90-1742 �.__ '��r�� � ; i � { t`�A L � , � � � Council File�90-/7y� PED - Housing Green Sheet # -/� RESOLUTION . CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Presented By ' Referred To g` �� Lv, Committ�ee: ate /G-? - J�(J RESOLUTION INCREASING THE FINANCING AND SPENDING PLANS FOR THE IAWER LUFF URBAN REVITALIZATION ACTION PROGRAM (URAP) WHEREAS, Day on's Bluff Neighborhood Housing Services, Inc. and the City of Saint Paul Depa tment of Planning and Economic Deyelopment are in the process of impleme ting the Lower Bluff Urban Revitalization Action Program (URAP) ; and WHEREAS, a fire was sustained at 702 Third Street prio�r to the commencement of t rehabilitation on the property; and • WHEREAS, th city had taken out insurance on the property and the � resulting claim r imbursed the city for the damages sustained in the amount of $21,966, the proc eds of which are needed to complete the re�habiiitation of the property; and WHEREAS, th city has earned interest .income on the u�}spent State URAP funds, a portion f which has been previously identified to be included in all the URAP projects; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, t at upon the recommendation of the Mayor, Che Council of the City of Saint Pau does hereby approve the following additions to the Lower Bluff URAP financ ng and spending plans: �'� `� C7 � �� �,. �` �°-- i ��� �-a �� Page 2 of 2 FINANCING PLAN Original Changes • Revised Budget Budget --------- -------- -------- Fire Loss Settlem nt GL-100-39000-6999 -0- $10,983 $10,983 GL-100-36200-6999 -0- $10,983 $10,983 URAP Interest Ear ed -0- $40,000 $40,000 GL-101-36200-6602 SPENDING PLAN Lower Bluff Revit lization Program P6-101-36212-0547 61304 $137,500 $50,9�3 $188,483 P6-100-39412-0547 61304 $221,500 $10,9�3 $232,483 APPROVED AS TO FU DING: APPROVED: ,�� ����_ � Director, Departm nt of F' nce and Budget Diretcor Management Servic s � �O� as a s Absent Requested by Depa�tment of: oswitz ' on �— Plannin & Economic Develonment acca ee et man une � a i son BY� ,'� �— Adopted by Council: Da e O CT � � ���(� Form Appro d by Ci orney Adoptfon Certified by C uncil Secretary By; n By' Approved by Mayor for Submission to Q�'� � 2 ���� Council Approved by Mayor: Da e � � / ' �-.����/ gy; �a�.�/.��L`��// By' UBliS�6ED U C�� 2 � 1990 e�cvG�r Gas : � � �U G 2� 1990 U` 9o-���� DEPARTMENT/OFFlC�UNqL DATE INITIATED _ 7 ,$ o GREEN SHEE� No. 9041 A� CONTACT PERSON d PHONE �1.Mu� �pEp�qTMENT DIRECTOR (, I �M NCNeZ 'r"�' 5" � GTY ATTORNEY �CITY CLERK MUTAlER FOR MUBT ON COUNqL A�iENDA BY(DATE) ROIITINO BUDOET DIRECTOR S �FlN.6 MOT.SERVICES DIR. YWi(OR ASSIBTAN TOTAL M OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLiP ALL LOCATIONS EOR 81GNATURE) ACT10N REGUESTED: REU�EI��L PPROUAL CF �c�AC�I�D ���T/ON w( ALLOf.V ��5 Bu,cFF IJNS a- P�O CoMPL�E -T-E{6 4ou�� SLU�F U.RAP P2o,�bc.T R RE MMENDATIONB:Apprars(y a Ry�ct(iq COUNCN.COMMITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT O _PLANNiNO WMMISSION _CIVII SE �COMMIBSION �YBT PHONE NO. � _CIB COMMITTEE _ �� _STAFF _ OOMMEttlTS: _��,��� _ ��T�' A 1°T� . SUPPORTS WHICN COUNqL OBJECTIVE9 ����•! INITIA71WCi PF�BLEM.ISStJE.OPPORTUNITY(Who� �Whsn.Whero.NIhY): 'TWO Ac-r�oNS w� $E ACGO1�tPL15NED 8Y"'�� �����" o '�Frg RESoc�c.c�noa3 : D#a�,9Ce(v t,Jit.