90-1772 0 R I �� N A� ouncil File � D'/�7oZ io Green Sheet # � � ESOLUTION CITY OF NT PAUL, MINNESOTA � � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date BE IT RES VED, Pursuant to Minnesota Statute, Section 204B.21 that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby appoints the attached list of persons to s rve as election judges in the precincts indicated for the General Electio on November 6, 1990. Should vacancies occur in the pos- ition due to re ignation, illness, or unavailability of the persons appointed between the dat of this resolution and the election date, the City Clerk is ' hereby authoriz d to fill the vacancies in the position. Navs Absent Request y Depa er�t o • � on �� � w o . cc ee e �u �e � wirson BY� �— Adopted by Council: ate ��� 9 1990 Form A ved by City orn y Adoptio Certified by Council Secretary gy: � � �_� � By� � A roved b Ma or for Submission to PP Y Y Approved by Mayor: ate � Q�� � � 'ggp Council � l � ��� / .� gy; �-` J�.ey;r��CC= � By' a : ��9d—�� �ivE� f �°_ 014749 , CITY CLERK DEPARTMENT R • A1 Olson or Carol aataine CONTACT NAME ��9 : x4231 x54 I PHONE .;. Se mber 20 1990 DATE , _ S QFFICE : ASSIGN NiJ1�BER FOR G RD (See r�nerse side.) a�c��v�a 1 Department Direc r 3 Ma or (or Ass stant _ Finance and Mana m+�nt Services Director _„ Ci y Clerk ���� Budget Director '�� i� City Attorney _ T P 1 (Clip all locations for signature.) V d C ? (Purpose/Bationale) ► Saint Paul Elect on Judges for the upcoming November 6Ch G neral Electian will be approved and appointed pursuant to Minnesota Statu e Section 2048.21. C U S C II: Salaries will be aid from an established budget fund upon their campletion f services. N $ C V B G D 0 C (Mayor's signature no required if under $10,000.} Total Amoant of Tra sgction: Activity ber: 00263-0212-000 Funding Source: Elec ioas & Voter Registrations � C uncil 6�e�earch Center ATTACHMENTS: (List a d nuraber all attachments.) S E P �� 1990 1.) Resolution ._ _ . 2.) Listing of Ele tioa Judges ADI�INISTRATIVE PR4C _Yes _No Rule , Regulations, Procedures, or Budget Ame dment required? _Yes _No If y s, are they or timetable attached? DEPARTMENT REVIEti IT R E V _Yes _No Counci resolution required? Resoluti requiredY Ye �No _Yes _No Insura ce required? Insuranc sufficient� _Ye� �No _Yes _No Insura ce attached? , . �ow �ra us� � c�� � ' � . ,`i �.:�.� _ The GBEEN SHEBT has three PIIRP48ES: . 1. to assist in raut#.ng docue�nt� and in securing rag�ired signatures; 2. to brief the revie�ars of documents on the impacts of approval; 3. to help ensure that necessary supporting materials are prepared and, if required, attach,�d. . Providing cc�mplete information unde�` :tt�a listed headings enables reviawers to make decisimas� on the docwaents and eiiminates €ollo�►-up contacts that may delay execntion. Below #� the :�eferred ROtTTING for the five most freauent types of documents: CON?RACTS (assumes authorized budget exists) . 