98-922Council File # �1$' QR1G#I�AL Presented by Referred To Committee Date 1 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council in File #98-83 adopted February 4, 1998 created a Legislative 2 Advisory Committee on Advertising Signs; and 4 WHEREAS, the Legislative Advisory Committee on Advertising Signs submitted recommendations to the City 5 Council for changes in policies governing advertising signs in Saint Paul; and 6 WHEREAS, the recommendations of the Legislative Advisory Committee on Advertising Signs were 7 presented to the Saint Paul City Council on October 7, 1998; now, therefore, be it 8 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council accepts the report of the Legislative Advisory Committee on 9 Advertising Signs; and be it 10 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the recommendations of the Legislative Advisory Committee on Advertising 11 Signs are hereby forwarded to the Saint Paul Planning Commission for consideration; and be it 12 FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council requests that the Planning Commission consider 13 the recommendations of the Legislative Advisory Committee on Advertising Signs and recommend to the 14 City Council such changes in the Saint Paul Legislative Code as it deems appropriate. Requested by Department of: Adopfion Certified by Council Secretary � Appro � RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Green Sheet # 62285 �� � Form Approved by City Attomey � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � Adopted by Council: Date �.c , �� \`�� JY �� GREEN SHEET Gerry Strathman October 14, 1998 ROUi91G TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES oer�ar�rowECrort ��-9a a No ��5 a�reoucz ❑ MYAiTOR1EY ❑ OIYGiRIC ❑ wura,�a�xMCUUw. ❑ w,.xr��mnn.ccro ❑ �MVat(oRASID6GMn ❑ (CLJP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Requesting that the Planning Co�ission consider the recommendations of the Legislative Advisory Committee on Advertising Signs and recommend�to the City Council such changes in the Saint Paul Legislative Code as it deems necessary. PLANNING COMMISSION GB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� II�d99:I�]�a� SOURCE Has this peisoMrm ever wwked unCer a contract for Nis department? YES NO Has Uiis Oe�soNfrtm ever heen a atY emWuYeeT YES NO Does this personrTim posses6 a sldll not normallypossesced bY �y currerd cily emPloYee? YES NO Ic Mis P���m a qipetetl vendoR YES NO all sheet aM attach COST/REVRlUE BUDGEfm (qRCLE ON� ACTNITY NUMBER YES NO INFORMAiION (IXPW� LARKIN� HOAFMAN, DALY & LIND�REN, LTD. A7TORNEYBATlAW PE7ER J. COriE Dllt. DIAL (Ot� �06121� Octobor �4,1998 Hon. Chrts Colemen St. Peu1 C,yty Ccuncil IS W, Kellogg Boulevacd St. Paul. Minnasota 55102 � eoo rrottuves r ttwwcou e�rea 1i00 7(EW(EB AY2NUE 80UTH BLOOMINQTON, MINNEBOTA 66171.11M TELEPI(ON � 1� {a6-DbOp Fi1X e� eotl• Re: Legislativa Tesk For�e Report — Ou[door Advertising Signs Deer Counollmen Coleman: � �-�a �- Onr firm ropresents DeLjte Outdoor Advertising Company regarding ragutatory matters in tha City of St. Paul, Micu�esota. DeL{te cunently is an applicant for permits to constcuct two (2) advartisiag signe wlthin tha City. I am wrlting to object to stataments mada by City staff ln the coursa of prasanting the Legiela6ve Task Force Report on Outdoor Advertising Sigas at lest week's City Cpuncll mcedng. City staff has etatad thst the recommendations in the Report, regatding tha conditions under which signs maY oonfinue to be buiit in the City, are supported by the industry. That ie not true. The Task Force adopted the recommendations made by the dominant sign company in St. Paul, filler Media Company. Those recommendations ere not (and were not) supported by my ctient, or by severat other small eign oompanies who ara seeking to compete against Eller w9thin the City. Moreover, the Task Force Raport, !f it bacomes law in the City, wiil lock-in the status quo and crsate a monopoly for the dominant company, due to the leglslativa action of the City. DeLita, end the other companies that compete against Eller, put fonverd a competing plan which would have moro positFvely effacted the removal of neighborhood signs, while preserving the ability of tha emalter eign campanies, including AeLite, to compete !n the City (see attachad). My client looks forward to participating in the public hearings regarding this important mstter. We condnue to believa that the City's Sign Ordinance can ba modified to promote tha removal of signs from reaidentlal neighborhoods, without denying ptoperty zights, or establishing a monopoly in favor of the dom�nant sign compaqy. S rety, � Patar J. Coyle, for LARKIN, HOFFMAN, DALY & LINDGR�N, Ltd. v u ���a a--- r. r 1 r, � ; i ► . � y� . ,� ; .Ir ��1: � i � � 1 . No more ifgne v,�ip ye oo��� � Ael��Zhood/raaldentiel d�strio4a. . • Alt ilibga! dgos� if any, muet bo removed, • Consttt�odon of algq tttuatutes vviq be e11ow only !n the lotlowJng oommerclal end induabrW yoned op�othu�lty corriddn: • 1-94 &om the A+iindeepolia Clty LImita easG W Merlon Strbet • I-94 tkom the Lefbyotte grldge east to the Maplewood Clty Llnhits • I-3SL� ti�om Crrove Street north to the Map2�wood City � Lirip[t� ,, • T-35E flrom Weet 7th Stroot aouth tp the Migslseippl Rivor • U•S• Nighway S2 Coa[dor • Steto Iilghwsy 2$0 Conidor •. Stata Highway SI (Snelitag Avenue) fl�om $alby Stroot north to the Falcon Helghte CIty Limite • Statc Htghwqy S(West 9th Stcoet) ltom Sh�pe�d Road east to I�eltogg Bouleverd ' • Unlvoraity Avenue ibm lilghway 280 east'to Rloe Street Bxisttng slgn stcucturet may bo rcplaced In the bt�lbosrd opponuhity dlatrtats, without a sigo oredit(s), at per �ho exieting atgn orE{nance. � : .►: �rr. 0)D➢�PB.O1 �� `� R g�a � • T6e oont4uotton of tt�y aew al�n ttruotuce�, �nd tho reooa�huodon of exiedng 4I� ol�c�u� �u �� the defined oppottunitY oo�rldpn. • Outeide ofthe oppotteut(ty c��don, aefgh6orhood diatrlote w'1q be proteoted i}om u�y � �� �velopment. • 7'he `�uy Dcwn"pr��clon foc new st�u b r�telned whtoh cnNoeA t�e romoval of nonoontbrmfn6 a�BRe !q the nelgl�borhocd� end other d[�Wott out�lde of tha blliboard oPPoi1'unity oo�rldors. . The re(endon of the provJ�icn !a the ourront a l�n oidinanoe for � the replaoement otextstln,� oo,��g 8�gna g�vea eeah ltoensed tlBn compeny ia the C�ty the abjlity competo end itay in bualnees. Thp proaenoe of thta provfato� atso protaota the (,yty hom what othenvlse might be oonetdeted nurtud,�g and encouraging t�a extatenoe of a knoivn monopoly. My md et! iUega( slgns would have to 6e remqved fl�om tha City Limlts. , . � �. •�.HND��. FROh LARKIN XOFFARN 18.34.1998 15:13 �• � LA�►� HOpRDdAN� bALY & LtNDORBAt� �, AfTORMBY�ATIAW ►�T�11 �.Q��! DIR. OHI. p/YJ IAi2N May2�, l998 Mr. �ejry 8ti'athman DSreasar of 1�ecearch 8t Paul C�ty Hal, 8ulte 310 ts we�cxenug� Eoulevad St. Pau1. Miahewta 5510Z t100 NOI{YV�►1NAN011L 0H1mR f100XIWf@B AV!ltUi �OIiM ��T�. 6t01A�N-0fN r�� 1pt7W100 Re: Legtetative Advlaory Commilteo on Advorilsiae Sfgns slg�' Indu�aY p�po�et fir Ordinanoe Amendmente Deac Mr. strathman: /r � � I r Enclosed wjth thi� letter !a a proposel tbr ttruaturel refbrm of tha City of St. �aui'� advenistng slgn ordintu►oe. 1'he propoee! rocognlzos thet tho baeto ottuoture of the exu8ng �tgn ordinanoe worke quite we11. At the `p�e timo, the atgn industry reooga{zea tho City's dea(rs to galn moro oontrol over the ptacament of aigns 1n sensitive uees of tho Clty. 1'6is propoeal wes developdd by and Is oupporied by tho tbltowta� rlgn oompanles: _ • DeLtte Outdoor Adve�ttaing; • , MlQweet Qutdoor Advertlaing; • AQams Ou�dcorAdverttsing; Piease dlaWbuta the enoloseQ propoaal to the membere of the Adv(sory Com�(ttco for use in tho Comntittee'e dfsouae3on regarding options !or amenwpe�e � , City�'clgn ord[qacoe. 