98-928., Return Copy To: Police Dept. Accounting �RlGINAL RESOLUTION CITY OF SAIN'I' PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: CURRENT BUDGET Referred To: Committee:Date: 1 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Pau] has been awarded a grant from the State of Minnesota, Department of 2 Economic Security/Workforce PreparaHon Branch in fhe amount of $330,000 far the operarion of the Minnesota 3 City Grants Program for the period from July 1, 1998 through June 30, 1999, and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul through a unique collaborafion between the departments of Parks and Recreation and Police, Ramsey County, Saint Paul Public Schools and Yonth Service Bureau, will offer a range of prevention and intervention programs for at-risk youth. The program will include truancy reducfion, curfew enforcement, educafion assistance, after school acfivities and workforce preparedness, and 1� WHEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to Secfion 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does cerrify that 11 there are available for appropriation funds in excess of those estimated in the 1998 budget; and 12 13 WI�REA5, The Mayor recommends that the following addition be made to the 1998 budget: 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 FINANCING PLAN: 436-Police Special Projects Fund 34156-Minnesota City Grant 3400-State Direct Grants 21 22 SPENDING PLAIV: 23 436-Police Special Projects Fund 24 34156-Minnesota City Grant 25 0547-Payment To Subcontractors 26 0558-Transfer To Special Revenue Fund 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 0 Council File # 98 -� �.$' GreenSheet# UJD/ �� CHANGES 330,000 AMENDED BUDGET 330,000 0 330,000 330,000 0 300,000 300,000 0 30,000 30,000 0 330,000 330,000 mncitygrants98 35 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the City Council approves these changes to the 1998 budget. 9� `t�' � OEPARTMEN7/OFFICEIGOUNCiL DA7E INITIATED PoliceDepartment 9!]0J98 GREEN SHEET No. 61015 CONTACT PERSON ffi PHON INInAUDATE INtT7AVDAlE (,'}312fFiTlII� 292-358$ _ � OEPARTNENTqRECTOR $ crtvcouxa� MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) � J IcliYPTTORNEY`�(��� ❑CfIYCLERK L�1 l r �Z FWI1NCWt5E&VICESqR � v �uwe�w�sERY(ACCTG � t �wwYORfORASLSiAM)�I I L�� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CIIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SiGNATURE) C710N REQUESTED Signatures requested on the attached council resolution allowing the City of Saint Paui to receive $330,000 for the operation of the Minnesota City Grants pzogram. REGOMMENDATION Approve lA) ar Reject (RJ PERSONAL SERVICE CON7RACT5 MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this persoMrtn ever worked under a coniract for this depatlment? PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITfEE 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a c'ity employee? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION vES NO 3 Dces this person/firtn possess a skill not normally possessetl by any current city employee� YES NO 4. Is this personKrm a targeted vendoi? YES NO Ezplain all yes a�swers on separete sheet and attach fo green sheet INI7IATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) The city is e�cperiencing a muitiple of social and economic problems directly related to conditions and eapectations of youth at-risk. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED The City, through a unique collaboration behveen the Department of Pazks and Recreation, and Police, Ramsey County, Saint Paul Public Schools, and Youth Service Bureau, will offer a range of prevention and interoention programs for at-risk youth. The program will include tmancy reduction, curfew enforcement, educafion assistance, after school activities and workforce re aredness. DISADVAN7AGESIFAPPROVED None DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED Loss of opportunities and progtam services to the City's youth. Increased levels of youth related crime and violence. Increased levels of high huancy, drop-outs, and neighborhood instabilily. �°��e�'�6 �a�eaf^f't ��S'��'2� � . . �,r�ry ^_'�, i�i'^,r' TOTAI AMOUNT OF 7RAAlSACTION $ 330,000 COS7IREVENUE BUDGEfED (CIRCLE ONE) YES`�'` t NO � L ;, s; 1�� �y �'+ • FUNDING SOURCE Sffit0 OPMIIll18SOT2 ACTIVITY NUMBER 34156 �= " ' " ' - ' � � FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPWI� mncitygrants98.