�- 6 �DOED To TI�(E I•�'xNE�2 43ud,FF GtRAP �T AS � R65uLT oF t�J �IVSu.Rh�7CE ScrTl_EMei.�t" FoiZ Olk,�►Ah6E Sc.�s'rAr�D A+kx.cs� PuR,ct�MSEa AT �OoZ TEFt2D E�'T- ��hlO�C70t� t�l�l. E� "'fa �E �R��'CZ'� AS A �E$t�tC.T' Ofr l '� E�RJ� O�TNE' �T�k� �lR4P Fc.W . -rt�tS Al�louJ�T wAS $� �T'T�4E-t'l�.t aF ARoS6�.T �PPROCaA�-� D � TN TIME. ADVANTAOE8 IF APPROVED: REC�IVED �1"N� �A�91T1.oN t. �c.WpS t�JILI. PRou�DE T�tF R c.�R�GES u� � NtPc.�r� -t�tE L.«;c�.3�u� (,��,P.A A U G 2 :3 1990 DEPqR �F rHE DIRECTpR �ND Mq MENT pF FfNANCE AGEMENt SERVI��S asnov�wr�oes iF�o: . RECEIVED �O � RECEIVED ,I I I� 2 5 1A90 � �ECEIVED A U�:14 1990 �uuGt t uFF�C� SEP24��O � BUDGET OFFICE c�TY DISADVANTAdES IF NOT 11PPROVED: -�.4,1� 1'�Zo� G'r Gvii.l. �'� �-If�uE Stk�F1�lE7�� "R�oc�RC.'ES . ,TO C01�tP E ALt� PQ•OPd.3C�D PG-rtc��TrES. ouncil F�e�earch Center. �Ut� 3 U iyyU TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION �_ �ST/l�VENUE WDOETE�(G OI� YES NO FtlNplNp SO{�`E T ACTIVITY NU � O� �ruwa�u iNwRwu►nori:�ocw�ur� (.tPJ�P ��T fl�1 t. dw . NOTE: OOMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCIUDEQ IN THE OREEN SHEET I.NSTRUCTIONAI. MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURqiASINO OFFICE(PHONE NO.29�-4225). ROUTIN(3 ORDER: Bebw are preferred routi�ga for the flve most frequent typss of dxumente: OONTRACTS (assumes suthwized OOUNqL RESOLUTION (Amerid,Bdpta./ budyei exi� Acoept. Qrants) 1. Outside A�ncy' � 1. Deputment Director 2. Ini�e�in�Departmen�--- 2. Budpst Director 3. Cky Attomsy � 3. City Attomey , 4. Mayor 4. AAayodAs�stant 5. Flnance d�Mgmt 3vcs. Dlrector . Cfly Qourrdi 6. Rnance AccouMfng 6. (:hief AxouMant, Fln�Mpmt Swc:s. AD�AINI3TRATIVE ORDER (Budpet, OOUNqL RE80LUTION (��a�� 1. Actfvity Menaper 1. Inifidinp DspeRmeM Director 2. 3. Ds�peRmsM Dinctor� 3. ��� 4. Budgst Director 4. Clty Cd1iM�l 5. Gty Clerk 8. Chisf AocouMaM, Fln&Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all otMra) 1. Inftfadnq Dep�utment 2. ay nnomey 4. qty�C�rk TOTAL NUMBER OF SI(3NATURE PM�ES Indlcate the#�of peges on which slpnaturos ers required and pepsrctlP a�ch of Mese ap�. ACTION REttlUUESTED Dssc�ibe wha�t the proJect/roqusst�ks W acxommpUah le either chronologi- cal order o►adsr.of.importance��is mod�ppropdets for the i�ue. Do no!write t�omplete ssrrt�noss. 8spin s�dt kem M your list wkh a verb. RECOMMENDATION8 Complete if ths issus in qusWion F►as bs�n preeentsd bstore any body,publ� or private. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNqL OBJECTiVE7 Indicate which Coundl obj�ct�e(a)Y�au P�ojectlreQuest s�PP�bY�� the ke�r word(s)(HOU81Nf3, RECREATION, NEICiHBORHOODS, EOONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUD(iET,SEWER 3EPARATION).