8inoorely, �[� � P tet J, C�ylo� LARK[N, HOPFMAN� DALY 8c LINDORfiN, Ltd, oo; lef�'Bvr�rd, DeL{te Outdoor�dvoNsing Peter R6mes, Midwest Outdoox Advectleing Dob Otdizigar, Adnms Outdoor Advartleing 0)99165,01 *rrEND«r* q� �� City of Saint Paul City Council Investigation and Research Center Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 612 266-8589 INTER-DEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM DATE: October 1, 1998 TO: Counciimembers FROM: Kenneth L. Smith, Policy Analyst �� SUBJECT: Legisiative Advisory Committee on Advertising Signs Attached, please find committee materials for the discussion on advertising signs. If you have any questions please feel free to call. Thank you. cc. Gerry Strathman, Director aY .�� Legislative Advisory Committee on Advertising Signs Recommendations on Billboards and Courtesy Benches Billboard Recommendations 1. There will be no additional billboards pernvtted in the City of Saint Paul. New billboards will be permitted only as replacements of existing billboazds. Their replacement will be at a rate of 3 square feet of billboazd signage removed for each 1 square foot of new replacement billboard signage allowed, counting each side of any billboard removed or constructed separately. Billboards that are removed should first come from the most residential sites on a city- wide basis. Planning Districts on a district-by-district basis may create a list of high prioriry signs for removal from each district. As an incentive to select and resnove signs from the District Council's list, any sign on the list that is removed sha11 qualify for a replacement biilboard at a rate of Z square foot of billboard sign removed for each 1 square £oot of replacement bi(Iboard. 2. Billboards shonld be pernutted along arterial streets (principal arterial and minor arterial levels A& B as designated in the Comprehensive Plan) where there is continuous commercial and industrial zoning of 1320 feet. Along freeways the commercial industrial zoning should be measured a(ong one side of the roadway. Along surface-level arterial streets, the commercial-industrial zoning should be along both sides. Table 1 in the Zoning Code, which regulates size, spacing, and height of billboards should be revised to have arteriai streets and size of zoning districts as its basis. The required spacing from a church, school, and residential zoning district along the roadway should be increased from 75 feet to 330 feet. The required spacing from a parkway should be increased from 150 feet to 330 feet, The required spacing from a park or recreation center shall be increased from 300 feet to 330 feet from the property line. 4. Advertising Device Control Segment No. 1 should be expanded to include both sides of Shepherd and Warner Roads. 5. The inventory of billboard signs and their locations created by the Corrunittee should be confirmed, maintained, and updated on a periodic basis by LIEP. Additional3y, LIEP should establish standards for the maintenance and condition of billboards. Inspections should be made annually to be sure the billboards within the City meet those standards. Inspect all bill6oards annualiy. Issue permits each year for each biilboard (like state requirement). Impose an annual pernut fee which fully covers all costs to the city of administration and inspection of bi316oards. 9g.q��-- 6. The Committee considered amortization of billboards in Saint Paul but feels that even if it was legally possible, it is not warranted by the information provided to the Committee. The issue of Advertising Signs be revisited five years atter any changes to the current law are adopted by the City Council. 8. Impose a permanent moratorium on the erection of any new billboard (neighborhood or highway) citywide. 9. Identify and remove all illegal billboards (neighborhood or highway). Illegal billboards shall not be altered, nor variances given, so as to become legal. 10. Demand recovery of all money generated by such illegal billboards, with interest. 11. Enforce the ordinance. Courtesy Bench Recommendations 12. Section 170.08(a) (signs on parkways restricted) of the Legislative Code of the City of Saint Paul be amended such that the 150 foot restriction on advertising signs near parks and parkways be removed. Furthermore, the committee advises that this recommended change in the ordinance be placed before each District Council for their review. 13. The regulation of courtesy benches throughout the City be the responsibility of the City's office ofLicense, Inspections and Environmental Protection (LIEP). 14. All Special Sign District and Historic Preservation plans be updated to address the issue of courtesy bench advertising. 15. The Parks and Recreation Department review for approval or removal ail courtesy benches and bus shelters in or on Saint Paul parks and parkways. 16. A courtesy bench may be rep]aced by a public bench or a non advertising bench. 2 °�g -q�� Dick Anfang Brian Bates Michael Cronin Members of Legislative Advisory Committee on Advertisin2 Si�ns Saint Paui Building Trades 411 Main Street - Suite 206 Saint Paul, MN 55102 1985 Grand Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55105 8809 West Bush Lake Road Minneapolis, MN 55438 Litton S. Field Jr. Litton S. Field & Company P.O. Box 64016 Saint Paul, MN 55164 224-9445 690-9671 941-7487 941-2645 (fax) - 699-0505 (hm) 227-8405 (wk) Sheldon Johnson 2031 S. Howard Street 738-3143 (hm) Saint Paul, MN 55119 298-5571 (wk) Wendy Lane License, Inspections, Environmental Protection 350 Saint Peter Street 266-9081 Lowry Professional Building, Room 300 Saint Paul, MN 55102 Larry Laumeyer 970 Raymond Avenue - Suite 103 Saint Paul, MN 55114 646-7921 Mark Moeller R. F. Moeller Jewelers 2073 Ford Parkway Saint Paul, MN SS ll 6 698-6321 Larry Soderholm Planning and Economic Development 266-6575 25 West Fourth Street City Hall Annex, 11�' Floor Saint Paul, MN 55102 Tom Welna The Covington Inn - Pier 1 Hamet Island, B-C Saint Paul, MN 55107 Aeather Worthington 890 Cromwell Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55114 298-0125 (hm) 292-1411 (wk) 292-7884 September 29, 1998 Gerry Strathman Director Council Investigation and Research Center City of Saint Paul 15 West Keliogg Bivd. St. Paul, MN 55102 Dear Mr. Strathman, ��'-g� We are writing to foilow up on your letter requesting comments from the Grand Avenue Business Association about the special sign district and iYs influence on biliboards in our area. Our Association does not have the data you requested about the numbers of biliboards before and after the Special Sign District legisiation. However, our Board of Directors discussed the topic at our last Board meeting and concurred that the Special Sign district for Grand Avenue has not had a noticeable impact on billboards on Grand Avenue. Thank you for including the Grand Avenue Business Association in your study of this issue. Sincerely, �%cr ���(J/�G�'L� Char Mason Executive Director Grand Avenue Business Association d!1 �l I�.F � :.41� �i.sw;4 IC.�� /� 'L� °.C�,.'�'f� � <F?'f"> 1043 Grand Avenue, #31� � Saint Paul, Mmnesota 55105 elephone. �6�1) 699-0029 � Fax (651) 699-7775 ( E-mail mto�� vrandA�e �om � Website �vww.GrandA�e com A Cherished Tradition of ReaLLy Gooj, Stuff � i�Ij�F�� _ � - SIDE . CITIZENS O�GANIZATION Mr. Gerry Strathman Council Investigation and Research Center Directar City Hall, Suite 310 15 W. Kellogg Blvd. Saint Paul, MN 55102 September 23, 1998 Dear Mr. Strathman: ]27 West Winifred St. 7 r St. Paul, MN 55107 ��� Phone (612) 293-1708 - Fax (612) 293-0115 I am writing in response to your letter of September lst to Dave Engfer, President of WSCO. During the Legislative Advisory Committee's work the West Side has experienced some changes in the billboazd situarion. Although our response to you is late in coming, I hope you will be able to include it in your report to the City Council. The following are changes we have seen since our special sign district request was submitted: 1. Since our original inventory and count of 43 billboard faces, we have discovered an uncounted sign. It is the same size as a commercial billboard, but looks handmade and it shorter than other billboards. It is located on residential properry nearthe intersection of Livingston and Concord St. and permanently advertises a siding company. With this addition, our billboard faces on the West Side total 44. 