Fearing the variance would not be approve we agreed to postpone the hearing date . • �o-���� Y Council Presid nt Wilson September 26 , 990 Page 4 Subsequently w learned that the Summit Hill Assoc�iation makes recommen ations to the Board of Zoning Appeals on matters of thi kind, but does not actually have a vote. Furthermore, b fore the scheduled hearing date we discovered that the Plann 'ng Department would include langua�e in the variance prote ting the integrity of the exterior design deLails , prohi iting anyone from changing the design as we had submitted ' t . Assuming this would address the concerns of the Summit ill Association we attended the Board of Zoning Appeals hearin on July 10 as planned. ' Perhaps we wer not well versed in how neighbors and neighborhood o ganizations can and should work together. Better communi ation and understanding might have prevented this matter fr m being added to an all ready full City Council agenda. We request tha the City Council review this variance application an appeal with respect to what is the best off-street par ing solution for this property, th� St . Paul Legislative Co e, input from interested parties and the staff report of the lanning and Economic Development Department . Effective Sept mber 28, 1990, we will no longer be the property owner of 705 Linwood Avenue . Because we are moving out-of-state, e will not be able to attend the City Council Hearing on Oct ber 9 . Tr�e new owners r�ave indicatied they will attend th hearing and wish to pursue this matter. u , ��--1�� �:t; r �6�t*= o,s CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ' oR .� ��� a �������i�� 7 DIVISION OF PLANNING � {ttt 11 t r 25 West Pnurth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 ° � 612-228•3270 '•�• Fax:612-228-3220 lAMES SCHEIBEL MAYOR September 25, 1990 Albert Olson, City Clerk Room 386, Cit Hall Saint Paul, 55102 RE: Zoning F' le #90-178 City Cou cil Hearing: October 9, 1990 PURPOSE: Reh aring of the appeal of the Board of Zoning Appeals dec' sion to approve a 13 foot front yard setback var'ance to allow the construction of �n attached two car garage with deck on the front of a single family hou e. STAFF RE OMME DATION: Approve SUPPORT• Non . OPPOSITION: ne neighbor, Summit Hill Associatibn Dear Sir: i On July 10, 1 90 the Board of Zoning Appeals held a public hearing on th s requested variance. The applical�t testified. At the close of he public hearing, the BZA voted 4 to 0 to approve the requested variance. On August 30, 1990 the City Council heard the appeal by the Summit Hill A sociation of the Board of Zoning Appeals decision in this matte . Unfortunately public hearing notices were not sent out and onsequently the property owners diid not appear to testify. + �in-Igl � � Albert Olson September 25, 990 Page Two This appeal is scheduled to be reheard by the City Council on October 9, 199 . Please notify me by October 5, 1990, if any member of the ity Council wishes to have slidesiof the site presented at t e public hearing. Si cerely, . . .�� � /� ��.-� Pegg . Reic ert Deputy Direct r of Planning , PAR/7Pd Attachment cc: Mayor Sc eibel �'a -/8�l� � ����,*T ,,� CITY OF SAINT PAUL 4 ; DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND EQONOMIC DEVELOPMENT � � DIVISION OF PLANNING ' � _� =i1°� 0 25 w�est�►eh s�re�,sa���Pa��,Minnewta 55102 • " 612•22&3270 �••• fax:612-22&3220 JAMES SCHEIBEL M AYOR September 4, 19 0 Council Presid nt Wilson and Members of the City Council Room 719, City Hall ' Saint Paul, I�T 55102 Dear Council P esident Wilson: On August 30, 990 the City Council heard the appeal by the Summit Hill As ociation of the Board of Zoning Appeals decision to approve a 1 foot front yard setback variance to allow the construction o an attached two car garage with c�eck on the front of a single fa ily house. It has recentl come to my attention that the public hearing notice for thi matter was not sent out prior to the public hearing. Cons quently, Mark and Theresa Queripel�', the owners of the property, nd their neighbors were not notified of the hearing and di not appear and testify on this ma�tter. Based on consu tation with Jerry Segal, Assistan� City Attorney, it is recommen ed that the City Council reschedu],e a public hearing on thi matter to allow all interested p�rties to be heard. �, We regret that this unfortunate situation occurred and we are taking steps t ensure that such circumstances do not occur in the future. I you have any questions about this situation, please contact Marv Bunnell at 228-3368. i Sinc�rely, �, � , �,� i� ' .�- ��- - - ti _ ✓ � �� -t- Peggy A. Reic ert Deputy Direct r for Planning cc: Albert O son, City Clerk PR/7Pd �D -/�` 19 '`�**�'• CTTY OF SAINT PAUL :~ �� � ; �� ; OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY + �e � �••• .t,e►ivE a. MC P EAK, CITY ATTORNEY 647 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 612-298-5121 JAMFS SCHEIBEL FAX 612-298-5619 MAYOR August 30, 1990 I Mr. A1 Olson , City Clerk 3rd Floor City Hall Re: 705 Linwo d Dear Mr. Olson• The City ouncil today adopted a motion to grant the appeal of the Summit ill Association from the decision ,of the Board of Zoning Appeals granting of a variance of front yard setback to allow the owne of the property at 705 Linwood to construct a garage and dec in the required front yard. Attached please find a resolution which ''sets forth the findings and c nclusions of the Council in grantir�g the appeal and reversing the ecision of the Board of Zoning Appi�als. Ve y ruly yo s, r E OME J. A istant City Attorney JJS:s cc Marvin Bu nell, Planning Division . . �U- 1�1'S' � S . PAUL CITY C �UNCIL � P 6� IC HEARING NaTICE ZONlNG � Property owners withi 350 feet FI L E N 0. Representatives of P1 nning District/SHA i�iii� Mark & Theresa Querip 1 P��E q0-17$ PURPOSE � Appeal of the BZA decision to approve a 13 foot front yard setback variance to allow the construc�ion of an attached two car garage with deck on the front d�f a single family house. l.O C A T I 0 N 705 Linwood North side between Grotto & Osceola PETITIONER Suaanit Hill Association N E A R I N G �esday, October 9, 1990 9:OG� �,*�, • Citf �o�^ci� Chambers, ?rd _ :ac- C:tv '-ial. - Court House QUESTIONS Zoning _ Please call Marv Bunnell (228-3368) Cor.:3CL �he Zoning Sec*_'_or. of tze ?lanning and Econonic �eve-c�ment Departmeat. Room ..�1, Citv ?�a12 Annex, :5 «. �ta Street, St. Pau:, u?nnesota 'I �5102 �iocice •en[ 9-20-90 �o -1815' Council File � Green Sheet � RESOLUTION � CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee� Date c=vamaasassaxxs�xsssac= sasx==seacaa�=xaa�sssc�mac=saas-s�a�sos=aCZSSSxsaessaxeccs3xax--c Whereas, Mark and eresa Queripel made application to the Board of Zoning Appeals for a variance from the strict a lication of the provisions of the Saint Paul Zoaung Code for property located at 705 Linwood A enue, legally described as Lot 24, Block 3, J. C. Stouts 2nd Addition; and Whereas, The purpo e of the application was to vary the standards of the Zoning Code so as to construct an attached o car garage with a deck on the front of a sin�le family house, which required a 13 foot front y rd setback variance (25 foot front yard setback'required; 12 foot front yard setback requested); d Whereas, The Boar of Zoning Appeals conducted a public hearing on July 10, 1990, after having provided notice to ffected property owners, and the Board, by its Resolution #10658, adopted July 10, 1990, de 'ded to grant the application based on the following findings and conclusions: 1. The existing roperty lacks alley access and does not currently have a garage. The applicant's pro osal would provide a two car attached garage with front access in a neighborhood which currently has few property with garages using �ront access. 2. The relativel steep slope on the front of the property and the nanow setback from the eastern pr perty line limits the options of the applicant for locating the proposed two car g age to only the front yard. This situation has existed since before the applicant acquir d the property in 1987. These circumstances were not created by the land owner. 3. The propose two car garage will enable the applicant to park two vehicles in an enclosed space off t e public right-of-way and also provide additional storage space. The proposed addit on will increase the applicant's enjoyment of the property. The requested variance consistent with the spirit and intent of the Za,ning Code. 4. The requeste variance will not have any negative impacts an the character of the sunounding area or unreasonably diminish established properry values in the sunounding area. 5. An attached o car garage with deck on a single family house is allowed in an R-2 zoning district 'th appropriate setbacks. The proposed addition would not alter or change the zoning assification of the property. 6. The request or variance is not based primarily on a desire to increase the value or income potential of the parcel of land. Whereas, Pursuant o the provisions of Section 64.205, Summit Hill Association/District 16, duly filed with the City erk an appeal from the detemunation made by the Board of Zoning cIa - 1 g��i • Appeals, requesting that a hearing be held before the City Council for th� purpose of considering ' the actions taken by the 'd Board; and . Whereas, Acting pu uant to Sections 64.205 through 64.208, and upon nodce to affected parties a public hearing w duly conducted by the City Council on Augu�t 30, 1990 where all interested parties were gi n an opportunity to be heard; and Whereas, The Coun il, having heard the statements made, and having considered the variance application, the report of taff, the record, minutes and resolution of the $oard of Zoning Appeals, does hereby Resolve, That the C uncil of the City of Saint Paul does hereby reWerse the decision of the Board of Zoning Appeals in this matter, based on the following �ndings of the Council: 1. The Board de an error in its determination that the property cannot be put to a reasonable use u ess the setback variance were to be granted. Z'he evidence presented shows th a reasonable altemative exists which would permit the property owner to construct garage without the necessity of obtaining a front yard setback variance. There ap ears to be sufficient room on the applicant's p�operty to allow the construction of a dr veway along side of the existing house, and thel�'eby build a garage to the rear of the 1 t. All the other properties on the block have provided such driveways and no o er property has had to obtain front yard setback variances in order to provide off stree parking. 2. The slope o the front of the yard of applicant's house is typical of the other properties in the ar a. 3. The granting of the variance does tend to violate the spirit and intent of the Zoning Code, for t at intent is to maintain a uniform front yard setback. Granting of a 13 foot front yard s tback violate that intent and spirit. 