90-1816 �..J�D 1 � ,� ,,' , ciTV oF sT. Pau� COUNCIL FILE NO. D""��� ,_ - FINAL ORD R � By File No. � 11�588 Voting In the Matter of ' Ward 2 !or tbe o eration at t�e above staadard street Ii hti�=' ��st�a far the P S Selb� A�anne terital sstion Project lio. 2, the falloYin� atreetss Both sidas Selby Av� ne froa Victoria Strest tc Leaiagt�pu P�rtva�; Soath �ide of Se1b� A�sn�e to 3S f:et tast of @'ictaria StreetN, sad Eath sides oictoris Strest to 5 feet aarth of S�lb� A�esae aad to{I55 feet south of Selb� Aven�• for th ■oaths of Il+a�e�b�r and D�c��b�r, �l90 aad Jannar� thra D�cesber, I991. ' � under Preliminary Order ` � ���� �� approved �^ ��� / 6 t The Council of the ity of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given s prescribed by the City Charter; and � WHEREAS, The Cou cil has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pHertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully consid red the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That t e Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper C ty officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed w}Ith the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOL ED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the �roper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therei and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COUNCIL PERSON Adopted by the Counc�l: Date a CT i i 1990 Yeas D�p� Nays �p�,t� Certified ss Co�knc' Secretary —�Hr � � ��C8�e In Favor By �tt�sn �� � Against Wilsos I �� � 2 ��9� Mayor ' P�l.��pcRd� rl�T `� � �9�0, � ��j� � � � � • ' • ' ' RE 8/23/90 �;�-- v"'�� DEPARTM[NT/OFFlf�JCOUNpI DATE INITIATED O� /��� PSD 6/22/90 GREEN SHEE N� _10870 i �7uw Dnr —� OON7'ACT PERSON 6 PHONE �e��Tie�merF_ __- _ Q DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR C„ �CITV CI8� BZS�l ��� MM�lER FOR ❑qTY ATTORNEY �CITY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNpI A(3ENDA BY(DAT I $ 9O IIOUTINO �BUDOET DIRECTOR � , ;.. ` �ust be in City C1e�r�.'$ ��� �9 $O ��u,YO��o�nssisvw � ('.ntincil Resear.�h ater than noon We nesda -,, - - . TOTAL M OF 81GINATURE PAQES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR 81GNATUR� - • ACTION REf�UEBTED: Set public hearing for stablishing a special assessment district on both sides of Selby Avenue fram Victo ia Street to Lesington Parkway. File �� 18588 RECOMMENDATION8:ADD►�W o►�(� COUNCIL COMMITTHElRESEAI�FI REPORT OPT _PtANNINO COMMIBSION _CML OOMMISSION ��'YST PHONE NO. 'CIB f�MMITTEE _ STAFF _ COAAMENT8: _DISTRICf OOURT _ su�oRTS wH�couNa�oa�crne� Wa d 1 Safer and better nei hbo hoods i�n►nrio r+aoe�,�ssue.oP��rv�arv wnn.whsn.WMro�wny�: Before the streetlights funded by a Neighborhood Partnership Prog am �rant to the Selby District Co��ercial Clu can be installed, a special assessaent d strict needs to be established to pay for he operating costs. Public hearings need to be set for establishing a special ssessment district in the affected area. ADVANTI�OE81F APPFqVED: The image and pedestr safety of the neighborhood will be 3spro ed. D16ADVANTAOES IF APPRGVED: N� �RECEIV� pUG241 p cirY �cER DISADVAHTM�E8 IF 1�T APPROVED: � l�o�entu� � om the first phase of lighting installation on Selby A enue, and recent positive ` ercial and residential developaents, would be lost. .�; _ ,�. ouncil Research Center. ; � . _ AUG 2 31� ..�r TOTAI AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION �..�. $1 ��.