1. Qutside Agency 4. Mayor 2. Initiating Department 5. Finance Director 3. City Attorney 6. Finance Accounting Note: If a CONTRACT'amount is l�ss than $20,000, the Mayor's signature is not required, if the departmeat director :aigns. A contract mus:t always be signed by the outside agencq before routing through C.ity offices. eDMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budgat Revision) ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (all others} 1. Activitq Manager 1. Initiating Department 2. Department Accountant � 2. City Attorney 3. Department Director 3. Mayor/Assistant 4. Budget Director 4. City Clerk 5. City Clerk , 6. Chisf Accountant. I�inance and Management Services COtJNCIL RESOLUTION (Budget Amendiaent/Grant Acceptance) COtINCIL RBSOL�TTION (all others) 1. Department Director 1. Depastment Director 2. Budget Director 2. City Attorney 3. City Attorne,y 3. Mayor/Assistant 4. Mayor/Assistant 4. City Clerk 5. Chair, Finance, Kgmt. , and Yers. Cte. 5. City Council 6. City Clerk 7. City Council 8. Chief Accountant. Finance and Management Services The COSTIBENEFIT. BUDQETARY. ApD PERSONNEL IMPACTS heading provides space to explain the costJbenefit aspects of the dscision. Costs and benefits relate both to City° budget (General Fund and/or Special Funds) and to broader financial impacts {cost to users, homeowners� or other groups affected by the action) . The personnel impact is a description of change or shift of Full-Time Equivalent (FTE� positions. The ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES section must be completed to indicate whether $dditional administrative procedures, including rules, regulations, or resource proposals are necessary for imglementation of an ordinance or resolution. If yes, the procedures or a tivtetable for the completion of procedures must be attached. SUPPORTING MATERIALS. In ths 11TTACHMENTS section, identify all attachments. If the Green Sheet is well done� no letter of t�ansmittal need be included (unless signing such a letter is one of the requested actions). Note: If an agreement requires evideace of insurance/co-insurance, a Certificate of ` Insurance should � at��s. ,r>f .tba.att�ai�ts at time of routing. Note: Actions which �cequire Cfty Council resolutions include contractusl relationships with other governmental units; collective bargaining contracts; purchase, sale, or lease of land; issuance o€ bonds by City; eminent domain; asswnption of lisbility by City, or granting by �City of indemnification; agreements with state ar federal government under which theq are providing funding; budget amendments. � � . . . �y���7�� ELEC ION JUDGES LIST FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL 1990 DISTRICT 1 PRECINCT 1 PRECINCT 8 Fern M. Diebel CHAIR Agnes Ha�ubenhofer CHAIR Rose Ware-Henderso Claudia 'Wendell Faustina D. Robins n William Terrell Theresa A. 0'Kane Wilhelmina Seidel PRECINCT 2 PRECINCT 9 Lucille Mertens CHAIR Barbara �ohnson CHAIR Gertrude Anderson Dorman Da�hlen Lillian Schultz Mary F. Williams Ruth Harris Robert Krominga Sylvia M. Feickert PRECINCT 10 PRECINCT 3 � Edna Landreville CHAIR Darlene Heinl CHAIR Olivia Gahlon Earl Krahn Margaret Swanson Patricia J. Flannig n R eneta Michlitsch Robert Sattler PRECINCT 11 PRECINCT 4 Clara A. Ripka CHAIR Elizabeth McKeen CHAIR Florence Grabowski Marilyn Kalinowski Helen Heinl Millie Momdy Felicia Holstrom