90-1748 OI � �G 1 fJ A L �1 ' ouncil File # � �4 �t 10659 Green Sheet � RESOLUTION ; I OF INT PAUL, MINNESOTA . Presented By Referred To Cort¢nittee: Date RESOLVED: That Ap lication (I.D. 4�32121) for the transfer of an Off Sale Liquor License currently issued to BRM Inc. DBA Cut Rite Liquor (Brian R. Miller, President) at 237 Grand Avenue be and the same is hereby transfe red to Beverage Express Liquor, Inc. DBA Beverage Express Liquor John Vannelli, Jr. , President) at the same address. ron s Navs Absent Requested by Department of: sw License & Permit Division on acc ee e une � i on BY� �_ Adopted by Council: Date 0�� 2 ��� Form Approved 'by Cit Attorney - • . Adoption Certified b Council Secretary gy: � „ - � By� � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved Mayor: Da e Q CT 3 1990 council g �'rh-e✓G�iCcc ._.. By• y' 90 PUBIIS . � ���,���Y� DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATEINITIATED GREEN SH ET N� _10659 Finance/License CONTACT PERSON&PHONE INITIAU TE INITIAL/DATE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCIL Kris Van Horn/298-505 A��GN �CITYATTORNEY �CITYCLERK NUNBER FOR MUST B ON COUNCIL AOEN A Y( TE) . ROUTING �BUDGET DIRECTOR �FiN.&MGT.SERVICES DIR. �''Or �Iearing: 1���Ci ORDEH �MAYOR(OR ASSISTANI) � (�+O �t nr i� R q0 TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE PAl'iE8 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION RE�UESTED: Application (I.D. ��32 21) for the transfer of an Off Sale Liquo License RECOMMENDA710NS:Approve(A)or ReJect( ) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST AN WER THE FOLLOWIN(i QUESTIONS: _PLANNING COMMISSION _ CI L SERVICE COMMIS810N �• Has this person/firm ever worked under a con act for this departmeM? _CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO _SrAFF 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employ ? — YES NO _DISTRICT COURT _ 3. Does this erson/firm p possess a skill not nor Ily possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORT3 WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVEI YES NO Explaln all yes answers on ssparate sheet an attach to grosn shast INITIATINO PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNI (Who,Whet,When,Where,Why): Beverage Express Liqu r, Inc. DBA Beverage Express Liquor (John Vannelli, Jr.-President) at 234 Grand Avenue, equests Council approval of its applicati n to transfer the Off Sale Liquor License curren ly issued to BRM Inc. DBA Cut Rite Liquor (Brian R. Miller, President) at the same address. All applications and fees of $252.50 have been submitted. All required departments ave reviewed and approved this applicatio . ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: i DISADVANTA(iE3 IF NOT APPROVED: RE�EiVED SEP�4��� C unci� Res�arch Center C1TY CLERK (�,U� 3 ��yy� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) � NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE GREEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASING OFFICE(PHONE NO.298-4225). ROUTING ORDER: Below are correct routings for the five most frequent types of documents: CONTRACTS(assumes authorized budget exists) COUNCIL RESOLUTION (Ainend Budgets/Accept.Grants) 1. Outside Agency 1. Department Director 2. Department Director 2. City Attorney 3. Ciry Attorney 3. Budg�et Director 4. Mayor(for contracts over$15,000) 4. Mayor/Assistant 5. Human Rights(for contracts over$50,000) 5. City Council 6. Finance and Management Services Director 6. Chief Accountant, Finance and Management Services 7. Finance Accounting ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS(Budget Revision) COUNCIL RESOLUTION(all others, and Ordinances) 1. Activiry Manager 1. Department Director 2. Department Accountant 2. City Attomey 3. Department Director 3. Mayor Assistant 4. Budget Director 4. Ciry Council 5. City Clerk 6. Chief Accountant, Finance and Management Services ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS(all others) 1. Department Director 2. City Attomey 3. Finance and Management Services Director 4. Ciry Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES Indicate the#of pages on which signatures are required and paperclip or flag each of thsse pages. ACTION REQUESTED Describe what the projecUrequest seeks to accomplish in either chronologi- cal order or oMer of importance,whichever is most appropriate for the issue. Do not write complete sentences. Begin each item in your list with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete if the issue in question has been presented before any body,public or private. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Indicate which Council objective(s)your projecUrequest supports by listing the key word(s) (HOUSING, RECREATION, NEIGHBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDGET, SEWER SEPARATION). (SEE COMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS: This information will be used to determine the ciry's liabiliry for workers compensation claims,taxes and proper civil service hiring rules. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY Explain the situation or conditions that created a need for your project or request. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED Indicate whether this is simply an annual budget procedure required by Iaw/ charter or whether there are specific ways in which the Ciry of Saint Paul and its citizens will benefit from this projecUaction. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED What negative effects or major changes to existing or past processes might this projecUrequest,produce if it is passed(e.g.,traffic delays, noise, tax increases or assessments)?To Whom?When?For how long? DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED What will be the negative consequences if the promised action is not approved? Inability to deliver service?Continued high traffic, noise, accident rate?Loss of revenue? FINANCIAL IMPACT Although you must tailor the information you provide here to the issue you are addressing, in general you must answer two questions: How much is it going to cost?Who is going to pay? . � i �,7��' �y UIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION DATE -�1�� / � G C� INTERDF.PARTMF.NTAL R VIEW CHECKLIST A.p�bn Processed/Received by Lic Enf Aud -� ..--• Applicant ' > ' " � � �.�;. Home Address ��c�C.�l �{c�1 �-C� �1-�% Rus�iness Name� � C� � � �( Home� Phone ��'--��� � �� / `, - . Business Address Type of License(s�1 ��� � �Q � . Business Phone (� � Public Hearing Date ��( ,,,� �Gi�jQ License I.D. # ,�r��� � at 9:OQ a.m. in the Council Chambers, '/� 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. 4� �G1`iC/�l� llate Nutice Sent; Dealer �� ��A to Applicant ' rederal Firearms �� � �1 Public Hearing ,l �d DATE I1�SPECTIUN REVLEW VERFIED (COMPUTER) CUMMENTS A proved Not A roved � Bldg I & D � � I(a - _ - . , arr, U ,� .�.,.���- Health Divn. ' � �1 �i� � � . � ' � '� Fire Dept. i � ' � �l f� I v� � I � ; Police Dept. I ,` ��� � � i License Divn. � � ' � � i�� , � City Attorney � � � ��� ! � � Date Received: Site Plan l� -� To Council Resea�ch Lease or Letter Date from Landlord a_ �j n CURRENT INFORMATION NEW INFOKMATION Current Corporation Name: New Corporation Name: Current DBA: New DBA: Currer.t Officers: Insurance: Boud: Workers Compensation: New Officers: Stockholders: � , • , . ., l�a'/� � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ;� , APPLICATION FOB ON SALE INTO%ICATING LIQU08 LICENSE . � SUNDAY ON SALE INTO%ZCATING LIQU08 LICENSE '� . INTO%ICATING CLIIB LIQIIOR LZCENSE OFF SALE INTO%ICATING LIQIIOR LICENSE � ON SALE MALT BEVERAGE LICENSE � ON SALE WINE LICF:NSE ;;� '. " �� Directions: TSIS FORM MIIST BE FILI.ED ODT WITH TYPEWRITER OR BY PRINTING IN INK BY THE SOLE OWNER, BY EACH PARTNER, BY EACfl PERSON WHO HAS IN'I'EREST IN EXCESS OF Sx IN THE CORPORATI N �ID/OR ASSOCIATION IN WHICH THE NAME OF THE LICENSE WILL BE ISSUED. TfiIS APPLICATION IS SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY THE PUBLIC 1) Application for (t pe of license) ��� S,'-�1 r'Z �./G���O/�, 2) Located at (busine s address) ��� �2Ar1/C� /��� �AS� 1�1/�,j� STREET: Number Name Type Direction 3) Business Name �-'���� � �k (=�J•j l-� (.���-- -�r'�� Corporation, artnership r Sole Proptietorsh�,p , 4) If business fs inc rporated, give date of incorporation J � , 19� 5) Doing Business As Q����� � 2�frJS L� �CD�?�usiness Phone � �iJT/K�j S�`•s�'V 6-) Mail to Address (i different than basiness address) 23? �,d�✓c�. ✓fz STREET: N�ber Name Type Direction �.�- SS�l4Z. City State Zip Code 7) Your Name aad Titl �a„� �R �T� ��AQ�- V�/��iE..��i �� � (First) (Middle) (Maiden). (Last) (Title) 8) Hcme Address �Q � � A �� �AS�-�� P6one# Z���6 7 4 STREET: Numbe N e Tqpe Direc�,ion Sr�-f- ��-- /�l�/ SSIO Z- City State Zip Code 9) Date of Birth 3 � O Place of Birth ����� ���- (Mo th, Day, and Year) , . ' ���'�7�� 10) Are you a citizen of the IInited States? �/ Native Naturalized 11) Manied? • � If aaswer is "yes", list name aad address of spouse. 12) Have yoa ever bee convicted of anq fplonq, erime, or piolation of aay city ordinance other t a traffic? YES NO \/ �. Date of arrest `. , 19 Where Charge \ Conviction �� Sentence ; � — Date of arrest `� , 19 Where Charge Conviction Sentence 13) List the names an residences of three persons within the Metro Area of good moral character, ot related to the applicant or financiallq' interested in the premises or busin ss, who may be referred to as to the applicant's character. NAME ADDRESS , ��t C_ Pi��C�4 1'I Z 7 1�t1�,;�-a i�el� (�31�.i�b.e��'t, q jl��'//p �i: ��I��'� 1��.Si41�lc ZVI I� � 3 v✓ ���✓ /�V� :Stia2(Vi`RG�J �1 /2�o - 8�-r�l�'f(� Q��I llA,n F'���,e,� �ozo ���c-19��. s�P�L r1'I•�/�'S/� 7 {� : E��f I t� zo 14) List Iicenses whi h qou currently hold, or formerly held, or�''may have an interest �� �(� �f/l, � 't�tAJC ��P �,q,�C �cs� 15) Have aay of the I censes listed by you in No. 14 ever been r�voked? Yes No 1� If answer is "yes` , list the dates aad reasons �,/ � 16) A=e you going to perate this business personally? %�S If aot, wizo will operate it? Name ' Home Address - � Phone -- . 5 J �9°"''�`� 17) Are you going to ave a maaager or assistaat ia this business? �� If answer is "yes , give name, home address, home phoae, and date cf birth. Name Address • Phone DQB — - 18) Includiag your pr sent business/employment, what business/employment have you _ followed for the ast five years? Business/E lo e t Address J"��LL S-��z � z3'��.s,a.Yci /�Qv� . 5�(�i� L. /�'I ,S" /o� S'I-�vt L ' � .S � ° �: '-'�" L.' �J�U i/ ..� • t� C. / J'rJ IOZ� 19) List all other off cers of the corporation. NAME TITLE HOME ADDRESS HOME BUSINESS � (0 fice Held) PHONE PHONE _ �o�t.J l�d�/N�J/ r2 �2� ZSc�Se� l Z "DE,7 ��� 9 �� 20) If busiaess is pa tnership list partner(s) , address, home and business phone number. Name Address Home Phoae Busiaess Phone � Name Address Bcme Phoae Business Phone 21) Liquor will be se ed in the following areas (rooms) 22) Between what cros streets is business located? sM1'�/� *��bw��a�✓ /4�`�,S,r�, � Which side of str et? VV p*j� Onl�' Sid 23) Are premises now ccupied? iM11l�l�Q-t -��- �at 1�rpe Business? ��✓GN1E�/L({s'�o?� How Long? �7 n . � - �,�ya'�>�� . 24) Closest 3.2 Place �''�'S Church 5�• S?7�i�/S School 1l eF�SQ� 25) Closest intoxicat g Iiquor place. Oa Sale����S�Je�15A�$`�f Sale ��"RO �(�1(,b� 26) Yon will be requi ed to obtain a Retail Liquor Dealers Tax 9tamp. (See Attached) FALSIFICATION OF ANSWERS GIVEN OR MATERIA�L , SIIB TTED WILL RESULT IN DENIAI. OF THIS APPLICATION I hereby state under o th that I have answered alI of the above questions, and that the information contai ed herein is true and correct to the best of my kaowledge and belief. I hereby state further u der oath that I have received no money or other coasideration, by way of loan, gift, contributi n, or otherwise, other than already disclosed in the application which I herewith submitted. State of Minnesota) ) � County of Ramsey ) � , Subscribed and swora t before me this , � • _ � �� �� C�O � at e of App i / Date � day o f , 19 / I � . ■ Nota Public Count , MN ��� DENNIS L. BRtGUET � y 1�� NOTARY PUBLIC—PM`1NESOTA DAKOTA COUNTY My Commission 21Cp�re3 �� My COmm.Expires Mar. 13. 1993 x ■ REV. 2/90 _ _ �ya-i7�� vs-a�ae-a STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY LIQUOR CONTROL DIVISION ST.PAUL,MN 55101 (6121296-6430 . APP ICATION FOR OFF SAIE INTOXICATING LIQUOa LICENSE EVERY QUESTION MUS BE ANSWERED. If a corporation, an officer shall ex�cute this application. If a partnership, a partner s all execute this application. " Applitant's Name(lndividual,Cor oration,Partnership) Trode Name or D8A J o�.N i'1�iir.�F►�(_._ �i�/�//'-.�2 (3e•r�e..c ri �.� �'r� L � f1vrL :1�v� Lfcenss Location(St�eet Address� ot&81ock No.) License Period Applicant's Home Phone �37 �V'YL/��� �� From � 70 To' �' � 6/L►�7/-a6? Municipeliry Coun State 2ip C de . �i4►�'�S /✓ �S�� Z ' Name of Store Mansger 8nsinesa Phone Nu ber Date o(Blrth(lndividusl Applicsnt) .nli1� ��Jf�E y . �._�"� If a corporation, tate name, date of birth, address, title, and shares held by each officer. If a partnership, ate names, address and date of birth of each partner. Psrtner�OHiee► D.0.8. Address ' Ci Title/Sharea �'a�,� �.v�.�l 1�� 2 q._�.s Z s� S�! A✓�- f /� ���t��t- /acs/� PaA�erOHicer 0.0.8. Address City Title/Shares Partner OHicer D.0.8. Address Cfty Title/Shares Pertner;OHicer D.O.B. Address City Title/Shsres 1. If a corporation, d te of incor oration � �. �, state incorporatedviaa_I1Y_ amount of authorized capitali ation �-��� ; amount of paid in capitar�j��=, if a subsidiary of any other corporation, so state ~� give purpose of . co�poration ��� � ' � ��-- if incorporated under the I ws of another state, is corporati n authorized to do business in the State of Minr►esota7 �. Number of certificate of auth rity �� 3�� , 2. Describe premise to which license applies; such as (first floor, second floor, basement, etc.) J'`�/.N�- �''►ti �'k-� ��� i or if entire building, so �tate � . 'T4PF�Z h�" Z �c'� 3. If operating under a zoning ordinance, how is the Iocation of the building classified? �v `�7�-- � : �a-- i�� 10. State whether any pe son other than applicants has any right, title or 'interest in the furniture, fixtures, or equipmen for which license is applied, and if so give name and details. � 11. Have applicants any i terest whatsoever, directiy or indirectly, in any other liquor establishment in � the State of Minneso a? __1Y� Give name and address of such effitablishment 12. urnish name and ad ress of one bank reference�`�"���y� ��- ��� �� �'��_. l�i�.S�S- � c4PG;� �,o•��z'�e,'7�"-e�tS o�/ 13. Under what classific tion is the license applied for: EXCLUSIVE OFF-$ALE LIQUOR STORE, DRUG STORE, COMBINATI N ON & OFF LIQUOR, OR GENERAL FOOD STORE dFF S4�Q.. L-1�4UOt� 14. Are the premises no occupied, or to be occupied, by the applicant entirely separate and exclusive from any o her business establishment� ��� . 15. If a drug store, state ength of time the store has been in operation �� . 16. State whether applic nt has, or will tie granted, an On-Sale Liquor License in conjunction with this Off-Sale Liquor Licen e, and for the same premises �� • 17. State whether applic nt has, or will be granted, a Sunday On-Sale Lit�uor License in conjunction with the regular On- ale Liquor License �d • 18. State whether applic nt has, or will be granted an Off-Sale Non-Into�cicating Malt Beverage (3/2) License in conjuncti n with this Off-Sale Liquor License �� 19. During the past licens year has a summons been issued under the Liquor Civil Liabllity Law (Dram Shop) M.S. 340A.802. O Yes �No. If yes, attach a copy of the summons. Subscribed and swo n to before me this I hereby certify ithat I have read the above ���� question and tha the answers are true of my ---�--�s�!�, day of _ , 19�� own know edg . - " , i . �o-���� 1NT P S AUL ClTY �1 � lL . COU C �1B�IC HEARINC NOT�ICE LICENSE APPLICATIO�N ����� . �U�2B1 . '� �;,Y� �D - FILE �JO. � k To Property ers L32121 . P U R P O S E ��� of an off sale �ic�or �,icense , e A P P L1CA NT �e�9e �spr ss L.iquor �. D� �erage ��CC L.iquar _ John Vanelli Jr. , President LO CATIO N a3� c�a AV�u� i HEARINC °�0�'r 2� 1990 9:0o a.m. City Council Chambers, 3rd floor Ci�ty Hall - Court House By License and Permit Division, Department of Finance and NOTICE SENT Management Services, Room 203 City �iali - Court House, Saint Paul , Minnesota 298-5056 I i This date may be changed without the consent and/or knowledge of the License a d Permit Division. It is suggested that ,�ou call the City Clerk's 0 fice at 298-4231 if you wish confirmation.