2. One billboard, on Eaton and Lafayette, was zehuilt after one of this summer's storms. This reconstruction is in direct violation of our May 29th speciai sign district request which states that billboards not be rebuilt if demolished. In addirion, we were norified by the Assistant City Attorney that it was reconstructed without a permit and that the city was taking action against the company's contractors 1lcense due to this and other alleged violations across the City. In response, WSCO wrote a letter to Councilmember Chris Coleman asking him and LIEP to require the wmpany to remove the billboard. 3. Incidentaily, due to the state tobacco lawsuit settlement, rivo super sized Marlboro billboard posters have come down. Unfortunately they have been replaced by Miller beer posters, substituting a cowboy theme with a macabre, sexually explicit, trashy theme. We hope you �;rill find this information helpfui. If you have any questions regarding our responses, please call me at 645-6887 during the day or 224-7308 at home. Best V�'ishes, � �� Sherii}'n Y�� Environment Committee Chair �YVLW��t/�� � Council File # $��� a�y'�� � Green Sheet # � RESOLUTION CI�1( OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA q$ 4 � Referred To Presented By Committee: Date RESOLUTION CREATING LEGISLATI�'E ADVISORY COMMITTEE 2 3 4 5 6 9 1Q 11 12 13 14 1� 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 3-� 3� 36 ;g 39 40 ON A.DVET2TISING SIGNS RESOLVED, that a legislative advisory committee is hereby established pursuant to Section 3.01.8 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, subject to the limitations therein, to undertake a study of issues surrounding the effectiveness of the provisions of Chapter 66 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code which relate to advertising signs and any proposed amendments ihereto, including chose contained in Council File No. 97-1447, and submit a report-thereon to the City Council on or before August 1. 1998. The report of the committee shall contain the following inventory of advertising signs, as well as consideration of, but not limited to, the following issues: (1) the effectiveness of Special Sign Districts; (2) a complete inventory of all advertising signs in St. Paul, including location and condition (3) regulatory and enforcement considerations, such as annual permit fee and LIEP staffing needs; and (4) sign credit program — clazifications of existing credit program and consideration of other models; and, be it FURTHER RESOLV ED, that the membership of the committee sha11 consist of eleven jl l� ten-{�$j members, appointed by the Council by resolution, and is intended to achieve a balance of perspectives on these issues by including one (1) representative of the regulated iadustry, one (i ) representative of organized labor (Building Trades), and one or more representatives of neighborhood organizations and the business community; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the membership of such committee will be appointed as follows: (i) Each councilmember will recommend one member, having in mind the foregoing Resolved clause; (2) The Mayor may recommend a member, which recommendation the Council may in its discretion accept; • �) The Plannine Commission mav recommend a member which recommendation the Council ma�in its discretion acceot: (4) The LIEP Director is requested to appoint one LIEP staff inember with expertise in regulation of advertising signs as a nonvoting member of the committee; and (5) The Director of the Department of Planning and Economic Development is requested to appoint one PED staff person with expertise in the regulation of advertising signs as a nonvoting member of the committee; and, be it � ��-Ig� � � 2 3 FURTF�R RESOLVED, that the committee will be convened and staffed by Councii 4 Research staff as necessary to complete its work; and, be it 5 6 FINALLY RESOLVED, that upon comple6on of the committee report, the City Council 7 will transmit the committee's recommendarions for changes to the City's wning and sign 8 regulations relating to advertising signs, as well as the proposed auiendment thereto as contained 9 in Council File No. 97-1447, to the Saint Paul Planning Commission for their consideration and 10 study, for a report by such Pianning Commission back to the Council on or before November 1, 11 1998. It is the intent of the City Council that the recommendations of the committee established 12 herein shali be reviewed independently by the Planning Commission in addition to such other 13 studies and recommendations as the Commission may make regarding advertising signs. 14 Requested by Department of: a�option Certified by Council Seczetary � rt.`,DY � By: Form A pr ved by Cit orney $ � � � 9� Appzo�ed by Mayor for Sub 'ssion to Council �dopted by Council: Date? � �c y �\fr Council File # �1$' QR1G#I�AL Presented by Referred To Committee Date 1 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council in File #98-83 adopted February 4, 1998 created a Legislative 2 Advisory Committee on Advertising Signs; and 4 WHEREAS, the Legislative Advisory Committee on Advertising Signs submitted recommendations to the City 5 Council for changes in policies governing advertising signs in Saint Paul; and 6 WHEREAS, the recommendations of the Legislative Advisory Committee on Advertising Signs were 7 presented to the Saint Paul City Council on October 7, 1998; now, therefore, be it 8 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council accepts the report of the Legislative Advisory Committee on 9 Advertising Signs; and be it 10 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the recommendations of the Legislative Advisory Committee on Advertising 11 Signs are hereby forwarded to the Saint Paul Planning Commission for consideration; and be it 12 FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council requests that the Planning Commission consider 13 the recommendations of the Legislative Advisory Committee on Advertising Signs and recommend to the 14 City Council such changes in the Saint Paul Legislative Code as it deems appropriate. Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � Appro � RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Green Sheet # 62285 �� � Form Approved by City Attomey � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � Adopted by Council: Date �.c , �y \� `�� JY GREEN SHEET Gerry Strathman October 14, 1998 ROUi91G TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES oer�ar�rowECrort ��-9a a No ��5 a�reoucz ❑ MYAiTOR1EY ❑ OIYGiRIC ❑ wura,�a�xMCUUw. ❑ w,.xr��mnn.ccro ❑ �MVat(oRASID6GMn ❑ (CLJP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Requesting that the Planning Co�ission consider the recommendations of the Legislative Advisory Committee on Advertising Signs and recommend�to the City Council such changes in the Saint Paul Legislative Code as it deems necessary. PLANNING COMMISSION GB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� II�d99:I�]�a� SOURCE Has this peisoMrm ever wwked unCer a contract for Nis department? YES NO Has Uiis Oe�soNfrtm ever heen a atY emWuYeeT YES NO Does this personrTim posses6 a sldll not normallypossesced bY �y currerd cily emPloYee? YES NO Ic Mis P���m a qipetetl vendoR YES NO all sheet aM attach COST/REVRlUE BUDGEfm (qRCLE ON� ACTNITY NUMBER YES NO INFORMAiION (IXPW� LARKIN� HOAFMAN, DALY & LIND�REN, LTD. A7TORNEYBATlAW PE7ER J. COriE Dllt. DIAL (Ot� �06121� Octobor �4,1998 Hon. Chrts Colemen St. Peu1 C,yty Ccuncil IS W, Kellogg Boulevacd St. Paul. Minnasota 55102 � eoo rrottuves r ttwwcou e�rea 1i00 7(EW(EB AY2NUE 80UTH BLOOMINQTON, MINNEBOTA 66171.11M TELEPI(ON � 1� {a6-DbOp Fi1X e� eotl• Re: Legislativa Tesk For�e Report — Ou[door Advertising Signs Deer Counollmen Coleman: � �-�a �- Onr firm ropresents DeLjte Outdoor Advertising Company regarding ragutatory matters in tha City of St. Paul, Micu�esota. DeL{te cunently is an applicant for permits to constcuct two (2) advartisiag signe wlthin tha City. I am wrlting to object to stataments mada by City staff ln the coursa of prasanting the Legiela6ve Task Force Report on Outdoor Advertising Sigas at lest week's City Cpuncll mcedng. City staff has etatad thst the recommendations in the Report, regatding tha conditions under which signs maY oonfinue to be buiit in the City, are supported by the industry. That ie not true. The Task Force adopted the recommendations made by the dominant sign company in St. Paul, filler Media Company. Those recommendations ere not (and were not) supported by my ctient, or by severat other small eign oompanies who ara seeking to compete against Eller w9thin the City. Moreover, the Task Force Raport, !f it bacomes law in the City, wiil lock-in the status quo and crsate a monopoly for the dominant company, due to the leglslativa action of the City. DeLita, end the other companies that compete against Eller, put fonverd a competing plan which would have moro positFvely effacted the removal of neighborhood signs, while preserving the ability of tha emalter eign campanies, including AeLite, to compete !n the City (see attachad). My client looks forward to participating in the public hearings regarding this important mstter. We condnue to believa that the City's Sign Ordinance can ba modified to promote tha removal of signs from reaidentlal neighborhoods, without denying ptoperty zights, or establishing a monopoly in favor of the dom�nant sign compaqy. S rety, � Patar J. Coyle, for LARKIN, HOFFMAN, DALY & LINDGR�N, Ltd. v u ���a a--- r. r 1 r, � ; i ► . � y� . ,� ; .Ir ��1: � i � � 1 . No more ifgne v,�ip ye oo��� � Ael��Zhood/raaldentiel d�strio4a. . • Alt ilibga! dgos� if any, muet bo removed, • Consttt�odon of algq tttuatutes vviq be e11ow only !n the lotlowJng oommerclal end induabrW yoned op�othu�lty corriddn: • 1-94 &om the A+iindeepolia Clty LImita easG W Merlon Strbet • I-94 tkom the Lefbyotte grldge east to the Maplewood Clty Llnhits • I-3SL� ti�om Crrove Street north to the Map2�wood City � Lirip[t� ,, • T-35E flrom Weet 7th Stroot aouth tp the Migslseippl Rivor • U•S• Nighway S2 Coa[dor • Steto Iilghwsy 2$0 Conidor •. Stata Highway SI (Snelitag Avenue) fl�om $alby Stroot north to the Falcon Helghte CIty Limite • Statc Htghwqy S(West 9th Stcoet) ltom Sh�pe�d Road east to I�eltogg Bouleverd ' • Unlvoraity Avenue ibm lilghway 280 east'to Rloe Street Bxisttng slgn stcucturet may bo rcplaced In the bt�lbosrd opponuhity dlatrtats, without a sigo oredit(s), at per �ho exieting atgn orE{nance. � : .►: �rr. 0)D➢�PB.O1 �� `� R g�a � • T6e oont4uotton of tt�y aew al�n ttruotuce�, �nd tho reooa�huodon of exiedng 4I� ol�c�u� �u �� the defined oppottunitY oo�rldpn. • Outeide ofthe oppotteut(ty c��don, aefgh6orhood diatrlote w'1q be proteoted i}om u�y � �� �velopment. • 7'he `�uy Dcwn"pr��clon foc new st�u b r�telned whtoh cnNoeA t�e romoval of nonoontbrmfn6 a�BRe !q the nelgl�borhocd� end other d[�Wott out�lde of tha blliboard oPPoi1'unity oo�rldors. . The re(endon of the provJ�icn !a the ourront a l�n oidinanoe for � the replaoement otextstln,� oo,��g 8�gna g�vea eeah ltoensed tlBn compeny ia the C�ty the abjlity competo end itay in bualnees. Thp proaenoe of thta provfato� atso protaota the (,yty hom what othenvlse might be oonetdeted nurtud,�g and encouraging t�a extatenoe of a knoivn monopoly. My md et! iUega( slgns would have to 6e remqved fl�om tha City Limlts. , . � �. •�.HND��. FROh LARKIN XOFFARN 18.34.1998 15:13 �• � LA�►� HOpRDdAN� bALY & LtNDORBAt� �, AfTORMBY�ATIAW ►�T�11 �.Q��! DIR. OHI. p/YJ IAi2N May2�, l998 Mr. �ejry 8ti'athman DSreasar of 1�ecearch 8t Paul C�ty Hal, 8ulte 310 ts we�cxenug� Eoulevad St. Pau1. Miahewta 5510Z t100 NOI{YV�►1NAN011L 0H1mR f100XIWf@B AV!ltUi �OIiM ��T�. 6t01A�N-0fN r�� 1pt7W100 Re: Legtetative Advlaory Commilteo on Advorilsiae Sfgns slg�' Indu�aY p�po�et fir Ordinanoe Amendmente Deac Mr. strathman: /r � � I r Enclosed wjth thi� letter !a a proposel tbr ttruaturel refbrm of tha City of St. �aui'� advenistng slgn ordintu►oe. 1'he propoee! rocognlzos thet tho baeto ottuoture of the exu8ng �tgn ordinanoe worke quite we11. At the `p�e timo, the atgn industry reooga{zea tho City's dea(rs to galn moro oontrol over the ptacament of aigns 1n sensitive uees of tho Clty. 1'6is propoeal wes developdd by and Is oupporied by tho tbltowta� rlgn oompanles: _ • DeLtte Outdoor Adve�ttaing; • , MlQweet Qutdoor Advertlaing; • AQams Ou�dcorAdverttsing; Piease dlaWbuta the enoloseQ propoaal to the membere of the Adv(sory Com�(ttco for use in tho Comntittee'e dfsouae3on regarding options !or amenwpe�e � , City�'clgn ord[qacoe. 8inoorely, �[� � P tet J, C�ylo� LARK[N, HOPFMAN� DALY 8c LINDORfiN, Ltd, oo; lef�'Bvr�rd, DeL{te Outdoor�dvoNsing Peter R6mes, Midwest Outdoox Advectleing Dob Otdizigar, Adnms Outdoor Advartleing 0)99165,01 *rrEND«r* q� �� City of Saint Paul City Council Investigation and Research Center Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 612 266-8589 INTER-DEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM DATE: October 1, 1998 TO: Counciimembers FROM: Kenneth L. Smith, Policy Analyst �� SUBJECT: Legisiative Advisory Committee on Advertising Signs Attached, please find committee materials for the discussion on advertising signs. If you have any questions please feel free to call. Thank you. cc. Gerry Strathman, Director aY .�� Legislative Advisory Committee on Advertising Signs Recommendations on Billboards and Courtesy Benches Billboard Recommendations 1. There will be no additional billboards pernvtted in the City of Saint Paul. New billboards will be permitted only as replacements of existing billboazds. Their replacement will be at a rate of 3 square feet of billboazd signage removed for each 1 square foot of new replacement billboard signage allowed, counting each side of any billboard removed or constructed separately. Billboards that are removed should first come from the most residential sites on a city- wide basis. Planning Districts on a district-by-district basis may create a list of high prioriry signs for removal from each district. As an incentive to select and resnove signs from the District Council's list, any sign on the list that is removed sha11 qualify for a replacement biilboard at a rate of Z square foot of billboard sign removed for each 1 square £oot of replacement bi(Iboard. 2. Billboards shonld be pernutted along arterial streets (principal arterial and minor arterial levels A& B as designated in the Comprehensive Plan) where there is continuous commercial and industrial zoning of 1320 feet. Along freeways the commercial industrial zoning should be measured a(ong one side of the roadway. Along surface-level arterial streets, the commercial-industrial zoning should be along both sides. Table 1 in the Zoning Code, which regulates size, spacing, and height of billboards should be revised to have arteriai streets and size of zoning districts as its basis. The required spacing from a church, school, and residential zoning district along the roadway should be increased from 75 feet to 330 feet. The required spacing from a parkway should be increased from 150 feet to 330 feet, The required spacing from a park or recreation center shall be increased from 300 feet to 330 feet from the property line. 4. Advertising Device Control Segment No. 1 should be expanded to include both sides of Shepherd and Warner Roads. 