90-1773 OR � �I ��� � ' . �\Council File # 0'/ 773 �i' Green Sheet # a�l� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESGITA , , Presented By ���' � Referred To Committee: Date BE IT RE OLVED, 7hat the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby certifies and approves the action of the Property Code Enforcement B ard (Saint Paul Board of Appeals & Review) 'pertaining to the fotlow'ng listed property and as shown by the Excerpted Minutes of sa 'd Property Code Enforcement Board, and dated August 14, 1990 and arked EXHIBIT A, and attached hereto and made a part hereof by ref rence: DATE OF BOARD MINU7ES CASE NO: PROPERTY APPEALED APPELLANT 8-14-9� 49-90-H 994 Beech 5t. Elizabeth Reischel BOARD ACTION: Granted a variance on the fence, to be allowed to remain the 6 ft. height on the west side of the house. PROPERTY DESC IPTION: Adam Gotzian' s Sub of BLk 107, Lyman Dayton's addition to St. Paui Ex Alley: Lots 16 8 Lot 17 Blk 107 ---------------------------------- 8/ 14/9C1 52-90-H 1089 Portland Ave. Gabrielle Funaro BOARD ACTION: Granted a variance on the deadbolts, with the condition that this variance is good only for the duration of time that this facility operates in its present condition. PROPERTY DESCRIPI'ION: Summit Park Addition to 5t. Paul in Ramsey County, Minnesota 5ubj . to Pkwy Lot 15 and with esmts Lots 16 17 and Lot 18 Blk 41 ---------------------------------- - 1 - ORIGI f�AL � � � ���-"�� 8/14/50 35-90-F 2245 Kna�p 5t. Lavonne Christofferson BOARD ACTION Granted a variance on the installation of a openable skylight window of sufficient size in lieu of a standard door, as a second exit from the third itoor, with nothing else changing, there must be an appropriate stairway to graund level . PROPERTY DES RIPTION: St. Anthony Park, Minn�sota E . 25 ft of Lot 1 and Ex A 7riangle measuring 27 1/.� Ft on E L and 16 ft on NLY L Lot 2 also S 80 ft of Lot 3 Blk 37 ---------------------------------- 8/ 14/90 47-90-F 306 Hoyt Ave Douglas Seltz BOARD ACTION Granted a variance the deadbolts, with the condition that if replacement is necessary that they are replaced according to code, this variance is valid only. for the duration that Mr. 5eltz owns the building. PROPERTY DES RIPTION: Dawson' s Lake Como and Phalen Ave addition to the City of St. Paul , Ramsey Co. , Minn. N 1 /2 of Vac alley accruing and Fol ; Ex E 7 ft; Lot 16 & all of Lots 9 thru Lot 15 Blk 12 ---------------------------------- 8/ 14/90 53-90-F 453 Sherburne Ave. Evan R. Williams BOARD ACTIUN: Granted a variance on the bathroom sink, provided that he occupants be limited to (2) two persons, included in the variance is the requirement that if, it is remodeled, that it must be brought up to code. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: 5miths subd of �lks 9 1C1 15 and 16 Lot 42 Blk 15 ---------------------------------- 2 � RIGi �! �� L � � ��0-, 7�3 8/ 14/90 58-90-F 138/ 142 Grotto Ave. N Carlus Espejo BOARD ACTION: Granted a variance allowing the use of the middle bedrooms in each unit of both 138 and 142 No. Grotto�, aithough the room only measures 64 sq. ft. PROPER7Y DES RIPTION: Holcombe's addition to Saint Paul S 1/2 of Lots 14 and Lot 15 Blk 7 ---------------------------------- and, be it, FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon passage of this resolution the City Clerk i hereby authorized and directed to transmit a copy of this resolution for recording to the Ramsey County Office of Register of eeds. Yeas Nays Absent Reques�ed by Department of: imon osw.ztz ' on acca ee ettman une � i son By' O 0 C� 9 �9gO Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Counci : Date ��%/��, ���i^�G� /� Adoptio Certifie by Council Secretary g ��,�, �-� � Zp � r Y� By: Approved b Mayor for Submission to '9�O Council Approved by Mayor Date C��I � � �� , By: �%h'�� L ��y / By: 3 RECEivEO���~i�3 °�PARTM[NT/OFFICEICO NCIL • DATE INITIATED ommunity S�ervices nf. sd _ 2_ GREEN SHE AT SEP 2�9�,N�, ,,,5pA� OONTA PERSOt�t 8 PFIONE �DEPARTMENT aRECT�i �CITV OOUNCII ATTORNEY MU3T BE ON CWNpL A(iENDA BY(DI1T� • ROUTIN3� BUDQET DIRECTOR �FI��SERVICOEB WR. �MAYOR(OR ABSIBT � TOTAI.N OF 81QNATURE PAOES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR 81QNATUR� ACTION REQUESTED: Resolution appro ing the actions of the Property Co e Enforcement Board of Appeals (St. au1 Board of Appeals & Review) RECOMMENDATIONS:APP►�(N a►�1� COUNCIL COMMITTEE/RI:SEAqCFI REPOIIT _PLANNINO COMMISS►ON _pVl SEFM�COMMISSION """"'� �E�� S E P 1 41990 _p8 OOMMIITEE _ _STAFF _ OOhNr1ENTS: ` _OISTRICT COURT _ �� SUPPORT8 WHICH OOUNqL OBJECTIVE? INITIATINO PF108LEM,188UE,OPPOfiTUNITY ,WMt,WMn,WMro.Wh�: Approving the ac ion of the Property Code Enforceme t Board of Appeals for the meeting f August 14, 1990. t��CEtitED 6 - variances �����0 C!T'r � ERK ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: Variances grante to the property owners will be ra ified. o�ncil F�@s�arc � ��'nter. ��� 2 z ,��9Q OISADYANTIK�ES IF APPFIOVED: None asnov�wr�oes iF Nor�r+�oveo: The action take by the Board will be returned to e Board by the City Council for further review. TOTAI AMOUNT OF TRANBACTION C08T/REYENUE NJDGETED E ONE) YE8 NO X FUNDNK3 80llRCL ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANGAL INFORMATION:(p(PWN) -�F ( ' i..� � . .. . . NOTE: C�APLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE OREEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHA31NCi OFFICE(PHONE NO.208�4225). ROUTIN(3 ORDER: Bebw are preferred routin�for the five rtwst frequent typea of documeMe: f�ONTRACTS (eissumss aut�w�ized COUNCIL RESOLUTION (Amend, Bdgts./ budgst sxhta) Accept. (3raMS) 1. Outside Agency 1. Depertmsnt Dfrectw 2. In�iatiny DepartmsM 2. Budpet Dinctor 3. Gty Attorney 3. Ciy Attonwy 4. Mayor 4. MayoNA�ant 5. Flnerwe�MgtM 3vcs. Dire4tor 5. Gty CourlCll 6. Flnance Accountin� 8. Chief AccowMant, Fln 8�Mgmt Svcs. ADMIPIISTRATIVE ORDER (Budgat OOUNqL RESOLUTION (all oN�era) Rsvisbn) and ORDINANCE 1. ��y��� 1. Inftiating DapeRmsM Director 2. Deputment AccouMant 2. Gty Attorn�y 3. DspeutrnsM Dfrector 3. MayoNMsistaM 4. Bud�et DlroCtor 4. Cfty CoNnCil 5. City Gerk 6. Chief 11cc�untant, Fn�Mgmt Svca. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (eH Mhsrs) 1. i�itiatlng Dspertmsrlt 2. (�ty Attorns�( 3. MayorUlssistant 4. dty Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SiCiNATURE PAtiES Indfcats tF�e A��pegs�on whfch signaturos are required and paperd P each of thsse ea. _ ACTI�1 REOUESTED Dsscribs what ths projsat/roquest sesks W accomplish in either chronolopi. cal o�dsr or order of importu�e,whichsve�fs mo�sppr�priate for the issue.Do not write complsts seMences. Bs�fn each item in your Iist wkh a ve�b. RECOMMENDATIONS Compl�s H the iseue in qwstion hes t�n preseMed bsfore anY body, public or private. SUPPORT3 WHICkI OOUNGL OBJECTIVE7 md�e wn�ca,ndi oel.�w(•)yau�o�curo�uea•��res br i�sar� the ksy wa'cl(s)(HOU3ING�RECREAl10N.NEI(iHBORHOODB, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDC3ET,3EWER 3EPII�IATION). (SEE OOMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNCIL COMMITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL AS REGIUESTED BY COUNqI INITIATINC3 PROBLEM, 13SUE,OPPORTUNITY Explain the situation or conditim�th�t creeted a need for your project or ro4uest- ADVANTA(iES IF APPROVED Indica�whethsr this is simply an annud budp�t procsdure requfred by law/ charte►or whstfier there are�peci�c M whiclf ths Gty of Seint Paul and hs cRiaens will b•neflt frorn d�s��ction. DISADVANTA(3E3 IF APPROVED What ns�rs efiects a m�jor changea to exiating or past prooes�es mipM this proj�cf/roquaet prodi�if k b pasesd(e.Q.�treffic delays.raiss. tax fncrs�ess or as�snwnth?To Whom?Wlwn?For how lap? DISADVANTA(3E3 IF NOT APPROVED Whet will bs tM n�galivs oora�qu�as ff the promis�d action is not approv�d?Inability to dellv�r s�rvics?Corninued hiph tratflc, noise, accfdent rate?Loss of ro�wnus? FlNANqAL IMPACT Altho�ph you must taibr the lnformstlon you provids hero to the issue you are�dreasin�, in p�ner�l you muat answer two questfons: How much ia it going to cost?Who fs�ing to pay? . . . �,�y°'f-�7� PROPERTY CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD OF APPEALS (SAINT PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS & REVIEW) 555 CEDAR STREET SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA 55101 MINUTES, MEETING OF AUGUST 14, 1990 MEMBERS PR SENT: Ron Glassman, Chairman James Laughlin Joan Pearson William Tilton Don Weida MEMBERS AB ENT: Ron Ankeny OTHERS PRE ENT: Phillip Owens, 5t. Paul Fire Prevention Pat Fish, St. Paul Fire Prevention Paul Thurston, St . Paul Fire Prevention Don Miller , Health - 1954 University Ave. Steve Roy, Vacant Buildings Bob Bauer- , Vacant Buildings Dick Lipper�t, Uiv. of Public Health Dave Neison, Building inspection & Design Julie Mattson Krista Welle Sandy Flannagan Evan R. Williams Lynda Moran David DeJarnett David Jarus Doug Seltz Elizabeth Reischel Gabrielle Funaro Lavonne Christofferson Terry Gorman Tracy Berger John Gelderman STAFF : Josephine P. Bongiovanni 1 . Approv 1 of the minutes of the June 12, 1990 meeting as submit ed in writing, Moti n made by Jim Laughlin approving the minutes of the June 12, 1990 meeting as submitted in writing. Seconded by Joan Pearson. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY . Chairman lassman informed the Boardmembers tt�at he attended a meeting o the 3PR - Neighborhood Committee at the Baker Community Center. The purpose of these meetings are to discuss Code Enfo cement. Mr. Glassman challenged Councilperson Janice Rettman, ho chaired the meeting, whether it was true that she would lik to eliminate the Property Code Enforcement Board of Appeals, 'n favor of Housing Court. The consensus for most of the people at the meeting was, that there should definitely be a Property ode Enforcement Board of Appeals, ,along with a Housing Court. C uncilperson Rettman informed Mr. Glassman that she would not do anything, without including Mr. Glassman, at any meeting w ere a final decision would be made. If anything further, ere to come before the Council she would notify Mr. Glassman, allowing him to testify on behalf of the Property Code Enforceme t Board of Appeals. 1 r 2. CASE HEARINGS: CASE NO: PROPERTY APPEALED: APPELLANT 49-90-H 994 Beech Street Elizabeth Reischel ( 1 unit) APPEARANCE: Elizabeth A. Reischel SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting a variance from St. Paul Legislative Code pertaining to the height of a fence that wds installed on the west side of the house. PROCEEDINGS: Ms. Reischel stated that she had a new fence instailed to replace the old one that had been there for over 20 years on the west side of the house. Dave Nelson, from the Building Inspection 8 Design Department stated that code is 42 inches . There has been no objection from the neighbors. BOARD ACTION: Motion made by Jim Laughlin to grant the variance, allowing the fence to remain the 6 foot height on the west side of the house. Seconded by Don Weida. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ---------------------------------- 50-90-H 1925 Fourth St. E. 5teve/Ju) ie Mattson ( 1 unit) APPEARANCE : Julie Mattson SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting a variance from St. Paul Legislative Code allowing a fence that had been installed in the front yard at a height of 48 inches to remain. PROCEEDINGS: Julie Mattson, the Appellant stated that the Contractor installed a fence 48 inches high in the front yard. The Code for fence height in the front yard is only 42 inches high. Chairman Glassman informed the appeilant that a neighbor had sent a letter, stating they were in opposition of the fence that had been installed 48 inches high. There were three neighbors Krista Welle and Sandy Flanagan and David DeJarnett, who attended the meeting stating that they were in opposition of the present fence height. They stated that the fence obstructed the view for their children playing on the side walk. � . �90��773 Dave Nelso , from Building and Design Division stated that the permit, wh ch was taken out by the contractor, was to install a fence 42 i ches high. Mr. Nelson stated that a letter would be sent to th contractor, notifing them to correct the fence height, b inging it up to code. BOARD AC7I N: Motion was made by Bill Tilton to deny the request for a vari nce on a fence that was installed to the height of 48 inches. 