PRECINCT 5 PRECINCT 12 Irene Pavich CHAIR Floyd Tennant CHAIR Ruth Griebie Betty Chiginsky Sharon M. Mills Henry Turn�er Linda Hummel Mary Hamilton PRECINCT 6 PRECINCT 13 Shirley Sheehan CHAIR ODelle H. Galloway CHAIR Florence Fuller polly Crushon Florence Zimniewicz Emma Kirk Jeanette Spottswood Annabelle $eal PRECINCT 7 PRECINCT 14 Ruth Zappa CHAIR Bobbie Gant CHAIR Elizabeth Olsen Betrice Goss Alex Wachman Constance McMiller Eleanor Schultz Irene A. Kemp Carmen Flaherty . ���io/ry.� PRECINCT 15 PRECINCT 22 Emil R. Swanson CHAIR Arveria T. Walker CHAIR Letitia Martin Carrie J. Thomas Lena Day James T. Murray Diana Edwards Lee Eunice Walker David Haspel John Mercado, Jr. PRECINCT 16 PRECINCT 23 Virginia Murawski CHAIR Lois Casey CHAIR Jean Schmieg Madeline M. Moes Phillip G. Ervin Kenneth Johnson Michele Raleigh Audaey Ehrnreiter PRECINCT 17 Dorothy M. Baier CHAIR Gloria Gates Agnes Knipe Lucille B. Herrin Sylvia Schultz PRECINCT 18 Gertrude Green CHAIR Constance V. Hunt Mary H. Clemons Sylvia 0. Carty De Vaughnia Simmon PRECINCT 19 Joan Spanyard CHAIR � Anne Sikich Robert A. Anderson Geraldine E. Ander on Wynema H. Young PRECINCT 20 Richard Neumeister CHAIR � Myles Sweeney Mary Munson George Zastrow Dawn Gavin PRECINCT 21 Charles Biersborn CHAIR Eunice Finney Charles S. Noel Lillian Rosenthal . . . ���"��>� EL TION JUDGES LIST FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL 1990 DISTRICT 2 PRECINCT 1 PRECINCT 8 Alice J. Bubb CHAIR Elizabeth M. Koegel CHAIR Donald Wondra Mary M. Hickey Agnes Koehler Kathleen Nagel Charles W. Meeha Erick Wood Eugene Tischer Betty gtemig PRECINCT 3 PRECINCT 9 Diedre Madden CHAIR Richard Meier CHAIR Betty Drechsel Arline Weitz Lloyd E. Wickstr Beverly Grogan Elizabeth Putzier Helen Schoenecker PRECINCT 4 PRECINCT 10 Vivian M. Byers CHAIR Marcellain Bergholtz CHAIR Dorothy McCluney Eleanor Reider George Nickerson Edward J. Wild Mary E. Conway Ray Kurth-Nelson Lavinia Murray PRECTNCT 11 PRECINCT 5 Colleen Peppard Joanne A. Lisson CHAIR Gayle M. Stelter CHAIR Peter Koegel Maryann Rasmussen John Fleming Donald Appleby Dorothy Lissman Carol Wille PRECINCT 6 PRECINCT 12 Richard Matthews CHAIR Kathy Vadnais CHAIR Linda Chisholm Lois Gathman Michelle Miller Carol Blum Beulah V. Swan Helen Domler Geri Dougherty Elizabeth F. Clements PRECINCT 7 PRECINCT 13 Arlene O. Croes CHAIR Eunice F. Nelson CHAIR Robert Deck James Bla�ck Joel Vadnais Kathryn Day Rachel Watson Maxine Hamel , G�o-�i7�z PRECINCT 14 PRECINCT 20 Lorayne T. Lock CHAIR Charles Bauer CHAIR Marianne Funk Frank J. Burback Cecile A. Gillet Frank Rodriquez Louise Baar Clarence Madsen Odilia L. Fabio Patrician Bader PRECINCT 15 PRECINCT 21 Edie Ruedy CHAIR Doris A. Kisch CHAIR Lucille Parrott Lawanda Slissenbach Geraldine Burak Arnold E. Olson Mildred Arndt Michael Nehring Kathleen Kieser PRECINCT 16 PRECINCT 22 John A. Fischer CHAIR Carol M. Nehring CHAIR Helen Kalash Lillian Fyksen Alfred Pease Marion Leuschner Rosemary Hain Agnes Wi�t Arnie Zemke Doris Gleisner PRECINCT 17 Mathilda Chinande CHAIR Jeanet J. Woelfel Regina S. Bolton Dorothy Leitner Noreen Hauer PRECINCT 18 Bernice Osterman CHAIR Agatha Straus Clara G. Kolles Helma Rogers Nancy Wolf PRECINCT 19 Christopher Steven CHAIR Alice Olmstead Mary Gurrola Donald Lange Stanley Sipf , C�D�/�7� ELEC ION JUDGES LIST FOR COUNCIL APPROV.