(SEE COMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUC710NAL MANUAL.) COUNqL OOMMITTEFJRESEARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL A3 REOUE3TED BY COUNqL INITtATIN(3 PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY . Explain the situatbn or corMitior�s that cr�e�ed a nssd for your projsct or request. ADVANTAQES IF APP1iOVED Indicats wNethsr this is simpy an annual budpst proceduro required by Iaw/ chuter or whether there are spsdflc wa fn which tM dty of 8afM Paul and its citizens will beneflt trom thia pro�t/action. DISADVANTAtiES IF APPROVED What negative eifects or major chanpss to sxisting or past pro�es migM thia prolecUrequ�t produce if k..is.paetsd(e.g.,traiflc delays� n�se, tax increases or�asmenb)?To WFrom?When? For how long? DISADVANTAQES IF NOT APPAQafED Whet will be ths nspativs c�nseqUenCes if the promised action is not approved?Inabiliry to deliver eirvice?ConNnued high traffic, noise, axidsM rats?Loa of rovsnue? FlNANqAL IMPACT ' Althouph you must tauor ths frNormstion you provids h�n to ths i�us you are addreainq,in psnsral you must answer two qussdons: How much is ft qofn9 to cosYt Who is 9��9�P� I G1TY �P . . , . ti�� 7 ' - ' N CITY OF SAINT PAUL p ull IIU'li � � � OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL �sb. CITY HALL—7th FLOOR-SAINt PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612-298-5506 TOM DIMOND COUNCILMEMBER ' , Members: Tam Di�aond, Chair Paula Maccabee Dave Thune Date: October 10, 990 COMMITTEE REPO T �, HOUSING AND EC NOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE I 1. Approval of the Minutes of the September 26, 1990, Housing and Economic Development Committee meeting. COMMITTEE A PROVED, 3-0 I 2. Lower Dayto 's Bluff - 40 Acre Study (Laid Over in Committee 9-26-90) . COMMITTEE R COMMENDED APPROVAL OF A SUBSTITUTE RESOLU�fION, 3-0 3. Resolution 0-1766 - Resolution approving application of Hako Minuteman, Multi-Clean Division, for Classification of property located in the Saint Paul Riverf ont Enterprise Zone as Class 4D Employment Property. COMMITTEE R COMMENDED APPROYAL, 3-0 4. Resolution 0-1767 - Resolution approving applicatiorrlof Bay West, Inc. , for classificat on of property located in the Saint Paul Riverfront Enterprise Zone as Cla s 4D Employment Property. COMMITTEE R COMMENDED APPROVAL, 3-0 � 5. Resolution 0-1768 - Resolution approving application of Leeann Chin, Inc., for Classif cation of property located in the Saint Paul Riverfront _- Enterprise one as Class 4D Employment Property. I COMMITTEE R COMMENDED APPROVAL, 3-0 6. Leeann Chin - Boundary Changes. I ' � COMMITTEE R COMMENDED APPROVAL, 3-0 i CHAIR: Housing and Re evelopment Authority & Housing and Economic De�✓elopment Committee COM ITTEES: Public Works & Intergovernmental Relations Printed on Recycled Paper �e.,�s >>� �� . ��-��'�� '�� - - HOUSING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT - OCTOBER 10, 1990 PAGE TWO 7. Approval of funding to construct a parking lot on HRA parcel 141-E, the southwest corner of Selby and Dale, Summit-University Planning Council , District 8 (Referred from HRA 7-10-90) . COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL AS AMENDED, 3-0 (HRA) 8. Resolution authorizing preparation of second supplement indenture to 1987 Riverfront Bonds, naming underwriter, and setting public hearing for proposed bond sale, Districts 3, 9, 17 (Referred from HRA 9-25-90) . THIS ITEM WAS LAID OVER 9. Tax Deferment to Rehab Housing. THIS ITEM WAS LAID OVER 10. Authorization to exercise option and proceed with acqui`sition of property at 688 E. Third, Dayton's Bluff, District 4 URAP Area (Referred from HRA) . COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL, 3-0 (HRA) ..____...,,._....-�..v_.,.�_.�.....,.�.....��.,..,_M._ ...._..,1u,�.,..r.�.�. 1_� _ _. �-•..a ..�=-_ --,..`h �,.�-�-T� -�,.esQl�tt'S on���-1821 - adopti ngw cri teri a�to determi ne degree of publ i c support � for proposals to locate MNDOT within Saint Paul . , ✓r, �"��-�•�-•�.�..�.CO�lMI..T,TEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL AS AMENDED, 3-0 .�,••���"'�� 12. HUD Vacant Houses for the Homeless (Laid Over in Committee 9-26-90) . THIS ITEM WAS LAID OVER FOR FURTHER INFORMATION FROM STAFF 13. Approval of Financing Assistance for the Public Housing Agency's Acquisition and Rehabilitation Program (Referred from HRA 10-9-90) . COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL�, 3 0 (HRA) n w,r, �..-_:.., ., ,_._.,_ , „ . . so u ion 90-1742 - Resolution increasing the financing and spending plans'°`�� for the Lower Bluff Urban Revitalization Action Program (URAP) . `� ..�` _ COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL, 3-0 , __.- - chr _ � . � �yo��r��. Analyst: Barbara Jeanetta , Date: 8/21/90 BUDGET OFFICE ANALYSIS OF BUDGET AMENDMENTS Department: PED Green Sheet Number: 9041 Amount of Request: $61,966 Positions Requested: Amount Recommended: $61,966 Positions Recommended: Funding Source: Insuran e settlement and interest. SubjeCt of Request: Amend ower Bluff URAP project to recognize additional financing and spending authority. Background: See green sheet for background on insu ance settlement(project specific). Interest earned on entire state URAP funds were allocated proportionately(percent of project spen ing to total URAP spending)to individual URAP projects. Interest was included as a financing source in each individual URAP project ut because interest could only be estimated a budget amendment is necessary to recognize the actual amount of interest earned. Major Issues: None. Fiscal Impact: {Current Year and Ilowing Year) Increases spending on Lower Bluff URA project by amount of insurance settlement. An estimate of interest earnings was already included as part of the budgeted financin spending plan. , Recommendation: Sign/approve. Follow—up Recommended, If Any: Jeanetta's 715:anall8.wkl.all 8-21-90 �� �� � GIi�A �. . _ _ ' � � . �, ��vr:_-�. � L� / :_� 7,r_ �> cduncil File 0- � �, � ;�, , PED - Housing �� � , Green Sheet ,� -!