�c1s ., Return Copy To: Police Dept. Accounting �RlGINAL RESOLUTION CITY OF SAIN'I' PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: CURRENT BUDGET Referred To: Committee:Date: 1 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Pau] has been awarded a grant from the State of Minnesota, Department of 2 Economic Security/Workforce PreparaHon Branch in fhe amount of $330,000 far the operarion of the Minnesota 3 City Grants Program for the period from July 1, 1998 through June 30, 1999, and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul through a unique collaborafion between the departments of Parks and Recreation and Police, Ramsey County, Saint Paul Public Schools and Yonth Service Bureau, will offer a range of prevention and intervention programs for at-risk youth. The program will include truancy reducfion, curfew enforcement, educafion assistance, after school acfivities and workforce preparedness, and 1� WHEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to Secfion 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does cerrify that 11 there are available for appropriation funds in excess of those estimated in the 1998 budget; and 12 13 WI�REA5, The Mayor recommends that the following addition be made to the 1998 budget: 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 FINANCING PLAN: 436-Police Special Projects Fund 34156-Minnesota City Grant 3400-State Direct Grants 21 22 SPENDING PLAIV: 23 436-Police Special Projects Fund 24 34156-Minnesota City Grant 25 0547-Payment To Subcontractors 26 0558-Transfer To Special Revenue Fund 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 0 Council File # 98 -� �.$' GreenSheet# UJD/ �� CHANGES 330,000 AMENDED BUDGET 330,000 0 330,000 330,000 0 300,000 300,000 0 30,000 30,000 0 330,000 330,000 mncitygrants98 35 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the City Council approves these changes to the 1998 budget. 9� `t�' � OEPARTMEN7/OFFICEIGOUNCiL DA7E INITIATED PoliceDepartment 9!]0J98 GREEN SHEET No. 61015 CONTACT PERSON ffi PHON INInAUDATE INtT7AVDAlE (,'}312fFiTlII� 292-358$ _ � OEPARTNENTqRECTOR $ crtvcouxa� MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) � J IcliYPTTORNEY`�(��� ❑CfIYCLERK L�1 l r �Z FWI1NCWt5E&VICESqR � v �uwe�w�sERY(ACCTG � t �wwYORfORASLSiAM)�I I L�� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CIIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SiGNATURE) C710N REQUESTED Signatures requested on the attached council resolution allowing the City of Saint Paui to receive $330,000 for the operation of the Minnesota City Grants pzogram. REGOMMENDATION Approve lA) ar Reject (RJ PERSONAL SERVICE CON7RACT5 MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this persoMrtn ever worked under a coniract for this depatlment? PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITfEE 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a c'ity employee? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION vES NO 3 Dces this person/firtn possess a skill not normally possessetl by any current city employee� YES NO 4. Is this personKrm a targeted vendoi? YES NO Ezplain all yes a�swers on separete sheet and attach fo green sheet INI7IATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) The city is e�cperiencing a muitiple of social and economic problems directly related to conditions and eapectations of youth at-risk. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED The City, through a unique collaboration behveen the Department of Pazks and Recreation, and Police, Ramsey County, Saint Paul Public Schools, and Youth Service Bureau, will offer a range of prevention and interoention programs for at-risk youth. The program will include tmancy reduction, curfew enforcement, educafion assistance, after school activities and workforce re aredness. DISADVAN7AGESIFAPPROVED None DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED Loss of opportunities and progtam services to the City's youth. Increased levels of youth related crime and violence. Increased levels of high huancy, drop-outs, and neighborhood instabilily. �°��e�'�6 �a�eaf^f't ��S'��'2� � . . �,r�ry ^_'�, i�i'^,r' TOTAI AMOUNT OF 7RAAlSACTION $ 330,000 COS7IREVENUE BUDGEfED (CIRCLE ONE) YES`�'` t NO � L ;, s; 1�� �y �'+ • FUNDING SOURCE Sffit0 OPMIIll18SOT2 ACTIVITY NUMBER 34156 �= " ' " ' - ' � � FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPWI� mncitygrants98.