4. Granting the front yard setback and permitting the construction of the garage and deck in the otherwi e required front yard would convert the front yard into a concrete slab. 5. The applica t does not intend to construct the garage, but instead hopes to increase the value f the property for re-sale purposes, and therefore the primary purpose for request ng the variance is based on the applicant's desire to increase the value of the parcel f land. The applicant has listed the property for re-sale and has indicated that all a provals for the construction of the new garage have been obtained from the City. 6. There was a inadequate showing at the Board of Zoning pppeal's hearing of a lack of other reaso able altematives and lack of feasibility to build a garage in the rear of the property, an also inadequate showing that the slope of the subject property or other features wer so unique as to preclude construction of a dri�eway along the side of the existing hou and placement of a garage in the rear yard. 7. The applica t had wrongfully represented to the Board of ?oning Appeals that the land use co ttee of the Summit Hill Association had revievu�ed the plan and had accepted the idea t at it would be a good solution to their problem. However the evidence shows tha the A.ssociation did not take a position on the variance request because the applic t indicated that a request would be made to t�e Board to continue the hearing so as t allow the applicant and Association to continue to meet and discuss the proposed varia ce request. �iv-/8IS � Further Resolved, at the appeal of Summit Hill Association/District 16 be and is hereby � grarited; and, be it � Finally Resolved, Th t the City Clerk shall mail a copy of this resolution to Mark and Theresa Queripel, Summit Hill Ass ciarion/District 16, the Zoning Administrator, Planning Commission and Board of Zoning Appeals. ca�=aaa=ax=smasoa�a�sa� a�caaa=a�xaaca=sa�aaasvaca�msasaxsa::smxsaxxcmx�mococoxccccexm==x= ==s�a��coa�aea sss�sa --cea=� m��mas=ec ,. lfeas Na s Absent Requested by Department of: Dtmon Goswitz on Macca ee Rettman T une BY: Wi son sa:aaascc�=eosa_xo:ma m m:sssm =ammsmas� Adopted by Council: Da e Form Approv by City torney Adoption Certified by C il Secretary By. BY� Approv Mayor ' or Submission to Council Approved by Mayor: Da e By: By: �'� -/�/� `GtTT o. . CITY OF SAINT PAUL �° °� DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT a DIVISION OF PLANNING - a ttlllltt ,r `v =� �� � v' 25 West Fipurth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 � � 612-228-3270 '••• Fax:612•228-3220 JAMES SCHEIBEL MAYOR , August 17, 199 Albert Olson, ity Clerk Room 386, City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 RE: Zoning Fi e #90-178 City Coun il Hearing: August 30, 1990 PURPOSE: Appea of the Board of Zoning Appeals decision to approve a 13 f ot front yard setback variance to allow the construction o an attached two car garage with d�eck on the front of a single fa ily house. STAFF RECOMMEN ATION: Approve SIIPPORT: None OPPOSITION: O e neighbor, Summit Hill Association Dear Sir: . On July 10, 19 0 the Board of Zoning Appeals held a public hearing on thi requested variance. The applicar�t testified. At the close of t e public hearing, the BZA voted 4 !to 0 to approve the requested ariance. This appeal is scheduled to be heard by the CityjCouncil on August 30, 1990. Please notify me by August 28, ',1990, if any member of the ity Council wishes to have slides of the site presented at e public hearing. Since ely, 1 � . Pe . ei ert � �� 9 Y Deputy Direct r for Planning PAR:tt Attachments cc: Mayor Sc eibel File #90 178 � . `��--��/� APPLICATION FOR APPEAL ZONING OFFI�CE USE ONLY CITY OF SAINT PAUL Fi le # ��"!� Application Fee S � 30•� � Tentative Mearing Date � $�.30—�0 Application is hereby de for an Appeal to the under the provisions o Chapter 64, Section , aragrap � o the oning o e to appeal a decision m e by the ZC Board o�'rn�ng Appeals p Planning Conmission ! on �'/ �� , 19 9, Zoning Administrator (date of decision) Planning Administrator � Other _ A. APPELLANT Name SUN��� «-�- ��"����� n�ST. �lP Daytime phone Z�' �Z-�Z- Address '�'�'`� b' ����� � �� � SSlO� Zip Code SS t OS'- . L�' '�TT-ZaS-T B. DECISION BEING APPE LEO Zoning file name �1L fT�}Et�S� Qv�RII�E(� Zoning File � 10toS8 Property Address/Lo ation �-o S t—I N w o O� . L�egal description �9 ���3 SC�S�-�+�'`� �"�'�" C. GROUNDS FOR APPEAL (Use additional sheets if necessary.) ' (Explain why you fe 1 there has been an error in any requirement, permit, decision or refusal made by an administrative official, or an error im fact, procedure or finding made by the Board Zoning Appeals or the Planning Comnission.) �,e� a� �,n�,,t..a�k': ���¢� � ��, l9 a l,oxt'� �}-a lo�- D�-�1 w�•v.c�1l 8 1 9 v . � ' _ If you have any quest ons, please contact: ��`�'�-� ��` App icant's signature St. Paul Zoning ffice 1100 City Hall A nex �/� ,,� � v M 25 West Fourth S reet u Saint Paul, Minn sota 55102 Date , City agent (298-4154) 9/82 ���l�f� Summit Hi 1 Association District 16 Planning Council M a r v i n E�u n n 1 1 745 Grand Avenue, Suite 101 B o a r d o f Z a i n g ��p e a i s Saint Paul, Minnesota 55105 25 West �ou th 5treet 6�2"222'1222 Saint �`ai.�l , Minnesota �52G� ' ��3y i�� = � q �y Z0�3i�NG FILE �°-�� De�r M�r�� , Tt-:e Summi -t t-fi i I Associ ati cr.1Di stri ct 16 P!I anni ng Councii formall �r r�ec{�iests ta appeal the decision csf the floard of Zorf� :�g Appe�Is re��r�ing ,� oning * i 2 e nWmber 1C}b58 , v�ri ance rec}i�est by hlarrk ar�d ThEres� Gtseripe� �Qr 7Cy5 Lanwvod . ;r�e Z�ni ng anci Land ��__�� Cc►rr+mi ttee of the Si{rr+mi t E-�lil � �=sc+cs �tionlDistrict i � �i �rsning Cottnci � t���r� a �tresentativn by ms . QLieripel or: Ji�ne �� , 199�}. The cc�mmittee told Ms_ G►��e:•- ipel t�:�� they co��id no* apprave th ir prapra=ai as prea�r{ted . �ift�r +�;z+ch di scussi �� , Ms. Gt�aer i peI agr-eed to r�qt�e�,t th�t tt-s�i r c�ate en the �L� agenc3a be 1 �i d over a mi ni rr,��rs� af two vaEei-s. The S�:^irssi t t-i� i I r�ssc+c i at i on act �c on gac�c� f ai t!-, th�t the � piic��-:t wc�►ic� 4:eep her �romi =_-� ±ci re�uest a i �y��•:.�� o# the cia�e c3f t�aa he�s� irsg bef�sr� tt-�e �L�. ' Recause th } di ci s�sot happers , ar+c's �ecatise i the i.jZ�t has not he r� from tt�e Uistrict i� Plarening Goiencii r-eg�:rdi ng �Zi s m�t�er , we �ppe�I -the deci =i on of the ��.A re ard: �:c} zvning file ntssnher It�6s�i. SincerelY , 'J, � .Iud; t� Per: c:.^. , �'r�si dent Sumirsi t Hi I Fts=_�oc i at i os-e i Di �trict fi �'Ianrir�q Ccsusci2 I �'v-l8'l� Summit Hill Association • . District 16 Planning Council C D Lt f'f C I I �'�-e�i � n t W i I s o n 745 Grand Avenue, Suite 101 71 � C a t y H a 3 1 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55105 ��� �,t ����z , ��� �es�t� JJ1��i ZC)NiNG FILE Q= taiigiia-t i , 1 �tC} Fe: �p�eal crf oard of 'tcfn3 ng Appea? 5 �{25{3I Lt'� 3 DCt �i 1 e iSii�mtser- 1Cf6 � , dated .I�tiy 1t� , 299:� �r�ar Co�tncil P esident Wilsc�.^. , ' The Summi t Hi 1 I A�S�'JC3 e�'�2 DR'2ID3 stri ct 16 P3 anni ng Counci ? i = �ppeal i �fg the c+ar� ��= Zani rze ACp�al s resoi uti on tc vsa� �ve the �� _,•risions o4 5e�t � can b1 . 1L� 1 ta a: law a twelve foot front yar � =.�t �c3: ars� c�nstr�+ction of an attact-sE� tw� car gara�e . The iii str i ct { ` �`� =.s�:i n� �c�ur►ci 1 �? 1 eyes ti-sat t�sE �Zf-? m�re error=_- ir� . it=_- . ir.�� ngs �t fact . We de s-iat �elseve t'-, at the , � cs�erty ��vaner �-s�s �:�mor�strat�d ttte re;L:; r-e� �:�+�d=_.i-�i � . 5�e� i * ic�li 'TS ! #�e Ui =.t- ict ib �`l �n:-s� n� t;cs�:;:Ti } clairr�=_• t#��at : � _ Ttse p:c�ert�� i = c�.rrEr:tl ;f ��it tc� a r�a�on�Gle «s� . T!-:er �� i =_- rsc:�hi s�� iini i:e tc� t�:e r�ropert;. t�thi ch caz;=_.�__ ��n�ue i-sar�st:� �: . �!-:e � =.e wi � i nct c!-aarfge ��y t.*:� grarsti r:g c�t � ��aria::�e . �=�+�t� er , t��e pro�ert�j c?��ner cars , �:�. ttae adj�ce�it r.;��rErtr ct�r�,er ha=_. � constr�3ct � �r � �reway �nc5 ' �SUi1d a �a:- agr� _ ^ L�acb: �f the e>: � =tin� #���sr�a� . .._ . The �? i g+z* I ai mecf h�; _�;e 1 ari�owr:�-r i s s-sv� c�ue tJ c3 -czir.:stanc�=_- rEiqi�e te. the pr�perty - On tt-,e �! �onir�g bcar� �Y��licatacsn to � cani �s� cr�i :-:�nce variarice , qrsestion C::� asf:=_-: Wtr�;t rhy ��i c3�ar �,cteri =tics of the �r-c��eFty �re�4Pr,� i �� �sE1 f:L� R_t5�� � C:' ��4'{ C'"." ��4C-� �E'!�.'RT. t��i� t[52c 2 it `�GLi:'- 20.*TE'� The ap�: � ca�t �=wer�� "stee�s fr-�nt yard ;:r�tsihits �:� i �r�iiay tc� rear yar� . ,: I�e L�Lce e?. ceptt CI�4 t�+ the tirrdirtg th�t "tt:e r�i �ti �:e? ��� s�ee�� =_.1cYF�e �+n ti-►e � 3rst ct the prc+perty and the narrow =ect�acE. frc�m t±-;e east�, s-; pra�Ert}� � i rse 2 i sni t=_. tt-se o�sti csns ef thE ap;3 i �aret t-�r ocati n� the pro�case� two �ar garage tc� oni y the fror:t y�rd " l�.tcs ��:i �ence wae pre=ented �o the bZ�=: hr:ich ' sze�pc+rt=_- t!-;i s i rs�, rx� . Ta tt�e c�ntrary , the �r�kaa :-:�__ =_.tx��mi ±��ci t�y t e a�:pl i caszt s!�scsw t!-:e a� = �cer:t rfei g�-rter �:a=_• a garagc i �: th� acF: . i�dci �i r�riai � ; , o evi �ence v.�=_- �res�r:ted tc� s�.rpport t�se cozc � �e= � c�n th� a �4ac4: yarC gzrage wo�:l � be �ry� mc�re �� ; fict:lt or c �=_-tlY t!-sar� a �ros�± yarci y�:rage'�. �t-ie prcrper ; y �<s�:r.er �-ca=_ �i ���-.s no ir.fcz�-^�:_tic+n ors *i-iat is=.i�e� i 5'a�/�'/9 � zQNiN� Fi�E 9O-»8 T�:ere i � a �Sres nt use o� the prerert�f in c:+nifc,rmaT:ce witt-t the c�de a= wei a=_- ti-*� a�i s a t r to cQn=tr�:ct r dri vewa� to * �;� r��r c+r; ��?e ea=_-f c± the tscme . The =� t� �:? �n =�et:mitte� b� ±�;� �ppi i can =how= ni ne feEt t+etween the t-+c+iise and tt�:e pr�perty Iin¢ , ore than is req�:irEC ta can=truct a dr i ve�.ia`r' - _ . Tt�e �Sro�:c3se� v�riance is rest in kEeping wit�-s t�:e s�irit a�:e� ir:�L�� rf t e code . T�e cc�oe i =_. interided te =_�e� star:c�arci=_. t ^ w�: � c�a b�.�i itiis-sgs m��s� cor�form. Ao '•.fari ar,ce c� th. �teer-: 4eet o ' the twen�f � ive fc�ot =_�et�ac�: reG>._:iresr►E�-:t , wE-.i �!�: is �:�:er f � ft r percent �f t#-:E� _.� �ndrrd fctr the �`-�:' � c�rir:^ v; stri �� front Ta:-d =_-ett+a� i; i � � I . 1 �' 3 ,' viaiates the sr=i +- i ; �-. _. 3 �ste t of thE c��e. 4 . Th= . =ri �nce wi i i al ter _ �se e=_�s�rtC3 c'31 ct-sar"•acter �f tr;� _.Lrr - r-,_:---r�. 1S'FC� 2!' �' . !lE �1�i:'- Ict:?CE WI � 1 V1 ^.i �i�E' t�ie �35�!'ICt � C �'I 2 r? . iF!� S}:r � '•J c Z C• �.'1' G'r E'C* ��'t E c:E S'��"t e± 3 � cZ''t� �3 3 5'�O r 3 C �r`� �:r:. -.� r r � � `. r, y e ii ± �:-. _.. _._ �r c � t�i si�ic�:.- - ° hcsed L� ; eG�; _ �: �:'�ssr, = arce fi, �: }�:� ��•^F . !'t C' �?} E'," �l D[f12� C+!3 1 1 �_t iN'�D'� �i e�':E f ir C+!l t Y e-1:�G �3=, - r,' - _ ' � � � �` _ 'rtC� C�� �c: _±y� C ", tl _r� ,"�;>�� .i � C•!-; tFtC� �3'�r er t•f 1�13 �.:C�t: : c _ _ _ _.�',`� 't fl!'- _-a L:=r }:. . � ,:., � . k-;� r.rG��i f L�k+tf�er .. � rC't2 `SE�� '� �i': L2Rl�Tt2 �r5 "� v 5�'1i '- t. := �••' O�?°f�F ',• , _ ._ 35 C :?'�Qf3� i , � � S�C-'Gf h�3 ��"S C !'�2,. ZC{!r ��" Sc-tfe . -i 't•E: c;ti�-•t � Cct?''. � .-`. �-'�1� F "�� tQS ^u �1-i� fC�f"i3 f1Cf' elr_,f; __c7�t'C�.. LtSE' t�:ct.m.mi tte� t�at � � �� s nc�t the; �- 3 rtent t�= �cct�t�? i ; �+�:i 1 d T �:� _ _'� =.ijE ; '�!-SF; !SSE'i'�1 T' e'=��1� � :L{!� 1C�f:CEr iri CZ!"f�E'1' If � LS°t '�E:r ?i t.?' ?:F'` _t':c _°.'-r`�°'.�t 'f . ��: �ct Y" 3 'V �rf P c�.