� RESOLUTION . CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOT�1 Presented By ' Referred To � � .Gli Committee: ate /U -a - 9v RESOLUTIO INCREASI I NG THE FINANCING AND SPENDING PLANS FOR THE LOWER BLUFF URBAN REVITALIZATION ACTION PROGRAM, (UR.AP) WHEREAS, Da ton's Bluff Neighborhood Housing Servicesl, Inc. and the City of Saint Paul Dep rtment of Planning and Economic Development are in the process of implem nting the Lower Bluff Urban Revitalization Action Program (URAP) ; and ' WHEREAS, a ire was sustained at 702 Third Street priQr to the commencement of t e rehabilitation on the property; and , • WHEREAS, th city had taken out insurance on the property and the ' resulting claim r imbursed the city for the damages sustaingd in the amount of � $21,966, the proce ds of which are needed to complete the rehabilitation of the property; and ' WHEREAS, the city has earned interest .income on the uxt�spent State URAP funds, a portion o which has been previously identified to �be included in all the URAP projects; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, th t upon the recommendation of the Mayor, tlie Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve the following additions to the Lower . Bluff URAP financi g and spending plans: I' �I � � � � � I ��°" ' 7�� � II�AL , Page 2 of 2 FINANCING PLAN Original Changes • Revised Budget Budget --------- -------- -------- Fire Loss Settlement GL-100-39000-6999 -0- $10,983 $10,983 GL-100-36200-6999 -0- $10,983 $10,983 UR.AP Interest Earned -0- $40,000 $40,000 GL-101-36200-6602 SPENDING PLAN Lower Bluff Revitalization Program P6-101-36212-0547-61304 $137,500 $50,983 $188,483 P6-100-39412-0547-61304 $221,500 $10,983 $232,483 APPROVED AS TO FUNDING: APPROVED: ��� ��- Director, Department of F" nce and Budget Diretcor Management Services y Yeas Navs Absent Requested by Department of: imon oswi z Plannin & Economic Development on �ca ee ettman • une �,M, o ' i son By' Form Appro d by Ci orney Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary gy; BY� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by Mayor: Date ' B ��.��'.�/i� By: Y� � � �=yo-�,��. Analyst: Barbara Jeanetta Date: 8/21/90 � i BUDGET OFFICE ANALYSIS ' OF BUDGET AMENDMENTS Department: PED i Green Sheet Number: 9041 Amouni of Request: $61,966 Positions Requested: Amount Recommended: $61,966 Positions Recommended: Funding Source: Insuran e settlement and Interest. I SubjeCt of Request: Amend ower Bluff URAP project to recognize additional financing and spending authority. I I Background: See green sheet for background on ins rance settlement(project specific). Interest earned on entire st�te URAP funds were allocated proportionately(percent of project spen ing to total URAP spending)to individual URAP projects. Inter�st was included as a financing source in each individual URAP project ut because interest could only be estimated a budget amendmient is necessary to recognize the actual amount of interest earned. II Major Issues: None. i I I ' I Fiscal Impact: (Current Year and ollowing Year) j Increases spending on Lower Bluff URA project by amount of insurance settlement. An estimate of interest earnings was already included as part of the budgeted financi g/spending plan. Recommendation: Sign/approve. I � Foilow-up Recommended, If Any: i Jsanetta's 77b:anaH8.wkl.ali 8-21-90 I� DEPAHTM[NT/OFFlCE/COUNCR OATE INITtATED _ � AU G 28� 1990 �9�� ���� . 