�f Or 14 months �T/REVENUB BUDOETED(q ONE) � ,NO ��Nd gp�p� Assessments ril ACTIVITY NUMOER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPWI� "S e Attachment" _iw U . . . :o:� .... �- �a-.,�,� CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM TO: Peter yte, Real Estate FROM: Craig lakely, PED � SUBJECT: Asses ment District for Selby Avenue: Victoria to Lexi�ngton DATE: June 2, 1990 In August, 1989, the Selby District Commercial Club received a Neighborhood Partnership " Program grant of$2 2,8Q0 for the installation of a�proximatel�53 decorative, twin-lantern streethghts on Selb Ayenue from Victoria to Lexington ident�cal to those installed in the first phase of the Se by Avenue Streetlighting Project. "'ii Since the entire cos of installation for these lights will be paid from the NPP grant, the only Special Assess ent District we will need to establish will be for the operating costs. Attached to this me o are the waiver forms obtained from affected property owners by Byron Crushshon, t e Executive Director of the Selby District Commercial Club. Attached as well is map showing in red the property owners who hay`ve signed waivers (including property wned by the HRA,whose approval is presumed). The properties shown in blue are o ed by absentee owners,who have been contacted by letter, but who have not replied an are not expected to reply. Byron Crushshon is continuin�to meet with the remaining esident property owners, and additional waivers are anticipated. Attached also to thi memo is the computer print out you sent me of�,ssessment estimates :based on a 1-3-5 res dential, institutional, commercial assessment rat�o. Based on the total annual cost estimat d to be about $6,000, the cost per residential fromtage foot would be $.58, $1.74 per insti tional frontage foot, and $2.90 per conunercial frontage foot. By this memo, I am fficially requesting that the Valuations Division schedule the necessary public he ' gs leading to City Council authorization of a special assessment district for the oper tion and maintenance of streetlights on Selby A�enue from Victoria to Lexington. I will be away on vacation from June 25th to July 9th, but',Jim Zdon in the neigbborhood Deve opment Division is familiar with the project, and'he can be contacted at 3324 if you have y questions. Attachment cc: Byron Crush hon, Selby District Commercial Club, Inc. ' Mike HIasse Public Works , F I . . . . � �-��-��i� f.. . . . . .:: PRELIMINARY ORDER � �;� . ..... '.� . _ _.: I . 1•. . j ouncll le No.90-1573—By William L.Wilson- . ,_ - , _, � - .:In L e Matter of the operaUon of the above standard street 1lghUng system for the .' Selby Av nue Revltallzafton ProJect No.2,lhe Collowing streets in Voling Ward 1: �' Both sld s Selby Ave.from Vlclorla SL to Lexington Pkwv.i Soulh side oC�elby Ave.to 55(eet e "t of Victorla St.and Bolh sicles Vlctorla SE.�to 55.feef north of Selby Ave.and ' to 55 fe south of Selby Aye.for lhe monlhs of Novemtier and December, 1990 and �;• January(hru Dec�mber;199L - The ouncll of lhe C1ly of Saint Paul having received the r�port of the'Mayor upon �; the abov lmprovemenE,and having considered said reporE,hereby resolv�es. `'�.1.T at the said report and lhe same is hereby approded wi[h�no alter'riattves;and " , thai lhe sUmaled co§t thereof Is 57,813.00 tlnanced by assessments.This covers 14 mon lhs. . � � �2� atTa publlc hearing be had on said lmprovement on the I l th da'of October ! 1990.at :OO o'clock a m.;'In!he Counctl Chambers oC the C1ly all and ourt ouse ; , . , u ng n; e Clty af Salnt P�ul ,: :, ,. . - ':3.T at noUce of said �ubltc h.earin be Iven to the persons and!n the manner �; providecl by:ihe.=Charler.�spaUng;the,timc and place of hearing, the nalurc ot the :� improve ent and 1he"total cosl`thereof as estimated. • `' ' ' - Flle O.'18588 �c.-r,-ars r,.e�.�....�,�4 a' � . � . . .. _ :�-A..?^:-�•. . . . . , - ' dopled by C�ouncll September 4,]990 '"' " � •.r� : --,t �^,� pproved by Mayor Seplember 5. 1990. ` ' �� I (Septe:nber 15. 