�.ry. � � ] C Et S?t � �','" 1 �.. �.:'`f' -�.r:t _ ,:?t _ �r: 2 � tC� 3 :�.r?' E'c4�-E t�iF `±ci� Ll� Qr 23?CQ(!t° r-L�'�T't� 3e�� C` �' :-<f=- �"T„ t�i= _- _ . �EC� : � , `''3i . .�it� -1 t ;�•� CCtCSC =-i�'J' G��� ��!'� clfl 2:"sr-:r.?:. t.G' ' 4-3� - - - . - r = � ir 2 c t ;' 1 =" . ._C?l.'•.P.�2 3 k:'?°:3 c!tl �'!'f G:' - = C ? e-t 2 lii�� 2 :� ',j 2 � �.`- _ 7 Y•t' =CE��tt" �= -'!' # 1f"?�'_tlr;� . Ir+ e�G�G'�i _ � �Tl �= t�te f �CT.. = j YE�S�fit�C ��:� t�:_ . .� `�S y � T2�__ .m.�d e � Mi L� cZ.� �•�� �3 E'3 � e V� ��r ��:�- {H C�' = ���m m� t �- �'� ? fi rY �LE'�Ltl'" L . � i�: St • i _ '� : •� I � clf) 2 �E� F'irE�S't�C �c��'t'y 3 �T ��:1 5 Rtc�� t£i" � '�L?M��`1E't� ; a�e were n��t c ; r�•en the �rr^:��t�nit� to have in�l�st at the Jui ;• I �_> , i `. - _ ��� � a�- : >�� . i+ior=_-e i�:�ass ha�wi r�e nc� i �-tp��t s ±±�:e �u=it __ c,,-: �� t�+ �13stric� C:��as�ci � a:as misre�resen*ec by the ��:p? i � arf� _ ', - � �'�- /�/�' � ZO�tfI�G FiLE �� T�e a�pli � a:�:t p esented t��eir propr�ai t� thei L�r:d Use Cams::i t tee of th �i =�ri ct 16 P? anni ny Cotanci I c� J�Rne �b , 199�z. ;:��;ntr �r�{ c� the =tatement m�de +�y t�a ap�s2 ic�n*. a± ±r e �ZA he�r i ng , tt-+e Lanct U=_-e Cvasmi ttee da d n�,ot accept the �iI ar�s fer a #ro ,t yard g�rage. Had the com,mi ttee voted at the sneeti r►g at hi ch the app3 i c�s-st a�¢eared , i t wa=_. cl ear the �rate woul d ave been tr recommer�� that th'� s��ri ar:ce be densed . The com ittee recomrr+ende� that the applicant req�zest t�� 1 a•�a er t*:e JuI y i�s d�te v�e� ore the bZ+; +c+r two �ea=_.csn�: f . T�se �+aar-d of Ui rectars of thE 5H�?!�i str i ct f 6 r'1 anni ng Cc�ur;ci 1 woi:i d rr,eet at 7: �•r►�,m an ��L:I y� f C� . The 'a��� i cant CQL?� � rctett- r-; tC� pre=_�ent pr'.. S �(it5 t'� t�':E' E^± ire �.OISfiC3 � . � . ;t';� �irj'� 3Cc:!-:} c��.'i'sI 'EteC! �??c�� Llleilr �'iC�{f12 25 tCsl' �.eZ� � rf3Gy that t���, act�;� ? ? y di c n�± i r:t e�d t� bui � � �he gara�� , _ LE� r �tt>er t� c�►�� a: f. a ��a�- _ ar:�e iri c��-der tcs st{a►ce ,t?�:eir t-;o�:se r�sore s�iE��+je. H�ter muc�: disc�t==; c�rr , the Larid UsE ��:�r.���i �te� =' �} e tt:�t the�{ w��;I c! recaz;^:e�� deni ai o± the r-�rESe�:L Y��?:R��± 4 F:� �rJ:ft!'.t2 �TEE-' S!tC�C����tEL� t�s�� 2 � WDIi� �r'.' ��' � . 1 !-i t�"+E e�r�r12C �' _ � � r+•_°=� 1 .^.'CeSr��-} �f3 � E'c`JE L�iE' CTl!CCC3fftE C � t^� re�"��* ��r a :ara �r��� unt�noais� , ratYSEr ttta:-: tL: te; ? a �� �sr<e=t ; :•_. ��,�. e� tr�a*. tr;� varias-s�e h�� �e�n �enieci . ��:� ar�: = _ =�i:-= v=s::r�e� t►:e carnm,� �t�e tl:�t t:-^.e m�tte- w��I �' nE 1a� � c� •:�er te a I �te� �ate , c�r indefi �i # eiv . Gie ac}ec �n �ccsc # �i t#�: 3 ��:=. f�;F a��:} i �=nt �ic:�_,: � fel i cWa tEgrctc.�g�� wi t*� her r:'C�..T'.; SE' . F!`; �.� !fG± L�rJ3 ?:,"y 5'=t : t�le �3'.rC�CE'C3:.2!�E Wc�� !' .`. it:�'7E�v 1 �"t 2 t+l�"j' T_:'-:�.t �=:�5" 2 '•lELi }�:L �3 St r ] Cf' ;'Cti.^.�I � C�!' 1 L = � i?t3Ltt ' Ti�e Lan�? ��se C ms�i tte� �nd �^e E+vard csf L1i reCters ;*��v� ���w �:'?'.��2C�Et'E'�3' tS:E' !,^.C��°�'' ct�'cG# VCSt�'.� tL3 G�e�: j' t�':�' ti'2tS' 3 c�.!?CE 2riC� t .�i cZ'r7�r.z°�S ��'SE' �2C 3 ��2 C^ CT' "�Cl� ��f=5 . � fi _ C�:� S lES3 L�TY s '��'.� c��r�3 � C�tfT� �:et5 :':L3� S�SL"'-6•!�1 'F {�E' R�'rQS-ctt� `{ �:i:G'L?E' �,�!�G�'S�lI r 3{lt� tf'tQ aE': i ��1 Gil Q� t�l� �Dt�!�C� '', O! �C+ill {?g ���eCis si.c�t? � �e reversed _ �3rf�23�Q� `f � � � s'u�itl�� �ent�.�: , Gt� e�ic#c�:� � Susnm,i t Ha I I �__� �ci ati ��: LJ15�:r2Ct S� �'� !::�3rfi� �L'�?�aC2 � i �U--l�'l i Summit Hi 1 Association , District 16 Planning Council 745 Grand Avenue, Suite 101 �4 a r v i � E�u n n i 1 , Saint Paul, Minnesota 55105 PI �nni �g an E�oncsmi c Devel opment 612-222-1222 L� We=_�t �c�u th 5treet �i32 �t� .r''eZL{S � �Il f?(le��S3ta JJt ��i ���� �. �� , � �9�t ZO�1I�� FILE qo-�� �'re�� Mar�•r , �rs= � c:=_.ec� �, � ezse f i nd a chec t- for thE ame��n� of � ; =.f� . ��!_; �-r �m the S�.immit Hils r=ts=_•c3ciationkL�i =_�lri �� 1 � i='I anrsi rs CC+_�rCi ; _ sts� =_ �Y:ec �= _ � tc� c���er t�f� re�uire� fee for a�ar rr-D•.•_ �u=_. r �iie=� }v ap�e�:i the decisio�: 1��� ��e ���rQ rf _ n; ng !-��,�eai =_• re��r�� ng � ani *�� itiie r:�am►,er- iif�, � , vari ance req��est by !"!arf: an� �*�e�-esa i�i t t e r- _ ��c: t 'f S'- : �_�� �3 ^..'�^Ct C� . . �� f.• _ .. - " :>�ere; °t � �i j/Vt/l h `7�� �i �:s-,r � sti rse � , rest s C��.sr4te�i t�� C+r�ar:i � �r �Zif3iSft3 t �{1 � � f=HC•S{3C 1 � � i C3fii ' �.?1 �t S' 1 C� 1 r`� c!T i�S 2 �S',� r C�L'.^.�i � I ��-/�/S MI ES OF THE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS 13th FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL ANNEX ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA, JULY 10, 1990 PRESENT: Mme. M ddox; Messrs. Osborn, Davis and Zimniewicz of the Board of Zoning Appeals; Mr. Segal, Assistant City Attornaey; Mr. Zangs of the Di ision of Building Inspection and Design; Mr. Bunnell and Ms. Synste aard of the Planning Division Staff. ,ABSENT: Messrs *Horak and *Kirk. j *Excused The meeting was c aired by Dennis Osborn, Chairman. i MARK AND THERESA U RIPE #10658 : A front yard setback variance to construct an att hed two car garage with deck on the front of a single family house. , The applicant was present. There was no opposition present at the hearing. Mr. Bunnell show d slides of the site and reviewed the sta�f report with a recommendation f r approval. He stated that one letter was received in opposition and n correspondence was received from District 16. He stated that t e condition added has also been added to �he accompanying Resolution as fo lows: NOW, THERE ORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals th t the provisions of Section 61.101 be her�by waived to allow the onstruction of an attached two-car garage �l,with deck and a 12 foot ront yard setback on the front of a single family house on the con ition that the garage is built as shown it� the drawings submitted ith matching exterior materials or that at�y revised plan is subject to approval by the Planning Administrator°lon property located at 705 Linwood Avenue and legally described �s Lot 24, Block 3; J.C. Stouts 2nd Addition; in accordance with the applicatio for variance and the site plan on file with the Saint Paul Plann ng Division. Ms. Maddox asked if this is a historic area. Mr. Bunnell replied no. Mr. Zimniewicz i there is any place for them to park now. '' Mr. Osborn stated that he is famil ar with the property and there is no garage and putting a driveway to the ack would be extremely difficult and very costly. Theresa Queripel 705 Linwood Avenue, presented a copy of � letter to the Board from the n ighbor across the street (Charles Gormik) who originally wrote a letter i opposition. She stated that she spoke to Mr. Gormik last night and showed him their plans. , Mr. Osborn read he letter from Mr. Gormik to the Board whfch stated that he is now in suppor . I . �'U--/8/S File #10658 ' � Page 1�ao � Ms. Queripel state that they made some minor changes on the schematic design of the house but i does not change the structure of the ga�'age itself, it merely changes som of the detail including the facade. The changes are more in character with he Victorian cottage style home. Mr. Davis asked if the Summit Hill Association made a recommendation. Ms. Queripel replied t at they did not make a recommendation. �he indicated that their concern was hat if the variance was approved and they did not build the garage, a new owne might take that approval and do something completely different. The d Use Committee of the Summit Hill Assoc�.ation did review the plan and acce ted the idea that it would be a good solutiion to their situation. Ms. Q ripel stated that after they purchased the home they approached their eighbor to the west regarding an easement , to permanently share his drivewa but the neighbor was not interested in this idea. Mr. Zangs asked w at type of lattice rail they plan to use ¢�n a new plan. Ms. Queripel replied at it would be rectangular lattice completely constructed of wood and paint d in white or green to currently match the house' colors. Mr. Zangs asked i the main supports would be concrete or b�ick. Ms. Queripel replied concrete olumns either faced with brick or stucco and the lattice infill for the ra'ling of the parapet. Mr. Bunnell state that it was mentioned to him that Mr. Queripel is a registered archit ct and he designed the schematic, site plan, and the elevation. Hearing no furthe testimony, Mr. Osborn closed the public �ortion of the meeting. ' Mr. Zangs stated hat in view of the fact that there is going to be design considerations he would like the plans to get a sign off fr+�m the Planning Department before they come over to the BIDD for a building permit. He stated that he wants a c ear understanding that what the BIDD issu�s building permits for is what the P anning Department and the Board felt was appropriate. Mr. Osborn asked i the building plan has been approved. M�. Zangs replied no, and that his oncern of issuing a building permit is that there is not enough specific i formation on this new plan. Mr. Osborn asked i there was enough information on the previous plan. Mr. Zangs replied tha it was evident that the earlier railing was brick. He stated that he is concerned about the detailing of the raillings so that there are no questions. He stated that he does not want the Department in a position of issui g a building pern►it where the measurements or materials of the railing are n t specific. ' - ��-1�'l S File �10658 Page Three Mr. Osborn asked r. Zangs if he is concerned about the railing design as a matter of safety. Mr. Zangs replied that BIDD staff will cQver the safety issue. He stated that he is concerned that there are no specifics about the new plan and that a more detailed construction plan is needed. Mr. Zangs stated that the r iling clearances are suppose to be kept tight so that you can't pass a 6" o ject through it; this requirement could a;�lter this design. Mr. Osborn asked i the Board could approve the variance subject to the applicant receivi g a sign off from the Planning staff. Mr. Bunnell sugge ted that he rewrite the staff recommendat'�ion to be as follows: Based on fi dings 1 through 6, staff recommends appraval of the variance on the condition that the garage is built as shown in the drawings su mitted with matching exterior materials or that any revised pla is subject to approval by the Planning Administrator. Ms. Maddox moved pproval of the variance and resolution based on findings 1 through 6 on the ondition that the garage is built as shown in the drawings submitted with ma ching exterior materials or that any revised plan is subject to approval by th Planning Administrator. Mr. Zimniewicz ,seconded the motion, which pas ed on a roll call vote of 4 to 0. ' Submitted by: Ap ved by:, ��,/�+ � ���.._-- Marv Bunnell Dennis Osbor�n I � . �'�-/�/S CITY OF SAI T PAU L ' BOARD OF Z NING APPEALS RESOLUTION ZONING FILE NUMBER: �obss DATE: Juty �o, �990 ' WHEREAS, Mark nd Theresa Queripel have applied for a variance from the strict application of the provisions of Section 61.101 of the Saint Paul L�gislative Code pertaining to the onstruction of an attached two-car garage with deck and a 12 foot front yard setbac on the front of a single family house in the R-2 zoning district; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals conducted a pubiic hearing on July 10, 1990, pur uant to said appeal in accordance with the requArements of Section 62.204 of the Legi lative Code; and WHEREAS, the S int Paul Board of Zoning .�ppeals based upon evidence presented at che public hearing, as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the fo(lowing findings of fact: � 1. The property n question cannot be put to a reasonable use under the strict provisions of the code. ' The existing roperty lacks alley access and does not currentl� have a garage. The applicant's pr posal wouid provide a cwo car attached garage with front access in a neighborhood which currently has few properties with garages using front access. 2. The plight of the land owner is due to circumstances unique to his property, and these circums ances were not creatcd by the land owner. The relativel steep slope on the front of che property and the narrow setback from the eastern p operty line limits the options of the applicant fdr locating the proposed two car gara to only the front yard. This situation has existed since before the applicant acq ired the property in 1987. These circumstancesi were not created by the land owner. 3. The proposed variance is in keeping with the spirit and intent of the code, and is consistent wi h the health, safety, comfort, morals and welfare of the inhabitants of the City of S . Paul. The proposed two car attached garage w�ill cnable the applicant to park two vehicles in an enclose space off the public righc-of-way and also prok�ide additional storage space. The p oposed addition will incrcase thc applicant's enjoyment of the propert}�. The requeste variance is consistent w�ith the spirit and intent of the Zoning Code. 4. The proposed variance will not impair an adequatc supply of light and air to adjacent property, nor will it alter ihe essential character of the surro�nding area or unreasonablv diminish established propert�� values within the surrounding area. The requeste variance will not have �n� ne;ative impacts on the chara�ter of the surrounding rea or unreasonably diminish estaUlished property values in the surrounding rea. �v-��/9 ' File #10658 Page Two ' S. The variance, if granted, would not permit any use that is not permitted under the provisions of he code for the property in the district where t�e affected land is located, nor ould it alter or change the zoning district classification of the property. An attached t o car garage with deck on a single family hou�e is aliowed in an R-2 zoning distric with appropriate setbacks. The proposed addition would not alter or change the zo ing classification of the property. 6. The request f r variance is not based primarily on a desire to increase the value or income poten ial of the parcel of land. N W TH I O , EREFO E, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Sa�nt Paul Board of Zoning Appeals that the provisions of ection 61.101 be hereby waived to allow the co�lstruction of an attached two-car garage wi h deck and a 12 foot front yard setback on the front of a single family house on the condition that the garage is built as shown in the drawings submitted with matching exterior materials or that any revised plan is subject to �pproval by the Planning Adminis rator on property located at 70� Linw�ood Avenue and legally described as Lot 24, Block 3 J.C. Stouts 2nd Addition; in accordance with the application for variance and the ite plan on file with the Saint Paul Planning Di'vision. � MOVED BY: Maddox SECONDED Y: z�mniewicz IN FAVOR: a ! AGAINST: o , 1�'IAILED: July 1 , 1990 TIME LiM1T: No order of the Board of Zoning Appeals pl�rmitting the erection or alteration of a building or off-street parking facility shall be valid for a period longer than one year, unless a building permit for such erection or alteration is obtained �vithin suc�h period and such erection or alteration is proceeding pursuant to the terms of such permit. The Board of Zoning .4ppeals or the City Council may grant an extension not to exceed one year. 'IIn granting such extension, the Board of Zoning .appeals may decide to hold a public hearing. I � �'�-/�lS � File #10658 Page Three ' APP AL: Decisions of the Board of Zoning Appeals are tinal subject to appeal to the City Council within 15 days byi aayone affected by the decision. Building permits shall not be issued after an appeal has been filed. It permits have been issued before an appeal has been filed, then the permits are suspended aqd construction shall cease until the City Council has made a linal determination of the appeal. � CERTIFICATTON: I, the undersigned Secretary to the Board of�Zoning Appeals for the City of Saint Paul, Nlinnesota, do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy with the origin�l record in my office; and find the same to be a true and correct copy of said original aad of the whole thereof, as based on approved minutes of the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals meeting held �bn July 10, 1990 and on record in the Saint Paui Planning Division_Otfice, 25 West Fourth Street, Saint Paui, �tinnesota. SAINT P.aUL BOARD �F ZONING APPEALS --��,.�L�— � ------ / s���F2 ' Secretary to the Board � i C/��" [ BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS STAFF REPORT 1. APPLICANT: Mar & Theresa ueri el I FILE #10658 Q P 2. CLASSIFICATION: Minor Variance DATE OF HEARING: July 10, 1990 3. LOCATION: 705 inwood Avenue (North side between Grotto $� Osceola) 4. LEGAL DESCRIPTI N: Lot 24, Block 3; J.C. Stouts 2nd Addition S. PLANNING DISTRI T: 16 I 6. PRESENT ZONING: R-2 ZONING CODE REFERENCE: Section 61.101 7. STAFF INVESTIGA ION AND REPORT: DATE: June 27, 1990 BY: Marv Bunnell A. URPOS : To co struct an attached two car garage with deck on the front of a single family h use. B. CTION R U STE : A 13 feet front yard setback variance; 12 feet front yard setback request d; 25 feet front yard setback required (average front yard setback) . C. S E AND AREA C NDITIONS: Lot area is 5,332 square feet ,(133.3' x 40' ) . The property is sit ated on a sloping street so that the westlern portion of the property is abo t 6-7 feet above the grade of the sidewalk while the eastern portion is abou 9-10 feet above sidewalk grade. Most ofithe adjacent houses do not have front ard garages. There appears to be a parkia�g problem on Linwood Avenue due to t is apparent lack of garages. This property is the smallest property on the block. In addition, the houses across th�e street have larger front setbacks ue to the curve in Linwood Avenue. ' Surrounding Lan Use: Single family residential , D. BACKGROUND: Th applicant proposes to construct a two car attached garage to store vehicles nd other household goods. The proposed �'arage will extend to the current bas ment wall under the existing sun room. The addition will have a deck on the upp r portion over the garage and adjacent to the existing sun room. The existing su room currently rests on shallow footingsl. E. FINDINGS: 1. The propert in question cannot be put to a reasonable use under the strict provisions f the code. The existin property lacks alley access and does not currently have a garage. Th applicant's proposal would provide a two car attached garage with front ccess in a neighborhood which currently h'�as few properties with garages usi g front access. 2. The plight f the land owner is due to circumstances iunique to his property, and these c rcumstances were not created by the land owner. ; ��-�� File #10658 Page Two ,'i The relative y steep slope on the front of the property and the narrow setback from the eastern property line limits the options of the applicant for locating the proposed two car garage to only the f�ont yard. This situation ha existed since before the applicant acquired the property in 1987. These circumstances were not created by the land owner. 3. The proposed variance is in keeping with the spirit and intent of the code, and is consi tent with the health, safety, comfort, morals and welfare of the inhabita ts of the City of St. Paul. The proposed two car attached garage will enable the applicant to park two vehicles in n enclosed space off the public right-of-kaay and also provide additional s orage space. The proposed addition will increase the applicant's njoyment of the property. The requested variance is consistent with the spi it and intent of the Zoning Code. 4. The proposed variance will not impair an adequate supg,ly of light and air to adjacent pro erty, nor will it alter the essential cha'racter of the surrounding rea or unreasonably diminish established property values within the surround ng area. The requeste variance will not have any negative impacts on the character of the surro nding area or unreasonably diminish estab�lished property values in the surro nding area. 5. The variance, if granted, would not permit any use th�t is not permitted under the pr visions of the code for the property in �he district where the affected lan is located, nor would it alter or change the zoning district classificati n of the property. j An attached wo car garage with deck on a single family house is allowed in an R-2 zoni district with appropriate setbacks. Thei proposed addition would not alter or change the zoning classification o� the property. 6. The request for variance is not based primarily on a �esire to increase the value or in ome potential of the parcel of land. F. STAFF R COMMEND ON: Based on findings 1 through 6, sta�ff recommends approval of the variance on the condition that the garage is built as shown in the drawings submit ed with matching exterior materials or that any revised plan is subject to appr val by the Planning Administrator. ! i �i�r-18�S . ; . .. � , � , ZONING BOARD ��� I b�� � APPLICATtON FOR 20NING O!RDINANCE VARIANCE � CITY OF SAINT�AUL � O � I S I � A VARIANCE OF 20NING COOE CMAPTER_ � � ,$ECTION /�/ PARAGRAPH IS REQUESTED IN CONFORMITY WITH THE POWERS'I/ESTED IN THE 80ARD OP 20NING AP- ' PEALS TO PEAMIT THE 11„��N�� �- GA 0' � �!�°GS C ON PROPERTY �� DESCRIBEO BEIOW. A. Applicsnt; NAME: 1-� £ 1�1 GF�i� `I�IJC�I�iL ADDRESS �V=/ t�N�D �G � �j r/-Zl� ,� . t T � pAYTIME TEIEPHONE NO. �R�O I 21P CODE 'O /. Property interest of applicant: own ,co�trsct purohsser,etc.) Q Gt� E� 2. Name of owner (if different) ' 8. Property �escription: ADDRESS ��S LI/h�CG� '�P• �'Q-,,,,,� ,� .f�ow�0- 1. Legal descript�on: LOT BLOCK `�--� ADD.� (�'��C�" 1 2. Lot size: ���X . 'TD x I�''I t NC�(,� �t��Y 3. Present Use �'��.1�1�(� Present Zo�ing Oist. /� � C. Reasons for Request: 1. Proposed use ,��„�t,<<r �2AGc ,� z.�� w;t� d� � � � 6�,�e . �� 2. What physica�characteristics of the propertv preivent its being used for anv of the permittM uses in your zone? (topography,soil conditions,size:and ahape of Iot,etc.1 � N� ul�� a« •s� � ��r-.