5 conded by Jim Laughlin. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL . ---------------------------------- 51-90-H 995 Wilson Ave. Lynda J. Moran (Z units) APPEARANCE : Lynda Moran SUBJECT: A pellant is requesting a var, iance from St. Paul Legislative Code pertaining to the window size in a basement sieeping r om because of financial hardship. PROCEEUIN S: Mrs . Moran stated that they purchased the hause several m nths ago. In order to help with the expenses the upstairs as been rented. The first floor has two bedrooms which are occupied by the six children occupy. Mrs. Moran and her husband sleep in the basement . Mrs. Moran stated that they have a fire ex inguisher, smoke detector. Presently Mr . Moran is unemplove . Dick Lipp rt, an Inspector from trie Division of Public Health stated th t he personally, nor is the city, comfortable with the fact, that the Moran' s occupy the basement for a sleeping room, in ase of an emergency situation, because of the window size and he height of the window from floor, it would be difficult to get into the basement. This is a two story single family ho e. Don Weida a Boardmember suggested that the appellant put a day bed in th living room, to be used as a sieeping room temporally, until th ir financial situation inproves and they are able to occupy th complete house. BOARD ACT ON: Motion made by Biii Tilton to deny the request for a varianc on the basement sleeping room, instead granted the appellant an extension of time until May 15, 1991 to resolve the situation pertaining to sleeping room in the basement. Seconded by Joan Pear on. Yeas (4) Nays( 1 ) Weida Abstention (0) ---------------------------------- 3 52-90-H 1089 Portland Ave. Gabrielle Funaro ( 10 units) Red School House, Inc. APPEARANCE: Gabrielle Funaro SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting a variance from St. Paul Legislative Code pertaining to the installation of dead bolts on doors of each rooming unit, because this facility is a licensed DHS Rule 8 shelter for children. PROCEEDINGS: 7he Appellant stated that this facility is a shelter for chiidren ages 5 through 17. These are child protection cases , staff needs immediate access to the rooms . Ms. Funaro feels it is not necessary for five year olds to lock staff out of their rooms . Don Miller, an Inspector from the Division of Public Health stated that he had no objection to this, only that it is the code and he recommends that the code be adr�ered to. BUARD ACTION: Motion was ma�e Bill Tilton that the request for a variance be granted on deadbolts, with the conditon that this variance is good only for the duration of the time that this facility operates in its present condition. Seconded by Joan Pearson. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ---------------------------------- 35-90-F 2245 Knapp St. Lavonne Christoffierson (3 units) APPEARANCE: Lavonne Christofferson SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting variances from Code pertaining to: having to install a second exit from the third floor, sounding device, deadbolts and closures on the furniture access door to a bedroom door. PROCEEDINGS: The appellant would like to install a openable skylight window with a stairway from the third floor. Pat Fish, from the Department of Fire and Safety stated the reason that a variance is needed is because the Appellant would like to install a openable skylight in lieu of a standard door from the third floor. That type of window is not according to code, as a standard door is. - . " ��yo.,7�3 BOARD ACTI N: Motion made by Biil Tilton to grant the variance on the ins allation of a openable skylight window of sufficient � size in li u of a standard door, as a second exit from the third floo , with nothing else changing, there must be appropriat stairway to ground level . Seconded by Don Weida. eas (4) Nays ( 1 ) Pearson Abstention (0) The item o the 5ounding device was checked by the Fire Department, it was approved, therefore, the request is withdrawn. FURTHER A TION: Motion made by Bitl Tilton to deny the request for a variance on the door closure. Seconded by Joan Pearson. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ---------------------------------- 47-90-F 306 Hoyt Ave. DougJas. R. Seltz (24 units) AFPEARANC : Dougias Seltz SUBJEC7: Appellant is requesting a variance from code requireme t pertaining to: having to install all new deadboits locks. PROCEEDIN S: The Appellant stated that presently there are 5/8 inch dead olts on each door, all in good condition. The building has a sec rity system. The cost could be in the neighborhood of $1 ,500. 00 The appel )ant requested that a variance be granted, but, if i the future, they need replacement, they would be replaced ccording to the code. Pat Fish, from the Department of Fire and Safety stated that the building s a security building and is a very well kept building. BOARD ACT ON: Motion made by Joan Pearson to grant a variance on the deadb lts, with the condition that if replacement is necessary that they are replaced according to code, this variance is valid nly, for the duration of the time ,that Mr. Seltz owns the building. Seconded by Jim Laughlin. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY . ---------------------------------- 5 53-90-F 453 Sherburne Ave. Evan R. Williams (3 units) APPEARANCE: Evan R. Wil ) iams SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting a variance from Code requirement regarding the installation of handsink in bathroom in #2. PROCEEDINGS: The appellant stated that the bathroom is only 3' 11 " by 6' 7" and there is no possible way that a sink could be instalied in the bathroom. There is only one sink in the kitchen, which is used as a hand sink, and is also used as a since for doing the dishes. This is an efficiency apartment and is occupied by 2 adults, 1 toddler and an infant. The apartment rents for $260. 00 which includes all utilities. Pat Fish, from the Department of Fire 8 Safety stated that there is very extensive work to be done, she feels that the bath is not one of the most urgent items to be taken care of, at this time. She stated that there is major remodeiing to be done. The board maY want to limit the number of occupants. The appellant stated that the present tenants will be moving and it has been rented to a mother with one child. BOARD ACTION: Motion made by Joan Pearson to grant a variance on the bathroom sink, provided that the occupants be limited to two (2) persons. included in the variance is the requirement that if, it is remodeled, that it must be brought up to code. Seconded by Don Weida. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ---------------------------------- 54-90-F 841 Grand Ave. Chris A. LaFontaine SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting a variance from St. Paul Legislative Code req�irement: having to install a 2nd exit from the third floor. Resolved - Case withdrawn. ---------------------------------- 55-90-F 1632 Summit Ave. Terry Gorman (Wallace Hall ) Macalester College APPEARANCE: Terry Gorman SUBJECT; Appellant is requesting an extension of time to design, budget and install EMERGENCY LIGHTING. . . . , ��yo,�77� BOARD ACTI N: Motion was made by Don Weida to grant an extension of time to install emergency lighting, until 5eptember 1 , 1991 . Seconded b Joan Pearson. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ---------------------------------- 56-90-F 65 So. Snelling Ave. Terry Gorman (Dayton Hall Macalester Coilege APPEARANCE: Terry Gorman SUBJECT: A pellant is requesting an extension of time to design, budget and install EMERGENCY LIGHTING, BOARD ACTI N: Motion made by Don Weida to grant an extension of time to install emergency lighting until September 1 , 19y1 . Seconded b Joan Pearson. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ---------------------------------- 57-90-F 1605 Grand Ave. (Truck Hali ) l"erry Gorman 1607 Grand Ave. (Doty Hall ) Macalester College APPEARANCE : Terry Gorman SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting an extension of time to design, budget an install EMERGENCY LIGHTING. BOARD ACTION: Motion made by Don Weida to grant an extension of time to i stall emergency lighting, until September 1 , 1991 . Seconded y Joan Pearson. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. FURTHER A TION: Motion was made that an extension of time be granted t install emergency lighting in all dormitory buildings at Macale ter College. Work to be completed by September 1 , 1991 . MOTION CA RIED UNAMINOUSLY. ---------------------------------- 58-90-F 138-142 Grotto Ave. N. Carlus Espejo (8 units) YWCA APPEARANC : John Gelderman SUBJECT: ppellant is requesting a variance for Code compliance pertainin to the size of one bedroom, measuring only 64 sq. ft. to be use as a bedroom. PROCEEDINGS: The building is being remodeled to be used as an Emergency Complex for battered women. Atl code violations have been corrected. The one bedroom measures 64 sq. ft. therefore, a variance is requested. The room has a window in it. Pat Fish, from the Department of Fire 8 Safety stated that the window in the bedroom does meet code and the first floor has a sprinkler system. BOARD ACTION: Motion made by Joan Pearson granting a variance allowing the use of the middle bedrooms in each unit of both 138 and 142 North Grotto, although the roorn only measures 64 sq. ft. Seconded by Bill Tilton. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ---------------------------------- 22-90-R 1488 Goodrich Ave. William M. Dech SUBJECT: Appellant was before the Board at the March 13, 1990 meeting requesting a variance on the requirement of having to disconnect the rainleaders, at that time, the Board denied the variance. Appellant would like the Board to review the issue again. Appellant requested a postponement until the next meeting. � ---------------------------------- 59-90-F 1023 Arcade St. Tracy Berger (Com' 1 Bldg) APPEARANCE : Tracy Berger SUBJECT: Appeltant is requesting a variance from the requirement of having to "PROVIDE AN APPROVED FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM IN SPRAY AREA" . PROCEEDINGS: The appellant stated that the building was build five years ago, at that time, it was inspected by Fire, Building and Ventilator Inspectors. When the spray booth was built it would have three side, with a fire suppression system. In order to avoid putting in a suppression system it was suggested that a separate room be build, enclosed with fire walls all around, and with fire doors, which the appellant did. Several inspection have been done, and never was the appellant told that it was necessary for the system to be put in. At the last inspection, the appellant was informed that a Fire Suppression System must be installed. The appellant feels if it was not called as a code violation at earlier inspections, why is it now a code violation? a � . . . � , p�ya_� 773 Phil Owens from the Department of Fire & Safety stated that MUFC requires a Fire Suppression System in a spray booth, or area since 1972 Mr. Berger has a open face booth, that he has enclosed i a room. The Code 45.209 states "Al1 spray booths or spray room shall be protected by an Approved Automatic Fire Suppressio System" this is verbatim all the way back to 1572. Mr. Owens tated that there were drawings in the file showing the booth, not the room, and the ventilation system. There are no drawings o specification for the room or a suppression system. Mr. Berger stated that the cost would be in the neighborhood of $4,000.00. The room size is 11 x 36 ft. Mr. Owens tated that the room where the spray booth is, is used for genera storage. BOARD ACTI N: Motion made by Bill Tilton to deny the request for a variance instead granted an extension of time until August 15, 1991 to in tall a Fire Suppression System. 