�iL 1990 DISTRICT 3 PRECINCT 1 PRECINCT 9 Margaret Therrian CO-CHAIR Carroll Dickison CHAIR Mildred Rudberg CO-CHAIR Martha Kane Genevieve Mulally Beverly Barrett Esther Bauer Bonnie Hultberg Rose Daddario Helen Carlson PRECINCT 3 PRECINCT 11 Florence Doyle CHAIR Lucille BonfQ CHAIR Sarah Keller Edward Thomp�on Bernice Gau A1 Sticha Marlane Gallagher Eldora G. Ch�put Phyllis Supornick Adaline Lieb�rman Majorie Land� PRECINCT 5 PRECINCT 12 Sarah Garrett CHAIR Dorothy M. Schuba Edith Goodma� CHAIR Rita Schirber Ann Berkowitx Dennis Osborn Carole ReisdOrt Marlys A. Wondra Lola Bach Alton Kramer Edith Cohan Maureen Lundgren PRECINCT 6 PRECINCT 13 Wesley H. Johnson CHAIR Roger Lundberg Mary E. Rahl� CHAIR Edna Bailey Bernadette Lamb Phyllis Kramer Anita Brand Marion I. Gilsdorf Dolores Brault Leonard Jaker PRECINCT 7 PRECINCT 15 Alvin Valerius CHAIR Mary Grundner Catherine Schwable CHAIR Sally Levitan Adelaide Zack Guy Daddario Robert Hawkins Ethel Zalk Catherine Sh�eler Marie Hejhal ` PRECINCT 8 PRECINCT 16 Helen Fischbach CHAIR Patricia C. Berend Helen K. Johnson CHAIR Arlene Walsh Rita Rosenblum Mary Jane Naughton Muriel Levin Theresa M. 0'Brien Ruth Miller � ���"/77-� PRECINCT 17 Walter W. Stabno CHAIR Clarence Holtz Marian Rubin Mary McDonald Phyllis Salmen PRECINCT 19 Bernice Maas CHAIR James Linstroth David Rothstein Rosina E. Welsch K aty Ann Krenzen Florence 0. John on PRECINCT 20 Patricia Hurley Betty Baumgarten CO-CHAIR Laurel Mares Maxine Meehan Irene Holzem CO-CHAIR Joann 0'Neill PRECINCT 22 � Ruth Aberwald CHAIR Bryce P. Kilby Beatrice Link Anna Dickey Carol M. Larkin ' PRECINCT 23 Rosalind Slonim CHAIR Esther Holtz Kenneth Jefferso Helen Turner Edward Miller . ��9��, 77a ELEC ION JUDGES LIST FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL 1990 DISTRICT 4 PRECINCT 1 PRECINCT 7 Gladys Freeman CO-CHAIR Gloria Dahlen CHAIR Helmer Lindquist Louise Hammerlindl Eileen Deutsch CO-CHAIR Lorraine Worwa Jocelyn Hollerbac Judy Newell Lois M. Carlson PRECINCT 2 PRECINCT 9 Elizabeth Morlock CHAIR Janet Christianso Ruth H. Beutow CHAIR Alice G. Johnson Marilyn F. Seglem Mary Jane Addison Leola G. Erickson Margaret Sautter Marcella Brault Lois Scheune�mann PRECINCT 3 Phyllis Christensen Marguerite Dunn CHAIR PRECINCT 10 Virginia Whaley Elvera Skovholt Judith Valer�us CHAIR Martha Lindgren Carmell Scott Verna Wayne Janet Weinhold Harry Stanke PRECINCT 4 Lorena Wojah� Dorothy Amundsen CHAIR PRECINCT 11 Joe Moldenhauer Marguerite Klenk Lottie Addington CHAIR Karen Singer Louie H. Neal Lois Mayo Peggy Mitchell James Gordenier PRECINCT 5 Geraldine Clasen Gail Nelson CHAIR PRECINCT 12 Charlotte Murray Pearl L. Hansen David Savage CO-CHAIR Virginia Sheldon Gertrude Mars�h Grace Williams Irene G. Mattison Betty L. Vogt PRECINCT 6 Patricia Spe�ry CO-CHAIR Ewy Ellsworth Mary Timm CHAIR Byrl Wessinger Linda Jackson Burtman Johnson Agnes E. Monson , ��-.