� � � r .. QDM �I N eG i' Gve� - �f�'� _ r^,�r yCtYl� ��'6!w i �7i1 � �[tiYrwO�' �e. (�, �G V j�G�IG�� ' • 3. State the spetlfic variation requested,giving dlst�nces where appropriat�. G�.-r�AG�- jr11 f�l0�.vAOAhK� � � � i3 �� . <�y � r � �, . ✓G f�C 1�4(iiGnC � �i ror+ � � qr �,c""LIPS . ✓ 4. Explain how your wce conforms to each of the�ollowing: a. Thst the strict applicstion of the provisions of the 2oning Ordiance would result in peculiar � or exceptional practical difficulties,or exceptional undue hardships. �t,t,ESr t,cr cr�c ¢U`�'�7� �E� �:�oPl�(C? �E 6� ctJaY��.�/;�N�rra� ��uc� a�a�c,�r� � • E S ON6iF��' + b. Thst the granting oi a variance will 1�8t� .�(�j,,:hN�� �iv!�.�� ' not be a substantial detriment to public good or a subatantial impsir- ' �gT'L �iGl.�C ment of tr+e intent and purpose of �E�}` '''�' �`-'�•-�`1 the Zoniny Ordinance. ��'��� '������ �c�� u��w � - I �wr�� �Y�snkc� ,� /�,;�,; = ,�_ � . $� '�"O�1"•f��A �`. I.ld Sl��'n�.-1/l�l�'+L' NOTE: THIS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED WITHOUT A COMP�ETE SITE PLAN! � � � " n �� �� �� ` �. � � • Signature '�,'f'i:! . '� ./• /� F l'`-vc.c��-CC�CJ�, � ' " Oste Received . oE�� �. sc�+w�z ��/�l l ' rr rw�r s 4r.rrr��rir��+ . , N7M�OIf1M�ON�T1Ml �01/��Or��/ �Mr1f� - . � M�Off�1�IfJ1� • . 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DIST �� !�AAP # 27 � one f8mily � • � ^ Commer�;at ! � � � tw0 fdmity ♦ .�� industriai i SCALE t" = 25�� �� �,�Q rtutti{�lefamily V vacant � — � . ��.� :. �.: -�-:. _- __ . ^._. . � _ :. .. _ �... .._ _. __ _ _ _ _ � _ _ __ � �D -l�/S ✓ ��`�,TT ,. �. � CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT � ���������� � , ' DIVISION OF PLANNING + ult 11 t o 25 West fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 • ^ ; 612-228-3270 ,•.+ Fax:612•228-3220 1AMES SCHEIBEL � MAYOR September 4, 19 0 ' � 1��C�{V�1� Council Preside t Wilson and � �EP�51990 Members of the ity Council Room 719, City all ' ��'s,'� �����( Saint Paul, MN 55102 � Dear Council Pr sident Wilson: i On August 30, 1 90 the City Council heard the appeal by the Summit Hill Ass ciation of the Board of Zoning Ap�eals decision to approve a 13 foot front yard setback variance to allow the construction of an attached two car garage with d�ck on the front of a single fam ly house. It has recently come to my attention that the public hearing notice for this matter was not sent out prior to i�he public hearing. Conse ently, Mark and Theresa Queripel, the owners of the property, a d their neighbors were not notifi�d of the hearing and did not appear and testify on this matter. Based on consul ation with Jerry Segal, AssistantlCity Attorney, it is recommen ed that the City Council rescheduli� a public hearing on thi matter to allow all interested parties to be heard. We regret that this unfortunate �situation occurre�l and we are taking steps t ensure that such circumstances do not occur in the future. I you have any questions about thisil, situation, please contact Marv Bunnell at 228-3368 . I . I Sinc�rely, �.- : � � �;-- 1 � �=��,���-% .�- ��� � - �_, -- .�.� � Peggy A. Reich rt Deputy Directo for Planning cc: Albert O1 on, City Clerk ! PR/7Pd . I � �i v-��1� ��tTT ,, CITY OF SAINT PAUL '� � +. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND EC�NOMIC DEVELOPMENT ` ����������� � DIVISION OF PLANNING � ���� �i� �� 0 25 West fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 + ^ 612-228-3270 ,... � Fax:612-228-3220 JAMES SCHEIBEL I MAYOR �� � September 4, 199 ,, ��C��V�� Council Presiden Wilson and �EP�5i�Q� Members of the C ty Council `� Room 719, City H 11 '' �1?`i CLERK Saint Paul, MN 5102 Dear Council Pre ident Wilson: On August 30, 19 0 the City Council heard the appe�l by the Summit Hill Asso iation �f the Board of Zoning Appeals decision to approve a 13 oot front yard setback variance t allow the construction of n attached two car garage with de�k on the front of a single fami y house. It has recently ome to my attention that the public hearing notice for this atter was not sent out prior to t�e public hearing. Conse ently, Mark and Theresa Queripel, � the owners of the property, a their neighbors were not notified of the hearing and did ot appear and testify on this mat�ter. Based on consul ation with Jerry Segal, Assistant ;City Attorney, it is recommend d that the City Council reschedule a public . hearing on this matter to allow all interested parties to be heard. We regret that his unfortunate �situation occurred, and we are taking steps to ensure that such circumstances do 'not occur in the future. If you have any questions about this situation, please contact arv Bunnell at 228-3368. ' I . Since�rely, . - � � �.• , � - �-- �r �L'L��-��'v � `, �'"� '� 'y i Peggy A. Reiche t Deputy Director for Planning I - cc: Albert Ols n, City Clerk PR/JPd - � � � , �`. . :_.: ._ . _ _.._ .__.__... . . _ �I�l�/ � `��,__ ,. y' CITY OF SAINT PAUL �4 Y DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT � ������,����� � DIVISION OF PLANNING . � ntl 1�i Ii o 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 • ^ 612-22&3270 �..• Fax:612-228-3220 lAMES SCHElBEL � MAYOR September 4, 199 ��c��v�r� Council Presiden Wilson and �EP�5���� Members of the C ty Council Room 719, City H 11 ' �!?`i CLEP�C Saint Paul, MN 5102 Dear Council Pre ident Wilson: On August 30, 19 0 the City Council heard the appeal by the Summit Hill Asso iation of the Board of Zoning Appeals decision to approve a 13 oot front yard setback variance tQ allow the construction of n attached two car garage with deck on the front of a single fami y house. It has recently ome to my attention that the public hearing notice for this atter was not sent out prior to t�e public hearing. Conse ently, Mark and Theresa Queripel, the owners of the property, a their neighbors were not notified of the hearing and did not appear and testify on this mat+ter. Based on consul ation with Jerry Segal, Assistant ,City Attorney, it is recommend d that the City Council reschedule a public hearing on this matter to allow all interested parties to be heard. We regret that his unfortunate 'situation occurrec� and we are taking steps to ensure that such circumstances do not occur in the future. If you have any questions about this situation, please contact arv Bunnell at 228-3368. ' � Since�rely, . _ _ � � ��-•. ; - � �•--- �� C�r����%-�' !. �' - �-�-__ �X Peggy A. Reiche t De ut Director for Plannin - P Y g ; cc: Albert Ols n, City Clerk PR/7Pd . � i ; �'v-1gl g �C1TT ,.� � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL � _ a�' � : DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECOiNOMIC DEVELOPMENT o a � ������,����� � DIVISION OF PLANNING . a nit 1�1 11 � 25 1Nest fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 � ^ ' 612-22&3270 ...• � Fax:612-22&3220 1AMES SCHEIBEL ' MAYOR September 4, 1990 1��C�{V�f� Council Presiden Wilson and �EPO5jggd Members of the C'ty Council Room 719, City H 11 ��?�� C�.ER�C l.,f 7 Saint Paul, MN 5102 Dear Council Pre ident Wilson: On August 30, 19 0 the City Council heard the appeall by the Summit Hill Asso iation of the Board of Zoning Appeals decision to approve a 13 oot front yard setback variance tQ allow the construction of n attached two car garage with deck on the front of a single fami y house. It has recently ome to my attention that the public hearing notice for this atter was not sent out prior to t�e public hearing. Conse ently, Mark and Theresa Queripel, the owners of the property, an their neighbors were not notified of the hearing and did ot appear and testify on this matter. Based on consult tion with Jerry Segal, Assistant �ity Attorney, it is recommende that the City Council reschedule a public hearing on this atter to allow all interested parties to be heard. ' We regret that is unfortunate 'situation occurred; and we are taking steps to ensure that such circumstances do not occur in the future. If you have any questions about this situation, please contact arv Bunnell at 228-3368. I , Sincetrely, • ; � � • : - . �- C !�"�=/ •� � -`"'� — 11—L_.__ /`;y �� Peggy A. Reiche t Deputy Director for Planning � cc: Albert Ols n, City Clerk PR/7 Pd . . , g�--/�/� `��Tr ,, CITY OF SAINT PAUL -�' � � DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECC�NOMIC DEVELOPMENT � ����������� � DIVISION OF PLANNING i wt I�I'I o 25 1Nest Fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 + ^ 612-22&3270 ,..• � Fax:612-22&3220 lAMES SCHEIBEL MAYOR ' September 4, 199 t��C�(V�r� Council Presiden Wilson and ,I ��Q�51ggU Members of the C ty Council Room 719, City H 11 ' �!!`i C�.EP�C Saint Paul, MN 5102 Dear Council Pre ident Wilson: On August 30, 19 0 the City Council heard the appe�l by the Summit Hill Asso iation of the Board of Zoning App als decision to approve a 13 oot front yard setback variance t�b allow the construction of n attached two car garage with deck on the front of a single fami y house. It has recently ome to my attention that the publ 'c hearing notice for this atter was not sent out prior to t�ie public hearing. Conse ently, Mark and Theresa Queripel, the owners of the property, a their neighbors were not notified of the hearing and did not appear and testify on this matter. Based on consul ation with Jerry Segal, Assistant City Attorney, it is recommend d that the City Council reschedule a public hearing on this matter to allow all interested pa�,ties to be heard. We regret that his unfortunate 'situation occurred and we are taking steps to ensure that such circumstances do not occur in the future. If you have any questions about this situation, please contact arv Bunnell at 228-3368. ,I Since�rely, .;f � �-�:f��,/ �- %� �=-"- - 1;-- � , J Peggy A. Reiche t ' Deputy Director for Planning � cc: Albert Ols n, City Clerk PR/JPd . �o-1�'lq ��1*� o, CITY OF SAINT PAUL o�' �� DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT � 11 tllp , DIVISION OF PLANNING `v ��� �( v' 25 West FOurth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 ' � 612-22&3270 '••• Fax:612-228-3220 IAMES SCHEIBEL MAYOR September 4, 1 90 ��c��v�n Council Presid nt Wilson and SEPOrJ�9�0 Members of the City Council , Room 719, City Hall ^��", ����;� Saint Paul,. MN 55102 Dear Council P esident Wilson: On August 30, 990 the City Council heard the app;eal by the Summit Hill As ociation of the Board of Zoning Ap�eals decision to approve a 1 foot front yard setback variance to allow the construction o an attached two car garage with deck on the front of a single fa ily house. It has recentl come to my attention that the public hearing notice for thi matter was not sent out prior to jthe public hearing. Cons quently, Mark and Theresa Queripel'�,, the owners of the property, nd their neighbors were not notified of the hearing and di not appear and testify on this matter. Based on consu tation with Je�ry Segal, Assistant City Attorney, it is recommen ed that the City Council reschedule a public hearing on thi matter to allow all interested pajrties to be heard. We regret that this unfortunate situation occurred and we are taking steps t ensure that such circumstances do not occur in the future. I you have any questions about this situation, please contact Marv Bunnell at 228-3368 . � Sinc�rely, �' . . ' - - - - � � ����%��" ,�- -� 1, , �, � Peggy A. Reic ert ! Deputy Direct r for Planning cc: Albert 0 son, City Clerk PR/jpd . :.1 :��. �__ .. .