90-1757 � Q � r I n'� � . ,i° � � Council File � c�- ���� I \ V { N . � areen Sheet # ESOLUTION CITY OF S T PAUL, MINNESOTA � < Presented By Referred To Committes: Date RESOLVED that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of th appointment, made by the Mayor, of the following person to serv on the SAINT PAIIL OVERNIGHT SHELTER BOARD. Louis R. Lundg en -- Appointed to serve a three-year term which will expire October 31y 1993. i a Navs Absent Requeated by Department of: �� n � a ca ee e maa �. une i son -- BY� � � Adopted by Council: Da e OCT � �. 19�� Form A ved by City Attorney Adoptio ertified by C uncil Secretary gy; � ��� / ' �p —�'i . ! ; �By� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by Mayor: Da e 0 CT 1 2 1gg0 Council `�����1� By: By� p BL4SNED u�i u � i�9 Q._ _ . 96-i ��� DEPARTMENT/OFFlCEICOUNqL, DATE INITIATED Mayor Scheibel's Office 9-18-90 GREEN SHEE NO. 929 7 CONTACT PERSOPI 8 PFIONE INmw GAh tNRIAUDATE �OEPAATMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNGL Molly 0'Rourke - 4736 �� ��N�, �qTy CLERK MUST BE ON WUNCIL ACiENDA BY(DAT� IIOtITINO D(iET DIRECTOR �FIN.8 M3T.SERVICES DIR. MAYOR(OR A8818TAN � TOTAL�OF SIGNATURE PAOE8 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIONATUF� ACTION REOUE8TED: Approval of the appointm nt of Louis R. Lundgren to serve a three- ear term on the SAINT PAUL OVERNIGHT SHE TER BOARD. This term shall expire Octobe 31, 1993. RECOMAAENDATtON8:�PP►ovs(N a�i�(R) COUNqL CbMMITTEE/RE�EARCH REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNINQ COMMISSION _CIVIL 8E �COMMI8810N ��Y8T PIiONE NO. _GB OOIiA1A11'�EE _ _STAFF _ COMMENTB: _DIBTRIC'T COURT _ BUPPORTS WNICN COUNdL OBJECTIVE9 I�NTIATIN(i PROBLEM.IS�JE.OPPORTUNITY(VYho. ��Mhen�Whs►e.Why): ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: Cou cif Research Center SEP 211990 '�i.J I�-�I�T�. . OISADVANTAOES IF I�T APPROVED: R EIVED 7�� C!T CLERK TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = COST/REVENUE YUDOETED(CIRCLE ) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIViTY NUMBER FlNANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPWN) dw NOT�: COAAPLETE DIRECTIOMS ARE INCLUDED IN THE OREEN 8HEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE.PURChbR31Ni3 OFFtCE(PHONE NO.2�-422�. ROUTING ORDER: Below are preferred routinga for the five moet iroqusnt typss of docunisnts: (�NNTRACTS (aesum�a suthorizsd COUNCIL RESOLUTION (Amerid, Bdgts./ �;�, budget exists) Accspt.tirants) 1. ` cy 1. Depq�rwrN Dfrector !�', 2. ; � msnt 3: � ,e� ' 4. MByON/1ple�'It mt 3vcs. Directar 5. Gly CounCH Aacounting 6. Chbf A000uMaM,Fin 8�Mgmt Svcs. ADIAWI TIVE ORDER (Budgst, COUNdL RE80lUTION �and ORDINANCE L /►ctivNy Mane�r 1. InidWnp DspartmeM Ofrector 2. Dsp�rb�Nnt/�ocouMent 2. City Attornsy 8. D�p�AmeM Director 3. MayoNAai�taM 4. Budps4 DiroCtor 4. City GOUncll �j• (�tY Clsrk �. Chisf AaouMaM, Fin 8 Mgmt Svca. ADMINI3TRA1'IVE ORDERS (all others) 1. Initiatinp DspartmsM 2. Gty Attor�rey 4. City��t TOTAL�!IUMBER OF 3KiNATUF�PAC3ES Ir�ede�is i of pages at which�pnatures are required and pepsrdiP sach of t�ese�ss. � —��— � ACTION RE(aUESTE� D�c�ibm what the pro)sct/rpwst se�ks to accomplish fn sithar chronobgi- cal order or ordsr of imporhnce.wfNchsver is rtroat appropriate tor ths iaeue. Do not writs compNts seMSnoss. Begin e�ch item in your Ifst with a verb. RECOMMENDATION8 Complete H the iews in queslion has been proesnt��d bsfore any bod�r.Pub�ic or p�ivate. 3UPPORTS WHICH OOUNdL OBJECTIVET Indf�te whiCh Camdt objecNve(s)Y�r P�'al�re4�suPP�bY���9 � the key word(a)(HOUSINQ, REC•REATION, NEIOHBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEYELOPAAENT, BUDOET,SEVVER 3EPARATION).(SEE COMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNCIL COMMITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL AS REOUESTE�BY COUNqL INITIATIN(i PROBLEM, IS3UE,OPPORTUNITY Explain ths situation or�nditfa�s that creeted a nesd for your project or roqusst. ADVANTAQES IF APPROVED Indicate whether thfa la simpy an ennuel budpst proosdure required by law/ charter or wnsmer msw ars spscit�c wa in vvhlch the City oi Saint Paul and its citizena wi8 bsnsflt hom this pro�t/action. D13ADVANTAOE3 IF APPROVED Whst�egativs effects or maJor changes to existinp or past processes migM this p�ojectiroquset produce H k is passed(e.g.,tratl�delays, noise, tax incroeaes or atsasmenta)?To Whom?When?For how bny? DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED What will bs the ns�atfve consequences if ths promised actbn is not approved? Inability to deliver aervice4 Co�tinued high traf(ic, noise, accident rate?I.aa of revsnus? FINANqAL IMPACT Although you must tailor the informatbn you provids here to the iasue you are addressi�g, in psneral you must ansarer two queations: How much is it going to coatT Who is going to pey? . . . � �- i��� CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR Irrterdepartrnental Memorandum TO: Ci y Attorney's Office R��,�� V �� FROM: Da lyne Morrow SEP 19 1990 29 -4736 DATE: 9- 8-90 C� I� �J` ��'������ RE: Gr en Sheet No. 9297 After Cit Attorney signature, will you please call me and I will pick up the signed resolution. Will you lease log it out to City Council, but I will hand carry it o Council with attachments that I have. Thanks in dvance! /d