5econded by Joan Pearson. OTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ---------------------------------- Meeting ad ourned at 2 :45 p.m. o K � � � F ` ' � , Council File # �"'/77 � � �� L, �! � ; � �' ��Green Sheet # Q RESOLUTION � CfTY : F S�NT PAUL, MlNNES�TA , ^ f Presented By �� ' � Referred To Committee: Date BE IT R SOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby certi ies and approves the action of the Property �ode Enforcement oard (Saint Paul Board of Appeals & Review) pertaining to the follo ing listed property and as shown by the Excerpted Minutes of s id Property Code Enforcement Board, and dated August 14, 1990 and marked EXHIBIT A, and attached hereto and made a part hereof by re erence: DA7E OF BOAR � MINUTES CASE NO: PROPERTY APPEALED APPELLANT: 8-14-90 51-90-H 995 Wilson Ave. Lynda J. Moran BOARD ACTION: Granted an extension of time until May 15, 1991 to resolve the situation pertaining to the sleeping room in the basement. � PROPERTY DE CRIPTION: Adam Gotzian's Sub of Blk 77, in Lyman Dayton' s addition to St. Paul Lot 15 Blk 77 ---------------------------------- 8-14-90 55-90-F 1632 Summit Ave Terry Gorman Macalester College 56-90-F 65 Snelling Ave Terry Gorman Macalester College 57-90-F 1605/ 1607 Grand Ave. Terry Gorman . Macalester College BOARD ACTIO : Granted an extension of time until September 1 , 1991 to instail emergency lighting at 1632 Summit Ave; 65 Snelling Ave; 1605/ 16�7 Grand Ave; in addition, this extension of time includes all dormitory buildings at Macalester Coilege. PROPERTY DE CRIPTIONc Section 4 Town 28 Range 23 Macalester St as vac in doc 1570635 and fol lots 6 thru 10 blk 7 Macalester Park also subj to sts the E 1 /4 of SE 1 /4 of Sec 5 Tn 28 Rn 23 ---------------------------------- ORIGI �u� I.� � - C,y�-,�y 8-14-90 59- 0-F 1023 Arcade St. Tracy Berger BOARD ACTION: Granted an extension of time until August 15, 1991 to install Fire Suppression System PROPERTY DESC IPTION: Arlington Hilis addition to St. Paul - 40/45 thru 49 S 65 Ft of E 40 ft of Lot 18 Blk 10 ---------------------------------- Ye s Nays Absent Requested by Department of: , imon OSW1t2 v on Macca ee � ettman une \. i son � By' 0 O�`'� C� �990 Form A ved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: ate Adoptio Ce tified b ouncil Secretary gy; � — Z �'—�d ��� By: Approved by Mayor for Submi ion to Approved by Mayor: D te OCT � � 1990 counci� � � sy: .2��G�/ ,� � By: 1 �1�.✓�6L��t� �Z 2 � RECEIVED ��� �Z7� DEPARTM[NTIOFFICEICOUNqL DATE INRIATED �ommunity services g_12_g GREEN SHEE �Ep 2 (� �Of O�fi4 DATE CONTA PE d PMONE �DEPAFlTMHNT DIRECTOR CITY OOUNqL . NuMSen� �'TM ATTORNEY ����FaCE MUST BE ON COUNGL AQENDA BY(DA ROUTINO ���•wDOET DIRECTOR N.d M3T.SERVt(�S OIA. �MAYOR(OR A8813T � TOTAL N OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP_ALL LOCATION8 FOR SIQNATURE) ACTION RE�UESTED: Resolution appro 'ng the actions of the Property Co Eriforcement Board of Appeals (St. ul Board of Appeals & Review) REO0I�AMENDATION8:MP«W o►�O COUNCIL COMNHTTEEIRESEARCH REPORT OPTI _PLANNINO OOMMISSION _qVll COMMI881pN """�Y� �"°"E"°. RECEIVED _GB OOMMIITEE _ —$T"� — �E�: SEP 1 41990 —��� _ BUPPORT8 WNIGI COUNGI OBJECTIVE4 C�Ir�� .� INITIATINO PR08LEM�188UE�OPPORTUNRY �Wh�t�WMn.YW�.Wh�: Approving the ac ion of the Property Code Enforceme t Board for the meeting of Augus 14, 1990 3 extensions RECEIVED � ADVANTAQES IF APPROVED: Extensions to th property will be ratified. ��T� ����j���j�;`Y t�eEiv�o OCT021 ''' RK OISADYANTAOE8IF APPROVED: None Councsl Research Cen er ���%E����' SEP 21 �IyyU �:�-� 18`. 1990 ----- �,�tt ,�_- x.� •; ,'?�'r_a�;s�, DISADVMITIK�ES IF NOT APPROVED: The action take by the Broperty Code Enforcement oard of Appeals �rill be returne to the BQard by the City Council or further review. � TOTAI AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION � n�a cosT�uE WDOE (CIRCLE ON� YES NO X FUNDINO 80llfiCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FlNANpAI INFORMATION:(EXPWN) � ,� , - , � NOTE: COMPLETE DiRECT10NS ARE INCLUDED!N THE QREEN 8HEET UrBTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAIIABLE IN THE PUR��IASINii OFFlCE(PHONE NO.2�8-4225). ROUTING ORDER: Bslow aro pref.rrod routlnpe ror ths tivs moec trequenc typss ot documsrtts: CONTRACTS (a�umes�d COUNqL RESOLUTION (Amend, Bd�./ bud�et s�sls) Accept.Orartts) 1. Outeide AgsnCy 1. Depertrnrnt DireCtor 2. IniHatin�D�sRmeM 2. Budp�t Dinctor 3. Gty Attomsy 3. Gty Atbrt�sy 4. Mayor 4. MayorUafetant 5. Flnar�cs�Mpmt Svca. Dir�c�or 5. Gty(�ur�cN 8. Flnance AccouMinp 8. Chief llccountant, Fln&Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER R�, COUNqL RE30LUTION ��O DINANCE 1. Activity Manaqer 1. Init�inp DepartmerK Dirsctw 2. D�p�►tmont AccouMaM 2• �Y�Y 3. DspartmsM Diroctor 3. MsyoN/uNstant 4. Bud�et Df►ector 4. Clty dwf�cil 5. City Gsrk 8. Chief aa�uM�M, Fln&Mgmt 3vcs. . ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all othsra) t. Initiatfn�DepartmeM ' 2. CRy Attomey 3. MayoNAasisteM 4. qty(:�rk TOTAL NUMBER OF SIONATURE PA(iE8 Indk�te the A�of p�pss on which aigrwduros aro required and papsrdip eech of thsss pa�_es. ACTION RE(aUE3'TED Deec�fbe whet the proJad/reqtrest sssks�accomplish in Nther chronologi- cal ord�r or ordsr of importanos.whichswr b rtw�t epproprlaN for the iseue. Do not w�ite canpbte ssntsr�ea. �In each ftem in your Iist w�h a verb. � � RECOMMENDATIONS - Complste if the iswe fn qustlion haa bsen presentad bsfore any body,pubNc or private. SUPPORTS WHICkI OOUNqI OBJECTIVE? Indicete vrhich Council objsdiw(s)Y�+�P►ol��wPP�bY�� the ksY word(s)(HOUSIN(i� RECREATION.NEICiH80RHOOD8� ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDCiET, SEWER SEPARATION).