� _ �: . _ =..-__ . . . __ .�. _.._. _ �._ � _ � �` `�,TT ,, � ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL '�' � �. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT o a � �� �������� � DIVISION OF PLANNING i ��_� �� 0 25 West Fouirth Street,Sai�t Paul,Minnesota 55102 + ^ 612-22&3270 ,..• Fax:612-228-3220 1AMES SCHEIBEL MAYOR , September 4, 19 0 ��c��v�� Council Preside t Wilson and ��P�5199� Members of the ity Council , Room 719, City all �j�°; C�,���( Saint Paul, 1�T 55102 Dear Council Pr sident Wilson: On August 30, 1 90 the City Council heard the appeal by the Summit Hill Ass ciation of the Board of Zoning Appeals decision to approve a 13 foot front yard setback variance �.o allow the construction of an attached two car garage with deck on the front of a single fam ly house. It has recently come to my attention that the pub�ic hearing notice for this matter was not sent out prior to �he public hearing. Conse ently, Mark and Theresa Queripel, the owners of the property, a d their neighbors were not notified of the hearing and did not appear and testify on this mat�ter. Based on consul ation with Jerry Segal, Assistant City Attorney, it is recommend d that the City Council reschedule a public hearing on this matter to allow all interested pa�ties to be heard. ' We regret that this unfortunate situation occurred and we are taking steps t ensure that such circumstances do�, not occur in the future. I you have any questions about this situation, please contact Marv Bunnell at 228-3368. Sincefrely, � ' ; � � , �.-- ��� ��.��,j ,�- i`'--, _ r,_�_.,_ �;' I Peggy A. Reich rt Deputy Directo for Planning cc: Albert Ol on, City Clerk ' PR/7Pd _ ; �'�-1�1�, , � , �t=Y oF CITY OF SAINT PAUL F� ° DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT � � ° " '' DIVISION OF PLANNING � iiii�l t�ti � 'J ,� a `•4 25 West�ourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 m � 1, 612-228-3270 ,°6' � .--*---' Fax:612-2283220 JAMES SCHEIBEL � MAYOR .ruiy z�, 1990 REC�IVEb JU�.30i990 CITY CLERK Mr. Albert B. Ol on, City Clerk Room 386, City H 11 Saint Paul, Minn sota 55102 ' Dear Mr. Olson: This letter is w itten to confirm the hearing date for: Applicant: Summit Hill Association/District 16 File Numbe : 90-178 Purpose: Appeal the decision of the Board of Zoning Appeals Legal Desc iption of Property: 705 Linwood Avenue Lot 24, Blk 3; J.C. St�out 2nd Addition Previous A tion: Plann ng Division Recommendation: j Zonin Committee Recommendation: Board of Zoning Appeal: Approved, vote:4-0, Jul� 10, 1990 In order to allo time for the mailing of appropriate notices, please schedule the hearing date as soon as possible after 8-34-90. Our preference would be 8-30-90. I will phone you within the next few days for schedule confirmation. Sincerely, , ��v.�.��• .�.�.,,� � � �� Daniel K. Bayers (3390) �°�� � Zoning Section 0 r" cc: File # 90-17 \ Tanya I ' �0-1�19 . . _..�. `���=*�o.<<�,� CITY OF SAINT P,�UL � --R�' °.'�� DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND E�ONOMIC DEVELOP�tENT :� .y A '° � ''� DIVISION OF PL.��VItiG � ii11�1'I���I �� 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota�5102 � �� b12-228-32'0 � I Fax:612-228-3220 ��sa�� �u JAMES SCHEIBEL �t AYOR � August 17, 199 Albert Olson, ity Clerk Room 386, City Hall , Saint Paul, MN 55102 RE: Zoning Fi e #90-178 City Coun il Hearing: August 30, 1990 PURPOSE: Appea of the Board of Zoning Appeals d�jcision to approve a 13 f ot front yard setback variance to 'allow the construction o an attached two car garage with deck on the front of a single fa ily house. i STAFF RECOMMEN ATION: Approve SUPPORT• None OPPOSITION: One neighbor, Summit Hill Associatic�n Dear Sir: On July 10, 1990 the Board of Zoning Appeals held a public hearing on th ' s requested variance. The applicant testified. At the close of he public hearing, the BZA voted 4 ''to 0 to approve the requested variance. This appeal i scheduled to be heard by the City ''Council on August 30, 19 0. Please notify me by August 28 , 1990, if any member of the City Council �Jrishes to have slides of the site presented at he public hearing. Since�ely, =--� '� I �� ��' , � ' � �� j ,` % ,� c,��� � `-�-`—J� , fG . Peggy �. Rei� ert � � � Deputy Direct r for Planning PAR:tt Attachments cc: Mayor Sc eibel File #90 178 � � �'a-/�1� ' APPLICATION FOR APPEAL ZONIN� OFFICE USE ONLY CITY OF SAINT PAUL Fi le # �G '!�� Application Fee $ ( ��, v �' Tentative Hearing Date � ��.3�!`�e' Application is hereby m de for an Appeal to the under the provisions of Chapter 64, Section , Paragraph of the Zoning Code to appeal a decision ma e by the ZC Board o�ng Appeals _ Planning Commission on �-/ ►Z , 19 9 O _ Zoning Administrator (date of decision) _ Planning Administrator _ Other a. APPELLANT Name �UN�IT 1�-�- ��-�f_._1�kTl�J n1�,T. Il,o Daytime phone Z'u' �ZZZ- Address �``�'S � Nt� ��� � l� l SS(OS Zip Code SS l OS : L�-t.. STt�oS-T� B. DECISION 6EING APPEA ED ' Zoning fi le name � �JL �TI�C-t2�S�- Qv�R.�I�E(_ Zoning Fi le # » �S8 Property Address/Loc tion �oS i--INwoOp L•e g a 1 d e s c r i p t i o n �9 1P'Y1��L3 SL 5�-6vt�S �^�-� C. GROUNDS FOR APPEAL ( se additional sheets if necessary. ) (txplain why you fee there has been an error in any requirement, permit, decision or refusal made by a administrative official , or an error in fact, procedure or finding made by the Board of Zoning Appeals or the Planning Comniss;on. ) 5e� ���� �L��': �-A--�;a.�� '�- 1� �9 � l.a�t"� }� �� D��1 w 2�v.LS�. 8 1 9 � if you have any questio s, please contact: � ��"L�� � � O-V��� St. ?aul Zoning ��f ice � Applicant 's signature 1100 City Hall Ann x � , , 25 West Fourth Str et ; ��Z�P � `� u j�1.. �i�; r•,Y•�.,L�. Saint Paul , Minnes ta 55102 i Date City agent (298-4154) j 9/82 � �}a--l�1� � Summit Hill Association District 16 Planning Council ���,�3 � ��1�� � � 745 Grand Avenue, Suite 101 L{oard a� Za i ng r��Z�eai s Sairtt Paul, Minnesota 55105 �s 41es-� Fc3u �h 5-treet 612-222-1222 Sai :-st �`au3 , �"liren�sc�ta .�.r�f��� ��,z �� �L� , �� �� ZO�ING F�ILE 40-�� ���r r-t���� , Tfse Sum�i t ,'i 1 I Asscsc i at a ca-:I�i str i �t i f3 r'�- 3 �nni r�g L:cxiinci � 1=o�-�-sal i ;s �-eqit�s�s tc3 ap�eal }#:e �ecision c3# the �Qarc# �� �orfi :-sg Ap�ea� = re��r�ir,g zcsa�ing f � Ie ni.imbe� 1;.��5� , ��ari a�ce recyzee�t �y �'Iar�: as-zd Tt�er�=a Gt�+ari �el f�r 7�}s Li �trocc�d . s�e ?c3ni ng an� Las�tci tJ=_•e 1c3r�:;�i t�e� �; t#�e ' �ttrrsss�i t H� 1 � Ass�ci c*i os;1l?i stri ct 1 � �i ��:r�i r,g CoLtnci �. t�t�sr�! � pre�entatic3n by i'�s . Q�aeripel an 3i;n� �� , 199CF- �'!ie �os�rs�itteE t�I � !"!s. G-���er- ipc3. ti-:�� t�,ey� coulci t�c�} a¢p�av� t_h ir prc�pc3sa3 as �re�e:-�-�ed . �t-�t�r �ss�ac�� �i sc�isvi c3n , �'!s. E�t�e�� pel agre�d to r�t:���est t�:�� -�hei r �iate on ti-re ��€� at�enc#a t�e i ai d c3ve� a rna rsi rrt��cst ta� twa �eef ° - The S��s�sma t �� 3 I �sscsc i �� i c� ����c �trs .�.�. vs3� f ai t�s �ha-� the � ni i ca�-tt +�u�st3i � �:�e�+ h�r �romi =_.� �� r��uest � iay�•r�r v# th� �ate t�� t�:g #-te��is:g be#csr� ttta �Zr�_ Hecause ih � �sd s-tQ-� h�ppen , ar�� ��c�ctts�' t�-�e �Z�, �-sas r:at h� rd -�rom �h� �i �triet 1 � �`lanrting Coc.encii renas�di �sc� �i s snatt�r- , ��� ��pe�i ti�iQ decx == cy:-; o�F the �it-� re arcf:. r� zcar�in� -� il � �����r 1C�f�5S. I �: s3cerei •� s ' U t�UC#3 �3: �e� C�r = S''Y"°51 G;�f:{ i�:{:3:ii3 � H3 1 �S�{>C 3 c't'}' 3 OT3 �►± ��ri �� _ �I �nr:ing Cc��s�� l : � �'a-I�IS � Summit Hi�l Association , ' District 16 Planning Council Counci I �r-esi �e t ��i 1 son 745 Grand Avenue, Suite 101 7� q C i t y H a 1 1 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55105 S�irst �a�sl , !�lin esota �51�72 ������ ���� Q-��g �iigust 1 , 19�t�� Fe: �ppe�l c-� �c��:rd o� :c sni ng �p�Z��tl s ��SC3I Li�' I D.^. Fi 1 e �iiitnber- 1f�cs�o , dated Jiii �� 1~f , #. 9�Cr .�ie�r Cv�znci I �resi dess-t fr�i I =c3n , T!-;e S�ems�i t Hi 1 I �isSCtC3 c��.3 Qi3II}3 str� c� 16 F'1 anni nc� Coz;nci 3 i = appe�I a sig t�:e �+�r� e# Z�ni ssg ��ri�al s :�esol u�i t3rt ts� ��s t.�� t�e p�-cs��isions a� Sect; on ble j�} 3 to ailoE� a t��e� �:e fc�ot fr�nt }+ar� set aci� an�4 ccynstr�sc-ci �rs v� as� at�ache� tvrc3 c�r gar�ge. The �33strict I ' �'} �rs�:ing Cvun�ii �j leges tt-sa� th� �?�� m�de er:�or-s i n i ts . i n�i �gs �-� f act . We dc not L�e� � eve t�:at zi�e �z�cspert•,� own�r has c�rrzcanstrateei t�:a rec-��air�ci i:�r�shi �, . S�3�C3 � 3CcZ- � Iy{ , h� �ki =*� �-i �t lb �'iann; ng tla���:��. s ciaim� t#iat : 1 . T#-ie �-sro�er-t• is �-�.rrerstl `,+ �Stxt � c, � r��cs�n��sie ��s�. ;��r+e i s ncthi ng itr�sa �:e t� t�-s� �s�czperty �zhi ch ca�:s�= z.r+d:.;e t-sards�;ip . Th� � s� z�i � ? nct chartc}e !�y ��:� er'al�tar;� ct-� a �rariance . �iir't er , th� prv�ert�,+ v�;r�e� can , �;__• t�e a�3� �cen�t p�o�s�rty ca���i�r !-►�s � c�nvtruct � dri ���;'V�:�{ �nc�'! �u: 3 d a �arage i :'] �c-!C�: D'� "t�#2 °>: 3 S'�3 i-S i'.J �'3 C3 f'.�� . �_ The �? � g�:t i ai sneci `i3`� �f:e �. anc�cieHS�er- i s :-sc�-� dt.� t cs � i s�czesnstar�ce� ;r�i gi�e -tc3 tl�e pr�p�rt� . �n the'I �r�ni ng i�c3ar� ap�:3. icati �n fc� �cini �:r cardart�nee v�rias;c� , c«esticr� U'� as�:s: Wha-� phy ical �haracteristic� c��F the ��c��2rt',� �`ret�en� i ts ti�i ng �tse�# f c�r �ry �� ti-r� permi ��e� uses i n ��r��sr z cs�te? The appiicant r�s��r-�d " stee� frc3rst �ar-d �r��l�sit�it=_• �riv�a��'� to r-e�sr ��ar� . " We -ca�;e e�:cep-c cir� }c, t'r:e firic�� s;g '��:at "the r�l �tivai ;� ��ee�s =_.icap� nr� t#�e � , �nt e=s- th� �s�vpert� �rsd the r}��r:�oc�z �e�b�cE_: f rrsrs tt�se �astE :; �xr��ser-�.y ? i n� � i ;ni �= tt-se c+p�a cs�ts c# t;-:� app? ; cant +�r :+ca}s n� the pro�v=_-e� -�wo car ig�ra�� �� �n3 y t�se �:'�{JTf L y�rd " �•#cs ��:i c3�nc� Gva� �r-�sented �o the ��:=: :��:a cf� s�:�pcx�-t=_- t#�is - 3 �su�. r1y . T� t�e c�:�:tr�:�Y , t�-;� �ura�a� n�s �•�i�'tS:'�. �'{L�C� �}f � t° c:�'t?� s C c�T5�' �•rt G'1�'� #'°� c-t� � cF C��S�C r'!�'2 C'j. !-'F�i'..:� F':�c- � C�c�:�3'".3__� � [l ��T 2 �C F-: . ��c�i � a cs�aa� � �y� r ,� ���i ��r:�� �_=.� �;�s�r�t�c tc., s�i��prsrt ��-s� C{3RC� L:��� Ctd-'. �D�lt� c�t- r+ciC ?; ;:c�l'-U'j ,^�2i'- �C��' i*�C3�t� Gf �E �i-i'}' fC:C�3'-� �a �-f i c�.l t c3r ==_.ti �� t?�:��t a �r�n} t{arc� -,rir-�gei . s�:e prr�er��f• Ci�:!"I e{� �s 2�- C�s 'f�' !l G 3 3?1t C??r m��1 C�Il {3:l �'S�.2� 2 S-�L1 Q. 9�--/�/S � . � �Otl111�G FIL� 9�-?� Ther� i s a �-sres s-sfi� us� o� the pr��ert}� i n ccsnfc�s-marsce wi t!: the cocl� a� ►.vell as t#�° c��113 �' •� tfl c�nst�i�ct � a cf� ivewa� tc� the r-ear an ti-ta e�st e� t�� �-feme. The si t� �I �n s�.sbrni tted by the appi i car.t s#-ac�iv� ni ne f eet bet�aeen the h��.ise artd the p:���er�y I i ne ; mc3re t�san i s r�qL�i ;�-�� �v cons�ruct � d�-i v�wi�j . •=,. The prc3�c3sed vari �n�� i � �sat i n i:��pi ng tui trs ti-:e spi r:. t a:�d i r:��:�t Qf t!-ze cc�de . #i�e Lc�aP i =_- i n}�s�ded tc+ ��t stas�tci�r�s tc3 ws-�: c�-a tx�ci 3 �i r-�gs m.u=t �rr:��rm. R , •��ri �nc� cs-� ��4i {"±L°T3 �eet o�- the t��er;t�{ tive ��c�t =et�ac4; req�eiremeRL , �af�ich is �;4��r- -Fii=�r perce�t a� t�:� st�rdCr� #or t?