7 i$ o GREEN SHEET : Na 9041 CONTACT PERSON 3 PHONE INITWJ OATE INITIAUDATE DEPARTMENT DiRECTOR ` �'� NCIL• �t'oh aNCuez 8°t� .N�+s'.� �,, , m Dc, m, NUMBEii FOR �GTM ATTORNEY �CITY CLERK MUST B ON COUNCIL AOENDA BY(OAT� �O �BUDOET DIRECTOR S�_ �FIN.8 MOT.SERVICES DIR. �MAYOR(OR ASSISTANn � — TOTAL N OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1- (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS EOR SiGNATUR� - ACTION REQUESTED: � REV1EU�a� APPRouA� oF A�-rrqc..��D F{FSOC.r.cT�oN w�c.L A�.�.ocv f�aY�rorfs $U•cFF IJNS q- PEp �Tp coNtPL� `TN� L,ow� Blrt,tFF �RAP P(ZoSf�.T > , � R � . ' . .. 1.. : . RECOMMENOATIONS:Approvs(A)a Rejset(R) COUNCIL COMMITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT OPTIONAL � � _PLANNINO COMMISSiON _CIViL SERVIC�COMMISSION �A�YST PHONE NO. �U ` _CIB COMMITTEE — —STAFF _, COMMENTS: _DISTRICT COVRT _ . �lT��e Y�' ::__ ���+;��;d -�. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? �� fNITIATING PR09LEM,ISSUE,OPPOHTUNITY(Who,WMt,Whsn,Wh�n,Why►: "rwo Ac.-rwNS w��� 86 AcaowtPcasNED 8Y�TN'E �1PPRov�� oF -r��5 R�Sc,�c.cT►o�J : Q#oZ(�9l0(0 �.vi�� 6� A�oOED -ro 'rHE I-�ocN��iu,�FF GIR�iP PR��scA A5 � RESU(.T oF AIJ I NSu.RA��JCE Sc�'fLEM�t' 'FoR �.til�6E S�-�stA►NeD-ro +IousE Pu2c�SED �'f `?OaZ TEtl2D STRE�T ��HO�OCX� t�1�-L 8� � "Ta "�E �Rd�'�'� AS A 1Z'ESt�LT OF IVT�3T �7EP ONTME �tArt�E IARAP.�Fu.�DS• -rt+tS AP-la,�� wAS '�t.lsYocr� �-*'u�"r'1�.cE o� P2oSE�T �.PPRa�A�-, ND C 1J AT TNl TIIrt'E. ` ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: . REC�IVED ` 'C"N� �Ao��-noNA� �c.uap5 u7i�.t� PKouiDE —r�t� ,R�Soc.cP,c.ES co�Pc.�r� -r-E-�E L,«�c�.3�.,,�� (,��APA�� 2 ;3 1990 u� "'� . fjFFl�E OF T . �EPqRTMENT � D1RfCTOR '�'ND MANqGEMENT SEANCE . ; �� ,. , . � .:: RVICES � ' dSADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: . , - � :, , RECEtVED ; 4 � . �',RECEIVED , � `.I!II�. 2 5 1�90 r.�oN� � . , t��CEiVED �, ,- : �UG.7 4 �99� EfUUGkt UFFtCE �:5EP241�0 �B�nc�r oFFicE _,- - _ . e �. .Y . := �: :� ._ mr = (, DISAOVANTACjES IF NOT APPROVED: .,._. "� ` , ` : , ; ;� yh t j � _ �c.,,. t� -yY M°� . R�` � .'�.N� :���GT l�u r L�. � +i�uE ` ��l�-1 e.�- 'R�a�RC�S _ k.. � � R �f � �n.tPcE'r� `Al..� PR.oPc�38D Pc--rtc�iT��S : .� �< <,_, � _ >, �,>�� �Council���E���arch"�Center. �,U��*� U 1yyU � TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION ����� COSTlREVENUE BUDOETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES , NO , `; , ,. ,, .. : � •-._., • ..,.. � . . ` �±'^ IIXt�QMX.E"�� f'(L�J•IE�'r c� � ACTIVITY NUMBE� �' ��'fE 5F� �'�Ol..t�l'tlOfl� . „s FUNDINO SOURCE - — .�—-d FlNANdAIINFOHMATION:(EXPLAIN) uQ.�P, 1�+1c.s�vT .. � '- .�:'�1�-. DFiT��L , . . .. _., ,. ` ..� -. r-�. .,c • c: .. . . � � . , � �.. .... _... .� � ..: , ' ^�' .�6�. �'�, . . . . ., ..:., . : . :.:.. 9�.:" .r :: .. �'. . ?.S,r- .. .. .. � . . . O'•'� . _ . . . . . ' " ��� ,