(8EE COMPLETE U3T IN IN3TRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNGL COMMITTEFJRE8EARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL A3 REDlJEBTED BY OOUNqL INITIATINCI PROBLEM,133UE,OPP�RTUNITY Ezplain ths situation or conditlons Mat creat�d a nesd fa y�our projsct or requ�t. ADVANTAQES IF APPROVED Indk�te whett�er this is simply an annual budpet procsdure roquirod by law/ chaRer or whsthsr thsre are spedfic in whloh the dty of 3aint Paul uM ita citizens wHl beneflt fran thfs pr�/action. DISADVANTA(iES IF APPROVED What nepativs sifecM a major changsa to existing or pest proce�s mi�M this pmjscUrequs�t produce N ft is patssd(e.g.,tafffc delays. ndse, tax increasss or�asssn�erns)?To Whom?Whsn?For how bng? DI8ADVANTAOES IF NOT APPR01/HD Whet will bs ths ns�tive�H tM p►ornh�d at�ion is not approved4 Inebilfty b dslivsr ssrvics4 Continued hi�trafflc,nofss, accidsnt rats�l.aa of revenw4 FINANCIAL IMPACT Although you must tailor the in�onnstion you provide hero to the fssue you are addre�sinp, in psnsral you must answsr tw�o quasticns: How much is it �dng to cost?Who is 9��9�o PeY? .. � . �►rl�'�7y�/ ROPERTY CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD OF APPEALS (SAINT PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS 8 REVIEW) 555 CEDAR STREET SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA 55101 MINUTES, MEETING OF AUGUST 14, 1990 MEMBERS PR SENT: Ron Glassman, Chairman James Laughlin Joan Pearson William Tilton Don Weida MEMBERS AB ENT: Ron Ankeny OTHERS PRE ENT: Phillip Owens, St. Paul Fire Prevention Pat Fish, St. Paul Fire Prevention Paul Thurston, St. Paul Fire Prevention Don Miller , Health - 1954 University Ave. Steve Roy, Vacant Buildings Bob Bauer , Vacant Buiidings Dick Lipper�t, Div . of Public Heaith Dave Nelson, Building in�pection 8 Design Julie Mattson Krista Welle Sandy Flannagan Evan R. Wiiliams Lynda Moran David DeJarnett David Jarus Doug Seltz Elizabeth Reischel Gabrielle Funaro Lavonne Christofferson Terry Gorman Tracy Berger John Geiderman STAFF : Josephine P. Bongiovanni 1 . Approv 1 of the minutes of the June 12, 1990 meeting as submit ed in writing, Moti n made by Jim Laughlin approving the minutes of the June 12 , 1990 meeting as submitted in writing. Seconded by Joan Pearson. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY . Chairman lassman informed the Boardmembers that he attended a meeting o the 3PR - Neighborhood Committee at the Baker Communit Center. The purpose of these meetings are to discuss Code Enf rcement. Mr. Glassman challenged �ouncilperson Janice Rettman, who chaired the meeting, whether it was true that she would li e to eliminate the Property Code Enforcement Board of Appeals , in favor of Housing Court. The consensus for most of the people a the meeting was, that there should definitely be a Property Code Enforcement Board of Appeals,. along with a Housing Court. ouncilperson Rettman informed Mr. Giassman that she would no do anything, without including Mr. Glassman, at any meeting here a final decision would be made. If anything further, were to come before the Council she would notify Mr. Giassman allowing him to testify on behalf of the Property Code Enforcem nt Board of Appeals. 1 r 2 . CASE HEARINGS: CASE NO: PROPERTY APPEALED: APPELLANT 49-9Q-H 994 Beech Street Elizabeth Reischel ( 1 unit) APPEARANCE: Elizabeth A. Reischel SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting a variance from St. Paul Legislative Code pertaining to the height of a fence that was installed on the west side of the house. PROCEEDING5: Ms. Reischel stated that she had a new fence installed to replace the old one that had been there for over 20 years on the west side of the house. Dave Nelson. from the Building Inspection 8 Design �epartment stated that code is 42 inches . There has been no objection from the neighbors. BOARD ACTIUN: Motion made by Jim Laughlin to grant the variance, allowing the fence to remain the 6 foot height on the west side of the house. Seconded by Don Weida. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ---------------------------------- 50-90-H 1925 Fourth St. E. Steve/Julie Mattson ( 1 unit) APPEARANCE : Julie Mattson SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting a variance from St. Paul Legislative Code allowing a fence that had been installed in the front yard at a height of 48 inches to remain. PROCEEDINGS: Julie Mattson, the Appellant stated that the Contractor installed a fence 48 inches high in the front yard. The Code for fence height in the front yard is only 42 inches high. Chairman Glassman informed the appellant that a neighbor had sent a letter, stating they were in opposition of the fence that had been installed 48 inches high. There were three neighbors Krista Welle and Sandy Flanagan and David DeJarnett, who attended the meeting stating that they were in opposition of the present fence height. They stated that the fence obstructed the view for their chitdren playing on the side watk. � " . . ���10�,77� Dave Nelson from Building and Design Division stated that the permit, whi h was taken out by the contractor, was to install a fence 42 in hes high. Mr. Nelson stated that a letter would be sent to the contractor, notifing them to correct the fence height, br nging it up to code. BOARD ACTIO : Motion was made by Biil Tilton to deny the request for a varia ce on a fence that was installed to the height of 48 inches. Se onded by Jim Laughlin. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY ---------------------------------- 51-90-H 995 Wilson Ave. Lynda J. Moran (2 units) APPEARANCE : Lynda Moran SUBJEC7: A ellant is requesting a variance from St. Paul Legislativ Code pertaining to the window size in a basement sleeping r om because of financial r�ardship. PROCEEDING : Mrs . Moran stated that they purchased the house several mo ths ago. In order to help with the expenses the upstairs h s been rented. The first floor has two bedrooms which are occupi d by the six children occupy. Mrs. Moran and her husband sl ep in the basement . Mrs. Moran stated that they have a fire ext nguisher , smoke detector. Presently Mr. Moran is unemployed Dick Lippe t, an Inspector from the Division of Public Health stated tha he personally, nor is the city, comfortable with the fact, hat the Moran's occupy the basement for a sleeping room, in c se of an emergency situation, because of the window size and t e height of the window from floor, it would be difficult o get into the basement. This is a two story single family hom . Don Weida, a Boardmember suggested that the �ppellant put a day bed in the living room, to be used as a sleeping room temporally. until their financial situation inproves and they are able to occupy the complete house. BOARD ACTION: Motion made by Bill Tilton to deny the request for a varianc on the basement sleeping room, instead granted the appellant an extension of time until May 15, , 1991 to resolve the situation pertaining to sleeping room in the basement. Seconded by Joan Pear on. Yeas (4) Nays( 1 ) Weida Abstention (0) ---------------------------------- 3 52-90-H 1089 Portland Ave. Gabrielle Funaro ( 10 units) Red School House, Inc. APPEARANCE : Gabrielie Funaro SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting a variance from St. Paul Legislative Code pertaining to the instaliation of dead bolts on doors of each rooming unit, because this facility is a licensed DHS Rule 8 shelter for children. PROCEEDING5: The Appellant stated that this facility is a shelter for children ages 5 through 17 . These are child protection cases , staff needs immediate access to the rooms. Ms. Funaro feels it is not necessary for five year olds to lock staff out of their rooms. Don Miller, an Inspector from the Division of Public Health stated that he had no objection to this, only that it is the code and he recommends that. the code be adhered to. BUARD ACTION: Motion was made Bill Tilton that the request for a variance be granted on deadbolts, with the condit�n that this variance is good only for the duration of the time that this facility operates in its present condition. Seconded by Joan Pearson. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY . ---------------------------------- 35-90-F 2245 Knapp St. Lavonne Christofferson (3 units) APPEARANCE: Lavonne Christofferson SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting variances from Code pertaining to: having to install a second exit from the third floor, sounding device, deadbolts and closures on the furniture access door to a bedroom door. PROCEEDINGS: The appellant would like to install a openable � skylight window with a stairway from the third floor. Pat Fish, from the Department of Fire and Safety stated the reason that a variance is needed is because the Appellant would like to install a openable skylight in lieu of a standard door from the third floor. That type of window is not according to code, as a standard door is. � � . . ��Gyp�-�77� BOARD ACTIO : Motion made by Bill Tilton to grant the variance on the inst llation of a openable skylight window of sufficient size in lie of a standat-d door , as a second exit from the third floor with nothing else changing, there must be appropriate stairway to ground level . Seconded by Don Weida. Y as (4) Nays ( 1 ) Pearson Abstention (0) The item on the Sounding device was checked by the Fire Department. it was approved, therefore, the request is withdrawn. FURTHER ACT ON: Motion made by Bill Tilton to deny the request for a varia ce on the door closure. Seconded by Joan Pearson. M TION CARRIED UNANIi�OUSLY. ---------------------------------- 47-90-F 306 HoYt Ave. Douglas R. Seltz (24 units) APPEARANCE : Douglas Seltz SUBJECT: A pellant is requesting a variance frorn code requirement pertaining to: having to install all new deadbolts locks. PROCEEDING : The Appellant stated that presently there are 5/8 inch deadb its on each door , all in good condition. The buiiding has a secu ity systern. The cost couid be in the neighborhood of $1 , 500. 00. The appellant requested that a variance be granted, but, if in the future, they need repiacement, they would be replaced a cording to the code. Pat Fish, rom the Department of Fire and Safety stated that the building i a security building and is a very well kept building. BUARD ACTI N: Motion made by Joan Pearson to grant a variance on the deadbo ts, with the condition that if replacement is necessary hat they are replaced according to code, this variance is valid o ly, for the duration of the time that Mr. Seltz owns the building. econded by Jim Laughlin. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY . ---------------------------------- 5 53-90-F 453 Sherburne Ave. Evan R. Williams (3 units) APPEARANCE : Evan R. Williams SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting a variance from Code requirement regarding the installation of handsink in bathroom in #2- PROCEEDINGS: The appellant stated that the bathroom is only 3' 11 " by 6' 7" and there is no possible way that a sink could be installed in the bathroom. There is only one sink in the kitchen, which is used as a hand sink, and is also used as a since for doing the dishes. 7his is an efficiency apartment and is occupied by 2 adults, 1 toddler and an infant. The apartment rents for $260. 