�p�/�7� PRECINCT 14 PRECINCT 20 Bernice Becker CHAIR Mary A. Kelly CHAIR June Rustad Theodore Rudberg Majorie Gunsell Mildred D. Stanke Amy Lilleboe Vera Bohanon Marie Perdue Conradine Larson PRECINCT 15 PRECINCT 21 Dorothy A. Danley CHAIR Charles Green CHAIR John Sandberg � Marie Mohr Alice Arend Maureen Schroepfer Richard Clasen Lugarda McDonald Irene DeVinny Roger Jacobsen PRECINCT 16 PRECINCT 22 Mae C. Fruhstuck CHAIR Bonnie Kuehl CHAIR Mary Muehlstedt Ruth Brooks Majorie Hunt Mildred Miner Evelyn Johnson Heleri J. Donahue Donald Carlson, Sr. Mildred Langenbrunner Lester, Bernadette PRECINCT 23 PRECINCT 17 Judith A. Duren CHAIR Gertrude O'Brien CHAIR Margaret Westman Ray Vogt Lillian MacDonald Lorraine Miller Clara B. Bruch�ann Phyllis Tierney Anna T. Cullen PRECINCT 18 Katherine Deuhs CHAIR Joanne A. Backer Jackie Gustafson Ethel Mullaney Sandra Schultz PRECINCT 19 Katherine Lundberg CHAIR Marie Carruthers Helen Klask LaRue Kocourek Randolph Hansen . . . �'�2a"�x�� ELE TION JUDGES LIST FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL 1990 DISTRICT 5 PRECINCT 1 PRECINCT 8 Ardelle Larson CHAIR Margaret Pe�sch CHAIR Shirley Holleran Herbert Kirkwold Dorothy Henning Dominic Gor�cki Geraldine Burger Elizabeth S�ith J. Alf Clayton PRECINCT 2 PRECINCT 9 Edmund McPherson CHAIR Eileen Corr� CHAIR Lorraine Ridge Edna Pitt John Foreman Francis Majesky Sophie Wincell Marcella Goracki Marion Ellefson Louise Jernberg PRECINCT 4 PRECINCT 10 Alice Langevin CHAIR James Ridge CHAIR Corrine Gelbmann Sadie ZibYey Janet Kane Mary Rider Gerald Burger Ruth Johnson Dorothy Rantz � PRECINCT 5 PRECINCT 11 Marie Allen CHAIR Hedy Storm Theresa Achterlin Gene Thompso� Fred Zahalon Louisa A. Blaha Marie Tischer Helen Cadry ;, Rose Yanish Pauline Roth LaDonna Rive�t CHAIR PRECINCT 6 PRECINCT 12 ° Francis Jelen CHAIR Ruth Neumann Daniel Vogt CHAIR Louis Sass Audrey Szymonik Leona Bentzer Esther Kirkwpld Marie C. Youngdah Mar.y Spreeman Sharon Dueber PRECINCT 13 PRECINCT 7 Russell JohnBOn CHAIR George Carlton CHAIR Bertha Nickelson Anna Olchefske Frank Szymonik Carl Klett Theodore Carlson Delores Wood Bernice Mart� Maxine Flynn ' , G��-/77� PRECINCT 14 PRECINCT 21 Marie Peltzer CHAIR Leonard Sammons CHAIR Ruth Frantzen Mae E. Davi�dson Lavern Coverdale Ruby St. Germain Adrienne St. Deni Violet Doyle George Barbos Grace Capra PRECINCT 15 Helen Koran Lyle Allen CHAIR Elizabeth Olson Rebecca Meints PRECINCT 16 Lorraine Petschel CHAIR Marguerite Kubits hek Audrey Bearth Marie Burkowski Frank Murawski PRECINCT 17 George Zechmann CHAIR Mary S. Bauer � Richard Glebmann Marcie Ianovich PRECINCT 18 James Joyce CHAIR Lorraine Merkl Lorraine Kreyer Anna Brinker - St lla Ranweiler PRECINCT 19 Eugene E. Heskett CHAIR Florette Hujanen Arthur MacDonald Marjorie Scheunem nn Linda LeMay PRECINCT 20 Marie Yatckoske CHAIR Bertha Dorman Rita Curtis Blanche Johnson , � . ��d�/7 7-Z ELE TION JUDGES LIST FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL 1990 DISTRICT 6 PRECINCT 1 PRECINCT 7 Catherine Lineer CHAIR Madeline Thayer CHAIR Lois Hanley Arlene Olson Arline Evans Ida Dreyer Elsie Tavern Lillian Davis Bertha Larsen PRECINCT 2 PRECINCT 8 Eleanor Erickson CHAIR Solveig Hjexmstad CHAIR Dorothy Nygard Theresa Johnson Carol Friedl Eleanor Patwell Elmer Nordstedt