�:� �—? � c+s-sir:� dsstr ; ct -�rca:-�t s�r� se�.�sa� :: ir. �1 . iCtl , va �Ia�es the s�si ri � �::� i .^.t�nt v� the ����. 4 . The ��i.:�i �nc �zi i i a� tet� tl:� ess���cs al cha:�ac�er �f ��:2 s�trr-����t�i sig ar a. �:�e ��ai i Krtc� r�i � 1 vi s,i �st� t�}e �i s�.r i ct I. � P� an _ t�le st:�iu -cc �rc3�ect th� �esthetic =r�� hi =_-ics:�� c c�at��ter v-: t: � ��i r�i-s��;;�octd b�; -r�qt:a � s ^C c�sm�# i arsce :-�i t#�s the co�e . #�ica �t?�ter- ?-3c:r�es ct-t ?s �+r�c�Qd �iave �r-�rtt varr� gar�ges. :s_ t"} i�r:o c��- g rag� c�� €-se ��c� 3t r� t#�sE �rc��ert4� ev� ihc��i � �}c�- : ance fcas� � tb�Li: . E} . 3h� �sres��s-t: ct�ts�er- � s �ct� �vel y �.��empti rrg }o ��I 1 z�;� �rc��er}v . ?� i ct:rrenti �; i s. ste� �i th a :�e�? �cc:� t �:� saI e . ?�!-s� app? ican� � e�ri -j tc3.� c t�te Lc;r,in� a::�� �as-ic# �?s� Gct�n�ni t�ee t#�at a � a =_. not ti�ei r a rate:�t tv �cttta; i �{ �a��i 1 d �.�e ��r��� � the� rn rs� �y :=�rrt a •:�ri �r;c� i .^. ord�rl to �att�r ff)c-t- l��:G± L�:� r;�v °;�i'� . �3 ?ct3�1. ?�' �f�� 2�;L� 3Cc�i?� _ �• �:" I ^3��j/ fiiC�� 3 "•13�3C3T: IS C# i �iC�2ctC° ��'i� �V�� Lt� Di' i !?CL�fit'E' r'-'.CJ�°�}�3 �� Cfi' ��'3� �Y'C���r�`� - �ec� � �Ts c4 . .:'C?� �-s- t�e ccsd� �s t��v< �+�= #�r �r�, a�:��zi tc t�s� L3istriLt l.�cs�;.^.c� � �hen a;-; er�c+� a - �? aim�� : � � -:� aL� , �roc�dur� cr # - ndir;� . Ir: �:�ciaLian -Fc3 }he i= ,�c�= ��-e��nt�d c-t- �C� ��t 2 *.' 2 3't�1 ?Z S {T3 cZ C�E g tfl� �S S�: �.3°a I 2 Y� �i�!"O t'- '' ttl cs S C'J f:I tS;w "�#' �G; _L !: tsY'�C2{�tt4�P, �3 ��:'"3 Ci � � 3 S 2fi � rfteres�°C �cc3��'}' Y il ��:3. S fP,c'i'Ct�i" . i!OS+JE"J�S� � we ��ere �scat c�i �n �he a�s;^r�"nit}� t� +-:a•r� ir�¢�ct �t the Jui ; � r� � � �-�_� ��€� `^, ar � �i� a �i�r=_-� �;*ar•, ha�±�� rsg :�Q > t-i�si,t ,� �;-;e �3a5'. tl �r; ni� tt-� �}1 =�ir3 C� j..�C�?:?CI � .•:�S {i32 �-t����SE'P.��i� �?'f ��'t� 2�s�I�. I C��T'� _ s � ; �}v- I�l�' � , � ZC��� �� �iLE �� The apFelicar=.t p es�nte� t#�eir pro;os�l tc, the L�rsd Use Ca�sr:; tte� af th �i �t�i ct 1 b P3 anni n� Counci 3. csr Jiir►e �'b , 199C�_ Cnntr-ar-�� c� ti�s� st�ctemE�st m�de �y tha �c�pl i c�rtt �,t �t�e �ZA heas�inc� th,e !and t!=_.e Cc�rr��nittee ciic.� rtot accept t�►e pl �ns �cr a #:�� ;� ti,+ar�3 g�rag�. €i�d t�te comn:it'}�e vate� �t the sneet i n� at ��3 ch t�Se apQ i i ca^t ap¢e�reci , � t �.aas c 1 �ar t4�s� •��te rr�o��l � �tr� beers �cs recommer�� that t�s� srariar,La b� de:-:i ed . The ccJm � ttee :�-�comm�ndec3 that }he �ppi i cant r� .s�.,tiest t� la�yofe� t�;� s'�cly 1�i ���e �x�-F=ore the ��r=s � c:•- }�a� :'�e�sL3rls: f . ?-�se Fto��c3 c3f :)i :-���.crs c�� tt�� 5�-#�;Iz.��. st:� ict, 1� �=-`tsr�ing Co�:nc; i �oicic# t� et �t 7: i•v��m on ,�i:� r �L} . ��Ze aP�l ica�t co�z� d rQt�.:�n to �r-eser.t Ys. �r�s �:� �he �rstire G��snc � 1 . � . T±-�� a��Iican a�:�i �ted �3-:a� their !-�rame is -� c3r =a's � zn� tti,�t Ther acz�:al � � d� � ntat = r���n� t❑ �LCii � �!�e g�ra�� , �=�:t rat#3e:� �tca ob�ais: a �Fa;�; as�c� in ca�-�er ta maf;e ' �heir he�s=_-a mcrre s�? ���s? e_ ����r rrz�c��: da scticss:. ors ? ts�e ��:�d U�e Comr:si ttea =•�atee -�t-:�t }i���{ ��z;I d :��ccs�sr.�nt# ��ni a? c�� tt-�e �resent res:.;est _ s±�:e �'J:IS:I#3 '�LE� sLcqgest�� tk:�t i � v�c3�fici �:� i n �#�e a�pl ; cat�� ' s o��i ; �terest tt3 ; �ave ��� o�;zcome �f }he reG�.��t �csr � �:�r : ��ce �Er,�:n���.^. , ��t¢s�r }�ar tc.� t�l l a prvspec�i v� ��t��:� �3�at tl-�� u�ri as�ce #�sac� t�e��t :��:�:� ec# . f(-:e a�p� ic�szt ass�:r-�c� ��se cosrsr::i ���e ��:�� �n� ma��e� wc3ui � �?e iaiQ �t:ar t� a lat�:� d�te , �r inciefanit�� Y - W� �c}ec 3�s Qc�c3d t�i tls ti:�t tt�se ���# i ��nt �ac�u�. � #�I i cw� thris�cgi� �ii t�s ?�;e;�- presn3 s�. E+y ':-:�:- n�t �os :-►g s�+ , L�e �:�oceciz�:�e " +��s ± � a�ed i n c� Vdc�t r 'r�"3G� ���35'-I `l�L� '�C�i� �3 5�:�3 C#' Cv�i.^.C2 � []� 1 LS 3 il�Ltt . 7f-►e �an� Ltse � �s.^.i ttQ� �nd : �-:e �o�ro o# L1a �ectcr-s �zva �-a�w c;:;�sider�s t�F�ae ma�ter �er:d ����ce� ta d�s-��;� t�:e vari �Tice an� tc3 a�pea� tl�e dec a si c3n c�-� the �?�i. � Ir ct�rfeiLCSio� , ti-;� a�;s? � cart has s:�t s�,owarY ��� r,ars�ss�r-t{ Ltr:c#iee i-i�:�cisha � �:�d t�e �e� a =_•i cr:-: a� the BQard of Z��:i s:g F3p�ea�. s shet�? c3 v� reve:�se� _ S; :�c�rel `,r , �" 1 , — c/ �i:.;�i i�� �er�t�P: a �t-=�i �sGn�_ �'JLl:::i?:3 -� i-I3 T � uc. .RC 3 c-t� 3 �.T: 'JaS�" Y" 3C� 2�' �': '-;;';?. �SLj L�"-•i:i:� iS � i 1 �0--1�'/9 Summit Hi 1 Association District 16 Planning Council 745 Grand Avenue, Suite 101 �a��%3 � ��t'�� � � Saint Paul, Minnesota 55105 PI ar-+ni �g �cn �corfom� c Le�,�el oprn�r�t 612-222-1222 i=� 1�dest fcx�i t#-� Street ��si �st �aul , ��!i nnescst� �52f}� �z,� � �� � : � �� �a�I��G FILE ��-�� �2ttS'� �`��tl"J q �.�s� I c�e� �S� �as� f i nd �c c�e�#�: f ar the asncf€n� �s-� �.�'�. -_t�1 . y5 i_i r 3��fT: ��'1� ,���{it{it 3 � �i � � F?S�•L�C� t-k- �I O'.s j�}3 �-`1..i`- � C.�" �G �'� c�T3�:3 :'t �C3L:P.C3 i . ;�?3 � C�s�C� iS }C{ C�^.`a°C- �StE t�°C�i:3 ;"2� # �� �'C�S� OL;Y" �r°5✓3 ',3tt=_- � �}ire=-c. }� a��e�i tt-�e �i�cssicts: �z�{ ��Se �eard c3f � nar.g {-��sp�a�. =_• r�����in�, �OS73 !-t�J.' � i � e r=.��mb�� ;rtb � , var � �nce re�ties� b�, !"!�r�: �nc j�a�es� !���;er � �-�1 t r ;f;s �� n�rs��a�3 . �i3 3lC�C'�� 'f � L VVVL h � C�s:-� istsr:e . 3:��st � ��r:rr:�:nit�� �s:�-�ar:� � Gr � Si►msr�i t Hi i ;=3s=_.�c i a�� �� �� �tri c} #. � �I �rni rs� �'�xcs�ci i : ��-/�ly� _ File #10658 Page Two "ts. Queripel stat d that they made some minor changes on the schematic design of the house but 't does not change the structure of the garage itself, it merely changes so e of the detail including the facade. Th� changes are more in character with the Victorian cottage style home. Mr. Davis asked i the Summit Hill Association made a recommendation. :Is. Queripel replied hat they did not make a recommendation. She indicated that their concern was that if the variance was approved and the� did not build the garage, a new own r might take that approval and do something completely different. The nd Use Committee of the Summit Hill Association did review the plan and acce ted the idea that it would be a good solu�ion to their situation. Ms. Q eripel stated that after they purchased the home they approached their eighbor to the west regarding an easement to permanently share his drivewa but the neighbor aas not interested :n t�nis idea. Kr. Zangs asked :� at type of lattice rail they plan to �.�sa on a new plan. Ms. Queripel replied hat it would be rectanguiar lattice compl�tely constructed of �ood and paint d in white or green to currently matc: �he house' colors. �Ir. Zangs asked i the main supoorts �aould be concrete or brick. Ms . Queripel replied concrete olumns either faced with brick or stucco �nd the lattice infill for the ra ling of the parapet. Kr. Bunnell state that it was mentior.ed to him that :�r. �u�:ipel is a registered arcnit ct and he designed the schematic, sita �lan, and the elevation. Hearing no fur�he test�mer.y, Mr. Osborn closed the pub_�c port�on of �he meeting. �Ir. Zangs stated hat in view of the fact �hat there is �oing to be design considerations he would like the plans to get a sign oL': frPm the Planning Department before they come over to the BIDD for a build�ng' permit. He stated ;.hat he wants a c ear understanding �hat �hat the BIDD �ssues building per�its for is :�hat �he P anni.^.g �epartment and the Board felt «as ,�ppropria�e. Kr. Osborn asked i the building plan :�as been approved. Kr. Zangs replied no, and that his oncern of issuing a buildirtg permit �s �hat there is not anough speciLic � formation on this new plan. `1r. Osborn asked 'f �here ��as enou�� _rformation on the �ra��ious p1an. Kr. '3I'igs repiied �ha �t Nas avident that the earlier rai�_-:� •.�as brick. He sta�ed that he is cor_cer^ed about ='.:e detailing of the =a�:ir.�s so :nat �hera ara r:o ques�ior.s . He stated that ha does noc want the �apa'rt�ent in a posi�ion or issui .g a bui'ding perm�� -ahere �he measure�ez�s or materials of �ne rai�ing are n t speci��c. i �v �l�f� � File #10658 Page Three Mr. Osborn asked r. Zangs if he is concerned about the rai�ing design as a matter of safety. Mr. Zangs replied that BIDD staff will cover the safety issue. He stated that he is concerned that there are no specifics about the new plan and that a more detailed construction plan is need�d. Mr. Zangs stated that the r iling clearances are suppose to be kept tight so that you can' t pass a 6" o ject through it; this requirement could a�ter this design. Mr. Osborn asked "f the Board could approve the variance subject to the applicant receivi g a sign off from the Planning staff. ' Mr. Bunnell sugge ted that he rewrite the staff recommendat#.on to be as follows: Based on fi dings i through b, staff recommends approval of the variance on �he condi�ion that �he garage is built as shown in �he drawings su mi�ted with matching eYterior materials o�r that any revised pla is subject to approval by the Planning :�dministrator. Ks . Maddox moved pproval of the variance and resolution ba;�ed on findings 1 through 6 on the ondition that the garage is built as shown in the drawings submitted with ma ching exterior :naterials or that any revi,ised plan is subject to approval by th Planning Administrator. "Ir. Zimniewicz seconded the motion, which pas ed on a roll call vote of 4 to 0. Submitted by: Apprqved bv:. � /� � . ��' ��-- ���_ - Karv Bunnell Dennis Osborn i � �a�1��5' � CITY OF SAi T PAUI BOARD OF Z NING APPEALS RESOLUTION ZONING F!L NUMBER: �obss DATE: Juty to, �990 WHEREAS, Mark and Theresa Queripel have applied for a variance from the strict application of the provisions of Section 61.1Ot of the Saint Pau( Legislative Code pertaining to the onstruction of an �ttachcd two-car garage with deck and a 1� foot front yard setbac on the front of a single family house in the R-2 zoning district; and WHEREAS, the S int Paul Board of Zoning Appeals conducted a public hearing on July 10, 1990, pur uant to said appeal in accordance with the requirements of Section 62.204 of the Legi lative Code; and ti�'HEREAS, the S int Paul Board of Zoning �pecals based upon eyidence presented at th� public hearing, as substantially refle::ted in tne :ninutes, m�de the following findings of fact: l. The propert�� in qucstion cannot be put �0 1 rcasonable use under the strict provisions oi the code. The existing roperty lacks alley access znd does not currentty have a garage. The applicant's proposal would provide a t�vo c�r attached garage Iwich front access in a neighborhood which currentl�� has few properties with ;3rages using front access. �. The plight of the !and owner is due to �:ircumstances unique to his property, and these circums ances �.vere not created b�� :he l�nd owner. The relativel steep stope on the front oi tn� property and the narrow setback from the eastern p operty line limits the options of the applicant fqr locating the proposed two car gara e :o onlv the front yard. This situation has existed since beFore the applicant ac uired the property in 1987. These circumstances were not created by the land owner. �. The proposed �ariance is in keeping with tne spirit and intent of the code. and is consistent wi h :he health, sat l�.I,.. �.omCor!, �orals znd •��elfare of the inhabitants ot [he Citv of S . P�ul. The propose� t�,� � _�� 1Ii3Ched ;arZ�e �� ::! :^ab!e the �pplic�nt to p�rk ,u�o vehicies :n �n enclos:, �pa�� ��ft th� ?uLiic riah;-�i-.:a�. �nd �lso pro� :de �ddition�! �tora;� �E^,1C�. T^� ��,�r7'.::C,'. 