5. The inventory of billboard signs and their locations created by the Corrunittee should be confirmed, maintained, and updated on a periodic basis by LIEP. Additional3y, LIEP should establish standards for the maintenance and condition of billboards. Inspections should be made annually to be sure the billboards within the City meet those standards. Inspect all bill6oards annualiy. Issue permits each year for each biilboard (like state requirement). Impose an annual pernut fee which fully covers all costs to the city of administration and inspection of bi316oards. 9g.q��-- 6. The Committee considered amortization of billboards in Saint Paul but feels that even if it was legally possible, it is not warranted by the information provided to the Committee. The issue of Advertising Signs be revisited five years atter any changes to the current law are adopted by the City Council. 8. Impose a permanent moratorium on the erection of any new billboard (neighborhood or highway) citywide. 9. Identify and remove all illegal billboards (neighborhood or highway). Illegal billboards shall not be altered, nor variances given, so as to become legal. 10. Demand recovery of all money generated by such illegal billboards, with interest. 11. Enforce the ordinance. Courtesy Bench Recommendations 12. Section 170.08(a) (signs on parkways restricted) of the Legislative Code of the City of Saint Paul be amended such that the 150 foot restriction on advertising signs near parks and parkways be removed. Furthermore, the committee advises that this recommended change in the ordinance be placed before each District Council for their review. 13. The regulation of courtesy benches throughout the City be the responsibility of the City's office ofLicense, Inspections and Environmental Protection (LIEP). 14. All Special Sign District and Historic Preservation plans be updated to address the issue of courtesy bench advertising. 15. The Parks and Recreation Department review for approval or removal ail courtesy benches and bus shelters in or on Saint Paul parks and parkways. 16. A courtesy bench may be rep]aced by a public bench or a non advertising bench. 2 °�g -q�� Dick Anfang Brian Bates Michael Cronin Members of Legislative Advisory Committee on Advertisin2 Si�ns Saint Paui Building Trades 411 Main Street - Suite 206 Saint Paul, MN 55102 1985 Grand Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55105 8809 West Bush Lake Road Minneapolis, MN 55438 Litton S. Field Jr. Litton S. Field & Company P.O. Box 64016 Saint Paul, MN 55164 224-9445 690-9671 941-7487 941-2645 (fax) - 699-0505 (hm) 227-8405 (wk) Sheldon Johnson 2031 S. Howard Street 738-3143 (hm) Saint Paul, MN 55119 298-5571 (wk) Wendy Lane License, Inspections, Environmental Protection 350 Saint Peter Street 266-9081 Lowry Professional Building, Room 300 Saint Paul, MN 55102 Larry Laumeyer 970 Raymond Avenue - Suite 103 Saint Paul, MN 55114 646-7921 Mark Moeller R. F. Moeller Jewelers 2073 Ford Parkway Saint Paul, MN SS ll 6 698-6321 Larry Soderholm Planning and Economic Development 266-6575 25 West Fourth Street City Hall Annex, 11�' Floor Saint Paul, MN 55102 Tom Welna The Covington Inn - Pier 1 Hamet Island, B-C Saint Paul, MN 55107 Aeather Worthington 890 Cromwell Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55114 298-0125 (hm) 292-1411 (wk) 292-7884 September 29, 1998 Gerry Strathman Director Council Investigation and Research Center City of Saint Paul 15 West Keliogg Bivd. St. Paul, MN 55102 Dear Mr. Strathman, ��'-g� We are writing to foilow up on your letter requesting comments from the Grand Avenue Business Association about the special sign district and iYs influence on biliboards in our area. Our Association does not have the data you requested about the numbers of biliboards before and after the Special Sign District legisiation. However, our Board of Directors discussed the topic at our last Board meeting and concurred that the Special Sign district for Grand Avenue has not had a noticeable impact on billboards on Grand Avenue. Thank you for including the Grand Avenue Business Association in your study of this issue. Sincerely, �%cr ���(J/�G�'L� Char Mason Executive Director Grand Avenue Business Association d!1 �l I�.F � :.41� �i.sw;4 IC.�� /� 'L� °.C�,.'�'f� � <F?'f"> 1043 Grand Avenue, #31� � Saint Paul, Mmnesota 55105 elephone. �6�1) 699-0029 � Fax (651) 699-7775 ( E-mail mto�� vrandA�e �om � Website �vww.GrandA�e com A Cherished Tradition of ReaLLy Gooj, Stuff � i�Ij�F�� _ � - SIDE . CITIZENS O�GANIZATION Mr. Gerry Strathman Council Investigation and Research Center Directar City Hall, Suite 310 15 W. Kellogg Blvd. Saint Paul, MN 55102 September 23, 1998 Dear Mr. Strathman: ]27 West Winifred St. 7 r St. Paul, MN 55107 ��� Phone (612) 293-1708 - Fax (612) 293-0115 I am writing in response to your letter of September lst to Dave Engfer, President of WSCO. During the Legislative Advisory Committee's work the West Side has experienced some changes in the billboazd situarion. Although our response to you is late in coming, I hope you will be able to include it in your report to the City Council. The following are changes we have seen since our special sign district request was submitted: 1. Since our original inventory and count of 43 billboard faces, we have discovered an uncounted sign. It is the same size as a commercial billboard, but looks handmade and it shorter than other billboards. It is located on residential properry nearthe intersection of Livingston and Concord St. and permanently advertises a siding company. With this addition, our billboard faces on the West Side total 44. 2. One billboard, on Eaton and Lafayette, was zehuilt after one of this summer's storms. This reconstruction is in direct violation of our May 29th speciai sign district request which states that billboards not be rebuilt if demolished. In addirion, we were norified by the Assistant City Attorney that it was reconstructed without a permit and that the city was taking action against the company's contractors 1lcense due to this and other alleged violations across the City. In response, WSCO wrote a letter to Councilmember Chris Coleman asking him and LIEP to require the wmpany to remove the billboard. 3. Incidentaily, due to the state tobacco lawsuit settlement, rivo super sized Marlboro billboard posters have come down. Unfortunately they have been replaced by Miller beer posters, substituting a cowboy theme with a macabre, sexually explicit, trashy theme. We hope you �;rill find this information helpfui. If you have any questions regarding our responses, please call me at 645-6887 during the day or 224-7308 at home. Best V�'ishes, � �� Sherii}'n Y�� Environment Committee Chair �YVLW��t/�� � Council File # $��� a�y'�� � Green Sheet # � RESOLUTION CI�1( OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA q$ 4 � Referred To Presented By Committee: Date RESOLUTION CREATING LEGISLATI�'E ADVISORY COMMITTEE 2 3 4 5 6 9 1Q 11 12 13 14 1� 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 3-� 3� 36 ;g 39 40 ON A.DVET2TISING SIGNS RESOLVED, that a legislative advisory committee is hereby established pursuant to Section 3.01.8 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, subject to the limitations therein, to undertake a study of issues surrounding the effectiveness of the provisions of Chapter 66 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code which relate to advertising signs and any proposed amendments ihereto, including chose contained in Council File No. 97-1447, and submit a report-thereon to the City Council on or before August 1. 1998. The report of the committee shall contain the following inventory of advertising signs, as well as consideration of, but not limited to, the following issues: (1) the effectiveness of Special Sign Districts; (2) a complete inventory of all advertising signs in St. Paul, including location and condition (3) regulatory and enforcement considerations, such as annual permit fee and LIEP staffing needs; and (4) sign credit program — clazifications of existing credit program and consideration of other models; and, be it FURTHER RESOLV ED, that the membership of the committee sha11 consist of eleven jl l� ten-{�$j members, appointed by the Council by resolution, and is intended to achieve a balance of perspectives on these issues by including one (1) representative of the regulated iadustry, one (i ) representative of organized labor (Building Trades), and one or more representatives of neighborhood organizations and the business community; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the membership of such committee will be appointed as follows: (i) Each councilmember will recommend one member, having in mind the foregoing Resolved clause; (2) The Mayor may recommend a member, which recommendation the Council may in its discretion accept; • �) The Plannine Commission mav recommend a member which recommendation the Council ma�in its discretion acceot: (4) The LIEP Director is requested to appoint one LIEP staff inember with expertise in regulation of advertising signs as a nonvoting member of the committee; and (5) The Director of the Department of Planning and Economic Development is requested to appoint one PED staff person with expertise in the regulation of advertising signs as a nonvoting member of the committee; and, be it � ��-Ig� � � 2 3 FURTF�R RESOLVED, that the committee will be convened and staffed by Councii 4 Research staff as necessary to complete its work; and, be it 5 6 FINALLY RESOLVED, that upon comple6on of the committee report, the City Council 7 will transmit the committee's recommendarions for changes to the City's wning and sign 8 regulations relating to advertising signs, as well as the proposed auiendment thereto as contained 9 in Council File No. 97-1447, to the Saint Paul Planning Commission for their consideration and 10 study, for a report by such Pianning Commission back to the Council on or before November 1, 11 1998. It is the intent of the City Council that the recommendations of the committee established 12 herein shali be reviewed independently by the Planning Commission in addition to such other 13 studies and recommendations as the Commission may make regarding advertising signs. 14 Requested by Department of: a�option Certified by Council Seczetary � rt.`,DY � By: Form A pr ved by Cit orney $ � � � 9� Appzo�ed by Mayor for Sub 'ssion to Council �dopted by Council: Date? � �c y �\fr Council File # �1$' QR1G#I�AL Presented by Referred To Committee Date 1 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council in File #98-83 adopted February 4, 1998 created a Legislative 2 Advisory Committee on Advertising Signs; and 4 WHEREAS, the Legislative Advisory Committee on Advertising Signs submitted recommendations to the City 5 Council for changes in policies governing advertising signs in Saint Paul; and 6 WHEREAS, the recommendations of the Legislative Advisory Committee on Advertising Signs were 7 presented to the Saint Paul City Council on October 7, 1998; now, therefore, be it 8 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council accepts the report of the Legislative Advisory Committee on 9 Advertising Signs; and be it 10 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the recommendations of the Legislative Advisory Committee on Advertising 11 Signs are hereby forwarded to the Saint Paul Planning Commission for consideration; and be it 12 FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council requests that the Planning Commission consider 13 the recommendations of the Legislative Advisory Committee on Advertising Signs and recommend to the 14 City Council such changes in the Saint Paul Legislative Code as it deems appropriate. Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � Appro � RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Green Sheet # 62285 �� � Form Approved by City Attomey � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � Adopted by Council: Date �.c , �y \� `�� JY GREEN SHEET Gerry Strathman October 14, 1998 ROUi91G TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES oer�ar�rowECrort ��-9a a No ��5 a�reoucz ❑ MYAiTOR1EY ❑ OIYGiRIC ❑ wura,�a�xMCUUw. ❑ w,.xr��mnn.ccro ❑ �MVat(oRASID6GMn ❑ (CLJP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Requesting that the Planning Co�ission consider the recommendations of the Legislative Advisory Committee on Advertising Signs and recommend�to the City Council such changes in the Saint Paul Legislative Code as it deems necessary. PLANNING COMMISSION GB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� II�d99:I�]�a� SOURCE Has this peisoMrm ever wwked unCer a contract for Nis department? YES NO Has Uiis Oe�soNfrtm ever heen a atY emWuYeeT YES NO Does this personrTim posses6 a sldll not normallypossesced bY �y currerd cily emPloYee? YES NO Ic Mis P���m a qipetetl vendoR YES NO all sheet aM attach COST/REVRlUE BUDGEfm (qRCLE ON� ACTNITY NUMBER YES NO INFORMAiION (IXPW� LARKIN� HOAFMAN, DALY & LIND�REN, LTD. A7TORNEYBATlAW PE7ER J. COriE Dllt. DIAL (Ot� �06121� Octobor �4,1998 Hon. Chrts Colemen St. Peu1 C,yty Ccuncil IS W, Kellogg Boulevacd St. Paul. Minnasota 55102 � eoo rrottuves r ttwwcou e�rea 1i00 7(EW(EB AY2NUE 80UTH BLOOMINQTON, MINNEBOTA 66171.11M TELEPI(ON � 1� {a6-DbOp Fi1X e� eotl• Re: Legislativa Tesk For�e Report — Ou[door Advertising Signs Deer Counollmen Coleman: � �-�a �- Onr firm ropresents DeLjte Outdoor Advertising Company regarding ragutatory matters in tha City of St. Paul, Micu�esota. DeL{te cunently is an applicant for permits to constcuct two (2) advartisiag signe wlthin tha City. I am wrlting to object to stataments mada by City staff ln the coursa of prasanting the Legiela6ve Task Force Report on Outdoor Advertising Sigas at lest week's City Cpuncll mcedng. City staff has etatad thst the recommendations in the Report, regatding tha conditions under which signs maY oonfinue to be buiit in the City, are supported by the industry. That ie not true. The Task Force adopted the recommendations made by the dominant sign company in St. Paul, filler Media Company. Those recommendations ere not (and were not) supported by my ctient, or by severat other small eign oompanies who ara seeking to compete against Eller w9thin the City. Moreover, the Task Force Raport, !f it bacomes law in the City, wiil lock-in the status quo and crsate a monopoly for the dominant company, due to the leglslativa action of the City. DeLita, end the other companies that compete against Eller, put fonverd a competing plan which would have moro positFvely effacted the removal of neighborhood signs, while preserving the ability of tha emalter eign campanies, including AeLite, to compete !n the City (see attachad). My client looks forward to participating in the public hearings regarding this important mstter. We condnue to believa that the City's Sign Ordinance can ba modified to promote tha removal of signs from reaidentlal neighborhoods, without denying ptoperty zights, or establishing a monopoly in favor of the dom�nant sign compaqy. S rety, � Patar J. Coyle, for LARKIN, HOFFMAN, DALY & LINDGR�N, Ltd. v u ���a a--- r. r 1 r, � ; i ► . � y� . ,� ; .Ir ��1: � i � � 1 . No more ifgne v,�ip ye oo��� � Ael��Zhood/raaldentiel d�strio4a. . • Alt ilibga! dgos� if any, muet bo removed, • Consttt�odon of algq tttuatutes vviq be e11ow only !n the lotlowJng oommerclal end induabrW yoned op�othu�lty corriddn: • 1-94 &om the A+iindeepolia Clty LImita easG W Merlon Strbet • I-94 tkom the Lefbyotte grldge east to the Maplewood Clty Llnhits • I-3SL� ti�om Crrove Street north to the Map2�wood City � Lirip[t� ,, • T-35E flrom Weet 7th Stroot aouth tp the Migslseippl Rivor • U•S• Nighway S2 Coa[dor • Steto Iilghwsy 2$0 Conidor •. Stata Highway SI (Snelitag Avenue) fl�om $alby Stroot north to the Falcon Helghte CIty Limite • Statc Htghwqy S(West 9th Stcoet) ltom Sh�pe�d Road east to I�eltogg Bouleverd ' • Unlvoraity Avenue ibm lilghway 280 east'to Rloe Street Bxisttng slgn stcucturet may bo rcplaced In the bt�lbosrd opponuhity dlatrtats, without a sigo oredit(s), at per �ho exieting atgn orE{nance. � : .