Dorothe Sanny Eleanor McKinnon Sigward Engle PRECINCT 3 PRECINCT 9 Margaret Hawkins n CHAIR Helen Hinz CHAIR Margie Mielzarek Mabel Froseth Cecilia Tucker Marcella Rice Lucy Robinson George Reit�r Mary Lee PRECINCT 4 PRECINCT 10 Reba Hollerbach CHAIR Margaret Babcock Jane Carlson CHAIR Christine Chicone Iva Mae Dreis Agnes Mattson Edith McShannock Mary Tetzlaff Harriet Theroux Henrietta Mortenson PRECINCT 5 PRECINCT 11 Margaret Hovey CHAIR Maxine Fogarty Theresa C. Piepgras CHAIR Doris Maloney Evelyn Walls Marjorie Rebeck Eleanor McKee Carmel Sward Joyce M. Blom Mary Kilduff PRECINCT 6 Bonibel Hanson CHAIR PRECINCT 12 Beverly Hartman Harriet Brunnette Viola Maehren CHAIR Elizabeth Naughto Arnold Carlson Luella Breshnahan Lewis Garrison Jean Mekoli Frances M. Reiter . �/��-�7��, PRECINCT 13 PRECINCT 19 Elizabeth Smith CHAIR Adrienne E. Beck CHAIR Anna D. Hayden Joan Hayne Elda Langston Richard Hall Agnes Ingman Pauline Ros� Marcella Schillin er Gordon Blom PRECINCT 14 PRECINCT 20 Lorraine Schwante CHAIR Paulina Ranallo CHAIR Donovan Weiblen Florence JaCk�on Anita Powell Carol J. Enqle Rita Adams Richard Combs Dorothy Schultz PRECINCT 15 Hazel Linell CHAIR Harold Hansen Gail Gilles Shirley Parsons PRECINCT 16 Clara Hackett CHAIR Winifred Johnson � Rita Zwak Audrey Connolly Clarice Skrove PRECINCT 17 Marie Knutson CHAIR Paulina Ronayne Ruth Meysembourg Eunice Tacheny Jean Beckman PRECINCT 18 Lee 0. Sanny CHAIR Ruth Hall Harry Hayden Majorie Gilles Georgiana Peterson . . ��d_/77� ELEC ION JUDGES LIST FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL 1990 DISTRICT 7 PRECINCT 1 PRECINCT 7 Marie Crea CHAIR Irene Quinn CHAIR Bernice Kuczaboski Ruth Schwarz Gladys Ambourn Dale Johnson Donald Edison William Kuczaboski Marietta Kus'ilek PRECINCT 2 Margar�t Amos CHAIR PRECINCT 8 Ethel Liljedahl Evelyn O'Brien Ceilia Engst�rand CHAIR Lorraine Hunter Harriette Malm Rosalie Murtha Catherine Black Reda Goemer PRECINCT 3 Sylvester Ra�ch Celestine Ricci PRECINCT 9 Gladys Jennings Helen Eckl Martha Hansen CHAIR Sally Cygan CHAIR Helen 0'Connbr Arliss Jungwirth Florence Nelson Mary Ann Franssen PRECINCT 4 Irene Quiring Verna Wilson CHAIR PRECINCT 10 Mary Miller Diane Kuenzli Patricia Hawes CHAIR Pamela Hagemann Rita Fleischhacker Magdalen Schepers PRECINCT 5 Margaret Fert�lund Paul Ryan Majorie Mayer CHAIR Darlene Collins PRECINCT 11 `: Rosemary Gangl Susan Bronner Regina Heimerl CHAIR Genevieve Husnik Herbert Schwarz Marie Mulhall Robert Weber Gladys Sass PRECINCT 6 Kristen Woitas Gertrude Potthoff CHAIR PRECINCT 13 Bernard Huonder Ione Belisle Margaret Bodsgard CHAIR Pearl Hanson Maxine Hermarison Patricia Mat6chi Audrey Slater Lorraine Ribe - �y�-, ��� PRECINCT 14 Ralph Currier CHAIR Norman Johnson Evelyn Ahrens Norma Carlson Walter Schwarz PRECINCT 15 Helen Johnson CHAIR Margaret Hanggi Carol Parke Ruth H. Sandberg Jeanne C. Gardnie Arnold Carlson PRECINCT 16 Mildred Meier CHAIR Medora Vetter Cyrilla Rademache Helen Deck Catherine O'Keefe PRECINCT 17 Georgine Misukani CHAIR Mary Hawkins Mae Brennan Doris Grans Janine Zeimet Sylvia Pizza PRECINCT 18 Ethel Gaetke CHAIR Rosalie Ruehl Majorie Sandberg June Helfmann Frances Masson