1ij�1t10❑ '��"Il� :[]i:;:�=_ '..,. .�.r?^I1C�RC�= �'1�_�':;Tle.^.i 0I :'?.°. ^CO�e�':• T;1c: ��a'1:.�_ 1.':1!1.;.. :S :.OIIS;ST:.^.0 '.ti:... .... ;r:. .� 3i.i� ..^�'�Il( �i[ Ih� �.�II::'?�LJu�. �. T1C'. �IO,D���.. . '1C!7.^._„ '•�'1�1 .'10: iI71�7Q:C ?� _...=yll�?::. :l:tr^. . ��t �lc:li 7:1�1 1:i . . ��J�:,..._. proper:�: no wii! .t 31ter :he �ssenciai _ .s_.._�,.. -i' ,;�e �ur:ounding sr�a o: unreasona��� i1fi11P.ISh establi�ned prop::' . '.3':ll�� '.�lif]ifl i}1� SllCr011Rt�lII� 1«�. TR� C�,qll��i� y a�.�:;1�� '.�i:l .TI�Jt !1�`,'C' :li ;:lii` � !I11}71:._ OR ihC; �:l'1I3�T,t,. O( t}l� :urrounding sr,:a ,�: ar,reaso.^.abl� dimi^.=.. _:t���.,�'r;c� rr;��rt� ;aiues in :7e �urround;n� :r::. � 50 -/�l� Filc st10658 Page Two �. The variance, if granted, would not permit any use that is not permitted under the provisions of he code for the property in the district where the affected land is located, nor would it alter or change the zoning district �lassification of the property. An attached t o car garage with deck on a single familv house is allowed in an R-2 zoning distric with appropriate setbacks. The proposcd addition would not alter or change the zo ing c(assification of the property. � 6. The request f r variance is not based primarily on a desire to increase the value or income potent al of the parcel of land. �OW, THEREFO E, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals that :he provisions of ection 61.101 bc hereby waived to a(lu�t� thc. ;,onstruction of an attached tw�o-car garage wi h deck and a 1� foot fron[ }�ard sctback on the ',front of a single family� house on the cond tion ,hat the �arage is built as shown in th:, dr�wings submitted with matching exterior materials or that anv revised pian is subje;.t to approval by the Planning Adminis rator on property (ocated at �0� Linwood .avenue and legall� described 1s Lot '_'4, Block 3 J.C. �couts =nd .-�ddition; in �ccordan�e w�ith the application for ��ariance and the ite plan on file w�ith the Saint Paul Plannin; Division. MOVEO BY: �t�a��. SECONDED Y: z�mnie�ti��cz ����� IN FAVOR: a AGAINST: o �1.�ILED: Julv Il, i99�� TI�tE LI'�1IT: �o order of the Board of Zonin; .appeals permitting the erection or zlterstion of a building or off-,treet parking facility shail be valid f��; a period lon;er than one �:e:�r, unless a I�uilding permit for such �r�ction or alteration is �b;ained �,�ithin such period and such erzction or alteration is proceedin� pursuant to the terms of such pz:mi[. The Board of Zonin� .�ppeals or the City Council may ;r1nt zn e�tens;on not tu e�ceed one �e�r. �n granting such e��znsion, the Board of Zonin� .�ppea(s mav decide to hold a public �iearin�. . ' . ��-/�'/� File #10658 P�ge Three APPEAL: Decisions of the Board of Zoning Appeals are fiaal subject to appeal to the City Council w�ithin 15 days by anyone affected by the decision. Building permits shall not be is,sued after an appeal has been filed. If permits have been issued before an appeai has been filed, then the permits are suspended and coastructioa shall cease until the City Council has made a final determination of the appeal. CERT[FiC�TION: I, the undersigned Secretary to the Board of Zoniag Appeals for the City ot Saint Paul, hiinnesota, do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy with the original record in my office; and find the same to be a true 3nd correct copy of said original and of the whole thereof, as based on appro.ed minutes of the Saint Paul Board of Zoning .appeals meeting held on July 10, 1990 and on record in the Saint Pau) PlanninQ Division Office, 25 West Fourth Street. Saint Paul, �linnesota. S.a[�T P.at'L BO.aRD OF ZONING aPPE_�LS --�-�L(�— ------ / Sa����� Secretar� to the Board - � ��_��1� BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS STAFF REPORT " l. APPLICANT: Mar & Theresa Queripel FILE #10658 2. CLASSIFICATION: Minor Variance DATE OF HEARING: July 10, 1990 3. LOCATION: 705 inwood Avenue (North side between Grotto & Osceola) 4. LEGAL DESCRIPTI N: Lot 24, Block 3; J.C. Stouts 2nd Addition 5. PLANNING DISTRI T: 16 6. PRESENT ZONING: R-2 ZONING CODE REFERENCE: Section 61.101 7 . STAFF INVESTIGA ION AND REPORT: DATE: June 27, 1990 BY: Marv Bunnell A. PURPOSE: To co struct an attached two car garage with decCk on the front of a single family h use. B. ACTION RE UESTE : A 13 feet front yard setback variance; 12 feet front yard setback request d; 25 feet front yard setback required (average front yard setback) . C. SITE AND AREA C NDITIONS: Lot area is 5,332 square feet (133. 3' x 40' ) . The property is sit ated on a sloping street so that the western portion of the property is abo t 6-7 feet above the grade of the sidewalk while the eastern portion is abou 9-10 feet above sidewalk grade. Most of the adjacent houses do not have front ard garages. There appears to be a parking problem on Linwood Avenue due to t is apparent lack of garages. This proper�ty is the smallest property on the block. In addition, the houses across the street have larger front setbacks ue to the curve in Linwood Avenue. Surrounding Lan Use: Single family residential D. BACKGROUND: Th applicant proposes to construct a two car attached garage to store vehieles nd other household goods. The proposed garage will extend to the current basement wall under the existing sun room. The addition will have a deck on the upper portion over the garage and adjacent to the existing sun room. The existing s room currently rests on shallow footings. E. FINDINGS: 1. The propert in question cannot be put to a reasonabie use under the strict provisions f the code. The existin property lacks alley access and does not° currently have a garage. Th applicant' s proposal would provide a two car attached garage with front ccess in a neighborhood which currently has few properties with �arages usi g front access. � 2 . The plight f the land owner is due to circumstances unique to his property, and these c'rcumstances were not created by the land owner. � �a-��'1� File #10658 � Page Two The relative steep slope on the front of the property and the narrow setback from the eastern property line limits the options of the applicant for locating the proposed two car garage to only the front yard. This situation ha existed since before the applicant acquired the property in 1987. These circumstances were not created by the land owner. 3. The proposed variance is in keeping with the spirit anc� intent of the code, and is consi tent with the health, safety, comfort, mo�als and welfare of the inhabita ts of the City of St. Paul. The proposed two car attached garage will enable the applicant to park two vehicles in n enclosed space off the public right-of-way and also provide additional s orage space. The proposed addition will increase the applicant's njoyment of the property. The requested variance is consistent with the spi it and intent of the Zoning Code. 4. The proposed variance will not impair an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent pro erty, nor will it alter the essential character of the surrounding rea or unreasonably diminish established property values within the surround ng area. The requeste variance will not have any negative impacts on the character of the surro nding area or unreasonably diminish established property values in the surro nding area. 5. The variance if granted, would not permit any use tha� is not permitted under the pr visions of the code for the property in tl�e district where the affected lan is located, nor would it alter or change',', the zoning district classificati n of the property. An attached wo car garage with deck on a single family house is allowed in an R-2 zonin district with appropriate setbacks. The proposed addition would not al er or change the zoning classification of the property. 6. The request or variance is not based primarily on a desire to increase the value or inc me potential of the parcel of land. F. STAFF RECOMMEND ION: Based on findings 1 through 6, staff recommends approval of the variance n the condition that the garage is built as shown in the drawings submitt d with matching exterior materials or that any revised plan '_s subject to appro al by the Planning Administrator. . � � ' � �U--l�ls � ZONING BOARD ��� I b�� APPLtCAT10N FOR ZONING ORDINANCE VARIANCE CITY OF SAIMT PAUL I 0 � � S I A VAfiIANCE OF ZONING COOE CHAPTER_ � I ,SECTION /�/ PARAGRAPH IS REQUESTED IN CONFORMITY WITH THE POWERS VESTEO IN THE 80AAD OF ZONING AP- PEALS TO PERMIT THE A���'^ � - G� �" 7 G tG j e ON PFiO�ERTV � �� DESCRIBEO BELOW. A. Applicant; NAME: I- � £ I r[�.�L ���-i t�riL ADORESS �� UNWK�D �G �� P�� _� � DAYTIME TEIEPHONE NO. �O'�� � ZIP CODE :J !O� �" i. Property interest of applicant: town ,Contract purchaser,etc.l J��� 2. Name of owner (if different) B. Property Description: ADDRESS '`�J L�r eci C C� `�V ? ' - `` � /' =}",�.,� V V �f�"^- �,� 1. Legal description: LOT � BLOCK � ADO.� ��� 2. Lot size: .�CF��C . �� '� ' J J' �i I�{Gti;; •'�.,`'�!C.� � _ ^ 3. Present Use 1G,`�I�r N �' Present 2on�ng Dist. �� � C. Reasons for Request: 1. Proposed use I � �^�C� r �'�--�-1L%'� �� �% �.' '�` , .' , � -. v = �! '-' . ;;J� 2. What physical characterisucs of the property orev�nt its being used'or any of the perm�!!ed uses m your zone? !topography,soil conditions,s�ze and shape of�ot,etc.) - �'J .j! 1��,, �1GC �J� s�" �ZD M -- `J•= -� � '�-�- • �`-'�T .• �:�, y�„r� - = , - : �, .. - fc:crd �r�,� , ;� . , G+liv�w�y !0 1 �G � y�rC{ . 3. 5tate the spec�fic variation requested,giv�ng d�stances vvhere appropriat�. �Li'��- ?���i�i���UPInNrG � � � - . i / � , . _ . ... . � f .N „ `/qr/�� Y ':cJ1„ . J < � .K VSvrG�: t ✓ ✓c J ' , 4. Explain how vour case conforms to each of the foilowing: a. That the stnct appiicauon of the prov�sions of the Zoning Ordiance would result:n �eculiar or exceptronal practical difficulties.or except�o�al undue hardships. �A:a.c� �`� '�''�i �.�iC� � G�� - _ �,�� � �.�� �',.�a M-( ��G c;,�r ,;ci F-� =—���.' '. ,:f��Y V►�'F� ���:'+.:G ,:..�JR;v�=.�:= 1 i �,.,: -�: -'CA'SFHERSt}SE OfY61� - b. That the granting of a var�ance vv�il i ;+;_;Y,_ , "_ _'_ �:__ _- not be a substantial detriment to � -- - -- I .,..� �'��-,-_ public good or a substant�ai impair• _ _ _ __ ment ot the ;ntent and nu�pose of i '�F-t, _ �=" '__ the Zoning Ordinance. � _ __ ' -l --i�-+����: „<�!'.� =%�i`-��� I C�F�CX;^''F�`� ;��S.`-��a ,; ,'�_<:J '' �. �" cr!� 'f"c�-x--+^r�ti-' a xy1.+� `% :� - ^ !.� SL'v�'^'�"*i.{��/;�iPV �T-'�!�',�4__ ,, NOTE: THIS WI�L VOT BE PROCESSED WITHOUT A COMP�cTE SITE ?LAN� �;% ' ', I _ `_r \. /`' f . Signature ��•�' .; � / �,//_+�(.:� _ /�.li�'�� -�✓' , (�-.'�i��,�.J��. • i :ate Received . 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