90-1778 � � � �1 N A L Council File # �(��'/�7X Green Sheet ,� $8 21 RESOLUTION -�---`� - CITY O� SAIN�' PAUL, MINNESOTA , I� , �-__ -_ Presented By L-� �-,� • �.�_r__ Referred To Committee: Date RESOLVED that upon execution and delivery of a release in full to the C ' ty of Saint Paul the proper City officers are hereby authorized an directed to pay out of the Tort Liability Fund, 09070-0511, t : MedCenters Health Plan the sum of $5, 000. 00 in full settlmen t of its subrogation claim for expenses paid on behalf of Des ' ree Wiley for injuries she sustained April 26, 1986, at or near Sh pard Road and Elway Street. A P P R O V E D: J d o District Cou Yeas Navs Absent Requested by Department of: on osw � on �- City Attorney acca ee �. e men � une son BY� O Adopted by Council: Da e O�� (� �g� , Form A proved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by C uncil Secretary B , By' �� -- Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved b� Mayor: Da e �`��� � �-- ��9 Council , /� , / /� ,�' � ��/��h.CtiO-2� By: ;T.�,�;� i�li By: - - . (,�10—�7�r� OEPI�TMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED �t Attorne 9 �s 90 GREEN SHEE No. $8,�,�,pATE CONTACT PEASON 8 PHONE 2 9 8_ �pEp/�qTMEWT p�RECTOR �GTY COUNCIL r a n k E. V i 11 u I I 5 �� ❑�T�'"TT�+N�r �cm cweRK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AOENDA BY(DA7'� IIOUTINO �BUDOET DIRECTOR �FIN.6 MOT.SERVICES DiR. �MAYOR(OR ASSISTA � TOTAL#OF SIQNATURE PAOES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS Ff�t SIt3NATURE) ACTION REOUE87ED: ett]enent of subrogat on claim of MedCenters Health Plan against City of St. aulfor medical expe ses paid on behalf of Desiree Wiley for injuries ustained April 26, 1 86 at or near Shepard Road and Elw y Street. FlEOOMMENDA710N8:MM�(�)a►R�ct(R) COUNGL REPORT _PLANNMK�COMMIBSION _CIVIL 8E CE COMMIS810N ANALYST PHONE N0. _GB(�A�MAl1TEE _ COMMENTB: _STAFF — _DI$1'RICf COURT _ SUPPORTS WNK:Ii COUNGL OBJECTIVE9 INITIATINCi PRO6LEM�ISBUE.OPPORlUNITY(Who�Wh��YVhsn�4Vhero.Why): edCenters Health Pla paid benefits on behalf of Desire Wiley in the amount o 47, 513. 71 as a resul of injuries she sustained on Apri 26, 1986. See Green heet No. 8820. The ontract of insurance provided for right of subrogation,: he City Attorney has settled all claims of MedCenters He lth Plan for 5, 000 and requests C uncil approval. �ovMrr�oes��wPnove�: DISADVMITl1(iE8 IF APPROVED: Counc � t�e�earch Center E� 211990 DIBADVANTAOEB IF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AM0IJNT OF TRANSACTION = C06T/REVENU!lNDOETED( G�II�``.+�./ NO FUNDINO SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FlNANpAI INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN)