90-1745 n��(���� A L, , Council File # � '� V V /y ., �`° � Ordinance # /]�'�Jr . � �} Green Sheet ,� ORDINANCE � � � OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented B Reterred To • Committ�ee: Date An ordinance amend ng Chapter 60, Sections .203, .205, .206, .208, .213, .215, ;;;;�:�::f�;;: .218, .219, 220, .412, .413, .423, .432, .433, .443, .453, .462, .463, �.�513, .524, .534, .542, .543, .554, .562, .563, .574, .612, .614, .622, .624, .752 and .753 of t e Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to the Zoning Code - Community Residen ial Facilities. THE COUNCIL OF TH CI.TY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Sectio 60.203 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and is hereby amended so as to elete the definition of Community Residential Facility and to add the following definitions thereto: � � ..� ; , , � � , ; , � � , , � , > > , , � e�e�te , , . , � , �-- . , , . � > ; . � . . 1 . aRI��N�t� , . , �qo-���s , � 7��s , � � , , �- � � . � , �— Communit r sidential facilit licensed correctional. One main buildin or ortion hereof on one zonin lot where one or m re ersons who are laced ther b a court court services de artment arole authorit or other corre tional a enc havin dis ositional ower ver ersons char ed with or con icted of a crime or ad'udicated delin uen reside on a 24 hour er da ba is under the care and surervision of a residential ro ram licensed b the Minnesota De artment of Corrections. This defin tion does not include: 1 Licensed foster care homes servin erso s under 18 ears of a�e in the princival residence of the license holder: 2 Munici al count or re ional 'ails workhouses 'uvenile detention facilities, or state correctional facilities operated by the commissioner of corrections. Communit residential facilit licensed human servi e. One main buildin or ortio thereof on one zonin lot where one or more i children or ii er ons with mental retardation or relate conditions mental illness hemical de endenc or h sical handica reside on a 24 hour er da asis under the aus ices of a ro ram lice�nsed b the Minnesota De artme t of Human Services to rovide lod in in con'unction with monitori su ervision treatment rehabilit tion habilitation educatio or trainin of the residents of the fac lit . 2 ORIGINAl. . . ` ���, 7�� � ����s This def'nitio does not include: 1 F ster homes or freestandin foster homes a defined in sec- t"on 60.206 of this code• 2 R sidential treatment ro rams h sicall located on hos ital ounds• - 3 R ional treatment centers o erated b th commissioner of an services• 4 icensed semi-inde endent livin services for ersons with ental retardation or related conditions or mental illness if he license holder is not rovidin in an ' manner direct or ndirect the housin used b ersons receivin the service. Communit r sidential facilit health de artment licensed. One main buildin or ortion thereof on one zonin lot which is licensed b the commissioner of health as a roomin and or boardin ho se and receives 50 ercent or ore of its residents under a contract or other arran ement with the st te or a local overnment human servicesla enc to rovide lod in for eo le who are mentall ill or chemicall de endent. Section 2. That Sectio 60.205 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and is hereby amended to add th following definition thereto: Emer enc ousin facilit . One main buildin or o tion thereof on one zonin lot where ersons who do not have housin live on a 24 hour er da ba is until more ermanent arran ements can e made but enerall or not lon er than 30 da s. Section 3. That Sect'on 60.206 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and is hereby amended to add e following definitions thereto: Foster ho e. A dwellin unit in which a foster care ro ram licensed b ' the commi sioner of human services or the commissioner of corrections is o erated n the rinci le residence of the license older Free-stan in foster care home. A dwellin unit in which a foster care ro ram t at is licensed b the commissioner of h an services is o erated in other than the rinci le residence of he license holder. 3 �Rl��i��,., y,����.� „ . . � . ,,��.� Section 4. That Section 60.208 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code' be and is hereby amended to add the following definition thereto: Hos ice. On main buildin or ortion thereof on o e zonin lot in which termin 11 ill ersons live in order to receive a ro riate • Medicare-cer ified hos ice services. Section 5. That Sectio 60.213 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and is hereby amended so as to elete the definition of Mission. . , . , � • Section 6. That Sectio 60.215 of the Saint Paul Legislative Cod,e be and is hereby amended to add th following definition thereto: Overni ht S elter. One main buildin or ortion the'reof on one zonin lot where rsons receive overni ht shelter but are not ex ected or ermitted t remain on a 24 hour er da basis. 5:���:�:c��'���?:�i� .......;,.:::.:::::,..,:<:::<;:;�;.::::;:.:.;;:»::..;�::::>:�:�:; <::;:;.:;��;::>:;�.:::.:.;�.«::<:..::;:.:.��::.:>:.:<;::;��...;<;;;::�>::>:;:::;,.;:.;:.:::>-;:.:.�::>:::.;<::;;;:.:..,;:<:>:��<:.:: :�<.>:;::.��:::s,:.:::;,.>::::.:;..,......:...............::..:::: �'tz�� Se:ct�. r�::<::6b.::>�:�.�i�:>::cs�:<::;the..�azn�::::<E�u�:;;;Le: :is:�:ati�e �n�e �e ,�x�e'E. �.s:`::l�ere:�:�; :::.:: :::.:::.:::.::..::.::.:..::.:::.::.:::.�:.::.::...:::.......::................::.......:.........:...::,:...::::::;;.$.:::::::::::.�:::::::::::::::.:::::..:::::::.:.�::::::.:::.�::::::::::::::.::::::::::::.::..�: .;.:;.:<>:::::«<:._.:::::>::::::>::<;<:::::::::::>:::�.;::��»>::;;:::.:::<::::;;:>::.:::::::��::��;:>>.>�::�::��>�:<_<:::>::>:::::.;>:<:�:;.;:::::>.:.:;::;:�:::::::;;:::»<:.<:..«:>;::<.:>�:::;:.:»,:>:>::.............. ................,.......................................................... �ex�d�� �o::;<:�.ttd:: � e ��:�::�:?�.w.�:itkg»�.ef�.�s�.��:��z. ��e��;�;c�.:: ..:..:�::.�,..,..:.,....::..:::.:..:...::.v..:...:.�::::,..::.::::::::::...:..:._:.,-:::::::.��..::,,::.:.:::...:...,.,�.:,.:.�.�;.;;::�:.:.�;.-::,:,...:::...:.,.,.::;.;:r�,.��;�.::��:..,...,>::::;::.:;.::.::��;:v.:.;:.:::;:.:.:,.;... ::...:,...>,...,:<.::. .. :...:,,,...:�.:...::::::::. .::::...:...>. .�:::::::::.::::.,�... ...::::::.:..�. � :::::.�: .:::>. . . . .::.;,<.::::..::...>..:::..:.:........:: ...:.::.::: :: :.::.. :::::��:;:::<;�::: .:...... :..: : .; :a7�..,: ;:<;:,::s::.,: : :..:.::::::::::::::>E2 .... . .....s eS�' .... .::: .. b :::: . . . .... � ;;::...::.3,,..:..::.<%�;,�� :: ;:?:.;:::Y:::;::'-i::::::::;::::::i::::;i:::'::::::';:;:i:::i::::::::�';i::;i;::ii:i;":::;:i::':::;•:::r:�::;::2:rs:::�:;;;:::::'::::::i:;i:::�:�''::>::::2::::r::$:.<;;�:;:;:;'::":s::i:;:::::;�::i�::;:;::;:?;E:s:i:;::::::.:iii:<i::t:?�:::::. i::t::::;tYig::;'::�::::;:i�::t':.y .. . _ ;.:ate�;:::�;�:t�;ze� >�ro�i::::::t:i�ie,:<:: zs>:::>t:it�e::::>a�endet�>>::::.�:::;:::<:tr:.<>�<:th�::::::��t�::::::��ur�c:i:�:::;>t�.>.:; :a�:�:��.t .;:<>:<::.;:>:;:;::;�:»:;»::»;: .................. r.>;::�;:;:.:>;::;;;::.:>;::::>::;.::>�<;;:�<:;::v:.>.;.:.;:,;::;>:>�:::.;;:.;;;:;:;:;;;�>.:.:.;..:>�>:::»�::�:�:»;::>::»:;<::�::.:»>::»>:.»>::»::::;;::: ,.:.:.:,.. ...;..:..:.... .. .::. ....¢:<��:��: �::�: ::����;'>::<.;:::':<:::�;::.>:<:>.: ... . .. .�.:: - ,.:..:;:.;;... :.:.:....«::... :::...;.;:::::�.,.�.;.<_ : .>.......�>>�:.�.>:::� :..:::::::;.:� '.� �`�` <::::;:.<::�::>::~�.�:::: _ ::::<:>>��>::>:::»:�;.>�:<:;::::<:>::> . ;.::;::�.<::::��:::>�;::::::::::>::.>:.:.:_;::»;:<;:::»:;::>::>::>;:<:<:,:<:>.>:::::::.;:::>._.:>_:><:>::>:::<�:::>�;<:::::<::<::>«>;::;:.;,;:,...:.,:,: � �:a�nni� :_�:x:�.::cr:rz���ce;::::: �r �o�es..:.�f..:�3����s�ni� .:::�c��se��tza�o�::;:�s�:<:::comr�u�i�: �::x: :;:i:>:. ,�:,..` :.:.:..:....:;:.::::;;:;.:;:. :.;�;;: .;..�.;..: ����<;�':;:;:>�.:.;:.:;.::::.;;.:,.:;:,.;:.: ..... .......... :::...:..... ::�" ...:,. . :.. ... . .. . .....:.:>::»:<:::::::�<;.>::;»<;::�>:;;::>:<:<>:�:>::::;;>:<:»>: _ :..�:::::.�::::: :;:. �»:«::::;>:>::>::>�:.::;;::;<:,,.:>..:: _ _ .:::._::;::;:;:::.. .:..:.:..:.... > ..�:::::.::.:�: .:_�aat��Z�[e>..;.:<>aric� :s:e ��xate:<::: :>�r�:rx: ��>:>��:s:t�`:ict�<:;:::<:>:::�Me:rr:�:am:>::�Fark�:»::::.5� ��.z.� .. ......:.......:...:................,.............. ...................... . . <:�>;:.;:.::.::.;.> . :;::;i�...�i::�'i::;•'?¢..�.: �``��;::;``'�`��� '�:`�::� :::;c�'.":P'�::>�' :.:.i';>�'�...>'�i'r' .'.'?�::>:Gigiijt?ii:^::`:;i:�[�.�»'•. .::::::::i::;::YS:':::i:::::[::i�:$::::'�::::.i:;•.,•.:�::?::::";::::::E::::.:iuiii:C::;i:::::::'t::::i:::=::::t::>;:i:::ii:::`''':i::.�>:.:;:::::ii::';:::i$i::::t::::::::i::S:>;i::`;'::i::'�"::i[[::;.::::::::i::>::•:,.`'i::::::::C`:;i::ii::i:r::[:�'i::::::R:fi::..::::::::.>:;:..>::: �na:it:t��:� ::�:.:;<t�e::::>i�� �r:����it�>:::n£>::�?Ian�z�n <:::>anii :�t��am c:::::�euelc5: tne�t .>: Section 8. That Sect'on 60.219 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and is hereby amended to add he following definition thereto: Shelter f r battered ersons. One main buildin o ortion thereof on one zonin lot where adults and children who have suffered assault or batte 1 ve on a 24 hour er da basis for a erio f time enerall not to ex eed 30 da s and are served b a ro ram c�ertified b the Min- nesota De artment of Corrections. 4 ,, . ,_. , ���������. . . � /�rv ���7�5 U � . �7�� Section 9. That Section 60.220 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and is hereby amended to add the following definition thereto: Transitional housin facilit . One main buildin or ortion thereof . on one zonin lot where ersons who ma or ma not have access to tradi- tional or e manent housin but are ca able of livin �inde endentl within a rea onable eriod of time enerall about 18 months reside on a 24 hour e da basis for at least 30 da s and arti'ci ate in a - ro riate r ram activities desi ned to facilitate inde endent livin . Section 10. [Single Family - Permitted Uses] That Sectio 60.412 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to the R-1 through R-4 D'stricts be and is hereby amended to read as follows and that subsections 9 thr ugh 11 be renumbered to 14 through 16 respectively: (8) Foste homes se���-�i�-o��� ���^-'_-�;, ___'_a��`� (9) Free- tandin foster care homes. (10) Hos i es servin six or fewer facilit residents. ...:::...:::::.:.:......::::::::::.:...:....::..::.::::.::::::::.::.:..::::.:.,.:::::.::::::::.::,:.:.:::,::::::::.....,,..;::;::...::<....:.:.::::.,,;.;::....,..:.,.,::.;:::::::.:.;;;:.;>;>;::;<,�:;>;;>�.: :,,....;.:....,.:..:..:........;,.,,..,::::::>:>:..:..:..:..:::.:.:.,.:..:....:...:;:....>::;:..:...........::,.<;.;..:. ::;..,.<.>::>:<:;::� .;-:::°>;>.;...:�::>:::: � :.:. :>. � (11) ��ma :;:se�r�ce�.;;;�:.ic�t��ed.>.��r�mmu�� ��s�c�errtr�,I.:..f �.i�a��e.s:.:.��rv�r� �'"-;:a:::: s� #�: rad� 1 :"..''>�'.:`;::<� :..�;>:::��`�'�'d�:>a.:;>::Iea i�2 E� :..::::. _.:. ::.:�::<:::�:;... : �. �:�c �r`.�.�a er_ f�e� it r�s:�`de�ts�:.��o .......... :�>��:>:::><:�::::«::::<:»:<::<::«:>:;,;:�,; .:.::::::::...::.:.::..:.:.:. :.:.:..::.:�::. .; : :.... .. ....... .:.,..:�:.:.�:::::..:.,:.;:• :• .:.. �. .. ...�:::...:::... �e:e�t::: :r�t�:::<:a�io.�.h�r.:;::Y�tzma:n:;<<se�v�:���::<::�.�.c��rs�d.:c�iinmc� %t ..r.�s3deri�i���. �ac'i�:,�.�;;..;:-.:::................................................................................................................................................................... 12 Tran itional housin facilities servin four or fewer facilit resi ents. 13 Shel ers for battered ersons servin four or ewer facilit resi- dent . Section 11. That the f rst paragraph in Section 60.413 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining o R-1 through R-4 Districts be and is hereby amended to read - as follows: Principal ses permitted sub�ect to special conditions. The following additiona uses shall be permitted subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed f r each use and subject to the standards specified for all special condition uses as set forth in Section 64.300 c . All rinci al use ermitted sub'ect to s ecia conditions shall be reviewed and a roved b the lannin commissio . 5 �7RIGINAI�. , . �9�,7�5 � ����� Section 12. [Single Family: Special Condition Uses] � That Section 60.413 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code 'pertaining to R-1 through R-4 Distri ts be and is hereby amended to delete subsection 5, add the following new subs ctions 5 and 6 and renumber subsections 6 through 15 to subsections 7 thro gh 16: .. .............�..:,::,::.::::.:.::.�:.,::.�::.,.::::.:..:::::::.:::.:::...:.. :;:.;:;;.; ;:��,��:.:::.;:<;<.;;;:«.;:<.,;:,::;x:::.:.::::.::,.:.v:.;v.;>;>�.:::-..,...,...... .;.:,:.<.,;; :.. . ,...s.,:,. ..:............. . .....:::......... .. .,,.......::..�: ..............,.. :<p:::,:;::<:::>�>;>:>�:;��:>��:;:�>::<�>:`:�:::«::>:_::::;>.:::;::`;<'<::�:::;> .........::::.........:..:::.:::.:......... ... �:►:�::,..;:.;:::.`.; > ..... ::.: ::. . ... ... . ... ... ... .:...:...:;;:::::;.:..:.:�:»>::;:::.::;.::;.::::.�:.�:::: ::.;;.:_::;:.�::::...�>;>.�::::..::::::. :.;::.>;: »..;:.:;. :.:::.. >:;;;:;;::::::;;:>:>::;::.::.>;; >:.»::.;:::><:>:� >::.;;:::»:.;:;::, -:.,:::::.. _ ........ . . ....:::::.:::::::.�:::::::::::::::.............. ...::::.:.....: :.:...:..<.,.,�:...�..::...:::::;:> :::<.�: .;:..:.�.:<.:.;>�.;: ..:.:.::::::..:::.:::.:........:.. !:•:::::::.r..:•::.::.:::..a>::.:::::: :::::::a..,..;a.;..:.�:::•:.:::.;:•:;::::::::::.a:::::::::.�.:�::.:, .::•:..a•:�:.::.::�:•: . .., . �: � :::. : � . ... .: �. ....... :•. : : . �.: :::. ....:.:...:.:..:.....:..:..::r.a.... �..:......:•>...:..'..::..;. .::L•'<>o-:i;::%;:iSi:%�.; ........,.......,......,.�. ...............................................v....... (5) Trans"tional housin facilities servin five or six facilit resi- dents sub'ect to the followin conditions: a A minimum distance of 1 320 feet from other transitional housing facilities, shelters. licensed human service communitv residential facilities, licensed correctional community residential facilities, emerge�+cv housin� ' facilities. health department licensed communitv residential facilities, or overnight shelters. b Permission for s ecial condition use a ies onl as lon as the number of facilitv residents is not increased and its purpose or location do not chan¢e and other conditions of the �ermit are met. (6) Shel ers for battered ersons servin sixteen r fewer facilit resi ents sub'ect to the followin conditions: a A minimum distance of 1 320 feet from ot er shelters transitional housing facilities. license'd human service communitv residential facilities. licensed correctional community residential facilities, emergencX housinQ facilities health devartment licensed :communitv residential facilities, or overni�ht shelters. b It shall not be located in a two-famil or multi-famil dwelling unless the facility occupies the entire structure. c It shall not be located in a lannin d`strict in which one percent or more of the Qovulation lives' in licensed human service communitv residential facilitie�. licensed correctional communitv residential facilities, health department licensed communitv residenti,;al faci�ities. emer�ency housing facilities. overnight shelters, shelters for battered versons and/or transition�l housing facilities. 6 �U'�Cf �'V��l��., . . ��,�-/7�5 �. /7�"`�,S d P rmission for s ecial condition use a li 's onl as lon as t e number of facilit residents is not in reased and its r ose or location do not chan e and othe ' conditions of e ermit are met. Section 13. That the fir t paragraph of Section 60.423 of the Sain�t Paul Legislative Code pertaining to the RT-1 District be and is hereby amended to read as fol- lows: Principal us s permitted subject to special conditions;. The following additional u es shall be permitted subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed for ach use and subject to the �e��e� ��-�r�s��-��E�a�- standards snecified for all special c�lndition uses as set forth i Section 64.300 c . All rinci al uses ermitted sub'ect to s ecial onditions shall be reviewed and a roved the lannin commission. Section 14. (Two-family: Special Condition UsesJ That subsec ion 3 of Section 60.423 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to the RT-1 District be and is hereby deleted, that subsections 4 and 5 be renumber d to subsections 3 and 4: ee�ri-�T�'�s�i�e���a� €�e-��f��-$ee��i e s t-�e e�t���e �-�- ���e. �:a� ���tte���es �es�g�e� e� �e�i��-����� ., ;r:,...,,.. F„r ..r„ J g�'ea�e� eaPae}��-���a��eir a-g�ea�e�' Qis v c=ic= 2ve:����A�36 6� Sp^E2�&� @AF3����64T �52�is^--necc— *-�-F�se�t�e� €e�}e--€$�����we����g g��s �A 8 s��ta�e�e� =a= ea�� ��e����T�'es��e�t� ei�e� a�d a�e�xe si� �es��e��s ��t ���i��2e;�r��T �e s�i-�c���a��a e�����e s s e��=�ng—me�e—�re� iv scoxcc:cco oi:css mc2� ��e-�e�t���emet��s �9� �3@�$�3��� ���bae�E a�� �a�e}mt�-�e�ee�� s� ,,... ..�.;,,a �„_ �...:,a;.,.. sc� €e��� t���e� 6�. , i..�.. �..��',,,. ;�.. :a,...,�r.,i c.,,.;i :�:.. � ~� J ..'t..a: .. c,...,-�r hnms�T �----�-c ----- - - 7 �RIC�i��� , ' �,��a�7�s �, i���s � � , Section 15. [RT-2 Townhouse: Permitted Uses] That subsect on 4 of Section 60.432 of the Saint Paul Zegislative Code pertaining to the T-2 District be renumbered to subsection 'S, and the follow- ing new subsection be added thereto: 4 Hos ic s servin sixteen or fewer ersons. Section 16. [RT-2 Townhouse: Special Condition Uses] ' That Sectio 60.433 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to the RT-2 District be nd is hereby amended to read as follows: Principal u es permitted subject to special conditions. The following additional ses shall be permitted subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed for each use and subject to the �e��=�e�� a�t� &^g;p^�A�JB} e� ��e-�- standards specified for all special condition uses as set forth i Section 64.300 c . All rinci al uses ermitted sub'ect to s ecial co itions shall be reviewed and a roved b the lannin com- mission. 1) All ses as permitted and as regulated in R-1 through R-4 and RT-1 Resi ential Districts under principal uses permitted subject to spec al conditions. 2 Tran itional housin facilities servin seven to sixteen facilit resi ents sub'ect to the followin conditions: a It shall not be located in a two famil or multi-famil dwellin� unless the facility occupies the entire structure. b A minimum distance of 1 320 radial feet from other transi- tional housing or shelters for battered nersons, licensed human service communitv residential facilities, licensed correctional communitv residential faci�.ities, ernereencv housing health devartment licensed cominunity residential facilities or overnight shelters. c One off street arkin s ace for ever two facilit resi- dents. 8 �„�'�r�V�.�/�e�. . , � �j/���-/��-� I V� c . , �7��J d I shall not be located in a lannin district in which one rcent or more of the o ulation lives in 'licensed human s rvice communit residential facilities icensed correc- tional communit reside tial facilities h alth de artment icensed communit residential facilities emer enc housin acilities overni ht shelters shelters f r battered er- ons and or transitional housin facilitie . e ermission for s ecial condition use a lies onl as lon as he number of facilit residents is not increased and its ur ose or location do not chan e and othe conditions of he ermit are met. ......,.....::...::.:..::::::::::.::....:.::::::::::.:::::.�:.::::.:::,:.:.:::::::::::.:::,::.,::.,.,::..:::::::::::«;...::<:..:<;:.;�:.;�:�,«:.;:.;.;::;;:..;:;.;�'::: :;.�.;�.�.;:;:<.:;:.;>;:;.;..;>:..;.>.<;.::�::<:::.: . ....:.:.....: .._.. . . ....:;-:;;: <::>:. �. . . . . . . ...;. . . .::.::::>:::<:::;:<:>«::>L�ceri:s ..c��>�:�iuina� sei'vi��<:::::�omnsun�t. .:,�esi�ie���::a`L ;f`a� ���ti�s::::>se�i� . ...:.:..............::::::::::::::::::.::::::.�:::::::::::.:�:::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::.:::::.;::::.;;.;;::.;:.;,.;;;:<.;;;;:.;;;:.:;;;>:::.;;:.;;;:;;;:.;:.:;;::.;;;:;;.:.,;:.;:.;:;:.;:.;;;;;;:�;::.;:.;:.;;:�::,.;:.;;;;:;;<:.;;::: :::.:�.;:.::::<:.;_,.,;�:.r:.::;::r:;..,�:,:.:,;�.:;::;�.:::»:;��:�;�::::>:Fi<:;.^,;.Y.:;.: ,..,:..:.:::::.>::�:-::::>:..,...::�:.>�. :.:,..:::���«:;:...: .:..;..:�:�.::<:;�:���<:>:;.......:::...:::. .:...: s���n e� s���ee-� ��� �a�-��.it�:..;��s�d�xr�� s�t���c� �o orr�.v -�he .:;:»>�_> ::>;:.»> �.;:.;;>:.:;.;:;.:::»::>:.;:;::.�.:::<��.:::>::::.:;<................................. ................................ . . . ......... ......... ............ . ..... ...�.....�...:....::....:........: .....- � a3:�:o n. .<>s:.�ond ti�x }� ::;>'.;;�.>";..;:aiia�t#ie�" >«::::::::.::>%::::E::.:�:'�;:;.:::»t>;:;:,>::::�:>:::::::::.:::::::::+.::;;:.:.»:,::;;>r,.::::x,;.x:;:::.:r�:.;:.;:;�;::���:::>:,::;::.�. <::»:ee>t;:::�r m a . :.:�,�;>shal�..>,�ie::.;:�o�ated�;:at::;�:��s���:1�,��:::<:ra' 3s� ..................:.:.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.�::::::.:.._::::::::.�.�::::.�:::.�:..:.::_::::::::::::,:::::::::::::.�._::::::::::::._::::.::::::::::::::::::._::::::;:::::::.�:........... :�:icei�sed:`:::l�iztaii��::�:sersx�:c�..commursitv<::�:��s�i�er�tia:��:>::'f;ac�:I i:�y�:;:� Section 17. [ -1 Multiple Family: Special Condition Uses] That Sectio 60.443 of the Saint Paul Legislative Codie pertaining to the RM-1 District be nd is hereby amended to read as follows: ; Principal u es subject to special conditions. The following additional uses shall e permitted, subject to the conditions h�reinafter imposed for each us , and subj ect to the �ei=�e� �-�-��--���e�� ��' �'�� �' ���;�R �.,......�= standards s ecified for all s ecial condi ion uses as set forth in S ction 64.300 c . All rinci al uses ermitted sub'ect to s ecial co ditions shall be reviewed and a roved b the lannin com- mission. (1) All ses permitted and as regulated in the R-1 through R-4, RT-1, and T-2 Residential Districts under principal uses permitted sub- J'ect to s ecial conditions e�t��i�"�t>:�:�t��ris�:t:�a����:�<l�aus'izi''`:��>:�a�d P ............. ...........................................�...........:::::..:::. ���:���<:.::.���>��:«:::;<:.;:::.>:,.;.;:<;..:.:.::.::::;.:::;::::...;:::;�.::;�;.::::>::;::..:.;:::::<::::::<:::>;:::::::::><:::>:::::;:,.<::>.<::.»:>�::::_,.:;�:::<::<.>::::::�>::;;.,...;a;.;:.;»::>::;::<::::.. :::>:.:,._<,�::_::..:.;:, s�%e�:�"���s..::�v :.�at�e ed;<. e�st��� ..:;:each,...s�rjr�� ::. �..►�..�s�,.:m�re.:..�aci.��.�... :::>::::::<:>:::��:�::::::::::;:::»::::>;:::::<::�<::;,:;:;::.::::�::>:::<�:::::<;:<�:;;>:�<:�::;:::«:::>::>:«<:::>:�<::>::>::>::::>::>�:::;::»::<:>::»::::::::;>.::;:;>:.:::<:::>::��::;:,::::::>::,::;:>;:>�>;:>................................ ��:s°�� �t�ts::«,,:>wr��ct�::::::sh�1:�:::<:b�<:<::��. �:����.:as o-�;��i�e�c�«::��;�:�iw::.:: (2) Roo 'ng and rooming and boardinghauses, - ; transitional housing �or 17 or more fac'lit residents srelters for battered �er,ons serving 17 or mor facilit residents and licensed human s rvice residential fac'lities for 17 or more ersons which are l cated at least 1320 rad al feet from an other licensed human service communit res dential facilit subiect to the followin� conditions: , 9 ������rv��., . , �q�.i��s , � s ��� a inimum lot area of five thousand (5,000) square feet be provided for the first two (2) guest rooms and one thousand 1,000) square feet for each additional guest rooms. b ne off street arkin s ace for ever two facilit resi- ents. • c ransitional housin facilities and shelte s for battered ersons shall not be located in a lannin ' district in which ne ercent or more of the o ulation live's in licensed uman service communit residential facil'ties licensed orrectional communit residential facili ies health e artment licensed communit residential facilities emer- enc housin facilities overni ht shelt 'rs shelters for attered ersons and or transitional hous n facilities. d Permission for s ecial condition use a l es onl as lon as the number of residents is not increased and its licensine, purpose or location do not change and other conditions of the germit are met. 3 Trans tional housin servin 5 to 16 facilit residents and shel- ters or battered ersons servin 5 to 16 faci it residents sub- 'ect o the followin conditions: a One off street arkin s ace for ever two facilit resi- dents. b It shall not be located in a lannin di trict in which one percent or more of the ponulation lives in licensed human service community residential facilities. licensed correc- tional community residential facilities, health department licensed community residential facilities. emerQencv housine facilities, overni�ht shelters, shelters for battered per- sons and/or transitional housing facilities. c Permission for s ecial condition use a lies onl as lon as the number of facilitv residents is not increased and its purvose or location do not change and other conditions of the �ermit are met. � Lic nsed correctional residential facilities ub'ect to the fol- low'n conditions: a It shall not be located in a two-famil or multi- amil dwelling unless the facilitv occupies the entire structure. b The facilit serves no more than 16 fac'ilit residents c The minimum lot size is 5 000 s uare feet lus 1 000 s uare feet for each guest room in excess of two guest rooms. 10 C��rC���I�L . . , �q,�-i�� . il��� d A minimum distance of 1320 feet from other licensed correc- t'onal communit residential facilities 1'censed human s rvice communit residential facilities ransitional hous- i or shelters for bat ered ersons emer enc housin ealth de artment licensed communit resid ntial facilities r overni ht shelters. e ne off street arkin s ace for ever two facilit resi- ents. f reliminar licensin review b the Minnesota De artment of orrections. t shall not be located in a lannin dis 'rict in which one ercent or more of the o ulation lives i ' licensed human ervice communit residential facilities licensed correc- tional communit residential facilities ealth de artment licensed community residential facilities� emer�encv housine facilities overnight shelters, shelters for battered ver- sons and/or transitional housint� facilities. h Permission for s ecial condition use a 1'es to the com- munity residential facility only as long as the number of facilit�residents is not increased and its vurvose. licens- in�,_or location do not chan�e and other c'onditions of the permit are met. 5 Emer nc housin facilities and health de art ent icensed com- muni residential facilities sub'ect to the f llowin conditions: a It shall not be located in a two-famil r multi-famil dwellin� unless the facility occuvies thg entire structure. b The facilit serves no more than 16 facilit residents. c The minimum lot size is 5 000 s uare feet lus 1 000 s uare feet for each �uest room in excess of two �uest rooms. d A minimum distance of 1 320 radial feet from other health department licensed residential facilitkes, emer�encv hous- ing facilities transitional housine or shelters for bat- - tered persons licensed human service communitv residential facilities licensed correctional commu�tity residential facilities. or overnight shelters. e One off street arkin s ace for ever two facilit resi- dents. f It shall not be located in a lannin district in which one gercent or more of the vonulation lives in licensed human service community residential facilities. licensed correc- tional communitv residential facilities. health devartment 11 � � . � i �i������ �., , ��-/7 5 /T��� 1 censed communit residential facilities emer enc housin f cilities overni ht shelters shelters for battered er- s ns and or transitional housin facilitie . P rmission for s ecial condition use a li�s to the com- nit residential facilit onl as lon a the number of acilit residents is not increased and its ur ose or loca- ion do not chan e and the other condition of the ermit re met Section 18. [ -2 Multiple Family: Special Condition Usesj That the fir t paragraph of Section 60.453 and subsect'ion 3 of Section 60.453 of the Sain Paul Legislative Code pertaining to the RM-2 District be and are hereby ame ded to read as follows: Principal us s permitted subject to special conditions. The following additional ses shall be permitted, subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed for each use and subject to the -- ��a � ••�' standards specified for al� special condition uses as set forth in Section 64,300 c . All rinci 1 uses ermitted sub'ect to ecial conditions shall be reviewed and a roved b the lannin co ission. (3) Hos i es servin 17 or more facilit residents ' nursing homes and board ng care homes which are not community residential facil ties, provided the yard requirements for multiple-family use in th s district are applied. Section 19. [RM-3 Multiple Family: Permitted UsesJ That Secti n 60.462 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to the RM-3 District be and is hereby amended to amend subsection, 3, add the follow- ing new subsecti ns 4 and 5 and renumber subsections 4-6 to 6-8, respectively: (3) Fost r homes or freestanding foster homes se�*��g-s�i� e�—€e�e� (4) Tran itional housin servin four or fewer fa 'ilit residents and shel ers for battered ersons servin four or fewer facilit resi- dent . .•.[v.v:ni:. v,•:ii::i• ' i:ii:•+{,S:{v'i+ii:Lt<ivti(•ii::xn��ryy;n};,x.:ti iS<i6i:iY.Oiiiiv:::�j•p}}:L{tinii:r.},v,\ } .. }�:i:ii::ii?'�::ii::i.:ti: . . ..{:ri�i ::iirn'Y.. . . . . . ::.� � ::::.:.'C-°��5�:-;;.S.E:...:: .I'[t � <.:<:.::..s�nr.���;:::c�o �n�:��:,>::;�`esi����:�:a�:;;>::.:acz��. .i. .:: <,,. .,.:::............ ...... :=���::::::`?:�::;��:;:�:;.�>c:....:sae`d;:;:�:uiiiax� . . :�>::;:�;;;:.;::: :;::;»:;,:::::<:;,>:>::;:::::.:::»�:.>;:<::»:;:::�>::::�:::,:>::::>::>:::::::>:�:.,.:.:.;,::::><;�,.;;::;;::;:;:::<::::;>:::: �>:>::.:;«:»�:::>,:::>:::>:.�:<:>:>::::::::�::;:::;,.;»::>:<>��>�<:::•::::>::;,:>:<:>::>::»:�::::»��:>:::»::: . . :..:... . . ..::::.: ::....::..: . ..:... . .>::::.. s>�:�:<::��<:;:: .����::::>fa�>�:�:i:�:. :::::�e :����i�s:.<,7:����e�::<��.�.;:;.1.� s:t.;:.::�:3:��I>;:.:�'e�.��:>..�ram >:;:s:;:::::::::>::::;z::?:::::?<:�;.:, . :;;��:::�:::o:::%�:2�::�::::�:;�i':�i3:. :::>::;�.:g�:'.<�':�:'::t::."::;:::. ;;.e'�'��i�?�..f c i a . . >::>::��esa. � . :��:::.ou�nu�:�:.�. ... `"`��� �``a��>:si:l�i�':��i:s`e�;:<:�iuinai��>:::s���rz�e. �. 12 �RI��h��l. , . �g,����-� hl �� ���� Section 20. [RM-3 H gh Rise Multiple Family: Special Condition Uses) That the fir t paragraph of Section 60.463 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to the RM-3 District is hereby amended to re,ad as follows: Principal us s permitted sub�ect to special conditions. The following additional u es shall be permitted subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed for ach use, and subject to the standards svecified for all sveci�il condition uses as set fort in Section 64.300 c . All rinci al use ermitted sub'ect to s ecial onditions shall be reviewed and a roved the lannin commission. Section 21. [RM-3 igh Rise Multiple Family: Special Condition UsesJ That Sectio 60.463 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and is hereby amended to delete subsections 2 and 3, add the following neiw subsections 2 through 4, and re umber subsections 4 through 6 to 5 throug� 7, respectively: ...._ ...;:..,-... ...::�. :. >:�i:>c;.;<:i^:;?:;:;;:i::[;i'i;i.;i:r;:`t;+k�3;:;.�i;'��;;;`;:::;:;:�:>fi;;:,: .; .;; :�-:.;.;.; ,.. :;;:.r . . . . . . . . . �� . . . .. ......7�... .....�. . . � 2 Huma service licensed communit residential f cilities servin seve to sixteen facilit residents sub'ect to the condition set fort for RT-2 Townhouse Residential Districts' in Section 60.433 rin i al uses ermitted sub'ect to s ecial conditions. 3 Tran itional housin facilities servin 5-16 acilit residents and helters for battered ersons servin 5-1 facilit residents sub' ct to the conditions set forth for RM-1 ulti-Famil Resi ential Districts in Section 60.443 rin i al uses ermitted - sub' ct to s ecial conditions. (4) Tra sitional housin servin seventeen or mor ' facilit residents she ters for battered ersons servin sevente n or more facilit res dents human service licensed communit r sidential facilities se in seventeen or more facilit residents nd located at least 132 feet from an other licensed human service communit res dential facilit licensed correctional communit residential fac lities health de artment licensed communit residential fac lities and emer enc housin facilities sub'ect to the 13 �Id��7l��df�1� , , . ��5 � ��� ,���� conditi ns set forth for RM-1 Low densit Low-r'se Multi le Farnil esidential Districts in Section 60 443 rinci al uses ermit ed sub'ect to s ecial conditions. Section 22. [OS-1: Special Condition Uses] That the fir t paragraph of Section 60.513 and subsection 3 of Section 60.513 pertaining o the OS-1 District of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and are hereby ame ded to read as follows: Principal us s permitted subject to special conditions. The following additional u es shall be permitted, subject to the standards specified for a1L special condition uses as set orth in Section 64 300 c . All rinci a ' uses ermitted sub'ect to s ecial conditions shall be reviewed and a roved b the lannin co ission. 3) Mixed residential and office services uses subject to the follow- ing c nditions: a. Residential units are restricted to the second and third stories and to not more than fifty (50) percent of the first floor. b. For new construction a minimum four foot setback shall be required from all interior lot lines for residential uses. c. Office uses are limited to those which are otherwise per- mitted in the district. d. Residential units ma be occu ied b fos er homes or frees- tanding foster homes. The�?may also be o�cupied by human service licensed communitv residential fAcilities serving sixteen or fewer facilitv residents provfded that they are at least 1320 radial feet from another similar facilit�or hosvices serving sixteen or fewer facilitY residents. e. Residential units ma be occu ied b shelters for battered gersons or transitional housing`serving 'sixteen or fewer facility residents provided they are not located in a vlan- ninc district in which one vercent or more of the nopulation lives in licensed human service communitv residential facilities, licensed correctional communitv residential facilities health department licensed �ommunitv residential facilities, transitional housing, shelters for battered ver- sons, emer,gencv housing, or overnight shelters. 14 ��o��i��� . ��' ���-� � i��� Section 23. [B-1: Special Condition Uses] That the fir t paragraph of Section 60.524 and subsection 3 of Section 60.524 of the Sain Paul Legislative Code pertaining to the B-1 District be _ and are hereby ame ded to read as follows, subsection 4 of Section 60.524 is deleted and subsec ion 5 is renumbered to subsection 4: Principal us s permitted subject to special conditions. The following additional u es shall be permitted subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed for ach use and subject to the standards specified for all special condition uses as set forth i Section 64.300 c . All rinci al uses rmitted sub"ect to s ecial con itions shall be reviewed and a roved b he lannin com- mission. (3) Mixed residential and commercial uses subject to the following condi ions: a) Residential units are restricted to the second and third stories of commercial structures and to not more than fifty percent of the first floor. b) Residential units mav be occupied bv foster homes or free standin� foster homes. c) Residential units may be occupied by.human service licensed community residential facilities servinR� sixteen or fewer facilitv residents, provided that thev are at least 1320 radial feet from another human service licensed communitv residential facility, or hospices servin� sixteen or fewer facility residents. d Residential units ma be occu ied b she ters for battered persons or transitional housing servin� sixteen or fewer facilitv residents nrovided thev are not located in a plan- nin� district in which one vercent or more of the vopulation lives in licensed human service communitY residential facilities, licensed correctional commu�jitv residential facilities, health department licensed �ommunitv residential facilities, transitional housin�;, shelters for battered per- sons. emergencv housing. or overnight shelters. e� For new construction, a minimum four foot side yard setback shall be required from all interior lot lines for residen- tial uses. fZ Commercial uses are limited to those which are otherwise permitted in the district. 15 �'�rl����►�►�, . . .- ,���� �� � . ,��{s �; � � . , , , . , Section 24. [B-2: Special Condition Uses] That the fi st paragraph of Section 60.534 of the Sairtt Paul Legislative Code pertaining t the B-2 District be and is hereby amended to read as fol- lows, a new subse tion 7 to be added to Section 60.534 and subsection 7 renum- bered to subsecti n 8: Principal u es permitted subject to special conditions. The following additional ses shall be permitted, subject to the ����� : standards specified for all svecial condi- tion uses a set forth in Section 64.300 c . All r'nci al uses er- mitted sub' ct to s ecial conditions shall be review 'd and a roved b the lanni commission. (7) Lice sed correctional communit residential fa ilities health de a tment licensed communit residential faci ities and emer enc hous'n facilities sub"ect to conditions as set forth for RM-1 Mult -Famil Residential Districts in Section 60.443. 16 ����'11'``a. .,,'� , � � ��� (�,�--q,�-i� � iz��� Section 25. [B-3: Permitted Uses] � That subsect'on 1 of Section 60.542 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to the -3 District be and is hereby amended to read as follows: (1) All pr ncipal uses permitted and used permitted subject to special condit on in OS-1, B-1, and B-2 Districts except auto service sta- tions nd ee�=���es}�e���a� F^^�' �����, licensed correctional cornmun t residential facilities health de artmsnt licensed com- munit residential facilities and emer enc hou'sin and meeting at lea t the minimum conditions imposed in each district. Section 26. [B-3: Special Condition Uses] That the fi st paragraph of Section 60.544 and subsection 9 of Section 60.544 of the Sai t Paul Legislative Code pertaining to the B-3 District be and are hereby am nded to read as follows: Principal u es permitted subject to special conditions. The following additional ses shall be permitted, subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed for each use and subject to the � ��a ^ ��^' : standards svecified for all special condi- tion uses a set forth in Section 64.300 c . All r"nci al uses er- mitted sub' ct to s ecial conditions shall be reviewed and a roved b the lannin commission. (9) , Licensed cor�ectional community resi ential facilities health de artment lice sed communit resi ential facilities and emer enc housin as permitted and regu ated in ���� B-2 Business Districts under principal uses perm tted subject to special conditions. Section 27. [B-4 CBD: Permitted Uses) That the f rst paragraph of Section 60.552 and subse'ction 2 of Section 60.552 of the Sa nt Paul Legislative Code pertaining to the B-4 District be and are hereby a ended to read as follows: Principal ses permitted. In a B-4 Central Business District the use of land, the location and erection of new buildings or 'structures and the alteratio , enlargement and moving of existing buildings or structures from othe locations or districts shall conform to the following use groups, u less otherwise provided in this code: 17 ��r�+�r�����. � � ' , �9�-i���.- �7�� (2) Apartm nt residential uses. To include: (a) foster homes and free standi foster homes located in multi le famil structures� b human ervice licensed communit residential fac lities located at least 00 radial feet from another similar facilit and located in a mult le famil structure• c transitional housin and shelters for ba tered ersons located in multi le famil structures and d ho ices located in multi le famil structur'es. Section 28. [B-4 CBD: Special Condition Uses] That the fi st paragraph of Section 60.554 and subsection 1 of Section 60.554 of the Sai t Paul Legislative Code pertaining to the B-4 District be and are hereby am nded to delete subsection 1, add the following new subsec- tion 1-3 and ren ber subsection 2-12 to 4-14. Principal u ed permitted subject to special conditions. The following additional ses shall be permitted subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed for each use and subject to the �e��e���e�ia� s�—�� standards svecified for all special condition uses as set fort in Section 64.300 c . All rinci al us s ermitted sub'ect to s ecial onditions shall be reviewed and a roved,b t e lannin commission. , (1) Lice sed correctional communit residential fa' ilities sub'ect to the ollowin conditions: a The facilit serves no more than 32 fac'lit residents. b A minimum distance of 600 feet from ot er licensed correc- tional community residential facilities, licensed human service communitv residential facilitie$, transitional hous- ing shelters for battered versons, eme�gencv housine. health department licensed community residential facilities or overnight shelters. c It shall occu the entire structure. d Preliminar licensin review b the Mi nesota De artment of Corrections. 18 � t�RlC�I��; ;:'_ � � �9�-���5 ���y� e ermission for s ecial conditions use a 1"es to the acilit onl as lon as the number of fac lit residents is ot increased and its ur ose licensin o location do not han e and all other conditions of the er ' it are met. (2) Emer e c housin facilit sub'ect to the follow n conditions: a e facilit serves no more than 32 facilit residents. b minimum distance of 600 feet from other �emer enc housin icensed correctional communit residenti '1 facilities icensed human service communit resident'al facilities ransitional housin shelters for batter d ersons health e artment communit residential faciliti s or overni ht shelters. c Permission for s ecial condition use a 1 es to the com- munitv residential facilitv onlv as lon� as the number of facility residents is not increased or purvose or location do not change and other conditions of the vermit are met. (3) Healt de artment licensed communit residential facilities sub- 'ect o the followin conditions: a The facilit serves no more than 32 faci it residents. b A minimum distance of 600 feet from othe health de artment licensed communitv residential facilities, emer e�ncv housing facilities, transitional housin� or shel�ers for battered persons, licensed human service community residential facilities, licensed correctional commun�,v residential facilities, or overni�ht shelters. c Permission for s ecial condition use a ies to the com- munity residential facilitv only as lon�; as the number of facility residents is not increased or purpose or location do not chan�e and other conditions of the _permit are met. Section 29. [B-5 CBD: Permitted Uses] That Sect'on 60.562 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to the B-5 District be and is hereby amended to delete subsection 9 therefrom: 19 5 ��������� � . ��g�'/�� _ ����5 Section 30. [B-5 CBD: Special Condition UsesJ That the fir t paragraph of Section 60.563 and subsection 1 of Section 60.563 of the Sain Paul Legislative Code be and are hereby amended to read as follows; subsectio s 2-21 be renumbered to subsection 3-22, and a new subsec- tion 2 to be added to Section 60.453: Principal us s permitted subject to special conditions. The following additional u es shall be permitted subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed for ach use and subject to the standards specified for all special co'ndition uses as set forth in Section 64,300 c . All rinci al uses e�rmitted sub'ect to s ecial cond tions shall be reviewed and a roved bv he lannin com- mission. (1) Licensed correational community resid tial facilities health de artment licen 'ed communit resid ntial facilities and emer enc housin a� permitted and regul ted in-�--�, �i;�- ��a the B-4 Business District. (2) Overn ht shelters sub'ect to the followin con itions: a A minimum distance of 600 feet from other overni ht shel- ters, licensed human service community rjesidential facilities licensed correctional communitv residential facilities, health department licensed co�mmunitv residential facilities, transitional housin�, shelters for battered per- sons, and emergencv housing. Section 31. [B-2C: Special Condition UsesJ That the f'rst paragraph of Section 60.574 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining o the B-2C District be and is hereby amended to read as fol- lows: Principal ses permitted sub�ect to special conditions. The following additional uses shall be permitted, subject to the conditions hereinafte imposed for each use and subject to the standards s�ecified for a�ll special condition uses as se forth in Section 64.300 c . All rinc' al uses ermitted sub'ect to s acial conditions shall be reviewed and 'a roved b the lannin c mmission. 20 I �/����d`.a , / . • ��,�-/7�s �7� Section 32. [I-1 Light Industrial: Permitted Uses] That subsect on 22 of Section 60.612 of the Saint Pau1 Legislative Code pertaining to the -1 District be and is hereby deleted therefrom: (22) . Section 33. [I-1: Special Condition UsesJ That the fi st paragraph and subsection 1 of Section 60.614 of the Saint Paul Legislative ode pertaining to the I-1 District be and ,'is hereby amended to read as follow ; that subsection 9 be renumbered to subsection 10, and a new subsection 9 e added to Section 60.614. Principal u es permitted subject to special condition; The following additional ses shall be permitted subject to the condition hereinafter imposed for each use and subject to the standards svecified for all special condition uses as set forth i Section 64.300 c . All rinci al uses ermitted sub'ect to s ecial onditions shall be reviewed and a roved b the lanin com- mission. (1) All es as permitted and as regulated in the B-3 Business Dis- tric under principal uses permitted subject to special conditions 9 Over i tit shelters as ermitted and re ulated n the B-5 Central Busi ess-Service District. Section 34. [I-2: Permitted Uses] That subse tion 1 of Section 60.622 of the Saint Pa�ul Legislative Code pertaining to th I-2 District be and is hereby amended to read as follows: (1) Any ses permitted in the I-1 District as "principal uses per- mit ed" and "principal uses permitted subject to special con itions, " except for adult bookstores, adult cabarets, adult con ersation/rap parlors, adult health/sports 'clubs, adult massage par ors, adult mini-motion picture theatres, adult motion picture the tres, adult steam room/bathhouse facilities and other adult use ,�� airports and public and private heliports, health de rtment licensed communit residential fac'lities licensed cor ectional communit residential facilities emer enc housin and overni ht shelters; provided, that they meet at least the min mum conditions imposed in each district. ' 21 �����r���. . . �r y�-/��.� . ���y�' Section 35. [I-2: Special Condition Uses] ' That the fir t paragraph of Section 60.624 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining t the I-2 District be and is hereby amended to read as fol- lows; subsection ,l be renumbered subsection 18, and add new subsections 16 and 17 to Section 0.624 as follows: Principal us s subject to special conditions. The fol7.owing additional uses shall b permitted, subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed for each use and subject to the �ei*�e� �~-�--�g�����-t� ..... ____,.---� stan ards s ecified for all s ecial condition uses as set forth in Section 6 .300 c . All rinci al uses ermitted s b'ect to s ecial conditions s all be reviewed and a roved b the lannin commission. (16) Healt de artment licensed communit residentia ' facilities licen ed correctional communit residential fac lities and emer- enc housin as ermitted and re ulated in the B-3 General Busi- ness istrict. 17 Overn ht shelters as ermitted and re ulated in the B-5 Central Busin ss-Service District. Section 36. (RC -1 River Corridor Residential: Permitted Uses.) That Sectio 60.752 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to RCR-1 District is hereby amended so as to amend subsection 3, renumber subsec- tions 4 through to subsections 7 through 10, and add new subsections 4 through 6, as fo lows: (3) Fost r homes and free standin� foster homes lo�ated in vermitted mult le famil structures ���r��-s-i��§` ~ ��-'�r ���'1-L�= ,.,:,::..�;,., '����:�<�se�r� :>������t>i:�� ';;::>:�.a�a;ci��. ">:�������'�'t��a7.. .,..>:..,>e�iti 4 ���'e`s:��€:'::�ii;�m�i�i>::`�e�:i��`<:;;eoiii�iiz�t'i:�;;:.� ( ) .... _.::;;::::::.:<><:>.::;.;,.. . :>;<:::>�:>�:<:;:<:::»:::::;>::»::.. :<:::>:>::�><»:>:>::>:::><»::>::::.;::�::::<::>�:»:;«:::>:>:::;>:.>;<:»:>;::>::: ;;::::.:<:»::;�:::::>::::.:>:;>.>;:»�:»:::;>:;:;;>�:�;>�<>>:>:.:::.:::.:>:<:;:>�::>;:::�:. . .. . > s:��;:t` ��t�>:::��we��::>::fac���:��.;>::::�es;�:c�e�n��:::<:�o:c:����:<s:.::rt<:::: e: i�:���<:>:m��:�:<:�:1� :»::>���>se'c1. ;::<:::�:��et� ::>::.;>t�t�i`e� �. <:::>::m��:::�t� �<`:::>: ����::::'f � .::>..<�:i�'�a� .� ::":�£��<?.��. a <::<::�:�e`t�s��»::13� ::::>:«:>::>:::�>::::;<::::<:>:�::�::»:::::»::>:::»>::>::>::::>:;::>;:>::>:>:: :��am�: �.;:><:�����t�r:es:::::::�:� � >:::,::>.:: ............................................................ �<:<::;::��ia�:":;:�a:�::1:�:>�`:.'�'`:;::. .. .... .. ':::;:<��g'ici.ei� . �°fi1�!!��'??s:S@1:5T3'CE''?'GOfItIIlLtI1`I`�': (5) Hos ices located in ermitted multi le famil 'structures and se in sixteen or fewer facilit residents. (6) Tra sitional housin and shelters for battere' ersons located in e itted multi le famil structures and serv n four or fewer fac lit residents. 22 ��\�V����'1� . , . i /!//✓ � �`'�- ,, ���5 Section 37. I [RCR-1 River Corridor Residential: Special Cond,ition Uses] That Secti n 60.573 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to the RCR-1 District i hereby amended to delete subsections 3 and 4 and add the following new s sections 3 and 4: . , �4) . , (3) Tran itional housin servin five or more facilit residents shel ers for battered ersons servin five or �more facilit resi- dent licensed human service residential facilities �or?'>':��ev�`:i�>:::o� more�>:;f`aci:��t�';�:?'=es��t�ertt��::>`:' which are located at �least 1320����radial������ ............ .............................. ............. feet from another licensed human service communit residential faci it all sub'ect to the conditions set forth for RM-1 Multi- Fami Residential Districts in Section 60.433 rinci al uses erm tted sub'ect to s ecial conditions. (4) Heal h de artment licensed communit residential facilities lice sed correctional residential facilities �and emer enc hous- in ub'ect to the conditions set forth for 1 Low Densitv Low Rise Multi le Famil Residential Districts in Section 60.433 rin i al uses ermitted sub'ect to s ecial co ditions. Section 38. This Ordin nce shall take .effect and be in force thi�:ty days from and after its passag , approval and publication. Yea Navs Absent Re ested b Delartment of: imon �. 4u Y p oswztz � on -- —ITacca ee -- ettman nn e �- — i son �- By� _ �— . Adopted by Council: D te JU N 2 7 1991 Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by ouncil Secretary gY: By� Approved by Maydr for Submission to � Council Approv d y Mayor: te � 1991 By: By� , PUSIiSNED JUL b'91 ���� �y5, The attached substitut ordinance includes the following amendments requested by Councilmembers Thu e and Maccabee: 1. Plannin Districts are defined on page 4, including the delineation of District irteen into its three district council areas. 2. License Human Service Community Residential Facilities for six or fewer facility esidents are regulated as permitted -- rather th�n special conditi n -- uses. 3. To cla fy the intent of the ordinance the language referring to the distance require ent for human service facilities has been changed from located 1 20 f et from an ther facili to located at least 1320 radial feet from anothe licensed human service communi residential facilitv. For your convenien , the first two amendments are indicated by shading in the attached document. �ya���.s OEPARTMENT�FFICE/COUNqL DATE INITIATED PED: Planning �'' 1�_ . GREEN S EE N0. ��4 9 COPITACT PER80N 6 PHONE � � � INITIAUDATE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOFl CITY COUNpL Nanc Homans X3372 NV�� �Cm ATfORNEY �CITY CLERK MUST 8E ON OOUNpL AQENDA BY(DAT� IIOU'iN10 �BUDQET DIRECTOR �FlN.d I�T.SERVICES �MAYOR(OR A8B18T �Reichert TOTAL#�OF SKiNATUi�PA�S 2 (CUP ALL LOCATION8 ROR SIONATUR� ACTION REOUE8TED: Sign transmittal letter nd ordinance relating to regulation of c unity residential facilities. RECOMMENDnTI0N8:�Plxow W a►R�a l� COtMiqL COMMITTEElRESEARCN REPORT OrTI A PLANNING OOAMiAI8S10N _qVll RVIC`COMMI8SION �Y� PNONE N0. • _d8 OOMMITTEE _ A srn� _ ootip�Hrs: —aetAicr couRr _ w�oars v��oouNa�oa�c�nvE� Housin /Neighborhoods a�u►nwc3�.�,o�oRruwrtr wh.c,wnsn,wn.r.,wny�: The Planning Commission found the present zoning code to be inade ate to the task of regulat ing the range of facili y types that have emerqed over the past d cade. They initiated a task force and forty ac e study for the purpose of defining facil ty types and designing appropriate regulations Recommendations were adopted by the Co ission in Nfarch 1989. Passage of amendments t the federal Fair Housing Act in 1989, ho ever, raised additional legal and policy issues requiring that the Commission review its earlier recommendations. �v�rrraoes��veu: - The status of various facility types will be defined. At prese t, all types are treated the same. - There will be fewer r strictions on long term transitional hous ng programs for the home- less--consistent with the recommendations of the Overnight Shel er Hoard. - Facility types which re the least compatible with low den�ity esidential neighborhoods will be first allowed in multi-family zoning districts--rather han single family as under the present code. Th ir size would be restricted to a maximum f 32 beds unless the limit is modified by the Co ission. WBMVANTALiE81F APPROVED: None apparent. R��EIVED � SIEp241990 ClTY CLERK DISADVMITIUiES IF NO'T APPROVED: - The City may be force to accept an incompatible use because o regulations are insufficient. - Applicants, decision akers and neighborhood residents will co inue to be confused and frustrated by the co 's lack of clarity. - The City risks legal hallenge under the provisions of the Fed a1 Fair Housing Act. Other cities have faced Ju ice Department fines in residential faci ity cases. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION — C08T/REVENIIE BUDaETED( ONE) YEB NO FllNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FlNANGAL INFORMATION:(EXPWN) t � dw � _� ��.. NOTE: COMPLETE DiRECTiON3 ARE INCLUDED IN THE OREEN SHEET INSTRUCTIOWAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHA31NCi OFFICE(PF1�NE NO.298-422b). ROUTINQ ORDER: Bslow are proMrred routinpe br the five moat frequent typee of docunteMs: CONTRACTS (a�urtbs authorized COUNqL FiESOLUTION (Amend� BdgtsJ budqet exiata) Accept. Orenta) 1. Outaids Ager�cy 1. DspaRment DireCtor 2. Inldatiny DepsrtmeM 2. Budp�t Director 3. Gty Attorney 3. CiIY�Y 4. Mayor 4. MayoNAai�rn 5. Flnence�Mgmt 3vcs. Director 5. qty Coundl 8. Flnance AccouMir� 8. Chief Aa�ur�taM, Fln d�Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budpst) OOUNqI RESOLUTION (��;�� iievielon 1. /�ctivity M�nagsr 2: ��arecta 2. DepartmeM IlocouritaM a: �arector 4: �oou�nd�i udpet Diroctor 5. City Clsrk � 6. c�ief�►000umar�t. Fln a AAq�m svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all othsrs) 1. Ini�aNnp D�utment 2. City Attornsy 3. MayoNAssistant 4. dty Clsrk TOTAL NUMBER OF SK�NATURE PA(�ES Indk�te the i of p�pss a�which si�netures ue requirod and p�p�n�ip each of these a ss. ACTION RE�UE3TED Dsscribs virtiat the projecUnqusst�ks a acx�rr�plfsh in sitl�chr�onolopi- cel or'dsr a order of irr�porhnce,vrhicFwrsr�nwet appropri�M fOr th� iasue. Do not write oomplete ssntenas.8spin each itsm in your list with a verb. RECOIiAMENDATION8 Complste H the issus in quetlfon ha bs�n preeeMsd bsMre u�y body,public or privat�. SUPP�TS WHICH COIJNpL OBJECTIVE? Indicate which Council objscdMS(+)Your P►o�t/roQuaq wPP�bY��� tl)e ke�►word(s)(HOUSINQ, RECREATION,NEIOHBORHOOD3, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDf3ET,3E1NER 3EP/►RATION).(SEE COMPLETE L18T IN IN8TRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNGL C�MMITTEE/RESEIIRCH REPORT-OPTI�IAL AS REOUESTED BY COUNqL INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY Explein the situation cx oondidona th�t c�ted a nead for your pr�ect or roqusst. ADVANTA(iES IF APPROVED Indicete whether thls is simply an annwl budpst proc�dure required by law/ charter or whMher ths►e an ap�dflc w� in which ths Gty of Saint Paul �nd ifa citizens will bsneflt hom this pro�Ct/aCtion. DISADVANTA(iES IF APPROVED What nepatnre Mfects or major cha►pes to enistiny or past procesees might this proJsct/requsst produce ff it b p�d(a.g.,traf�c deleye, noise, tax inc�or asewements)?To Whom?Whsn?For how long? DISADVANTA(iES IF NOT APPROVED What will be ths negative cone�querx.ys if the promised ectio�is not approved? InabilNy to deliver senics?CoMinued high trai�c, noiae, acddent rate?Lass of rovenue4 FINANdAL IMPACT Althaph you must tailor the iniorrt�ation you provids hero to ths issus you art addreaing,in gensral you must answ�r two qwNions: How much is it 9��9 to cast?Who is�ofng to payr ' ' 1 � �(3S'T'1 ��T� � �' Council File # / ���7�`-��- �� � �� �.,, • A , Ordinance # _ 1�-/3 S �� a � a � � � � � '� L G� `�a areen Sheet # U�T / ORDINANCE F SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred T Committee: Date �,.,� An ordinance ame ding Ch ter 60, Sections .203, .205, .206, .208, .213, .215, .219, .220, .412, .413, .4 3, .432, .433, .443, .453, .462, .463, .513, .524, .534, .542, .543 .554, .562,.,,.563, .574, .612, .614, .622, .624, .752 and .753 of the Saint Pa 1 Legislative��,�ode pertaining to the Zoning Code - Community Residential Faci ities. - THE COUNCIL OF T E CITY OF SAINT PA DOES ORDAIN: Secti 1. That Sect' n 60.203 of the Saint Pau Legislative Code be and is hereby amended so as to delete the definition of Co unity Residential Facility and to add the followin definitions thereto: --� . � � , � � , � , , � > > , , � , e�-�e�te , , . , • , . , . , • , ; . , . � , � . 1 .� , , , , , , �d�17 5��..-, � � � �r � � � ` � � 1'a� • � J 1 + . � r � � f r e f Communit esidential facilit licensed correctiona '. One main buildin or ortion thereof on one zonin lot where one or ore ersons who are laced the e b a court court services de artment arole authorit or other corr ctional a enc havin dis ositional ower over ersons char ed with or co victed of a crime or ad'udicated delin uent reside on a 24 hour er da b sis under the care and su ervision of a residential ro ram licensed the Minnesota De artment of Corrections. This defi ition does not include: 1 Licensed foster care homes servin ers ns under 18 ears of age in the principal residence of the license holder: 2 Munici al count or re ional 'ails !workhouses uvenile detention facilities, or state correctional facilities operated by the commissioner of corrections. Communit residential facilit licensed human servi e. One main buildin or ortio thereof on one zonin lot where one or more i children or ii er ons with mental retardation or relate conditions mental illness hemical de endenc or h sical handica reside on a 24 hour er da b sis under the aus ices of a ro ram lice sed b the Minnesota De artmen of Human Services to rovide lod in in con'unction with monitorin su ervision treatment rehabilit tion habilitation educatio or trainin of the residents of the fac'lit . 2 � . � � � �� -���� 0 � � �' � � ,� L This defini ion does not include: 1 Foster homes or freestandin foster homes as defined in sec- tion 60.206 of this code: 2 Residential treatment ro rams h sicall located on hos ital grounds; 3 Re ional treatment centers o erated b he commissioner of human services: 4 Licensed semi-inde endent livin servic s for ersons with mental retardation or related conditions or mental illness, if the license holder is not providing. in any manner, direct or indirect. the housing used by uersons receivin� the service. Communit esidential facilit health de artment icensed. One main buildin r ortion thereof on one zonin lot whic is licensed b the commission r of health as a roomin and or boardin ouse and receives 50 ercent or more of its residents under a contract r other arran ement with the tate or a local overnment human services a enc to rovide lod in fo eo le who are mentall ill or chemicall de endent. Section 2. That Secti n 60.205 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and is hereby amended to add t e following definition thereto: Emer enc ousin facilit . One main buildin or ortion thereof on one zonin lot where ersons who do not have housin live on a 24 hour er da b sis until more ermanent arran ements can be made but enerall for not lon er than 30 da s. Section 3. That Sect on 60.206 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and is hereby amended to add he following definitions thereto: Foster ho e. A dwellin unit in which a foster care ro ram licensed b the commi sioner of human services or the commissio er of corrections is o erated n the rinci le residence of the license older. Free-stan in foster care home. A dwellin unit in which a foster care ro ram t at is licensed b the commissioner of h an services is o erated 'n other than the rinci le residence of the license holder. 3 , � � � � � � �� - ���- . � � �4 ` ` �"' Section 4. That Sectio 60.208 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and is hereby amended to add th following definition thereto: Hos ice. 0 e main buildin or ortion thereof on o e zonin lot in which termi all ill ersons live in order to receive a ro riate Medicare-ce tified hos ice services Section 5. That Sectio 60.213 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and is hereby amended so as to elete the definition of Nission. , , > > • Section 6. That Secti n 60.215 of the Saint Pau1 Legislative Code be and is hereby amended to add t e following definition thereto: Overni ht heZter One main buildin or ortion th reof on one zonin 1ot where ersons receive overni ht shelter but are not ex ected or ermitted o remain on a 24 hour er da basis. Section 7. That Secti n 60.219 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and is hereby amended to add e following definition thereto: Shelter f r battered ersons. One main buildin o ortion thereof on one zonin lot where adults and children who have suffered assault or batter 1've on a 24 hour er da basis for a erio of time enerall not to ex eed 30 da s and are served b a ro ram c rtified b the Min- nesota De artment of Corrections. Section 8. That Sect on 60.220 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and is hereby amended to add he following definition thereto: Transitio al housin facilit . One main buildin or ortion thereof on one zo in lot where ersons who ma or ma not have access to tradi- tional or ermanent housin but are ca able of livin inde endentl within a easonable eriod of time enerall about 18 months reside on a 24 hou er da basis for at least 30 da s and rtici ate in a - ro riat ro ram activities desi ned to facilitat inde endent livin 4 . . . . �� --i7� � � � o � � � � `�,' , � Section 9. �q � �'�' `' � [Single Family - Permitted Uses] That Sectio 60.412 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to the R-1 through R-4 D'stricts be and is hereby amended to read as follows and that subsections 9 thr ugh 11 be renumbered to 14 through 16 respectively: (8) Foste homes se�v}��s�� e� �ewe� �__?'_��-- �__?a_�}_ --.. - (9) Free standin foster care homes (10) Hos 'ces servin six or fewer facilit residen s (11) Huma service licensed communit residential f cilities servin four or fewer facil't residents located more han 1320 radial feet from an other such facilit (12) Tran itional housin facilities servin four o fewer facilit resi ents. (13) Shel ers for battered ersons servin four or fewer facilit resi- dent . Section 10. That the f rst paragraph in Section 60.413 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining o R-1 through R-4 Districts be and is hereby amended to read as follows: Principal ses permitted sub�ect to special conditians. The following additiona uses shall be permitted sub�ect to the conditions hereinafter imposed f r each use and subject to the �e��e� �-�—�g�e����� �e--�r standards specified for all special condition uses as set forth in Section 64.300 c . Al1 rinci al use ermitted sub'ect to s ecia conditions shall be reviewed and a rove b the lannin commissio . Section 11. [Single Family: Special Condition Uses] That Sect on 60.413 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to R-1 through R-4 Dis ricts be and is hereby amended to amend subsection 5, add the following new s bsections 6 and 7 and renwnber subsections 6 through 13 to subsections 8 t rough 16: 5 . � � � � � � q� -��.� �� ; `, �S�j' Licen ed human service community residential facilities serving ��° five r six '�-�P�€�w� facility residents, �'��a�M° �°�}�Y , located more han one thousand three hundred twenty (13'20)radial feet from an other uch facilit , (6) Tran itional housin facilities servin five o six facilit resi- dent sub'ect to the followin conditions• a A minimum distance of 1 320 feet from other transitional housing facilities. shelters, licensed human service community residential facilities. licensed correctional community residential facilities, emergency housing facilities, health department licensed communitX residential facilities, or overnight she�ters. b Permission for s ecial condition use a ies onl as lon as the number of facility residents is not increased and its purpose or location do not chant?e and ot�er conditions of the permit are met. (7) Shel ers for battered ersons servin sixteen or fewer facilit resi ents sub'ect to the followin conditions:. a A minimum distance of 1 320 feet from ther shelters transitional housing facilities, licens�d human service community residential facilities, licen�ed correctional community residential facilities, emer��ncv housing facilities. health department licensed communitv residential facilities. or overnight shelters. b It shall not be located in a two-famil or multi-famil dwelling unless the facility occu�ies the entire structure. c Permission for s ecial condition use a lies onl as lon as the number of facility residents is not increased and its purpose or location do not chan�e and other conditions of the permit are met. d It shall not be located in a lannin district in which one percent or more of the pouulation lives in licensed human service communitv residential facilitie's, licensed correctional community residential facilities, health department licensed community residential facilities. emergency housing facilities, overnight shelters. shelters for battered persons and/or transitional housing facilities. 6 �� � � � � �� - /���" � � � �� �'!,� (� � Section 12. � ;, '�6.� � �, ; ' b � ; That the fi st paragraph of Section 60.423 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining t the RT-1 District be and is hereby amended to read as fol- lows: Principal ses permitted subject to special conditions. The following additional uses shall be permitted sub�ect to the conditions hereinafter imposed fo each use and sub,j ect to the �ei*�ew ^-^-�-���e��-e€-��- standards specified for all sgecial condition uses as set forth n Section 64.300 c All rinci al uses ermitted sub ect to s ecial conditions shall be reviewed and a roved 'b the lannin commission Section 13. [Two-family: Special Condition Uses] That subse tion 3 of Section 60.423 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to th RT-1 District be and is hereby deleted, that subsections 4 and 5 be renumbe ed to subsections 3 and 4: Pe�tx����r-�e�f�c���$� €�e��f��-eee���e�-��e e����e s��t�e t�e- ��� s��������es-�es f g�e�-e�new���� " -'r_„..,,.. �,.r �' =�`= -.. g�e�t�e� e,��re������ew�g�ea�e� ��be� �:��-=�re�se���e� €e��€��aai������x�g-��t�s �AA sq�a�e-#�,� � �o �e$}�e��s-�.a���ee� ����e��r�e�e�t-� €e� �e}g���r� se���e�t:-rrr��-:�rf���e��ee��e� �s� „a �,�, �,.:��a� , $c�r����e�-s�se� €e�ee�i���es��e���a� �$e�����e s;--e�- F., •i •�. •a,....�., -------� -=--------• �t���e$t�e��ta� €tke��f�����-as-�e��g-a�-�t e e�s��g�- , • 7 , � � � qo - /��" � � � � �� n � Section 14. �� ��°^: ��. ,�,� : ��� ��'-'� r--� [RT-2 Townhouse: Permitted Uses] That subsec ion 4 of Section 60.432 of the Saint Pau1 Legislative Code pertaining to the RT-2 District be renumbered to subsection 5, and the follow- ing new subsectio be added thereto: 4 Hos i es servin sixteen or fewer ersons Section 15. [RT-2 Townhouse: Special Condition Uses) That Sectio 60.433 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to the RT-2 District be and is hereby amended to read as follows: Principal ses permitted sub�ect to special conditions. The following additional uses shall be permitted subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed fo each use and subject to the standards specified for all special condition uses as set forth n Section 64.300 c . All rinci al uses ermitted sub'ect to s ecial co ditions shall be reviewed and a roved b the lannin com- mission. 1) Al1 ses as permitted and as regulated in R-1 through R-4 and RT-1 Resi ential Districts under principal uses permitted sub�ect to spec al conditions. 2) Tran itional housin facilities servin seven to sixteen facilit resi ents sub'ect to the followin conditions:' a It shall not be located in a two famil or multi-famil dwelling unless the facilitv occupies the entire structure. b A minimum distance of 1 320 radial feet from other transi- tional housing or shelters for battered persons, licensed human service community residential facilities. licensed correctional communitv residential faci�ities, emergency housing, health department licensed community residential facilities or overnight shelters. c One off street arkin s ace for ever two facilit resi- dents. d It shall not be located in a lannin district in which one percent or more of the ponulation lives in licensed human service community residential facilities, licensed correc- tional community residential facilities, health department licensed community residential faciliti,es, emergency housing facilities. overnight shelters, shelters for battered per- sons and/or transitional housing facili,Fties. 8 ' �v _ � �� e Permission for s ecial condition use a 1 es onl as lon as the number of facilitv residents is not increased and its purpose or location do not change and other conditions of the permit are met. 3 Licen ed human service communit residential facilities servin si te n or fewer facilit residents sub'ect to 'the followin condi ion: a It shall be located 1320 radial feet fro an other such facilitv. Section 16. RM-1 Multiple Family: Special Condition U�esJ That Secti n 60.443 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to the RM-1 District be and is hereby amended to read as follows: Principal ses sub�ect to special conditions. The following additional uses shall be permitted, subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed for each u e, and subject to the ee�ie�s�e� standards specified for all special condition uses as set forth in S ction 64.300 c . All rinci al uses e itted sub'ect to s ecial co ditions shall be reviewed and a roved b the lannin com- mission. (1) All ses permitted and as regulated in the R-1 through R-4, RT-1, and T-2 Residential Districts under principal uses permitted sub- jec to special conditions. (2) Roo ing and rooming and boardinghouses, ; transitional housinr? $or 17 or more fac lit residents shelters for battered er ons servin 17 or mor facilit residents and licensed human s rvice residential fac lities for 17 or more ersons located mor than 1320 radial fee from an other such facilit subject to the following, condi- tio s: , a Minimum lot area of five thousand (5,000) square feet be provided for the first two (2) guest rooms and one thousand (1,000) square feet for each additional guest rooms. b One off street arkin s ace for ever �two facilit resi- dents. c Transitional housin facilities and she�lters for battered persons shall not be located in a planning district in which one percent or more of the population �,ives in licensed human service community residential facilities, licensed correctional community residential facilities, health department licensed community resident�al facilities, emer- 9 � � � /75�" gencv housing facilities. overni�ht shelters, shelters for battered persons and/or transitional housing facilities. d Permission for s ecial condition use a 1 es onl as lon as the number of residents is not increased and its licensine, purpose, or location do not change and other conditions of the Qermit are met. 3 Trans tional housin servin 5 to 16 facilit r�esidents and shel- ters or battered ersons servin 5 to 16 facilit residents sub- 'ect o the followin conditions• a One off street arkin s ace for ever t o facilit resi- dents. b It shall not be located in a lannin di trict in which one percent or more of the ponulation lives �n licensed human service community residential facilities, licensed correc- tional community residential facilities, health department licensed community residential facilities, emergency housing facilities. overnight shelters. shelters for battered per- sons and�or transitional housing facilities. c Permission for s ecial condition use a ies onl as lon as the number of facility residents is not �ncreased and its gurQose or location do not change and ot�er conditions of the permit are met. � Lice sed correctional residential facilities sub'ect to the fol- lowi conditions: a It shall not be located in a two-famil or multi-famil dwellinrt unless the facility occupies the entire structure. b The facilit serves no more than 16 fac lit residents. c The minimum lot size is 5 000 s uare fe t lus 1 000 s uare feet for each �?uest room in excess of two guest rooms. d A minimwn distance of 1320 feet from ot er licensed correc- tional community residential facilities. licensed human service communitv residential facilities, transitional hous- in� or shelters for battered persons, emer�enc,y housing. health department licensed community residential facilities or overnight shelters. e One off street arkin s ace for ever two facilit resi- dents. f Preliminar licensin review b the Mi nesota De artment of Corrections. 10 �. � � �� -�7�- It shall not be located in a lannin dis rict in which one percent or more of the povulation lives i� licensed human service community residential facilities, licensed correc- tional communitv residential facilities, health department licensed community residential facilities. emergency housin� facilities, overnight shelters, shelters for battered per- sons and/or transitional housing facilities. h Permission for s ecial condition use a 1'es to the com- munity residential facility only as long as the number of facility residents is not increased and its purpose, licens- ing or location do not change and other cenditions of the permit are met. 5 Emer nc housin facilities and health de art ent licensed com- muni residential facilities sub'ect to the llowin conditions• a It shall not be located in a two-famil r multi-famil dwelling unless the facilitv occupies the entire structure. b The facilit serves no more than 16 faci it residents c The minimum lot size is 5 000 s uare fee lus 1 000 s uare feet for each guest room in excess of two guest rooms. d A minimum distance of 1 320 radial feet rom other health department licensed residential facilities, emergency hous- ing facilities, transitional housing or shelters for bat- tered persons. licensed human service co}nmunit,y residential facilities, licensed correctional community residential facilities, or overnight shelters. e One off street arkin s ace for ever wo facilit resi- dents. f It shall not be located in a lannin d striet in which one percent or more of the population lives in licensed human service community residential facilities. licensed correc- tional communitv residential facilities. health department licensed communit,y residential facilitigs. emergency housing facilities. overni�ht shelters, shelters for battered per- sons and/or transitional housing facili�ies. Permission for s ecial condition use a lies to the com- munity residential facilitv only as lon��as the number of facility residents is not increased and its purpose or loca- tion do not change and the other conditions of the permit are met. 11 9� - ���` Section 17. [ -2 Multiple Family: Special Condition Uses] That the fi st paragraph of Section 60.453 and subsection 3 of Section 60.453 of the Sai t Paul Legislative Code pertaining to the RM-2 District be and are hereby am nded to read as follows: Principal u es permitted subject to special conditions. The following additional ses shall be permitted, subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed for each use and subject to the standards specified for al'1 special condition uses as set forth in Section 64 300 c . Al1 rinci al uses ermitted sub'ect to s ecial conditions shall be reviewed and roved b the lannin c ission. (3) Hos 'c s e in 7 o more facilit residents nursing homes and boar ing care homes which are not community re�idential faci ities, provided the yard requirements for multiple-family use in t is district are applied. Section 18. [RM-3 Multiple Family: Permitted Uses] That Secti n 60.462 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to the RM-3 District be and is hereby amended to amend subsection' 3, add the follow- ing new subsecti n 4 and renumber subsections 4-6 to 5-7, respectively: (3) Fost r homes or freestandin� foster homes 4 Tra sitional housin servin four or fewer fa ilit residents and he ters for battered ersons servin four or ewer facilit re i- den s 12 , . � � �� ��" ���`�. Section 18. [RM-3 igh Rise Multiple Family: Special Condition Uses] That the fi st paragraph of Section 60.463 and subsections 2 and 3 of Section 60.463 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to the RM-3 Dis- trict be and are ereby amended to read as follows: Principal u es permitted sub3ect to special conditions. The following additional ses shall be permitted subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed for each use, and subject to the standards specified for all special condition uses as set for in Section 64 300 c . All rinci al us s ermitted sub'ect to s ecial conditions shall be reviewed and a roved b the lannin commission. �2) , Transitional housin� facilities serving 5-16 facilitX resi ents and shelters for battered ersons s rvin 5-16 facilit resi ents subject to the conditions set forth for RM-1 Multi- Fami Residential Districts in Section 60.443, principal uses perm tted subject to special conditions. (3) , Transitional housing servin_,.g seventeen or more faci it residents or shelters for battered e sons servin seven- teen or more facilit residents human service licensed communit resi ential facilities servin seventeen or more facilit resi- dent and located more than 1320 feet from an other such faci it licensed correctional communit res'dential facilities health de artment licensed communit resident'al facilities and eme enc housin facilities sub�ect to the conditions set forth for . RM-1 Low densit Low-rise Multi le Famil Residen ial Districts in Sec ion 60.443, principal uses permitted subject to special condi- tio s. Section 19. [OS-1: Special Condition Uses] That the irst paragraph of Section 60.513 and subsection 3 of Section 60.513 pertaini g to the OS-1 District of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and are hereby mended to read as follows: Principal uses permitted sub3ect to special conditions. The following additiona uses shall be permitted, subject to the standards specified for ,all special condition uses as s t forth in Section 64.300 c . All rinc' al uses ermitted sub ect t s ecial conditions shall be reviewed and a roved b the lannin ommission. 13 �. � � 9� -� ���- 3) Mixed residential and office services uses subject to the follow- ing c nditions: a. Residential units are restricted to the s�cond and third stories and to not more than fifty (SO) percent of the first floor. b. For new construction a minimum four foot setback shall be required from all interior lot lines for �'esidential uses. c. Office uses are limited to those which are otherwise per- mitted in the district. d Residential units ma be occu ied b foster homes or frees- tanding foster homes. They may also be occupied by human service licensed community residential facilities serving sixteen or fewer facility residents provided that they are 1320 radial feet from any other such facilitv or hospices serving sixteen or fewer facility residents. e. Residential units may be occupied by shelters for battered persons or transitional housing serving sixteen or fewer facility residents provided they are not located in a plan- ning district in which one percent or more of the population lives in licensed human service community residential facilities, licensed correctional commun,�ty residential facilities, health department licensed communitv residential facilities, transitional housing, shelters for battered per- sons, emergency housing, or overnight shelters. Section 20. [B-1: Special Condition Uses] That the irst paragraph of Section 60.524 and subsection 3 of Section 60.524 of the S int Paul Legislative Code pertaining to the B-1 District be and are hereby ended to read as follows, subsection 4 of Section 60.524 is deleted and sub ection 5 is renumbered to subsection 4: Principal uses permitted sub�ect to special conditibns. The following additiona uses shall be permitted subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed f r each use and subject to the standards specified for all special condition uses as set forth in Section 64.300 c . All rinci al uses ermitted sub'ect to s ecial c nditions shall be reviewed and a roved b the lannin com- mission. 14 . � � 9J - ���- (3) Mixed residential and commercial uses subject to the following condi ions: a) Residential units are restricted to the s�cond and third stories of commercial structures and to not more than fifty percent of the first floor. b Residential units ma be occu ied b foster homes or free standing foster homes. c Residential units ma be occu ied b hum n service licensed community residential facilities serving sixteen or fewer facilitv residents, provided that they are 1320 radial feet from any other such facility, or hospices serving sixteen or fewer facility residents. d) Residential units ma be occu ied b she 'ters for battered persons or transitional housing serving sixteen or fewer facility residents provided they are not located in a plan- ning district in which one percent or mo�e of the population lives in licensed human service community residential facilities, licensed correctional communitv residential facilities, health department licensed community residential facilities, transitional housing, shelte�s for battered per- sons. emer�ency housing, or overnight shelters. d) For new construction, a minimum four foot side yard setback shall be required from all interior lot lines for residen- tial uses. d) Commercial uses are limited to those which are otherwise permitted in the district. m���ee� ��e ee�t��e��ae� €e���t €s����e��es t��ee��ex� 69. �'�� �'es��e��s, e�ee�� €es�e�' �e�ees-�-,aee� �k� ��a;*-".-�� ^'- �••••}1.. F',.,,. it 7 thrn»ah R 4 L1a.^ z',,•••i�• n^^"dnaati^� ni nt,,.;,•}•• ------ --- -- - ------a-- -- • ---- ------� ------------- --------- . � d+ca��r. f �ae��t��-�e$��e�te, �s-�-�ee� ���ee����sr3s�-�e� ��,.-�-_� �� � . , 15 . . q� i��_ Section 21. [B-2: Special Condition Uses] That the fi st paragraph of Section 60.534 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining t the B-2 District be and is hereby amended to read as fol- lows, a new subse tion 7 to be added to Section 60.534 and subsection 7 renum- bered to subsecti n 8: Principal es permitted sub�ect to special conditions. The following additional ses shall be permitted, subject to the es�ie�t : standards specified for all special condi- tion uses s set forth in Section 64.300 c . All r"nci al uses er- mitted sub'ect to s ecial conditions shall be review d and a roved b the lanni commission 7 Lice sed correctional communit residential fa ilities health de a tment licensed communit residential faci ities and emer enc hous n facilities sub'ect to conditions as se forth for RM-1 Mult -Famil Residential Districts in Section 0.443. Section 22. [B-3: Permitted Uses] That subse tion 1 of Section 60.542 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to th B-3 District be and is hereby amended to read as follows: (1) All rincipal uses permitted and used permitted subject to special con ition in OS-1, B-1, and B-2 Districts except auto service sta- tio s and �m���?}; ___'a��'--�, ��_?,?'-?__, licensed correctional co nit residential facilities health de artment licensed com- mun't residential facilities and emer enc ousin and meeting at east the minimum conditions imposed in each district. Section 23. [B-3: Special Condition Uses] That the irst paragraph of Section 60.544 and subsection 9 of Section 60.544 of the S int Paul Legislative Code pertaining to the B-3 District be and are hereby mended to read as follows: Principal uses permitted sub3ect to special conditions. The following additiona uses shall be permitted, subject to the conditions hereinaft r imposed for each use and subject to the : standards specified for all special condi- tion uses as set forth in Section 64.300 c . All rinci al uses er- mitted s 'ect to s ecial conditions shall be reviewed and a roved b the lan in commission. 16 �, � � � . 9a - /7� (9) , Licensed corre�ctional community resid ntial facilities health de artment licen ed communit resid ntial facilities and emer enc housin as permitted and regul ted in a�a B-2 Business Districts under principal uses permi ted sub�ect to special conditions. Section 24. [B-4 CBD: Permitted Uses] That the fi st paragraph of Section 60.552 and subsection 2 of Section 60.552 of the Sai t Paul Legislative Code pertaining to the' B-4 District be and are hereby an nded to read as follows: Principal es permitted. In a B-4 Central Business District the use of land, the 1 cation and erection of new buildings or structures and the alteration, enlargement and moving of existing buildings or structures from other locations or districts shall conform to the following use groups, un ess otherwise provided in this code: (2) Apar ment residential uses. To include: (a) foster homes and free stan in foster homes located in multi le fami structures• b huma service licensed communit residential f cilities located more than 600 radial feet from an other such acilit and located i in a multi le famil structure• c transition 1 housin and shel- ters for battered ersons located in multi le amil structures and d hos ices located in multi le famil st uctures Section 25. [B-4 CBD: Special Condition Uses] That the first paragraph of Section 60.554 and subsection 1 of Section 60.554 of the S int Paul Legislative Code pertaining to the B-4 District be and are hereby ended to delete subsection l, add the following new subsec- tion 1-3 and re umber subsection 2-12 to 4-14. Principal used permitted sub�ect to special conditions. The following additiona uses shall be permitted subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed f r each use and subject to the standards specified for all sQecial condition uses as set fo th in Section 64.300 c . All rinci al u es ermitted sub'ect to s ecia conditions shall be reviewed and a rove' b the lannin commissio . , 17 �, � � � �� - ���- 1 Licen ed correctional communit residential fac lities sub ect to the f llowin conditions: a The facilit serves no more than 32 facil t residents. b A minimum distance of 600 feet from othe licensed correc- tional community residential facilities, licensed human service community residential facilities, transitional hous- ing. shelters for battered persons, emerg�ency housing1 health department licensed communitv residential facilities or overnight shelters. c It shall occu the entire structure d Preliminar licensin review b the Minn sota De artment of Corrections. e Permission of s ecial conditions use a ies to the facilit onlv as long as the number of facility residents is not in- creased and its purpose, licensing or location do not change and all other conditions of the permit a�e met. 2 Emer enc housin facilit sub'ect to the followin conditions: a The facilit serves no more than 32 facilit residents. b A minimum distance of 600 feet from othe emer enc housin licensed correctional communitv residential facilities. licensed human service community resider�tial facilities. transitional housing, shelters for battered persons, health department communitv residential facilities or overni�ht shelters. c Permission for s ecial condition use a lies to the com- munity residential facilitY onlv as long as the number of facility residents is not increased or purpose or location do not change and other conditions of the permit are met. 3 Hea th de artment licensed communit resident al facilities sub- 'ec to the followin conditions: a The facilit serves no more than 32 fac'lit residents. b A minimum distance of 600 feet from zon'n lots used for other health degartment licensed communitv residential facilities, emergency housing facilities, transitional hous- ing or shelters for battered persons, licensed human service community residential facilities, licensed correctional com- munity residential facilities. or overnight shelters. 18 , , . �� _ ��y�,r c Permission for s ecial condition use a 1'es to the om- unit residential facilit onl as lon s the number of facilitv residents is not increased or purpose or location do not change and other conditions of the permit are met. Section 26. [B-5 CBD: Permitted Uses] T'hat Sectio 60.562 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to the B-5 District be a d is hereby amended to delete subsection 9 therefrom: Section 27. [B-5 CBD: Special Condition Uses] That the f'rst paragraph of Section 60.563 and subsection 1 of Section 60.563 of the Sa'nt Paul Legislative Code be and are hereby amended to read as follows; subsect ons 2-21 be renumbered to subsection 3-22, and a new subsec- tion 2 to be add d to Section 60.453: Principal ses permitted sub�ect to special conditions. The following additional uses shall be permitted subject to the coriditions hereinafter imposed fo each use and subject to the standards specified for all sQecial condition uses as set forth n Section 64.300 c . All rinci al uses ermitted sub"ect to s ecial co ditions shall be reviewed and a roved b ' the lannin com- mission. (1) Health department licensed com- munit residential facilities and emer enc housin as permitted and regulated in�i-�, $r$ �-� the B-4 Business District. 2 Ove ni ht shelters sub'ect to the followin c nditions: a A minimum distance of 600 feet from oth r overni ht shel- ters, licensed human service community residential facilities. licensed correctional community residential facilities, health department licensed �ommunity residential facilities, transitional housing, shelters for battered per- sons, and emergency housing. 19 : � 9v _ , 7��- Section 28. [B-2C: Special Condition Uses] That the fi st paragraph of Section 60.574 of the Sai�1t Paul Legislative Code pertaining t the B-2C District be and is hereby amended to read as fol- lows: Principal u es permitted subject to special conditions. The following additional ses shall be permitted, subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed for each use and subject to the standards specified for all special condition uses as set forth in Section 64 300 c All rinci al uses ermitted sub ect to ecial conditions shall be reviewed and roved b the lannin co ission. Section 29. [I-1 Light Industrial: Permitted Uses] That subse tion 22 of Section 60.612 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to th I-1 District be and is hereby deleted therefrom: Section 30. [I-1: Special Condition Uses] That the f rst paragraph and subsection 1 of Section, 60.614 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to the I-1 District be and is hereby amended to read as follo s; that subsection 9 be renumbered to subsection 10, and a new subsection 9 be added to Section 60.614. Principal ses permitted sub�ect to special condition. The following additiona uses shall be permitted subject to the condition hereinafter imposed f r each use and subject to the standards specified for all special condition uses as set forth in Section 64.300 c . All rinci al use ermitted sub ect to s ecia conditions shall be reviewed and a rove b the lanin com- mission. (1) All uses as permitted and as regulated in the B-3 Business Dis- tri t under principal uses permited subject to special conditions 9 Ove ni ht shelters as ermitted and re ulated in B-5. 20 �. � ' � /C'� - / 7y�;- Section 31. [I-2: Permitted Uses] That subsec ion 1 of Section 60.622 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to the I-2 District be and is hereby amended to read as follows: (1) Any u es permitted in the I-1 District as "principal uses per- mitte " and "principal uses permitted subject to special condi ions," except for adult bookstores, adult cabarets, adult conve sation/rap parlors, adult health/sports clubs, adult massage parlo s, adult mini-motion picture theatres, adult motion picture theat es, adult steam room/bathhouse facilities and other adult uses, airports and public and private heliports, health de a tment licensed communit residential faci ities licensed corr ctional communit residential facilities emer enc housin and verni ht shelters; provided, that they meet at least the mini um conditions imposed in each district. Section 32. [I-2: Special Condition Uses] That the f rst paragraph of Section 60.624 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to the I-2 District be and is hereby amended to read as fol- lows; subsection 16 and 17 be renumbered subsections 18 and 19, and add new subsections 16 a d 17 to Section 60.624 as follows: Principal ses subject to special conditions. The following additional uses shall be permitted, subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed for each e and subject to the �seie� s ndards s ecified for all s ecial condition uses as set forth in Sectio 64.300 c . All rinci al uses ermitted sub'ect to s ecial condition shall be reviewed and a roved b the 1 nnin commission (16) Hea th de artment licensed communit resident al facilities lic nsed correctional communit residential f cilities and emer- en housin as ermitted and re ulated in t e B-3 General Busi- nes District. (17) Ove ni ht shelters as ermitted and re ulated in the B-5 Central Bus ness-Service District. Section 33. [ CR-1 River Corridor Residential: Permitted Uses] That Sect'on 60.752 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to RCR-1 District 's hereby amended so as to amend subsection 3, renumber subsec- tion 4 through , and add new subsections 4 and 5, as follows: (3) Fo ter homes and free standing foster homes �,ocated in permitted mu ti le famil structures $��i*t�=--st�—(-�—e� �e�e� ��_-�=---�-'_=�; 21 : � ' � �'� - i���;� 4 Hos 'ces located in ermitted multi le famil structures and serv n sixteen or fewer facilit residents. (5) Tran itional housing and shelters for battered persons located in perm tted multiple family structures and servi�g four or fewer faci ity residents. Section 34. [RCR-1: River Corridor Residential: Special Condition Uses] That subse tions 3 and 4 of Section 60.573 of the SaYnt Paul Legislative Code pertaining o the RCR-1 District are hereby amended to read as follows: (3) Tra itional housin servin five or more fac lit residents shel ers for battered ersons servin five or more facilit resi- den s licensed human service residential fac'lities located more tha 1320 radial feet from an other such fac'lit sub'ect to the con itions set forth for RM-1 Multi-Famil Re idential Districts in ection 60.433 rinci al uses ermitted s 'b'ect to s ecial con itions 6e��t�����es�de�f�� F....-,-~-'_�- --- --�o ---- .�; -- . � . (4) Hea th de artment licensed communit resident al facilities lic nsed correctional residential facilities and emer enc hous- in sub'ect to the conditions set forth for -1 Low Densit Low Ris Multi le Famil Residential Districts in Section 60 433 ri ci al uses ermitte sub'ect to s ecial conditions. -6e��� . , Section 35. This Ord ance shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after its pass ge, approval and publication. as Navs Absent Requested by D�partment of: imon �'�- , n acca ee e man une i son BY� Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified b Council Secretary By: By' Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by Mayor: Date Council By: By' ��� � . ; � ����� � . . � � R4''�tTt°'; `'_. , CITY OF SAINT PAUL O � e ���������� ; OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY . ,,� � .... JANE A. MC PEAK, CITY ATTORNEY 647 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 612-298-5121 JAMES SCHEIBEL FAX 612-298-5619 MAYOR May 24, 1991 RECEIVED Albert s. o�so �AY 17 1991 City Clerk s s 6 city xal l CITY CLERK Saint Paul, MN 55102 Dear Mr. Olson In accordance ith the requirements of Section 3 . 02 (3) of the Saint Paul Administ ative Code, please accept the attached letter for filing relati e to the substitute ordinance for Item 23 on the Council's May 28, 1991 agenda. Very truly yo rs, JG,�.t.�-/�� JANE A. MC PE K City Attorney JAM:j r Enc. . , � � 3 , � . � �- �.�- �'� , , , ���1 �� 1�C1TT��o �� •, CITY OF SAINT PAUL o � + i�=���m �; OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY . 0 "`� JANE A. MC PEAK, CTTY ATTORNEY 647 City Hall,Saint Paui,Minnesota 55102 612-298-5121 JAMES SCHEIBEL FAX 612-298-5619 MAYOR May 24, 1991 Council Presid nt Wilson and Members of th City Council City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 Dear Council P esident Wilson and Members of t e City Council: As you know, S ction 3 . 02 (3) of the Saint Paul Administrative Code requires that he City Attorney shall: "Be respo sible for the preparation of all ordinances and resolutio s as requested by the mayor or the council. He shall ad ise the council as to form and sufficiency of all ordin nces prior to their adoption, and no ordinance shall be introduced until it shall either have been • a roved s to form b the cit attorne or he shall have filed wi h the cit clerk a statement of reasons wh in his o in'on the ordinance is insufficient. " Attached plea e find a copy of Jerry Segal's letter which we have filed with th City Clerk relative to the substitute ordinance for Item 23 on th City Council's May 28, 1991 agenda. I apologize f r the lateness with which this letter comes to you. I did not rec ive the Council agenda and packet until today. Very truly yo rs, ��tc-c.e. /�-• �!�/� JANE A. MC PE K City Attorney JAM:j r Attachment ��_ �;�:�-- � � ., �r. "'°} . .!4�Ot iF0 f;+ _..Y... , 1.. ._. `e ,. .�; CITY OF SAINT PAUL ;a � �n � OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY �� - � �.��u , 3 rs yc�,,• ,; `'��.'��� JANE A. MC PEAK, CIT�'ATTORNEY 647 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 612-298-5121 JAMES SCHEIBEL Fax 612-29s-5619 _._ MAYOR � i ��i� � I�� � /�� \N,v``" F ;� � ' �/r, ��. �. ,,. ' �y�� May 16, 1991 ' 't �:�:>�, ._�,.3:.. - � h�AY 1 7 1991 :.�' _,, Councilmember om Dimond "�' `���j'�1�I��aER \ Chairperson ` . � �-� '.;��lD Housing and Ec nomic Development Committee of the City ouncil �- < 7th Floor City Hall ` ` ' ` '''` Saint Paul, M . 55102 Re: Zoninct endments- Communitv Residential Facilities Dear Councilm mber Dimond: The Coun il's Committee on Housing and EconOmic Development considered am ndments to the Zoning Code relating to community residential f cilities, and at its meeting on Wednesday, May 9th, adopted a rec mmendation to approve these code amendments with some amendmen s recommended by Councilmember Thune and Councilmember Maccabee. Our office was requested by the Committee to eview the changes as proposed and that review is now completed The firs set of amendments relate to community residential facilities fo transitional housing, correctional facilities and emergency she ters and adds an additional special condition that the facility 'not be located in a planning district with l� or more of the p pulation of the planning district living in Community Residential Facilities. "1 There i no definition for planninq district in the Zoning Code, and I ould recommend that the Code include such a definition i the event the recommended changes are to be adopted. Th City Council has in the past established citizen participatio planning districts and you may wish to refer to those distri ts and their boundaries as previously established by the City. S aff of the Department of Planning and Economic Development epartment should be able to provide the boundary descriptions if that is your desire. 1See se tion li, amends 60.413 (7) ; section 14, amends 60.433 (2) ; section 16, amends section 60.443 (2) , (3) , (4) , (5) ; section 19, amends s ction 60.513 (3) ; section 20, amends section 60.524 (3) . , � �v_ /C .�,��' The secon set of amendments would amend section 92 and add a provision to section 113 to provide that: (1) licensed human services commu ity residential facilities located more than 1320 feet from any imilar facility and serving 4 or fewer residents would be a per itted use; and (2) that such a facility which serves 5 or 6 esidents would be permitted uses in the single family residen ial districts subject to obtaining a special condition use ermit. This prop sed change would be inconsistent with and conflict with existing innesota State law as contained in Minnesota Statutes 1990, sections 245A. 11` and 462 . 357,5 and therefore I recommend that the Committee reconsider accepting that amendment. The Legislature has mandated that community residential facilities li ensed by the Department of Human Services are to constitute pe itted single family uses for zoning and other land use purposes. The proposed change would prohibit locating a licensed comm nity residential facility if it were to be located more than 132 feet of a similar facility unless the City were to grant a speci 1 condition use permit. This type of community residential f cility, pursuant to state law, is a permitted use for all zonin and other land use purposes. Therefore the City has no option to prohibit or limit this use by requiring a special condi ion use permit. The City cannot enact an ordinance which is in c nflict with, or which is pre-empted by, state 2Section 9 amends section 60.412 (il) of the Zoning Code. 3Section 11 amends section 60.413 (11) of the Zoning Code. 4Minn. St t. �245A.11, subd. 2: Residenti Z programs with a licensed capacity of six or fewer persons s aZZ be considered a permitted sinqZe-family residential use of p operty for the purposes of zoninq and other Iand use reguZatio s. SMinn. St t. �462.357, subd. 7: A state Z 'censed residentiaZ facility serving six or fewer persons, a Zicens d day care facility serving 12 or fewer persons, and a qroup fa 'Zy day care faciZity Zicensed under Minnesota Ru1es, parts 9502.031 to 9502.0445 to serve 14 or fewer children shaZ1 be consider d a permitted sinqle family residentiaZ use of property for the purp ses of zoninq. 2 . (�� _ ��.�,r law.6 Nor can he City forbid what the state has expressly permitted. ' On the ot er hand, the City may provide that these facilities may be required to obtain a special condition use permit if loca ed within 1320 feet of a similar facilitv. This is true becaus the Legislature has provided that the Commissioner o Human Services is not allowed to issue a license to a facility ' f it is to be located within 1320 feet of another facilitv unles the City should grant to that facility a special condition use ermit.8 However if the proposed facility is to be located mor than 1, 320 feet of another facility no such conditional us permit is required, and that is why the proposed change is inc sistent with state law. The Comm'ttee also considered a change to section 15 of the draft ordinan e to add licensed human service community residential f cilities serving sixteen or fewer facilitv residents as special condition use in the RT-2 zoning district. Although the City is permitted to impose the requirement for a conditional use permit on these licensed resid�ntial facilities with 7 to 16 esidents, the City is restricted in the types of conditions wh ch can be imposed on such a permit. Minnesota Statutes, sec ion 245A. 11, subdivision 3, prohibits any special condition oth r than one which is "necessary to protect the health and sa ety of the adults or children being served by the program. j9 6Mangold Midwest Co. v. Villaae of Richfield, 143 N.W. 2d 813 (1966) . 'Duffv v Martin, 121 N.W. 2d 343 (1963) . aMinn. St t. �245A.11, subd. 4, states: "The co issioner sha11 not grant an initiaZ Zicense to any residenti 1 program if the residentiaZ program wiZ1 be within 1,320 feet of a existing residentiaZ proqram unZess one of the foZZowing condition apply: (1) the existing residentiaZ program is Zocated in a hospita Zicensed by the commissioner of heaZth; or (2) the town, municipaZ 'ty, or county zoning avthority qrants the residential program a conditional use or speciaZ use permit. In cities of the first c1a s, this subdivision appZies even if a residential program is consid red a permitted singZe-famiZy residentiaZ use of property under su division 2. Foster care homes are exempt from this subdivisi n. �' 9Minn. tat. §245A. 11, subd. 3 provides as follows: "Unless therwise provided in any town, municipaZ or county zoning reqvZati n, a Zicensed residentiaZ program with a licensed capacity of seven to 6 aduZts or children shaZl be considered a permitted multifamiZy 3 . , . . 9� - ,�-�.-� . . The speci 1 condition which requires that the facility be located 1320 r dial feet from any other such facility is consistent wit the above quoted state law. However we should continue to be aware of the fact that there is a strict limitation on he ability of the city to impose any additional conditions. In additi n to the above, I would recommend that the Committee cons 'der an additional change to the amendment so as to read that the roposed facility be located at least 1320 radial feet from anot er similar facility. The language proposed at the Committee meeting was that the facility be located 1320 feet from another facili , and I believe that this would more clearly express what as intended by the change. Your truly, ;? I � ; �- ` '�� J O E J. SE �' A s�stant Ci Attorney JJS: s cc: Councilm mbers Thune and Maccabee residenti Z use of property for the purposes of zoning and other Zand use regulatio s. A town, municipaZ, or county zoning authority may require a condition 1 use or special use permit to assure proper maintenance and operation of a residential proqram. Conditions imposed on the residential program ust not be more restrictive than those imposed on other condition Z uses or speciaZ uses of residentiaZ property in the same zones, u Zess the additional conditions are necessary to protect the health an safety of the aduZts or children being served by the program. Nothing ' sections 245A.01 to 245A.16 sha11 be construed to exclude or prohibit residentiaZ programs from singZe-family zones if otherwise permitte by locaZ zoning regulations." 4 OR � � E n� � __ Courr�cil lil� � �/7`�'`� ✓ 1 \ IV L 2� ora�na�nc. : Gr�n She�t � �� ORDINANCE CITY OF SA NT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Presented By Rot�rr�d To � Committee: Date �Q��—�U An ordinance am nding Chapter 60, Sections .203, .205, .206, .208, .213, .219, .220, .412, .41 , .423, .432, .433, .443, .453, .462, .463, .513, .524, .534, .542, .543, .55 , .562, .563, .574, .612, .614, .622, .624, .752 and .753 of the Saint Paul egislative Code pertaining to the Zoning �ode - Commu ity Residential Fac lities. THE COUNCIL OF HE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Sect'on 60.203 of the Saint Paul Legislative C' e be and is hereby amended so as t delete the definition of Community Res" ential Facility and to add the fol owing definitions thereto: 6e�xttia�� -Res��ea��a�-Fae����y---9t�e-�a�x-bt�' ��ag-ex-exe-�ea�.�g-�e� wke�'e: �j ek �d�er�; }�j ge seas-wl�e-a�e-�er��a��y-�e�a��.e�. -gkys�ea���-�iaad�eapged; �e �a��y-���;-e�-eke��ea��y-deg dea�;-e� ���� ge ser�s-wke-a�e-g�aeed-�l�e�e-b a-eet���;-eet���-se�v�ees-dega��- me �;-ga�e�e-a��ke���y;-e�-e� e�-ee��ee�}eaa�-ageriey-kae�ag-�}s- ge ��}eaa�-�ewe�-eve�-�e�se -e�ia�ge�-w��k-e�-eexv�e�ed-e€-a-e�'��e e� ad�t�d�ea�e�-�e��xqt�ex� �es}de-e -a-�wea�y-€et��-kat��-ba �s-�a-e�de�-�e-�eee�ve-€es�;-�edg�xg; ea�e;-��' �r��r�g;-edt�ea��er�;-st� �v�s}ea;-l�ab��}�a��ex;-�el�ab}}��a�}ea-e� ��'ea��e �-�key-Reed-b��-�ak}e -€e�-axy-�easer�;-ear�x�e�-be-€t��x�sked-�x �l�e��-e -l�s�e Ee�xrl� y-�es�dea��a�-€ �}}��es-}xe�t�de;-bt��-a�'e-ae�-�}���ed-�e; a: R s�dea�}a�-€a ���.es-wl��ek-�'e�t���'e-�3eeas3xg-by-�ke-M}aaese�a Bepa�� �-e€-Ft����e-We�€a�e-�a�e�: � Rx� �;-El���d-Ea��ag-�xs���x��exs � Rx e-$;-S�et��-He�es � �e-�4;-Fe�seas-wl�e-a�e-�e��a��y-�e�$�ded 4. x�e-��;-�ae���.a�e-as�-��t�g-de�er�der��-�e�seas �. Rt��e-�6;-P4ex�a��y-���-pe�seas;-aa� 6: Rtz�e-BA;-Fl�ys}ea��y-kaxd�ea��ed-ge�set3s: 1 ORI � � �I � L �y�-,�� b: Res dea�ia�-€ae}����es-wk�ek-�'eqtz}�e-�}eexs��►g-e�-ee���€�ea��ex-by �l�e P4�x�ese�a-Be�a���►ea�-e€-Se��ee��eas-e�-Ra�►sey-Eet�x�y-We�€a�e Bep ���►e��-�xe�t�d�xg-Ee�at�a}�y-Ee��ee��exs-Fae}}}��es-aad-Adt��� Ha� way-Hexses: e: Faffi �y-Fes�e�-He�es-axd-6�'et�g-Fa���y-Fes�e�-He�es-��eeased-by-�Et�e P4�r� ese�a-Bepa��ffiex�-e€-Pt�b�}e-We�€a�e;-aad-Fes�e�-He�►es;-6�et�p Fes e�-He�xes-aa�-Seeaeat�x��y-Ee��ee�ieas-Fes�e�'-He�es-�}eeased-by ��ie P4�r�aese�a-Bega���nex�-e€-6e��ee��eas: d: Bea d�xg-Ea�e-Hex�es-aa�-Resa��ag-ar�d-Bea�d�r�g-Het�ses-w�i�ek-a�e �ee gx}aed-by-�ke-Ra�sey-EetzA�y-We�€a�e-Be�a���ea�-as-�esex�ees; e}•g� }e-€e�-gxb��e-�e�ff►bx�set�ex�;-€e�-p�'ev���xg-�es��ea��a�-se�v- �e s-� ge�sexs-wke-a�e-�eaEa}�y_�}}-e�-el�e��ea��y-degeadex�;-aad e: Re tx�r�g-a -Bea���xg-Het�ses-wk�el3-g�ev��e-se�`v�ees-�e-ge�se�s-wke ka e-�eea- a�ged-w��k-e�-eeav�e�ed-e€-a-e���e-aad-l�ave-beex �� ee�-��ie�e by-a-eet���;-eet���-se�v�.ees-de�a�'�x�er��;-�a�e�e ax �e�'��y-e�'- �ke�-ee�'�'ee��exa�-age�ey: Ee�tit��� -Res��ex��a�- ae��}��es-s�ee�€�ea��y-exe�t��e-kes���a�s;-���se�s aad-�e€e �a�e��es:-- Communit residential fac it licensed correctional. One main build- in or ortion thereof on ne zonin lot where o e or more ersons who are lac d there b a court ourt services de artment arole authorit or other correctional a enc h vin dis ositional ' ower over ersons char ed ith or convicted of a rime or ad'udicated delin uent reside on a 24 ho er da basis under th care and su erv'sion of a residential ro ram licensed b the Minnesota e artment of Corrections. This de inition does not include: Licensed foster care homes ervin ersons under 18 ears of a e in the rinci al reside e of the 'license holder• Munici al count or re ional 'ails workhouses 'uvenile detention facilities or state orrectional facilities o erated b the commissioner of orrections. Communi residential facilit licensed human e ice. One main build- in or ortion thereof on one zonin lot where ' ne or more i childre or ii ersons with mental retardation related conditions mental illness chemical de endenc or h sical h dica s reside on a 24 hou er da basis under the aus ices of a ro r licensed b the Minnes ta De artment of Human Services to rovide lo in in con'unction with m nitorin su ervision treatment rehabil"tati n habilitation educat'on or trainin of the residents of the facilit . This d finition does not include: 1 Foster homes or freestanding foster homes as d fined in sec- tion 60.206 of this code: 2 � � � � � � ��o-r�� 0 � � � � Residential treatment programs physically located on hospi- tal �rounds• � Regional treatment centers operated by the commissioner of human services; � Licensed semi-independent livin�? services for persons with mental retardation or related conditions or mental illness. if the license holder is not providing, in anv manner. direct or indirect. the housing used b,y persons receiving the service. Communit residential facilit health de artment icensed. One main buildin or ortion thereof on one zonin lot wh'ch is licensed b the commissi ner of health as a roomin and or boardin house and receives 50 erce or more of its residents under a contra t or other arran e- ment wit e state or a local overnment human se vices a enc to rovide od n for eo le who are mentall ill or chemicall de endent. Section 2. That Sec ion 60.20 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and is hereby amended to add the follow g definition thereto: Emer enc housin faci it . One main buildin or ortion thereof on one zoni lot where e sons who do not have housin live on a 24 hour er da asis until more ermanent arran ements can be made but eneral for not lon er an 30 da s. S tion 3. That Se tion 60.206 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and is hereby amended to ad the following definition thereto: Foster ome. A dwellin unit in whi a foster ca e ro ram licensed b the co issioner of human services or the commiss oner of corrections is o erate in the ermanent residence of the license holder. Free-st ndin foster care home. A dwelli unit in which a foster care ro ram that is licensed b the commission r of human services is o erate in other than the rinci le reside ce of the license holder. Section 4. That S ction 60.208 of the Saint Paul Legislativ Code be and is hereby amended to a d the following definition thereto: Hos ic . One main buildin or ortion thereof on one zonin lot in which erminall ill ersons live in order to re ei a ro riate Medica e-certified hos ice services. 3 oR � � ! � !� e �90���.� � . � . �_ Section S. That the efinition of Mission contained in Section 60.213 of the Saint Paul Legislativ Code be and is hereby amended to read as follows: Mission. A-aea-��e€��;-el�a���ab�e;-e�-�e��g}et�s-e�ga��aa��e�-g�ev����g bea���ag- s�fe�-�e�g}ag-ar��-axe���a�y-se�v}ees-ex-��s-p�e��ses-�e ���a�a��}y �x��gea�;-xeedy;-ke�e�ess-e�-��ass�ea�-pe�seas: One main buildin or ortion thereof on one zonin lot where ersons receive overni ht shelter but are not ex ected or ermitte to remain on a 24 hour er a basis Section 6. That Sec ion 60.219 of the Saint Paul Legislative Gode be and is hereby amended to add the ollowing definition thereto: � Shelter or bat� red ersons. One main buildin r ortion thereof on one zoni lot wh re adults and children who have suffered h sical or s cholo ical abus live on a 24 hour er da basi for a eriod of time enerall not to ex ed 30 da s and are served b � ro ram certified b the Minn sota De art nt of Corrections. Section 7. That Section 60.220 of the aint Paul Legislative Code be and is hereby amended to ad the following defi 'tion thereto: Transit'onal Housin Facilit . One main buildin or ortion thereof on one onin lot where ersons who ma or ma no have access to tradi- tional r ermanent housin but re ca able of livin inde endentl within reasonable eriod of tim enerall abo t 18 months reside on a 24 ho r er da basis for at lea t 30 da s and artici ate in a - ro ria e ro ram activities desi n d to facilita�e inde endent livin . Section 8. [Single Family - Permi ed Uses] That Se tion 60.412 of the Saint Paul Legi lative Code pertaining to the R-1 through -4 Districts be and is hereby amend to r�ead as £ollows and that subsections 9 through 11 be renumbered to 14 thro h 16 respectively: (8) oster homes-se�v}xg-s�x-e�-€ewe�-€ae�� �y-�es}der��s. (9) ree-standin foster care homes. (10) os ices servin six or fewer facilit res ents. (11) uman service licensed communit residenti ' l facilities servin ix or fewer facilitv residents located more �han 1320 radial feet rom an other such facilit . 4 oR � G � ��� � � �9�-��� (12) Tra sitional housin facilities servin four r fewer facilit res dents. (13) She ters for battered ersons servin four or fewer facilit resi- den s. Section 9. That the irst paragraph in Section 60.413 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertainin to R-1 through R-4 Districts be and is hereby amended to read as follows: '; Princip� uses permitted sub3ect to special conditions. The following addition 1 use� shall be permitted subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed or eactl.wuse and subject to the �ev�ew-axd-agg�'eva�-e€-��ie-g�aa- a}ag-ee �ss}er� s andards s ecified for all s ecia ' condition uses as set fort in Secti 64.300 c . All rinci al us�s ermitted sub'ect to s eci 1 condition shall be reviewed and a rov d b the lannin commissi n. ection 10. [Single Family: Special Condition Uses] That Sec ion 60.413 of the Sai Paul Legislative Code pertaining to R-1 through R-4 Di tricts be and is hereb amended to delete subsection 5, add the following new subsections 5 and 6 and r number subsections 6 through 13 to subsections 7 through 15: f�� 6 �axr�}�y-�es�dex��a�-€ae����} -se�v}xg-s}x-E6�-e�-€ewe�-€ae��}�y � s��e��s;-exe�t�d�ag-€es�e�-ke� ;-srxb�ee�-�e-�ke-eead���ex-�l�a�-a ea r�}�t�-��s�a�ee-e€-eae-�ket�sat�d k�ee-kt�ad�ed-�wex�y-f��28�-€ee� w ��-be-�eqt���ed-�e�weex-aea}ag-� s-t�se�-€e�-ee�t�a��y-�es}dex- � a�-€ae�����es;-aga3a-exe�t�d}xg-€ �e�-t�e�es:-'�k}s-���}�tu�►-d�s- � aee-�'eqt�}�e�aer��-�ay-be-�►ed�€�e�: (5) T ansitional housin facilities servi fiv or six facilit resi- d nt sub'ect to the followin conditio � A minimum distance of 1 320 et from other transi- tional housin facilities sh ters licensed human service communit residential cilities licensed correctional communit residenti 1 facilities emer- enc housin facilities healt de artment licensed communit residential faciliti 's r missions. � Permission for special condition use�applies only as long as the number of facilitv resid'ents is not in- creased and its purpose or loc�tion do not change and other conditions of the permit are met. 5 � � . �9�-'��� ORIG � I� ;!� L (6) She ters for battered ersons servin five or six facilit resi- den s sub'ect to the followin conditions: � A minimum distance of 1.320 feet from other shelters, transitional housin� facilities, licensed human serv- ice community residential facilities, licensed correc- tional communitv residential facilities, emergenc housing facilities, health department licensed com- munity residential facilities, or missions. � It shall not be located in a two-family or multi- family dwellin�? unless the facili�ty occupies the en- tire structure. c Permission for special condition use applies onl� long as the number of facilit�r�sidents is not in- reased and its ur ose or locat on do not chan e and o her conditions of the ermit are met. Section 11. That the first paragraph o Section 60.423 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertainin to the RT-1 Distr'ct be and is hereby amended to read as fol- lows: Principa uses permitted subje to special conditions. The following additio al uses shall be permitt d subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed for each use and subject o the �ev�ew-axd-apg�eva�-e€-�ke-g�a�- x}ag-ee }ss}ea standards s ecifie for all s ecial condition uses as set for h in Section 64.300 c A 1 rinci al u es ermitted sub'ect to s ec'al conditions shall be revie d and a roved b the lannin commiss on. Section 12. [Two-family: Special Condi ion Uses] That su section 3 of Section 60.423 of the int Paul Legislative Code pertaining to the RT-1 District be and is hereby d eted, that subsections 4 and S be ren bered to subsections 3 and 4: f��--- -ee�t�t���y-�es��et���a�-€se�����es-se�via -sevet�-e�-�e�e-€ae�}��Y s�dea�s-st�b�ee�-�e-��e-€e��ew�.xg-eea���� xs: � ��-ska��-r�e�-�e-�eea�ed-�x-a-�we-€a��} -dwe}}�ag-t�a�ess-�ke ee�t�a}�y-�es�dex��.a�-€ae�}��y-eeetzp�e -�ke-ea���e-s��t�e- �x�e: � ��-dses-ae�-se�ve-�e�e-�kaa-�6-€ae����y- s�dex�s-exee�� �ka�-s��t�e�x�es-des�gr�ed-e�-aew�y-bx���-s ,ee�€�ea��y-€e�' g�ea�e�-eagae��y-may-a��ew-a-g�ea�e�-xx�be�-��ev��ed-�ka� a��-e�ke�-eer�d���eas-e€-s�ee�a�-eer�����ea-xse-a�e-�e�: 6 � �"�jai�� oR � � � � ,�� � e� �ke-��r���ax�-�e�-s�se-€e�-ee�xxit�a��y-�es�dex��a�-€ae}����es-3s �ka�-��ese��bed-€e�-ese-€a���y-dwe��}xg-��xs-�BA-sqxa�e-€ee� €e�-eaek-€ae����y-�'es��et��-eee�'-aad-abeve-s�x-�'es��ea�s.---�r� a�����er�;-ee�t�a}�y-�es3�ea��a�-€ae�����es-se��Rg-�e�e-�kaa �6-�es�dea�s-ska��-ffiee�-�ke-�e�x��e�ea�s-€e�-ke�gk�;-ya�d se�baek-aad-�ax}�t�-ge�eex�-e€-�e�-eeex��ed-by-�a�a-bt�}�d}xg se�-€e��k-�x-Ekag�e�-6�: dj A-��a�ffit�-��s�axee-e€-�;��A-€ee�-w�}}_�e-�eqx}�ed-be�weex se���g-�e�s-tise�-€e�-ee�t����y-�es�dex��a�-€ae��}��es;-ex- e�t���ag-€es�e�-kemes: e� �l�e�e-ska��-be-exe-e€€-s��ee�-pa�k�ag-s�aee-€e�-eve�'y-�we €ae�}��y-�es��ea�s: €� Pe�Aa�ss�ea-€e�-spee�a�-eex����e�-t�se-agg��es-�e-�ke-ee�a- ait�a��y-�es�dea��a�-€ae�}��y-e��y-as-�emg-as-��ee�s��g;-pt��'- pese;-s�ae-e�-�sea��ea-de-r�eE-el�aage: Section 13. [RT-2 Townhouse: Permitted UsesJ That sub ection 4 Section 60.432 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to he RT-2 Di rict be renumbered to subsection 6, and the follow- ing new subsec ions be add thereto: � H s ices servin ixteen or fewer ersons. � L'censed human servi ce communit residentia facilities servin s'xteen or fewer fac it residents located 'more than 1320 radial f et from an other s h facilit . Secti 14. (RT-2 Townhouse: Spec'al Condition Uses] That Se tion 60.433 of the Saint Pau Legislative Code pertaining to the RT-2 District be and is hereby amended to r d as follows: Princip 1 uses permitted subject to spec al conditions. The following additio al uses shall be permitted subjec to the conditions hereinafter impose for each use and subject to the �e 'ew-a�id-agp�eva�-e€-�ke-g�aa- a��g-e �ss�.e� standards s ecified for all ec'al condition uses as set fo th in Section 64.300 c . All rinci us'es ermitted sub'ect to s ecia conditions shall be reviewed and a r e b the lannin com- missio . 1) 11 uses as permitted and as regulated in -1 through R-4 and RT-1 esidential Districts under principal uses ermitted subject to pecial conditions. 7 � ��°-�� oR � � � �ti ,� � 2) Tra sitional housin facilities servin seven 'to sixteen facilit res dents and shelters for battered ersons s rvin seven to six- tee facilit residents sub'ect to the follow n conditions: � It shall not be located in a two familx,'or multi-familv dwellin� unless the facilitv occupies the entire structure. bZ A minimum distance of 1.320 radial feet from other transi- tional housing or shelters for battered persons, licensed human service community residential facilities, licensed correctional community residential facilities. emergency housin�,, health department licensed community residential facilities or missions. � One off street parkin�space for every two facilitv resi- dents. dZ P mission for s ecial condition use a lies onl as lon as th number of facilit residents is no increased and its ur se or location do not chan e and ther conditions of the rmit are met. Section 15. [RM-1 Multi le Family: Special Condition Uses] That Sec ion 60.443 of he Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to the RM-1 District e and is hereby amended to read as follows: Princip 1 uses sub�ect to ecial conditions. The following additional uses sh 11 be permitted, su 'ect to the conditions hereinafter imposed for eac use, and subject to the �eview-ar�d-a�g�evra�-e€-�ke-g�aax�x�g ee�a►}ss e� standards s ecifie for all s ecial co dition uses as set forth i Section 64.300 c . 11 rinci al uses 'ermitted sub'ect to s ecial conditions shall be re 'ewed and a roved 'b the lannin com- mission (1) A 1 uses permitted and as re ulated in the R-1 through R-4, RT-1, a d RT-2 Residential District under principal uses permitted sub- j ct to special conditions. (2) R oming and rooming and boarding ouses, wk�,��i-s�e-xe�-es�t�x��Y � s�deR��a}_�ae}}�g}es= transitio al housin for 17 or more f cilit residents shelters for b ttered ersons servin 17 or re facilit residents and licens d human service residential acilities for 17 or more ersons lo ated ore than 1320 radial eet from an other such facilit su 'ect to the followin condi- ions: ��ev��e�;-�ka�-a Minimum lot area of five thousand 5,000) square feet be provided for the first two (2) gues rooms and one thousand (1,000) square feet for each additio al guest rooms. One off street parking space for eve two facility resi- dents. � 8 M , t � RIGE � �!� L. �9���� � Permission for suecial condition use ap�lies onlv as long as the number of residents is not increased and its licensin� purpose. or location do not change and other conditions of the permit are met. � Tra sitional housin servin 5 to 16 facilit residents and shel- ter for battered ersons servin 5 to 16 facilit residents sub- i'' 'ec to the followin conditions: aZ One off street parking space for every two facilitv resi- . � dents. �e � ermission for s ecial condition use a lies onl as lon as t`e number of facilit residents is no increased and its u ' ose or location do not chan e and ther conditions of the �ermit are met. � , �i, ����. � Li ensed correcL'onal residential facilities sub'ect to the fol- lo in conditions: aZ, It shall not e located in a two-family or multi-family dwelling unless the facility occupies ,'the entire structure._ .; b The facilit se�s no more than 16 f cilit residents. c The minimum lot siz� is 5,000 square feet plus 1,000 square feet for each uest n om in excess of two uest rooms. d A minimum distance of 1 , 0 feet from ther licensed correc- tional communit residen"al facilities licensed human service communit residen 'al facilit es transitional hous- in or shelters for battere ersons emer enc housin health de artment licensed c unit esidential facilities or missions. e One off street parking space for�.everv two facility resi- dents. � f Preliminar licensin review b the ° 'innesota De artment of Corrections. Permission for s ecial condition use a lies to the com- munit residential facilit onl as on as the number of facilit residents is not increased nd i s ur ose licens- in or location do not chan e and ot er co ditions of the permit are met. ;� ,,h 9 oR � G � � a:�. �.. ��q�'��� 5Z Eme enc housin facilities and health de ar ment licensed com- mun t residential facilities sub'ect to the ollowin conditions: aZ It shall not be located in a two-familY or multi-familv dwelling unless the facilit� occupies t�e entire structure. bZ The facility serves no more than 16 facility residents. � The minimum lot size is 5,000 square feet plus 1.000 square feet for each guest room in excess of two guest rooms. � ,`'� minimum distance of 1.320 radial feet from other health c�e artment licensed residential facili ies emer enc hous- ing� facilities. transitional housin� o�, shelters for bat- te �d persons, licensed human service aommunitv residential facilities, licensed correctional commy�nity residential facil'ties or missions. � One of street arkin s ace for ever two facilit resi- dents. '� � fZ Permission�for special condition use applies to the com- munity residential facility onl�as lot�� as the number of facility res�dents is not increased and its purpose or loca- tion do not chan e and the other condi'tions of the ermit are met. Y�� �� Secti n 16. [RM-2 Multiple Family: ecial Condition Uses] That th first paragraph of Section 0.453 and subsection 3 of Section 60.453 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code rtaining to the RM-2 Districk be and are hereb amended to read as follows: Princip 1 uses permitted sub�ect to spec al conditions. The following additio al uses shall be permitted, subje t to the conditions hereina ter imposed for each use and subje to the �ev�ew-axd-a���eea� s€-�ke- �asa�xg-ee�m�ss�.ex standards s ecif d for all s ecial condition uses as set forth in Section 64.300 c A1 r'nci al uses ermitted sub'ec to s ecial conditions shall be reviewe nd a roved b the lanni commission. (3) os ices servin 17 or more facilit resid ' ts nursing homes and oarding care homes which are not community esidential acilities, provided the yard requirements fo multiple-family use n this district are applied. � a ', 10 � �, , ! (��D-/7� OR � �: � � ,� �s. Section 17. [RM-3 Multiple Family: Permitted Uses] That Sect on 60.462 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to the RM-3 District b and is hereby amended to amend subsectio� 3, add the follow- ing new subsect ons 4 and 5 and renumber subsection 4-5 to 6-7, respectively: (3) Fos er homes or freestandin� foster homes-se�v�ag-s�x-e�-€ewe� €ae ���y-�es�dex�s. (4) Hos ices servin sixteen or fewer ersons and licensed human serv- ice residential facilities for sixteen or fewer facilit residents loc ted more than 1320 radial feet from an ather such facilit . � Tr nsitional housin servin four or fewer f cilit residents and sh lter for battered ersons servin four o fewer facilit resi- de ts Section 18. [RM 3 High Rise Multiple Family: Special Condition Uses] That the first paragra h of Section 60.463 and subsections 2 and 3 of Section 60.463 of the Saint P ul Legislative Code pertaining to the RM-3 Dis- trict be and a e hereby amende to read as follows: Principa uses permitted su 3ect to special condit'ions. The following addition 1 uses shall be per itted subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed or each use, and sub ct to the �ev�ew-aad-a���s�a�-s€-�ke p�aaa�a -ee��ss}ea standards ecified for all s ecial condition uses as set orth in Section 64.300 . All rinci al 'uses ermitted sub'ect to s ec"al conditions shall be re iewed and a roved b the lannin commiss"on. (2) 6 �t�x��y-�es�dex��a�-€ae�}��� -se�'e�r�g--s�x-e�'-€ewe�-€ae}}��y � s��lea�s; Transitional housin facilities servin 5-16 facilit r sidents and shelters for batt ed ersons servin 5-16 facilit r sidents subject to the conditio set for�h for R-�-�k�exgt�-R-4 A e-Fa���y-Res�dea�}a�-B�s��ie�s-� See��ex�6A:4�� RM-1 Multi- F mil Residential Districts in Sec "on 60.�+43, principal uses p rmitted subject to special conditi s. (3) A ee�xr���y-�es��ea�}a�-€ae�}��y-se�v�a -sevea-f��-e�-�e�e € e�}��y-�es��ex�s; Transitional housin servin seventeen or more f cilit residents or shelters for batte d� ersons servin seven- en or more facilit residents human se ice licensed communit esidential facilities servin seventeen o � more facilit resi- ents and located more than 1320 feet from a other such acilit lice sed correctional communit esidential facilities ealth de artm nt licensed communit resid�ntial facilities and mer enc housin facilities subject to the conditions set forth or R�-�-�we-Fa�}�y-Res3�ea��a�-B�s���e�s-��-See�}e�-68:42�E�jRM-1 ow densit Low-rise Multi le Famil Resi ential Districts i ection 60.443, principal uses permitted subject to special condi- ions. 11 � � � 0 R I � ��a �yo,,�� Section 19. [OS-1: Special Condition Usesj That the irst paragraph of Section 60.513 and subsection 3 of Section 60.513 pertaini g to the OS-1 District of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and are hereby ended to read as follows: Principal uses permitted sub�ect to special conditions. The following addition uses shall be permitted, subject to the �ev�ew-asd-agg�eea� e€-�ke-g�ar�a�ag-ee�iss�ea standards specified for all special condition uses as et forth in Section 64 300 c . All rinci al uses ermitted sub'ect o s ecial conditions shall be reviewed an a roved b the lannin commission. 3) Mi ed residential and office services uses subject to the follow- i conditions: a. Residential units are restricted to thg second and third stories and to not more than fifty (50) percent of the first loor. b. Fo new construction a minimum four foot setback shall be req ired from all interior lot lines for residential uses. c. Offic uses are limited to those which are otherwise per- mitted 'n the district. d. Residenti 1 units ma be occu ied b oster homes frees- tandin fo ter homes human service 1'censed communit residential facilities servin sixtee or fewer facilit residents vided that the are 1320 'radial feet from an other such fa ilit shelters for bat ered ersons servin sixteen or fe r facilit residents transitional housin servin sixteen or fewer facilit res dents or hos ices servin sixteen r fewer facilit res dents. Secti n 20. [B-1: Special C ndition Uses] That th first paragraph of Section 0.524 and subsection 3 of Section 60.524 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code p taining to the B-1 District be and are hereb amended to read as follows, s section 4 of Section 60.524 is deleted and s bsection 5 is renumbered to subs ction 4: Princi al uses permitted sub�ect to specia conditions. The following additi nal uses shall be permitted subject the conditions hereinafter impose for each use and subject to the �ev�e -axd-a�p�eea�-e€-�ke-��ax- a�xg-e ��ss}ea standards s ecified for all s al condition uses as set fo th in Section 64.300 c . All rinci al u es ermitted sub'ect to s ecia conditions shall be reviewed and a rove the lannin com- missio . �� 12 ! � � ��°�"''� oR G � ��� L (3) Mix d residential and commercial uses subject to the following con itions: a) Residential units are restricted to the, second and third stories of commercial structures and to not more than fifty percent of the first floor. b) Residential units ma�be occupied by foster homes or free standing foster homes. cZ Residential units may be occupied by human service licensed community residential facilities servi�re sixteen or fewer facilitv residents, provided that the�.are 1320 radial feet from anv other such facility, transitional housing facilities serving 16 or fewer facility residents, shelters for battered persons serving sixteen o� fewer facility resi- dents or hospices serving sixteen or fewer facility resi- ents. " d) Fo new construction, a minimum four foot side yard setback sha be required from all interior lo� lines for residen- tial ses. d) Commerc 1 uses are limited to those which are otherwise permitte in the district. (4) A-ee�xx���y-�es�dea 'a�-€ae��}�y-st�b�ee�-�e-��e-€e��ew�xg-eea��- �'exs: M�xed-ee�t�x�� -�e ��ex��a�-€ae}}�� - ad-ee�e�e}a�-t�ses �ntzs�-�ee�-�ke-eexd� 3eAS-se�-€e�'��1-€e -m�xe�-t�ses-�x-See��et� 6A-�24F3�- Ee�nt�t��� -�es��et���a�-€ �}��ies-€e�- �x-e�-€ewe�'-€ae�}�� �es}dea�s--exee �-€es�e�- e�►es-�t�s�-�ee�-�ke-ee�d}��eas-se� €e��k-€e�-R-�-�k�et� l�-R-4- e-Fa�}� - es�det���a�-B�s���e�s �a-See��ea-6A:4�� � -- ��ae� a�-t�ses-sx�'ee�-�e-s ee�a�-eex- ���}ea- Ee�x��� -�es}dex��a�-€ae��}�ies -��eeased-€e�-seeex-e�-�e�e €sei}i� -�es��ea�s---�tis�-�ee�-��i -eer1�}��eas-se�-€e��l�-€e� R�-�-�we-Fa��� -Res�dex��a�-B}s��� s'-��-See��e�-6A:4�� � - ��ae� a�-t�ses- e�����e�-st�b"ee�-�s- ee�a�-ee�d���e�s: 13 UR � l7 � IVr� � �=y0'/y� Section 21. [B-2: Special Condition Uses] That the irst paragraph of Section 60.534 of the Ssint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to the B-2 District be and is hereby amended to read as fol- lows, a new sub ection 7 to be added to Section 60.534 and subsection 7 renum- bered to subsec ion 8: Principal uses permitted sub�ect to special conditions. The following addition uses shall be permitted, subject to the eead���erZs ke�e�xa€ e�-�a�gese�-€e�-eael�-t�se-axd-st�b�ee�-�e-�ke-�ev�ew-a��-agg�eea� e€-�ke-� axa�ag-eeu}ss�eri= standards specified for all special condi- tion use as set forth in Section 64 300 c All rinci al uses er- mitte b'ect to s ecial conditions shall be revi wed and a roved b the lan in commission � Li en ed correctional communit residential acilities health de art nt licensed communit residential fa�ilities and emer enc ho sin acilities sub'ect to conditions as et forth for RM-1 Mu ti-Fam'1 Residential Districts in Sectio 60.443. Section 22. [B-3: Permitted Uses] That su section 1 of Sec 'on 60.542 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to the B-3 District and is hereby amended to read as follows: (1) A 1 principal uses per 'tted and used permitted subject to special c ndition in OS-1, B-1, nd B-2 Districts e�tcept auto service sta- t ons and ee�natt�a��y-�es�d ��a}_€ae}}���es, licensed correctional c mmunit residential faci 'ties health de 'artment licensed com- m nit residential facilitie and emer enc housin and meeting a least the minimum conditio imposed in each district. Section 23. [B-3: Special Condition es] That t first paragraph of Section 60.544 an subsection 9 of Section 60.544 of th Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining o the B-3 District be and are here amended to read as follows: Princi al uses permitted sub�ect to special conditi s. The following additi nal uses shall be permitted, subject to the c ditions herein fter imposed for each use and subject to the �e �.ew-axd-ag��eva� e€-�ke p�aRx�ag-eeeaAa�ss�ea: standards s ecified or all s ecial condi- tion u es as set forth in Section 64.300 c . A1 rinci al uses er- mitted sub'ect to s ecial conditions shall be reviewed an a roved b the 1 nnin commission. 14 � RIGI � p� L �'�9o-'���� (9) 6e xa}�y-�es�.dea��.a}_�8e�}}��es, Licensed correctional communitv res dential facilities health de artment lic nsed communit res dential facilities and emer enc housin as permitted and reg lated in B-�-ar�d B-2 Business Districts under principal uses pe itted subject to special conditions. Section 24. [B-4 CBD: Permitted Uses] That the first paragraph of Section 60.552 and subsection 2 of Section 60.552 of he aint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to the B-4 District be and are her by amended to read as follows: Princip uses permitted. In a B-4 Central Busines$ District the use of land, th location and erection of new buildings or structures and the alterati n enlargement and moving of existing buildings or structures from oth r cations or districts shall conform to; the following use groups, nle otherwise provided in this code: (2) Ap rtment esidential uses. To include: (a) foster homes and free st ndin f ter homes located in multi le f il structures• b h an servic licensed communit residential' facilities located mo e than 600 adial feet from an other suc facilit and located i a multi le mil structure• c transiti�onal housin and shel- te s for battere ersons located in multi 1'e famil structures a d d hos ices cated in multi le famil �structures. Se tion 25. [B-4 CBD: Spec 1 Condition Uses] That th first paragraph of Secti 60.554 and subsection 1 of Section 60.554 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code ertaining to the B-4 District be and are hereb amended to delete subsectio 1, add the following new subsec- tion 1-3 and enumber subsection 2-12 to 4-1 . Princip 1 used permitted sub�ect to speci 1 conditions. The following additio al uses shall be permitted subject o the, conditions hereinafter imposed for each use and subject to the �ev} w-ax+�-agp�eea�-e€-�l�e-p�aa a�t�g-ee �ss�ea standards s ecified for all s ecial condition uses as set for h in Section 64.300 c . All rinci al ses ermitted sub'ect to s ecia conditions shall be reviewed and a rove ' b the lannin com- missio . f�� ex�a►t�r���y-�es}de���a�-€ae�����es-as-�e�����e�- xd-�egx�a�ed-�a -�;-B-�-aad-B-3-Bxs�xess-B�s���e�s-ur��e�-p��r�e a�-tzses-�e��►���e� t�b3ee�-�e-spee}a�-eexd���eas: �� 15 ��a���� QRIGI �fAL � Lic nsed correctional communit residential facilities sub'ect to the followin conditions: � The facility serves no more than 32 facilitv residents. bZ A minimum distance of 600 feet from. ot!her licensed correc- tional community residential facilities, licensed human service communit,y residential facilities, transitional hous- ing, shelters for battered persons, emc�r�`ncy housin� health department licensed communitv residential facilities or missions. ' � It shall occupy the entire structure. Preliminary licensin� review bv the Minnesota Department of Corrections. � Permission of s ecial conditions use a lies to the facilit 1 as lon as the number of facilit residents is not in- cr sed and its ur ose licensin or ocation do not chan e and 11 other conditions of the ermit are met. � Em r enc hous facilit sub'ect to the fo'llowin conditions: a The facilit serves no more than 32 f cilit residents. b A minimum dist ce of 600 feet from other emer enc housin licensed correct'onal communit residential facilities licensed human se vice communit resi ential facilities transitional housin shelters for battered ersons health de artment communit esidential facilities or missions. c Permission for s ecial ondition use a lies to the com- munit residential facil onl as 1 n as the number of facilit residents is not 'ncreased o ur ose or location do not chan e and other con 'tions of' the ermit are met. � H alth de artment licensed communit side tial facilities sub- ' ct to the followin conditions: a The facilit serves no more than 32 cilit residents. b A minimum distance of 600 feet from zo in lots used for other health de artment licensed commtzn t residential facilities emer enc housin facilities transitional hous- in or shelters for battered ersons lic sed human service communit residential facilities licensed orrectional com- munity residential facilities, or missions. ', 16 0 R ! G E Gr��o�-�7� N � L � Permission for special condition use ap�lies to the com- munity residential facility onlv as long as the number of facility residents is not increased or purpose or location do not chan�e and other conditions of tl�e permit are met. Section 26. [B-S CBD: Permitted Uses] That Section 60.562 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to the B-5 District b and is hereby amended to delete subsection 9 therefrom: F9� M� s�ex-�y�e-xses: Section 27. [B-5 CBD: Special Condition Uses] That the first aragraph of Section 60.563 and subsection 1 of Section 60.563 of the aint Pa Legislative Code be and are hereby amended to read as follows; subse tions 2-2 be renumbered to subsection 3-22, and a new subsec- tion 2 to be a ded to Sec 'on 60.453: Principa uses permitte subject to special conditions. The following addition 1 uses shall be ermitted subject to the conditions hereinafter imposed or each use and s ject to the �ev�ew-aa�-agg�eva�-s€-�ke-��ar�- x�ag-ee �ss}ea standards s cified for all s ecial condition uses as set for in Section 64.300 . All rinci al uses ermitted sub'ect to s ecial conditions shall be re 'ewed and a roved �b the lannin com- mission. (1) 6 x�x��x3�y-�es�dea��.a�-€ae����} s, Health de,partment licensed com- m nit residential facilities d emer enc housin as permitted a d regulated in-B-�;-B-2;-B-�-a the B-4 Business District. � M ssions sub'ect to the followin c ditions: A minimum distance of 600 feet f m other missions licensed human service communit r si' ential facilities licensed correctional communit res ential facilities health de artment licensed communit esidential facilities transitional housin shelters for bat ered ersons and emergency housing. �. 17 � ° 9 � � �y�-/7� 0 R I � . o� `�, � , �: . �� Section 28. [B-2C: Special Condition Uses] , That the first paragraph of Section 60.574 of the S'aint Paul Legislative Code pertainin to the B-2C District be and is hereby ame,nded to read as fol- lows: Principa uses permitted sub�ect to special conditions. The following addition 1 uses shall be permitted, subject to the ,conditions hereinaf er imposed for each use and sub,ject to the �ev}ew-aad-a�g�eva� e€-�ke-� aa���g-eex��ss�e� standards specified for 'all special condition uses as et forth in Section 64.300 c All rin i al uses ermitted ub'ect o s ecial conditions shall be reviewed an a roved b the nnin commission. Section 29. [I-1 Light Industrial: Permitted Uses] That sub ecti n 22 of Section 60.612 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to he I- District be and is hereby deleted therefrom: f22� M"ss�e�-�y� -�ses: Section 30. [I-1: pecial Condition Uses] That th first paragraph an subsection 1 of Section 60.614 of the Saint Paul Legislat ve Code pertaining t the I-1 District be 'and is hereby amended to read as fo lows; that subsection be renumbered to subsection 10, and a new subsectio 9 be added to Section .614. Princip 1 uses permitted subject t special condition. The following additio al uses shall be permitted s ject to the condition hereinafter imposed for each use and subject to t �ev�ew-ax�l-agg�eva�-e€-�ke-��ag- a�r�g-ee �ss�e� standards s ecified for 11 s ecial condition uses as set for h in Section 64.300 c All ri ci al u es ermitted sub'ect to s ec'al conditions shall be reviewed an a roved b the lanin com- missio . (1) 11 uses as permitted and as regulated i the B-3 Business Dis- rict under principal uses permited subje to special conditions xeeg�-es�►t�a��y-�es�dex��a�-€ae�}���es: � issions as ermitted and re ulated in B-5 ��, Ot � � 18 , ��9a'��� ORIGI �IAL Section 31. [I-2: Permitted Uses] � That sub ection 1 of Section 60.622 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to he I-2 District be and is hereby amended to read as follows: (1) An uses permitted in the I-1 District as "principal uses per- mi ted" and "principal uses permitted sub�ect to special co ditions," except for adult bookstores, adwlt cabarets, adult co versation/rap parlors, adult health/sports clubs, adult massage pa lors, adult mini-motion picture theatres, adult motion picture th atres, adult steam room/bathhouse facilities and other adult us s, -at�d airports and public and private heliports, health de artment licensed communit residential fa' ilities licensed o rectional communit residential facilitie emer enc housin a missions; provided, that they meet at least the minimum con- di ions imposed in each district. Section 32. [I-2: Special Condition Uses] That the first aragraph of Section 60.624 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaini g to th I-2 District be and is hereby a�ended to read as fol- lows; subsect'ons 16 an 17 be renumbered subsections 18 and 19, and add new subsections 1 and 17 to ection 60.624 as follows: Princip 1 uses subjec to special conditions. The following additional uses sh 11 be permitte subject to the condition� hereinafter imposed for eac use and subject to the �ev�ew-aad-agg�eva�-e€-�ke-p�aax��g-ee�- �}ss�er� standards s ecifi for all s ecial condi ion uses as set forth in Sect on 64.300 c . All rinci al uses ermitt d sub'ect to s ecial conditi ns shall be reviewed and a roved b the lannin commission. (16) H alth de artment licensed communit reside tial facilities 1 censed correctional commu 't residential' facilities and emer- nc housin as ermitted an re ulated in the B-3 General Busi- n ss District. (17) M'ssions as ermitted and re ula d in the -5 Central Business- S rvice District. Section 33. [RCR-1 River Corridor Residential: rmitted Uses] That S ction 60.752 of the Saint Paul Legislat ve Code pertaining to RCR-1 Distri t is hereby amended so as to amend subse �ion 3, renumber subsec- tion 4 throu h 7, and add new subsections 4 and 5, as ollows: (3) oster homes and free standing foster homes l,ocated in permitted ulti le famil structures se�v�ag-s�x-E63=-e�-€ewe�-€ae}}�.�y es�dea�s: 19 UR1GIf� AL ��a-r1� � H an service licensed communit residential 'facilities located mo e than 1320 radial feet from an other such facilit and ho ices located in ermitted multi le fami ' structures and se vin sixteen or fewer facilit residents. ' � Tr nsitional housin and shelters for battered ersons located in e mitted multi le famil structures and se in four or fewer fa ilit residents. Section 34. { R-1: River Corridor Residential: Special Condition Uses] That sub ctions 3 and 4 of Section 60.573 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertainin the RCR-1 District are hereby amended, to read as follows: (3) Tr nsit onal housin servin five or more facilit residents sh lters or battered ersons servin five or more facilit resi- de ts lic nsed human service residential f cilities for seventeen or more fac it residents located more tha 1320 radial feet from a other suc facilit sub'ect to the con itions set forth for -1 Multi-Fami Residential Districts in ection 60.433 rin- c" al uses ermi ted sub'ect to s ecial con itions. Ee�i�a��y � s��ex��a�-€ae�}� �es-se�v�Rg-s}x-f6�-e�'-€ewe�-€ae����y-�es��ea�s s b�ee�-�e-�l�e-eexd ��s�s-se�-€e��k-€e�-R-�-�l��et�gk-R-4-9xe-Fa��}y R s}�ea��a�-Bis��}e� }x-See��ex-68:4�3;-g�'�se}�a�-t�ses-�e�3��ed s b�ee�-�s-s�ee�a�-eex "��eas: (4) H alth de artment license communit reside tial facilities 1 censed correctional resi ntial facilitie and emer enc hous- i sub'ect to the condition set forth for RM-1 Low Densit Low R se Multi le Famil Residenti 1 Districts n Section 60.433 inci al uses ermitted sub'ec to s ecial conditions. -6e�►t����y � s�der���a�-€ae��#.��es-se�v�xg-s ea-E�j-e�-�s�e-€ae�}}�y-�es�- � a�s-st�b�ee�-�e-�l�e-eea����exs-se -€e��l�-€s�'-R�-�-�we-Fa���y R s�dea�}a�-B�s��'�e�s-}a-See��ex-6A. 2�E�j;'-����e�ga�-t�ses-ge�- ta ��ed-sxb�ee�-�e-sgee�.a�-eer3�}��er3s: �� �c. "`,. 20 , �'�7`�5 QR � � � ���� AL � , Section 35. This Or ance shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after its pas ag approval and publication. �� � �,� �y ';:. �, �� Navs 7lbsent Requ�sted by D�rpartment oi: � e ► �� , e . is°n ; By: � I ' Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: ate ' '`� � �r Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY: ' / ,:' ,:�:`�' � -.: � By� App � v}��f by Mayof for Submission to Approved by Mayor: ate Coun�l F�• ����� By: , �a-���,� 4�Ct�Y �p R� ; ° - a CITY OF SAINT PAUL < iiii�iii i � °'m �° OFFIC,'E OF THE CITY COUNCIL iea• CITY HALL-7th FLOOR-SAI1!dT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612-298-5506 TOM DIMOND COUNCILMEMBER ��'O �� Members: ��iG '�Oj�1 Tom Dimond, Chair �� Paula Maccabee A�P� G�C�� Dave Thune ��, y v Date: May 8, 1991 G�� COMMITTEE REP RT HOUSING AND EC NOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 1. Approval f the Minutes of the April 24, 1991, Housing and Economic Developme t Committee meeting. ' COMMITTEE APPROVED, 3-0 2. Prelimina y approval of releasing subordinate debt and authorization to proceed w th refunding bonds, Forest Place Apartments, District 6 (Laid Over in Commit ee on 3-27-91) . THIS ITEM WAS LAID OVER TO THE MAY 22, 1991, HOUSIN�G AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING 3. Final Ord r - 91-738 - In the Matter of condemning ,and taking Fee Title for property ear Smith Avenue and Kellogg Boulevard in part of Block 63, Irvine's nlargement for Civic Center parking lot (Referred from Council 4- 23-91) . THIS ITE WAS LAID OVER TO THE MAY 22, 1991, HOUSING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTE MEETING ___ —_-------- ----- -------- --------- 1 �`���� 4. Ordinanc 90-1745 - an ordinance amending Chapter �0, Sections .203, .205, .206, .2 8, .213, .219, .220, .412, .413, .423, .4 2, .433, .453, .462, .463, .513, .5 4, .534, .542, .543, .554, .562, .563, .5 4, .612, .614, .622, .624, .752 and .753 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code p rtaining to the Zoning Code - C mmunity Residential Facilities (Referred from Council 10-2-90; Laid Over in ommittee 4-24-91) . ; MITTE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL OF SUBSTITUTE RESOLUTION, 3-0 5. Resoluti n 90-1704 - establishing a new Riverfront Commission (Laid Over in Committe on 4-10-91) . THIS ITE WAS LAID OVER TO THE MAY 22, 1991, HOUSING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTE MEETING CHAIR: Housing a d Redevelopment Authority & Housing and Economic Development Committee OMMITTEES: Public Works & Intergovernmental I�elations Printed on Recycled Paper 4e`'�'S �y�-�7�s ��.r,o, CITY OF SAINT PAUL e"° '�a OFFICE O?+� THE MAYOR � u�num ,� + i�u �tt n ^ m 347 CITY EiALL JAMES SCHEIBEL SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 MAYOR (812) 298-4323 September 14, 19 0 President Willi m Wilson and Members of the ity Council 7th Floor City all Saint Paul, MN 55102 Dear President ilson and Members of the City Coun�il: I am pleased to transmit to you the Planning Commission's recommendations relative to the definition and regulation of various types o community residential facilities ,in the Saint Paul Zoning Cod . Back round and e al Issues Some of you ma recall that the Commission -- after an extensive task force stu y -- referred a similar package of ;amendments in March 1989. A they were being transmitted, however, the Congress enact d the Federal Housing Act Amendmen�s addressing the rights of ersons with disabilities and raisirig questions for the code as it was being proposed by the Commission. Two major ques ions were raised by the federal amendments: - Whether t e City can require special conditipn use permits of reside tial facilities for persons with d2sabilities; and - Whether e City can require that distances between faciliti s be maintained. The Commissio , with the advice of the City Attorney, concluded that the City may not lawfully require special condition use permits of li ensed human service community residential facilities fo sixteen or fewer residents. It may, however, continue to r quire such permits of those facili�ies which serve non-disabled lients -- primarily those licensed' by the Department of Corrections and those serving the homeless. It also concl ded, however, on the strength of the federal district cour decision in Familystyle Homes v. The City of Saint Paul, that t City may require that such facili;ties be spaced from one ano er. (You should be aware that that decision has been appeale by the plaintiff with a decision ]ay the Court of Appeals expe ted this winter. ) Printed on Recycled Paper �e�s �-yo-,7� President Willi m Wilson and Members of the ity Council September 14, 1 90 Page Two Nei hborhood I act There will be ome debate as to whether these amendments are consistent wit our goals of building and supporting vital neighborhoods. I believe that they are -- for two reasons. First, they ad ress the needs of neighborhood res�dents who are poor and disab ed. We know that it is not the poor and disabled who threaten t e stability of our neighborhoods -- it is our failure to add ess their needs for safe affordable housing, decent health are, quality education and a sense of dignity and self-esteem. hese amendments make provisions for transitional housing for th se among us threatened by homelessness and shelters for t ose escaping domestic violence and abuse. They ensure access o homes in all neighborhoods for the disabled where, experie ce has demonstrated, they will outstrip the limitations i osed by years of institutionalization. Secondly, the conditions imposed by these amendments ensure that residential s rvices are delivered at a size and scale that allow communities t integrate them into their midst. At some point the capacity f a neighborhood to provide the neCessary support to residentia facilities is exhausted when the facilities are particularly arge or closely clustered -- and w� risk losing the community con ext so important to community based care. It has been the Plan ing Commission's task to identify the fine line between provi ing for the integration of residential facilities in all of the city's neighborhoods and protecting against their segregation. Conclusion The issues su rounding the variety of community residential facilities a multi-faceted -- and most of them are not appropriatel addressed by land use regulation. We need to continue to ork with state and county officials' to provide for the dispersa of existing concentrations of facilities. We should suppo t their recent efforts to ensure that residents of suburban Ram ey County and Greater Minnesota have access to residential nd related services in their own communities. In the final analysis, we all must work on advo�ating for those amongst us w o are poor or disabled to ensure that they have access to th highest possible quality of care available in our community. U` ���7� J President Willi m Wilson and Members of the ity Council September 14, 1 90 Page Three One step towar that end is strong, fair and clear land use regulations. he Planning Commission and its task force worked hard in prepar'ng these for our consideration. I urge their adoption. Si rely, � _" . Ja es Scheibel Mayor JS/bp Enclosures: T ansmittal Documents roposed Ordinance cc: Dan Corn jo Peggy Re'chert � . , , ' � V• �Or��� o : city of saint p� I Pian�ng resolution f�e nur�er 90-62 �' te Jul 13 1990 COMMUNITY RESI ENTIAL FACILITIES 40-ACRE STUDY RECONII�IENDATION WFiEREAS, the Pla ning Commission is authorized under Minnesota Statutes Section 462.257 (5) and Section 64.400 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to initiate a 40-Acre Study for the purposes of amending the te of the Zoning Code; and WHEREAS, the P1 nning Commission of the City of Saint Paul on February 12, 19 8, initiated a 40-Acre Study for tlie purpose of considering ame dments to Chapters 60 and 61 of th� Saint Paul Legislative Cod pertaining to community residential facilities; and WHEREAS, the P1 nning Commission released proposed amendments related to the efinition and regulation of residential facilities for ublic review on July 22, 1988 and �eld a public hearing on Sept mber 23, 1988 ; and WHEREAS, the P1 nning Commission, in accordance wi'th state statutes, dete ined: 1. That the n mber of real estate descriptions affected by the amendment enders the obtaining of written consent impractical; 2 . That a ci ywide study of community residential facilities has been ade; 3 . That the roposed amendments are related to the overall needs of he community, to existing land use, and to plans for futur land use; and 4. That prop r notice of the hearing was given in the Pioneer Press and Dispatch on September 2 , 9 and 16, 1988 ; and moved by TRACY J�VV1 1VV� NF.TD in favor Unan mous against s r ' � (�'94'�7�5 � WHEREAS, Plannin Commission Resolution 89-19 was adopted by the Commission on Ma ch 31, 1989 recommending the transaittal and adoption of prop sed Zoning Code text amendments prepared by the Commission; and WHEREAS, the Fed ral Fair Housing Act Amendments Act of 1988 related to the r'ghts of persons with disabilities was enacted by the Congress and went into effect on March 12, 1989; and WHEREAS, the Ci Attorney of the City of Saint Paul asked the Planning Commis ion to review the conformance of the proposed Zoning Code tex amendments to the Federal Fair Housing Act; and WHEREAS, the P1 nning Commission conducted such a �eview and made appropriate cha ges to the proposed Zoning Code text amendments; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission recommends appr val of the Zoning Code amendments attached hereto proposing new d finitions and regulations for a range of residential fac lity types and directs the Planning Administrator to forward the tudy and this resolution to the Mayor and City Council for the'r review and action. .� � --�0-l1�5 D D D � D D SAINT PAIIL PLANNING COMMISSION ZONING CODE TE%T AMENDMENTS: Community Residential Facilities Purpose Amendments to he Zoning Code are proposed by the Planning Commission to espond to: (1) the proliferation of residential facility types and the failure of the existing code to address each of them e fectively; and (2) the 1989 Federal Fair Housing Act Amendments which restrict local governments' authority to impose land us controls on residential facilities for persons with disabilit es. History February 1987 The Plann'ng Commission convened a fifteen member task force to study range of issues associated with community residenti 1 facilities. . A year later, they issued their report ca ling for amendments to the Zoning Code, the Minnesota Human Services Licensing Act and various Ramsey County po icies and procedures. Februar 1988 - March 1989 After ho ding a public hearing on the task force report, the Planning Commission developed and released Eor public discussi n Zoning Code amendments reflecting both the task force re ommendations and issues raised at the public hearing. On March 31, 1989, the Commission recommended those am ndments to the Mayor and City Council. March 12 198 Amendmen s to the Federal Fair Housing Act defining the rights o disabled citizens in the area of housing became effectiv on March 12, 1989. The law is widely interpreted as strik ng down local government regulations which require resident al facilities for the disabled to have special conditio use permits. Since the Commission's original text amendmen s included such requirements, the City Attorney called u on the Commission to review its recommendations in light of the new law. DIVISION OF PLANNING EPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT• CITY OF SAINT PAUL CITY HALL ANNEX• 25 W ST FOURTH STREET, SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA, 55102 • TELEPHONE 612-228-3270 , Major Principle The Planning Co ission established three major pri:nciples in preparing the p oposed amendments. 1. The City's code must be in conformance with federal and state law nd locally adopted policies. 2. Facility t pes should be matched with zoning districts which permit oth r residential uses of similar size, density and level of t ansience. 3. The regula ions should not serve as a disincentive to the establishm nt of quality residential programs. Major Provision 1. Definitio of Facilit T es. The Saint Paul Zoning Code ; would be ended to include definitions for foster homes, freestand'ng foster homes, licensed human service community residenti 1 facilities, licensed correctiona� community residenti 1 facilities, health department licensed community residenti 1 facilities, transitional housing, emergency housing, helters for battered persons, hospices, and missions. Definitions relate to typical siz�, licensure, level of rogram and the expected length of residence for participa ing individuals. 2. Ve Smal Pro rams and Foster Care as Permitted Uses. Foster ca e homes of all types would be classified as permitted single family uses of property. Similarly, transitio al housing sites and shelters for battered persons which mee the Zoning Code's definition of family would be permitted. 3. Human Se ice Licensed Facilities as Permit ed Uses. The Code wou d be amended to provide that community residential faciliti s licensed by the Department of Human Services for sixteen r fewer residents be permitted residential uses provided that they are 1320 feet away from any other such faciliti s. The dist nce requirement of 1320 feet is a �tate licensing requirem nt designed to protect for disabled persons the benefits of normal residential surroundings. The ability of the Stat and the City to impose such a requirement recently withstoo legal challenge under the provisions of the Fair Housing ct. 4. Hos ices as Permitted Uses. Consistent with the ruling in a recent c urt decision that hospice residents are covered under t provisions of the Fair Housing Act, hospices for six or ewer residents would be permitted as single family uses of property. Those for seven to sixteen clients would -2 zonin istrict. . ,� , Hospices fo seventeen or more would be regula�ed as nursing homes -- fi st allowed as special condition us'es in the RM-2 district. 5. Transition 1 Housin and Shelters for Battere Persons. Policies p oposed by the Overnight Shelter Board and adopted by the Cit Council called upon the Planning Commission to ensure tha the Zoning Code did not present u�necessary barriers t the establishment of transitional housing. The Commission therefore, proposes that transitional housing and shelte s for five or six facility residents would be special co dition uses in single family zones ' while those for seven o sixteen would be special condition uses beginning n the RT-2 zoning district. While there would be a spacing equirement in the R-1 through RT-2 districts, there woul be no such condition beginning in the RM-1 zone. 6. More Restr'ctive Provisions for Licensed Correctional Facilities Health De artment Licensed Facilities and Emer enc ousin . These facilities -- because they are ; typically larger, have a more transient population and/or ; have litt e or no structured programming -- would be treated as roomin housing and first allowed as special condition uses in t e RM-1 multiple family zoning district. (They are presently treated as all other residential facility types and first allowed in the single family district. ) Their size woul be limited to sixteen (modifiable 'by the Planning Commissio ) in all areas except the downtown where the limit would be ncreased to thirty two. 7. S ecial C nditions: Size Distance Parkin Lot Area. In most case facilities designed for the homeless or correctio al clients are not covered by the Fair Housing Act. The City may, therefore, designate them as special condition uses as is proposed by these amendments. Condition specified relate to size, distance, parking and lot area nd are detailed on the attached ta�bles. The numb r of residents allowed in facilities located in the various oning district would be generally restricted to six or fewer in one and two family zones and sixteen in the three an four family district. In the multiple family and commerci 1 zones, size is generally limited by lot area requirem nts which parallel those for rooming houses. To avoid concentrations of facilities, a distance of 1320 feet (60 feet in the downtown) from other facilitie� is generall required. For faci ities for seven or more residents, the parking requirem nt would be one off street parking space for every two lice sed beds. Jul 1990 : � q �1 N d � � N � - d � � � � � � y � � � o � � '3 � � $ 3 3 °�' � ° � � � � V � �r� �� ~ � V y � � ~�y� . . � y � ' �V � '�� � � 5��.. 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V�Q o o h c � U.o't :; o !: V o oov z . v,.,..� , z v,..� : z v�..,a z z� � �j a t N o 0 0 � W � ., ., .� J `' a '� � � '� � FQ � o e Y V O � V � � V � V � m LL a � -.'� E �� E E �� E �� o- � v�o�a a rn a a �n a vi � Z �— a aa es w w ao a m W I O Om O ni O OH O Oni �� a � 00� Z Z� z � Z Z� Z Z� ' O fQ J J � w O U a Z AW �W W� v � �' „Hj Z �Z �a'in � in W W � w� x.:a �U.:a wx � p U L�-s G � `�� LJ SN ...�-�-� -� I � � � a - ,� 7�,� . ,� � �' . . tJ0'PICG Oc^ PUt3LIC HuA?.I:VG j J�t�1c ido�ice is hcr���y v�n that a pub�.i(C h�aring wi�.? be hela �eio�e rhe City Council on t � day oF-��:cu,� 1991 at 9:00 A..;. ir� the City � Council Chanb�rs, 3cd f:loor of City ['.all, �o consider pro�cs:ae a�u;:naca�:zt� to t�� 5aici� Palil Zoning Oca:��ianc�, Cha�ter� 60 �6�- oi the Sairi� Paul. Legisia�iv�_ oa2 �rtainirig to ` _ F - � � �u�,.c�. At s 'd tii��� an� plac:., thz Cou.ncil wilt hear �.11 ��raon� r�l�tiv� to this toLao�a1. � Oated M���� r - � " 9,. �9 1 � o �� Al��:.�rt B. Oxson !'"�rh,�i7 � �c Q � � City Clerk � '1es2 a�n,.�� � �� � � �UnQ � , r �t�t � � � � r� �; � � �, ('�`=-.,. ;,.,,' ' 'es . � � � s, � _ . . . � � , . . . , i . . � .. . , � ' . • , '.r:�y� � � . _,t� �( �, ,�i � 3'UBLISHF%D � � � r ; � — , . ; _ ,. . _ � -r � � �_ �/ ' . , ' a- �� 2nd ! lst �� � ,�_'a�.�' � Adopted _ _ - _ �/� /g / , . _ � 3r G�/T/9 � , NaYs Yeas ;y�� ���� . DIMOND � . .- �/a°�`'� I ��� � . , _ r � cos��.�z 1 - LONG � �ACCP.BEE - _ RETTMP•� , 'THU� `� WILSON ' ` �. PRESIDENT► ' , ,: _ . 4 .. , _. _ , . - _ _ -- _ -. , .-. - ,:•- • _. ,_ . : _ _ . . •_ , � �,