00 which includes all utilities. Pat Fish, from the Departrnent of Fire & Safety stated that there is very extensive work to be done, she feels that the bath is not one of the most urgent items to be taken care of, at this time. She stated that there is major remodeling to be done. The board may want to limit the number of occupants. The appellant stated that the present tenants will be moving and it has been rented to a mother with one child. BOARD ACTION: Motion made by Joan Pearson to grant a variance on the bathroom sink, provided that the occupants be limited to two (2) persons , included in the variance is the requirement that if, it is remodeled, that it must be brought up to code. Seconded by Don Weida. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ---------------------------------- 54-90-F 841 Grand Ave. Chris A. LaFontaine SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting a variance from St. Paul Legislative Code requirement: having to install a 2nd exit from the third floor. Resolved - Case withdrawn. ---------------------------------- 55-90-F 1632 Summit Ave. Terry Gorman (Wallace Hall ) Macalester College APPEARANCE: Terry Gorman SUBJECT; Appellant is requesting an extension of time to design, budget and install EMERGENCY LIGHTING. ' . . �,F��"�77y BOARD ACTI N: Motion was made by Don Weida ta grant an extension of time to install emergency lighting, until September 1 , 1991 . Seconded b Joan Pearson. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ---------------------------------- 56-90-F 65 So. Snelling Ave. Terry� Gorman (Dayton Hali Macal"ester College APPEARANCE 7erry Gorman SUBJECT: A pellant is requesting an extension of time to design, budget and install EMERGENCY LIGHTING, BOARD ACTI N: Motion made by Don Weida to grant an extension of time to in tali emergency lighting until September 1 , 19y1 . 5econded b Joan Pearson. MOT10N CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ---------------------------------- 57-90-F 1E05 Grand Ave. (Truck Hall ) Terry Gorman 1607 Grand Ave. (Doty Hall ) Macalester College APPEARANCE : 7erry Gorman SUBJECT: ppellant is requesting an extension of time to design, budget and install EMERGENCY LIGHTING. BOARD ACTI N: Motion made by Don Weida to grant an extension of time to in tall emergency lighting, until September 1 , 1991 . Seconded b Joan Pearson. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. FURTHER AC ION: Motion was made that an extension of time be granted to install emergency lighting in all dormitory buildings at Macalester College. Work to be completed by September 1 , 1991 . MOTION CARRIED UNAMINOUSLY. ----------------------------------- 58-90-F 138-142 Grotto Ave. N. Garlus Espejo (8 units) YWCA APPEARANCE: John Gelderman SUBJECT: Ap ellant is requesting a variance for Code complianc.e. pertaining o the size of one bedroom, measuring only 64 sq. ft. to be used s a bedroom. PROCEEDINGS: The building is being remodeled to be used as an Emergency Complex for battered women. Al1 code violations have been corrected. The one bedroom measures 64 sq. ft. therefore, a variance is requested. The room has a window in it. Pat Fish, from the Department of Fire 8 Safety stated that the window in the bedroom does meet code and the first floor has a sprinkler system. BOARD ACTION: Motion made by Joan Pearson granting a variance allowing the use of the middle bedrooms in each unit of both 138 and 142 North Grotto, aithough the room only measures 64 sq. ft. Seconded by Bill Tilton. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ---------------------------------- 22-90-R 1488 Goodrich Ave. William M. Dech SUBJECT: Appellant was before the Board at the March 13, 1990 meeting requesting a variance on the requirement of having to disconnect the rainleaders , at that time, the Board denied the variance. Appellant would like the Board to review the issue again. Appellant requested a postponement until the next meeting. ---------------------------------- 59-90-F 1023 Arcade St. Tracy Berger (Com' 1 Bldg) APPEARANCE : Tracy Berger SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting a variance from the requirement of having to "PROVIDE AN APPROVED FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM IN SPRAY AREA". PROCEEDINGS: The appellant stated that the building was build five years ago, at that time, it was inspected by Fire, Building and Ventilator Inspectors. When the spray booth was buitt it would have three side, with a fire suppression system. In order to avoid putting in a suppression system it was suggested that a separate room be build, enclosed with fire walls all around, and with fire doors, which the appellant did. Several inspection have been done, and never was the appellant told that it was necessary for the system to be put in. At the last inspection, the appellant was informed that a Fire Suppression System must be installed. The appellant feels if it was not called as a code violation at earlier inspections, why is it now a code violation? 0 - , ' . C�`�y�-�77 � Phil Owens, from the Department of Fire 8 Safety stated that MUFC requires a Fire Suppression System in a spray booth, or area since 1972 . Mr. Berger has a open face booth, that he has enclosed i a room. The Code 45.209 states "All spray booths or spray room shall be protected by an Approved Automatic Fire Suppressio System" this is verbatim all the way back to 1972. Mr. Owens tated that there were drawings in the file showing the booth, not the room, and the ventilation system. There are no drawings o specification for the room or a suppression system. Mr. Berger stated that the cost would be in the neighborhood of $4 ,000.00. The room size is 11 x 36 ft. Mr. Owens tated that the room where the spray booth is, is used for general storage. BOARD ACTI N: Motion made by Bill Tilton to deny the request for a variance instead granted an extension of time until August 15, 1991 to in tali a Fire Suppression System. Seconded by Joan Pearson. OTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ---------------------------------- Meeting ad ourned at 2 :45 p.m.