�c1s ., Return Copy To: Police Dept. Accounting �RlGINAL RESOLUTION CITY OF SAIN'I' PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: CURRENT BUDGET Referred To: Committee:Date: 1 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Pau] has been awarded a grant from the State of Minnesota, Department of 2 Economic Security/Workforce PreparaHon Branch in fhe amount of $330,000 far the operarion of the Minnesota 3 City Grants Program for the period from July 1, 1998 through June 30, 1999, and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul through a unique collaborafion between the departments of Parks and Recreation and Police, Ramsey County, Saint Paul Public Schools and Yonth Service Bureau, will offer a range of prevention and intervention programs for at-risk youth. The program will include truancy reducfion, curfew enforcement, educafion assistance, after school acfivities and workforce preparedness, and 1� WHEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to Secfion 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does cerrify that 11 there are available for appropriation funds in excess of those estimated in the 1998 budget; and 12 13 WI�REA5, The Mayor recommends that the following addition be made to the 1998 budget: 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 FINANCING PLAN: 436-Police Special Projects Fund 34156-Minnesota City Grant 3400-State Direct Grants 21 22 SPENDING PLAIV: 23 436-Police Special Projects Fund 24 34156-Minnesota City Grant 25 0547-Payment To Subcontractors 26 0558-Transfer To Special Revenue Fund 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 0 Council File # 98 -� �.$' GreenSheet# UJD/ �� CHANGES 330,000 AMENDED BUDGET 330,000 0 330,000 330,000 0 300,000 300,000 0 30,000 30,000 0 330,000 330,000 mncitygrants98 35 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the City Council approves these changes to the 1998 budget. 9� `t�' � OEPARTMEN7/OFFICEIGOUNCiL DA7E INITIATED PoliceDepartment 9!]0J98 GREEN SHEET No. 61015 CONTACT PERSON ffi PHON INInAUDATE INtT7AVDAlE (,'}312fFiTlII� 292-358$ _ � OEPARTNENTqRECTOR $ crtvcouxa� MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) � J IcliYPTTORNEY`�(��� ❑CfIYCLERK L�1 l r �Z FWI1NCWt5E&VICESqR � v �uwe�w�sERY(ACCTG � t �wwYORfORASLSiAM)�I I L�� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CIIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SiGNATURE) C710N REQUESTED Signatures requested on the attached council resolution allowing the City of Saint Paui to receive $330,000 for the operation of the Minnesota City Grants pzogram. REGOMMENDATION Approve lA) ar Reject (RJ PERSONAL SERVICE CON7RACT5 MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this persoMrtn ever worked under a coniract for this depatlment? PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITfEE 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a c'ity employee? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION vES NO 3 Dces this person/firtn possess a skill not normally possessetl by any current city employee� YES NO 4. Is this personKrm a targeted vendoi? YES NO Ezplain all yes a�swers on separete sheet and attach fo green sheet INI7IATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) The city is e�cperiencing a muitiple of social and economic problems directly related to conditions and eapectations of youth at-risk. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED The City, through a unique collaboration behveen the Department of Pazks and Recreation, and Police, Ramsey County, Saint Paul Public Schools, and Youth Service Bureau, will offer a range of prevention and interoention programs for at-risk youth. The program will include tmancy reduction, curfew enforcement, educafion assistance, after school activities and workforce re aredness. DISADVAN7AGESIFAPPROVED None DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED Loss of opportunities and progtam services to the City's youth. Increased levels of youth related crime and violence. Increased levels of high huancy, drop-outs, and neighborhood instabilily. �°��e�'�6 �a�eaf^f't ��S'��'2� � . . �,r�ry ^_'�, i�i'^,r' TOTAI AMOUNT OF 7RAAlSACTION $ 330,000 COS7IREVENUE BUDGEfED (CIRCLE ONE) YES`�'` t NO � L ;, s; 1�� �y �'+ • FUNDING SOURCE Sffit0 OPMIIll18SOT2 ACTIVITY NUMBER 34156 �= " ' " ' - ' � � FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPWI� mncitygrants98.�c1s