1990) ; - . • . ,_ ; -- --- , � I I I 18430 North side Exc ange Street from St. Peter Street to Cedar Street ; 0076 South side Exc ange Street from Wabasha Street no�th to Cedar Street ; South side Exc ange Street from St . Peter Street to 150 feet east of St . Peter Stre t for the North Wabasha Area Above� Standard Street Lighting Area or the months of January thru December , 1990. Prelimin ry Order No. 89-1614 Approved September 12 , 1989 Final Or er No. 89-1840 Approved bctober 10 , 1989 18423 Both sides of Grand Avenue from Snelling Avenue to about 150 feet ' 0074 west of Fairvi w ( 167 feet north side , 144 feet s�uth side ) for the Grand Avenue West Area Above Standard Street Lighting Area for the months of January thru December , 1990 . ! Preliminary Order No. 89-1615 Approved !September 12 , 1989 Final Order No. 89�1841 Approved October 10 , 1989 18425 Both sides of rand Avenue from about 260 feet west of Victoria ( 180 0075 feet north side , 260 feet south side ) to about 210 feet west of Lexington Park ay ( 210 feet north side , 130 feet south side ) ; Both sides of exington Parkway from the alley norith of Grand Avenue to the alley s uth of Grand Avenue ; Both sides of xford Street from Grand Avenue to tihe alley north of Grand Avenue ; West side of 0 ford Street from Grand Avenue to t�e alley south of Grand Avenue ; Both sides of hatsworth Street from Grand Avenueito the alley north of Grand Avenue a d Both sides of Milton Street from Grand Avenue to the alley north of Grand Avenue for the Grand Avenue ; East Above Standard Street Lightin System for the months of January thru December , 1990. Prelimi ary Order No. 89-1616 Approved September 12 , 1989 Final 0 der No. 89-1842 Approved Qctober 10 , 1989 18434 West side Smith Avenue from Stevens Street to 100 �eet south of Baker 0077 Street ; East si e Smith Avenue from Stevens Street to 75 feet south of Baker Street an Both sides Smith Avenue from An�apolis Street to 50 feet north of nnapolis Street for the Smith Avenue Above Standard Street Lighting System for the months of January thru December 1990. Prelimi ary Order No. 89-1617 Approved September 12 , 1989 Final 0 der No. 89-1843 Approved � October 10 , 1989 18510 Both sides Waba ha Street from Kellogg Boulevard �o llth Street ; 0078 Both sides Fift Street from St . Peter Street to Wabasha Street and Both sides Sixt Street from St . Peter Street to W�basha Street for the Wabasha�Fif h-Sixth Area Above Standard Street Lighting System for the months of N vember and December 1990. � Prelimi ary Order No. 89-1618 Approved � September 12 , 1989 Final 0 der No . 89-1844 Approved October 10 , 1989 2 18525 Both sides Selby Avenue from 221 feet east of Dale Street to Grotto 0079 Street and Both ides Dale Street from 116 . 38 feet north of Selby Avenue (east sid ) and 110 feet north of Selby Avenue (west side ) to 110 feet south o Selby Avenue (west side) and 172. 5 feet south of Selby Avenue (ea t side ) - Selby Avenue Revitalizat�on Project No. 1 Area Above Stand rd Street Lighting System for the months of September to December , 199 . ' Prelimin ry Order No. 89-1619 Approved 5eptember 12 , 1989 Final Or er No . 89-1845 Approved October 10 , 1989 18550 North side Conco d Street from 50 feet southeast of Ada Street to 0100 approximately 125. 06 feet northwest of State Street' and South side Concord Street f om approximately 78 . 59 feet northwest of George Street to approximately 362. 81 feet southeast of Stiate Street - Concord Area Pha e I Area Above Standard Street Lighting System for for the months of November and December , 1990. ! Prelimi ary Order No. 89-1620 Approved ISeptember 12 , 1989 Final Order No. 89�1846 Approved October 10 , 1989 18607 the Department of Revenue Area Above Standard Street Lighting System 0101 Area is bounded by the Mississippi River , Robert Sltreet , Fillmore Avenue and State Street for the months of January thru December , 1989 and January fihru December , 1990 . � Preli inary Order No. 90-1054 ApprovedjJuly 26 , 1990 Final Order No. 90-1346 Approved August 7 , 1990 18590 West side of S . Peter Street from Kellogg Blvd . to E . Sixth Street 0104 and from E . Se enth Street to Interstate 94. East side of S . Peter Street from E. Fourth Streelt to Interstate 94 with multiglob lights from E. Sixth Street to Se�enth Place Mall only for the St . Pe er Street Area Above Sta�dard Street Lighting System for the months of October thru D.ecember , 1990. � Prelim' nary Order No. 90-484 ApprovediMarch 29 , 1990 Final yder No. 90-834 Approved May 17 , 1990 stlites I i � 3 