►: �rr. 0)D➢�PB.O1 �� `� R g�a � • T6e oont4uotton of tt�y aew al�n ttruotuce�, �nd tho reooa�huodon of exiedng 4I� ol�c�u� �u �� the defined oppottunitY oo�rldpn. • Outeide ofthe oppotteut(ty c��don, aefgh6orhood diatrlote w'1q be proteoted i}om u�y � �� �velopment. • 7'he `�uy Dcwn"pr��clon foc new st�u b r�telned whtoh cnNoeA t�e romoval of nonoontbrmfn6 a�BRe !q the nelgl�borhocd� end other d[�Wott out�lde of tha blliboard oPPoi1'unity oo�rldors. . The re(endon of the provJ�icn !a the ourront a l�n oidinanoe for � the replaoement otextstln,� oo,��g 8�gna g�vea eeah ltoensed tlBn compeny ia the C�ty the abjlity competo end itay in bualnees. Thp proaenoe of thta provfato� atso protaota the (,yty hom what othenvlse might be oonetdeted nurtud,�g and encouraging t�a extatenoe of a knoivn monopoly. My md et! iUega( slgns would have to 6e remqved fl�om tha City Limlts. , . � �. •�.HND��. FROh LARKIN XOFFARN 18.34.1998 15:13 �• � LA�►� HOpRDdAN� bALY & LtNDORBAt� �, AfTORMBY�ATIAW ►�T�11 �.Q��! DIR. OHI. p/YJ IAi2N May2�, l998 Mr. �ejry 8ti'athman DSreasar of 1�ecearch 8t Paul C�ty Hal, 8ulte 310 ts we�cxenug� Eoulevad St. Pau1. Miahewta 5510Z t100 NOI{YV�►1NAN011L 0H1mR f100XIWf@B AV!ltUi �OIiM ��T�. 6t01A�N-0fN r�� 1pt7W100 Re: Legtetative Advlaory Commilteo on Advorilsiae Sfgns slg�' Indu�aY p�po�et fir Ordinanoe Amendmente Deac Mr. strathman: /r � � I r Enclosed wjth thi� letter !a a proposel tbr ttruaturel refbrm of tha City of St. �aui'� advenistng slgn ordintu►oe. 1'he propoee! rocognlzos thet tho baeto ottuoture of the exu8ng �tgn ordinanoe worke quite we11. At the `p�e timo, the atgn industry reooga{zea tho City's dea(rs to galn moro oontrol over the ptacament of aigns 1n sensitive uees of tho Clty. 1'6is propoeal wes developdd by and Is oupporied by tho tbltowta� rlgn oompanles: _ • DeLtte Outdoor Adve�ttaing; • , MlQweet Qutdoor Advertlaing; • AQams Ou�dcorAdverttsing; Piease dlaWbuta the enoloseQ propoaal to the membere of the Adv(sory Com�(ttco for use in tho Comntittee'e dfsouae3on regarding options !or amenwpe�e � , City�'clgn ord[qacoe. 8inoorely, �[� � P tet J, C�ylo� LARK[N, HOPFMAN� DALY 8c LINDORfiN, Ltd, oo; lef�'Bvr�rd, DeL{te Outdoor�dvoNsing Peter R6mes, Midwest Outdoox Advectleing Dob Otdizigar, Adnms Outdoor Advartleing 0)99165,01 *rrEND«r* q� �� City of Saint Paul City Council Investigation and Research Center Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 612 266-8589 INTER-DEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM DATE: October 1, 1998 TO: Counciimembers FROM: Kenneth L. Smith, Policy Analyst �� SUBJECT: Legisiative Advisory Committee on Advertising Signs Attached, please find committee materials for the discussion on advertising signs. If you have any questions please feel free to call. Thank you. cc. Gerry Strathman, Director aY .�� Legislative Advisory Committee on Advertising Signs Recommendations on Billboards and Courtesy Benches Billboard Recommendations 1. There will be no additional billboards pernvtted in the City of Saint Paul. New billboards will be permitted only as replacements of existing billboazds. Their replacement will be at a rate of 3 square feet of billboazd signage removed for each 1 square foot of new replacement billboard signage allowed, counting each side of any billboard removed or constructed separately. Billboards that are removed should first come from the most residential sites on a city- wide basis. Planning Districts on a district-by-district basis may create a list of high prioriry signs for removal from each district. As an incentive to select and resnove signs from the District Council's list, any sign on the list that is removed sha11 qualify for a replacement biilboard at a rate of Z square foot of billboard sign removed for each 1 square £oot of replacement bi(Iboard. 2. Billboards shonld be pernutted along arterial streets (principal arterial and minor arterial levels A& B as designated in the Comprehensive Plan) where there is continuous commercial and industrial zoning of 1320 feet. Along freeways the commercial industrial zoning should be measured a(ong one side of the roadway. Along surface-level arterial streets, the commercial-industrial zoning should be along both sides. Table 1 in the Zoning Code, which regulates size, spacing, and height of billboards should be revised to have arteriai streets and size of zoning districts as its basis. The required spacing from a church, school, and residential zoning district along the roadway should be increased from 75 feet to 330 feet. The required spacing from a parkway should be increased from 150 feet to 330 feet, The required spacing from a park or recreation center shall be increased from 300 feet to 330 feet from the property line. 4. Advertising Device Control Segment No. 1 should be expanded to include both sides of Shepherd and Warner Roads. 5. The inventory of billboard signs and their locations created by the Corrunittee should be confirmed, maintained, and updated on a periodic basis by LIEP. Additional3y, LIEP should establish standards for the maintenance and condition of billboards. Inspections should be made annually to be sure the billboards within the City meet those standards. Inspect all bill6oards annualiy. Issue permits each year for each biilboard (like state requirement). Impose an annual pernut fee which fully covers all costs to the city of administration and inspection of bi316oards. 9g.q��-- 6. The Committee considered amortization of billboards in Saint Paul but feels that even if it was legally possible, it is not warranted by the information provided to the Committee. The issue of Advertising Signs be revisited five years atter any changes to the current law are adopted by the City Council. 8. Impose a permanent moratorium on the erection of any new billboard (neighborhood or highway) citywide. 9. Identify and remove all illegal billboards (neighborhood or highway). Illegal billboards shall not be altered, nor variances given, so as to become legal. 10. Demand recovery of all money generated by such illegal billboards, with interest. 11. Enforce the ordinance. Courtesy Bench Recommendations 12. Section 170.08(a) (signs on parkways restricted) of the Legislative Code of the City of Saint Paul be amended such that the 150 foot restriction on advertising signs near parks and parkways be removed. Furthermore, the committee advises that this recommended change in the ordinance be placed before each District Council for their review. 13. The regulation of courtesy benches throughout the City be the responsibility of the City's office ofLicense, Inspections and Environmental Protection (LIEP). 14. All Special Sign District and Historic Preservation plans be updated to address the issue of courtesy bench advertising. 15. The Parks and Recreation Department review for approval or removal ail courtesy benches and bus shelters in or on Saint Paul parks and parkways. 16. A courtesy bench may be rep]aced by a public bench or a non advertising bench. 2 °�g -q�� Dick Anfang Brian Bates Michael Cronin Members of Legislative Advisory Committee on Advertisin2 Si�ns Saint Paui Building Trades 411 Main Street - Suite 206 Saint Paul, MN 55102 1985 Grand Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55105 8809 West Bush Lake Road Minneapolis, MN 55438 Litton S. Field Jr. Litton S. Field & Company P.O. Box 64016 Saint Paul, MN 55164 224-9445 690-9671 941-7487 941-2645 (fax) - 699-0505 (hm) 227-8405 (wk) Sheldon Johnson 2031 S. Howard Street 738-3143 (hm) Saint Paul, MN 55119 298-5571 (wk) Wendy Lane License, Inspections, Environmental Protection 350 Saint Peter Street 266-9081 Lowry Professional Building, Room 300 Saint Paul, MN 55102 Larry Laumeyer 970 Raymond Avenue - Suite 103 Saint Paul, MN 55114 646-7921 Mark Moeller R. F. Moeller Jewelers 2073 Ford Parkway Saint Paul, MN SS ll 6 698-6321 Larry Soderholm Planning and Economic Development 266-6575 25 West Fourth Street City Hall Annex, 11�' Floor Saint Paul, MN 55102 Tom Welna The Covington Inn - Pier 1 Hamet Island, B-C Saint Paul, MN 55107 Aeather Worthington 890 Cromwell Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55114 298-0125 (hm) 292-1411 (wk) 292-7884 September 29, 1998 Gerry Strathman Director Council Investigation and Research Center City of Saint Paul 15 West Keliogg Bivd. St. Paul, MN 55102 Dear Mr. Strathman, ��'-g� We are writing to foilow up on your letter requesting comments from the Grand Avenue Business Association about the special sign district and iYs influence on biliboards in our area. Our Association does not have the data you requested about the numbers of biliboards before and after the Special Sign District legisiation. However, our Board of Directors discussed the topic at our last Board meeting and concurred that the Special Sign district for Grand Avenue has not had a noticeable impact on billboards on Grand Avenue. Thank you for including the Grand Avenue Business Association in your study of this issue. Sincerely, �%cr ���(J/�G�'L� Char Mason Executive Director Grand Avenue Business Association d!1 �l I�.F � :.41� �i.sw;4 IC.�� /� 'L� °.C�,.'�'f� � <F?'f"> 1043 Grand Avenue, #31� � Saint Paul, Mmnesota 55105 elephone. �6�1) 699-0029 � Fax (651) 699-7775 ( E-mail mto�� vrandA�e �om � Website �vww.GrandA�e com A Cherished Tradition of ReaLLy Gooj, Stuff � i�Ij�F�� _ � - SIDE . CITIZENS O�GANIZATION Mr. Gerry Strathman Council Investigation and Research Center Directar City Hall, Suite 310 15 W. Kellogg Blvd. Saint Paul, MN 55102 September 23, 1998 Dear Mr. Strathman: ]27 West Winifred St. 7 r St. Paul, MN 55107 ��� Phone (612) 293-1708 - Fax (612) 293-0115 I am writing in response to your letter of September lst to Dave Engfer, President of WSCO. During the Legislative Advisory Committee's work the West Side has experienced some changes in the billboazd situarion. Although our response to you is late in coming, I hope you will be able to include it in your report to the City Council. The following are changes we have seen since our special sign district request was submitted: 1. Since our original inventory and count of 43 billboard faces, we have discovered an uncounted sign. It is the same size as a commercial billboard, but looks handmade and it shorter than other billboards. It is located on residential properry nearthe intersection of Livingston and Concord St. and permanently advertises a siding company. With this addition, our billboard faces on the West Side total 44. 2. One billboard, on Eaton and Lafayette, was zehuilt after one of this summer's storms. This reconstruction is in direct violation of our May 29th speciai sign district request which states that billboards not be rebuilt if demolished. In addirion, we were norified by the Assistant City Attorney that it was reconstructed without a permit and that the city was taking action against the company's contractors 1lcense due to this and other alleged violations across the City. In response, WSCO wrote a letter to Councilmember Chris Coleman asking him and LIEP to require the wmpany to remove the billboard. 3. Incidentaily, due to the state tobacco lawsuit settlement, rivo super sized Marlboro billboard posters have come down. Unfortunately they have been replaced by Miller beer posters, substituting a cowboy theme with a macabre, sexually explicit, trashy theme. We hope you �;rill find this information helpfui. If you have any questions regarding our responses, please call me at 645-6887 during the day or 224-7308 at home. Best V�'ishes, � �� Sherii}'n Y�� Environment Committee Chair �YVLW��t/�� � Council File # $��� a�y'�� � Green Sheet # � RESOLUTION CI�1( OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA q$ 4 � Referred To Presented By Committee: Date RESOLUTION CREATING LEGISLATI�'E ADVISORY COMMITTEE 2 3 4 5 6 9 1Q 11 12 13 14 1� 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 3-� 3� 36 ;g 39 40 ON A.DVET2TISING SIGNS RESOLVED, that a legislative advisory committee is hereby established pursuant to Section 3.01.8 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, subject to the limitations therein, to undertake a study of issues surrounding the effectiveness of the provisions of Chapter 66 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code which relate to advertising signs and any proposed amendments ihereto, including chose contained in Council File No. 97-1447, and submit a report-thereon to the City Council on or before August 1. 1998. The report of the committee shall contain the following inventory of advertising signs, as well as consideration of, but not limited to, the following issues: (1) the effectiveness of Special Sign Districts; (2) a complete inventory of all advertising signs in St. Paul, including location and condition (3) regulatory and enforcement considerations, such as annual permit fee and LIEP staffing needs; and (4) sign credit program — clazifications of existing credit program and consideration of other models; and, be it FURTHER RESOLV ED, that the membership of the committee sha11 consist of eleven jl l� ten-{�$j members, appointed by the Council by resolution, and is intended to achieve a balance of perspectives on these issues by including one (1) representative of the regulated iadustry, one (i ) representative of organized labor (Building Trades), and one or more representatives of neighborhood organizations and the business community; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the membership of such committee will be appointed as follows: (i) Each councilmember will recommend one member, having in mind the foregoing Resolved clause; (2) The Mayor may recommend a member, which recommendation the Council may in its discretion accept; • �) The Plannine Commission mav recommend a member which recommendation the Council ma�in its discretion acceot: (4) The LIEP Director is requested to appoint one LIEP staff inember with expertise in regulation of advertising signs as a nonvoting member of the committee; and (5) The Director of the Department of Planning and Economic Development is requested to appoint one PED staff person with expertise in the regulation of advertising signs as a nonvoting member of the committee; and, be it � ��-Ig� � � 2 3 FURTF�R RESOLVED, that the committee will be convened and staffed by Councii 4 Research staff as necessary to complete its work; and, be it 5 6 FINALLY RESOLVED, that upon comple6on of the committee report, the City Council 7 will transmit the committee's recommendarions for changes to the City's wning and sign 8 regulations relating to advertising signs, as well as the proposed auiendment thereto as contained 9 in Council File No. 97-1447, to the Saint Paul Planning Commission for their consideration and 10 study, for a report by such Pianning Commission back to the Council on or before November 1, 11 1998. It is the intent of the City Council that the recommendations of the committee established 12 herein shali be reviewed independently by the Planning Commission in addition to such other 13 studies and recommendations as the Commission may make regarding advertising signs. 14 Requested by Department of: a�option Certified by Council Seczetary � rt.`,DY � By: Form A pr ved by Cit orney $ � � � 9� Appzo�ed by Mayor for Sub 'ssion to Council �dopted by Council: Date? � �c y �\fr